I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit And Previous Owner Showed Up Angry! #Storagewars

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guys it is saturday morning we are here in north richland hills i get my pistol y'all got my areolas because the owner of this unit showed up yesterday here at public storage hall we just found out from the manager so we're hoping they don't pop up back up today when adrian comes to get the unit but we are going to go through this last filing cabinet because it has some old computer games they don't make sure there's no more coins things like that actually let's do this you guys check out this footage for more of the unboxing when you're done with that come back we'll see what's in the file cabinet [Music] look y'all found another thing of coins so i'm gonna have to check all all of his medicine things because look [Applause] they all have coins they all have coins in them y'all look and it's a mixed bag so we'll have to go through all these when we get back look more boy scout patches stuff like this what is that that's a brass craft so all this little good uh let's see we gotta keep all these wii controllers but look this is like see what is this this could be something old look that's an old old swiss army with the little leather case see this makes you don't want to miss anything look here's some uh old boy scout uh pins you know what i mean like this is such a cool little tub some more knives oh look whoa 1901 indian head penny there's that wouldn't have seen that in there huh i know you see what i'm talking about you just go through these things you're like that's trash and then you're like oh wait oh okay she's like oh that's trash that looks like that might be real gold i think that's that might be real gold right through that eagle that's pretty soft uh where's the tank i don't know if the chain is now all right we'll put that back in there so you see what i'm talking about doesn't this tub just look like trash oh yeah a lot of people just toss this in the trash all right guys what's this oh look a little foster can see that's why i'm gonna i'm starting to feel pretty pretty good about this this is like a little what are these oh those are kind of cute little cowboy kid cowboy i'm keeping those for some reason those are cute all right look we got a wood bowl baby grime spines that's what i know right y'all y'all remember oh wait what is this this is a train anastasia the 20th century fox presentation oh it's look it's the anastasia uh engine it's the engine car so that's kind of cool and this right here it's kind of cool let's see if we can find a little lampshade on him definitely older porcelain um wait what is this felt oh it was it's in ceramic or acrylic but it was a timer some kind of timer that's weird so that's going in the trash and then obviously all y'all fool y'all fools these days kids don't know about little some of y'all need a little bit of that little you know what i'm talking about yeah all right guys so unit checkup all right so this says stained glass ah it's broke [Music] i lost my knife yo look it's broke oh it's broke everywhere it's pretty all right y'all so i know some people might want that for the pieces and stuff but ain't nobody got time for that ain't nobody got time for that all right guys just found this in there look it's all the smurfs from the movie so it looks like the whole collection of them throw those in there all right we're gonna do is we're gonna do one two three four boxes four boxes um i'm curious about the big art boxes i know i haven't looked down in them but this is this what's this jars fragile y'all i scared some of y'all before with a little knife all right look this is gonna be like oh it's drinking jars see they go in that stand this is the kind of stuff i'll probably give to adrian right here but definitely really good stuff all right y'all because we needed more dvds yeah i just want to make sure there's no like coins or anything in here covertly you never know man video games all right look we got harry potter so we got good titles gran torino that's a good movie we got blue race some dirty blue rays more blu-ray 3d movies yeah all right so box dvd do the art i may not take it out because art never fits back in the box the way it's supposed to the first time okay oh that's cute that's cool so that's train stuff remember we found a box of trains in there the playing cards that were train related so look down here actually let me see if i can get something okay so we gotta put that look personal so i'm glad i checked these oh that's kind of cool so that's a painting yeah oh it is it's on canvas see sign right there sorry all right y'all i don't think i'm gonna take all of this art out oh whoa uh oh these are kind of cool signed right there too uh oh let's go with the grand grandpa and grandma 1993 uh oh this one's okay so this stuff okay so we're going to go through this pick it all out let's does it look like i know there's there's paintings in here uh more personal personal um actually what it looks like this box might be better oh we'll have that signed that's kind of cool yeah that's cool okay so we'll put that one in there oh that's cool that's a painting too it's a native american painting okay stick that down in there all right y'all i think what we're gonna do is i'm gonna have gina go through this box pull out all the good art that's not family related yeah because it looks like it's gonna be a mixture that is cool yeah all right so that's a big oil that's kind of cool yeah all right y'all um all right babe you want to go through this let's get all of the well actually it might be a lot more hard than i thought oh that's cute from the blue bonnets very texas yeah very very texas all right thank y'all oh light for your personal thanks lighting all right y'all check this