Stellaris | Randomized Empire | Part 1 - Who's That Empire!?

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greetings sir and syrettes and welcome back to stellaris with me are 3x and of course welcome to a brand new series a brand new playthrough and the first video I'm going to be recording since the computer completely broke on me so over the last week I've just been fixing up the computer getting some new software and hopefully the new videos we better than ever are a far more stable computer but sadly I did lose a lot of the old files on the computer including the old stellaris playthrough which is only one episode away from being finished now thankfully I do have the files and everything else for pretty much every other game this is the one exception and maybe minecraft as well so sadly we are going to be starting from scratch but we're going to be doing something a little bit different we are going to be going with the randomized Empire function something I have never done before I apply through and actually I've never done before anyway so I'm not a hundred percent sure how this even works but essentially I thought it would be an interesting challenge supply an Empire that's not been min maxed by May or with a certain way of playing in mind because I may want to play very pacifist and this may give me a fanatic militarist we'll see how it goes so the random Empire the brand new series the first episode with new software so hopefully there's no major issues let's begin it now we're going to have the end game incredibly early here 2275 which means the end game crisis can actually occur at 2325 normally that is why lighter so it's going to be incredibly important that we have a very good start and start to fortify very quickly or start to invite everyone very quickly I don't know it depends on the Empire we have advanced starts we have the maximum difficulty as always and we have the IO aggressiveness now on high so hopefully this is gonna be a very very challenging run that may just end if the end game crisis spawns too close to us well we're gonna find out as we go so with that now with the mid game being pulled a little bit earlier there we are let's begin yeah this is gonna be brutal if the Empire we get isn't particularly good the finu regime we are a war council of fanatics xenophobe militarists we have warrior culture which I have never used before so that's going to be interesting and we have cutthroat politics and we are floaty boys okay so upside downside from my first look upside this is actually a pretty nice Empire for just playing in a fairly flexible why we're going to have good trade value which means our energy is going to be quite high our militarist area means our ships are going to be ok warrior culture gives us extra army damage which is all but worthless but it replaces entertainers with duelists do list use alloys rather than consumer goods and it turns them into unity amenities and navy capacity similar to the soldier jobs oh that I really like why have I never tested this up before ok so one really nice thing there cutthroat politics edicts a cheaper it's a nice one I very rarely pick it because it's so standard but I like enough decent ships decent ride value we are natural engineers and our leaders learn quickly we have no negatives also not all that many positives so ya don't really know where to go with these fellows are we going to be friendly or aggressive really what this Empire should do is form a federation quickly and be the leader of that Federation with these bonuses having a nice Federation fleet especially now Federation fleets don't only give you Corvettes will be really really nice we are on the top of the galaxy ok let's go with that and you know what I'm gonna do first because I really want to see an action I would love to see some duelists so let's build that straightaway [Music] let's go with that extra armor reactors and unison yeah we definitely need to be friendly this is not going to be a hostile empire being fanatic Xena file means we really need to find friends quickly I was actually hoping for a pacifist run got to be perfectly honest so this is close enough though we can very happily destroy empires if we wish in fact we could do later on is swap it out so if we go over to policies we can change where are you the war philosophy for liberation Wars turning other empires into ourselves which would be really really helpful I suppose the whole element of this Empire is we want everyone to pull their own weight but band together as wanna the end game crisis is occurring soon and everyone needs to be strong enough to deal with that no stragglers yeah I quite like that extremely friendly but hostile to those instruction completes who Eliza so I'm basically dead it's an empire which is the opposite of me thanks randomizer our people now have social welfare and they have nutritional plenitude which means they have more food which isin happier and breed faster and they are on social welfare which means they are happier because they have a better standard of living as average problem is it's costing me more food and more consumer goods so that's going to be a concern for the future but for now let's go with that Construction complete also we can check out our do lists anomaly found expansion is always so do list what exactly do you do then and do list all this do list where is the do list there is the do list increases our Navy capacity by 2 that mean it is by 12 each and unity by 3 point 6 of course all of these things have been modified by the planet stability that's actually really nice what do the regular entertainers get Oh regular entertainers give a society researcher don't they so swap society research for Navy capacity and they don't take consumer goods that take alloys okay I'm okay with that at least our unit is going on nice and quickly of course what would have been better really is to make the monument first yes same unity but also gives us a bit of research I'll grab that next and let's continue to make workers well scientists map the Stars is now active which cost us a fair bit of influence but still definitely worth it our scientists are now surveying faster and they have a