Chris Farley: Anything For A Laugh | Full Documentary | Biography

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Really good. Rest In Peace big man

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/iamthewhite 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’m not crying, you’re crying!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/NameisPending 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
i have this chart writing for chris farley which  was a dial chris farley moderately wet fairly wet good puppy dog puppy talking normally the stage  guy's waving at me oh we're out of time screaming   for the love of god move in with you my dolls were  always set on soaking wet screaming chris farley here you think farley doesn't care there  was a touch of self-consciousness about it   he didn't always love himself the way other people  loved him you're just laughing at me because i'm   fat or because i fell down he's willing to take  his shirt off chris would do anything for laugh   and it better be so memorable that people aren't  thinking about your body they're thinking how   funny you are this guy will do anything and it's  hysterically funny and you'll love him for it somebody's got to get the porterhouse and pour  off's for three favorite was the porterhouse   here's how chris would order here you go give me  a lobster tail and i want you to cut it all up   and uh make that ferrari make that as an order  do they have lobsters should we do chris's meal   no no no no yes yeah you're doing chris's  meal so he's gonna have well lobster tail   for a little appetizer do they have it there life  is a lesson and chris farley gave a good lesson   in his life of what to do and what not to do i  don't know what chris's upbringing was like with   rental units and his siblings they were  from madison wisconsin yeah the cheesesteak cheese if you don't go to the university of  wisconsin you're gonna end up eating   government cheese and living in a fam down  by the river you know it's homecoming but uh   looking for some action trying to explore my  innermost self to get to know who is grits big   part of the success is the relatability that  he had they see somebody they can identify   with that's it's not george clooney or brad  pitt um it's like hey this is a regular guy the farley family grew up in madison wisconsin  there were five kids two parents uh four boys   and one girl dog holly and then dog  sandy we went through a couple dogs   uh just a typical midwestern existence you  know wes homegrown homegrown hardware we   voted for you sir well thank you last  so you own your own hardware store huh   yes sir since 1972. with his midwestern roots  you always believed that it was a real person   at the height of his success i think he  always felt like a kid from wisconsin   when we're telling stories now  about growing up it's pretty funny   it was just comedy comedy comedy all  the time and that's all we watched   we had just stockpiles of everything carol burnett  jackie gleason then again i might not go bowling   we love the muppets man when saturday night live  came on in 74 we were right there every night back   in the vhs days yeah we would just load up on  those we had uh a steady rotation of caddyshack   now what is the very first line of caddyshack  happy happy upbeat very good appiah   the goal was to make my dad laugh all the time dad  was a huge guy so if you were big you were golden   oh my real name is martin but they call me ox  cause right because you're so big right like an ox   chris and dad had a relationship that was very  close an intense relationship dad had a lot of   influence on chris like any time you see him  doing a character it's a version of my dad   now as your father probably told you my name  is matt foley and i am a motivational speaker   and i used to always say the only person i'm  really trying to make laugh is dad at home   here's you here's matt there's you there   there's something about comedians that come  from big families it's because you're tested   it's like if you came out with a joke and it  wasn't funny you're gonna beat me with a bat   a mental bat nobody laughed nobody in the family  laughed if you get somebody to laugh you go okay   okay then it's somewhere near funny chris never  cared if everyone left either in fact if they   didn't laugh he laughed it was better right we'd  be like well you've seen that one before yeah   you're going to roll down and put your pants down  like we always do oh we haven't seen that before all the aunts and uncles were here  for some reason we have a huge party   we're all down in the foyer area you always  had to be prim and proper and chris goes   watch this he took the playboy and just tossed  it over the balcony now you could hear it go   smack right in the middle of the party yeah and  i go oh my god he goes hey wait wait wait watch   this before it you just hear my uncle go oh my  god what's that dear dagger that's a playboy   who's got a playboy up there okay like wow i would  always find those thanks to chris's bed it's like   what are you doing with the marshall feels  catalog i was looking at the toys oh you   weren't no you weren't god i love these fries if  you love them so much why don't you marry them   can i have some um sure cindy go ahead oh god  these are good uh cindy can you leave some for us i thought you were um trying to  lose weight lay off me i'm starving were you guys ever amazed at how  much food chris could put away   he once ate six hot dogs and nonnies six  six dude i said that's number six and full   war so what who's counting when there's a finite  number of something then the stakes were higher   like taco night taco night was literally  a fight everything muddy and bloody brawl open those boxes hey come on in oh do i just  have the camera come in do i okay okay okay   all right okay now ben man are you saying i threw  those pictures away okay just find a picture   me dustin hoffman my first scene ever in a  movie chuck norris bad we could do better   here's king boxes yeah ben's not gonna  be ben's not good at comedy chris   we have better pictures i am fatter than chris  or his dad there's a photo to prove right there i   literally okay that's a bad idea to go through  these pictures his dad weighs 700 pounds man   i'm not kidding if he was my dad i'd be like  the best kid too eating i want so many eating   contests i get this relationship and in  entertainment news roseanne barr and tom   arnold have announced that they are suing the  national enquirer for 35 million dollars we   have them on live remote from california we don't  have any skeletons in our class right what do we it's like uh maybe i fired like two or like  500 people or something and like maybe tom   went to a drug clinic i got in the taxi and went  to treatment yeah laura michael said not only does   he do an impression of i want you to get to know  him there's something you guys have in common from   day one you know i've never been ashamed to talk  about it i've certainly never shaped somebody else   and chris farley had it bad you know he had a bad  he had probably several things you know i've never   said i give up on you but you know you're trying  you gotta you gotta love yourself as a kid i can't   love this guy as an adult because that guy that  man he does some pretty disgusting things doesn't   he and he's letting some people down and yeah he's  embarrassed you he does some amazing things he's   incredibly talented but you gotta let your brain  heal enough to go okay that doesn't work for me i don't think we had many family  meetings i do remember one family meeting   in northern wisconsin and we're gonna  talk about chris's drinking problem   we go out to dinner at some restaurant  we're on this huge round table   waitress comes over it's like uh y'all  have a drive rob roy you know scotch   we're all drinking how are we going  to talk about this okay and we got   we were we drank talking about chris's drinking  problem we didn't know what it we didn't know   what was going on anything about addiction or  anything not we didn't know anything about it   we just knew something was going on happiness  sadness grief you know it's all it's   comedy comedy is our language i wouldn't  recommend it to you families no it's not   it wasn't always the healthiest way to deal with  uh life oh god the other way's boring yeah do that   i used to people that are like but you get on  snl and you make a career in comedy it's funny   it's funny you laugh i'm flying i'm flying holy  