Monster Train is Slay The Spire BUT In HELL? | Monster Train Gameplay

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greetings sir ansarette and welcome for the very first time to monster train with me lathrix and of course welcome to a game i just really wanted to play today it's currently 3 a.m and i'm in the mood to destroy things with the power of demons so monster train my fiance once described this as slay the spire with demons it is a fantastic game i just kind of forgot about it for a while the dlc is out now the last divinity it's been out for a short while and i'm just gonna be playing a run of this and trying to explain the game as i go because honestly i do adore this it's just been really really a long time since i played it last we are here to reignite hell we have the last pyre of hell being defended by our lovely train here the forces of heaven are going to try and stop us they're going to attack us with the winged and the clipped and all sorts of other clans to try and destroy us and we simply have to fight boss after boss and wives of enemies in order to get to the end so similar to slight aspire we start of the deck we have to try and remove all the bad cards from the deck add stronger cards and unlike slide aspire we have minions we can play it's a little bit confusing to begin with but i'll try and explain it as we go and with that let's start a new run so what we're going to be doing first of all is choosing our clans there are six clans in total three of them are currently locked for me because again haven't been playing this all that much and we are going to go with the awoken these lovely grassy people here we have which have healing spells and cultivites which increases stats when you heal and all sorts of stuff like that and as our secondary clan we're going with the hell horned which are the more classic demons we're gonna be plants today because plants can be scary when they have a face now we do have the covenant system down here which we're not going to activate this is essentially a ascension system in that every time you beat it you can unlock the next level of covenants this will increase the difficulty by adding modifiers to the run because i'm still relearning the game we're gonna stick with covenant disabled i don't have the brain capacity at the moment to deal with all that although if you do activate the covenant this also activates a lot of the dlc stuff the last divinity which we're not really going to look at today we're mostly looking at the base game because i still need to unlock a load of stuff my fiance has been playing this a lot recently and he's probably going to laugh at me for how bad we're going to do the third clan we currently have unlocked is the stygian guard and we have one out of two of the champions now we're about to actually unlock the secondary champion of both the awoken and the hellhorn so hopefully we can get that today by the way let's depart and begin our journey to reignite hell without the covenant system as well this is essentially as easy as the game will get which will be good for me explaining things seraph the diligent so this is our final boss in fact it shows all three of the main bosses uh throughout the run you can also check the map we have essentially mini bosses then we have the big bosses here so we have the professor then the next big boss is the wings of light fell and then finally we have seraph the diligent and we have different choices we can make on the y essentially a path system again similar to two slider spire but there's a lot more to it than just that i've just thought if we do a full run of this it's going to take quite a while but expect it to be a long video so with the diligent what's their effect the end is near the great traitor will devour your spells you better bring more of them if you hope to succeed the first spell card applied each turn gets consumed consume simply means rather than going into the discard pile so it keeps on coming back to your hand it's removed for that round for that fight for that battle so we do kind of want a lot of extra stuff that we can cast so a bloated deck might do better versus mr diligent over here essentially the final boss is always serif the something and they have different effects okay so let's begin here's that little train so to begin with we can upgrade our champion bristling giving it spikes which means when someone attacks it they take damage back as you can see she currently has zero attack or cultivating i have not seen this one before cultivate increases attack and health of the friendly unit with the lowest health by the cultivate value and revenge is when damaged again so every time she's hit she will add attack and health to the lowest health minion on that floor there are three floors we can act on in the train and every time we draw an extra card i quite like that it might be difficult though because well it means our hero can't attack at all to begin with but i'm gonna go with that seems interesting and for that artifact at the start of battle draw until you have tenka oh i love that when played your champion gains plus 50 attack is worthless because she has zero attack so we're going to go for lost luggage so on our first turn we're gonna have a full hand to play with which means you're probably gonna get cards we actually need foot soldiers of the disciples of seraph so here's the boss chains the sighted we'll add scourges we have these foot soldiers and we have these protectors these are the main things we see if we add this trial it will increase their armor but we get an extra unit at the end to choose from i'm not confident enough that we're going to be able to do enough damage and i want to be able to kill