These Kids Are Fricked

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what freaked up thing did you do as a kid i thought it would be a great practical joke to bury a corn holder small handle with two sharp prongs to hold corn on the cob pointy side up in my yard and wait for someone to step on it of course being a kid after all i lost interest after a time and forgot sometime later in the summer while walking barefoot yes i stepped on it a frick that hurt learned a valuable lesson about practical jokes settle down little viet cong lol around kindergarten age i put my willy underneath the teddy bear in front of everyone and said look the teddy bear has a dong a young comedian i was i was 12 and tried searching everywhere for p of children of my age because i didn't like looking at adults boy was i stupid i did this around the same age still surprised no one ever bashed our door down when i was six or so i convinced the girl who lived next door who was intellectually disabled and a couple years older that i had built a robot clone of myself i would go inside and come back out acting like a robot complete with glitchy speech and movement then when i got tired of pretending to be a robot i would tell her i needed to recharge and switch back i thought this was going to take a very very dark turn this one is way more innocent than the others when i was 11 my friend and i soaked a tennis ball in gasoline and lit it on fire and with gloves on tossed it around with my friend just cause ended up throwing it to him in an arc and he missed and it slid down his chest leaving on fire gasoline trail on his shirt had first degree burns and we really got in trouble for that one gave my little brother ex-lax and told him it was chocolate when we were under 10 i knew it would give him diarrhoea but i didn't know how badly it was fricked up i tried to poison my mom's boyfriend i was probably around 11 i had one of those science kits from the scholastic book fair i took the citric acid and dumped the whole container into his drink he sipped it and just said this tastes like crap and dumped it out lol this made me laugh imagine being so happy you're going to kill the person you hate just to watch them pour out your hard work and planning found a dead squirrel put it in my tootsie roll piggy bank kept it under my bed for a while i thought death was interesting i was around 8 or so in 7th grade my best friend asked me if i would go and ask the boy she liked if he liked her and if he would go out with her i went over and asked him if he liked her he said no then i asked if he liked me he said yes and then i asked him to be my boyfriend he said yes then i went right back to my friend and told her that he didn't like her but that he liked me and was now my boyfriend i don't know why i did that cha cha real smooth i was pretty young when this happened maybe 13 years old i was in a hot tub with my friends and i thought i had to fart it was not a fart pooped in my bathing suit so i casually grabbed it with my hand and while no one was looking i dropped it behind the hot tub friends and i would hang out on a side street with a one gallon gas can and a lighter when we saw a car coming one of us would run across the street while pouring gas and the other friend would light the gas after he was clear that's some gummy crap lol i flipped off people while going for a walk with my parents when i was five i didn't realize that was a bad thing to do my sister told me flipping the middle finger was swearing at god when i was around five and i thought she meant swearing to god as in it's something you're supposed to do when you made promises my butt was walking around church with my middle finger up till some kind older teenager finally gently told me to put it away dropped a rope out of my second story window tied it to a plastic tricycle asked my neighbor if he wanted to go for a ride and lifted him up to the window with the help of my brother and sister then we dropped him and caught the rope before he hit the ground it was stupid but none of us had parents responsible enough to watch us or teach us anything in seventh grade i lit a poster on fire that was hanging on the basement wall adjacent to my parents indoor heating oil tank i still cringe when i remember that i asked my sixth grade teacher what a bj was because some older kids kept talking about it she was cool though and told me i had a notebook that i proceeded to fill with drawings each page was a scene like a comic book it told the pictorial story of a woman getting pregnant and giving birth with graphic detail detail according to my seven-year-old understanding of how birth worked my cousin and i were like seven-ish or so and playing upstairs in a room by ourselves my aunt left her sewing machine and they're ready to go we were fascinated by how fast the needle moved up and down when we stepped on the foot pedal then we had the idea to see who could get their finger out of the way before the needle started moving he went safe i went safe he went blood shot out and screaming commenced when i was in second grade i said my teacher was stabbing kids with pencils the others were brought in one at a time and questioned this did not happen and i remember the teacher fondly and have no idea why i did it i guess for the same reason most kids randomly do crap to see what happens next i used to have a couple bullies in the first grade one day they decided it would be a good idea to strap me to a bench and strip me so you know what i did i crap my pants right then and there they never bothered me again dominant hair cure pooped my pants when i was like five didn't want to tell anyone so i dropped it in the heater duct in my room house got sold and we moved away not long after unrelated i love when kids try to hide things they don't want anyone to find in the freaking garbage can is not the most obvious place to put it i would make animal tails out of paper tape them to my butt then pretend i will said animal and run around on all fours making animal noises i did not turn out to be a furry however once when pretending to be a ringtailed lemur i prance straight into a closed glass patio door maybe that smacked the fury out of me i put countless rocks on the train tracks in hopes of derailing it filled a super soaker with rubbing alcohol and sprayed fire so basically attempted mass murder my friend and i ripped and stole pages out of a neighbor's cosmo that had pictures of boobs i think it might have been for breast self exams we were 10 year old girls at the time and got totally busted by my parents that same friend and i got into a different neighbor's trash bags after thanksgiving and decided to sample some of their leftovers what the actual freak kids are so strange hey hey we didn't eat freaking garbage so don't call us weird [Music] when i was probably 10 i practiced my golf swing on 20 30 toads in my driveway i am over 50 now and think about it often genocide my parents used to my peel apples because kids can have trouble swallowing and chewing the skin i was upset i wasn't allowed it and when they weren't looking i took the skin out of the garbage and ate it you showed them i took a dump in a plastic bag and hid it in my closet for reasons also used to stick my wang out between the curtains of my bedroom window after bedtime when i first started