Hiring Manager, Who Was Perfect Until You Googled Them?

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hiring managers of reddit what's your favorite they were perfect until we googled them story about six years ago we were hiring a new attorney at my law firm on the day of the interviews one of our assistants started checking the prospective candidates bar records the state bar website provides each lawyer's disciplinary history which is a pretty important bit of information to check and i can't figure out why no one bothered checking them before they invited candidates to interview it turns out that one of the guys coming that morning for an interview had a disciplinary record and had previously been suspended for sea possession use my boss had his assistant call the guy and try and cancel the interview but he had already left to come in apparently we had his home number and not a cell phone my boss decided that he was obviously not going to hire this guy so he had me conduct the interview instead he didn't want to have him come all the way in and then tell him immediately that we wouldn't be hiring him the sad thing is that the guy's resume was impeccable and he genuinely knew our practice area he really would have been a great addition to the firm were it not for his inability to have kept his nose clean i should clarify that it is not literally my law firm but is instead the law firm at which i am employed i do not make the hiring decisions tl dr hired a psychopath arsonist who was in the middle of a crime spree oh man finally a thread i have a good story for i run a sales team and one of my rvp's chuck brought in a candidate that he was very enthusiastic about let's call her karen chuck in a previous role went up against karen and deals all the time and said that karen always pulled the deal out from him that she'd be a major asset i met karen thought she was nice but certainly didn't find her to be the typical quota killer but chuck was excited and i tried to give my rvp's a lot of rope so i checked a few references and did income verification which all checked out background check was fine too fast forward to karen's first day i immediately knew something was off she was frantic running around the office barefoot wearing her glasses on the back of her head dressed like someone out of little house on the prairie essentially not acting at all like someone who had the potential to make 500 k that year on her second day our vp of marketing walked into my office and asked me what i thought of karen i responded that i thought she seemed a little nutty but was trying to give her a shot he then asked me to google her name and the town she lived in the results to this day are still some of the best google gold i've ever seen long story short this woman was in the middle of a nasty divorce her husband was living with a family friend and she tried to burn down the family friend's house in retaliation for letting him stay there and had been arrested for attempted arson this didn't pop on the background check as it happened a couple weeks prior to her starting in addition to the arrest the husband was granted a restraining order this was enough grounds to terminate her but it got better three evenings prior to her first day with our company she violated her restraining order and broke into her husband's car that she filled with ripped up photos of them and a number of decapitated stuffed animals and doused his car in gasoline she was arrested again for this act and then placed on house arrest with a gps monitor it turns out that she removed the monitor to come to work which shielded in yet another arrest but that wasn't until after i terminated her employment was hiring a dj for our wedding went to a wedding expo and entered a few free drawings won a 50 off coupon for a newer dj company money was tight quick google of the company checked out semi-decent website with what seemed like legit reviews decide to go with the company a lot of vendors require half payment for booking and half upon completion so we cut the check a few weeks later the company makes the local news for double booking clients taking money and not showing up setting up at weddings but being completely trashed and rude and abusive call the owner he attempts to assure me that it was his business partner who he has now cut ties with wants to reassure me that everything will be great so he meets with us on a weekly basis and goes over every detail of the wedding and what music is being played when he actually called me to come to a local bar every now and then before the wedding even gave him the chance on a very short leash and a newly read assigned contract that specifically stated he would reimburse and pay for emotional damages if he failed to show everything turned out great and it was one of the best nights of my life i was hiring a nice help desk agent his cv was great and he interviewed really well but i noticed a three-year gap in his employment history a quick google turned up that he had just done three years in prison for making and distributing kdp he did not get the job i used two surnames names my legal name and my father's old performing name googling my legal name gets basically nothing except my grandfather's obituary and some volunteer recognition stuff for some work i've done in the past unfortunately my other name which is attached to my email so i imagine employers google it comes up with the following statement something mean about notch being a little bee edited to this instead of the exact phrase because it turned out i'd basically just exposed myself damn it google and your skynetways i don't remember making this statement ever i'm not saying it isn't in character with who i was when i was younger but goddamn why is that something that google calls up it's not like i don't have plenty of other stuff mostly volunteer related stuff that google could be selecting but that phrase has haunted me for years now it's like google is trying to shame me i