these foot soldiers with these little torch spells so i'm not going to do that because i'm not confident in my own abilities okay i'm gonna put the hero on the top and let's talk about the game then so as you can see the enemies always enter here at the bottom right unless something is going on like a boss effect and they will go up every turn until they get to the pyre and then they will fight the pyre to try and destroy it we have all these cards minion cards can be placed down like this which do i want to do because revenge oh i just thought can i do this that's interesting i can burn my own hero to add stats to the train steward behind her that's interesting okay so that's my first turn i killed off the damaging one this one can't actually do any damage someone's gonna ignore it and i collector this lovely little cherub who's trying to steal our stuff no more so that's how we're doing this i wanted the hero at the top because it gives me time to start adding heels to her and everything else okay i'm going to do that i'm just going to let that go through i'm going to stack up the steward behind is this a smart thing to do i don't think it is don't care i've never thought about doing that so that's a really interesting thing with revenge because i always thought it was when they're struck as you can see that one can't actually attack the fire so it's not really a problem here's the boss oh you're gonna add a curse to me every turn so me putting my hero at the top was actually a bad idea see i'm learning i'm evolving either way you're going to survive this which is kind of annoying so i should really burn you as well so yeah lots of mistakes being made if you were here for good gameplay you are very much in the wrong place i'm here because i've just recorded something else so i want to unwind so here's the curse if we don't purge it we'll take three damage so i'm gonna remove that okay you do here's something you deal four damage which means if i kill you to full now you're going to regenerate at the end of the turn that's why it's now 30 okay yes what's going on here is you'll deal 4 damage you'll heal one to go back to five which means the next attack won't actually kill you i love the extra draw coming from the cult from the effects of our hero though i feel like our hero won't be the main unit let's just speed things up a bit adds the car so we should win this because it's going to take way too long to get through our champion here oh and of course every time he attacks it's buffing up our minion there yeah should have put the hero further down it would have been attacked more which means we could gave more stats oh we can give spikes to her that would make her really nasty and restore 10 health to friendly unit deal damage to the front unit equal to five times the amount okay i like that i really like the idea of giving a spike so let's do that and with you molting it deal five damaged enemy units i like that plus you're basically just a meat shield of just one health just take a hit piercing deal five damage twice and deal 2x damage to enemy units so that's two times how much we pi i kind of let the imp actually i do at the end so now we get a choice between a hell horned unit and a woken unit we can upgrade our units or we can upgrade a spell i do like the idea of upgrading sharpen to make it cheaper because currently it's very expensive but i do kind of want a better unit than our current hero i do like the awokens units that's interesting summon gain 60 max health rejuvenate gain spikes 3. so every time you heal this one it gains three spikes permanently for that fight i don't know i kind of think the wilting sapwood might be the better the better option here just for more energy but especially since we're drawing extra with our hero but i love the idea of this one yeah let's go to the thorn hollow and that's why i wanted multi-strike which means this one will now attack twice each term which means we're probably going to try and give that one the spikes and the extra attack and i'm going to remove one of my torches i think since the trains do its living up great once you play them they're gone for that battle oh i do need the extra stuff though for the final boss i'll leave it for now because that's expensive let's go into the next boss the barb disciples so we have the conduit redirector here who'll add spikes to units we have more protectors and we have the last knight of the disciples um is it worth giving spikes for a bit of gold i'm gonna say no because i actually want to just get to the end boss i don't mind losing to it i just want to get to the emboss in this room so this time you go on the bottom i'm gonna put you on the top cause i wanna stack you of healing for later as the final defender do torch here that'll work but uh yes drop torch let's do it there and that's it apparently he fought in armageddon well done gonna torture you give me a bit of extra gold i'm gonna just add thorns to you see it's too expensive so i want to do is start healing this one at the top to start getting his thorns up i love the idea of that now because it means the back one is gonna die there we are it also means her thorns effect was completely useless because they died before they had a chance to actually uh be hit i do love that though getting three thorns just for being healed in such a high max health i do love the thorned hollow and i might try and build around this this unit instead because i like the idea of them just hitting themselves to death it amuses me somewhere in time well done yeah and we win easiest mode and these are the early stages anyway little mini bosses and as i didn't mention earlier the bosses have relentless which means they keep on fighting on the