EPIC STORAGE WARS BATTLE: Who "THE HALE$" Will WIN!! We Buy Abandoned Storage Units.

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after a long hard day at the storage auctions whoo what do you say man hey cheers hey Wow is yours bigger than mine you know what they say everything's smaller in Ohio well yeah if you mix that with a big everything's bigger in Texas you got a big problem there but anyway hey oh now we're rolling welcome to Grande spots guys this is a super duper duper duper duper freaking duper is anything else special episode right I just say that at the beginning of every episo-- what but this one is super special one I'll tell you why first thing it's not hot why we're not in Texas were no hi all right weather great so guys we've been driving literally all night we left what time left at 3:00 p.m. Central time 3:00 p.m. we got super-killer a minivan out to do we do our behind killer minivan we're here in Ohio why are we not for Mary for me where do you go y'all Sam I don't know where he went all right hey if y'all see on my community page I still don't like Manny that dude is completely inappropriate and I don't even want to tell anyone to say his name I don't want to give him credit I don't want to get any more freaking subscriptions his owner what's that dude's name suburban beard I think what the Hales what the Hills what Oh God we are here in Ohio not in Worcester what town are we in we're Medina all right so we drove into Worcester because that's we are yes which is actually named after general right is actually named after George because when everybody sees George they go away and then it just kind of went to Worcester but anyway we are here Jeremy just bought this unit it's kind of cool I've never been through someone's unit that I haven't really except pirates but he sent us pictures I knew exactly what was him so this one how much you guys for $200 guys I would pay 450 I think for 500 bucks I easily I think for this in taxes yes especially especially when I saw I was standing here when he was bid now psych man eyes are really gonna go that low and then like four or five units down did he leave okay you're acting Bell what's his name stores what George legends I started seeing him on your videos did y'all got him into this game to do hey guys can I tell you something real quick this is a long a long but intro no it's a long body intro but hey anyway I want to introduce you to some people we literally yo Jeremy was down there recording for another channel we're here like three months ago I never in a million years thought I'd be in Ohio talking to this dude talking George the crazy guy I said look I don't lie I still don't like the mannequin y'all y'all know that but suburban beards here hey I like this dude suburban beer we got to get into a thousand y'all stop jacking around get on there I might go live and we're just gonna stay live I don't want until you get to a thousand we got to do something I don't support a lot of channels but I do support him super nice guy even though he's a little weird he plays with dolls I still like him go subscribe suburban beard I'm not telling you to go subscribe to Manning because I think that's weird but here's fine there's etiquette to this games you don't go digging into the man's box unless you ask or a woman's ooh did you see what they did in my beard what happened I look like a kind of it's like its a mix between redneck and a leprechaun but my beard was really nice and long like yours and I said I want to keep the lengthen he cut like three inches off it oh there he is storage legends chaplain Guapo storage legends please sit in please subscribe I love these guys yeah y'all thought I was lucky this dude's 10 times black man you'll love it go there subscribe do all that good stuff so anyway let me tell you why Jeremy bought this unit I'm guessing but I'm guessing that me and his mines work a lot alike so anyway obviously right here he pointing at it alright we got a new camera lesson here hey he had to put something down he's like I gotta get serious so I did see this it does look like a 22 off the bat I did see this when he was bidding on it it's a flatware set right here this box and look they obviously took a little bit of time to cover their stuff right there's still a little bit but we still got age right so there's some good stuff in here anyway hey we're gonna start the competition here's how it's gonna work Jeremy said I get to go first so I get to pick a box so he's gonna pick a box and we're actually gonna help them load the trailer so I'm gonna pick a box I'm sure my box will be better then he's gonna pick a line box he's gonna go through it but if you want to see what's in his line box you gotta go over what the hell's because I'm not gonna show you you got a vote and so to leave a comment down below you got to watch his video then watch my video then go to the comments and let us know who won who is the best box picker so I'm just gonna Jeremy can I jump into this guy grab my box you sure alright alright