Loaded Thing FOUND In Abandoned Storage Unit! Storage Wars |

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I found a billion dollars got the tag on it yeah joking oh but look we found this you didn't find the back to it but it's got pokemon silver in it Oh so hopefully this works but it's a cutting board color so and there's there were some cool little stuff in there about what you really want to see this what was going on this was on here don't know what they saw this was all in the same area look look at this look in here can you see that you see it now yeah so it's a millennium g2 holy crap it's loaded one in the chamber crap that is a dusty gonna know what that guy does for a living so uh check it out y'all we found a gun there's a secret about this gun yeah stay tuned to the in this video I'm Italian alright guys welcome back to another episode of Grimes fun this is the unit that you really didn't get to see much of me but smashing stuff right so it's very next day Jake's with us alright Gina's with us acting like it's freaking winter her time oh my gosh it's like 47 degrees for hey here's thank deal we have pick up we had another successful ground five dollar auction who's Katie Katie trader and his name is Robert Brown it's Diego they're all back at the shop and they're doing pickup so we're here and we're gonna start going through this we got table shoulder set up boom we got tubs so what we're gonna try to do to maximize our times we go back in here is these tubs are four sellable items items that we know we're gonna go straight into the auction and then kind of the trashing stuff we'll keep in the boxes but what we're gonna try to do is is next week me and Gina are gonna try to go in Monday and pop up another grime spawn sale of the stuff that's in this unit so anyway that's what these are for do we transpose it's alright we got the back of my truck so if you missed anything go back to yesterday's video and check that out and then but not now watch this keep watching so again hey last night we got a lot of good guesses I promise you this video because you didn't really see what was in the boxes but you're gonna let me know what you think I paid for this unit not in the chat were chatting right now it down in the comments put your guest right now in dollars what do you think I paid for this unit I'm gonna pop it open if you have if you already guessed that's fine go ahead and put your guest down again in the comments cuz that's the one I'm really gonna look at let's see who gets the closest so here we go and this is a 15 forgot my connive no you dropped your kunai it's in there somewhere all right I believe I dropped it back there all the way to the ground but again what about this is all boxes I couldn't see what was in the boxes so we're gonna just start we're going to let us get set we're gonna go ahead and get some of this stuff out of the way that we already saw you don't want to see it twice let us do that and then what we're gonna do is is we'll pop back in we're gonna pop new boxes up in these tables we're starting boxing we're just gonna hang out together for the day not for the day for an hour and we say what we fun so be right back all right guys so we are back check it out we already got some stuff in the truck we cleared this spot right here to get back to the boxes all that kind of junky stuff this is stuff that you already saw yesterday here's to the kasoori the speaker that I may or may not have dropped things like that this new griddle the GI Joe tank Star Wars potato head this is some stuff you haven't seen yet this popcorn machine is actually in pretty good shape mm-hmm cool we know all these puzzles big old Disney puzzles so we're going to make sure if we don't think they're in there we'll just take those out but we're gonna sell that as a lot that's pretty cool it's the master bedroom well we didn't open it so look we've got a samsung phone bunch of change these jack stands we've got two of those it's Visio sound wars and actually really good shape cool that's really cool I like that one cool can I tell them before I'll take a kiss or Hey what are you doing with me nice he's getting the knife just say master what bedroom to bed this fate how you know man you take a magnet to you need to keep magnet in your pocket actually I might have a magnet no pocket I always have what I need is you don't know where I still check it out smoke cellphones cool mm-hmm Samsung there's no kidding we put those in Big Lots I need a transfer tub or okay gift cards are a good thing to look out for guys we found actually how many hundreds of gift cards I have in a box and a shoebox somewhere I just takes time to check mm-hmm our anniversary Samara oh yeah so right now and I'm the champ we're chatting in right now but down in the comments so she can go back later tell my beautiful wife of seven years tomorrow happy and just congratulate me for lucking out so there you go but down in the comments so she can go back and see it not in the live chat