same floor which the minions don't they mean just move on forward okay now i'm tempted by things like this just because we do have the end boss stealing spells also kind of like idea of glimmer here two damage and heels for two if we upgrade that with some spell damage that'd be amazing for our thorn boy yeah i am going to stuck up on cards normally i'll try and be a bit smaller with the deck but since we're fighting the enemy we're fighting i'm gonna stuck up on a lot of cards as i skip a card there hell then duplicate any card except for your champion ooh it's any card we want too often we could have two foreign hollows because they have multi-strike they're just a very strong minion to put down so shame haven't upgraded anything yet because that would be amazing now we have another chance for an awoken unit but i don't think i really need that especially for duplicates or here we can get an artifact heal up and either way we get the caverns i don't know which one of these two is the correct choice okay so there's a good card so that one will go behind our champion it comes with multi-strike two so it's already hitting three times so everytime it's cultivated giving it plus one attack it's actually going to be hitting three times harder so hitting for three extra i should say and then i am going to duplicate one of the thorns fellas and remember our hero is gonna allow us to draw more so what i want is more zero cost cards and i'm going to keep on trying to upgrade the sentient to draw more i'm hoping that's how upgrades by the way this is one of the random events we have a merchant so random consumable hell horned awoken or let's go with the welcome so our current one regen five actually not too bad because if i add that to one of my um spiky boys they will continue to heal for a while so yeah sure and that's it so he gets a decent card there one of the rarer ones and now he fights the professor enemy units deal one damage to the front unit on oh that's gonna be great with our hero constant cult of because that one damage is equal to the buff it's gonna give so our hero should definitely go on the bottom it wants to be hit as much as possible so we go there i am going to um it's only 12. but at the same time i don't like the fact they're gonna deal so much damage to me and these two won't even die anyway so i've actually killed these two let that one live that will hit twice these will hit once then sure i'll put down on my phone hollows and damage to you oh that's wonderful damage to you and i'll leave it since i wanted you alive could have also used the imp that would have killed them all but again that's perfect especially once i had the animus behind her to get really buffed up there we are i'm just going to pop on the heel to you if that's on the heel you twice your thorns are much higher and you can heal the damage from this bomb he just put down kinda want to add thorns to the sentient just kill these little ones that's fine you'll deal with anything that survives yeah that animus is going to be very strong very quickly you're not going to kill my spiky boy i you would that's why i'm doing this glimmer saves the day can add the big hill to you start healing you up yeah need more zero cost cards we're drawing so much good speed up a little bit the animations can be a little bit extreme when it's sped up but kind of need it right now okay that's annoying currently you're going to die but if i do this then that's there we go need to start focusing some heels on her now she's taking way too much damage but there's only two more waves remaining if we can just keep it up for a little bit longer she's kind of healing herself as well once her health's low enough the heels are now gonna hitting her okay we're definitely going to win this one now though the champion might die the animus is very strong and we should ah should i heal her no she's gonna hit for eight so actually yes i should heal from once and maybe add spikes or extra damage the one behind there we go it's okay if that champion dies that doesn't really matter because it's only if the fire is destroyed if you lose could apply that one a lot better i'm noticing a lot of the mistakes again it's very light i haven't played for a while [Music] i love that unit so much the spike boy spreading spores apply regen 2 and spikes to add a copy of this cartridge oh that's counter to the end bars it duplicates itself it doesn't matter if it's consumed so we should get that and try and make it cost zero then we just spam spreading spores yeah let's do that we're a spore deck now awoken hollow gang rejuvenate cultivate that's cool in fact that might be better than the spike one but i've already got two of the spikes ones already so i'll leave it for now yeah uh draw an extra one per turn i think might be best if we're gonna make that one free then drawing extra one per turn might be the best option merchant of steel yes merchant of magic next so we can definitely get it for free let's become a weird spore deck we are playing gonna move to the stewards heal up can i cultivate again yes oh okay so it doesn't increase how many we draw it just increases how much buffing we give we could just give it spikes so it can survive better now uh no let's just stick with cultivate i want to see if cultivating rank three increases the draw okay so spreading spores is now one cost spreading spores is now free and i'm going to increase the damage of glimmer to 12 up from two and i'm going to remove some cards because i need to make sure we get all these cards out as soon as possible you know what i like the imp but it's done things that you know it is because it's a meat shield for one turn then it goes away i may remove some torches or even