LUNKERS TV Abandoned Storage Unite Finds UP For AUCTION!

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alright guys welcome to another episode of Grimes finds this is the lunker's TV auction edition so check it out this is all our stuff from the four hundred and thirty dollar unit - maybe two or three items who were in here like that light that was lunker's came out of one of his units but check it out guys so we ended up probably making ten grand off of what we sold out of that auction so far that's not including the coins that I accidentally relocked into the safe and some other items there's probably maybe like I don't know five or six boxes that hadn't gone through so hopefully we're gonna end up pushing that up more towards $15,000 for that one unit what were the highlights dear yeah the gold ring so the gold ring that Rob found in the thing actually went for 1,200 bucks y'all $1,200 so that paid for that unit three freaking times we did have some of our thrift store funds right in here where's my hello GI Joe car where's that good Oh check it out hey these I paid like two bucks so what I paid for those two ninety two these went for like what forty bucks for $45 so we spent 10 bucks remember this one when we went in there and I spent ten bucks on I spotted all these old GI Joe cars well we spent ten bucks total in that thrift store this little guy which i think was like a Sears Limited Edition I went for sixty-five dollars alone so it paid for all that thrifting we did that so anyway hey guys here's the plan so we're about to pull these orders because customers are coming here today to grind spawns auction house to pick up their orders of the stuff they won last night and then guess what we're doing let me show you alright so what's going on out here let's see if they're ready yeah look so the guys are out here and they are pulling out lunker's TV stuffs a lunker through all the stuff on the trailer we secured it in our walls gate this is all lunker stuff on here this is out of that really really really really good unit so Jake's pulling this up front and what we're gonna do is I'm gonna pop a table out here I'm gonna start going through that by the time they do that the display room in there say hey Diego I'm just getting you down light Diego we're going with mr. Miyagi he's like how about just my real name you idiot all right so what they're gonna do is is they're back in the trailer up right there they're gonna set me up a spot then they're gonna pre pull all of these orders on that shelf and then lunker's TV stuff is gonna come in here and we're gonna make it all nice and pretty like we did this stuff so guys stay tuned there's gonna be a lot of cool stuff remember me and Rob didn't go through all his boxes so lots of new stuff to see so stay tuned and let's see how much we can make lunker's TV how much do you spend on it thousand dollars I got a lot of work to do my unit only costs four hundred thirty dollars you know what I mean I'm joking all right so hey thousand bucks let's see what we can make Rob follow this journey will be our bag [Music] [Applause] alright guys so we are back check out what I found in one of the boxes I says googan squad can you believe can you believe that in that unit that Rob from googan squad and lunker's TV that they had a freaking googan squad hoody in there I'm just kidding Rob check it off and he put in a box oh hey no I'm just lying Rob took it off and he put it in a box and we packed it up before he got in was the day it snowed so he was just s out and so I found it I decided I'd try it on googan squad make sure you go subscribe to them hey make sure to go to lunker's TV right lots of great videos lots of fun videos but anyway anyway I just want to pop in let you know that the team is almost done pulling the orders what we're gonna do next is we're going to set up all the stuff that you already saw that me and Rob me inbox me and Rob unboxed we're gonna go ahead and get that out get that lotted and then right after that we're gonna do some unboxing of a lot of the stuff that you didn't see in Rob's last video and we'll see where we go from there [Music] [Applause] you alright guys we are back and we have got it set up so what I'm gonna do is is Katie and Gina over there like not doing anything like normal and freaking and Jacob are down there what are y'all doing taking pictures so hey here's the daddy I'm gonna flip this around and I'm gonna show you what to look forward to in the rest of this video what we'll do is we'll just kind of walk around and reshow you some of the stuff if you missed the video that Rob released I don't know go to lockers TV check it out you'll figure out which video it is but let me flip this around and show you some of the cool stuff that rob them alright y'all so oh there's nothing here that's cuz it's over here you didn't take a picture so let's go back down here okay look there's all kinds of boats remember this stuff oh there's the panther look the old cameras the little buddhas oh there's a little naked lady down there look here's that cool monkey statue he was really cool the praying hands a little mink Shaw thing so anyway they're taking pictures of what goes in this little area including the gold rings and stuff right those are over there look there's there's Rob's buddies they had one hand right there remember the gold stamps we found four of those in that locker that still had the shipping boxes this grill this will not be an auction this is a customer already bought this but they've been picked it up yet but this stuff up here is Rob's so this all of this stuff guys is going