Attempted Robbery By Rob @LunkersTV ! We Bought Abandoned Storage Units! Big Profits?

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alright guys welcome back to another episode of Grimes minds we are here in Dallas Texas at units see 11 9 a actually normal people would call this c1 1980 shut up Rob so hey check it out I got this unit for how much this for 344 it's a five by ten you know it's not a big unit Rob's unit was way bigger I also almost been against him but let's see if my unit outperforms his unit you know the dang deal guys what I like to do is is let's give you a pan around of the room and then I'll come back and tell you why I bought it so alright guys so tell me what you think not in the chit chat which had an intimate now down in the comments what do you think for how much I spent thumbs up thumbs down just for my let me tell you why I bought it drops holding one of the reasons why but that's a killer map right let's play no oh is that for real look that's all bro these are Co a on the back no but it's older property United States Postal Service why that's pretty neat that was a weird noise can you make that noise this is so good man he did it first try so check it out look there's a bag right there with $100,000 cash in it Ron's getting out check this out we're almost too late for this but that's pretty solid that's old fireplace but so one of the reasons why I bought it I'm not alone I saw bubble wrap yeah I saw that big bubble wrap meaning how much stuff I shit that stuff's expensive so I probably got like 400 or Xinbo around so here's the dang deal let's just you want to start a boxing or 100 yeah hey here's your hat you gotta wear this has a video hey this is totally your stop big bad Bob that's totally you bro hey you know what this might tell me this guy was in the oil industry cuz this is exactly what the old guys were in the shape hard hats and the shades of cowboy hat just saying just pull Pappas over the foot yeah this was it $100,000 hey what if the coins that are missing in your unit or an element's why is a camera whoa what have you got over here guys come on over there's a tree dealer bro rub it you gotta rub it that sounded weird is that silver I don't know I don't know look we're still in there hey you told me I need a new camera for YouTube well isn't it no no no these cameras there are ones some of these old lenses give me money oh yeah that's not bad there any money hidden under here all these are this is a Japanese great lives yeah some of these are worth some dustiness hey that map is killing this chair ten bucks Oh turning around they were in the art what to say check it out guys Boys and Girls Club of Greater Fort Worth yo we're finding some historical like stuff that's like connected to the city this is we can ask some big money in here that's a real pain no one's gonna like this one where is it you have to get a read on tho treasure oh that is cool brothers I did get the tangled the tangle didn't make it all the way down to my nether regions is that you said another region Erie actually turning me because I was about to bid on it I did I was I saw was him was like okay I was bidding on it and I always sneak to the back when I'm bidding and he turned to bid I think any saw means I'm not gonna bid on that that what is that check it isn't but you know but it's a miniature Oh doll furniture yeah that's all there that could be good oh it makes noises to these bugs anything underneath that nope mechanics this is gonna be a good unit I have a soul there's something good in here the reseller you we're talking about this is the one that I wish I would have just took you up on that offer you're spending six hundred bucks oh who is the jewelry magnate I'm always the jewelry magnate oh sorry that was loud around here it's a wine stopper oh these are shell you know is this over no cinema it was it all costume Jews yeah for the most part that costume doesn't mean it's not worth money oh look at this this is cool hey I bet I bet you he wore one of these hey this is pretty old you know what sebade oh hell no I learned that what's that guy's problem he's sold it aha rob like you put that there well you totally just broke my music bar I think I'm in the negative uh-huh dude what are you passin up on this for this says van Gogh are you dumb I'm joking it doesn't say that 1969 Franz wheeze yo some of this art y'all yes this is a good one oh is that my face is it Avon hey let's go it hey there's nesting dolls in here hey you want to take shots I haven't drank in over a year I'll get real fun sculptor Mount Rushmore oh that's the guy that sculpted it oh look at that ball bro the American flag like the no I do carry lucky don't I open nesting dolls those are very popular Hey look Jack Daniels from life old I dare you no Jeremy Jeremy is what we call it they're in there well this actually might be kind of old I mean the place is busy for age to 954 it just smell good in here he's just solved last ewdiepie hahaha this is the gun no I need cash can you find me a bag of cash in there today I'll look hey good school bro you made me some money it's like a brand new freakin we in here yeah it's wrapped up in bubble wrap okay that's a needle point uh-huh let's see huh okay so what this is making me think right here this is either a tag from a store but I don't think it is this could be a tag from an auction house huh definitely look these up let's go up here we got boxes we got boxes and this a fun okay can