schnike look at kevin but i'm doing something i have a weight problem comedy he felt he felt he was  right in his wheelhouse and   you know i'm good at this i think i can do this you see my wife mary and i are here on vacation  it's a lovely country everyone's been great the   japanese game show just his ability to get laughs  even with the slightest gesture like any who the   concierge at the hotel said do you want to go to a  game show that's not something that reads funny on   a page it's the way he does i'm sorry does anybody  here speak english do you guys speak english   ah milwaukee wisconsin remember chris and i  would walk kind of splitting the middle of campus   that's marquette hall where  we had a lot of comm classes   speeches we had up acting for non-acting majors  class i think we actually did well on that one this is jay zoo this is the church on campus chris  and i would come here usually uh sunday nights uh   because sunday morning get a little tough  sometimes but uh but yeah we'd make it to mass   chris and i had a professional speaking  class he thought on the way to class   it'd be kind of fun if we gave each other our  speeches it was called how to how to anything   chris said what's my speech and i said i  don't care what your speech is chris but you got to drink beer you said okay chris cracked  a beer the teacher looked and he said what   it's for my speech so chris got up took a sip looked at the class grabbed the  remaining two and walked outside   in the hallway you heard a primal scream chris  came back in like an animal his sport coat's   still on but his shirt was not over his head  revealing his bare chest he runs up and there   was a desk right here and he leaps and lands on  the desk pushing half the papers on the floor   everyone's just in shock he  takes the beer he chugs it and whips it to the wall across the room and says how to get people's attention  by chris varley and walks away i knew we had a library wow a lot of  great memories we had a fencing team man almost every picture you can picture him  like did you take it are you taking the   picture some cool stuff man he made an impact  it's really nice that marquette kept this a lot of things happened to marquette chris   was certainly the funniest person  from marquette or the class clown i think there's a pridefulness in  thinking chris farley went here   there was the grugby team that he was a part of  being on a team and having the team reach a goal   he wasn't an athlete that was very funny he was  a very gifted comedian that was very athletic   he took a lot of different classes  like ballet he took theater he really   learned about his own creativity and once  he found this acting thing you could see it   immediately it changed did you hear i finally  graduated yeah in just a shade under a decade   too all right you know a lot of people go  to college for seven years i know they're   called doctors that period of time right there  that window was probably the most special time wow yeah this was a tough day i  think what made it tough is that   chris surrounded himself by so many amazing  people that to have so many amazing people be sad um anxiety just represent laughter sorry for all of us chris was taken you know way too  early that sucks and you're mad and you're you   feel cheated chris is 33 years old he's he makes  everybody around him happy like it's that's it's   so crazy how that's somebody who should be here  somebody who i would love to be able to pick up   the phone and call or have them come to my kids  games something like that to the people that   want to know why i don't know why  i don't know what was in his head   um but if he was in that much pain and couldn't  get out of it and he's in a better place now and   i'm happy for the time that i had with him  and that's that's something i'll always have this is where chris lived in the student house see how it looks see if anybody's  home kind of looks the same   last year mostly but then we got in trouble did  you guys know chris lived here oh yeah thank you   we've got some uh we've had some ghost  stories in this house have you ever   while we like watched chris  farley's videos on us now   oh tommy boyd like beds have shaken  but maybe he's i don't know yeah chris forgot it was haunted so yeah this is chris's room his senior year he  was like we got to focus up i said yeah what do   we do and he goes we got to start writing comedy  chris was like this is awesome it's what we should   be doing was writing comedy yeah he goes yeah what  do you think is funny and i was like i don't know   it's a tough one it's yeah chris goes uh airplane  food that's pretty funny i said yeah it's really   funny so i wrote down as as did he airplane food  about a minute nothing chris chris just shows   comedy's hard yeah it is a lot  harder than i thought because yeah   hey do you want something to drink opens a drawer  he pulls out two like pint glasses that are empty   and he pulls out a thing of grapefruit juice pulls  out a thing of vodka and then he pulls out the   bottom drawer which you would normally have files  in and it's completely filled to the brim with ice   no liner no just ice chris goes it's  called a greyhound it's pretty good   we had a couple of greyhounds went out to a bar   woke up the next morning in a  piece of paper that just said   airplane food was the extent of our comedy writing  that day and it's true comedy writing is hard chris had a great time at marquette but  this was very much like just laying the   groundwork of what he was going to do next chris always kind of had his eye on second city  chicago is mecca for improvisation we created an   art form everyone is on stage together taking  care of each other making each other look good   working together building on each other's ideas  chicago was the epicenter and it was the place   where people knew comedy you had smart comedy  audiences and there was tons of stage time we were   at a point where we were totally immersed there  was like gangs and you wore colors you thought   you were the you thought you were better than  anybody else and that was kind of the attitude   to try to get to the next level when i was on the  main stage of the second city you'd come out and   there there's a guy just eyeing you this night it  was it was pat finn and farley he was a ball of   energy he was a kind of a freak uh to me at that  point it was more chatty and professional we're   being professional now uh and finding out all the  secrets to the world i said the most important   thing is go find del close he is the guru he's  the guy that taught belushi oh close del close   was a big mentor in chris's comedy career as well  as luci bill murray all those guys the king of   improvisation the guru they call them you gotta  go see sharna and tell you gotta go to io that's   where you start chris was on a team called fish  deck they are somewhere around here here it is oh   that was his first team i didn't like him i did  not like chris barley when i first met him or for   a first few weeks i just had such trouble getting  this guy to calm down and stop trying to be funny   the improv olympic was phenomenal training  for a lot of us and uh i was in the got it   thank you our whole thing was stage time it's  all about getting on stage as much as you can   chris was dying to perform he just would not  stop and nobody treats me that way so finally   i thought i would threaten him i said i'll tell  you what if you go on my stage and play tonight   and you screw well you'll never work in  this town you want to take that chance   and before i could finish the sentence he  was walking through the stage all right   he showed me what he needed to show me and he  calmed down i had dell come to the class one   day and i said you have to see someone and dale  looked at him and said oh that's the next belushi it seemed incredibly obvious to me and  everyone else around him that he was one   of the funniest guys in the world even in that  early form his talent was so undeniable i was   thinking is it just me or is this guy funnier  than people i see in movies and tv is it just   me and everybody's like no it's not just you i  i completely agree del and i have been working   together for years and second city needed a  director he asked if dell would come back for   one show anyone that you want to work with  and he said let's give farley the shot the   use of flash cameras recording devices and adult  latex novelty items here they are the second city i'd been in second city probably