out so um what i'm doing is i'm making a stack right here for adrian my buddy adrian y'all here's the deal y'all why y'all give all that free stuff away well one it helps somebody you know he's he's becoming a good friend of mine so uh this is all good stuff i've already taken out the trash we're going to take the trash because we've already got to go to the dump so this is all sellable stuff i mean really nice electronics this is really cool it's actually very nice it's got a fireplace in it with a remote really no scratches or anything on it just i picked all the trash out of these out of this out of this all the trash is out of this so he's going to come get all of this stuff tomorrow again we're going to do it for free why because the lord has blessed us man like you know he just had he had bad luck i ain't knocking on the adrian but you know you just dropped twenty seven hundred or twenty six hundred on a christmas unit man i would have freaking my i almost said never mind that one that's not appropriate but anyway so hey we hook him up with some this is good stuff y'all this is stuff that people like think about you buy a unit it's full of collectible stuff you don't have to do the trash you just got to come pick it up and the last one he had to do the trash uh but this stuff right here i think is gonna be way better than the stuff i gave him in the last unit way better because there's just a lot of tools and stuff stuff i can make money on maybe when we get into the warehouse i might go that direction but i've always gone the collectible kind of route stuff like that so anyway let's take a look what's in these four right here so we can get those out and then what i'm doing is i'm turning all the furniture around making him an ass nice stack over here because they're not giving us any extra time it's like the first place i don't mean that like second place well i don't mean like they don't know who i am like not i'm not important or anything but i buy a lot of units in the dallas area so most people just like oh you can have as much time as you want so public storage has always been historically given me a week if i needed it yeah so anyway hey let's look in these all right guys so check it out this says uh i did peak in this actually i've peaked in the top one so check this out this is all northaki uh what did it say 75 years old or one of them it says 75 years old i think it might be the one below this but check it out we got tons of china china china in here look it's all the serving dishes it's all like beautiful it's gold got the gold rim on it here we'll see if we can see what what pattern it is noritaki made in occupied japan all right so this is older stuff y'all it's very nice also look we have this one there's probably would you say at least there's at least 60 pieces in there maybe more talky 75 years old very fragile i haven't opened this one i just peeked under to see what it said might be the rest of it yeah it's going to be a huge it is it's the same pattern yeah so look at all this y'all we we might have look big plates we might have like the 200 and something piece set which if you want to look on ebay if i find it while i'm editing and i remember i'll pop it up here what this goes for but i would say easily easily uh two or three hundred bucks wouldn't you think for all of this easy i'm thinking maybe more between like 500 and a thousand possibly let's go ahead and slide this out i have not been back here i'm already eyeballing that stuff all right crystal very fragile plastic trays candle dishes okay so again we're not going to unpack all this stuff even though there's probably a lot of stuff in here i would give adrian but oh that's cute it's going to be a little lit to a canister okay let's look down in here yeah look this is oh well it said crystal didn't it it did okay is that a crystal oh look that's wood that's cute okay let's pop one of these open don't break the stem justin you ever been shanked with a stem of wine glass have you been shaking man i dated this crazy chick when i was like 20. she shanked you she tried she tried to shake it all right uh look these are etched that's pretty clean ding there's a clean ding all right so these i'm gonna call these crystals all right y'all so we're not gonna unpack this one let's see what's underneath okay you ready how are you starting all right all right personal talk between me and gina was joking about that she said was that real yeah that's real y'all before gina like i wish i had met gina when i was like a teenager she says i wouldn't have dated her yeah i would i was too i was too nerdy i was kept to myself and so so did i did all egg followed all the rules but check it out so anyway she was asking me if that's real and i was like yeah that's real it's like a two-date thing you know what i mean it was funny is that she tried to shame me on the first date what went with it i didn't make good just what i was saying is i didn't make good choices and then after so y'all don't know i was married for seven and a half years um ex-wife decided to leave i tried to pursue it just wanted to to i just i don't believe in divorce so i decided after that i was like man i'm getting in the word i studied to down to tea how to find a good biblical chick and i did it and i found one so anyway there it is so i went from getting shanked with wine glasses to reading the bible in the morning with my wife a good biblical chick oh we were until we got into the counseling session all right y'all you going yeah i'm good all right i never know when you're recording all right so check this out more is this north hockey no that's something new this is i don't know okay but hey they wrapped it up really really well i don't know if there's gonna be stuff on the bottom oh yeah this is gonna be a mixed bag look okay yeah there's some stamps on that