What Messed Up Thing Did You Do As A Kid Without Realizing It?

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with adult hindsight what was a complete wtf moment from your childhood that you didn't understand at the time when i was about 11 and my sister was 14 she came home from a sleepover with a large red welt on her neck when my mother questioned her about it she wove an epic tale of a fight amongst friends culminating in the use of tootsie rolls as projectiles though she had remained neutral she was sadly struck in the neck during the crossfire my mom apparently decided to see how far my sister was willing to take this story she feigned indignation and said she wanted the phone numbers for the girl that threw the tootsie roll and the girl that hosted the party to inform their mothers of the incident there was talk of cutting those friends out of my sister's life at the time i was horrified that that had happened to her years later i realized my mother decided to troll instead of addressing the fact that her daughter came home from a girl's only supervised sleepover with a hickey i was six or seven my mom woke my brother and i up and told us to get in the car seemed strange but she was totally calm so whatever i remember hearing loud noises and yelling which was not unusual but it always scared me i went into the garage and got in the back seat brother in front mom walks out and gets in the car and tells us we're going to mcdonald's for ice cream as we back out my dad staggers into the garage and throws a beer bottle at the car it breaks against the ground i found out many years later my dad got fired that night from a job he had worked at least 10 years when i was maybe seven or eight i was at the grocery store with my mom i remember walking down an aisle and coming across a woman who had blood everywhere around her and coming from her glory hole she was sitting on the floor bursting into tears and adults started running up to her i thought she had just gotten her period it wasn't until i was older i realized she had a miscarriage that must be absolutely terrifying and horrifying to have happened so publicly when i was five we had a lice check at school and it turned out i had lice i was sent home and quarantined all of my bedding and stuffed animals were thrown away and i couldn't be around anyone every morning and night my mother had to use tweezers to pull them and their eggs out of my eyebrows and eyelashes after about a week of this a stranger showed up at my house and took me into the living room alone she showed me a girl and boy doll and started asking me really weird questions about private parts and touching i was 100 confused turns out i had crabs since they typically live in pubic hair and i didn't have any they decided to live in my eyelashes my mom thought i'd been physically shamed in reality the babysitter had banged her boyfriend on a couch at a different house that i then took a nap on i want to add that i didn't know the truth until i was about 25. my niece got lice and i was surprised they weren't in her eyelashes my mother told me what had really happened and i'm still mortified i think i was four or five my parents were fighting which was a pretty common occurrence but i remember this time my dad yelling for someone to get him a knife so he could kill himself not understanding what that meant at the time and wanting the yelling to stop i started to go to the kitchen to get a knife until my older brother stopped me i'll take how to depress thousands of people in three sentences for one thousand dollars alex around 9 10 riding my bike through the neighborhood was about to ride up into my driveway when this guy pulls over next to my bike and waves me over asks me if i want a ride i say no my house is right there you sure we could throw your bike in the trunk if you're worried about it very insistent nope just walk the 20 featuring to my front door 20 years later and i still wonder if that was just a nice old guy or someone with some sketchy motives idk sounds sketchy nice people usually stop asking when you say no once my mom has missed and didn't want me and my sister to see how bad it could get when we were little so we would go to chuck e cheese all day on her worst days during the summer or if she couldn't cook during the school year we'd have eggs for dinner me and my sister thought those days were the coolest things and so much fun it took me years to realize she was doing it so we weren't scared by her disabilities my mom truly is amazing thank you all again she's a brilliant and awesome mom that's an impressive way to handle it me and my brother crawled in my parents room while they were doing it because the only tv we had was in my parents room and the simpsons were on i just thought they were kissing but no they were really going at it we were there for like 10 minutes before they noticed picking up random objects around the playground to play with in the sand i picked up a flimsy plastic tube which i had believed to be a fruit snack wrapper or something of the sort was actually a used condom without any parents around i used it to fill sand and throw around it horns me to this very day so i grew up poor really poor but i was young and never had an indication of how bad things were until this happened i thought everyone lived like we did in third grade i had a pair of boots from payless that i'd worn for so long it wasn't winter anymore and the heel had dislodged from the rest of the boot only pair of shoes i had that fit it flopped while i walked and i often tried to glue it back on with elmer's at school or tape it on which never lasted long one day i come to class and two girls hand me two new boxes of shoes saying they bought them for me one was a pair of dressy shoes with a buckle and the other was a pair of pink moccasins with