why because it is December 22nd even though in all my other videos I say our anniversary is the 23rd I just give her a hard time I've been doing it for seven years so we've been married seven years tomorrow which means total we've been together seven years and three months seven years and three months perfect a man I knew I knew she was the one that's right when you know you know the key to a good marriage is commitment well that Jesus Jesus is the first Jesus and don't look at other chicks in whose throat well who's your wives I don't have much time I got to sit lesson guys no he's not joking serious people you know what I'm gonna rant right now somebody left a nasty comment he said hey that's really cool that you keep saying that he goes but I guarantee you behind the scenes it's a different and here's what I would challenge any one of y'all can come up to my place I'll let you go through any of my computers any of my phones I have zero zero desire to look at other women or any other nastiness I'd seriously it's something that good lord has blessed me with right because I know there's been an out there struggle and I'm not trying to minimize that struggle I'm just saying the Lord has been gracious to me in that area and I don't struggle that way the only woman for me is my wife and I don't want to see any other woman literally if I when I was training I go to the gym if this was the Machine and I was going to that machine I'm not joking because everybody thinks they gotta be half naked to work out and so I don't want to see it right because it be arrogant to think that you can look at all that other stuff and that Satan can't slip in there right and so I don't even open that door and I want to I got a beautiful wife so anyway hey there's your lesson from that they're thinking I'm joking I ain't playing I'll come up you go through my phone you go I don't have to have any software I just don't it's just not a thing trust me I struggle with a lot other stuff that's not one oh yeah there's those Chinese lanterns oh they have emotion Chinese get into sandboxes and American stuff I get where you're going with it ron's me a Karate Kid 3 where the dude comes sliding down he's busting all oh I haven't things already good what do you know how many times I've told you that that I have not seen Karate Kid hey you said you want a date night go to a crowd a kid marathon oh is that what we're doing for our anniversary I don't know hey hey y'all y'all want a super chair this I don't ask for super jet you want super Chatman I'll take my wife on a very nice date but right now we're on a budget all right so we got a ton hey Jack we get us another empty tub four syllables so we got a monopoly game oh look they're so nice and neat nail polish you need me hey to get those calluses off your bed ain't a callus that's a that thing has got a life of his own oh stop do you could do get that grinder other okay you could get me a pedicure for our anniversary that's that's gonna be expensive do they do it by the hour about an hour's stop I love that bad people I'm joking oh look at that that looks like you before me what I'm joking I'm trying to change the subject oh look it's a it's a prog rock sculpture we keep moving guitar hero what is that right up Jacobs alley I look more games I'll look more games okay does it go in the sellable box got a little Yahtzee action oh you want to get your screw on what you gonna get your screw on oh that didn't sound right is it get your drill on no that's a good 30 40 but see this do you Walt that's in there you think this is in here heavys in there I'm waiting that's what she said yeah please work power tool is always a good thing it's got the charger yet that's nice Chargers got an extra battery wood we got the drill so you get your thing on that's also what she said your glasses like my face inside wants to be fat or skinny when your face gets fat the glasses don't go back to skinny alright so this is just clothes super fragile wine shot glasses mugs I love popcorn all right let's see does not look like cute that's this is what I thought that that is that sculpture look like ah might have broke when you pushed me into it oh I did not push you oh oh yeah alright so I'm gonna do is transfer these guys over here that's my little pony Oh Nikes yeah oh hey clean up yeah those are nice they're actually really nice they so wineglasses oh look coach what is it Rosetta oh I'm joking Rosetti that is how you learn another language but look at that oh they faking the funk right they were fake I can't afford the coach purse but I can get the little the wallet thanks how was it the checkbook this yeah checkbook thing their real me it feels real feels legit all right back down here you see anything see any lady stuff that I might need to what is that Bracciano do you know that brand but I do not know this is it don't get me to monetize he's back there singing to himself again oh yeah alright I'm videoing you follow where I'm digging you follow are you picking up