My Nuclear Power Plant just got 1000x CRAZIER with Satisfactory Update 5

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hello everyone i'm gibbets and welcome back to satisfactory or last time we played around with a customizer new materials and new ways of building and deleted our nuclear power plants so that we could build our new nuclear power plant well not exactly complete rebuild right more like remodel we just wanted to make it look better because we have so many new decorating tools in imo we did a pretty decent job and since we ripped out all the guts of our factory we're going to be doing some interior decorating today and rebuilding our control room so we can get our power plants back online and start dealing with all this extra nuclear waste we accumulated and if you're excited for that remember to subscribe and leave a like and as we get started i gotta show you my new favorite thing to do in update five it's make to do this with the signs they're my favorite look you just have like a large sign here and then get a little teeny tiny sign and build it on the side retexture them and list them and we can have to-do lists of all the things we need to do oh my goodness we're gonna have to do this everywhere i love lists lists are life and oh man we got a lot to do to get this factory operational again so yeah like i mentioned we got to set up the control rooms layout we have to make pipe controls for if we want to send acid to like our normal factory or our emergency factory all these extra switches we gotta do redo all the belt work and then some final decorations and clean up and of course getting the nuclear power plant back up and running so let's start with something simple let's start with the control room layout here so the big glass box kind of in the middle of our factory yep this is gonna be the control room area we're gonna have all the levers and pulleys that control the entire nuclear power plant here and really we only need six so big room s'more switches we gotta make it feel grand though so let's look at our box what do we got going on well back here definitely is just gonna be another glass window zoop it so let's kind of ignore that uh we need a way to walk through our factory obviously so why not just customize the floor get some shiny coated concrete and this will go over this way definitely we have to have like a walkway going through the control room be two tiles wide because we have doors now somewhere anywhere doors ah jk i blatantly lied automated gates yeah we have to have these for our main control room come on you can't just have like a normal door for this it's a nuclear power plant control room you gotta have the super big glass doors oh yeah what the other doors don't open for me is it because i'm small it's true i'm small sad main thing is though we'll have a door on that side meaning we probably should just have a door on this side uh this will go over to the nuclear power plant so we can check on them and other places not to a machine thank you yeah we don't need to worry about that just yet that kind of divides the room into this half and then this half well you know what would be really cool it'd be really cool if we could get a visual representation of what's going on in our factory so you know what we're going to try and do something where we have all of the nuclear material of our factory moving through here so we can see like if the nuclear waste is moving through or of our plutonium productions online and stuff like that i love this yeah we can just look down and we can see all the items moving and grooving great i don't know what we'd do with this space then but who cares this idea is too good that leaves the right side of the room kind of the forward-facing wall to be our control switch area and to be honest like i was mentioning all we really have to do to set this up is build six of these in a row and then set up a bunch of wires behind there and we're done but that's boring let's make things epic and to make things epic you gotta have some height variation if you guys have ever watched star wars the star destroyers are like a spaceship in that and they have these really cool control decks where there's like the upper level where like the leaders would be standing and then the lower level is where the people are working but we can kind of adapt that idea where we'd be doing our control room stuff and then down below in like this tiny little gap here we could have all of our wiring what if we made this a s'more platform is that enough no no it's not general idea seems pretty good though but then the main thing is we definitely have to have the control switches on pillars that is way too tall how are we getting up there fun fact is we're not but we have clipping nowadays and we're getting we're getting somewhere that's more reasonable okay oh my gosh and then we need stairs up to there fun fact road barriers are one of the best things to do with update 5. you can do everything with them they have like a snappable top so you can put one down and then you could put like a catwalk up against it look at that kool-aid whereas if you just had like a pillar there's no like good snappable point on there it's kind of like weird so now we have cool stairs up to a little platform and then we can just have our switch on there and that right there's our general concept and after many more hours of fiddling we have many shenanigans a foot and our switches are all in yeah it's looking good and we have the pipe controls in as well so we're gonna have that belt idea concept running through here but also we're going to have the valves to control all the acids here as well because there's like normally else to do that or at least it seemed most convenient in this room yeah it took a couple hours to decorate and kind of finalize things lots of humming and hawing one cool thing especially though is we kind of have our captain's deck like stacked multiple times so there's this area down here i mean a little bit more room so we could have like power cables here and then when we get up here there's this extra little level so it