$6480 In Rent PAID For An 89 Year Old Sex-Symbol!??? Abandoned Storage Unit!?

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[Music] hey guys and welcome to another episode of Grimes finds it is Friday finally right the end of the week now I'm just kidding it's not the end of the week we still got work to do tomorrow anyway so I went to the live auctions today and I cannot say how horrible it was again not the auctioneers not to storage facilities just the the throw of the dice to roll of the dice of how what units come up for auction we did have something I don't know if I'm gonna share I did have another restored the love moment I'm not joking so there's just some things in life that happen that I have no other explanation but they got orchestrated it at all so anyway I seriously this is the first two days in a row where I have not just like by tons of Units and so anyway one of the very last stop so what's the last stop of the auction was my last stop but we were there Luther Davis again I can't say enough good stuff about that guy's auction very professional always on time if guys like me aren't jacking it up leaving without paying for your units forgetting to pay for them anyway how that happened but anyway so there was a couple that actually showed up to the auction they were in there actually bidding on the unit it got up to one hundred and fifty dollars and then they as soon as the bidding was over the guy and the lady started crying she ran outside and the guy followed her I think it's because they knew they didn't have the money to pay for it and so anyway we auction off the other units and then it came back around that Luther had to auction off the unit because they don't have the money paid for so anyways instead of it going for a hundred fifty it went for fifty bucks to a different guy cuz the guy who originally wanted said I don't want anything to do with this so he just stopped so anyway at the we got into the office I was driving off and something just was pressing on my heart I know two days in row but anyway so I turned around and I saw the guy and the woman on the side of the storage building and she was crying and he was consoling her big ol big old guy tattoos on his face and stuff but he was just sitting there rubbing her hair and stuff and you can tell he's trying to console her and I just anyway they started walking down the highway I'm literally walking down the highway and so anyway I went inside and asked the guy said how much you want for the unit and he said we made because I was gonna give him a few things back I said well I say how about you be 200 bucks he said for what I said the unit I'll give you 200 and I'll put up the deposit and so I gave the guy 200 and anyway I gave them the unit and Luther was there it's all legit but anyway so they were already gone so I drove a half a mile down the street I finally caught up to them and I said hey that was y'all's unit ride he said yeah and this is really cool guys so I said hey I said you're getting your stuff back and I said you can either turn around Walker you can hop in my car and so they hopped in the car and the first thing that the guy did was turned around to her in the backseat and he said see baby I told you there's a gun I'm about to cry but that's that's why you do things I think everything that I do should always point to God right and what he's done in my life in the same grace that he's given me so anyway two days in a row this has been kind of like a spiritual journey for me this week but anyway so that was really cool no BS two days in a row two opportunities and I just told Luther I said I don't know I said I've never had luck like this I said you know me not by tons of units and I said you know what I guess the Lord just brought me out here he had other plans for me how I was gonna spend my money but anyway we've been doing so good on the other units it just it is what it is you can't always take guys you gotta give sometimes anyway two days in a row anyway of course I didn't film it and again let me just address something real quick I know we're four minutes into this talk and the story maybe I'll put this at the end of the video that way you can hear it then but anyway hey if people record stuff like that that's okay most of these people want to be recorded and some of the other channels here's you all my friends on you - I don't have one single problem or nothing rubs me wrong and I'm just gonna say it because everybody wants to put comments and stuff about what the hell's there ain't nothing wrong with what they do people want to be on their thing then that's fun I think Jeremy and George their heart is in the right place and they do things for the right reasons and regardless nobody else I don't know and nobody else knows what's in their heart but God and therefore I'm not gonna here's what I know I know that Jeremy and Georgia what the hell's they've done nothing nothing but treat me good and treat a lot of other smaller channels really good and never asked anything from us and so hey I'm just letting y'all know y'all can think I was saying whatever but Jeremy and George they're my friends and so don't bring that mess around my channel because I mean I ain't gonna get involved one cuz those are my people and I love them and I don't have one problem with what they do oh man I was just covering up the mic maybe that's what I do why my ever reported but anyway that was really good anyway so hey you can pass me with all that mess you can pass my channel with all that mess people keep telling me I don't have to explain myself you're right I don't but I like to anyway because this channel is all about being transparent and everything and anyway that's it so what's going on right now I'm