to be in lunker's TVs auction right he's now addicted to storage units he hasn't sold any of it so he's like Justin how much money am I gonna make I might Rob I don't know till the auction is over but I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a lot more than you spent because he's got some cool stuff in here look at the vintage tape deck man that thing's in good condition what else we got in here oh look we got a lot of hot wheels remember these we picked these down those alright look and here was this one this mystery one actually never seen one of those in real life so look more gold stamps got some of these these were carved in Kenya and we got a big lot of vintage freaking camera equipment I've got a TV back there and look here's the Farmers Branch street signs back there okay I got stuff up here remember that frog hey we're debating is this a boy or girl girl it's not a girl just because it has how do you know you know how do you know he didn't just feel like a lady and got up and put them on no actually these days so anyway hey keep it clean keep it clean no no opinions all right check it out remember these remember these trains they all have their co A's in there that's the Yankees boo all right so look these are records that actually while they're finishing up the auction I've got to go through these in lot these records so stay tuned to the end of the video to see more stuff that you didn't see so check it out here's what we're about to do this is all stuff that me and Rob did not have time to go through and everything was so well bubble wrapped that this is what we're about to do so we're gonna set up a camera and we are gonna unbox some of this for you and then at the end of this video what we're gonna do is everything will be back on the shelves we'll have lot numbers we're gonna walk you around the entire auction and maybe just kind of show you some items clothes tell you the lot number and then at the very end in into the video I'm gonna explain to you how it works we're gonna give you the link we're gonna do all that good stuff we'll tell you how pickup works and all that information we'll be in there when you register so hey when you register for the auction hey I tell you what right now if you want to go to lengths and descriptions pre-register pre-registration is open right now hey so let's make this successful sassette so normally I think a normal person would just edit it out so if if you want this to be if you want to continue to have access to all of Rob and lunker's TVs finds that he's finding the storage units you got to go register you only have to register once and then you'll get notification because what Rob told me he said hey man if you made me some decent money on that I can't stop doing this so he's already addicted so anyway hey let's make this a blast so share this freaking thing everywhere so we can get the oxygen out there be a big success and then we'll just keep this train rolling but other than that we'll be right back for some unboxing alright guys so we are back for the unboxing part of this video and here's we're gonna we're gonna start cutting this stuff open see what kind of treasures Rob found right here because I have a lot I have a feeling a lot of this stuff's gonna match and go together so we're gonna need some space and so what we're gonna do is we're gonna unbox until my buddy Brian gets here he's a DJ been a DJ for a long time because I was like I was supposed to have a time testing to see if Brian watches my videos so anyway hey I've got him coming in because let me show you this real quick probably look we got a lot of Records and so here's the deal with records there's multiple copies of each ones and I know how to look up the proper information on them but he can come up here it's lit the room yeah and what he'll do is he'll give us some more good knowledge he's been on our channel several times before so anytime I get big record collections I call him see if he can come up so he is actually on his way up here so until then let's get to unboxing okay yeah just picking it got all this to go yeah I can't believe back a place that's what I'm thinking but hopefully we can find it you have to match them all right made in was a Belgium Germany made in Germany oh all right so I'm gonna guess that what all of these are for this test anymore thanks for the same pattern nope same pattern so what we're gonna do is we're gonna set these over here set this here and jeana's lotting stickers because these two numbnuts are doing descriptions with sign language for some reason huh and they're gonna keep doing description then jeana's gonna hop over here and help us do some unboxing so we'll put these here and then what they'll do is is go through here put those Lots but we'll do it at the end to make sure we don't have to imagine saucers for the plate bring the cups those are saucers I couldn't think of the word I mean shoot D monetize hey first one is that the matcher that isn't matcher look you gotta be kidding me first shot yeah same stamp same colors does look good see what's in the green bar out you're making me nervous being over the floor instead of a table what make me wear this I don't know like in my bond we do what is it it's got a [ __ ] by 80 pounds a freakin wrap on this crap okay you don't exagerate known us as annoying that was an accident babe oh these are pretty honest pieces of butter these are crazy I want to see what they look like well you can kind of see that they got a different look they got kinda like a different light tone time like a blue with the edge glass so look do we have a match all