three years  and then chris was hired chris moved up right   away to the main stage there may have been some  resentment because chris did kind of leapfrog   over the traditional hierarchical system del  close recognized how brilliant he was even the   people who might have felt a little resentful also  recognized that oh come on i mean the guy's great you know they always say meteoric rise but it  was fast it was really fast with chris you always   knew that he could take it i mean if you say  chris you're doing five shows tonight but great the hate that this kid had i'm the i'm the fat guy   in waiting and uh like well he's  got a lot more energy than you do i clearly remember this middle-aged couple in  this part he was making them laugh so hard the   guy was falling off the stool and chris was doing  the cat eyes dance and stuff and saying push away   push away come back to me i can't do justice to  it at all but the guy was breathlessly laughing   and he said he said what's your name i've  never laughed like this i'll never forget that   i lived above this mexican restaurant across the  street from the second city and we had a shared   door at the street that he would often break down  because i forgot my key it was like having and i   treated him like a big yellow lab my apartment  was not to be touched chris it was like i was   supposed to look after him in a way and first he  loved that he was living down the hall from joel   murray bill murray's brother when is bill come  to the show uh he's bill it's a little busy   and yes he idolized um john belushi the fact  that joel knew and had had actual contact with   belushi i would think would be irresistible  to chris it's just mind-boggling that you   someone could come into physical contact with one  of your childhood heroes i think one of the things   he loved about him was his dad loved him that  might have added to his idolization of belushi   just the fact that he meant so much to his dad he  was always obsessed with any kind of story i could   tell him about belushi but you i would say you  know the ending's not so good he was a comet but   yeah he's not necessarily somebody  to emulate all the time chris and   he did he emulated him all the time he  was his idol he was a little bit obsessive i think chris looked at blue  shield he was a leading man   he did the blues brothers and and  that had never happened a bigger guy   being a leading man oh so that was what was so  new it was like oh my god i'm a bigger man too   john was a force of nature chris just really  bought into that i don't know if he thought   that would help him be funny or just live in  a desperado lifestyle living things to the max   sometimes i would walk in and there would be guys  in his apartment and like chris that guy's got to   go that guy's got to go and you're not welcome  back here anymore my bed was probably 60 feet   away from his television set many times i would  go to sleep and i could just hear him laughing to   this day still say that he was afraid of the dark  he did not want to go to bed until the sun came up as soon as i saw him at a bar  i saw that he drinks a lot   and i knew that he was smoking pot all  the time and i knew that he was tripping   you know but then again so was everyone  else you know i mean they were improvisers we went to joyce sloane's who was  the matriarch of the second city   cottage we drank a lot of murray  brothers tea that night just a uh   a psilocybin light tea it was uh yeah something  uh that you know expanded the brain at that point   we went out on the ice floes it was really cold  and farley's got on a t-shirt and no jacket and   he's just flailing himself onto the ground  and he keeps doing dives and trying to slide   eventually we started to stop at whale boy we  just kept riffing on it the rest of the night   because whale boy was wet and whale boy was this  okay do it they came back and they had the idea   they said chris is gonna play this guy  who's a whale but he's like part whale part human i played whale boy's mother and my  character hated him because he was   not perfect you know he was a whale boy hello  brother don't call me mother i'm not your mother   i'm a whale not a boy and  then he would start singing   chris was phenomenal in it and you know  who else you can have as a whale boy and uh   he would wear a football helmet  so it was a spouting whale boy it was like a beautiful scene could  have been a movie honestly it was   just priceless and it killed every night it always felt kind of inevitable  that he was going to be big   is the one person that he said i'm  gonna be on snl and he believed it once you get more stage time and you're  up there more you're starting to find out   what works what doesn't work chris got better  and better and better and he was a sponge you   know you can say oh chris was you know out all  the time at least no he was he was a worker he   really did he would watch movies and do shows  and if he wasn't doing a show he was watching   a show he tried to pick up everything he  could to be the best possible performer i know chris told himself at some  point you know i'll be on snl   that's a probability that's a reality the effect he would have on a live audience at  second city was just magical remember seeing him   do matt foley it would completely devastate the  entire room the everyone was breathlessly falling   out of their chairs first off i am 35 years old i  am divorced and i live in a van down by the river   i can't think of a hilarious part i've ever  seen at second city that couldn't have been   understudied by someone matt foley they  would try to bring in understudies for him   if he had to go out of town and it wouldn't  work it was such a unique character to him   my director was involved with saturday night live  his name is del close and i asked dell what is it   like on saturday night live what can i expect he  said well um it's a lot like being shot out of a   cannon i remember when lauren michaels came to see  the show lauren and some of his producers come to   second city as a regular pilgrimage to find young  talent yeah we all knew he was in the audience   so everybody was sort of auditioning it was just  you even though he'd specifically come to see you   i'm sure everybody else is kind of i guess it's  my big chance sure he doesn't say anything right   away he flies you out he gives you a screen test  then he might fly you out a second time you know he wants to see what kind of characters do  you do what are the things that we can put   on right now there are characters that can  recur i don't think i've ever seen chris   farley's audition for snl i don't know if it's  out there that's a good question but like he   must just walk out on stage and lauren  was like yeah he heard him he liked him   i saw his very last show it was so exciting  just know that he was going off to this dream   job finally chris farley on national television  everything i've done has pretty much been fabulous yeah chris farley on the success track  as the heavyset guy willing to do almost   anything for a loud oh one more thing  live from new york it's saturday night   i met him when he first came to saturday night  live chris was always kind of moving and kind of   watching everything from the corner because he  couldn't believe what was happening to him you   know it's hard to explain to people who weren't  on saturday night live and that place is just like   the best of the best of the best is  all around you and they're all great   and you're all competing they brought up mike  myers chris rock spade and sandler and then farley   came in we were sort of a little gang that would  hang out we were all sort of trying not to be   uh violently jealous towards farley because he  was so good and getting on so much right away was it ever gonna stop survey says not very soon  i can't follow his energy however he had a voice   to write for he had a physicality to write for  he had an energy to write for what happens now   that type of creative personality that's kind  of wild but the structure keeps it in place   he was working hard to make you laugh each  actor on stage and he could do it if you wanted   it's like taking swings with  the bat and just hitting home   run after home run i'm sick and tired  of living in a van down by the river oh my god oh my lord chris used to put a  a pad of butter on his steak all the time   and he'd call it a little hat he'd be like  i think it needs a little hat of butter   take some more it was crazy  when he got