maybe some restores now we have spreading spores we don't need the restores which sounds weird maybe one of each yeah one torch and one restore i'm gonna remove so now i'm shrinking my deck because i need to get the spores going as soon as possible give the enemy spikes for a random artifact ah the problem is spikes will kill the animus of will that's kind of what we're going with though so you know what yeah i want the random artifact the animus will is now gonna be useless though didn't get the spore sadly go first that would be interesting i'm having the thorned hollowed here uh let's put down the enemies will just get out the deck put down one of you give you one of the big heels and we continue probably should just put down both the spiky boys now think about it oh with that revenge no because you hit so often yeah i was useless the spikes just made the enemies a wheel worthless here okay gonna glimmer here some kill him get some gold i'm gonna add spreading spores to you so now we have two copies in here rather than just the one we've just used don't heal you i'm just gonna stack up healing on you ah playing them get out the deck oh goes thorns i think one of the artifacts can actually increase the damage of thorns as well or increase your damage based on how many thorns you have i'm not too sure by the way obviously want that lovely getting a few thorns uh yeah gonna give you thorns and then spread explore spreading spore so now it's regen 10 every turn and i'm gonna do a glimmer here to heal you up and do some damage the only problem with spreading spores is they don't have that initial heal whereas the weak one the restore has the initial heal then the heal over time so it's activating that regen twice ah you're not gonna die here but we do have the imp for lighter i guess let's do this increase the thorns they're all super low on health so if i can just draw the imp again yeah we're gonna take some fire damage here i think wow her self-healing because of that cultivate making her a great um minion to put down the bottom yes there we go glimmer think and then spring spores spreading spores spreading spores bristol look at that 42 spikes now and loads of healing per turn so you're definitely going to kill at champ where are you nope the champion wins i like this build probably won't work on the higher emptiers though i feel like this is a very silly build a very silly way of flying but it's only going to work on the lower difficulty i like this though every time the plant is hit it's healing itself for two essentially what is the temper talisman plus three magic power oh that's really good increases the power of everything well except for this it doesn't increase regen it's all the direct stuff so restore to health and i'll be restore five this is now 15 these are now five actually that's that makes those little flares a lot better so yes please draw plus one each turn yes or restore four health gain one energy draw one next oh i don't know if you make this cost zero actually gives us energy they don't really care about that it's the draw so no we should have the custodian i just want my deck to be completely filled with the spores and draw as much as possible you don't attack so that's because you don't die to thorn effects so what do we want we can remove some cards here we can heal upgrade a unit and get some gold or remove i think just remove cards just getting everything going as soon as possible is the way forward here so i think probably remove the two trine stewards are just gonna have the hollows on their own that's a bit weird isn't it no we shouldn't really remove them because we can just ply them and they're gone i think maybe it's removing the torches they've been really useful though maybe removing the restores but now they heal quite a lot oh no i yeah sharpen sharper needs to go it was not a good card without being upgraded and we don't need the wildwood sap now because that's what the spores are doing so oh lose health for some gold i'm actually going to do this i think that was worth it because we have a lot of health and we didn't have that much gold and now i'm going to make some of my restores free plus 20 pound and consume that's kind of interesting because it means once we use it it's not going to be in the fight anymore but i'll leave that for now i just want to get another cheap one okay plus 10 glimmer is now a really nice area of effect ability it's nice to have that and one more restore is free of charge let's go to the fight with you what do you do special sweep attacks all the way ah once again the animus isn't going to be particularly good because of the low health needs upgrader at some point give them extra attack for extra gold uh i'm too cowardly at the moment i'm not good at this game obviously so i'm not going to do that harvest trigger's winning you're not the floor dies gain armor those that's going to include you extinguish oh so that one gives attack and you gain armor when it dies that is really nasty actually i'm just going to do before to stack you up um put you at the back there sure so you're upgrading something the animus is going to be useless because it will die to the final boss i just need more health to be well maybe maybe that wasn't a good idea because it would die to the final boss because of the sweep but this is going to cultivate and increase the health yeah i think that was a misplay i think that was actually a misplay i should have waited for the animus you are definitely getting into the fire room i can't see how on earth i'm going to stop you which is the free heal okay you're gonna heal friendly unions afterwards that's annoying but fine i really want this down so there we go so now drawing more cards