Tattoo Artists, Have You Ever Judged Someone for Their Tattoos?

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to two artists of ridic do you judge people for the tattoos they want to get if so what was the one you really thought was stupid we had the guy come in who wanted a pin-up girl on his arm except he wanted the girl to be super fat he then went on to talk about how much he loved fat chicks at one point he looked at the owner's daughter who was i'm guessing around 250 pounds and said sorry but you're too small for me i like them heavy after some back and forth we came up with a design he liked and we did business as long as the artist had some creative license with what they were doing they never actually judged it was when they had to do that one flash butterfly again or barbed wire that they judged and if that is what you really want then cool just understand that at least five people in the immediate area have the exact same one [Music] not an artist but moreover lpt i had a friend who loved dolphins had one tattooed on her lower pelvic hip bone area in her twenties then had four children and needed a cesarean section delivery her doctor made sure to tell her that he strategically placed his incision so her scar would look like a surfboard for her whale lol i have a tattoo in the same area flower first c-section doctor unnecessarily cut through it and didn't align right second doctor for c-section was appalled that the first doctor did the incision that big and butchered it second doctor and resident were champs and spent a lot of time and pride to make it look right again the following day everyone that was in my surgery came in to see the tattoo i was getting tattooed when an 18 year old girl came in asking to get no fear inside of her lip before she went off to college the artist told her if she wanted to get that in six months on a visit home that he would do it for free this is why i love my shop i know a girl who asked an artist to put lit on her lip i know her we're not friends but the artist messed it up and put lip instead i do honestly believe the artist knew exactly what he was doing no more virgil or blood jokes please i know the artist shouldn't have done that i know it was a bad thing to do about two years ago i was getting my first tattoo and during a break after three hours or so me and my tattoo artist went outside to smoke and chat a little but then this guy came at us and gave the artist a crumpled paper and he is like you got it up to this on my entire back without any introduction i watched as the artist you folded the paper and it was a completely orange badly drawn woman sitting backwards while spreading her butt cheeks while she took a crap i tried my best to not lose my crap and so did my tattoo artist as he gently tried to explain to this dude that he isn't up for this and neither is the others in that shop meanwhile that guy tries to convince him to do it and that he is willing to pay a lot of money for it but eventually he left and my tattoo artist explained he gets at least three of these kind of people every two weeks or so and it wasn't even the worst design he hasn't seen he probably lost a bet as a tattooist i personally find it awkward when clients want memorial tattoos let me explain i know everyone deals with grief in many ways i can begin to imagine the process but usually they want it focused on their death the fact they have died the date and sometimes the time how they died many other ways about the focus on the death i try to persuade them that they should maybe celebrate their life their memories something nice that reminds them of them i think it's less depressing for the client if they look at the tattoo and they're reminded of happy times rather than the worst time that's happened to them yeah i get you my track coach in high school had a tattoo of a fairy on her forearm to remember the life of one of her friends who had died there was no name a date on it and my coach had designed the fairy herself i always thought that was pretty cool that it meant more without focusing on the fact that the friend had died my sister wanted to get a memorial tattoo for our mother took her to a buddy shop to get it done we went over all these different designs he took a couple hours to draw and she finally settled on one she liked i paid the deposit for her appointment and scheduled everything day after her appointment i meet up with her to see it she told me she bailed out according to her he wanted too much to do it even though he gave her a huge discount and fit her into his busy shop schedule he offered to return the deposit but i declined due to embarrassment well she ended up getting inked by some drunk dude she was hanging out with he scratched her up and naturally the whole thing looked like a middle schoolers notebook doodle the worst part besides the tat was that she had screenshots of my buddy's design and credited him on fb with a pic of her very crappy infected tat he asked her to remove the tag and she flipped out and started trashing him and anyone who spoke negatively of mom's tattoo she still thinks my friend tried to rip her off she's done this to other tattoo artists and is constantly trying to get work for cheap off free obviously she is covered in really bad white trash clip art tattoos i feel really sorry for any true artist that ever has to deal with her i'm a tattoo artist and i've had some interesting requests over the years some of them are creepy doesn't help that i'm a lady like the guy who wanted a back piece of him in bondage gear with a woman whipping him and would talk to nobody but me about it luckily at that time i was an apprentice and told him several times i wouldn't be tattooing for many months yet eventually he bugged off once i tattooed a straight black line on the top of some guy's head he was