sell to cats cats gonna bottle the four hundred come on I got screwed on the last school I got screwed on the last you let me buy this one hey come look in the back oh good crystal elephant look this made in kingdom of Switzerland that's pretty cool this is money this is money Wow look at that a crystal rhino bro sure you want to saw it no I'm sure gotta go with the pelvic that whatever the pelvis tells you I hippo these are really cool y'all I'm gonna look these up online but these are crystals these are really really nice oh wait no they're not they're handmade know what the excess I hate in the win yure glass I don't know I think I think we got a nice unit is let's pop that down let's do it I'll take this over here just The Singing Machine we're gonna party boom look it's in there check that out yo it's got the mic nice movie alright yeah but look this is studio Nova don't get too excited I'm pretty sure they sell this at Target I still get 20 30 bucks for here's a creepy doll probably alright creepy old let's see what she looks like ah good you know this would make me happy for you this is a fragile is you heavy it's French what is that case maybe this guy on the unit down there that you got let the coins in here I say what oh yeah oh yeah look Oh hand hand drills oh we need this for brightening safes that's staying right there okay so make you happy I mean yes happy it's like golden stuff but still his life all right this is more that studio Nova stuff from Target I'm kind of curious about that box what hey they were definitely into wine and I'm no joke this is one of the reason why people will usually in the wine like nice day the French bucks John it's a doll it's a doll isn't it whatever that was it fell out that old like antique mirror like dresser thing yeah that's really pretty this is a very busy oh man what is that that's a weird shape that's unicorn horn oh that's good that goes on that mirror right there it's not very old is it was this in really good condition this is all the rice these are some really good condition yeah I think it's just a really good condition is that all that was in there yeah nice fresh thank you no I didn't Sampson oh it's over soon at the camera still movies at cold hey Fort Worth honor it's not a military guy where was it flown at just assuming this was flown at the United States Capitol oh it was yeah he was either really cool he's worked for the city or so him but still flown at the Capitol that's awesome so it shows you right there that it was flown at the Capitol and honor of that the flag of the Nesta that's just cool man this is pretty cool yeah you know what this is new okay that's old projector film film projector those are actually real cool open that up when we get inside okay I've got to get this bubble wrap on the african-american Raggedy Ann and you never find these you find the regular one I'm don't let that get dirty furrow let's go here this isn't good shake it's gonna be the money oh brother this is a good unit I like this unit boo yeah it's a remington to see if it sticks no wow look at that key that is all that baby ready is you know I said that's what she said still cool look at the colors on that that's cool that's an electric one what is covered up back here yo this whole wall is boxes hey let's take this one out this says eBay fresh eel he was gonna try to sell this on eBay it's a copy machine this is a damn coffin as a weirdo it is it's a mr. coffee coffee machine weirdo this is from Hawaii from 1986 I'll look at this antique freaking display case I just found one of those that's nice oh that's not a wheat penny I'm gonna give it to rob he's got a thing for wheat pennies weirdo that's not sober all right that's still pretty see how big the ball is is this the bowling ball oh it's nice - yeah you want to try it out joking don't do that again that's it that is nice man feel how soft that is like that that's weird do not run my ball yeah that's weird yeah another path blue the purple do you know what it is yeah huh he's gonna surprise me he's gonna make me look a brick and I I think it's gonna be something that people would walk oh magnets a total magnets oh look there's Garfield y'all this is gonna be killer we got a look at this hey some magnets are you're right there is a collector market but it's weird yeah it is weird a lot of things weird uses hey man let's go snake right you're gonna baby these see what we got hot dog put a little Heinz one.look sausage grinder I tell you that was my nickname in high school yeah have you got a lot of those yeah oh we got here oh that's uh oh man he's sad he just lost his brother he stepped out of the royal family oh look at all these color one please our collectable Las Vegas look these got a ton of these down here let's see look they had a thing for those masks didn't know yeah it sure did look Vegas Texas that's cool there's two or three all right hey these can be loaded up and sold it is definitely a winner we're gonna keep this in here just because it's Franklin outside but it's kind of cool if you look it's an abstract horse it's upside down and it's got a rider on it see the blue is a rider let's show the people what they want to see look at that so you got a horse and a rider I don't see a signature more drones or mountains or girl cooler there except me we're too far yeah they are you into it oh wait hey let's see we're about to do it right now about to do it right now you're probably get watch this hey where you