higher chance of finding anomalies which can include the precursor also building ourselves with monuments that way ooh the cyber X okay so this is kind of in the middle in terms of which precursor I like which precursor I don't so the cyber X will give us a ruined during world which is amazing although that's more of an endgame thing and dangling Christ being so early is it great but it also gives us the ability to make robots a lot faster now originally I was going to go into genetics but just because the cyber X is a precursor I now want to go into becoming since because that modifier of faster robot production will literally apply to our empire if we are since buy our empire I mean our regular populations because I can do them work Construction complete I haven't recorded for over a week it's weird dated it is very very weird and the fact I'm monitoring new software as well my mind is a bit more scattered than usual which is quite impressive on us the whole thing is considered a beautiful bubble do I want to grab you that yeah sure go ahead they'll give us some extra ships you want amazing shipyard that's me loads of unity someone's expansions finished they're incomplete well I should tempted by prosperity just because we have the extra trade value going for merchants is really nice situation log updated but discovery is fantastic as well supremacy is good depending on who we find first hopefully we can be peaceful until near the end and we've just found the events you always end up finding examine examine ship logs which will allow us to find the relic world the rubric ATAR know the rubric racer is the relic on the rel equals author Alex anomaly situation log update ok the rubric writer is here nice and close to us we can definitely grab that at the moment was actually quite a few really good choke points a very minimum here here here now normally I would scout ahead but honestly since I think Wade's place some what's all I'm just hoping the first empires we find that aggressive cuz that's smart just hoping after this I'm going to research on the homeworld the next world will find will become our first complete at first forge world loads and loads of alloys because we are going to need them still special project complete now we are supplies sheep ships let's grab that system grow our first world sadly nothing rare about it but still it's a world and that's all it's important I don't know how I always end up forgetting to do this but here is the sprawling slums it's one of the tile blockers you have initially if you're a regular Empire I'm not sure if it happens with the machine empires of a hive mind but at least for a normal Empire you have this if you remove it like although the tile blockers it will give you maximum districts but also it will give you a free population and that early on is fantastic incomplete and it is only 300 energy so it's definitely worth doing and I always forget about it we found our first of the Empire and it isn't a very concerning place it's over here yet that's definitely a Science Vessel so what are you doing I'm hoping you are from here and not from here otherwise you may have a problem getting our relic world and we really want that relic world only is it a world which has maximum habitability for our people or at least high habitability one of the two it also has a huge bonus for science so one of you who isn't currently researching something so you go there right now you are rushing all the way over there and in fact now so are you the great goal for app nation where are you know you snails handshake protocols activated okay you like us that's good we'll accept that but I'm going to rush over here and grab these systems essentially I'm going to have our border be completely broken because of how much I want this system in fact all the scientists going over here please ignore this system we're going right over there instead just go straight for that you grab that so he blocked them from over here then jump over there I'd like us more than I expected oh yeah I forgot because we are fanatic Zener files we naturally make everyone happy we're a happy people oh they are going right for it as well sky sky you stop building and move there as well I said stop and move we are not sacrificing the relic world a decent-size relic world as well the last time I got a relic world it was sighs I think 12 or something silly like that survived faster look it's a gas ball good enough continue I don't already care it's a gas giant fantastic wonderful it's a moon cool anomaly found we done welp seems that was only one or so left so some of them are finishing off system survey complete lovely and it will be ours and our empires will be forever intertwined we are going to be the very best of friends you adorable snails yes we know you are I'm laugh Eric's high or the fee new regime Finn you feed new floaty boys you change Empire and I'm who you can Construction complete if anyone would like me to name it floaty boys and please feel free to tell me in the comments below or some other name lovely lovely lovely and I'll be taking that as soon as possible our main science world so I'm grabbing that before the world literary next to us okay that's fine through the power of bribery and losing most of our minerals we now have a commercial pact and a non-aggression pact of our neighbors we will definitely continue to be friends now because our trust is going to go through this mission complete that did cost me like all of my minerals for a while situation log updated lovely yeah find more the cyber X and I need more of everything so scrub some food for now colony ships are some of the best models in this game and they get nowhere near enough attention research complete apparently we currently have something going on just an abandoned amusement park and I think particularly in traction complete we are one weird-looking species but we are very friendly we like others hopefully we can form a federation quite soon as well so expansion prosperity supremacy or expansion prosperity diplomacy love the best but also up discovery basically I want all of these things that's going to be really irritating isn't it also having a wormhole it's gonna