maybe in his late 40s seemed perfectly sane in good health and completely normal he had a very tiny and long-heeled scar right where he wanted the tattoo right alongside it i questioned him for almost 40 minutes while i hand and hoard about whether or not i should turn it down in the end he convinced me he really did want this tattoo and so i did it even though it still kinda trips me out to this day he had no other tattoos most recently at a previous shop i was at last year i fielded a phone call for a really weird request the guy opened the phone call by saying he had already been turned down by several other local shops which is definitely a red flag he asked if i would tattoo a stack of h bricks on him i actually took a moment to process that and asked him to repeat himself he did it didn't make more sense the second time i told him i was not comfortable doing that apologized and we ended the call peacefully he sounded disappointed but just no number don't want your h dealer money pal it's a story i've told countless times to my own clients and one i have been pleased to share with you read it thanks the dude with the line down his head may have had a craniotomy for some reason and wanted to remember that he beat whatever it was that caused him to have that procedure to me the scar is plenty reminder but idk to each their own not a tattoo artist but i wanted to get a tattoo on my tee sort of the inner side from the top of the titter halfway up the cleavage i went in and he said it wouldn't look good and i'm so so glad my tattooist changed my mind he got me to draw a line where i wanted it with a sharpie and see how long it lasted throughout the day it didn't besides which it was such a trashy idea hope this can help someone yeah i would be glad if i were to get to tattoo and the artist let me know it wouldn't turn out well like they know about that stuff better than i do so they are probably saving me a lot of disappointment down the line i love my friend but he is fixate and says it's a fact that it doesn't matter what you get on your arm as long as it looks fairly cool because from a distance people will just say oh a sleeve nice as if not a single person in the world will try to identify what the drawings on your arm are his arm is riddled with random photos from a monk scorpion elephant peacock random noose castle rose and it just looks like a jumbled mess like come on man he is probably poured close to 700 bucks in and with that cash he could have gotten a half piece from his shoulder down by a reputable artist here that looks dopeth i wish he could take criticism but he can't handle criticism or he breaks down seven hundred dollars for a sleeve sounds super cheap i recently got a tat that covered a big chunk of my upper arm but had tons of negative space and that was like four hours of needle work at 125 dollars an hour 500 ish i imagine a whole sleeve no matter how badly down would take much longer and thus cost more this doesn't exactly qualify but when i was getting my first tattoo the shop got a call asking how much it would cost to autoclave their equipment the shop was confused at first and said we don't charge for that the price for the tattoo covers all associated costs the guy on the phone explained that he had some things he wanted to autoclave the shop told him one never call back to not bother calling anyone else three get an std test if they've ever tried this before and four they'd be calling the department of health that there's a guy they might need to look into this was halfway through my tattoo and i was like i officially feel safer in this shop autoclave is basically a special machine to clean and sterilize equipment tattoo machines lab glassware medical devices etc random guy on the phone was calling to ask to clean something i never found out what he wanted cleaned i have to assume it was something he wasn't supposed to have clean on his own because he was calling a random tattoo shop to take money under the table i have been tattooing for 11 years and i can easily say i only really judge people for getting sectarian tattoos the amount of weird crap people want is mind boggling and i don't even bat an eye at it anymore i will do some minor judging at basic b type tattoos like tattoos that pinterest makes popular one time a guy came in and asked me to tattoo the chemical symbol for dopamine on his dong my husband happened to be at the shop when this guy came in and later on he was adamant that i not do the tattoo he was uncomfortable with me working on that guy that immediately peed me off because it is my job and trust me it's very clinical doings are very difficult to tattoo those audi's like to become in this real quick so of course i'm going to do the tattoo on the guy fast forward and dude shows up for his appointment stinking and looking like a homeless person i mean he smelled like he hadn't washed his clothes i've showered since he made the appointment a few weeks earlier i told him i was sorry but my husband was extremely uncomfortable with me working on him and didn't do the tattoo he smelled so bad i wasn't going anywhere near his junk it doesn't have anything to do with the question but maybe someone can judge him for his idea an artist who used to work at the shop i frequent as a story some time ago a guy came into the shop begging for a tattoo on his chest everywhere else refuses to do it please you have to he pleaded this is normally pretty foreboding but the artist took a bite well what are you looking to get it was a swastika a giant one at that that would sprawl across the guy's entire chest the artist declined no we don't do crap like that here but the customer was persistent no other place would do it after all i'll pay double triple what someone normally would now this means that the artist can make around six hundred dollars to