right so I'm not gonna make you watch me undo this one but look obviously a match pretty those are really pretty actually all right what else we go oh we got yeah that's weird huh oh I thought you were calling me that was my nickname in high school [Laughter] is the wood did a barbecue joint you idiot how long did that last what you know where to victoria secret me and my buddy Frank we were 15 I think in 16 and we went up to the mall I was 16 because I was year older so I drove us up there and we went and applied at Victoria Secret and we got jobs at stock boys so we played with like panties all day and brothers weird don't ask me while we were freaking teenage boys like man could you imagine we worked there and all the chicks that come in there and then they shoved this in the back and like we never saw the light of day and the minutes going in and out of the back door backfires so while you young uns watching I've already done it I tried it trying to get a job Victoria's Secret for that reason then once more they're gonna stick you in the back there's that mosquito fish really honey that one all that work for one song one saucer it's probably not even worth a lot I have the cup too that I do fighter pattern yeah I'm gonna come on the other side of you yeah because I feel like the angles weird hey yeah let's try to pick some different things that don't look like the same thing our here's the cup where look at you I did that one oh look I got to play look at that hey man she has the bone oh look we're getting here Jim where that's not but it's like it is Cheers it's drafted for a good divorce attorney that's what you can see in the calm that was in the people like you can't say my to cut this frogs no weird lingerie looks like you've got stockings maybe that's on what I don't know others are coca-cola they got a little green tips yeah where's our old oh look that's neither that's weird why's he got the little weird little leg bands going on maybe so maybe he wanted to be a ninja turtle probably he tried out did he made it he didn't have any weapons he's like oh this is my shield and that's his not that's as much as he had he's the wrong species it just wasn't gonna happen it was a ninja frog all right what else we want to go with this looks different let's see what's in here don't be a bunny all right not a von Cosel huh oh I see a Bodhi oh oh this is too funny I know what this is Oh No but it's all right where's some uh sit looks so different I hope this looks like I hope we had to stop for our best this has the stopper I didn't expected you there like home into the great glass glass glass glass Oh beautiful China Winkie yeah that's what you should put oh yeah boom I think it's got to have a topper though let you yeah yeah and it's full oh no please don't it'll give me a headache or four days y'all know about Stetson no y'all don't even know about Eckert's how you gonna know about this I know got a KERS wasn't Eckerd before it was Kroger are you think they're friends no what is he doing that um what does he do it looks like he's got humping a log and then you got this guy oh there it is oh yeah usually people cut them off with how'd y'all like my thumbnail last night that wasn't even me making a silly face to make a thumb that was like a straight out shot from the well we miss that hop-by-hop I love to hear made that face yes and with all the seriousness going on YouTube right now is like man we just need a laugh he's got his tusks he's got this trunk way up way up rouga hey we better keep him away from this guy for his trunk comes up the top of the friggin it wasn't a phenomenal hairline it wasn't all these great things I was like thank you for laughing until our wedding day that's why we only dated from first date to marriage three and a half months get it done quick guys running out of jokes I was all I had was four months playing on the flostor oh wait maybe he's just trying to help this chick out she's just trying to get some water with 13 all right cuz we still got to do a full auction preview for lunker's TV guys remember this is all lunker's assault robbed stuff from lunker's TV he's just gotten into the storage game we're working with them teaching him what I know he's helping us with YouTube it's a freaking beautiful thing why she gotta be doing that though she's trying to track this dude why she doing that fro why is she doing that I don't she's walking by this dude he's doing something and then she's just like man notice me was over there why why wouldn't you be balancing you know why yeah Myron here why's he got to go on the bootay I don't know this is weird this whole thing and he's like there's actually a glass elephant no way that we didn't open and I want to see what it looks like what do you find a deer you find anything great with the clean ding ding ding hey me mean that on it is a clean ding oh man hey will disclose that he's got a stand that kind of looks like the black one I gave to Robin as I signed it [Music] rob was curious about this because I had a number on the bottom he said it he noticed that it was limited to like I found through thumbnail huh I found your thumbnail this is the guy on the barrel no oh it's got me the bear it was the face you just made trying to open that I don't know if I can do to me the thumbs and heat subscribers they probably felt sorry for me let's click on it to see if he really looks like that all the time yep it's Beckett Thomas Kincade what this does oh no not that it didn't look shiny through the camera royal seal II sometimes I think you don't know what the saying you like hey that looks like Thomas you