what I'm laying down without neighbors alright guys we're back false alarm yes yes something was at PS 2 3 yes - there no one has as many nicknames as you claim to have have you seen this personality it was it was way higher up look monitors and then we got two fuzzy things in here alright let's go back in there we're gonna do some rest of this pillow here filled that box up Maximizer space Jake we take this one I don't remember okay [Music] transfer that's why I tell you guys like just a really a tool to trade is to always have to bring extra tubs the most the stuff some boxes but what I call it transfer tubs so if you want to see what everything's in there that we can just take it out put in another box then take this one put it down there we bring me another transfer tub over but that's why we bring those up - so look down in here oh that's a diaper bag baby hey at the end of the year I'm doing montage that how we need a nickname go ahead gotta at least be a hundred all right when we got in here oh thank you transfer tub okay so we got a buddy's felt anger what we found a lot of fish and stuff to look for lots of weights efficient the stuff is expensive extension cord money I just used this clip he did Jake his nickname high school [Music] this was right or a cake stand there's a coffee maker and you're not gonna wrap all this kitchen stuff remember when I was looking at the pictures online us all that up there I thought maybe they hit some oh yeah rat poison [Music] turns out normal normal people hey speaking of pillows if you want a pillow with my mug on it yeah I recommend the coffee cup tough living I'm getting multiple things getting lazy no waiting so the black version comes out where these lids to something right here the theory I'm going yes cuz it's got a feather on yeah [Music] shake it don't break it I don't know I think a lot of names I think it fell on the floor at some point luckily she's I still gotta transfer bucket cars yeah keep it look eat more chicken a little Mickey action oh that's a gumball thing or no that's a flashlight got a bunch of beads crayons what kid stuff so I'm going to pull this dresser out we're gonna take this piece to get it up there to kind of make a wall and then that way we'll be able to force more boxes out do some more boxing but let's do this one okay [Music] sellable box let's see that's just got a bunch of tree thing oh yeah Oh any more good ones down there a bunch of Christmas balls down there one little lonely snowman he's pretty heavy we saw this one kinda alright so hey let's take a break we are going to move this furniture reset come back do more unboxing with you and that's it we'll grab it alright guys we're back so check it out I pop this box up do not blame this on me for the love of Pete okay there's a lot of stuff in here that's actually cool down monte st. Louis 80 miles that is so cool yeah that's cool too bad that's like stone oh these are pretty oh is the line ok here bed hmm look at those that's a really nice did we tell them what we spent on the show you know it's a mess right yeah hey right now not in the chat which hattingh but down if you have not guessed how much you think we paid for this unit show how much is in the truck oh yeah look at that but I do not know do you know what it is I knew what it was oh it's the Ark of the Covenant that's really cool that's what you know this is one of the things I think might be hidden in the well you know one place there's a church in Ethiopia mm-hmm says they have it right and it's Underground and Oak Island the show I like there's a possibility because there's the Knights Templar yeah there there's links to the Knights Templar and they think so anyway you know but I believe in Revelation when John is giving his visions and stuff I think it says it's nothing it's one of those debatable think it's not a Salvation issue it's just fun to pop up do what you gotta do that's kind of cool I hate these things yeah Rose Cottage by David winter we saw we have sold a lot of those [Music] this box was actually right there but it had a lot of heavy all these decapitated babies yeah that was cute it was like Navy stuff hey all these like mirrors and stuff like that Jake and maybe these TVs over here if you can pop those in there stack those [Music] really fast if it's random stuff in a lot of hopefully you think these dishes match that I just don't like collector plates stone stoneware what's this a barnyard yeah it's kind of cute actually teacher Betty Crocker hey Crocker and another made in China Oh what you got don't be broke oh you know what that was there's a little sake cup or tea cup that this this little bitty it's like brass that's kept [Music] that was the other one anything else oh we did find these I wanted to wait and show you hey Chico has they don't make TVs like that yep check this out so these I didn't pull this one out but look it's a whole set of them this is cool so this was the dream lives it's the 41st yeah 41st anniversary ball for the United