I FOUND A ROLEX, DIAMONDS & GOLD! Abandoned Storage Unit! Storage Wars | Lunkers TV | What The Hale$

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oh my gosh please Wow via Rawlings Rolex are you serious alright guys welcome to another episode of Grom spawns this is the 10 by 20 that we paid four hundred and thirty bucks with that you saw yesterday that we started digging through where we found this safe and all the jewelry the gold is silver that we did with lunker's TV and my buddy what the hell so check this out man junior here bright and early look at this guy it was sunny and like 70 yesterday and they're saying it's possibly gonna snow tomorrow but that's Texas it's bipolar as I am so check it out we got two units they're actually 210 by tens we paid four hundred thirty bucks for both units right they sold it as a ten by twenty same owner so check it out me and gene are gonna unlock this and I'm gonna show you around I'm a pan around both rooms and then we're gonna get back at it and see what else we find here I back you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] alright guys so there's your pan around check it out so I'm gonna go in here and get all of that stuff that we already saw look we've probably been through about 20% of the boxes that's in that unit in this unit and what we found was phenomenal actually I'm hoping we find a lot more of the Asian statues and things like that but or is it oriental or you know yeah I got yellow so different maybe look bronze for me let's get some stuff out the team is on their way Katie Jacob and Diego or on their way out here what we're gonna do is we're gonna film the rest of this unit for you real quick and then we're gonna go meet up with our buddies lunker Stevie and what the hell to do another unit so anyway just stay tuned let me get this cleaned up and we'll show you the best of the best beer bag all right guys welcome back don't do that hey check it out so we got this stuff out come out here so we got this stuff out here the trucks gonna be here in a minute and I try to get it in stacks like just pop it on the dolly pop it on the truck you'll see over here you aren't gonna believe what I do with this it was in the video I know I think it was a perfect video so we were standing around and we shut this and all the coins are in here and just out of natural habit I spun the dang safe and now you can't get it open now my coins are literally locked in the safe now why did I do that probably break those up but here's some of the jewelry and stuff we found the Tiffany boxes I'm hoping we found what goes in those just go through those oh the Chinese coins yeah and that was the collectibles so let's go in so we have verified this lady thought she was a witch yeah we already took one box outside but this is with witchy crafts look this one says wizards so this was a witch's unit who had any idea that witches were such like big stars things yeah did you know I know I know Donna dial stars but look there's this and then over in the next unit I'm not gonna show it to you now but there's a big something now star something that looks like some kind of display or something but who knew witches and wizards like the devil so they like the dolls all right interesting all right we're gonna pop this one open I don't know that we're gonna go through much of it and I will tell you right now all the witchcraft books they're going on the trash Gina wants to have a seance over the bow all right so what do we got in here hey witchcraft I didn't know they use chopped I don't know we're gonna do you know what we're gonna add which eat crap so maybe it's crafting yo but we found with those so y'all ago you just say he's wrong no really oh yeah so look we're books witchy Wicca spells okay move maggots maggots I didn't moon maggot weren't the moon has maggots the names episode moon makes noon maggots it's fun to say one two three moon maggots alright alright check it out so hey this might actually just been crafting stuff yeah I'm not gonna go through this too much look there's your spell sand okay or it's just to make stuff look shells punch in ice shelves I'm not gonna open all this guys this is probably a box of like lizard Rob all the tongues or something we did find the snakeskin last night we did find skin divination more witch stuff man she was serious about Italy she was organized which I'm joking I'm moving Frankfurt is still alive maybe she crossed the other side let's see I do a lot of emo and because okay I think this lady thought she was charts made your lover's chariot strength gap this is our witchcraft yeah so I guess it was a business no not mean alright let's check it out fishy what do you think Eric fishes oh these are cool these little canisters yeah it's a very expensive stamp so check it out what we got here so that's obviously gonna be a bigger one I'm not gonna wrap all this up guys we'll look it's about the same yeah actually that no this one actually feels like it's gonna be a cookie Joe that's probably good yeah yes a cookie jar see we got fishies yeah alright that's good no tub that's close balls first freaking thing I find their balls Oh little decanter lids one glass oh they're stoppers are they wine Stoppers look it's AG this lady had nice stuff you know what they say about witches they got nice stuff that's what they say now that's working there and say after this video little skull glass skull see what we got over here oh that's kind of cool you see I can alright sculpt stuff actually sells really well this is a little candle brawl a candle bra close I know like older glasses hand-blown mm-hmm looks little chips little chigger bites on the top oh