know huh I do know it you know if you like that's the Strawberry Shortcake's is that Humpty Dumpty sitting on wall that's it what is that is that do drinking son he's drinking they're drinking they're drinking alcohol you know who they need hang out with this guy why do they need in here he's obviously had enough to drink hanging out in the barrels like another where does that glass elephant Chris this might be a stopper ah is it great I don't think we can see it through there was a nice crystal I shall receive that is pretty is it Chris all these this look it looks like a lot of vintage I wonder how many YouTube is going yeah yeah when we move I'm not packing my stuff like these actually some of these stir sticks can be some money we're gonna lock these by themselves look it's a bunch of McDonald ones oh that's they're all there but look there's even Oh like so why do people keep stuff like this like do they know that's from 1968 these know they're just weirdos they collect stuff and the like one day they wake up and oh man support money but before they were aware too says playboy on it so look at that cool so we're gonna sell these all right how many minutes actually we got to save time 19 for Brian to get here to look at the records in turn and for a final final final file lockers TV [ __ ] freeze hey let's see how good he did right yeah I'm gonna do a follow-up a bunker TVs auction and here it is I am so excited I'm wearing an elephant shirt today yeah they accidentally burn how my Yoda voice right here is that what we determined yes cast in the Sun some other thing you feel like they're all China which is good could be mine [Music] I I'm pretty sure this was all the China set so I would just get over that Oh got more boxes alright guys let me don't let me scan this but this is what that is I'm not gonna make hey y'all see we hit 20,000 subscribers this morning thank you again once a Thank You Jeremy Hills we're gonna get better hey guess where I'm going after this actually don't tell him I'll tell you later I gotta go pick something up later oh look tricked me again hey we're gonna have this whole set which is gonna be good here's more that these look older but these are the singing put butter in huh corn put your butter in there to roll roll the I mean yeah my plant and see if it is like actual concrete you put your butter I know in there and then you roll the corn I got you [Music] definitely older so look it looks like we got three in here and three here boom you're gonna have six people over or you won't say pieces corn your [ __ ] China China where's that thing you said you thought might be the stopper that's fine you know one of those one of them oh it is a stopper to something we have I want to find the body of whatever the that dog's head went on oh yeah I think that is that's the same pattern that teacup Oh got a little handle on it that's got a handle oh look that's that pattern right here huh I'm talking to myself you doing all the time I'm try to answer you you know what though I said stop interrupting me talking to myself goodnight lady for like three days well if you cut it up like that we won't be able to use it that's the tops of that but I don't think that's the same pattern of what's over there nice that's for sugar I think if I could fit in there am I supposed to say yes okay all right so oh wait what's this I wish it was or if you double smoke Japan alright guys so check this out humming this bit 26 holy crap are you guys oh hey check it out we got in there because the record guy's gonna be here soon and I want to save some time in this video to teach to let him teach y'all more about vinyl and I learned something new from the guy every day so as soon as he gets here alright guys welcome back so check it out my boy Brian's here whoa DJ action right I don't even do you 45 years 25 year old UI he was 58 years old I'll be on the radio tonight too can you see you you can stream it Colonel burns honky tonk our you can stealin 89.7 ke u zu f FM seven seven o'clock I'll be on the air plain old honky Tonk 45 tell how long 7007 day well you're not gonna find out about this dang it because this here's the eight where what happened yes just what do you do it again whenever we like once a month on Monday hey can you can you see you depth him well hey how can I find about my Instagram is the honky Tonk jukebox you can find it on there and you take talk he said he was like dude you gotta get on tick-tock I'm John you tube channel what's he gone that thrifty guy or all the coal was rock band stuff cool stuff just so oh hey he knows about the stuff he does those little swap meets and stuff that's actually where we met the slug Robbie was there him happy and so hey he text me that link yeah texting like link is down in the descriptions make sure to go check him out I do recommend him you see a lot of people hey man I don't know if you like killing kittens on your channel I don't know that but I know this guy's not killing kittens go check him out he's a good guy so hey so when we have a big record collection and I'm minimize on time cuz I have to sit there and look everything up I bring him in because he's going to tell us right because I did tell them so they could have made this album and made like 50 different versions right right pressing so take this bra Nick I needed to go over it Tom how they could identify and like exactly which one this is alright so this is a son record company back then they'd have variations so this one here has the wife border but the orange riding there is probably 40 different variations you have someone has the blue background