States Air Force how cool is that so any Air Force people out there look they got a whole set will sell this is the whole set these are really pretty so again you got like what nine to 12 of them yeah 12 of these yep so you know we're gonna do you put those things in there hey Jake this is gonna be in the back yeah but everybody knows that they put all the good stuff transfer tub let's look in here oh yeah what you know about these jellies I love jelly Oh Jake you wanna wear these jellies you don't know buy jellies our jellies all the time you wear Julie's jelly clothes she's got up in this joint kind of jeans this you where you go out American Eagle that's a good brand Rob where's the jerseys at New Jersey's all right Jake this one can go and the subscribers already fries it was your fault hey daddy's room okay so we have Gina Gabi Virgil David good somebody like art hey safe found well crack ass ain't no weird of cracks a safe cracked oh money found that's it this whole video that's already cracked everybody no $2 and and oh the silver and a little silver cross oh look at that yeah that's right again you know I'm gonna do the title of this video world's fastest current the safecracker were you hiding Gabi oh these are actually cool I like these were you learned about animals and tells you all about it on the bat thing I stolen from the library oh that looks like an art set thank you yeah crossbones [Music] how's that jewelry box a jury jury box this Gabby was holding out on that oh [Music] that's yeah you know look at it yeah let's say maybe it's complete maybe it's not maybe you she used it all maybe it's partially in there actually all right this can go Jake the snake Roberts Jake snake like it's at it yeah all right look what do you know all blankets but they're kind of character blankets yeah that's right keep like yeah so did you like it they don't smell like cats that's good all right guys hey we're gonna take a break I'm gonna get this it up so we can get some more boxes and we'll try to find some more exciting and stuff that we just want to grab it that's we're bad Hey look I think we're getting better boxes this is living room miscellaneous miss Kolling it is but before we do that I'll let y'all know I had to call the police because I had to report elder abuse okay look at this woman's face yeah say it looks evil don't it she looks mean well maybe she looks just like I don't like pictures but then you you look what she did to Billy Bob look what she did to him it looked like he sucked on lemon all night but you know what I think I'm guessing she rubbed his dentures and a lemon right before the picture you tell she did it look at him he don't know what the heck in the back of his head that for minutes I had to report that abuse but they told me there's no way to track him back oh man I feel bad sorry she look at it she knew what she did pushing at least 40 I think hey you know what this is still well there's got to be a great video cuz the whoa it's a fastest safecracking ever fastest safe cracking crack to save down cash I did find cash can i crack this over like what did you keep the stuff in your living room okay there's a radio down there the chill factor we got your rug going on here every every family got a copy of that picture that's actually not too bad okay that's a good home decor thing we'll find his teeth they're amazing arts and crafts [Laughter] better not be peeing on side building yeah if he gets me another ticket for the what I know does it have to thank for that thing that is clever Oh huh you know what that is it's a shoe box that's for Valentine's right and your mom was kind enough to have some of her good weave oh this is the good stuff right right here speaker okay something went on this you know what it was grandpa Billy Bob man y'all remember that time freaking grandma freaking rub Grandpa Billy Bob's teeth the woman's in my office I like to keep things out of each unit to remember that I'll remember this unit all right so we got it oh look another Panasonic speaker there's a guard yeah two sets of speakers yep so they really think they took care of their furnitures [Music] pillows pretty pillows and a woodland sleeping bags what's this a grandma's great container I didn't do hey here's the deal guys we're gonna take a break real quick because we're gonna find some of the best boxes hopefully we know we got oh look look what sitting on that you are that's where your head was sticking out it was during that thing okay guys so hey give us a few minutes we'll be right back all right guys we're back as you can tell nothing is moved cuz nothing moved well this desk was right here mm-hmm pulled this box out and I opened it and bam look was right there whoo so I was like all right I guess we gotta film this one huh oh stop something oh that's full - ostrich that's cool nice an ostrich gliders like a drug case yeah body salts sign please do not disturb I'm sleeping and even if I'm awake I probably don't want to see jewelry box up in