right here oh it's a hookah oh see or says hookah bros but where's the dang oh I guess it goes on here yeah I guess that works alright so you definitely got to do some hookah curious listen you know that's the other candle bro I don't want to unwrap all of this guy's cuz the team's about to be here man that's all yeah I reckon like two centuries ago when they admitted the oh I was like yeah that's here ooh that's nice what's that sticker say can't read it tan made glass that's cool that's really pretty very pretty okay oh it's just a fedora y'all hey man why you throwing your own stuff around like that because it's my sorry okay see you know I know you're too close I'm about to get ready to get hated on cuz every time I turn around you hit me Oh haven't it happened yesterday once yesterday okay well that's a lot made in Poland that's crystal very pretty okay yeah this is gonna be a good auction and see what else again here oh that's right oh yeah it's nothing so talk to something else it's pretty hmm I really don't want to unwrap this but it's I'm kind of intrigued you know that is yeah cranberry glass 8 1 yes 81 all right Dave on to huh she did she like Dave on that's like the part of a lamp all right guys so I'm not gonna go through any more of this tub because we're going to wrap that back up which means time and time is what many oh hey look doilies doilies hot look Harley doilies I'm jokin I did find these I'll show you all these these were packed for thought actually I didn't even wrap it I think I know what this is we saw okay let me get on the other side that's weird guess it's a racing shirt are they made out of the car oil fabric it's no but that's pretty sick yeah Smirnoff so that's gonna cool there's a little ladies Cubs Jersey and there was this um I might be not excited about this is definitely older see riders it's 1994 but it's a easy riders like midriff shirt this is the first annual easy riders rodeo that's got to be collectible yeah we're looking at something um you were you were going over here look like hanker Chester they could be some older ones the kids still reflect well yeah look Native American are they silk are they just regular [Applause] harley-davidson there's another there's one I yeah these are just kind of older little native-american prints here's a suicide with prod crafted in American my America all right look doilies doilies for once this guy gets a doily 19 can't read it contains gonna say 70 maybe 60 70 problem I looked all sheets in here oh cool oh she said look Charlie there's Linus named Lanna sir - why no miss the train yeah line although check it out the holes look these are actually they smell clean the whole sets in there you got the what do you call that thing is that it fitted fitted sheet done fitted and you got okay that's a whole block yeah that's a really cool where's all the jewelry which lady looks oh you have it have you gotten to the Wizards yet no this next Wizards is next you see the witch where if I open this up I'm like chicken legs all right look look down here we got a bunch of books yeah I will check all in this you know what when I get back so that's one thing I was telling lunker's was that to use transfer tubs yeah do not just let's do the top of the box or soon to dump it out yeah go through the whole thing so y'all be looking forward to more videos with lunker's TV mayhem were texting last night and we are going to be doing a lot of videos we're going to be actually doing a partnership kind of deal but we're working out the details that Bo so we probably will be seeing them a lot the probably become good friends of us I already like them super yeah it's a nice guy super humble dude it's just a full experience before looking forward to the future all right maybe this is actually just wizard statues wizard stuff cells what is this all right pulling it out laughs that looks like a castle Oh ah so it's literally Wizards yeah Holden's a little crystal ball that Marilyn yeah like the dead I thought those broke it's not that's just his skull that's pretty cool yeah all right so we've got a whole box of wizards I think we got a wizard castle little battery-operated a fountain for our bucks yeah 4:30 we already promised you we found that gold oh yeah yeah it's already been paid for with yeah got a fountain we should put a little Shrek figure in there and paint this thing red yeah that's really heavy look it's a wizard incense burner five minutes with that crystal my lucky that is that pewter yeah that's metal looks like pewter actually looks like painting metal but look at that look there's a little wizard in there I can't see from this angle how cool is that you see mr. wizard he's in the ball he's in the ball that's pretty cool that is really cool look here's another castle dragon thing I don't know why I find it so cool that's pretty cool last thing we got down here but these have little figures that you may be put on the castle huh another wizards oh man the dragon got his hand uh hey Merlin the jacket around oh yeah let's see these are Peter these are for sure Peter all these a unicorns you think Sophie wants it she might she sure does love you too my little niece oh look more unicorns oh and an angel on it cuz those go together right hey you look a pewter like little Merlin that's what these are for big Stan what is it put it back in the box yeah look I bet all of these probably go in their stands Booya that is cool that's really cool so we're actually probably sell this is a lot and put all these fill it up with Peter wizards and Dragons and stuff but that'd be freaking awesome alright guys so hey here's an idea let me get this cleaned up now that we've done