just adds a little bit more depth that's our version one control room done but while i was working on this for all those hours oh my gosh so many night cycles and it was driving me nuts i built in some temporary lights to just show what i'm doing but dude we have to have to have to have lights in this area in fact we're gonna be adding lights like the whole factory now i i can't handle the darkness we don't have the permit a mod it's so sad i added in the roof though and it's gonna be glass as well so this is gonna be a little complicated how do you add lights onto a glass ceiling well you could just throw them up like this but i don't really vibe with that it just feels like a glass ceiling shouldn't have the structural strength to handle all these industrial lights i don't know is that just me maybe instead we're gonna do as we do and we're gonna over complicate everything why not have hanging lights i've never really built hanging mites before so this should be fun please what what this is cursed just let me build underneath what the is going on help i can't build underneath fine fine you know what we have the walls over here swoop some lights over there and then we'll have some here so we'll build some lights just down this way and i think what most people do with hanging lights is they just have like a wall outlet just on the lights but it looks like you can't good thing they added in beams give me that beam give me it come on there was no platform there oh my god [Music] i deleted it to get up the ladder roger roger this is cube's coming back in to work on some beams factory looking very cool from above crash into a drone please land good and now beams deliver us glory default it's pretty good let me just have that go all the way down i guess we'll have to have two of those and then we must have power plugs on here right oh yeah perfect okay so general idea then is we'll have all these in a row we'll get rid of the blocks later but we'll have beams kind of holding them together on one little grid and then the power outlets just on the ceiling and on here and then from below it'll look like they're hanging and that'll be pretty rad and extremely practical too oh my gosh they look so good hanging down from up there and i can actually see at night it's crazy lights wild thing wild thing it's kind of weird with the glass roof too it's like infinity lights or something like that it's a little wild but i can definitely get used to it since i can see what i'm doing it's time to get into the intricacies of this control room a bunch of stuff to do number one i want to deal with all this pipe logic here so with the valves and our acids pretty much we want this valve to control where the acid goes either to our main factory or to our emergency factory that deals with uh excess nuclear waste when mistakes happen and how we have the logic working is we're gonna have a junction here and this junction will have the stuff go down that way somewhere and the main thing is that somewhere is going to be actually to the emergency area the emergency area is not going to be running all the time though so that pipe will fill up and then going through this way we'll go to normal systems however when the emergency happens we will shut down normal systems and divert all resources to the emergency one that way we can actually deal with all the nuclear waste that we're building up and knowing me of course let's just put a sign on right here we'll center things better as well and i'll just write a note to myself saying yo close valve in the case of emergency let me just copy that to the other side and our valve logic is good to go and also i just snuck the other pipe underneath the platform so it all looks snug and nice meaning we can get to the next phase which is bringing items through here so again i want to have a visual representation of what's going on in the factory so we want to bring a couple items through here see what they're doing one would definitely be uranium to see that uranium's flowing through the factory another would be plutonium because we want to see that the new nuclear waste has gotten rid of of course we want to have the nuclear waste here because come on it looks cool the nuclear fuel rods would be nice to see and what else are what else what else i don't know probably what we're making down in these blenders these guys the encased uranium cells just because it's one of the items will stink in case of a nuclear meltdown and now look at that some belts are there and all the items will move through here when everything gets turned back on the plutonium by the way we're bringing it from all the way over there bringing it to the control room and then sending it all the way back because i'll be honest that awesome sink over there looks really cool everything else we can sync though guess what it's going over here to these awesome things and it is gonski's also started belting and working on this room a little bit because you know making it walkable is pretty cool and also the belt spaghetti has begun it's only gonna get worse from here let me tell you and speaking of walkability something i really really really really really need in here is an actual proper entrance 99 of the time i'm just flying in from some hypertube cannon but i need a way to properly walk in here and you know what we're gonna have an entrance over here i just want to build something simple and out of the way cause the front of our base already looks perfect in my opinion and i don't want to mess with it so hey what do you think looking any different no perfect because i really try to keep things hidden like very small platforms just on stilts and like a staircase and then up the staircase on this platform is the main entrance it's kind of a work in progress but yeah it's pretty good but i think i'll give it some more thought and we'll come back to it later going back inside we've got the staircase up here this is all done and we can walk around we can move we can groove and it's feeling good also i spent some time working on the second floor up here and this is all the finished up pipe work