okay so is there figurines and stuff in here i want to know there is look that's a unicorn so look this is all good linens and stuff like it's considered kitchen stuff he can sell this stuff uh like these these are santa coozies yeah all stuff you can sell this is disney oh huggies like that's in there that's a closed pack of wipes a little mickey minnie mouse pen i think i'll keep that let's see what else we got what is this oh these are little measure what are these i want those what are they they're to cut biscuits and stuff oh where's your biscuit i need biscuit all right y'all look so look this is what i saw those felt green boxes that's why i asked you to grab the camera but let's see what's in here first big button phone for wall oh this might be cute oh a big button phone that's literally what it is on it big button phone all right so we'll put that up there for adrian uh what's the news oh silver treasures by goldfinger i've heard of them before godinger i just i say stuff to test her y'all keep her on her toes well maybe you've said it before and that's why i think yeah these are nice though they're silver plate uh look here's another set oh look oh beautiful there's santa look it's a big santa server that's pretty that's probably worth something that's probably played it you can tell usually by picking stuff up y'all silver is really light and usually when they make silver stuff they hollow it out to kind of minimize it if it's not plated if it's pure silver or sterling so anyway so these are good out of this box and i think the rest of this look it's sellable stuff oh that's a train that's a big old train we're keeping let's see what the train looks like keep that train and here's the thing i ain't trying to be greedy i know we already made like a lot of money oh yeah on the last few minutes the lord has given us ah is it broke no there's this is porcelain oh cool loco candy loco candy did it come with candy i don't know was this a candy brand and this is like a i don't know y'all let me know but look that's a little porcelain i want to say it's a a planter oh they fixed it i'm still keeping it because this might be worth something or worst case scenario it may be a nice shelf thing i can i'll keep it all right y'all we're going to finish these boxes back here because this might be a lot of adrian stuff uh man i still want to find some more coins y'all i don't know oh yeah i'm already blessed i ain't trying to be greedy all right look do we want to unwrap all this stuff we probably want to take it does it say coke oh this what is this i don't know it's like a santa with star eyes it's like a trivet or wood trivet or something oh yeah here's more trivets look down here ooh whoa hair guys oh those are cool candle holders yeah that's pretty okay looks like there's a looks like there's a match of them in here all right y'all what do y'all think should we unwrap all this oh that looks old i think we should keep this stuff in here what do you think yeah i think we should not all right y'all we're not gonna unwrap this we're gonna take all of these this box home we'll have so much unboxing at home today all my old lights have died it's what happens when you i didn't charge them uh but uh so let me take in the back and look then we're gonna look in this trunk all right y'all so this is all stuff that i kept for adrian okay it's all i took all the trash out that's a big christmas tree this furniture is actually pretty nice we're taking these four boxes that's all stuff that's all bubble wrapped but basically i went through all this like the tools like he gets all the tools stuff like that that's a good trash can it's a good lunch box that's in there this is just new product i took probably about 90 of the trash out does that help yes so look this is all like sewing machines this is a two-person adjustable uh car seat some pretty good thing all these tools are in here these tools these uh um they're they're just they're in there saws and stuff like that these are actually all really nice they kept good care of their stuff so we got texas ranger chairs uh we got lights we got fishing gear just stuff like this that i kept for him stuff that i know that like he can sell it's got you know it's a new rug butcher block uh knifes and stuff like that so all right that's enough so that's what i've done all this stuff on the wall elling around to here i'm gonna tell him since i'm hooking him up with like probably like four g's worth of stuff uh for free then he's gotta take the mattresses that's just a fair deal y'all let me know in the comments and let adrian know be like hey homie hooked you up take the p mattresses all right i'm gonna keep this trunk for him too i mean it's got some bite bites on it though but look it's still cedar chest it's got the stuff inside so he can sell this it's a lane too it's lane so i'm just going to go through here this is where a lot of people keep their family heirlooms but y'all i'm digging this all right let's lay these down here okay so we got one quilt yo that's killer that's red little red riding hood yeah these look like those dolls remember i know did you go buy at walmart and go make them yes i think that's what those are yeah okay i made one whenever i was a kid they creeped me out all right look another quilt handmade quilt let's see oh yeah it's a pinwheel some white quilts these are all hand done that one might have a little too many holes in it uh look these are cool yeah very cool quilts there's another golly this is a cool one too is that a rug these are the shaggy kind i really like this but this is in bad shape yeah really bad uh oh look look hey man you still got the lane old school lane advertising in here okay so oh wait here's the afghan oh yeah we'll keep that out that's always good that's american flag action okay let's make sure there's no hidden