the wizard box yeah there's a lot of these yeah a little geode that's really cool y'all alright so hey let me get this packed up get this out way get these boxes we've already seen we'll come back and do some more unboxing with you bareback alright guys we are back so I got all these tubs out it was all holiday stuff I'm gonna show you what I did you don't think I'm cheating so you saw all that stuff close there's actually some pretty good stuff in there but look you don't want to see that job so check it out I believe that look with the next box this silver what that's awesome yeah so it's not means silver plate you check that out and now that's awesome okay let's take it out here in the line hopefully the team should be rolling up any minute Coco curry yeah it's not Soviets not summer dang it why'd you lie to me lady hey do the right thing you're gonna lose you unit put silver plate on the box it's not silver maybe the heard it was silver maybe she was like hey this isn't so silver plated okay handcrafted hand inspected international silver company that's play they're like man this one's so cheap come on one real piece of silver this is false advertising and our silver companies that's probably plated and yeah yeah Oh cute little napkin holder the electroplated still super d-pod never get excited tall looking buff and fur just get let down that's Rogers it's so named brainstuff yeah nice but you know what if we're being honest if you go in any oh you can find this stuff all this I like these even if they're plated these are great you polish this up this will look amazing yeah that's really pretty huh so right here silver plate but still think about imagine that all polished up that's how you serve you're freaking cool later big that's right just drink it that's right it's still really pretty stuff it is pretty really good sellable stuff okay let's just go back in we still got that unit to go through look nice and full all right so this one says sculls is allotting okay right here yeah boys I can get behind you that's right [Laughter] skull skull stuff actually sells I was hoping it was oh look it's another dragon please don't throw it oh let's call here I already feel peace down here it's upsetting me it's got totally neat oh look at this look even further down look at this that is very very very close lock baby dragon and daddy dragon she's about to bust somebody up probably shred yeah that's probably the donkeys kid right there you think there maybe that's really cool y'all checked it out felt a piece of you what was it tail I was little pretty good I'm gonna find out what's that great that looks like rock maybe it came off the skull I don't know we'll find out where that little bit yes keep him retina that's pretty good look here : fucking oh it lights up see it works oh look I do you see it see that well right there you can see a little bit of it with the little dots there's like little LED lot dots in there that's pretty cool yeah yeah this is a really good unit the death was the death look at all the black floating around oh yeah it's kind of crazy oh man I was freakin 25 bucks 25 up in Canada 30 30 in Canada gets people her control jammed air bring it over charging Oh was that a candy ball there my weight mm-hmm that is the candy bowl I'll lose this punch bowl little punch glasses oh the punch bowl goes up here yeah I think if the candy dish that is yes well skull water skull its glass hey that's kind of cool though look at the wig oh that's a candle yeah one of those gel cameras yeah but look it looks like there's smoke in there okay no it smells like what's that smell what's that smell it smells like black licorice it does yes that is a good here they are oh man let's see if Jacob can make it back here I hope sis don't see better he better make it back nigger let's just watch Justin's face to see who's Harrison he's actually better than his dad David Brecht to the truck multiple times times [Music] alright hey guys so hey check it out that was the end of that box we're gonna take a break I'm gonna give them the update on what they're gonna be doing and where they're parking and all that good stuff we'll be right back alright guys so we are back we're gonna check out what clay pots it says antique fin and might be vintage 1980 oh yeah like this alright look that's totally eighties that's totally a nice little pastel action stand I love that style right try that out look they put a new plug on it - that's a newer plug I think I would assume that's a newer plug it's like not new new but this looks newer than the fan so it looks like they may rewired it which is gonna tell me hopefully the motor motor is not burned out in that sucker works that's a great freakin fit because they're good fin this is the model on it we could show them look ya'll I looked it up y'all tell me not in the chitchat down in the comments what do you think this is I just went Kermit model 9 4 6 4 6 - d9 TN you look that up for me if you would I can't wait I love it there alright so are we done with the book alright so hey we're not gonna bore you with [Music] so I like this box already yep little fix or little coat hanger yeah sure so exactly hey you two knock it off all right we gotta go boxes first it's a big old sculptures ready one two birthday cards oh she's that lady she left money in there she says she's that lady I don't know how witches do it looks like she was the person that took the money out let's look back in her older life maybe she wasn't maybe in her old a lot she was like super wealthy sad I'll get that later like this like this I take all my money out of birthday cards you're the one that doesn't do all right there might