just googled that exact phrase by putting it in quotes and it came up with exactly one result google still cached it though you deleted it [Music] girl told me she had a dui from years ago no biggie we all make mistakes turns out she assaulted the arresting officer so that little dui turned out to include an assault and resisting arrest not a hiring story but aunt works for a school there was a tech guy that worked there he was nice fixed computers typical guy she gets a message from the school that he has been fired but he never had any direct contact with students so there shouldn't be any needed action and the last bit was surprising so she googled him turns out he was caught a state over freaking a farmer's cows while his friend videotaped resultantly they didn't want him working near kids sort of tangentially related long story short i was trying to convince someone i'd met that someone could google them and find out they had worked for amway and that it would look bad to provide an example i googled their name and found something worse long version met this guy in a college class who was a bit awkward but seemed like he had a good head on his shoulders nice enough just weird worked at kfc while going to school and loved the place always talked about it and about how he wanted to go into marketing for them odd but whatever couple years later i'm in kfc and he's there behind the counter i ask him what's up and he starts telling me about how money was tight and he wasn't able to finish his college education yet conversation turns a bit and suddenly it goes from money is tight yeah i'm making a bunch right now with my own business i make a mental note of that odd shift but act nice and he hands me an amway business card oh no normally i would be offended if someone tried to drag me into their amway business but this guy was so i don't know simple isn't quite the right word but simple that i felt bad for him i had his email on the business card which was a very juvenile email address to have on a business card so i put together an email i spent an hour also informing him of what amway was and how i knew he valued his employment at kfc so he shouldn't be handing out business cards on the job i kept phrasing and rephrasing things trying to be nice about it trying to be helpful without being pushy i got to a part where i said something like and what happens if in the future you're looking for a job and someone googles your name or your email address then finding amway may not look good on you then to provide an example i googled his name diddleregistry i tried googling a software developer i was interviewing but he had such a generic name i couldn't track him down when he mentioned that a recent career break was to stand in a local government election we found a semi-public facebook feed full of xenophobic and antisemitic posts these included photoshopped pictures of angela merkel in a nazi uniform and posts encouraging people not to eat at foreign muck indian takeaways there were several local news articles highlighting his horrible xenophobic social media activity he was also quoted as saying when i get elected and i'm in power i'll show them worst of all was the news article containing his unsolicited abusive rant of the mother of kidnapped child madeline mccann a software developer who doesn't like indians he is going to have an interesting career tangentially related i rent out a couple of rooms in my house on occasion i'll see people in local subreddits asking about finding a room for rent pro tip if you're using your in-depth account to look for a room for rent avoid keeping the following types of posts in your post history responding primarily to nswp posts especially if you're posting lots of creeper messages i don't care if you're gay but posting ridic personals for daily random hookups as a power bottom doesn't make for a good roommate my front door isn't revolving if reading your post history feels like a guide on how to be in butthole you should probably rethink your behavior really nice clean-cut young man from the nearby college applies in my shop sweet friendly outgoing and smart he was perfect until we googled him he had a last name that was the same as a girl i had gone to school with so i googled his name found his facebook and discovered that he was actually her little brother i immediately called my friend his sister and said hey your brother just applied in my shop i'm gonna hire him she said sweet free ice cream so he was perfect until i googled him and then he was even better he worked for me for two years and was a delight twist ending the applicants resume listed a bachelor's master's and doctorate degree when googling the candidate i found another version of his resume this version listed a bachelor's degree master's degree abd and phd abd during his interview i asked him point blank if he had successfully defended a masters and doctorate level dissertation something i ordinarily would not ask sure enough he never even attempted a master's dissertation and was unable to complete his doctoral dissertation did not hire i'm not a hiring manager but at my last job this girl with a masters in education got hired for an entry-level grunt position she was absolutely horrible constantly complained about other co-workers and started crap all the time i was wondering why someone who taught special education would want to work in insurance as it turns out she was arrested for hooking up with a 17-year-old student shortly after she had gotten married her aunt and cousin are successful people at the same company i'm assuming they got her the only job she could get that wasn't minimum wage frick you rachelle you freaking creep a couple of years ago there was a story in the news about a canadian ex-prisoner but i am unable to find it now to paraphrase from memory this guy had been sentenced for organizing a drug ring after his release he was completely open on his cv about his past and his conviction and pointed out how difficult