and no you're not getting to the final room because of the next floor [Music] now we should draw loads of car oh look at that lovely okay you're already dying uh gonna stack you again actually i'm gonna give some thorns to you so you can kill some of the lesser ones then i'm going to [Music] stack up your thorns kill the healer so you're more damaged and i'm just gonna yep give a stacking of thorns essentially what i want eventually is to have enough spores that i can give both of the spiky boys constant regen so they're both constantly stacking up their thorns not the fires which i kind of could do now you're on five so to do that at least twice for you there we go gonna do that uh yes you're getting low on health and then once again stacking you this is working this is working ooh though you are getting through annoyingly if i do that's gonna have armor so you should go behind yes perfect yeah there's there was no chance you weren't getting through that so that's fine we'll just seriously thorns up this second guy you do get more points by the way if you can kill the enemy boss faster but i don't care about that right now [Music] fast forward this oh then we had lifesteal for a while and we very much win here so you kill the animus straight away again huge mistake having the animus here and on the bottom each turn we're healing for so much and we just defeated it these are those boss killers once there's that stacked up i do like the idea of this consumed drawing unit and it's consumed but i'm gonna leave it oh draw plus two next turn and it's a huge heel i don't really want it in the deck until near the end though maybe make it cheaper no maybe it's a heel it draws you more next time yes just need to make it cheaper later summon gain for energy uh return of random consumed no kind of ignoring the hellhorn stuff here focusing a bit too much on that but again i know i'm playing weirdly here but i'm just having fun with it oh hell vent sounds weird we could hell vent the spreading spores we have two in our deck straight away then we can remove some of the other cards but over here we could get artifacts we can even buy artifacts we could potentially get the bonus spike one so i'm gonna risk it first of all the event upgrade unit of extra health when your pie kills unit restore five health heartless cannot be healed oh no uh yes good blood for blood now my pyre when it kills things will heal which i think is good right random artifact conserve energy between turns that's nice or your players started you know with extra armor i'm very rarely if ever ending turns with energy so i think i mean this is a good combo turn but i don't think that's going to be useful for us thorns yes we got it there we go nulled root friendly units get plus one attack per stack of spikes i mean that's insane right because now these are gonna be relentless they have multi-strike and they're going to have attack equal to their spikes value which is going to be huge because we're healing them and adding spikes because of these spores okay now it's coming together hello fell so fell here has multi-strike fell on her allies will add scourge cards to your hand and deck that's kind of annoying sandwich we're drawing when we constantly drawing them that curses okay so if the allies are gonna be that bad i need a strong minion at the bottom then to deal with oh look at that cost two nothing okay if i put you down there instantly give you spores then heal you oh look at that attack stack going up uh i'm just gonna put you at the top just draw honestly the champion is no longer our main unit by far let's give me these brutes especially that artifact we got okay there's the big heel that's actually fantastic so draw two more next turn um there's any point adding the heel i mean it buffs you but i'd like to get this out of the y so there we go should have put the animus there again why do i keep doing that nope that was stupid the animal should go though i don't think champion's gonna be attacked by much nothing really matters but still the anima should be behind them always look at that every turn just buffing himself up i need to get rid of that don't i yeah it's five damage i have to regardless draw more percent and one heal that's all i can do oh no two heals yes game for zero costs still anymore okay already killing some of the big enemies by himself fantastic by themself i can do word kind of apply the imps get out in the hand again um sure i'll put it here so it dies as well freeze up space spreading spores spreading spores draw me mores with that put down the hollow it's gonna have my hand and let's add some spikes so what we need to do then is increase the multi-strike of the hollow i don't think we even need to buff the middle one so i feel like this bottom one is going to be able to just beat the boss by itself it's going to be healing every turn by loads it has really high thorn value it's attack values insane because of that so let's do that do that and i want to draw more just slowly attacking those statues they're just there just to be annoying i don't really get their purpose who knew that plans for the the ultimate demon all along okay so final fight oh yeah she's gonna die so easily since she has a multi-strike so she's gonna be hitting twice per turn rather than just hitting once with a bit more damage which means that thorn effect is going to destroy her 88 spikes 103 damage per attack attacks twice per turn love this combo just love this combo i don't think it would work in the higher covenants but oh we could get another spreading spores no no um i think right now all we need to do is upgrade what we already have and draw more per turn so spell upgrade could upgrade a lot of the spells to