on i thought kyle mclaughlin was the first host of that  season and we went and he walked on being   escorted by conan o'brien i guess you heard i  did it i'm ready to do my time get me a beer   that was the first time i was really kind of  impressed like now i see it now i get it it   was in a like a real professional setting it's  a really cool thing to watch as an older brother   but we still haven't figured out who shot me i  did jeez you saw me all right let's go everybody   got the morning streak we went to the after  party at tavern on the green and he was just   like so excited and was looking around and he  was kind of like a little kid that had been   allowed to stay up late oh my god when he came  in it was like he could not believe he was there   he was just worshipful the people who had gone  before him and he never lost that he really   loved the work of other comedians he just  seemed so wide-eyed and you know the way   he does it oh you know you doing mr kneeling  and you know this chris barley show and uh   tonight uh my host is jeff daniels one  of the greatest actors um around i guess   boy yeah he just so great to be around he was  because i was scared to death every time i did   the show football yeah football no shackle and  you know it's just great to have him there it's   kind of a rock or an unstable rock if this guy's  making you feel awkward i'll knock his head in   you're the one that's making him feel awkward  gary you want me to punch this guy out or what   people just love chris it was his heart showing  it's like that energy just glowed through he   invited me to come see him on saturday night live  and i flew out to new york and it was cool seeing   the taping the show and him giving us the tour  you know he was like i'm here like i'm one of them   i remember seeing chris farley for the first  time on air it was the uh i'm not gonna drink   anymore the steve martin was uh hosting the show  yeah i'm not gonna drink anymore it was a big   song dancing i'm not gonna get liquored up tonight  yet not gonna get liquored up tonight not gonna   have a drink tonight i called spade and said who  the hell is that guy the guy's hilarious fell in   love with that dude there's a difference it feels  like i mean they're all geniuses and it feels like   even the geniuses have a genius with him you know   for sure they all agreed that farley was  the funniest but nobody would ever argue   that point it was who was second was uh was the  big discussion amazing we finished the marathon   all right why did you even bother to enter  the marathon that's ridiculous what do you   mean i i did it i've watched us know my whole  life i dreamed about being on it and i um i'm   gonna get emotional now i remember sitting  there with sitting on the couch with my mom   watching chris farley and his mom do the mother's  day special and talking about how beautiful it   was and she said to me if you ever get that show  i'm gonna do it with you one day and she did it and passed away recently and they replayed it the  night that night wow that's amazing to think about   that yeah yeah i'm sure that most of his comedy  i've seen all of it so it seeps in you know you   want to be like these people and you learn from  these people you quote these people it's what you   love so you do it and like obviously you suck in  some part of it i can remember in sketches being   like i'm just trying to be chris farley here  and like i can't do that you can't no one can   george didn't you say at the beginning  of the season that we should be really fat no no i i said fast oh damn this is uh riverside park we would play  basketball down here i remember neelan and   carvey and farley was a good basketball player  since we're here i just want to take one shot   and if it goes it goes and  if it doesn't it doesn't okay all right the coat is uh a little confining  okay listen guys i'm gonna take one shot   and one shot only if it goes in it goes in  if it doesn't it doesn't so one shot okay   chris was a great athlete i i'm pretty good  no i was when we played basketball all right   farnelly farley really great athlete oh my lord  if it goes in it goes in if it doesn't it does okay one shot here's your boom you know there's one sketch which is called  the sarcastic clapping family of southampton   you know someone gives a  speech and then they do it   and then they give their speech and then someone  else does this and then every time the first clap   happens they go like that and his his take  on that it's just he has a little jerk on it nice clapping meg   it's a moment and it's a moment that he  does brilliantly exquisitely hilariously   there's a few sketches i remember being with  farley that were really outstanding for me   um but one was the chippendale dancer sketch he called me up he goes well they're  making fun of the fat boy he was scared and i said   chris you are light on your feet you're a  fantastic dancer just be the best you can be   he was so athletic and a good  dancer and a good basketball player   that's why chippendales is so good  is because like he's not awful   it's almost unbelievable what he's doing and what  he allows himself to do he was dancing as well as   patrick swayze was i knew how well he could dance  because i'd seen him dance on stage but i don't   think a lot of people watching snl had ever seen  him move like that i glommed onto him well you   just ride those coattails i wrote the sketch  for uh for chris the sketch was a little women mother promised candid plums and cider to  all those who feel the nip of jack frost   this day but as soon as chris  falls to the ice oh my god   oh my god son of a [ __ ] oh my goodness  whatever shall we do don't just stand there   do something you bastards i had four different  actors come up to me like you know i could scream   too you know i i could fall through the ice  they wanted those laughs they saw the crush of   those laughs and they couldn't scream like chris  farley and also just from zero to zero to sixty i really got gauss there but you know what  it's okay guys it's only water by the way i   should warn those of you there was a danger  there that was there right there it was all   always there because when he's yelling listen to  the the voice the way it it's it's it's edge sweet   mother of god what is the holdup let the boy sleep  in your damn bed he said he'd wash the sheets   that wild behavior it was beautiful chris was obsessive-compulsive he had many ticks  or things he would do all the time he would touch   everything twice when he walked through like the  doorway you have to go through to get on stage he   would touch the doorway left upper right it was  touching things twice and licking things he would   say to me you think i'm crazy don't you and i  said no i think that you're making this your home   if you didn't know maybe that he had a little  ocd or however anybody would describe it you   might not notice it might have just looked like  a quirk he would touch the floor clap and lick   left lick right and then clap again and so but  if you didn't know you just do it defense like   he said i'm trying to even everything  up that in his head things weren't even   playing basketball in the driveway and we played  horse and was like all right you're shot and you   get like the chin on the ball there you go the  ball you can take it like what are you doing like   and like we didn't know what that was one time i  was watching and he's going down the hallway it's   snl and he had to like touch every picture  on the wall and i was like oh they're gonna   notice and i know he didn't know what he was  doing but he was touching every single picture   and i'm like you're on live tv chris you can't get  ahold of your your uh ocd when chris and i would   just be up in his apartment that's when he was  like quiet and settled and i think the real chris   farley when we would leave his apartment i would  see him like gearing up to get into the street   and be farley and when the door would open it's  like he was in character like most comedians i   know including myself a lot of us are coming from  a place of low self-esteem and they feel like no   if i'm not being funny i don't deserve to even be  here you know and i definitely got that from chris   he thought he was earning his right to be  in the room by making people laugh oh god you get this feeling of like they like me yeah so  i want to entertain for them you know it's like   you turn into a five-year-old's like watch me  watch me watch me watch me that