getting bonus because the risk of being seen was thrilling i lived on a busy street guess i was a born exhibitionist when i was in first grade a girl wouldn't let me in her club so the next morning our teacher took away her sunglasses because she was wearing them during class during recess i snuck into the classroom and placed the sunglasses in the girl's desk then i told the teacher when we got back that i saw her take her sunglasses back during recess my teacher believed me the girl denied it the teacher pushed down her desk and the sunglasses were there she got in trouble for not only stealing but for lying about it no one ever found out it was me all along and that is just one story of why i am going to heck there was a kid named jeff that was a real butthole in fifth grade and i went to the bathroom and wrote frick jeff on the bathroom door and a grown-up actually fell for it or didn't give a crap because jeff was a dong either way he went down for it growing up in the 80s every time i swore my parents threatened to wash my mouth out with a bar of soap i got tired of hearing it so the next time they made the threat i went to the bathroom came back with a bar of soap and with a smile on my face proceeded to scrub my mouth with it can't make it a punishment if i enjoy it this has the same energy as breaking all the dishes the first time you're asked to scrub them so that you never have to do the dishes again my stepmom was abusive to me so when she'd fall asleep i'd say mean things to her hoping she'd hear it in her dreams more stupid than fricked up this is cute and sad i put liquid soap on my siblings toothbrushes for april fools because i read about it as a prank somewhere i took my holidays very seriously i did this to myself when i was around four because we were out of toothpaste my friend and i hid underneath the desk during a fire drill in second grade we both got an african buck that day my mom was pee not sure duck and cover works for fires threw two big bags of hamster bedding through my fan and acted like a news forecaster and acted like it was snowing and parents woke up to my room being covered in over an inch of bedding needless to say i didn't own the hamster anymore this one made me laugh hardcore then wonder what happened to the hamster i don't know if it would be considered freaked up but my brother and i made homemade darts drawn push pins the pins used to hold dress shirts at stores and would throw them at each other they would stick in our skin and wiggle and we would laugh our asses off my brothers and i figured out that if you pull the suction cup off of nerf darts you could put a push pin the colored ones for a cork board in it and would fire normally and of course we shot the crap out of each other my sister and i would ask our friends a question if they answered wrong we would be like you dumbass donkey and ride the person while making donkey noises saying walk donkey your stupid butt and so on a friend once said new york was the capital of the states and we freaking rode him for half an hour lots of dead animals and stories about poop and this is what you bring to the party when i was little i'd ask for a bowl of ice cream and wait for it to melt then dunk my big toe in it and suck it off my toe man what the frick tried to look at the sun with a magnifying glass edit my retina is fine it immediately hurts so i flinched pretty quick i was looking at leaves and crap up close and was amazed at the level of detail that's when i got the bright no pun intended idea to look at the sun stereo vision is overrated anyway [Music] when i decided i was done playing my dolls my brother and i hung them on the dartboard and used them for practice my friends and cousins would come over and we'd shoot darts at the doors it was a good time my cousins lived off a pretty major street growing up we would put logs in the road for cars to run over because it would make a loud sound like a gunshot went off when it hit the bottom of their car we did this for a while until the motorcycle almost ran over it and we realized how dangerous it was kind of relate to the queen song i had a nanny with an enormous butt and i snuggled up to it regularly and she apparently saw nothing wrong with it who knows maybe it was her idea i was too young to really pay attention anyway i like butts as an adult go figure replace my mom's sugar with salt on oral falls in time for her morning coffee she was separated but not divorced and teetering on the edge trying to make it work for her kids as she took her first sip we giggled and shouted april fool and she burst into tears i am still sorry i did that we were so clueless she did not deserve our stupidity give yourself a break you were a kid who pulled a harmless prank it sucks that your mom was having such a rough time but kids don't see that stuff my friends and i used to walk around shooting windows out with bb guns this progressed to shooting people until one person threatened to call the police and our families found out i feel horrible about it now kids really are buttholes when i was five i had hair down to my butt i was tired of my mom brushing it so i cut it all off and peed on it in a bucket i stole my dead maternal grandmother's 30k engagement ring and lost it on the playground when i was six years old while my parents were losing the house i liked holding shiny things and i forgot about it we were basically almost homeless because of what i did dark thoughts not quite as drastic but one time my mom left two or three hundred dollars from her paycheck on the counter i grabbed it put it in a little toy box i had and buried in the yard of our duplex apartment when she asked where it went i had a scavenger hunt for us i forgot where i buried it we decided to become a foster family dads at work moms at the grocery 16 year old me is home alone when dss makes a fateful call i sound exactly like my dad so they thought i was him we've got an 18 month old boy do you want him we said we'd be a foster family for you so yeah sure we want him great he'll be there in 30 minutes called dad at office said we need some stuff at the grocery that wasn't on mom's list can you bring it home what do we need so bad it can't wait diapers and that's the fricked up way i told my dad about his new son when i was around seven i crap in a cup and gave it to my brother who was in high school to eat it and told him it was chocolate popcorn a long story short he did not eat it did something similar i crap and pee in a bottle of iced tea to make it look like iced tea before i gave it to my sister she threw it out immediately i also used to wipe crap on the walls when my parents got divorced then penciled myself black one day in eighth grade before they suspended me i was a rebel child who hated everything when i was five i saw my brother laying on the floor since i am a professional username i decided to pee all over my brother lympheo my little [ __ ] brother one time took a crap and threw it at me when i was like six and he was three if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: AskReddit Is Fun
Views: 781
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, messed up, fricked up, messed up things i did, childhood, kids, crazy
Id: vXwOoM6Sn2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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