this joint Hey look a fossil for real that's money sorry sorry sorry people I knew it's gonna be Jesus candles oh yeah Jake you gotta wear this rest video do you want a job more please probably know blues travelers yeah we played the harmonica boom [Music] you bolted my nose long assured ya me I get most of your references you did this was a cheap wow that was so got all the lines boom it's got a football on it okay well nevermind dang it alright [Applause] alright guys so look we are getting really close to an hour so here's the damn deal I did find a few cool little things I wanted to show you this was one of them actually I found this sculpture of Jacob Ganga come here oh wait I'll show you Camero go ahead check this out I'll phone the show a little late hey let's see how many good things we can do with the Elfa on the show before our videos before Christmas next year ok check it out he's in here boyo there he is looking all innocent what in the duck they named him buddy ha ha buddy the elf elf elf I say anyway I'm selling that I found your sculpture tell me online thank you sad face on the line yep there it is I told you these people I did find this uh oh yeah what you know about them do you know what these are he said they're all home there ah yeah yeah look that's the whole thing a little homies all right so come up there this oh yeah Disney movies man I told everybody I was gonna do a clip it was gonna break a lot of people's hearts about beanie babies and just misconceptions Oh Tarzan I like that one why Phil Collins this is a greatest soundtrack man oh wait are they black diamond no black diamond yeah there is wonderful I didn't like that The Hunchback oh you didn't so you've got a Lydon black diamond like I'm gonna lighten ya little cracky okay of the ant hahaha we got a little mermaid not made for tiny uh uh-huh white it has to be added wait there's a little mermaid - there's two of them look The Parent Trap I don't know it's just talking about this doing a video about this you know about this Jacob yeah so this is the one with all the hype I actually had a lady from California called me and said hey I don't know what to do with this let's just talk about this can we talk about this right now what sighs this is it this is the band cover look the Winky is right there that's the Winky there's the Winky this is the band cover I literally have people calling me now blah I've got this thing and you know they can go from literally the last person was like I don't know I'm thinking somewhere between twenty and thirty thousand dollars no hey I'll tell you what I'll sell you ten of them right now for 10 G's let's just right people you cannot go off what people are asking for these I can literally go online and buy this band cover a really phenomenal shape six to twelve bucks I can go buy now prices not bidden having a bid like that these are they're a plethora these so what happened was is one of the things Fox News and the big networks ran a thing on this probably about three or four years ago about these these specific Black Diamond ones and the beauty and the beast' and stuff and everybody went wild and there's Thursday's fake accounts out there on eBay and they put asking like a million dollars and things like that and all they're doing is trying to they're trying to manipulate the market but here's the dilly market value is based on what can I get for one now what did what did it recently sell for and I know for a fact I checked on last week and I there was plethora of these on eBay that I could I could buy between six to twelve bucks so is it cool yeah it's cool it's a bank cover some dude back in freaking Disney put a Winky that's cool right not really it's not really actually kind of sick it's sick think about that you're working in a kid's place at Disney and something popped in your head like home and put a penis on this that's what if it was an accident yeah I accidentally draw penises on everything hold on let's see if we got to to let's see oh we got to Winkies look there's a better showdown over the Winky got two wiki's in one box that's the name is video two Winkies one box joking hey these will be in the grasp on sale let's see what else we got the Egyptian that's actually a really good movie I like yeah where we pressing the kids we'd like to watch that every year this is one of my all-time favorites that's my fave hey check this out dude you better put this on top cuz I got about maybe I should call this one the freaking band band mermaid cover right and people aren't right now the hey Winkies aren't as expensive as you think they are actually and get a bridging project you don't go I'm out alright guys so we are back coming from check it out look we just had to get going so you got an extra long this is gonna be like hour and 15 minutes but you know that but yeah so anyway we got all those out we put some bathroom boxes over here but we did find a jewelry box finishing getting this stuff up in this joint and then we're gonna have to clamp it