addiction part   of your brain is a scary thing i definitely have  parts of that thank god i don't have it as bad   as him you know like and and also maybe i don't  because of him i'm not gonna drink until update   is true that's a promise to you the viewer yes  after the show i'll drink till i spew but for now that was where i live this is about 81st  and riverside and we just lived across the   street from each other just a couple times  as we get a call and say can you come over   he gotten in trouble with drugs and the place  would be trashed it's nobody's fault it's an   addiction i didn't know that when i was a  kid eating so much was a part of it it just   had to fill up this big hole and in chris's case  it was like a big furnace just burning through   more give me more more of everything we  started talking about as partying i said you   know chris you really got to kind of scale  back on that yeah but but you know belushi   you know did drugs look how funny he was you are  in the belushi role and that sort of thing do you   feel any responsibility being the heavyset one  great norman now everyone's gonna know i have a   slight weight problem assault and balance if you  will i said to him you're ahead of where belushi   was at this point just slow down lauren didn't  want another john belushi ending and that's why he   suspended him from the show i think you start  thinking well i'm such a star i can screw around   you start to learn that you can't you are going  to get fired you aren't going to have problems i   mean he had to go to rehab a lot while lauren can  give tough love there's no doubt about it he'll   make it known if your behavior is compromising  professionalism that you should be showing   chris would feel very chastised  and felt tremendous guilt i wrote a piece for him called the relapse guy  can you tell your family what's different about   this time what's different is that  instead of doing it for other people   this time i'm doing it for me the whole point of  the relapse guy was this time he's really got it   this time he's really got it and they're going  like yeah right we think he's going to make it   what is it going to take you want me to march  lunch or somewhat that [ __ ] i'm not drunk   the whole premise of that was this is a guy who  just always relapses and he just keeps saying you   know al write me another relapse guy now write  me another relapse guy we were doing dark humor   about addiction and he loved that and also  it says something i mean it says something   it's a little indirect but it  was meant to say this is serious   oh damn you daniel what the hell you cut out his  brain chris chris what about you just talk to me   are you okay oh my god you cut his brain out too  no mr heston chris is fine he's always like this ten commandments was awesome i will say this i will say this he was insecure  and he did have his body image issues stuff like   that that's why he drank but when he was sober he  was nice he dressed well and it was also the time   he was creating some of the best characters  we ever known when he was clean and sober   it was a short time but it was an amazing  time all of a sudden i thought like when did   you become like so smart in this industry  of yours people were very affected by them   some more than others you know like there's guys  that get tattoos in them and stuff like that chris he was a superhero i think to every chubby  young dude growing up while there's been a lot   of people that have inspired me the connections  that i've had with him are just kind of different   so cool this feels right   farley till i die big stars like that  you feel like they're made in a lab unfortunately sometimes brilliant funny sweet  people go through stuff chris wasn't the first   comedian to go through it he he's not the  last but if you look at him and you see all   the beauty that he brought to the world if i  can make just just a little bit of that happen   it's worth it i just bought our new vacuum cleaner you know i think she takes me for granted hi honey   hey baby kids come over here and  give me some of that sweet stuff   he was my idol he was just one  of those guys that you're like he   he's one of us everybody was like  he's the funniest guy at the party   kevin and johnny farley who i became  really close friends with were recurring   guests on the tom show with tom arnold which  was i believed it was ranked 137 out of 137   shows it was the worst show on television at  the time i love you tom arnold but he knows   it one night i'm doing my lines on the set and  all of a sudden the audience starts to laugh   and i'm like oh wow they just love me tonight  i'm killing it man and i looked over to my left   and i could see chris farley walking into  the studio and he's just like looking at the   audience like all right how are you see all  right just doing his name preparing i'm not   trying to be respectful with everything  i had i go hey everybody it's the big   fat guy taking all the attention off of the  skinny guy who's trying to have a career   and he just runs over and he picks me up over his  head and starts smacking my ass he runs through   the audience and he's like this guy's a smart ass  this is what happens for smartness and it made my   life and i made sure i documented the this is  a picture from that night this guy when he was   around everybody wanted his attention everybody  wanted to talk to him you'd hear a lot of women   talk about how sexy they thought chris was and  i think he would he would probably get feel   embarrassed about that but it's true hi hey daddy  women liked him he did pretty well with the ladies   and a lot of girls liked him because he gave off  that kind of friendly teddy bear vibe he certainly   was a kid in a candy store after a while well i  was wondering if you know where i could get some   aloe vera lotion quite a bird going right here  in this region he would always do this to try to   lure you in like that was so sexy looked at his  fingers and his nipples and i left him with his   brows and i was like stop it chris stop it rolling  my eyes he had really beautiful eyes and he knew   how to be charming swag you either have it or you  know and he had it he had he had major charisma   major like you don't see in every actor or  actress real natural attractiveness chris   never got like this big head about him and and if  he started to we would like totally reign that in   no it was the opposite i wanted him to have more  self-confidence right he never felt like he was   better than anybody else i think he was oftentimes  baffled when people treated him like he was better   i think deep down he always felt like hey  i'm still one of you i'm a midwestern guy when we were at second city we would do  charity events the theater would pay us 100   to 300 which we were like oh my god and chris  never accepted the money he would always say   i don't want to take the money i  wanted to go back to the charity   he would go to church and he would be helping and  volunteering and helping the homeless and he never   told me about all those things and i was so proud  of him when i heard of that later on like he just   did all these good deeds and never talked about  it he just loved to visit old people in nursing   homes yeah he did a soup kitchen they loved him  down at st maliki's yeah yeah he would he would   volunteer down at the church in times square  and visit the old people because the old people   he was really good with that there were these  people that chris had visited through the church   and never told anyone about like he just would  bring these people meals and make them laugh and   i remember seeing chris's brother tom uh years  later and i said to tom i said tom i didn't   know chris did that stuff and tom said brian  i'm his brother and i didn't know he did that tony hall uh was a congressman from dayton ohio  tony told me that his son was a big snl fan and   i met with matt and he was very sick i said to  matt you know who's your favorite cast member   he said farley i asked chris if he'd um come  visit matt and of course he said yeah of course   some of the other parents that were  there there on the pediatric board   they couldn't be there and cr they were  saying this to me and chris and chris said   well let's go visit the other kids so we  spent a couple hours there and he would   entertain these kids man oh man i mean he was  funny with the kids and then we both cried let's let's say elevators richard what's happening   this is the original script that