for our acids so we have storage containers for like the backup nitric acid we have the mean acid lines over here everything's labeled and it's all nice and organized so let's move on to the next thing and i think it's something that i'll boop it's gonna be all the wiring and with the wiring we want to have it control the meltdown procedure i.e syncing as much nuclear material as possible turning on our emergency plutonium backup plant turning on plutonium processing no this will just be normal processing this will turn on and off our main grid connection and then our nuclear water pumps but the astute among you might notice we have six power switches and that was only five things so i guess some this one will be i don't know lights sure but i had a way better idea while i was doing the wiring pump backup batteries what happens if all of our power suddenly shuts down how are we ever gonna turn on this nuclear power plant again well we can store nuclear fuel rod sure but the fuel rods are pretty much worthless unless you have water to make the steam and blah blah blah make power so of course some backup generators for the water pumps is a fantastic idea and it solves another problem of filling out this floor over here so over to the right it's just belt magnet and then we have these awesome sinks right now over here we have batteries for days that can power those pumps and cool system is i have this all attached to our main grid so we can charge everything from the main grid and then i've wired things in a meticulous way in which when we turn on the emergency power for the water pumps it only takes power from those batteries and nowhere else meaning the battery's only job will be getting the nuclear power plants running again and as i mentioned all the wiring's done now so this factory should be fully operational except there's one more thing we need to do details we're gonna actually paint pipes i know it's crazy but we're gonna do that not only that we're gonna clean up all the other areas of the factory so i've added in this cool little hallway here that goes to our hyper tube cannon that will launch us back to base or anywhere else in the world this thing is freaking powerful as anything and then of course we're gonna add in lights and if you think these lights look good oh man i finished up all the painting of the pipework and it is a drastically better change i did a little bit extra too and man you guys have mentioned in the comments for a while that i should do this and i should have listened to you guys sooner because things are looking awesome dude i painted all the machines black and then the sulfuric acid pipes are all that neon yellow and dude look at the refineries when they're painted matte black oh they look so good not only these pipes have been painted though but the pipes all around the factory have been painted both in the new areas and the old areas so now if anything ever goes wrong again hopefully i kinda know what to do as i was running around the factory i did a couple of improvements to the entrance as well and it looks pretty much the same just a little bit more epic but out of everything there is one thing i'm most excited to show you the new centerpiece for our factory is our new to-do list board right in the center here so i've managed to optimize it so it's only one sign all you have to do is switch the layout to one that's on the list here and now when we select an image we can just add the check mark here done so cables done skis control room felt work like bringing the items through so we can see what's going on in the factory that's done uh debugging uh we'll get to that painting just completed looking fresh pipe rework we did that a little while ago don skis lights bright you better believe it and restart debugging get rid of nuclear waste hmm it does seem to be that time and to do that we need to restart our non-fissile uranium production this will eventually turn the nuclear waste into plutonium and we're using this recipe here so we need uranium back into the nuclear power plant so we gotta reactivate all of the drones welcome back to life my friends thank you for uh hanging out for the last two weeks so now let's get started but also we have to activate our nuclear chew a train that's literally full of uranium and can kill us in an instant if we don't have our hazmat suit on yes let's get this thing moving and grooving again begin and with both of those on that should get rid of our nuclear waste or at least start getting rid of it yeah is it moving oh yeah there it goes so our nuclear waste is being processed or at least it was until somehow the processing stopped i'm pretty sure i just did something wrong with the power cables that seems to be a pretty logical thing but no we got power here and it was processing we saw it processing so why would it stop doesn't really make a lot of sense no no how how this is impossible there's no way how is keterium in the line there's a what what what this is not what a drone and a train are bringing in this material there is that it is impossible for there to be keterium here and how is it only a limited amount of ktm it only looks to be like is this like a thousand or something there's no way there's no way where is this coming from we gotta follow the line scooby-doo in time this shouldn't be possible all the uranium's coming from this way okay across the bridge through our sulfuric acid setup and underneath this platform right outside to the drones but that's drones can't aren't they can't and are not going through multiple stops right now but that one has gayterium in it but it's not in here it's in the drone and so it's trying to drop off keterium where is this from drone what is the port you are going to test poop out port oh these are the tests and look they have the keterium but that should be impossible unless wait a second long long ago when we're first setting up this entire nuclear power plant before the million nuclear waste like meltdown meme we were testing the throughput of drones using keterium because we didn't want to have nuclear material at the nuclear power plant