style we got straps right and one of these fools leave the straps all the way in the front but hey look this is what we got left just how much space we got left okay so we did find this was in here and I'm here honest my my hopes are not high not high everything ever no no the gym is good though probably should have showed the front loaders I wish that washer and dryers ended up being really nice they're Frigidaire the refrigerator was actually really nice and the three leather sofas were really nice and the recliner so Derek and what I do what can I yeah we just reload and load weird outstanding okay check it out maybe this is where she kept the good stuff oh maybe she did keep the good stuff in here I'm sorry yeah that's definitely plated it's kind of cute that know what is a little flower in there okay this is Avon okay that's definitely not real let's go to Dixie's nothing in Dixie empty Dixie and TJ just doing fun what's that's a whiting Davis that's pretty that is really pretty Stefan out silver that's pretty it's like glass like a glass cameo looking thing all right what else we got up in this joint uh-huh oh yeah that is totally my style man nice and Bella nothin man did we do this part one two three yup he didn't do that part may be like hey hey idiot you freaking did that one alright she did not have high end or she kept it with us kept it with her didn't she yeah it says sterling oh yeah ten cents a sterling going off object why cuz we don't have the match okay so check this out yeah those are kind of they're kind of torn up so this was really cool this is an old vintage starter jacket looks like a holder tag to me simply Jo equipment I don't know it was a knockoff but that's super cool starter in there ya know but simply Jo equipment I don't know I don't know what that means y'all tell me what that means I don't know that I mean it feels like it but you know what we'll look in the bags of clothes yeah it's a hood zip dawn I know but that's we did find this - I found something it's in that last box I saved it for the very last and it rhymes with run Oh joke found it in the unit and it was loaded stay tuned so we got PlayStation 2 we you know we didn't go through all the boxes really getting later in the day and it's Saturday we're trying to get everything done for Christmas break look ps3 family game not safe is in there so we got some video games look Madden 11 what else we got down here let's show them down here so we're going to pull these a Harry Potter it's pickable me tooth fairy with the right Harry Potter hey pop Monsters Inc one of my favorite movies sonica looks on it Oh Harry Potter oh it's in there look comedy oh my being here soon yeah where's the golden eye down there and look down here I thought yeah oh yeah PlayStation okay there's some more game what do we do with that oh come here yeah oh we've got some cool stuff look the Hello Kitty alarm clock aha sander Carter look I found a billion dollars got the tag on it yeah joking oh but look we found this you didn't find the back to it but it's got pokemon silver in it so hopefully this works but it's a game boy color so and there's there were some cool little stuff in there about what you really want to see okay so this is what was going on this was on here don't know wasn't this hot this was all in the same area but look look at this look in here can you see that can you see it now yep so it's a millennium g2 holy crap it's loaded one in the chamber oh crap that is a dusty gun I wonder what that guy does for a living so uh check it out y'all we found a gun in a unit gun and there's a there's a secret about this gun yeah stay tuned to the in this video I'm gonna tell you all right guys so we are back and here is the secret about this gun so if you were watching last night's episode you saw this clip so so comes to find out when me and Gina we're leaving and we got in the car we pulled up to a gas station right and every time we pull up to a rougher neighborhood just make sure I'm packing heat it's right there it wasn't there it clicked in my head did that scene you just saw it wasn't my phone it wasn't a knife because it was something heavy that's why I thought was my phone but what happened is my gun got pulled off my my belt that's my holster got pulled off my belt and so I just found a gun in the unit but is my gun I'll see you [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 51,410
Rating: 4.7940445 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Auctions, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Giveaways, What the Hales, Resale Rabbit, mystery box unboxing, gaurav chaudhary, shopping haul, flea market, storage auction pirate, treasure hunting with jebus, reselling business, storage stalker, auction kings, safe cracking rs3, garage sale, laughability, resell, storage lockers
Id: dTgWk8MF8KY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 16sec (3736 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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