i signed on  to which as you can see was called billy iii   a midwestern at the time they were shooting  billy madison so we realized we can't have two   billies out in the world so uh once you abandon  one title and try to come up with a new title   all hell is broken loose eventually lauren came  up with tommy boy and at first everyone hated it   didn't understand and then realized that's that's  what it's going to be what was lucky about tommy   boy is it wasn't based on a sketch yeah it feels  a little different it's not like an snow character   movie it was their real relationship uh spade  and farley spray that thing for bugs tommy boy   happened because we always synced up and he uh  his gift of physical comedy obviously lauren   said you guys are funny around the office  just try to make a movie out of that now i   know you'd love to just sit there and keep being  not slim but we got to work a little today okay dave and chris absolutely could have been the next  laurel and hardy i completely believed in farley   then i have this other piece of the engine which  was david spade who was the motor oil and the   spark plugs to making farley work i wrote down  that they would say to each other and we would   write that into the script one day i was with  dave and chris as they were doing a wardrobe test   chris comes out of his trailer with the iconic  brown tweed suit and he said dave does this suit   make me look fat no no no your face does okay  let's check you out and i thought oh my god i   can't believe you just said that spade but  chris loved it we'd say let's try this and   what's the funniest thing we can do here that  makes us laugh and pee would go try it out   who knows let me let me let me see you grab my arm  watch this people why does other guys break pads   you're driving along you're driving along and all  of a sudden the kids are yelling from the backseat   i can't stop he wanted to take  advantage of everything that   he was good at we knew we were going to  have a scene where he screamed at people   we knew we were gonna have a scene  where he fell through a table   but i didn't know that we were going to find  this human being in between the cracks there   was a believability that was heartfelt and sweet  and i think that's what people went whoa this   guy's pretty good he's just not as chris would say  fatty falls down everybody laughs that moment in   tommy boy you know what i'm talking about in  the boat my dad gave me this boat we'd come   out here late at night when there's no one  else on the lake and then he'd be over there   on the shore and he'd yell quit playing  with your dinghy i'm gonna really miss him the commitment he has to his performance is  beyond naturalism it's so severely truthful   he had the ability to lift everyone up who was  performing with him because of his commitment to   his truth he had real depth as a performer and had  a vulnerability and a little pain in himself and a   real sweetness what you saw there was a guy at the  peak of his gift he was starting to live his dream   getting to work with all of these people acroid  and just the people that were all his idols we   were supposed to shoot in the summer hiatus before  they went back to snl but now i was sharing chris   and dave with snl he and spade were flying back  and forth none of us had any days off it was   exhausting we were running so fast when we wrapped  that i did not think we had a movie i felt like   i was in saigon and i just wanted to get out chris  one day said pete everyone expects us to fail   our only success will be a victory he was right  and so we sort of bonded you know knowing that   the odds were against us there's at least  three good reviews of tommy boy thank god it   was before the era of rotten tomatoes i don't  really know what it is about a certain movie   that sticks i think there are other movies that  i've made are maybe technically better but there's   something about the spirit of that movie and you  just never know for the 10th anniversary i said   why are you doing all this you know with a bobble  head doll and i said well because tommy boy is a   top 10 hit and i said i don't know what that means  top 10 this year and i said no for home video   top 10 all-time paramount i said with like  raiders of the lost ark and the godfather top ten   yeah on my poster chris signed it come back to  me he was clean and sober and great i think maybe   part of the nervousness and the postpartum  was i don't want to go back to the old me i   liked what we had here we did good work i was  healthy and i think when we left i think the   the old demons started coming back saturday night  live at the time it had perhaps the greatest cast   sandler and spade and farley and  mike myers but the ratings were bad   critics had it out for them and there  was a book out called saturday night dead   a lot of negative publicity going around  with the show this year people have said   this cast doesn't care as much as the cast in  the past well i know i wake up every sunday   morning with aches and pains and bruises from  falling on tables and trying to do the best i can   and we all do you know that saturday night  live show uh it got way worse oh yeah   oh yeah it's just sad they got that fat guy  screaming all the time come on pull the blog   on that freaking thing you only have a certain  kind of a lifespan at that show it's kind of like   food in your refrigerator there's an  expiration date give them all your tricks   and then when you're done you just spend squeeze  dry you have nothing left hey you gonna fire me   no chris you just have a seat i'm not gonna fire  they don't really tell you at snl it's kind of   a weird thing they're just like not invited  back or something like that i think he said   belushi and those guys is five years they they  just did five five they did five years i'm gonna   do five years that's gonna be sad yeah am i still  gonna get to be in your movies sure you are chris   tell me about hollywood lauren has he hit his  peak is this his window is he's time for movies   okay well i guess we're done here snl's over it's  a crazy place to work and you talk to people who   also went through the same thing and  everyone has their various levels of   of uh shell shock from it yeah  that was extremely difficult   it's a difficult business for a person  that's sensitive if you put that much   work into something and then it gets panned  it affected him for sure it hurt his feelings   what does chicago mean to you what do you want  to say to chicago here we are this is your home   i love chicago what do you eat when you come back  cheesecake factory i love the cheesecake factory   i just go downstairs oh yeah yeah yeah right  after snl he moved to chicago he didn't like   l.a he didn't like it was changing then too he  was feeling like too many eyeballs but in chicago   you know they were just nicer to you i sometimes  hang out at improv olympic or second city and i go   on stage there yeah and uh screw around on their  improv sets you know he was always back here when   he wasn't shooting a movie you know he was he  loved playing he loved being able to be back   with his friends we still knew a lot of people  in chicago i think it's a safe place for him   it was close to dad yeah close to dad yeah yeah  that's why and chris loved dad so they were very   close i think he also liked the fact that it kept  him grounded a little bit you know that he could   get back to his midwestern roots  and uh connect with real people   when i met chris he approached me at a  cafe in the bloomingdale's building and um   we started talking he invited me to a birthday  party at gibson's that night we went out and   we had dinner and we ended up talking i went to  work at nine in the morning the receptionist said   you have a call on line one hi this is chris  barley i met you last night i'm like oh hi   and he's like why weren't you drinking i'm like  i don't drink and i've been sober for a few years   and he's like well i didn't drink either  and he asked if i wanted to meet up with   him and go to a meeting that night when  you're trying to be sober it's a really   precious gift there's no right way to treat  inadequates in the midst of their addiction   if there was then there wouldn't be a lot of  addictions anymore then we'd have it cured   every person is different tough love on some  people works great really loving someone   embracing them works great but the bottom line is  if you want to be sober you're going to be sober   there were many