treasures down in here yeah this smells like moth balls actually that smells worse than a moth ball it smells like a mother's butt hey guys all right so look everything's done that's all the personal pictures they're all stacked up over there so look we have to go through this stuff this is all stuff that's just like got a ton of stuff in it bubble wrap there's some stuff on the truck we'll still do some unboxing we might have to do it back at the house i'm not gonna you know as much as i love making your videos i'm not gonna risk a lot of breakage for that so anyway look i found an old atari in there actually i think that's the repop one oh is it well it has to be because i don't know where to put the cartridge so actually that might be fun to keep actually i think i might keep this oh it's got pac-man on it oh cool so i'll play that okay so look we got a cast iron cornbread maker uh what else do we make we showed them those we showed them the train we showed them that i don't know what oh these i found these in a picture box i'm not gonna take them out of this thing yet durango oh the rotary club rotary club tokens um what else did we find he's man he's really broke we're gonna have to throw him away uh there was these camera binoculars that's kind of creepy uh another bible oh here's a good bible new internet narrated i always recommend the new american standard y'all want some some let me teach you see i'll be oh man there's so many bibles which ones do you want i recommend man that thing is bad i recommend the new american version so let me teach you some so like the bibles you like why is there so many different versions of the bible it's thought for thought versus word for word word for word like is over here on the scale thought for thoughts over here like over here you got a new american standard which means it's like word for word towards the original text you start going like towards like niv uh king james new international all that stuff this way that's a thought for thought that means that someone's already kind of they're they're telling you what they think the person means more that direction i think it's always wise to study god's word more of the word for word and let the holy spirit kind of do that work don't listen that's you shouldn't let somebody do that work for you do it on your own so anyway what i was saying is we have to send out a bunch of bibles because i save all the bibles and we have several emails from people who need a free bible if you need a free bible email us at groundsfinds gmail.com that's part of what we do here we want to provide you with a free copy of god's word there y'all i said that all in one breath all right like this is another one i'm not gonna do these are all the stoppers in these things but these are gonna be teapots that's what it says i don't want to scrape them so it looks like they'd like to see or something you know that's really pretty it's blue it's like a really really dark blue uh that's pretty just i think it's gonna be all kinds look yeah i think those are cute that was cute yeah so oh is that bacon i don't know where to put it so all right we're not gonna undo all these all right i hear all you old ladies saying one more justin one more i heard you i'm listening all right y'all look there's another one all right there it is teapot all right what's it say trifle ball flower bowl crystal lamp truffles trifles what is a trifle it's like one of those layered things you're thinking about a truffle ain't it no truffle is a piece of chocolate oh whatever all right hey guys look we got a mystery box all right look at here what if i went like this and went wow exotic elixirs huh oh look these are nice it's got the little glass mixer with it so we gotta look at a bowl don't we yeah we gotta look at a cup you're like justin show us you always tell you don't show us oh these are camel i know what this is camel right camo exotic blends that's a really cute glass yes that's etched into the glass mixer yeah look it's got a little stir oh cool so all right those are cute i don't it's just like camel cigarettes right yeah oh is it yeah i mean yeah yeah look chem exotic blends so that's actually kind of cool that's like maybe crystal but these are uh collectible because they don't make camel anymore all right i don't know how much of this i really want to unpack let's paint these two little pinks these are crystals oh that is okay so oh yeah that is that's the lamp uh some kind of mixing bowl all right should we take this or give this to i don't know what do you think oh this this box okay so we'll take the crystal lamp out and we'll give it to adrian the wrap okay what's this say all right let's go through these real fast crystal balls the reason i'm doing all these even if it says that because like i said i keep finding random stuff it's not listed okay so let's see if we want to keep this or give this stuff to adrian that's probably adrian thing yeah yeah new in the box uh let's just see yeah this is like dish where it's nice stuff uh oh that's old uh orange juice juicer oh that's a juicer too i like old juices i know yeah that's all juicer i'm gonna keep that all right so look this is good good plate wear stuff like that so we'll leave in this all right y'all we're almost getting there okay yeah this is sick is that a kids oh it's a nasa little space suit i thought it was a it looks like might have been a halloween outfit yeah it's so cute though yeah i thought it was a nasa jacket uh i thought that was gonna be killer oh that's cool gator youth the old dodger shirt oh actually we'll put that in the personal okay what's down here got a little vr action we probably saw that yeah okay uh these are personal pictures personal pictures all right so we're gonna throw these in the picture box and we will throw the boxes of this kind of stuff we'll