People Who Quit Their Jobs In A "Blaze Of Glory", What's Your Story? (r/AskReddit)

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redditors who quit their jobs in a blaze of glory what's your story tell the office manager that he couldn't arrange a successful Girl Scout cookie drive leave loan run a business on the way out I told him I was going to report him to the state labor board for working everyone eight and a half hours a day without lunch the state made him cut me a check for two and a half years of missed lunches I worked at Boston Market in high school and I had been getting screwed on hours for a month or so so the new schedule came out and I seen I had six hours for the whole week and I was best the last order I had a guy came in and just wanted some kids meals for his two kids I asked him if he wanted anything for himself but I could tell that he was in a bind with money dude paid all in change and barely had enough anyways I went to the back and got him a party platter that we use for catering and I gave him at least 15 people's worth of food and almost a whole rack of fresh corn bread I mean I absolutely hooked this guy the duck up he had more food than he could carry I put my apron on the counter and helped him carry it to his car dude started crying and all and after he had it all packed up I just walked home I think it was a good way to go out edit turns out my shift manager at the time had been stealing money each week and they didn't catch on until another manager had to pull my shift and he caught him doing it working in wings placed just out of college as a cook start working there and everything is going okay except for the fact that I'm really underpaid I was making minimum wage as one of two cooks in the restaurant work there for a few months and the manager sits down to talk with me we discuss a few things and I bring up the fact that I really deserve a raise I was working 50 to 60 hours a week and the compensation based on my effort really wasn't evening out he basically told me to cough and that cooks are a dime a dozen so I told him I was disappointed with his retort times were tough for me at that time so I bit my lip and just went back to work the next few months will he'll the manager of the restaurant would openly put me down in front of other employees and constantly berate me for asking for more money he would put me on back-to-back opening and closing shifts and send people home on purpose so I will be the only one left to clean the kitchen at the end of the night I was beginning to lose my chill with this job so finally Super Bowl Sunday rolls around and for those unaware this is a very very busy day for restaurants that make wings I get into work and everyone is already pissed I ask what's up and they tell me the other cook didn't show up and nothing is prepped for the day I roll up my sleeves and start working we get everything set and I start making wings for the orders I'm working my ass off and my manager comes up to me and starts giving me the same [ __ ] the phones are ringing like crazy and honestly there are more orders than the restaurant can handle its ducking chaos then some of the managers friends not employees come into the kitchen and start ducking with all my stuff moving things disorganizing staff sitting on my prep counters I tell them to get the duck out and my manager storms in and lays the duck into me tells me I'm a worthless piece of it I never do anything right I'm not worth more than minimum wage and I never ducking put in any extra effort that was it my brain just clicked and I stopped giving a duck about anything I stood up straight and stretched out my arms wide slowly took off my kitchen apron and removed my hat stare dead in the manager's eyes and calmly but sternly said have an enjoyable Super Bowl Sunday I threw the apron and my hat in the fry oil basins grabbed my bag and walked past the rest of the employees whose mouths were hanging open and out the back to the ever fading ring of phones ringing arrived at my home and met up with my roommates I told them the story and we decided to order 200 wings and watch the game TLDR the wings were undercooked and over sourced but I was just the right amount of salty it wasn't really a blaze but I worked in a big oil company and was about to switch jobs due to a better offer somehow through connections I learned that my current employer was about to let a lot of people go so I signed up for my new job where the start date six months from then waited for the announcement of severance packages then cashed in 12 months payment effectively earning a dual salary for one year and took a three-month vacation I left that job with a huge smile on my face I was an investigative reporter in Cleveland and had turned in a solid story about state senator Kevin Coghlan using his campaign finance money to buy tickets to Ohio State games and hotel rooms for his mistress it was approved by the editor and publisher but the CEO Matt Haggerty spiked it when Coghlan threatened a lawsuit I told him to go duck himself on conference call with his people before security escorted me out of the building I sent the spiked story to everyone in my rolodex it circulated the Statehouse and a couple weeks later Coghlan dropped out of the race for governor I sued the paper and Coglan for wrongful termination Coghlan agreed he never had grants for a lawsuit and I settled with the company slate and a few other places wrote about my graceful exit 10 out of 10 would tell him to go duck himself again back when I worked at a car dealership as a mechanic the service manager was screwing