times we were restaurants and i  would get so mad we're both drinking sparkling   water avion and oh the table over there just on  a bottle of wine i'm like right that's great and   then when he goes to the bathroom there's  somebody tapping him on the back saying hey   i have something for you if i had access to that  all the time i probably would have really bad days   are you getting deserved uh what kind of  silly question is that but i live for it   oh oh i haven't well oh well aren't i  a good boy thank you sir you're welcome   we used to go to aaa meetings with him and he'd  go you know i have to raise your hand and go my   name's chris i'm alcoholic yeah he'd be like  my name's chris and that guy's an alcoholic now he's got a good lap he was doing black sheep and they were doing a  preview to see how you know the audience react   yeah and chris goes oh you  want to come i'm like yeah   spade in farley and busy that  was fun oh chris is amazing i feel his spirit here now he's here take a limo  out to jersey go to this movie theater sneak   preview get a call from dad the next morning it's  like what the hell happened last night i'm like   what happened last night the movie was okay  he's like well chris went ah he went off   he wasn't happy with how black sheep was  turning out didn't like that whole process   made me so sad that he lost his sobriety and i  couldn't believe that he drank over some movie   he was an extremist like when he wanted to be  sober he was like want to be sober he wanted   to be on a diet he wanted to be in therapy  he wanted he wanted so badly to like do the   right thing and then if he didn't do the right  thing he had so wanted to go the other way and   you know be rebellious and then feel so  guilty and you know it was like torture there's this movie called beverly hills ninja  i said what kind of title is this beverly hills   ninja because i was in martial arts that's my  thing i said i don't want anyone to make fun of   martial arts that's my life i didn't know  who chris foley was at that time because i've   been working in hong kong and there's this big  blond guy with this sort of black whim glasses   with a little black tie a jacket that is too  small the jacket came up to his wrist like   this and he couldn't button the jacket and i  go you're the star what do you think of haru   he's fat he's a fool and he's an embarrassment  to ninjas everywhere after talking to him he   loves martial art and he told me about the time  he's spending in chicago training with master guo   with wu shu you know for about three months  and and he loves the art he loves the culture the double broad sword that's him he  knew how to do it before we did the movie he knew about the three sectional  staff he really thinks he's a ninja wow the only advice that i see chris  is that i went to his trailer one time   and i swear i walked in and there was this  biggest bowl of m m i've ever seen big it's   like crystal bowl right it's like this full of  m m's who puts a bowl of m m's in the trailer   like that i mean it's pretty much right when you  open the door use the first thing you see is the   bowl of m m's i i didn't know how to react i swear  to god it's almost like walking into your parents   when they're naked you know like you go uh and  he sits on his couch he grabs a handful what's up   with chris it seems like  everything he does he believes   sorry i thought about when he said goodbye  to me bye go man he ran into the bus   i swear i said no and there's like no  match on the floor nothing it was dirt road when the movie came out i go wow that's not  what we shot i always say like hollywood is a   money making business you know a lot of time you  want to do something and then somehow it didn't   turn out the way you want it and i guess you just  have to accept the fact that this is hollywood you have to figure out what it is you want  genuinely i know he had a movie with matthew perry   that was but he'd been paid a lot of money almost  heroes was the one that was really tough to shoot   and i remember him being very tired he  didn't like the movie business he liked tv   and the structure of tv because it was like a  job you come nine to five kind of thing but the   movie business has no structure i know his movies  were not doing as well and he was sort of rushing   i know he was scared of failing oh my god they're  going to find out how untalented i am how fat how   disgusting how stupid that's the whole thing that  they're going to be on to me there's money there   and there was like an appetite for it you can't  pass that up you start to choose safe instead of   dangerous which is what made you i said dude you  know just wait 10 seconds for the right story to   come along it's a leap of faith to trust that  it's still gonna be there you're still gonna   be good enough if you just slow down you know  there's people looking at him to do serious stuff   i wish i could have seen farley like won an  oscar for playing wasn't he supposed to play   fatty arbuckle i want to see that movie so bad  it's stupid he called me about that and he said   it's a really serious film do you think i could  do it i said yes you can do it because you can   break people's hearts i think that would have  meant a lot to him because he really wanted to   be a good actor that's what he really needed  something somewhere to stretch you get bored   really easy i want to do this next i want to  do this instead in chicago he would do scenes   that just had some of the most subtle beautiful  acting moments and it was all in his face you   know had nothing to do with his physicality or  anything i'm trying to get the shade done man he wasn't falling down he wasn't doing any  of that stuff which i loved all that stuff   but it was so great to just see him have  a moment where all the all the emotion   was coming through his eyes he had an offer  to do cable guy cable guy that fell through   i spoke to racio and elliott who wrote shrek and  they said they patterned uh shrek and the donkey   after spade and farley and tommy boy he recorded  summer shrek i could see why they thought of him   for it just the kind of strength combined  with childlike vulnerability and fragility   you know he combined all those things so  perfectly people see me and they go ah help   a big stupid stinky smelly ugly ogre i'm so  scared they judge me before they even know me it's chris walking down the aisle got married  to 95. he was wonderful he kept his tux on for   the minimum amount of time  and put his hawaiian shirt on   i'm chris i'm an alcoholic wait  a minute where the hell am i   what's that there's someone here to pick  up some medicine god bless chris farley   let's see what's happening i gotta go give  me a second guys keep rolling though keep   rolling good lord where would the medication  be you guys know i'm an addict we're shooting   i'm going to call the pharmacy right now when  you're recovering drug addicts you do know how   these things are okay bye okay bad you know  you when you deal with you can't trust that   you know they're only half milligrams  anyway so i really couldn't get that anyway i've always said to somebody like chris you know  you're going back to your 16th rehab or what   17's rehab if you keep doing the same thing  what's going to be different about this one   but you know you're trying i'd played way too  long um and i didn't enjoy it anymore and it   wasn't giving me anything and i wasn't filling  anything up and it was just worthless so i i   surrendered just said don't do it at all and it  worked so far that's called addiction addiction   the dark side take over not always fun to work  with somebody like that who is irresponsible and   doesn't have control they get good results if  you can capture that you know in a sketch or on   film but to work with that person every day it's  not at the top of my list we were doing a movie   for norm mcdonald i just did a like a walk-on  one-day thing and chris was there for a while   the only time i ever saw him in a really bad mood  just wasn't the same guy you bastard it was much   harder for me to say things to him like i used  to when when we were younger and at second city   he was famous and he seemed more distracted and  life was just bigger and more intense we do need   a host for october 25th can i do better than chris  farley sir i mean fatty falls down ratings go up   believe me i know but how do i know he's  not going to screw up no because i won't when he came back to host the show that fell apart   and he could