with yellow riding is someone just straight black and white then you have reissues this one here is an original and so if you want something original Johnny Cash it's in really good shape actually you can tell just by the thickness of this out that this is original not a reissue so that's something really good to have for Johnny Cash collector you know country music collector either one and where did you show them a little code thing you showed here yeah this this year catalog number is the LP 1220 now when you get to go back to variations that's where you go back into that run out it's gonna be hard to catch this on camera but there's gonna be some other numbers that are always gonna be etched in and that's gonna be the variation hey what's the website usually we do use one just go discogs so he showed me that website and i've actually been using it and it's helped me tremendously go on through okay get an idea of what something's worth with the medium price the highest price because i say the condition is everything on the vinyl if you know like we've found a ray charles oh yeah he's totally pulling yeah check this out wait what little more you get its original ray charles it is steel shield it still has the original price tag from some store called stevens so this sold for a dollar ninety eight it's kind of - price tags on it from way back when so it's Ray Charles yeah Charles just got crying the greatest country stuff that he did a cover of let's get stoned alright so hey that's cool this is sealed I don't know if I've ever found a sealed record in history alright just point out so we found a lot of rock do you get along - lunker's TV and so these were actually all the rock was in one and then all like the R&B and soul and all this large rush collection which rush is going to be collected right now because unfortunately Neil Peart the drummer died here you have a lot of them so if you want to get you a rush collection one-shot ass will be a lot for about that little kiss bone because that was weird me I couldn't read it yeah the hotter hell when all of them had this like if it was a natural Japanese or they have was he called OB strip which is a piece of paper it comes out it'll be all in Japanese but this album cover this is the way they did it it was just done in Japanese they were back then they were touring a ton in Japan so as it nod there's like hey let's put an American put it in Japanese but the actual Japanese record to have a little they always have what you call it Obi strip that's what makes the Japanese Records unique Hank yeah Queen Records I mean the record shows and I mean you cannot keep queens in great ones these two right here probably those kind of ones this was harder to find now but I'd say the Knights of Opera great ones these will definitely be good luck bidding I might be popping somebody good luck Hendrix are those like older ones like this one here says important in distributors I don't know that that's not a reporter is it yesterday it's UK so this is a zucchini like say when we go back to those Cosi and they have always have a different numbers so like you you also have we have like a two letters and then something the UK ones nearly always have straight numbers now you have a space nobody's like a01 they're always a zero in there will they have a space you go jump right there made anyone oh yeah hey excited you see they have to get codes on there so you have the right the catalog number then they have a secondary number so so I've never heard of them right but I just picked that rose yeah did I like that cover me the James Brown stuff the black cedar soundtrack are gonna find this because kind of cool it over here and this one right here if that was meant that be going for my up news a lot of like DJed like samples of stuff they always go for James Brown and a couple even later when you don't see these much I think when James Brown was rockin the mustache this was my name right there nickname remember 742 but he he passed away right he pass away but so don't tell cuz I bought actually I think he gave it to me the first one there's that to pot yeah he gave me to pot but it was like a single but like so what are the wires ease this way like Rockefeller I've heard of it okay so these are DJ copies a column so when these become out when they would probably get serviced of record poles billboard reporters radio stations and the like so basically a local rep for this label would come up to the club hand it to whatever DJ's playing anything yeah you just went back when they had paola you had a get paid to be played so then they just are giving away free records of DJ's that's really how I get up so but you gotta represent from the record label shows up to you buddy clubs oh hey here's a hotties record try it may not be a hottie record but they giving you a free record there's tons of these were and from these are kind of like a mass producing yeah the same same copy I ran a record pool in Dallas and they would send me 50 copies of each whatever single distribute to the DJ's that were in the Reg hold and everything else I'm like okay what am i doing 25 30 more copies of whoever other great records are in there there's Steely Dan one of my favorite bands is in there can't Chris me okay victims and this is actually a collectable record okay I've got two variations here so you might want to do one lot this is a really good shape I looking at let's say but you have King Crimson so those are two different ones same record but two different conditions even though so this right here this is called a hike sticker there's a two variation to the hype