rhinestones on the toe i was delighted but didn't think much of it not even in the days afterward when some other kids starting calling me poor funny because almost all of us lived in the same public housing high rise and food stamp was a common phrase because you could buy snacks with them so it just goes to show my family was the poorest of the poor i don't even know if anyone in my family noticed the shoes but i know my mother never asked me about them then again she was always working or claimed to be working so i never saw her more than once a day many many years later i realized the teacher had bought those shoes and asked the other kids to pretend they had thank you mrs benjamin way to go mrs benjamin when i was about 11 i woke up to my 17 year old cousin with his dong out joking around and peed on me had to promise i wouldn't tell on him later in life realized dew jerked on my head while i was sleeping i was staying at my sister's apartment complex for the weekend and took her dog out to the parking lot for a walk at around 10 p.m a guy stepped out of his van and started asking me questions the gist was does the dog bite number some small talk i live in this van it is pretty cool do you want to come in and see number i went back inside and told my sister about this weird guy she flipped out told me to stay here and stormed outside she came back and said she couldn't find the van when i was in kindergarten we had a little bathroom in our classroom like a supply closet but with plumbing that we could use so that we wouldn't have to go down the hall whenever we needed to one day while i was in there i realized that there was no toilet paper my solution was to walk out of the bathroom pants down in front of the whole class and explain to my teacher the situation in the middle of her lesson it's one of those memories that makes me physically cringe anytime i think about it i once unbuttoned and took off my shirt in the middle of class because it was hot when i was like seven i remember doing it confidently and i have no idea why i would have i'm not smart but that's just baffling and i can't fathom what compelled me to do it came home from school fourth grade and ran into my room to change into baseball pants and grab my bat bag cause i was running late to practice open my bedroom door and my older brother and his girl were banging in my bed they just told me they got tired and his sheets were washing i thought nothing of it changed grabbed my bag and on my way to practice i was none the wiser for my sixth birthday i had some friends over for a bbq we were all being rambunctious little boys running around the garden pretending to shoot each other wrestling rolling around etc my dad was setting up the barbecue and somehow managed to burst the lighter fluid bottle and set fire to his arm all we saw was my dad suddenly rolling around on the lawn on fire at six years old my only experience with seeing people on fire was from the a team in which nobody ever actually suffered any serious consequences and burning people were just part of the background scenery we all just figured my dad was getting really into our make-believe games so we were all just cheering and running around him he's hard as nails so when he had managed to smother the fire he just stood up and said back in a minute kids with a big smile on face and disappeared indoors my neighbor came over to take care of the barbecue whilst my parents went to the hospital to take care of dad's burns we all just continued running around shouting and wrestling like little savages your dad's reaction dang can't be on fire in front of the kids that will scare them really good is right around the time i turned 21 it finally clicked why my dad's office in the garage always smelled like a skunk drenched in cologne turns out old spice hides the smell of weed reasonably well the two smells combined is super calming for me because of childhood memories first time i smoked weed in high school i instantly thought of pizza night and listening to the doors like we did on the weekend as a kid smells are weird i went to daycare with a girl who was about a year or two younger than myself and she had an older brother everyone bullied her she was rude and loud with lion steel still went to the bathroom in her pants at six seven her brother was held back enough grades that he was in my grade even though he was older her family was the trashy family i remember laughing at her and calling her a lie because she would tell me her brother would hold her down and pee in her mouth or they would be wrestling and he would pee on her or pin her under the dirt bike and leave her there for hours god i feel awful realizing that he was abusing her and i did nothing it makes it worse that my best friend's dad is on the same roofing team as him so i have to see him most times i visit there was a solid year growing up where my mom dad and i ate lots of macaroni and cheese and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches i was in little kid heaven thought it was the best thing never realized we didn't have crap and my parents did the best they could to hide it this actually made me so sad i ate a lot of kd and canned potatoes as a kid my mom was a widow at age 30 dad died from cancer when he was 29 so she did the best she could as a young single mom of three kids we never really knew either we just assumed it was what she liked making i was maybe eight or nine but we were pretty bad off at the time i remember sometimes late at night my mom would dress up super fancy complete with a big trench coat and she would have me ride with her to random houses and tell me to sit in the car while she went to go see some friends i'd wait for a while and then she'd come out and we'd leave and if i was really good she'd take me out to dinner the next day now as an