embed a needle into a guy's chest thousands of times so he got an idea fine i'll do it did you pay all of it up front customer agreed paid and they set up to work the artist deliberately pressed as hard as he could into this guy's chest like blood everywhere yelling customer hard the guy had to stop his tattoo about a third of the way through to take a break where he promptly left and never came back on the price sounding super cheap so i'm just gonna add it here that the number was my best estimate which is apparently way lower than i would have thought i don't know what he actually ended up charging so now this guy just has a big l or something on his chest nice i was judged pretty harshly when i got my first tattoo i wanted a coin fifty pence piece with the word yes scratched into the surface of it this is from a scene in mr nobody the artist tattooed the coin first with all the details while constantly asking if i'm sure you want me to freak this thing up he even brought over the shop owner that was working on another tattoo and said something along the lines of look at this nice coin now i'm are freaking up with this yes as a customer i was pretty uncomfortable with this as from the start this is exactly what i wanted at any point in the process he could have refused my service but i made it very clear from the start that i wanted this coin from this movie shown here in this picture holds up phone with this text on it i don't know what was going through his head or what judgment it was but i certainly could feel the judgment not an artist but while i was having a tattoo done a few years back a middle-aged extremely obese woman came into the shop to talk to an artist about a piece she wanted i can still hear the voice it's burned into my brain a vivacious fairy curvy and naked i want her head tilted back as she is drinking the nectar of the gods where did she want it inner thigh yep that nectar i've never seen such a big guy so uncomfortable in his life he didn't book her some crap about being rubbish at doing fairies when i went to get my nose pierced my friend and i were talking to a tattoo artist and this guy walks in he goes straight up to the artist shows him his phone and goes i want this the artist looked at the phone back at him at the phone and back at the guy and goes just that is that you're just your name guy goes yeah i want my name tattooed on my arm and gestures that he wants it down half his arm artist goes just your name yup and the tattoo artist rolls his eyes and goes okay man fill out this paperwork not a tattoo artist but lol my dad is one and has been for 15 years including owning his own shop for 4-5 i have spent way too much of my life in a tattoo parlor to not have any tattoos but i can tell you for sure every artist i know hates unoriginality if your tattoo is something they have done five times that week they probably don't enjoy your tattoo one bit they may enjoy your company if you're a fun person but they hate doing that too too if it has purpose to you they may not even judge you for getting it but they hate the tattoo itself tattoo artists are just that artists they enjoy creativity and uniqueness at least this has been my experience now to answer the second part my father's personal answer is anything religious on someone who isn't a cross on an atheist or anything of that nature he had several more examples but this was the first out of his mouth when i asked the question i cannot figure out why an atheist would get religious imagery i had this one teenager come in and ask for a tattoo they had a simple request for it a woman's name i always get a little wary when people ask for a name tattooed on them because of the chance it'll go awry but sometimes it's kids or deceased family but i try to make sure they know the risks of it i tell the guy are you getting married he said number i asked engage number i asked is this your prom date he said number i finally asked why he wanted the girl's name tattooed on him he told me this was his female friend and she freez owned him for some chad and he was sure that if he got a tattoo of her name she would have to repay him with some freak dollars and leave that butthole to be with a nice guy like him i kick the kid out that's the reason i don't like to tattoo people's names you win also what exactly is the name to two to frick dollars exchange rate currently i love tattoos i'm not a tattoo artist but my uncle married quite the nutcase in the early 2000s they had a few kids together and a few years after that she got his name tattooed on her back and i don't mean anything discreet that she could easily cover up i mean she got lewis inked in giant 10-inch letters up and down her back they divorced a few months later she got remarried but i don't know if she got the tattoo covered up or not that or she's hiding it really well i went on a cruise a few years ago and there was a guy with a girl's name across his back like a jersey he was with a girl who he kept addressing by a different name really simple block letters too just terrible i've also got a friend well old friend who has his own last name on his back in the same way his own initials on his forearm and his last name on his wrist also not a tattoo artist but when i was 18 i went down to anaheim to visit a friend and get inked during my visit i wanted to get asian characters going down my sternum and after i picked three i sat down with the artist who was a paraplegic mexican dude my first mistake was trusting the accuracy of the characters without checking so everything went off without a hitch and we went on our merry way several years later my brother married a chinese girl he met while teaching overseas which led to my second mistake letting her see the tattoo turns out only one character was accurate and the other two made no sense whatsoever