stickers so they this one here just has the the artist and the label the secondary type speaker would be on the outside if when it's sealed he'll have like what songs around there and they'll have a catalog number as well so that's that's your out or hide sticker but they would always do these because like say if you just saw this cover with that paste on there you'd have no idea that's why he added these little clear stickers that are on there one top one bottom [Music] just good sounds good a lot of good like say he said classic rockers I picked out the obvious metal one yes if you like classic rock I mean this is definitely gonna be he's worth the time in it if this is it now dang it I pulled a few these and this was probably guys at one sample there's another example of a hive sticker so somehow somebody got this one off to the off the out of the cover and stuck it only covers stuff that's a Curtis Mayfield good solace top part of the record I hardly have received this version right here this is a George Clinton Funkadelic what his that was with my name names in high school these guys mighty Sparrow this is Calypso this guy has some really really interesting records back in the day just some of the content he had like the Kennedy assassination and it was weird sucking upon it but this is hard to find one no need someone this is a little sealed record this is a little farm on Oh Duncan but uh just single acts like collect weird stuff and so just to be right up your alley because I'm cool dude Pierson this was on blue no Blue Note Records anything the old Blue Note is highly collectible huh nextly I don't think I've ever even seen this one out of the wild yeah somebody's this next one's got to be the most valuable record right Bobby Brown it's a school it's got some 12-inch singles that are mixed in here as well hey don't be cruel man don't be do you remember do you know who he was married to know why see this is when I work with Millennials all day when do you see you know she's yes I know this was her husband oh my gosh Tom Peter there's another great Rick I know a really good shape too awesome where he passed away during journey there's another rush record so more to add the rest collection Peter Frampton Comes Alive he's the one that did that weird yeah that's on there yeah with a vocoder just like him do you feel like we do Neil Young this is a great record we're gonna clash of progress yeah I didn't go through all these another Neil Young McGary right Johnny win it's just a weird as I see this yeah it freaks me out every time looks like here you see it a carnival yeah I'm digging it man why is he always gotta have one nipples oh that's just a little weird that's my suit in the auction yeah what about this one this was kind of a cool cover wishbone yeah just a regular classic rocks up back in seventies they always had some wild color just a cut-and-paste up there board Joe Walsh the great album see us what we have trippi's Van Zandt the part of the Skynyrd crew really okay Jethro Tull Jethro Tull he got voted for heavy metal I don't know but really they did trying trying trying okay trunk dry keyword scorpions like out that's a good saga determines is their big hit on there yeah I got all this stuff this is a great collection if anybody's going to get a classic rock collection boom this is gonna be the thank you so hey guys yall make sure to watch the auction after this video the catalog will be up yes what's today Wednesday yeah I just pushed it over a day early it's not specific enough Mario hey but we're gonna try to get it get the catalog up tonight right yeah for after this video that way you can go straight here and you can bid on this amazing records look we still got boxes boxes boxes that's all lockers record and there's a way tell us about the turntable real quick techniques it's uh like for DJ's like we went to twelve hundreds wouldn't have the pitch control I bet but this is just a good classic console looks looks pretty fairly clean this is the SLB 30 you showed me something on this last time I can't that's on the 1200 yeah when you get one with the pitch controls the pick it on all the later ones the weight is usually different on 1200 and there's a pitch control here with a pitch control you listen you still have the light so each one of these layers on this turntable this is going to tell you yeah picture just here is like a way different but when you go from 33 to 45 this light will kind of like a like a setting so if you're 33 and you see this one is steady it doesn't need to be calibrate anything if it's 45 maybe see any kind of moving off this line it's kind of weird thing once you lights out you'll see what I'm talking about that's how you can always tell if you're if your turntables playing at the right speed alright so you have record knowledge and you got turntable knowledge so hey fine thanks for coming out hey guys so hey check it out up next is the longer TV I guess bear back alright guys so welcome to the auction preview part of this video I'm about to walk you around here and show you all of lunker TVs items that he found in storage auctions the last two weeks and I'm gonna show you lot numbers I'm gonna tell you how you can bid on these so let me flip this bad boy around and we'll start the tour alright guys so starting here look remember the little silver and this little camel was stamped 925 that we found and all these cool ships so what these are these are lot numbers so this is gonna be one a this black panther I want to call them the dusty Panthers did y'all watch this off alright so hey anyway check it out so you've got