going oh don't get scared yeah are you under ok I see what you're saying you don't trust my flying skills uh hey you keep digging we're going outside oh no the wind is too powerful yo it is way too powerful what is that jewelry no that's crystal well it's not it's pennies in an acrylic square that's pretty neat what that's it's pretty cool it's all 69 pennies in an acrylic square so there's a 90-minute edition Olympic pocket watch somewhere he's actually making money in that look at this dang it I think some I already flew it so might look it barely wants to work it's gonna shoot up a hit me in the face all right well it'll fail oh hey what does that thing stick isn't it it looks like it's a rain stick from Chile hey I like Chile I liked your line that's in the winner's trophy turn it over [Music] ha [Music] all right I'm joking I try to make this awkward possible it's gonna keep going yeah here let's show the camera that's actually really cool like this painting that's cool that's like 125 years old that was the very bottom of the show so it's gonna have all these different pieces of art and it's fun little protective sheet and then the page before it will tell the story behind this in the art history room so this still could have some value because these gonna be framed even though the books in horrible condition okay so let me know what you think not the chitchat but down in the comments what do you think about this unit we actually discover something we got dos DOS units but how much did I actually pay for this yeah it was actually my fault I told you 330 or 340 but that's for two units he paid 250 because I remember I turn around I was the last person looking I turn around I was about to say 275 and bid then I realize I paid 330 total for two units which speaking of let's go check that you know yeah I'm gonna shake it up let's go check it out all right okay so we're here at the second you two check this out this is actually what I paid 250 for the l1 and I only paid 70 bucks for this one let's go inside and see what that what you get is this expensive or no leads we're made in America Pro not Wow oh boy Germany made in Germany look there's a whole set in here check this out cup a little chigger bite on that one recently but look how big this boxes oh Noritake noir talkies gets tough so look this is one of the reasons why I did go ahead and bid on it was because this was signed I mean always some I have to look at this artist but it's signed and it's number this is eleven ninety seven to fifteen hundred just quick real quick on art the lower the first number of the complete one the higher the value so if I you had like a one or a two or one of ten or ten to five hundred lower the numbers more value oh it's kind of cool that's older Oh what this was the same guy I do check this out do you see it yeah yeah he's oh my god Wow look this is fine too this is like ATS just look more art art art art art Oh what's the salmon plate anything with hunting dogs hunting scenes that's money looks like a little sliver he's got $110 I paid 70 bucks for this and I'm not lying you know in the auction I'll probably almost get 70 out of that so just a little tip on how to age your furniture this is what you call a dovetail like newer stuff it's used glue or modern screws but that's it what you call it dovetail so on your furniture look at that and you know it's alder and it's usually older it's usually better quality but look at the leather and lay on this hopefully this is inject oh he just got married about to go off the war oh I think that was a thought was the Marine Corps McKinney Texas that's while what year was a that's crazy that's old that's 1800 Wow look at that man no it looks like Rob not done whoo little bit takes classes all night then the nose out a little bit listen oh this is the same people were they famous check that Oh who are they sänger yeah I lie I love old military that dude looked a little weird doesn't he does his head look like super big for his body or zatt me it looks like your thumbnails day you know I know and have Photoshop with 18 owners come on man oh hey I'll make Gina come take us this emergency room something better you don't want to write I'm joking I'm not the last drink of alcohol have was last year January 23rd on my son's birthday it smells like it's like a mix between whiskey and wine look at all them little floaties in there god I thought he was lighting some military dude yeah man take a swig with it all right guys so that is the dang frickin deal two units one day $352 let me know not in the chitchat which happening now but down below in the comments let me know thumbs up thumbs down how did we do do you think we're gonna make a lot of money on this I know we are but you let me know what you think hey make sure to hit that Bell select all because we do premieres we want to make sure you join us every night at 8 p.m. other than that season [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 104,356
Rating: 4.906045 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Luggage Auction, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Resale Rabbit, Whats inside, unboxing, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, self storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, storage, grimes finds, grimes, lunkers tv, Lunkerstv, googan squad, rob turlek, jolo, Robbed
Id: 828qgYLqUK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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