be Church that hey look it's thing one Fame I look at denim starjetter jacket oh yeah oh dear Martha Graham Sierra pants yeah but those are still the dirty drawers listen there will knickknacks hello is bugs teeth will hat I look look there's some money in here right click it is that Zippos to Zippos so yeah Zippo brand I like that little pinstripe blue room that's Pitt Pisces I'm serious you're nothing Hey look I found thing - all right it ain't right let's get to things jewelry really yeah a nice look ice trays look wears trays of jewelry until it's like vintage dude this is like maybe oh oh oh told you there is more joy than here I'm hoping is this a jewelry box just probably right bangs in there freaking out again bear unit oh my god the cabinet itself is beautiful my goodness their cabinet that cognitive look at that that's a threat what is that sterling no but still pretty wow that's beautiful I love this stuff ladies that's new that's cool I remember seeing a part of this oh yeah I wouldn't wear that BAE I know people will that's after things always get busy yeah they actually do and there's a lot of these so these can be a lot of individual that's a big old honker honker so much detail when it I'll look that's another moon thing hey let's not break it this time that is exactly what I was about to take it hey you see this remember the last one you broke don't do this but we had that talk Ronny we don't have to talk pictures and stuff go on the side of the wall not gonna cop a crap and in between stuff that moves around and snaps check it out all right oh my gosh this is heavy oh it's so inappropriate okay thanks buddy boss okay so this is from Austin sculptures it's called body and soul it's still nice mr. Sahni hey that's nice sculpture hmm watch it it'll get back to warehouse oh that's cool mosaic what called mosaic like some cuffs oh I think that's bakelite so there's a second time we found bakelite yeah them do they saw they expose this I think so get film develop I think oh there's the camera why you always saying that like that's what is subscribers say don't have y'all haven't seen my helper review section yet it keeps getting bigger and bigger main are so gonna do a helper a few segments yeah we are I just couldn't find my wig to do it husband a guest Marge I don't know your subscribers know who re-released the frickin baby baby video it went from 87 be used to like 5,000 to me that was success that baby baby video it was like that was my baby it's like one of my very first videos I put together and then it got like 3ds in like a week and I was like crush it actually thought some dudes on Facebook though when you first oh yeah I did you're right there's people sharing in there laughing and they were jewelry box know what these crazy every box is a good box it is it mm-hmm lunker's is jealous that video last night oh my gosh please think they got stuff down whoa be Rolex be a Rolex Rolex are you serious I don't know if it's real it feels real to be honest all first hands feels about the right way y'all he had not work tonight yet and he just said be a Rolex what anyways you hadn't looked at it well I know but I kind of saw a little bit of it I saw this it looked like Rolex me you say you got that since what is that [Applause] [Laughter] obviously oh yeah that's really pretty 95 really a little turquoise action that's mighty pleasure yeah this is look too may look older okay well check on them did you like all of my hot dog oh oh that again no don't do it makes the thing okay all up on my girl looks like it's probably precious metal see how it bends like that that's usually a sign of gold when it's bent like that cuz gold and silver been really really soft there's some animals I told y'all that's right here we gotta go okay we're taking this whole thing outside we're taking the circus outside y'all now they worried about holding the Rolex in my hands 39 minutes total oh I'm trying to come out all right let's look at this uh what's it all out like that oh wait it's engraved yeah it says Linda Linda Linda to be honest like it feels rude the fisheye looks right hey we'll check that out y'all and she even tried to fix it look she had like some little ghetto rig thing going on what that might be a real roller show yeah that'd be awesome Oh Laurie done okay that's 14 karat gold it's guys it's an init sign there's so there's some kind of that's I don't know if that's like Vera Vera Wang or bear bear bear wait 14 karat gold Rolex 14 karat gold outlook this jewelry hanging in here so look we're not totally out of luck so something you always want to do is you want to check underneath these drawers look I can tell you right now that silver there's some more stuff back to actually the ring that's plated like a champ alright so that's kind of more gold Rolex [Music] okay you love candy say how does Katie's ring her what the hell sweatshirt I had to take mine off I got too much like gold and jewelry dust on my last oh no oh my gosh this is the gold and jewelry that's not to 5mm gold and jewelry gold and silver Hall [Music] take care it take care go 10-carat my gosh y'all it's got some kind of inscription that's weird all the way around it looks like he might be I don't know it might be a wizard riding ring heck I don't know it's really thin 18 karat gold maybe at the diamond yep that's a big old down or 14 karat I'm gonna say no 925 it's plated it's probably silver and soft peaks here it's been bending we just found how many gold rings three go rooms for gold rings in lowland gorillas let's toss to me what huh there any day to clean it out uh you checked the furniture go ahead and get that thing I'll just get a tub and