i never heard the last of it a chinese woman i know said that most asian character tattoo she has seen rbs she told me one person told her the tat said health but it actually said chicken soup not an artist but wanted to be for a long time my friend asked me to design a few tattoos for him while i was practicing i ended up tattooing a mustache on his upper thigh because his local sandwich shop gives discounts to mustachioed gentlemen and the owner told him he'd get free sandwiches for life after getting a mustache to two we went and got tattoos together for the other one i designed for him since it was emotionally significant and i didn't want to freak it up note i did the tattoos for free while i was practicing and told everyone i worked on i'd pay for them to have it fixed if i fricked up after getting some clarification from my bud they also offer discounts to anyone that comes in wearing mustache garb or even fake mustaches a mustache is apparently their logo i got my back piece done when i was 19. it wasn't my first tattoo it was by far way larger than anyone expected me to get at 19 apparently i researched my artist the whole year leading up and when i finally decided to start i had to email to set the consultation up and whatnot i walked in and i guess he expected someone completely different because he looked at me and went you want a tree down your whole spine are you sure and i was just so chill and calm the whole time he later after multiple sessions and us being almost done said you blew my expectations out of the water and i was honestly worried about having to tattoo some stupid clitch a tree on another college girl's back thanks for being groovy i'll probably never forget that just for the simple fact of my tattoo artist having said groovy moral of the story be a groovy client let's see what your 19 years old self designed when i was an apprentice for a short time we had a few that we used to make fun of dream as if you'll live forever live as if you'll die tomorrow in script lettering we called this one carpe diem for idiots chavs this was pre-yolo by the way which definitely replaced it dandelion petals blowing away turning into birds or the basic beta 2 dreamcatcher the old pinterest favorite bonus points if they wanted it with a billion ideas incorporated into it or wanted it a ridiculously tiny size japanese dragon but specifically ones that wrap around the arm we had to bat away quite a few of those ideas religious themed black and gray full arms leave usually requested by deuteros as their very first tattoo i blame david beckham for these ones not that any of the above are bad tattoos some of them can look really nice when done right and most of them are probably an artist's bread and butter in terms of work and if they genuinely mean something to you good for you but they're such common fashionable ideas and the amount of people who come in asking for them thinking they're the first to ever think of them was quite funny also not a specific tattoo design as such but if your opening question is how much for a full sleeve you probably shouldn't be getting tattooed and you will be made fun of as soon as you leave the shop my uncle is a tattoo artist two stories pop out to me for a while there was a pinwheel to two circling around pinterest that all the girls wanted what they didn't know is that the center of the pinwheel was a reverse swastika so when they looked in the mirror they'd see it normally another thing my uncle is a big 200 pounds cuban guy covered in tats if somebody comes to him wanting a swastika or some sort of neo-nazi crap he'll give them a deal make it bigger and try to convince them to put it in a really obvious spot so that everybody knows who they are and to make them ashamed if they ever come to their senses he'll also purposefully make it hurt like heck and scar badly a guy got his fiancee's first and last name around his wrist she's gonna change that last name another lady wanted me to cover her ex's name and put the current boos name on too really though we don't judge that often only if you're getting something really trashy like lip prints or leopard spots cliche tattoos are men they keep the lights on but you'll probably either live to regret it or never get another tattoo i had one girl get pissy when she asked me what i thought and instead of omg i love it she got i just put him on ask me to draw up something big super specific that i couldn't possibly use for someone else and then don't show up for the appointment yeah i'm judging you hard i know a girl who was proud of the fact she was double-teamed she got an eiffel tower tattooed on her ribs as a reminder that she freaked two dudes at once i was there when she got it tattooed and she was explaining to the artist why she was getting it and the artist was not amused at all he didn't even smile or anything he just said is that right a lot he clearly didn't want to hear about this girl's sex life i'm friends with a few artists who worked at that shop at the time and they said when she left everyone made fun of her they still talk about her sometimes if a story like that gets brought up to all the feminists wanting to send me messages or comments about s shaming i'm not s shaming i'm telling a story stop trying to be offended in the shop i used to work out we would have girls come and that would make great effort to moan steamily and loudly while getting work down because it hurt no one found it hot everyone found it annoying if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 36,622
Rating: 4.9039383 out of 5
Keywords: tattoo, worst tattoos, worst tattoos ever, worst tattoo reaction, worst tattoo artist, dumb, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: x2YGGsg2v8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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