cost zero and have focus growth maybe cheaper or we can upgrade units and make the thorned hollow even more of a brute attacking even more often but that's not guaranteed that multi-stroke will be in the merchants so i think we should go over here for the artifact and the spells yeah i think that's right cards and wrought packs and unit banners come with a random upgrade cool when you play a spell spells in your hand that costs less reduced to zero oh well suddenly focus growth is amazing it makes everything else cost zero [Music] though i still wanna i kinda wanna make it cheaper still oh the cultivate one never draws more than one i'll let's go qualifying for eggs have gone there now look at that health explosive rejuvenate deal 20 damage oh wow so you become a bomb every time you're healed that would have been good i would have gone with that honestly but uh let's go full cultivating and the event is pay 25 coins 10 chance to get artifacts or health go coins for a little while i'm gonna keep going apply dies three and melee weakness one to enemy units on the bottom floor in the first wave of combat so dies as they can't do any action and melee weaknesses they take more damage yeah sure means first turn we're a bit safer we've deemed you worthy saves the burping demons so with that one relic though when i cast focus growth it makes everything else free but we're kind of at the point where we could make almost everything free anyway so yeah that relic was kind of worthless wasn't it maybe the gold was better it's not going to work with this deck at all when played this card is placed on top of your draw pile next turn that's interesting so we always have focus growth which means we're always free of cast oh belasco first though to do that and that's rubbish versus the end bus again so we want to do the spores first well spore than that now i think just making restores free and removing cards is the way to go here uh i really do we just want the combo to get going as soon as possible and then go from there non-boss enemy units restore all health when they move up a floor 400 gold um that means we need to stack everything on the bottom floor or on the top floor probably the bottom floor have any effects here give multi-strike yes this might be a terrible idea but 400 gold is insane oh first turn though they are weakened let's get one of our thorns boys out do that do that to draw more and [Music] i guess i just thought um you're going to be cultivating the custodian now it's so low on health though we should put this here just a bit of extra damage just to make sure we break through faster that's kind of want to get rid of it honestly so i'm sure yeah our champion is just not part of this um scheme now so they're dazed three so they're not gonna be able to do anything until they get to the fire so that first wave is getting to the pyre annoyingly but after that we should be good to go i think since now we're gonna start stacking damage ah there we go gonna do that just to get the gold that's gonna do so much damage to our fire [Music] but now we're fine yeah now we've got going we're absolutely fine there is nothing we can do here because they can't attack that's not going to kill the part no the pie is way too strong the pile will be fine and it heals at the end but yeah i think maybe that isn't a good uh card to have a good artifact draw more aha now things are free oh that sounds painful yeah cause thorns doesn't work that's not yeah faulty loader is not a good thing to have thankfully i think the next one is the final boss so we don't have to live with that for very long oof this is in the next fight is the final part it's not this so that will make everything free yeah okay um that is decent actually that artifacts underestimate that artifact and massively thought that would be better yeah healing every time sucks but that's a load of gold we're getting and there we are all the spores you have trample so when you kill you deal damage past it but what i'm gonna do is this everything's not free of charge you can burn away nato multi-strike and here are some more thorns you make horrible noises victory but not a perfect one worldwide home quick attacks before enemy units that might be nice yeah that will reduce damage taken by our guy by a lot oh yeah i'm gonna grab that definitely and once again nope maybe should be grabbing the rage ones because the multi strike but i'm not going to okay now i kind of want more spores again the reason is if we have more spores we can instantly go with the spore straight away and start stacking them as it is at the moment if i use spores first they vanish but only the copy remains so helvent is cool and being able to remove two cards that'll be two of uh the train stewards maybe the torches over here though we have the merchant of steel and some more gold to get more artifacts the merchants of steel means we can maybe get more multi-strike on the thorn hollows to do way more damage with them since they're gonna be stacking damage so basically it's consistency versus a chance of really improving our mind unit i am going to risk it first of all let's see the trinkets friendly units end with rage friendly units gain plus two attack on sly so if someone kills something they get okay i kind of like the consumed crown there and i kind of like the rage one as well so they're stronger when they enter multi-strike yep well there we go straight away i got i wanted so one of these is gonna be stronger than the other so hopefully we get that one as soon as possible i think i'm gonna re-roll this the start of turn i had a vine grasp which costs zero and has perch interesting seven energy on first turn that's good when you summon the second unit during a