here at the unit I'm trying to waste time if you haven't noticed because this unit is literally literally I could get to my house in about 45 seconds so it's a good area so I'm hoping that there's something good in here I did just find out that the lady had been paying on this unit for nine stinking years and just let it go it's a five by ten it's in that door right over there but I'm waiting for Gina to get here I don't know I'm not going there start pop you want to go pop in boxes maybe we do a few and then we'll let her record when she gets here anyway so hey that's the pep top that's everything that's going on I'm just ready to dig into a unit so we are gonna wait for gene to get here Gina I call her gene but we're gonna wait for Gina to get here and we're gonna dig into this little five by ten and freaking see what's in it I think it might be good eight nine years you paint on you something's got to be in there so anyway what we might do is I'll hop out we'll go in there and we'll kind of poke around when Gina gets here we'll really tear in Celsius minute [Music] [Applause] cube 46 I think I paid two hundred and twenty dollars it's a five by ten here it is let's take a look for the first time and see what it looks like [Music] all right guys so let's get going we're gonna start the oh you figures look at this you see that is that there's a scrape on her she's doing she takes her sweet time getting out of car everywhere she goes look at that pretty girl she's mine guys back off hey we just started you want to take over this alright say that alright so oh man I got you a zoomed in close alright so I knew I showed this home you're gonna take over this and we're gonna dig in I think it was to 4000 first thing yeah anyway so we did find out you don't know this she told me this lady's been paying on this for nine years so anyway we will see if there's hopefully that's not what she maybe she cleaned it out before she okay here look Betty boot that's that's a refrigerator oh look it was older lady gonna bet bingo bingo bingo hopefully she didn't die or something so yeah I was uh oh it's not sure I think I got the name on there hey horse all right got a horse it was Daniel's yep all right hey that's ten bucks mm-hmm the team book oh yeah hey hey she liked about your piece maybe there's a baby boot clutch maybe so I didn't tell you this but I bought some I brought my okay better okay I didn't I I kind of explained it in the intro but I didn't go into a lot of detail share with you later but [Applause] Easter stuff this isn't looking so good we've got $10 oh did you say that it's like five minutes from her house so it's 45 seconds yeah this might have been her garage bring the box truck out here tomorrow I've got two units a medicine cabinet a Spanish oh no Hey Oh what is it three-point touchscreen LCD in there man these tubs are empty this is like that unit I freaking by yesterday the man the kids mm-hmm that's a nice leather belts looks like that's new what brand is it oh hey I'll take that that's brand new so I got the thing on Tommy Hilfiger oh cool what size is it like stop cutting holes in my belts that's how cheap I am ill hey there might be some nice belt it was fine one more brand B name-brand you read that [Music] all right well all right we got a $50 belt and $10 picture this is Fergus shoes bright shoes should we see if they're those kind of people that leave money in their cards test 3 test three two three oh no these are the ones back because they're open it in front of people and they don't wanna like seem greedy and take it right out and put in the pockets they put it back oh that's what I need is it you see yeah I'm always like psychologically broken follow me it's weird but I really am try to get into some good stuff Oh Xmas man I don't like when the crews not here cuz then I have to actually do not make a mess or I'm gonna clean it up put it back in Oh snowman you know why the crews not here what today Reagan working on they're taking their there right now at this moment making 80 boxes a deal we had to freaking use a box truck yeah boxes that's not table for two is what it's called that's the name of it yo its next story hey you want to tell them what happened to your pop eyes last night what mala our dog our dog ate all of Justin's chicken strips in two minutes so he hops up on the bar stools hops up on the stove and sounds like there's an e in there it definitely does the one inside of it that's pretty good look leathers all good this one's a little rough we're not gonna throw that away but that's a nice Betty Boop person huh oh wait does this go with it or they just did that oh no it does oh well it's a bit go first huh all right where we got in it a Betty Boop matching wallet ah here with $100,000 cash in it oh we're just an old old credit cards hey hey that's good no look Betty Boop t-shirt oh I think we are I'm sorry for a little bit better about this unit that's alright that's alright hey this is what we need we need stamps she was doing Mary Kay look Betty Boop t-shirt Betty Boop that's what she was that's why she paid on this for nine years so it's her Betty Boop's collection yep okay looks like Betty Boop shoes down there that's how I look tries to yeah okay so hey things around so fast oh yeah I know people told me to slow down I'm sorry crack you know more crack you've been married to me I'm a second crack you didn't know that look at those eyes y'all he's on crack just kidding y'all I cannot run a business this size above all right anyway so that's kind of cool that's not promising right yeah well how many is that like five bags signed that's cool that's a pretty picture the mom and her son that looks like it might be pastel yeah that might be I keep saying we'll