adult i'm pretty much 99 she was selling her body to make ends meet which is absolutely horrible but hot dang did she do her best to keep me from starving to death similar story my mom used to go stay the night at the guy down the street's house and help him clean his house she would always come home with a whole bunch of groceries and give each other some money at the time i thought it was like a job till one day she couldn't go any more because he had a girlfriend to clean his house now when i was about six years old i picked up a brazil nut out of a jar and asked my stepmother what it was she told me it was a n-toe when i asked her what her n was she told me it was another word for friend a couple weeks later i got chewed out at my mother's house for calling my sister aaron i was so confused same story only substitute chocolate covered coconut bon bons for brazil nuts my grandparents were a trip when i was about eight i was climbing trees with a friend when i got the neck of my shirt snagged on a branch i swung the dead man swing and my friend laughed and then ditched me there hanging when i was about to black out my shirt ripped and i fell to the ground i got yelled for ruining a shirt and being covered in blood and dirt sorry about almost dying mom it'll only happen a million more times i was placed in foster care at an early age because of abuse and i had to see a counselor on the regular this counselor's name was briant bryant's office was full of interesting things he had doors so kids could point to where uncle jimmy touched them he had crayons and paper and all sorts of other crap and he had two plastic totes full of sand one was full of wet sand the other full of dry sand i'm sure i don't know what the ostensible purpose of the sound was moving on i was six when the sessions began and for nearly a year i had to see this guy every two weeks to tell him how i felt about my foster parents and how was school it wasn't until many years later that i realized this guy was a pervert he always locked the door to his office and then he would pull out the sand boxes and he'd say pretend we're at the beach he'd encourage me to take my shirt off because hey it's the beach on a couple of occasions he tried to give me a massage by pinching my shoulders but my muscles weren't developed that crap hurt i told him so and he stopped and that's it he never did anything else a year later i stopped seeing him when one of his co-workers got in trouble for hiding x-men cards in his pockets and having my older brothers fish them out it was like a whole organization of creeps when it finally occurred to me that this was unusual i was much older and it peed me off because there was this guy fondling helpless victims of child abuse fricken earth this might be the most messed up one i've read in here went to show and tell at preschool and asked the teacher if i could sing a song that my dad taught me i then proceed to belt out rugby men's drinking songs that explain how my father's an italian with balls like a blim and stallion and how the hairs on his dickie diner hang down to his knees bonus points for arguing with my teacher because i hadn't sung the whole song yet my friend got in trouble with her elementary school for striding through the halls singing about how she was a sweet transvestite from transgender transylvania her parents were called who just told her to maybe not sing that song at school this one's fairly depressing after my parents divorced my mother had custody of the kids but my dad would come and pick me and my brothers up on saturday afternoons for a couple of hours we would usually go to the comic book store and pizza hut or something and then he'd take us home my mom had mental problems and it was abusive so these visits were the highlight of my week some weeks my dad just never showed up and i waited for him as it became more and more obvious he wasn't going to show up which meant that i wouldn't get pizza and i wouldn't go to the comic book store that week and my mom would be pee off all duffel duffel duffel duffel duffel duffel duffel duffel duffel duffel those were really bad days one day he came to pick us up and we were out of the house for maybe half an hour and he pulled his station wagon over to the side of the road and started crying my brothers and i had no idea what was going on and we were too afraid to ask after a little while he composed himself and in a clear voice stated children i've wet myself he told us that he was going to take us back to our house and drop us off with our mother and then he would go home for the day i begged him to just go back to his house and change his pants and we could still spend the day together he wouldn't do it not too long after that he stopped showing up for visits altogether it's one of my most vivid memories but as strange as it sounds i never really questioned why my father pee himself that day i knew that my dad struggled with alcoholism throughout his life but it was only in the past few years that i put two and two together and realized that my father was either drunk or drying out that day my heart broke reading this i'm so sorry being shot at by my brother we used to go hunting together when i was between about nine and eleven he taught me all about gun safety how you should never point a firearm at anything by the ground or sky unless you intend to fire it and above all never ever point it at a person not even as a joke one day we were out hunting and i was standing a little way away from him i looked up to see his pointing his gun at me i moved to one side just as he pulled the trigger and i felt something pluck out the sleeve of my sweater there was a small hole in the material i was so confused and asked him why he had shot at me he laughed it off and said of course he hadn't he hadn't been shooting anywhere near