mechanics out of paychecks cutting appointments and only paying us for 30 hours of work at minimum wage instead of paying our normal hourly rate the next pay day Friday that came the service manager came out and made an announcement saying he was going to extend hours and weekends with no pay difference so at 7:20 a.m. before the day even started I walked right out to my truck backed it into my bay and loaded my tools up and left he asked me to reconsider and reminded me that you guaranteed minimum wage yeah duck you I heard after that stunt three other people quit without notice and he was asked to leave the dealership this is sort of the opposite but whatever I was working for a tech startup in 98 that was growing by leaps and bounds and one day they reached the department and promoted this guy let's call him Teddy who had been there for like two weeks to manager he had four or five people working for him and he treated them all like [ __ ] they were all self-motivated senior level people and he treated them like children he micromanage their work berating everything they did complained when they had to leave work for stuff like a dentist appointment or a sick kid when he first took over he tried to enforce a policy where none of them could check in code unless he codes reviewed it in person and ended the check in himself that lasted less than two weeks he reviewed an existing approved schedule for a software release decided it wasn't aggressive enough told his superiors that they were going to pull it in by three months and they noted everyone to work weekends not because there was a business need but because he wanted to show them that he could get stuff done after a few months this woman let's call her Kelly who was working for him gave her two weeks notice saying that she was offered a managerial job at another company Teddy lost it you could hear him screaming through the walls of his office then as she walked out of the office and he followed her to the exit shouting at her the whole time you're ducking worthless Kelly you're going to fail don't come crawling back looking for a job I'm glad to see you go now that can hire someone with real skills etc etc for at least a month after she was gone he would randomly just say [ __ ] like I can't believe that just up and left what it Oh Oh Kelly really ducked things up good we're probably going to miss our release date because of how she left things HR sat down privately with a guy to talk things over and then he started bitching about HR they're covering their asses so they don't get sued they don't give a [ __ ] about good company men like me a few months later our company was a quiet and we went to the welcome meeting that the other company had set up their CTO and the VP of development spent about a half hour reach talking about strategic vision how the changes would affect us the usual staff and then the VP said but there will be at least one familiar face to help with the transition I think most of you know Kelly Johnson she used to work here she'll be the senior manager in charge of the products team moving forward so everyone looked back at Teddy who was white as a sheet and looked like he was about to have a heart attack he was gone within a month I worked at a travel agency as an in-house web designer I also did general office tasks one day my boss who boasts about traveling 120 days a year decided to go on vacation in Europe along with most of the office leaving me to hold down the fort I was fine with it since there was likely very little work to be done and I was going to make a lot of extra money when he got back a customer complained that their cruise they had booked online was cancelled I was blamed for it because apparently I was supposed to process their payment in our system bear in mind this was not my client I had no knowledge of any responsibilities toward this client and it was not part of my normal duties to process any payments so at the end of the day my boss took me to the back room a cramped uncomfortable space to talk to me about how I had ducked off I denied everything because this was my boss's way of placing the blame on someone else for his own mistakes he told me to take two days off to think about how I can grow with the company and finish by tapping my shoulder and saying grow up you slash mergo and giving me a douchey looking smile to top it off he had also reduced my hourly rate by $1 per hour after I had worked there with distinction for almost a year I was absolutely livid as soon as I left for the day I went home chilled out and starting planning my next move the next day I applied for a couple of jobs and got an interview on the second day at another company I was offered the position and started a couple weeks later when I went back to the travel agency I sat down and waited for my boss who always had a habit of coming in late once seated I said quite loudly boss's name I came here to let you know that I quit I don't want to continue to work for you for less money I also expect to find my final check in my mailbox by next Monday at my regular pay rate he only replied with do you have a timesheet to which I said it's your responsibility to keep track of my hours so you'd better have him he then said okay have a nice day and that was the end of it I ended up taking him to court later over and paid wages and won not the best way to earn a severance but it works a couple of my best friends decided to get married in Scotland were American it was quite an expensive trip so I picked up a part-time job at a shitty sandwich chain for about a year to save so my wife and I could