two lot numbers on this and you'll notice in the catalog all the descriptions are in there so you'll understand that but so one lot is for the toolbox in itself three layers right we understand that's not stacked right but and then the second line is gonna be for all of the content look how I'm screwdrivers man you ever need to screw something nevermind well you can get the job done and promise with everything in that drawer so anyway check the auction catalog which will be in the link the description below I'll have it pin for you bidding is going to open tomorrow at noon but we will have the catalog up for you too not that way that you can go check out all the beautiful items check out this mink this was actually vintage and I think this one Neiman Marcus Oh Macy's that's a lot 5 so if you're interested in that there's that remember this I think we highlighted this in one of Rob's videos right look a little airsoft gun okay that's lot number six and then you go down here and look at all this beautiful little people right here's that little clay statue we found it just signed on the bottom a little guys a lot 11 I think these are cool and there's old cameras look you're gonna have some more little figurines these are kind of cool right here these Derby cups or no these are were actually World Fair cups I like the the derby ones too but look at all this the beautiful colors on these so you've got a whole set of eight that's pretty cool right there and that's gonna be lot number 19 and guys one thing I didn't tell you is is everything in the auction starts at a dollar you might recognize this guy that was in a Rob's thumbnail on the video so look for this thumbnail on lunker's TV and you'll be able to go and see some boxing and finding a lot of stuff out in the wild before you got to buy it but look here's some of the jewelry here's that gold ring he found this was one of his first two gold rings he found in a unit congratulations Rob I remember these we found these stamp books and they still had the boxes with them so that's kind of cool shipping boxes yeah it's not like a toy where that really has a lot about you but still some people like them so that's lots 23 and 21 again everything starts at $1 giant cash got cover-up that lady's movie look so we're gonna have a lot of vintage records check it out a lot of Records over here Katie's loading up on the cart to go take pictures of the guys we got our B we got Sol look we got kids we got and there's several records in these Lots Van Halen we got some original Hendrix down there look Billy Joel the Eagles I mean we had a lot of everybody didn't we Marvin Gaye James Brown right and y'all saw y'all saw a lot of these whenever Brian was taking you through there so like this grill was actually in pretty good shape that's gonna start at a buck you got the amp so you got some of that new old stock tools and stuff like that that we found you know what do we have up here you know that actually might have been from water burger yeah don't you think Oh [Music] Kennedy's texted me I told Kennedy she could get her nose pierced when we hit 20,000 subscribers did not think no I told her I said now oh now you watch to watch my youtube channel I so anyway Kennedy is my 14 year old daughter she is a very wonderful kid and good grades just good heart loves the Lord such a good kid love her so I think we'll make that happen like this racquetball right check out all these old balls you said old balls look paddleball that's cool man look at that Oh real the real so that's one lot right okay would you put that lot up oh look there's a bunch of music and different stuff down there that you can hook up to it where's that lighter at oh here's that gun lighter that we found that's pretty cool right it works the Flint still good in I don't think there's ever been lighter fluid in that thing guys that's pretty cool that's gonna be lot 52 this lot right here is just a bunch of vintage buttons which is fun so go to the catalog we're gonna have a lot better pictures of all of this stuff I just kind of wanted to give you just kind of a preview of what to look forward to and this is not all of Rob's stuff this is just some of the stuff we got in this auction we will be doing multiple auctions was robbed in lunker's TV I think we just found about the perfect relationship for him and me I need help with YouTube he needs help selling us crafters behind so it just kind of works out alright check out all these so we did look these up and some of these guys go from anywhere between 5 to 150 bucks depending on what cars are in them so check the detail start around a lot 69 that's a lot 71 so right around there visit 68 okay and then you got a big lot of hot wheels and look look at this one it's got one of the the little mystery boxes on it that's pretty cool okay look some this is actually kind of cool that's really heavy very heavy oh man you got some was he having he had a ocean water from Sonic mouth why so sad buddy hey let's see what this one is I like that one hey did y'all do the picture of this who did the picture of this okay guess who's redoing the picture of this are you serious did he eat a powdered donut in between getting his picture taken ah Katy it's probably Jacobs she's taking that for him look at that that's not very pretty we gotta clean you up buddy I'm sorry yeah that's one of my favorite items so I think this came out of the 80s maybe early 90s it's in really good shape y'all the stickers and everything on it but this car for I believe was pretty popular in the 80s I believe that I mean there's you can find YouTube commercials and