me i didn't question it anymore at the time now i think why the heck was my brother trying to shoot me it was a couple years after that when his mental health problems started showing themselves i probably have a couple more wtf moments if anyone else interested you guys will barely believe this when i was young about six seven years old i was sleeping when awoken by bright lights coming through my window naturally i freaked out and woke up my pops he told me to go back to bed while he investigated the bright lights kept shining through all of the windows one after the other in no particular order at the time i had no idea what this bright light could have been it was terrifying i've literally had nightmares that start out the same way since then years later at my father's funeral my dad's best friend comes over and starts telling this story from another perspective he tells me when we all younger and i was cop i'd fly the police helicopter over to your house and shine the lights on your house to mess with your dad he'd come outside and moon us all this time i had no idea what the bright lights were until then it all made sense our cop friend was using the police helicopter to play with us i found this out 20 years later crazy this one's my favorite all these dark depressing and downright flicked stories then there's the image of a man mooning a police chopper in my head and i'm laughing like an idiot there was a day where all the girls were removed from class to talk about periods i went home and went on an entire rant about how ridiculous it was that girls needed some extra class on periods they go at the end of sentences everyone know how they work my mom didn't explain she just laughed and laughed i would always get mad at my mom for packing me homemade sandwiches all my rich friends parents were giving them ramen noodles for lunch and we would eat them raw and thought they were delicious i always thought my mom didn't buy me that because she hated me and wanted me to eat boring food one day in college while buying ramen i recalled the stuff from my childhood i realized that although we were poor my mom made me homemade lunches every day and my rich friends parents were just sending them off with whatever took the least effort my sister would pick fights with me in public so i started acting [ __ ] so everyone near her thought she was harassing someone with special needs i though it was funny and clever but i can't believe she didn't get in more trouble one time this big guy was just like i think you need to leave him alone where are your parents in a scary deep voice that is genius when i was five or six while i was playing outside some dude on his motorbike stopped next to me and asked me if i want to take a ride with him he had a second helm and all i said no he asked a few more times and then left no idea what would have happened if i had said yes nothing good probably obviously an awesome motorcycle adventure would have occurred ending in you earning a patch due to the awesome crap you helped motorcycle man with you missed out dude my doctor would tell me to lie really still cut my evolver and listen to my heartbeat i believe that i saw this doctor up until age 10 if a doctor sees this post and can tell me what he was doing i'd really appreciate it not emotionally scarred i hope no other children he saw were if i have children they will be properly supervised yikes worrying about other children with parents in the waiting room is going to bug me this doctor is still practicing at the same location at some point today i will figure out who to contact about this for clarification he cupped me i found my dad's gun underneath the seat and without hesitation pointed it at my sister and pulled the trigger pew pew it was empty but the thought of what might have happened and indeed what happens to lots of kids every year makes me cold and sick at the same time jesus store your gun safely people a neighbor girl would always pester me to see my willy and i always told her no finally i decided while she wasn't around that i would show her so i walked up to her door right out there in the open dropped throw and rang the doorbell that's the best way to approach that situation right then there was the time on the bus on the way home from kindergarten my friend and i had somehow gotten involved in a deal with a girl where we would give her an orange slice not a whole orange just a single segment and she would show us what she had down there and then we'd give her another slice and she'd do it again until the orange was gone ha when i was 10 and my grandfather passed away my mum got into some pretty hard drugs whenever she was passed out on the couch or in the kitchen using her druggy friends would tell me things like you look really hot in those little shorts or the things i would do to your tight little body i think i knew it wasn't okay because it always made me feel sick but i never told my parents about it my mum is clean and those friends are long gone at this point it's not something i'd be able to bring up i was six and my next door neighbor five she walked in on her sister who was 11 indulging in some adult activity with her teenager boyfriend and wanted to try said activity with me so we sat in her garage with the lights off and smashed our faces into each other's crotches afterwards we ran back to my house where my parents were hosting some company and we quieted everyone down to tell them about how we just had fricked if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 105,374
Rating: 4.8758121 out of 5
Keywords: wtf moments, biggest wtf moments, childhood, childhood memories, adult hindsight, adult, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: vScz-CZNIPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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