hey guess pick first we say hi to George for that one first why there's no respect when Texas guys hold on let me tell you if I'll keep it if I'm gonna put it back dude it's all yours [Music] alright hey here's the dang deal I stole ID that's original I made up that here's the deal I totally made that up it's all original my channel you'll make sure to LIKE and subscribe because you're going to wait till the end to see this one so anyway we're gonna take pause we'll be back in a minute cuz Jeremy's got to pick a box alright yep alright guys so hey Jimmy just picked his box and/or his item and it wasn't very impressive so go to what the hell's and see it anyway hey I think I'm just gonna go to this unit I don't want the dirty tubs or do I want the toughs back here did they put the good stuff in the back I usually find Jeremy what do you think George yeah all day there's some cases back there man I almost want to go after that but I kind of want to go through a tub what do you think you call it [Music] alright alright here we go yeah bill you ready see what it is is it in here what's it labeled oh you saw it so here's the deal you saw my first pick you don't get to see that til the end of the video but here's my second pick one two and three oh it's all in there brand-new the Chargers even in there that's the hard price would you put on it uh durable I don't know yeah I was gonna say 30 2530 but you could be right i don't know - i'm not that big on tools but nice nice nice alright guys so hey we gotta keep moving the sun's going down so it's Jeremy's turn remember you gotta go to this channel if you wanna see what he's big and so we'll be right back we're going oh yeah alright hey so here's the thing deal Jeremy sucks again but I can't show you and I can't tell you any more about it you're gonna have to go to the channel see but that last box was it was interesting he may seem a lot more interesting than it was I think or or I could be lying and just trying to get you to vote for me right now he could have just found out Rolex I don't know I'm not gonna tell you because I'm hoping that you'll stay here and vote for me anyway so they phoned a friend yo that's how desperate they were they had a phone a friend and then they're come friends yes they did so that was the stack right here and they phone us at top middle or bottom and you went with bottom right Road with bottom so technically this is this was middle that one was the top yes so he said the middle Jeremy no no he said the bottom you want with the bottom one with the bottom so I was thinking this might be the rest of kitchen stuff because hey long story short I ain't doing them all right I'm going with this one cuz you went with the bottom so I'm not I'm going with a different stack different strategy and I'm going top not bottom ready first of all I got a question for everybody this is the cooler after you do you know what this is [Applause] see yeah you see the strategy hey just go ahead go to what the hell's Channel and check out their video just to see how this is the I don't know hey check it out what yours is from seventies it yeah this should be seventy anyway it's all filmed all I'm gonna say I'm gonna guess 78 I've sold a lot of these I'm guess 78 look it up tell me if I'm wrong because y'all like to do this sometimes Vanessa you're wrong it's 84 uh does that enroll xbox is that my role in sports Jamie I think I picked the right Bunch bug hey listen if you want to just if you want to just tell me I want right now we don't need do the rest of things maybe bigger in Texas but we go harder we go home this is probably a game - right very similar dominoes all right yeah what else do we have in here I really wanna see what's in this box down here let's try not to break J stuff what are these sound boarders no these are legs - something that a coin collection oh that's kind of cool though I don't know if I can get it out of here all right so check this out sounds like some kind of like either marble or granite chessboard it's got the pieces yeah it's got all the pieces oh yeah so that's pretty nice if I had a transfer tub I would take this out on top of it and show you I'm trying to slow down because I got a lot of comments ten miles per hours anyway so look there's some random electronics in here what is this Sony oh it's the DirecTV they can't really do much with that hey check that out what y'all know about that man I remember when these things first came out and they upgraded from the tapes and I used to try to put these in my pocket but they hadn't quite hit the shock resistance crap yet so you saw when I was training for the Marine Corps boot camp I surrounded discipline in my pockets it actually was hey so anyway hey I got three good games I got those games I got a really nice polished stone or marble chest chest it looks like all the pieces are in there cuz it looks like they put them in baggies anyway some miscellaneous electronics so anyway I'm pretty sure I'm winning Starbucks or [Laughter] so hey I think I think I am