stuff on it but that was actually in really good shape so look there's the Frog what else we got over here that's a big lot of just slides and stuff like that miscellaneous we got more stamps in here Larry Curly and Moe look those are would they say carved in Kenya right what if they said carved in Korea that'd be weird look remember the Encyclopedia Britannica guy with the long blonde hair who's a weirdo you remember those commercials there man if I had more time to edit this I would insert in that commercial right now hey y'all let me know not the chitchat down below y'all remember the Encyclopedia Britannica guy that was like on the commercials who sold it I think he was the weirdo anyway let me know all right back to it so all these records are not gonna be in this sale I might add these I'm not sure I needed to do some more research on these and I don't like selling stuff if I don't know what it is so there's that look tackle boxes they do have tackles Rob go back to lunker's TV and it's the video with that guy on the thumbnail oh wait no it's not what video was it oh no that's the video with Jeremy and him on with the safe on the thumbnail that's the one we recorded that in so check that out look there's that one he was telling you about I look this is a fun lot so this is all one lot and look at all these keys old locks look they got to easily thing you put that on a storage unit door I get bit offers nothing look at all these little baby locks with baby keys look little older keys this is a look the sausage grinder leave that alone again look over here these actually sell these old what was the name of this Milosh Milosh a these empty tequila bottles man they sell on eBay check those out those are all in one lot this is kind of cool I think this is for tapes I would assume this for tapes so if you're still collecting tapes lot 111 look we got some beautiful look here's that jacket that we found the US Army one we found several of them actually ones got the hood anyone with the hood but look eyes are just some nice jackets some more fertile synthetic that feels does not feel right which one what fireball what they're just funny yet that looks like John Lennon's kid then that look like John Lennon had a baby hey in fact there's some hey where we going oh we're going over here so if you want some glassware these are all the ones we were able to match up to the best of our ability this stuff over here is like loosey-goosey x' that didn't have matches and we don't know what we're gonna do with it yet I don't know why I really like these this actually unscrews from the glass so wonder if these were exchangeable I bet they had different colors yeah too bad look at these two blue ball vases what do you say why you gotta make jokes man I'm trying to do something real Hey look here's our buddy and the thing I'm not gonna do it again but y'all know what's going on Kyle do it again you asked me there it is all right this is really pretty I really like this oh we're getting to 11 minutes you better hurry up boy so here why we're trying to keep this to an hour but check it out little T says these are the ones that were made in Germany so that's you saw that and unboxing so that's what we found at that set oh look at these these are so dainty do I feel like if you use these you should do it like this put your pinky up right that's how that goes all right this is actually kind of pretty too I like dishware that's that's a little bit older it's got some age to it it's Japanese and look there's your straw stirs and what else oh we had a bunch of trains right look at all these trains he found so look these are gonna be lots each one's a lot but there are times the money and what that means is is if you bid on this one when you sign it for the auction it's going to explain that to you but everything starts to the dollar so that lot actually starts at one two three four five dollars it would be $1 times five and then you'll go from there but check out all those bad boys that's empty because they're taking pictures this over here some more of the great trains and look there's the Harley's we found look John Deere that stuff always sells well and look at these new and packaged like control centers pretty sure that's not those are called look at this Lionel train clock that's cool I don't know why I like this it's like an old promotional item I guess that's pretty cool look here's these slot cars alright and then you got some Tonka Tonka action and look that's more Rob stuff but y'all will get to bid on that stuff next week probably the end of next week because we'll have another lunker's TV auction up next week so let's make sure this one does well so make sure to subscribe if you haven't we hit 20,000 thank you so much and make sure to ring that Bell select all make sure to hop over to lunker's TV and check them out he's doing storage videos guys y'all like storage videos he's addicted to it he's becoming a good friend of ours so hey make sure to go over there subscribe to him and other than that see you the next unit [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 34,636
Rating: 4.9237781 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Ebay resale, Luggage Auction, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, Whats inside, unboxing, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, self storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, storage, grimes finds, grimes
Id: lDBy-9FZw20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 0sec (3960 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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