throw that over there actually we need to keep these remember when we get like nice china cabinets and stuff and we these are the shelves so i think we'll keep these for us all right y'all so see all this little stuff that's that's why i brought these empty tubs because that way this is empty so i'm gonna throw all the sellable stuff in here and wheel it out to the truck in a minute and we'll be done but this is our process i hope you guys really like the process uh once we get a place i'll show you how well now that i'm actually doing the work we used to hire people to do you know like a job and so um i thought i had a good system but i didn't know if it worked you know because i'm like trying to think of new video ideas trying to advertise the business trying to find consignors trying to sign contracts for estates and also stuff and so uh i started questioning myself but now me and gina we're actually doing it and it works don't it it does work it works like we're operating out of a small garage you know say say you can do 20 000 in sales out of your house like that's ridiculous amount of stuff and we do it very quickly it's like not onesie twozies on ebay and stuff i refuse ebay i don't like ebay i recommend high bid to everyone if you wanna buy a unit and you wanna do ebay more power to you you'll probably make a few more bucks per item but it'll take you months to sell it and i can literally sell everything in this unit the last two units i can literally sell in 10 days if i want i mean that's done collecting the money everything so go back watch our videos you'll see the process but now that me and gina are doing it you're probably seeing a better that it actually works so anyway let's pop up in this box it looks like maybe oh these are nice little doilies i like that word we're keeping the doilies the doily cell okay let's see this is a bunch of these cups see if we want to keep them give them the adrian oh these are like the big pimple ones you want to talk about yeah those are kind of fun bad actually those are cool you do i like vintage yeah you do all right look this is a whole thing okay so do we want to keep these in yeah okay we'll keep these dang it you got your i got my flashlight all right y'all check it out so look everything's nice and neat uh adrian's guy is gonna come pick all of this stuff up today uh i wanna hurry and get out here for that owner comes back i know i would be upset too but okay y'all look we're just gonna stay here and do this together uh can you find a loose box or something babe all right oh actually no here let's keep the lights here we'll pack it up after yeah all right y'all this is a dark unboxing okay i saw this and it looked like it was old pc games uh stuff like that actually can you record this yeah all right y'all so check this out we got computer games and i told you i was like man i didn't get those computer games out and some computer games old computer games are worth like actually a lot of money texas slots attack stuff like the old original halo stuff like that we got jewel quest i actually like that are you smarter than a fifth grader okay so look at all these pc games something about trains uh so i wanted to come in here and make sure there wasn't any coins or cash so that's ozzy osbourne make sure there's no cash or anything in here man i would be upset so anyway y'all the ladies showed up and wanted was upset they lost the end i would have been upset too i mean shoot those gold coins but i mean they have a procedure and the lady here definitely goes by the procedure it was not the property's fault okay let's see what's down here oh shoot now look at my finger see i cut the gonna cut the corner of it and look fingers crossed the corner of my finger's coming off it is just all right let's look down here let's make sure there's no money anything important autographs things like that you can find now that people will put in these things what does that say tax okay so these are tax records this actually needs to stay here so i'm going to tell adrian to leave this here but sometimes you can find like sign baseball cards uh things like that you can find eight by tens maybe coin books what is this high school see a high school diploma so we definitely see those i just ate that's all adriana left it all nice and neat okay all right let's see a little bit more y'all don't some of y'all want to just quit right here you're like oh there ain't nothing in the back you don't know that's why my cat was in the back all right y'all so just kind of lift these up look at all the wrap all right y'all we'll just check under here make sure nothing sounds good all right i feel good about this so we're just going to take this handful of computer games we're going to lock this sucker up and then adrian will come pick this up and y'all check this out i bought a unit on accident because i got bored and all the units that i was bidding on were getting canceled so there was one like right up the street for 50 bucks i never spend that little on you let's go see so i actually be back here tomorrow night to see what a 50 unit looks like hopefully 50 is not hard to to make but there's only six boxes in it
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 29,077
Rating: 4.8921347 out of 5
Keywords: 2nd cents, Grimes Finds Storage, Grimes Finds Storage Unit, abandoned, abandoned storage locker, dumpster diving momma of 2, el precio de la historia, grimes finds, grimes finds auction, grimes finds storage unit, grimes finds wife, jeana grimes, jebus, jo ann hardesty 911 call, justin grimes, locker nuts, storage unit auction, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage wars, storage wars fight, storage wars fights, tucker upper, what the hales
Id: Wj06N2TQj1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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