that's why we got to get back to Jeremy and give him another shot so he feels better about himself and we'll be right back yeah all right we're ready all right so here's the deal I'm pretty sure I'm still winning he did find a little bit better he's got a little bit better at his job since I've been here but anyway so I'm not going for a tub this time because I feel like I'm ahead in value and all's I need to do is keep stacking on value and taking a less risk possible so I'm just gonna grab my item that I know is worth money to add value to my pickings and so we've done one of the biggest auctions in Texas yeah we sold clocks for thousands of dollars yep and so I'm gonna take this clock even though it looks like it needs a little repair look the Eagles in it the pendulums in there okay King can you zoom in on that one okay I can't see it on my glasses on hey guess what I know my glasses are around my neck people right I've had so many comments like hey man I've got so dumb he can't see his glasses right well look at him zoom in there you go I'm using them sparingly people I just spent like 400 bucks order a new pair two new pair so anyway I'm taking the clock look the stoppers in here for there okay you got the two the two spindles that go inside and you got the Eagle and the pendulum so it looks like it's all there so I'm gonna do a little research on this I'll update it in the video but I'm pretty sure adding this to my value I'm definitely kicking I just want to add one thing to this did you see this here broke you see this here mouse turds everywhere you see all of garbage complete and total garbage you want to see who's really winning come over here come here okay look the piece that he was pointing out where is it up it's down there so you read the middle by the Eagle that pieces he's a term he was crying about can I fix that yeah baby make it look better than new hey so check it out we probably maybe just added four or five hundred dollars worth of value to our stack so I feel really bad for him so we're gonna let him go [Applause] all right this is a close match no doubt would you agree Helena I'm killing him and why don't why don't we this for our last toe why don't we both just open up at the same time in let's see who's got the most money you ready yeah let's do it all right you sure you don't want to trade I'll give you I mean a gallon yeah I mean were you thinking I felt like this is something I don't know all right so account free we're gonna do the same all right let's go one two three you got towels oh ah I got cutting boards I I'm not going any further maybe down over here antique Corningware antique warning we're right there yeah look at that I don't know what Mesa is but it says something else look at that okay okay huh we got that's garbage that actually is pure garbage okay well we definitely have glassware huh yep not bad not bad alright listen no way how much do you think that tells worse Oh easily easily a hundred thousand really if I send it back with you to sell it okay wow man that's that's a I'm trusting a lot of pressure i speaking of i'm taking a break right now if you have not registered for the what the hell's online auction I don't know what the hell's you waiting for because it's been up for like three days you can register right now so if you want to own a piece of whatever the heck he's sending back when we're doing an unboxing of the truck I don't want to know the registrations up you can register to bid right now on George and Jeremy's what the hell's truckload of what the hills why don't we just call it the hailstorm this tub here yeah easily five dollars okay Jacob ropeway come on my shows the rest of the winning tub do I continue to show the beers how to win we googled these speakers and tell me how much this is worth Oh baby we do that I'm not trying to rub it in no no no it's okay but I'm trying to you're selling that's right so check it out hey surround sound speakers they're in very nice condition ss - msp1 look those up not only do we have the speakers hey so here's the deal this is the first scene you'll have seen us do together this is kind of how the whole thing's gone all day I'm just letting you know that and if you want to see the rest make sure you jump over here look at this does it look like it's got all the knobs buttons it's it's crispy pretty nice job that's pretty nice really it's Christine Toshiba good one that might was probably the middle and we always like it when we find the remote right Sony and Toshiba that's nice so that's almost a little Sony get up and I did see a Sony remote on the other box in case that didn't go to the ER needs to go to one of these I just want to remind everybody that I gave him the opportunity to actually switch totes so sure smart enough any difference but if you want to see all the rest of the job you got that confused look in your Hey you know what I've learned in YouTube so [Laughter] hey look I'll let the video speak for themselves the viewers yeah check it out you all go to Grimes fines yeah