turn game okay so first turn now we have enough energy to play all the minions we get and i'm just gonna purge though i'm gonna purge some of the stuff i'm gonna purge your torches at least one of them and that's all i have enough money for i might as well spend the money we have so extra health for the animus maybe you know actually extra attack they're probably gonna be buffed all that much ah sure so i'm gonna do is on the top section we're gonna have the champion and the animus on the bottom we're gonna have the really strong one at the hollowed in the middle we'll have everything else i am nervous now because this has gone quite well and now we're fighting the big boy the first spell card applied each turn gets consumed oh that's annoying okay since it goes on top that's the really strong one okay so this one has consume anyway something a bit more methodical here so annoyingly that middle one isn't going to attack but i can clip just two of these otherwise it add one of those curse cards let's do that let's do this i'm going to use the multi-game to take out that will die next turns that's fine and the trying student go here okay oh i'll see him trying didn't get any of the spores though which is kind of annoying you some of the minion that's cheeky wow vengeful shards are expensive i won't take one damage if we reserve them and they don't actually purge when we use them for the looks of things which is interesting okay i'm gonna waste one of the restores now on the weak ones just to make sure we get both spreading spores back you know what i'm not even going to for you there i'm not even going to use one of these ventral shards i'm going to focus completely on making that guy stronger how yep oh that animation attacks forever note itself next time get rid of them because the animation's annoying okay you're not gonna die anyway uh big heel these aren't spells obviously so i didn't get free there we go yeah i can't play these do it anyway can i that's annoying we should get rid of the steward maybe we should have put it on the front just to be killed and because it's quick we attack first yeah yeah we take damage from the vengefuls we don't really care we're not gonna die for that i'm fairly confident we're going to win this i am there we are with those at the top being like gatekeeper the oh good now completely steward actually don't mind that one dying that's a little care i had watching it i wasn't watching it at all it's actually a good thing it's now including the stewards that's no longer in the deck okay they're all gonna die anyway so it's fine and i'm just gonna stack up the mayon down here should have done the uh restore first i think there that's fine oh i could have played one of the shards it's fine it's fine wish this animation was faster very annoying okay this time i'm gonna get rid of both i could do that here just to save you two and then spore spores spores healing and yes i did get rid of glimmer on purpose right yeah good just sticking with the spores now i want my whole deck just to be spores it may have looked like it was unintentional but i decided to just get rid of everything focused growth i think was an accident the rest are on purpose [Music] two more turns then he's gonna attack let's get a torch how many cards do we have okay good just making sure that i don't have so few cards i can't draw everything so consume this then spores spores spores spores spores heal [Music] okay big boss battle i think i'll win this you have multi-strike as well so you're gonna take so much damage from the yeah the thorns themselves are gonna do so much damage we take zero over course because we're healing 48 every turn and that's pretty much it yeah look at that just utter brute and then we restore the fires of hell heaven betrayed us and froze that well hell and we'll do the opposite yes level five okay so what are the new champions okay so now we get bramble lash oh wow that'd have been great of our build deal damage to the front enemy unit equal to 10 times the amount of spikes on friendly units at the end there would have been almost like a thousand damage sting spells get extra damage and piercing i don't know what thing is and we have you the new champion oh we didn't quite get the next level of hellhorn so that is that let's have a look at our new champion first there we are root seeds apply plus to attack draw one next turn that's cool almost unlocked underneath the clans maybe next time i'll do the little mage here so that is monster trying on the easiest setting and if i play again of course i will be playing with the higher difficulty and that will also unlock some of the dlc stuff including a new final boss the divinity itself that was loads of fun i can't believe it worked out so well i made so many mistakes i was just looking back at the footage oh my god i am terrible at this but super fun hope you've enjoyed it as well hopefully i explained it decently throughout i know i skipped some things because i was focusing on others it's very light if you have enjoyed then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that monster train is something you'd be interested in seeing more of in the future just as one-offs maybe when i do very fun builds or when i get more of the clans i know that we have essentially a candle clan of melting people and dragons but that's in the future so thank you so much for watching have a lovely day do tech and until next time goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 22,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z-qt3XCvdF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 42sec (3042 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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