and challenging it was to do all the drug trade organizing he had been doing and all the skills that he needed to do that and all the things he had learned from doing that job and that he is therefore highly qualified to do any job involving organization management logistics he was immediately hired the story sparked a tiny bit of outrage in the media guy flew down to houston for an internal interview meaning a new position at the company he already works for interview goes very well afterwards he goes out to lunch on the company diamond then flies home he submitted an expense report for this lunch as well as his flights rental car etc this is all very standard until the interviewer who is the one to approve said expense report cz listed mary's steakhouse it is supposedly in the area but she has never heard of this restaurant where her potential new employee racked up a 150 lunch tab so she googles it mary's steakhouse is apparently the name of a local strip club the guy not only didn't get the job he nearly lost his job and obviously his company did not reimburse him for his lunch bill he is also banned from traveling for the company for two years and his boss must now scrutinize all his expense reports tldr don't try to get your employer to pay for lap dances seemed like a nice young man very polite hard-working and quiet didn't find out until other employees complained that he had dodged a murder wrapped by reason of insanity and was recently deemed fitter rejoined society apparently the case was a pretty high profile one as well his contract was not renewed i work on wall saint one woman we were interviewing showed up a solid 40 minutes late for the interview toting a big huge jumbo size soda and a bag of fast food and admitted with a big smile that she was late because she had to have her fast food you know how it is she hadn't gotten lost her watch hadn't broken nope she made it clear that she just took her time at burger king when my boss made it clear that she wasn't even going to be considered for the job at that point she then panicked and blamed our receptionist saying that it took her a full 40 minutes to sign her in now that was a big fat lie because five minutes before she showed up i walked past reception on my way to the ladies room and she wasn't there five minutes later on my way back from the ladies room there she was at reception signing in again a solid 40 minutes late she was so late that my boss gave me the green light to show her to the elevator before he even saw her but when she tried to get our receptionist in trouble in order to cover her own butt he tore into her a bit before she headed out obligatory not a hiring manager but a few years ago i worked at a small machine shop and i had put in my two weeks notice president of the company is looking to find a replacement for me and about a week before i depart i hear her laughing hysterically she calls me over and shows me the facebook page of someone she was going to call for an interview his profile picture is his head wedged between a stripper's legs and vodka being poured into his mouth back in the day some fellow employees and i vaguely recognized one of our new colleagues but we couldn't quite put our finger on where we knew him from we decided to google him and the first result a news article detailing how our new co-worker was awaiting trial for putting fake cop lights on his car and threatening to arrest women if they didn't perform physical favors on him or give him cash on the spot he was also accused of stealing tens of thousands of dollars worth of stuff from his old job when asked about it he gleefully bragged needless to say he didn't last too long there after that well sadly this person made it past our defenses i googled her and gave my manager the absolutely freaking knot on her resume but we hired her anyway one night i walked by her computer left unlocked and saw an advert for a prostitute on some escort website upon further inspection i realized she was the prostitute homegirl had a side job so imagine how awkward it was for me to go to my manager and start a conversation with now alan i promise i wasn't looking up h however when i was a store security manager i was gonna hire this guy who was 21 years old had a ton of legal experience judging by his answers until his background check came back with like eight or nine petty larceny charges a handful of drug charges two duis a domestic assault and the kicker not only had he been arrested for larceny from our store a year before ists arted he assaulted the last security manager and threatened to respecule his wife and kids so he didn't get a call back i was a waiter at olive garden during my frick up years and there was a guy fake named jeff in the same suburb who was significantly more of a freak up we met had mutual acquaintances didn't really know each other then one time i'm hanging out with other people and they're like hey did you hear that jeff shot some dude in the balls what yeah the dude's okay but he's way harder than jeff and is probably going to kill him a few months later he comes in and applies to be a waiter at the og my bosses are like jeff says he knows you robert what can you tell us about him we're not super tight but i know i wouldn't hire him og waiter training takes two weeks towards the end of it you're given a partial section and the trainer kind of watches over it to keep you from freaking up too bad and most olive gardens are split with dining areas on each side in the kitchen in the middle you don't really have time to go back and forth you can help people on your side but not people on the other so jeff is taking tables for the first time one night and i'm on the other side of the restaurant with a larger than normal section all of a sudden he comes over to my side and he's like i got my first table uhh robert did you ever hear how i shot that guy in the balls once uh-huh that's my table he can't know i work here i don't know man can you tell the trainer but she