all that loosey-goosey will fit in there I don't know about the chain 14 karat gold you well this definitely looks like it was silver white gold this and it looks the same fourteen carry oh right there it's crazy I don't think the chain on this one knows it's mark 14 again yo that's gold what the crap then all these earrings we dropped know right holy crap look at this not to five very clearly right there I'm gonna start a group chat with lunker's and those are soldered with lockers at what the Hales here a minute and send them all the pictures how is that for him Spence you know that looks silver almost positive that silver y'all look at that turquoise and coral huh that is pretty yeah you're right gosh this whole video is gonna be jewelry again you know I'm so sorry y'all have to see all this jewelry I'm just like that yeah no you're not look there's the match that little silver thing at the bottom the rogers play is probably plated puts this little spoon room it looks stainless it's probably stainless I'll smooth sea salt got which the little stone action going on got your crystals sis crystal meth doesn't really know it's a sea salt one dollar okay it feels like more there's no stars that's what uh oh that looks gold that's nine to five right there Italy nine to five right there can you see it on there yep all right so hey more silver what the crap is going on in here people [Music] not no falling it's good for you to YouTube gold so these shell boxes are nice I feel like we've sold several of these before I like stuff like this these are probably some of my favorite little it's kind of cool oh look at the address on this 93 Oh for forest lane that's why our auction house is off a forest line yeah oh wow that's that's old look more coins yeah look there's a little American coin down there that looks like a whole D that's a top pocket fine you better insert a clip of him saying if you don't watch a Oak Island it's a great show go check it out then metal detector dude you'll know what I was just talking look at this old penny 1970 large cent dude these are these might be money right here mm-hmm for real there's a lot of those in there that's really cool box I don't know some of those little pans three bucks apiece ya never know never know what you got alright so there's that drawer we made our money off gold oh I mean we have I tell myself that this is a really good buy what's costume call it the witch's jewelry home bro I'm about to send a picture to Jay and lunker's oh you have my father I was gonna text it to see what the response oh I could call them I can call them nice time more Chinese coins little tokens you want to call them shoe I don't know don't do that well I don't have their phone number and you could've left a record from years and I'll call him come on you can FaceTime from Facebook with Jamie says it's good now get back only happen bro a little magnet ball not anymore please let's close it thank you lay on them hold your horses 14 Keith head or 14 KP KP 14 karat 2p I guess that means played it alright hey check it out should we call them yeah hey let me let me swap phones real quick we're gonna call them and see what they feel about all our gold and our rolodex cribben alright check it out what call Jimmy I have to call him on Facebook because he won't frickin given like the rest of the world and didn't get a night then what are you doing oh man hey I'm almost done here where's Locke hey where's lunker's I just wanted to show you something she's like look at this creeper I know I'm such a creeper I think it's real yeah he's really what's that wahwee hey just wanted to show you this just to really get your juices flowing even more than they are for this game look at all these jewelry boxes hey check this out it's a ladies but I think it's real I've done that just the I check I think it's real but look at all these gold rings so these are all got jewelry in them a ton of sterling and a ton of gold and a Rolex I think that pays for the unit [Music] what yeah now are you tired of doing it so we're recording right now this will be tomorrow's video hey hey I wanted to pop in we're almost done here one empties one units done we got a few more minutes of filming and I'm gonna head up to meet up with you guys did you are you keeping out on that one online all right that's two so hey let me finish up here and I'll be meeting up with you guys a little bit later guys all right guys so that is the end of this video what I'm gonna do is we still got in the showing few boxes in here we have not gone through in the next video stay tuned to the next video we're gonna do that hopefully we find more gold oh we found more Rolexes and then we're gonna start going through this you've already seen a few of these boxes I'm curious what might be hidden back here be cool to find another safe so anyway let us get this stuff well you don't care if it's in this video alright yeah so make sure to LIKE subscribe hit that Bell select all other than that see you at the next [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 171,765
Rating: 4.7507935 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Thrifting haul, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Ebay resale, Luggage Auction, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, Whats inside, unboxing, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, self storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, storage, grimes finds, grimes, rolex, cash found, gold found
Id: 75RiRCtRZV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 20sec (3260 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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