be right in the middle of our Empire not exactly the strongest thing anomaly found also now struggling for influence because we have so many pacts with our neighbor fleet which is still worth it though ok our factions are here we have three of them the veterans for victory movements which wants us to conquer other empires nothing else really so it's 50% the xeno suffrage trust which is happy because we have currently all Xena file policies and the Council of higher learning I owe allowed of course and bleeding-edge so you're both actually really happy right ok good factions happy our influence is now back up and running that is lovely let's start moving towards this shall we we also desperately need some more big suite but at least now I can go to this world okay first of all they still want to be alloys second worlds as an ear will be consumer goods that's going to be research we are perfectly balanced in all things and we're hugging our neighbor Empire also since I don't really mentioned before we are using one vision for our first tradition tree finished which means we have monthly you at C plus 10% our amenities is minus 10 percent and our governing F extraction is plus 50 so our Empire should still follow our wise and now we need more minerals l we really do even more consumer goods though I need more research desperately but we are growing you have that and this would be nice and balanced but no we need research this doesn't mean now we are constantly going to be suffering with consumer goods so maybe our first world will need to be consumer goods since that's going to be research as well which will also eat really hoping we don't find anything hostile would be very greedy right now focusing completely on our future economy at the extreme expense of our military situation like update if it works out it will be glorious fails we die simple as that really special project complete so decided we are going to go to prosperity I just really want those merchants I want the extra clerics on the extra specialist output on everything there so prosperity discoveries and diplomacy I think we should be able to get everything done fast enough that we still have a federation before the endgame crisis I think we'll see how fast we get you to see if we're not going fast enough we'll simply go from prosperity and jump straight into diplomacy starting to think this wasn't the right choice if I think it will be research country what we really need is things like habitats which you can just pump out loads of trade value because then we diplomacy we actually get bonus trade value as well and because we are fanatic Xena files we get even more trade value essentially lots and lots of energy that's lighter right now we are kind of dirt poor but we are still floaty we continue to be kind we will not risk an altercation with our glorious snaily neighbors and this will also give us a load of influence which is actually the main reason why we're being so nice I mean just because we're nice that's that's happening Caroline hurry up and have the event there we go 100 influence and they are even happier with us together we will unveil the secrets of the galaxy snails and floaties boys a match made in galaxy activating all defensive backs that costs us influence doesn't it but here's the thing they are far stronger than us I have to agree no that's so really same things happen I haven't found that the Empire yeah it's burst it could be anywhere and I think we are in clusters in terms of empire placements as good chance there here here here still quite clean around here though wish there are more planets activated migration Tracy okay this is gonna seem a bit brutal Bert how bad is your species slow breeders quarrelsome talented natural engineers like us extremely strong you're good workers yep that makes me sound quite brutal but I agree and also once again they more friendly we are and the more of these agreements we have the easier it will be to get them into our Federation as long as we have one other Federation member that's enough because then a federation fleet can still be created that's all I need just one single member by the end research can just to buff our fleets we are parasitic is anything aren't we [Music] but we're nice we're nice parasites but parasites you don't mind devouring your flesh which is a bit of a weird thing to say oh yeah I've forgot as well diplomacy increases population growth through immigration which means despite the fact they have a slow breeders that's gonna be completely negated well not completely negated but partially negated so that's nice and least yeah definitely prosperity then diplomacy science is gonna be a struggle but thankfully of course we do have the relic world and once this is running then we're going to get loads of science essentially the reason why the relic world is so powerful is two reasons first of all it has the dense ruins increasing all research by 15% and then once you have the energy to remove it you have the collapsed spire which is a tile blocker which turns into the active central spire which then gives you another 15% of all research and gives you researcher jobs without the need of buildings which is really nice so loads of very early research there now where do I even go from here eventually we'll grab all that especially since it has some rare resources going over here would be nice to grab the black hole and Plus this is a good choke point in case to find the hostile Empire over here so I guess for now grab that grab that then we want this and also what can we use our relics for celebrate diversity increases oenophile ethics traction which is good and gives us a chunk of unity though we could use those relics later for other things I think I'm ok with that I do really really want all of these traditions finished new friends here is established lovely our relic well-disciplined Rana sir let's give it a leader an intellectual leader but as soon as the other thousand energy will remove the spire which will give us research jobs for free and let's grab this I've just realized our first leader is rubbish well not the worst expansionist which is good eye for talents which they got during their reign agenda