see it it was a horrible horrible  thing to watch i hadn't seen him for a while   and he was sitting there alone he had like a  leather jacket on a stud leather jacket and he   was beads of sweat you know he's very sweaty can  you still fall through a table can i god got goofy so obvious when you saw it on  the screen in retrospect i was unhappy with the people around  him because they had every sign this is bad hey chris spill a little coffee did  you yeah i spilled some coffee i'm lactating i want all you fellas out there to  go to your local multiplex theater   and see beverly hills ninja i was when  i was at the theater okay there was two   ladies in their 60s after the movie they  sat there he's gonna be he's gonna be dead i'm just worried about him that poor  man oh yeah even more than i thought   and falling down like that you know and they  had a debate over how you're not just overweight   you're you're you're unhealthy overweight  he's unhealthy overweight i mean i like   bakery goods as much as the next person i mean  but he used to make me a little bit but now   chris is up to 350 at this point yeah there's  something like really really wrong here   that genius brain that hilarious brain that on  camera and on television can just annihilate and   when people are laughing and enjoying that person  they are fulfilled they're they're they're getting   what they need to live their air is that laughter  and then they go home and they're alone in bed   and it's gone yeah and it's hard to  deal with and your brain gets screwed up at a certain point you just get tired of them we  had ex there's a lot of we could say well it's my   disease it's just about me we're always thinking  i'm not quite right so i can't be my authentic   self i think sometimes when you're like so much  rehab so much therapy so much it's like you're   not even thinking for yourself and it's just  suffocating almost why didn't he stop doing   drugs well he couldn't that's just it don't  you think he wanted to stop and i know he   did i know his family tried and they wanted him  stop all of us me i loved him i wanted him to the   wheels were coming off a little bit you could  tell and i think you know he was hanging out   with slightly different crowd and so i wasn't  needed as much i didn't want to be around as   much i think a lot of the people that wanted  the best for him weren't around him anymore   and the people that were around him that  wanted the best for him he would avoid i was in chicago he called me said  he wanted to have lunch with me   and i said sure and chris never showed we just laughed the kristen come it's not  that unexpected we'll just see chris later   i was in tom's dressing room and we're talking  about um we're talking about chris it was one of   these moments where i could tell kevin was just  my brother i've never seen him this bad and i   remember specifically tom arnold saying well  if it continues this you have to be prepared i gotta call in my dressing room yeah i'm  sorry about chris and i hug the phone so   i have a brother named chris but i do i do  it's chris varney i call kevin he's like he   did it he did it he finally did it like in an  industry where it seems often to be the case that   only the good die young the death of chris farley  today at the age of 33 means the entertainment   industry and american audiences have lost a giant  a big man who went at comedy in a very big way he   was found dead today in his apartment on the  60th floor of chicago's john hancock building   officials haven't said how he died i  was at cnn you know for them it's just   it's a story hey chris farley died so  we got to get this and this and this   and i'm going like what though he  was a um uh a sweet big hearted man i don't know what the message is about chris when  some people die sometimes you tend not to believe   it sure i've never done some of those drugs but i  can't say hey man put down come on stop doing that   you can't do it when you're that sick all of us  have done things he weighed about 400 pounds he   started coke and heroin been up for however many  days and that's that's the disease chris you know   that heroin you know thank you so much  oh thank you appreciate it thanks guys   i don't want to thank him as a waste dinner  anymore it's just an addiction it's impossible   and he's i don't even know how i got out of it  but it was almost like a predestination that we   never wanted to happen you know that's where it  was headed all along wasn't it there he is wow   right away you were kind  of like 33 same as belushi   same as jesus christ they've  all made it to 33. how great yeah jesus could have played  a lot of great roles too i'll tell you how we're gonna die kevin and  tommy and i will be going for the buffet   table and asking for more roast beef heart attack  full-on grill i'd grab her into the kicker will be   grabbing the tablecloth and pulling it  with us with all the buffet coming upon us   yeah and the guy behind us going  all three gonna go out that way yeah   that would be fun well i found out that he  died there was like no doubt i wanted to go   to madison and uh say goodbye to my friend we  couldn't stop getting over the fact like why   aren't we going to this guy's wedding  why the hell are we going to a funeral well he needs a white shirt pick out a  nice sight go to the big and doll shop   they got his measurements and so we went  over there and we got him a white shirt we   said you know we need for chris and the guy  goes oh yeah i got us got him picked a nice   tie and we're walking out i don't know if  you guys remember this we were walking out   and it was christmas time so we see this display  christmas uh ho ho ho socks and we go oh yeah five minutes later we're knocking on the  back door of the funeral home it's like   here's the clothes for chris and that's when it  hit me i was like did we just like deliver clothes   to the funeral home for to bury my brother  in so yeah if we didn't have those moments   we couldn't have gotten through it you know  we had to laugh oh yeah yeah it was so sad   i just barely made the funeral i see just  plain yellow cab pull up and goodman with   two suitcases and a trench coat just like king  parting ways of the press you know the way i   got an important thing and i was like this thing  in there i was by myself i go that's pretty cool i'm just thinking about a spirit brings me  life you're thinking about his person brings   me laughter thinking about him brings me  laughter and laughing is a great therapy laughter laughing therapy always works let's go upstairs and i'll show you the  chris farley theater are my dogs still   around come on we're going upstairs i created  the chris farley cabaret as a tribute to chris   someone i just adored a force  in the entertainment industry he's like the human it's like love walking around   like it's like you can't explain why yeah  you just feel a certain way and that's it   and that's why that's why we're still talking  about it right now because that's what he was   you can't buy that you're born with that like  don't you realize there's so many reasons people   love you other than being funny he seemed to have  a hard time accepting that he was worthy of that   love kind of an enigma of sorts him so different  from so many people and such a gregarious type   of uh energy people are aware of him and he i  hear a lot out there still every day about it it's wonderful to see a lot of students love  chris and idolize him and impersonate him   when someone takes a big fall that's going to  leave a mark like that's farley's people say   that now that's his line i want to give everybody  here a little bit of a scenario of what my life's   all about he sure made me laugh he made me  laugh he was funny above all chris was funny you
Channel: Biography
Views: 767,835
Rating: 4.8873677 out of 5
Keywords: history, bio, biography, comedy, comedian, chris farley, farley, legend, acting, movies, john candy, saturday night live, second city, chris farley bio, chris farley biography, bio channel, biography channel, biography tv, documentary, biography documentary channel, the biography channel, biography documentary, biographies, biography channel documentary, biography a&e, documentaries, biography of famous people, full biography, Chris Farley clips, Chris Farley videos, Biography clips
Id: z-6HC2LrWwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 56sec (5156 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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