attend about two weeks before the trip I was offered emergency overtime at my full-time job I wasn't sure if I was scheduled to work at the sandwich joint so I called the owner he told me I was which was a bummer because I could have stayed at my real job for about $30.00 per hour more for the evening so I went in to make sandwiches another employee told me that I wasn't scheduled to work rather someone called in earlier and the owner took advantage of my not knowing my schedule for the week so I took the spot at the end of the assembly make line bagged up eight orders and walked out the door with them along with the little rack of about 20 bottles of hot sauce I hopped in my car and took off back to my real job to work that overtime shift with a bunch of sandwiches for the other employees accidentally hit sent too early in turning out a tech startup this was years ago when I was still eager young and was gagging to prove myself the culture was such surfer douchebag bro it was unbearable please note this was in Manchester England how can you develop this wannabe San Fran attitude in a place that gets so much rain that at times you feel like collecting two of each animal just in case they needed me to model some financial metrics slash funding assumptions and promised me a bonus payment found out bonus payment was just a prank bro through one of the few good dudes there I had an offer from a bulge bracket bank to start in two months so I made the model no reason to duck over the few good dudes there but I password-protected the whole sheet in Excel so you could only gain outputs not change anything in the model meaning they would have to redo the whole thing when I left duck them not me but one of my best friends we were working at a Burger King when we were like 15 to 16 it was actually the day after he already quit but it was super busy and some people called off so they called to see if he could come in I think they offered him like time and a half to make up for it so he agrees he's the only one in the kitchen on a busy Sunday after church rush the managers were just bullshitting standing outside smoking and doing anything they could to not help him so he got frustrated through a package of ham through the ceiling and walked out the fact that there's an after church rush at Burger King on Sundays is just about the most American thing I've ever read on this site I worked at the Disney Store not run by Disney at this point but the children's place about six months as a part-time manager when I was 23 it was a nightmare totally disorganized full-time managers hated each other / sabotaged each other's performance and mine I found out later when my sales were too good consistently and the store manager was an alcoholic who would spend the first three hours of her shifts with me in the back room nursing a hangover another store offered me a similar position paying slightly more I got to give in use in the middle of an informal review that is scapegoating from the alcoholic manager I gave two weeks because I'm nice like that but knowing they were basically ducked because I was leaving just before the holidays my last week on the job I did whatever I wanted can't afford the light-up fairy wings for your grand daughter kid buying mom a present just a nice person treating me like a human being magic discount for you I've never felt so good leaving a job I worked at a technical support call center for almost a decade the average burnout time / turnover is six months I was sitting in a meeting and they were acting on us for sending too many boxes the week previously we were sitting in the exact same room being rag Don for not sending enough boxes I had a rough year and I was just sitting there dying inside I had this sudden Epiphany every day since I had walked in the door of that place was worse than the last there was literally no reason for me to be there that thought just popped into my head like a light bulb went off I got up in the middle of the meeting and walked out without a word the SDM that was giving the meetings mouth hung open he wasn't used to the drones doing things like this he started after me and I ignored him I went back to my desk gathered up some things gave a few other things to some people and got out a goodbye email the whole time the SDM getting more and more agitated trying to talk to me eventually yelling I just ignored him like a bad smell at a dinner party so I just went home they called and called for days eventually a supervisor I had on Facebook messaged me he was an okay doot and I told him flatly that no I wasn't returning he said they had all this paperwork to do and an exit interview and so on I said no I wasn't going back on that floor I wasn't going to sit in an office like a bad teenager in the principal's office it was over it was done we finally agreed to me downstairs in an empty cubicle i flatly didn't agree to anything didn't sign anything just gathered whatever [ __ ] they had for me and left for a near decade they dictated everything in my life my sleep schedule my family life holidays they went so far as to time to the second how long I was in the bathroom during the day that was all over they had no more control over me and I enjoyed making that clear
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 138,963
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Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts, reddit top posts, askreddit job interview, askreddit job stories, askreddit employees
Id: urpuyBREi-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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