owned population optimizations our own populations have plus ten percent output yeah we're never going to have that because we're fanatic Xena files we're never going to own any of our populations I don't think we can can we anomaly found well I probably can allow it no I can't even allow it because we are fanatic Xena files research complete now thankfully we artists an oligarchy so he will have a new leader in a few years anyway hopefully a better one it's only been 17 years and we have four of the six needed to find our precursor homeworld that is not bad at all in fact I'm going to reactivate and map the Stars it's expensive but thankfully we do have cutthroat politics which makes it a bit cheaper and we do really really whatnot as soon as possible a relic world hello what are you doing there mate [Music] well I'm happy with that but get to that as soon as possible you change target go there speed up okay having two relic worlds is really good all that extra research will be fantastic planet-wide machinery so this is very very interesting essentially the entire planet is covered in machinery which is still somewhat working there is also an organic compound within the machines so yeah that is very interesting indeed and well we're going to get that as soon as possible let's grab that relic [Music] writers ancient battle sighs that's interesting why is there special project complete is that bugged out so we have this here planetary machinery we also have the ancient battle site both on the same planet that doesn't seem right I'm hoping we haven't lost one because of that we'll have to find out I suppose kotas jump straight there let's go here like this now and cancel system survey complete I would love to get up started as soon as possible if the map doesn't glitch out thank you it's probably more efficient just to grab all the systems on the Wi-Fi we found okay so we have blocked in this direction I was gonna leave that so he can assume this is safe ish because of that since most of their empires won't attack just random aliens for quite some time so project complete so close system survey complete the system survey complete board under attack has a spy spot would start to engage it if Sir like must leave this asteroid lovely they'll give me a thousand minerals eventually at the moment though I'm selling stuff from purely because I would like to get rid of the spire straightaway which is two thousand energy not one thousand their zealot who originally thought it's all the other streets which is one thousand energy construction complete back to you can excavate that and you can stop what you're doing instead I'm just gonna write system survey complete you can head on back because you are going to do some excavations yourself anomaly found look io world just a regular guy almost are not wholly world okay really nice over here being so empty we found a friend and the void a lovely gumbo an election okay so we can't afford to actually influence this but still who do I want to win probably this fellow here scientific leap giving a small research or you give us more unity essentially just not a current leader construction complete the leader is yes extra research fantastic although we did this lose one of our researchers but let's ignore that now hopefully I can in fact assign this Oh lovely I can okay good so because I can do that manually I can go there even though I can't select it through here so that's great who are you you are you okay good so now you should be able to excavate that and at the same time I would just love to have that world as ours do you actually have any snails yes no no yes apparently we haven't grew any snails Oh Booya we are growing one snail what did the snails actually prefer what's their homeworld like is it the same as ours tropical oh it is what Spri damn perfect and minerals for us lovely anomaly found that also it's going to be one more of the cyber x events which is fantastic Construction complete ok now you can go ahead and grab all these sweet construction complete with the first stage of building machines after this we can build robots at the robots droids and droids will allow us to become cyborgs which is exactly what we wants and actually that should make these fellows happy again because they are materialists yeah they can just love us a fantastic start even though our empire isn't the best it's a bit on the weird side the complete it's ok we have found our second empire who do not like us because they are xenophobic which completely negates our xena philia and actually then adds the negative as well hello none of us are free from sin that's correct system serve a country well that's that for now although not all that much has happened we have established our Empire I think we are going to go with quite a tall Empire because we have two relic worlds I am going to start finishing off and drawing our borders very very soon I think I may go for the Gayo world but I may not I'm not too sure just yet but if I do essentially we're just going to contain all of this and that's it which is a fairly small Empire but within the Empire we have two relic worlds which is insane and honestly we have a strong ally and we have a really nice start without too much pressure from the outside I'm somewhat confident we're going to put up a fight for the end game crisis will we win I don't know this is the earliest I've ever set the end game crisis and I have struggled in the past with the end game crisis being 25 years lighter than what we've set it so I'm nervous but mildly confidence so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out may helps out the channel and most importantly shows us stellaris as a series you wish to see continued in the future the next episode are probably letter a few more years pass a try and get a little bit more done but for now we are established and we are floaties thank you for watching and good bye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 69,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BCeIh6xrcnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 15sec (1875 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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