yet but that was months ago and the fact like the nuclear power plant has been running since then so it would have been like we would have ran into this problem forever ago right that's what i'm getting at over here we have all of our uranium of course yeah of course it's all just uranium on the belt and then in the ports here outgoing i have two no three wild theories number one theory is maybe just for an instance the uranium node behind the waterfall there was switched over to a keterium node that's number one number two number two is that the keterium has been in these drone ports for months and months and months and i guess having the drone ports turned off for so long caused the k ethereum to finally flow through the port but that seems impossible number three is ghosts i guess we can test one of those theories and that's to see if the keterium has been in there for ever so i'm gonna load up update 4 in an old save file and see what's going on so welcome back to the past everyone where textures aren't loading correctly we're beginning to process through our million nuclear waste and we're living with our old control room which definitely looks outdated at this point but this isn't a freaking old tiny trip down memory lane we are investigating a problem so there is keterium in these drones apparently we would be seeing the keterium in these drones as we're processing like a million nuclear waste of course we would right so in this port is there any in here yet no they're clear well this one's clear i'm certain the other one's clear yeah it's clear too so that means you're telling me that lurking in these two drone ports for the last two months there's ketherium sitting here that's never been processed i can't believe it i can't believe it that is amazing i can't believe it this has been here for months ever since we started doing our throughput testing that is amazing so what's happening is the drones are able to take like these first couple stacks like these first nine stacks of uranium and they never got to the skaterium i can't i can't believe it it's been sitting here this whole time how much further back can we go let's see what's the oldest save file i have loaded from june oh my gosh and there it is from back when we're testing throughput numbers there's all that stupid keterium that's caused us all of our troubles [Laughter] that is amazing so this problem has been lurking for months and months and months and i guess it's kind of a good thing that it cleared out of the system now because if all of our stuff was running normally again eventually we probably would have this clog the system later on in time and then that would have shut down our entire power grid so we seriously just dodged a huge bullet here and knowing what we know now this is one of the coolest things that's ever happened to me in a game we found a ticking time bomb that would have caused a nuclear disaster that's been lurking in our systems for almost half a year i've been playing for hundreds of hours since june and this has been there the whole time waiting lurking preparing to strike at some time and because we redecorated only because we redecorated and redid our systems like we did that's how we caught it so this could have happened way in the future and i pro i no way i would have noticed and eventually would have shut down our whole world that is that is just so cool man i love this game that is just such a neat thing to happen so i cleared out the keterium and now the last two check marks are here i am man we gotta be done defucking so we're gonna save that and it's time to restart the nuclear power plant for the final time so we can leave this project behind and build new factories and our new main base so the clear restart all begins with a little recipe drink and that should get things going but of course i had to say something right check this out our power consumption is going up because our nuclear power plant is running and making fuel rods but our power production hasn't moved at all why well luckily we have some handy tools now to monitor things so these belts we added in earlier kind of show what's going on in the factory the uranium is staying still those things are staying still and the fuel rods are staying still meaning uh meltdown's not happening we're not draining these out of the system so nuclear fuel rods should be going to the power plants we're seeing that there's plutonium fuel rods meaning that the nuclear waste processing is online and the nuclear waste keeps moving and hasn't clogged up yet so yeah there's no clog so all systems are showing that yes power plants should be running you oh my god oh my gosh i know what it is i know what it is take a guess in the comments below what this last problem is take a guess you know it you know it's gonna be this or at least you're gonna face palm if you didn't guess this i didn't connect the power from the nuclear power plants to the rest of our power grid i disconnected all the wires and i never reconnected the freaking nuclear power plants oh past kim's you are just the biggest jokester aren't you a very funny hahahi xd all right that had to fix things of course right yes i think it did [Laughter] we're done we should be done last check mark on the list and our nuclear power plant is operational forevermore so that's gonna be all then so i hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for watching but have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 297,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory, satisfactory game, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory tips, satisfactory lets play, satisfactory let’s play, satisfactory update, satisfactory update 5, satisfactory train collisions, satisfactory dedicated servers, satisfactory drones, Satisfactory experimental, satisfactory new update, satisfactory trains, imkibitz, kibitz, satisfactory nuclear, satisfactory nuclear power, satisfactory nuclear waste, satisfactory uranium waste, satisfactory zoop
Id: SR9n1k9F1z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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