have that checked out cuz I watched too much TV and I'm like I'm gonna check it out yeah we're gonna research it on Google oh yeah extension cords stuff like that [Applause] not very big unit see the wall already look boxes in boxes boxes and boxes within the boxes it's new Betty Boop statues if it is I'm really good I'm gonna get myself crap I don't get myself a lot of credit for a lot of things because I have low self-esteem I don't think it has anything to do with self-esteem I just think that you're a humble person oh that's mine thank you Chucky's they knew I was coming they sent me an award I've never had an award hey there's nothing it's like Little John's pimp Cup hmm right I'm a guess that these are all true they're all true maybe we should make moderator trophies hate these and give the best mark because I do that really yeah are you gonna pick the best one no they argue they all get one it's about to say look cuz you can't go off how many videos are on right cuz we got like Sandra and she's the bomb diggity and but her dad sick so she's taking care of so she's got a lot of stuff to take care of I know mom and gee she's freaking awesome and but you know I think she's got a granddaughter she spends a lot of time with and she's and she's always helping too you can't you just can't pity yeah and they're always like people always getting on they're asking for blue wrenches I don't give out wrenches y'all I don't know people they have blue wrenches are either my friends or the people who've been there from the very beginning yeah Michelle lying chillin Melissa daddy boot blanket and a nun outfit in time for Christmas Oh Christmas in time for Halloween that's uh oh look still got the taper on it yeah yeah looks like it's new she had a thing for Betty Boop yeah [Applause] the brothers big sister Texas more little Frenchie hats diva diva that's totally right women of faith anyway lots of good person good person one two three one two oh dude again again hey that's okay I'll take Betty Boop all day if it's in this condition look at that alright pretty much looks new yep oh look at this Betty Boop look a little worn okay you carried that one menace any minute I don't know do you know that rank I can't fix I know I'm sorry I can't I can't wait for y'all I'm sorry Hey look at this look so got the tag on it Betty booth babe it tasty hey let's see how many times we didn't say Betty Boop that one's shedding Hey look who's it Oh daddy baby baby but gonna turn to a drinking game video Betty Boop take a shot can't you have had enough liquor baby that's not she failed as she let us down if it's not good condition it doesn't get a good okay this is very unusual it is very new look is that baby who's gonna be on the next one oh my goodness Betty Boop Betty Betty Boop in a funny thing right I guarantee you there's a couple hundred bucks in Betty Boop person yeah and auction prices when I say what we have guys is what I'm talking about what I think it'll bring in at auction she's not watching the camera still looking at that how are you oh no you know this is what I deal with that lid was clearly on that she's like no still filming the purses then you are cuz the loop was on it Marty well I was filming the lid how about that yep can't win right can't win all right now it's gonna follow me okay oh look here books all right I'm not gonna unpack this right now wish there's comic books in here that'd be great good idea what they were reading oh yeah Jet magazine man did you cancel my prescription huh your prescription was a joke it was jet that's not a prescription never mind oh oh look at that I love to cure evangelists liquors that's going cute that's cute mm-hmm that's cute who says that's cute - pirate pirate aim caught princess hey bow safe oh gee you all right oh my guess Betty boot bag didn't probably look the big one that is that's what she said it's killer hey you know why I'm getting this job ain't going prosperity gospel on you whoa people easy the launcher what is it lunch probably some kind of rocket or something I'm guessing yeah Dodge Challenger oh we sold the 1972 challenger doing 71 no 73 a real one y'all yeah really 30 grand yeah yeah alright so we'll go through this more later guys that's big handle oh wait this is it that's what it watches off when launching fully extinct able move every 115 feet from the launch Bay just in case we lost the light so I like these corner units all right Bluto blue good Christmas candy canes look down here Christmas [Music] [Music] number shoes we got you shoes in here why was she paying on this for eight years less for missing some not less her jewelry boxes sometimes I thought people take out their good stuff and in life it's on purpose that's just my own thoughts their clothes Oh kind of jeans ooh Paris blues give her that Jean star never heard of that made in Kenya since you're saying me either [Music] say cheese this is agape that's pretty cool yeah alright good stuffs gonna be in the boxes all right where we go and of a kind of not in this world hey it's a Yamaha recorder you still remember how to play three blind mice oh another since 10th grade yeah I think you got a yeah oh you're gonna put your mouth on it yeah what yeah let me let me let me get a better angle on here there it is I've really not played this great I'm not tenth great Oh Fanny like 10 years old tenth grade fifth grade how many of you all had a recorders in the tenth grade yeah comment comment down below how many of y'all have recorders more clothes jackets doesn't mean there's not anything of value in here name brands [Music] we'll just have to make you an appointment it's time for new ones oh I've got the string holding these on I drop them like that all the time going on so when I