doesn't know about the balls thing you gotta take this table for me i can't man i'm over here i got my other tables i have no clue how that resolved i was busy till i went home about two weeks later i'm not working and i don't hear about this till the next day but he works until nine or so then heads out after the restaurant closes og doesn't let employees back in or leave one at a time for security reasons about 30 minutes after close jeff and some other random guy start banging on the front door hey let us in it's just me bro and the other guy is like yeah let us in we have a gun we're gonna rob you jeff is upset and indicates this in two ways hey man don't tell them that now they're not going to open it and punches rondo in the face rondo is upset that jeff punched him and punches jeff back but because they're both on ketamine or whatever they both fall down and now they're rolling around on the ground laughing and punching each other and bleeding out of their faces the manager sent to everyone to hide in the kitchen called the cops by the time the cops got there jeff and ronda were gone the next day jeff no call no shows the day after jeff shows up to work all red up and ready to go and surprise that they're firing him i wasn't a manager but a tech supervisor so i got to sit in on the interview the guy getting interviewed was a friend of mine and my boss knew it but we acted like i didn't tell him but when you google my friend's name what you get is a video of him getting in a fight at a car show my boss found this hilarious my boss was also the perfect straight man the interview went swimmingly my boss was very professional and to the point very little small talk towards the end he asked so what would you say are some potential weaknesses i mean besides getting punched in the face i've seen pudding thinner than the air in that room my boss just stared at him then very slowly lifted his phone and opened it to the video that was already on the screen i think i broke first but we all eventually went into a fit of laughter buddy got the job not a googling story but my dad owned an insulation drywall company and even as a kid i generally knew the employees it wasn't a big company and most of them had been over our house one employee fairly new had not been yet when he did come by i believed to pick up a check or something of that nature our dog refused to let him take a step inside here stood up growling even tried to take a bite most gentle dog and had only displayed that type of aggression with one other person an old neighbor who was later arrested for battery my dad trusted her instinct looked into him a bit and found out he was stealing money from the company needless to say he was fired good dog i absolutely trusts dog's instincts um i'm not a hiring manager but i had three job interviews with a company for a decently well paid position they said that the second interview was the final interview it seems as though they waited to google me until right before offering me a position because after the second interview i got a final phone call in which the hiring manager started the conversation by quoting my character in a movie that i was in he laughed i nervously chuckled as it turns out i'm a working actor that wanted a flexible day job he then asked me if i jump ship if i booked a series regular on a tv show i said yes he laughed i didn't i ended up taking the job and got called by my character's names for the first six months i don't understand this at all years ago we didn't hire a guy because there was a local news story of a domestic violence incident with him listed as the perpetrator only a few nights before the interview we later found out that it wasn't the same person and they weren't even related we were hiring for a salesman this guy came in for an interview and he was extremely charming had excellent charisma and sold us so hard on himself it wasn't even funny he told us a hundred lies about the people he knew and the companies he has contacts with and we believed every word of it we googled him and he ended up being a serial con man he gave us a fake name and lied about everything he was in jail for many years over fraud and missed other stuff related to what he was trying to do to us he was so big he had a documentary on youtube about him and his notorious cons he was such a good salesman one of the three managers interviewing him was still wanting to hire him even after we found out the truth until we reasoned with him these are direct answers to the question but very relevant i have two incidents incident one potential employee is being interviewed by the software company i work for and is asked about relevant interests hobbies he has dude goes on to brag about a whereas city runs yes it was that long ago and how he's got a bunch of our latest games on set site interview was cut short and dude was obviously not hired incident two i worked with an east engine relevant later dude we'll call bob 10 plus years ago after a couple of years he leaves for another job or so i thought a couple of years ago i see that bob has come back bob was a cool dude so i was happy to see him and as i'm chatting with one of my old managers who also worked with me and bob 10 years ago and i mention how great it is that bob is back manager doesn't know who i'm talking about until i refresh his memory manager's face goes stone cold he tells me he has to go bob's been blacklisted he can't be here turns out bob ray applied after years using his east indian name which is how he got around being blacklisted manager obviously got him fired and removed from the premises asap but wouldn't tell me what he did to get blacklisted if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 179,619
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, hiring managers of reddit, hiring managers reddit, job interviews reddit, worst applications
Id: lfRJMKcLvtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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