and let us know seriously let us know vote on his Grimes fine go ahead and put on his comments hashtag Grimes file and go over to my video and put a hashtag Grimes fun or hashtag what the halo think what the Hales hey that's it I'm speaking y'all now my subscribers who probably came from them this is a really awkward thing so anyway hey guys hey we I don't carry one this is just been cool it's been fun hey I would tell you this I want to thank you again cuz right we talked you know one chap we talk everyday a private jet but you we got new to youtubers here to fry words legends the one and only husband I honestly great friends good people to know good vibes this is what we do every single day absolute addicts and I'm happy to have you here subscribe it will tell you more times my man hey he's got problems slightly I might hey let's restore his love right now no sir I actually have done a lot of column I've got home I've got 10 on Suburban beers first counseling session it's right here y'all who you love me no this is the house well here's 20 stop it here's your 20 that's pretty good that's for two sessions Manny he needs 20 he's a two-for-one deal got husband furrow you take that and purchase something for the mannequin wait wait hey suburban beard y'all please seriously he's almost to a thousand subscribers y'all we got to get him to a thousand subscribers he is almost there a good content good people he just needs to get that break like we got the break from them they're getting the break from them I literally like it just so I'll go I came out here and Jeremy and George are literally filming for new youtubers that's just cool to me anyway last thing I got we are doing a 10,000 subscriber push where it like 70 100 right now we really started YouTube what three months ago three months ago we had less than a hundred subscribers we're at 70 100 right now let's get to ten thousand by Sunday we got killer bees how I know hold up you can't join sorry I just couldn't I keep surreal and when I asked that question did you hear all the giggling which meant like yeah right that ain't gonna happen and then they went to be supportive so here's the joke we're gonna show these guys we can do a three thousand subscriber push by Sunday I'm gonna do a video tomorrow to show you the easiest way to do that but anyway hey we love you thank you make sure to go to all my feature channel subscribe like hit their bills what else isn't it y'all got anything any final words for our people and you guys absolutely Ohio welcomes Texas any time y'all come to date we will once what the hell's gets going I'm riding the hills is trailer we're coming down oh hey I forgot one more thing we got to do where's the head is it at the hotel it's at the house oh we're doing a giveaway for this video and I gotta get y'all to sign it we could do that tonight on a hey hey hey we'll do it tonight I'll get them to sign it but we're giving out a San Francisco 49ers hat and it belongs to a special one oh hey a special someone left it in my house and they always want to clown around with me so much I'm about to have it signed and I'm giving it away your boy storage stalker left his San Francisco's hat up in my son's room and now it's getting signed and given away so if you don't want a piece of storage Dockers memorabilia signed by the Hales all right we'll see you the next year we forgot something right cuz that's how we do it we don't edit I just gotta come back in and tell you real quick how about I kick Jerry's but how much was it you can well 1 a set of 4 and you have a set of 5 sold on eBay for $50 for they're just a little speaker yeah just when I talked about the end so hey he said it was worth 5 so that's like already a 10 times more so anyway hey I just had to come back in and for real this time I'll see you the next year ok hey for us where did the Lord above this will be the last tank for this video right so anyone I totally forgot that I didn't show you this right man all right so hey this is for us we're to the Lord above this is the last clip for this video I will not be back maybe so anyway hey this is the icing on the top look oh man oh there's something in there oh oh what is it oh my gosh man that dude so weird oh so this is Rogers is it plated yes yes it is plated but hey it's still a really really nice set like this right and this is actually its own eita so it's plated but it's still a very nice set probably hundred fifty bucks so anyway I cleaned it up but anyway hey I just wanted to come back in and really really really really just put the nail in the coffin on Jeremy and this did it so y'all can go watch this channel if you want to go watch it just subscribe to me okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 14,016
Rating: 4.9536233 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, Grimes finds, what the hales, Jeremy hales, life storage, $7000 storage unit, pirate booty auction
Id: z3IuB4EOAL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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