first met Justin he had lost both of both sides of his glasses and he was balancing them on his nose I really can't I cannot function without these glasses I know you can't we'll get your glasses not Betty Boop but Betty Boop box mom's really good - oh look oh that's why boxes maybe we're finally getting the reason why she look does look like maybe wartime nickel oh there's some kind of Spanish coins in there anyway Geneva notes what's that say something in say sorry alright guys so we got a phone call sorry about the MGM gram for her sure poisoned by Dior it's got to be expensive isn't it yeah look it's got the little mm-hmm she's actually really Kenneth cold New York see what else we got in here obsession I know that was Calvin Klein right I'm not sure what that one is is for a women mmm looks gross would you spray that on yourself yeah yeah looks like you she comes back laughs I've been watching a YouTube video all right hey that was better that was definitely a better time oh now it's got following us with all the jewelry and then we'll be freaking cool oh we already made money line yeah and if she had expensive cologne there might be expensive clothes in here that we will check but all right so this is cups and glasses we're gonna see if that's the truth looks like it is the truth sixties like juice glasses oh do you have a cannot I don't have my keys what's that say law and frogs lawn frogs yeah change jiggly change Belkin got a wallet those flashlights that I needed earlier today phones actually in there your change I heard something hard challenge just changing this box on what is that power there many Oh matches because that's where you keep your match keep out of reach of children okay so what is this just like peyote or something all right why would you put that in there unless it maybe it's miracle marijuana why would you what oh yeah you don't even know you know what this is I can't I don't know what that is this gross oh that's enough oh that's umbilical cord I think but look at this piece you know what that probably is hmm it's probably platinum it's a tooth but that's probably platinum I think I dropped a baby tooth I did it down there uh so hey precious metal found so hey we found a joint and a platinum tooth that's cool maybe that'd be the name of video we'd and a platinum - I don't know last year stereo notice a very good speakers it's good I'll bring it down DVDs knickknacks Bibles puzzles important papers I like this box we're gonna crush the joint that's gonna look weird sir you got 200 bucks y'all 200 bucks Oh since dolls you oh man we might have a freaking million dollars oh no I thought it was a million dollar one everybody Oh laughs okay I'm learning I look Disney something in another Sam more Jet magazine look DVDs gotta give the people what they want they want videos I might be rich did I find it oh they only have 99 cents on theirs they're cutting themselves says clothes shoes something soft items and Betty Boop we should just tear it yeah it looks like the bottoms are do Frieda's box Frieda I can't grab it oh come on have a good luck miss Freda she's got Pomfrey cancer nothing yes you're so good very good what freedom was working with over here we got more dish Toy Story for lord have mercy it's not a peanut but I guess I'll get pat pat deez nutz 72 a shoutout y'all go liked his channel you know what we're gonna flood the comments with what yeah Plus Thomas right now everybody say hi to Grom style prompt Oh literally wrapping paper sheets blankets that kind of stuff it's not hey I've skimmed through these boxes [Music] Clorox Gloria Clorox it was a tease that's good hey mark she might be in here oh you know what I bet they're wrapped up in the glass probably are I bet they are another trophy it's a book about roses that's the bottom of that box all right back up all right back in all right 13 minutes oh my gosh probably almost 30 minutes up girl okay guys so baby 85 I'm not gonna dig this out I was hoping there was a a what do you call that right here the note right here where's my foot I can't see yes I was hoping there's a laserdisc player laserdisc players are very hard to find I just sound wild I'll find me goodwill everyone so long that was anyway hey I'm not pulling all this out cuz I gotta put it back in but anyway what I'm guarantees I'll do a follow-up tomorrow we're gonna film some more we got units to pick up tomorrow and we're gonna film but today I just wanted to get y'all something well anyway I'm guessing these boxes back here which ones see we haven't gone through that and gone today hung gone to that that's Betty Boop empty boxes like this so anyway we'll go through those we had gone through the bottom ones on here 240 bucks I guarantee already made that Betty boot purses promise you this yeah so you know we'll make a few grand off this after we piece it out and everything said and done so anyway we'll add this to the Grimes fine sell for next week we'll probably do one or two next week too don't forget we have a Grimes fine auction ending tonight at ApS today okay so that yeah no that's why I had in my head we had a hurry yeah okay so I don't have time to go through that you know why cuz I gotta get home make this video put it together upload it Sparta gonna take 18 hours to upload and they get two cents I can warn you about the auction tonight so anyway we're gonna get this claim back up and we'll see if the next unit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 71,846
Rating: 4.8725691 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, sex symbol
Id: Yp1XBRa2jlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 58sec (2998 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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