4 Night Adventure with My Dogs and My Woman

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oh hey didn't see you there I'm just out here camping with my dogs and my woman and since you're out here already you might as well join me so let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] so we've been driving for almost eight hours and we had stuff to do this morning we didn't get out of the house as early as we wanted to so we're arriving at dart once again now the Sun just set last year we were showing up in complete darkness this time we're showing up when the Sun setting so we're just gonna go out and pick out the first available campsite while we still got some Twilight then we're gonna get up super early tomorrow and have a nice long day of paddling portage in and fishing we've got a pretty epic meal plan for tonight so that's why I don't want to take super long to get to our campsite we want to we wanted to have a nice nice meal we're doing four nights this year for our Fall Boundary Waters camping trip we got Ruger and his first Boundary Waters camper trip he is doing his usual thing where he's linking Monty's mouth cleaning the back of his teeth yeah Ruger sinky breath alright notice how you can barely see me we are getting a late start it's dark it's not super dark you can kind of see still hey puppies you guys ready to go Ruger Monty alright we're just we got a short little paddle maybe 20 minutes so it'll be dark by the time we get there but we need to get moving because we'd like to get to our campsite soon here so that's once again me and funk are keeping our tradition annual night paddling starting up a little bit later tonight because we're arriving so late and we have this big meal planned a big fire well before the Sun we want to be out of the water before sunrise for sure because we've got six porters and a lot of paddling to do tomorrow and I would like to get to this little Lake to catch the brook trout that stock Brookshire maybe this helps you should be able to see this guy funkin Ruger back there paddling away well can you even wilderness camping since the last trip I got the video of we took him like a Grand Island camping where they you you rent a little cabin he's been off it was a lot but other than that let's get this party started was just like so did you get sick of the boat and just jumped out early he just he just jumped out he was sick of being in the boat in the dark and just jumped out we got close to the edge just went right under water you didn't even he's wet in the cold right up right off the bat all right we are at our campsite and there's a present little surprise for us there is the mother lode a firewood here check this out it's just a pile of firewood so we don't have to do much scavenging for firewood to cook dinner these little monsters over here just soaked with full-blown swimming Ruger didn't you you know blow and swim and didn't you pal yeah it looks better you got a nice stick so functional work on setting up the tent I'm gonna get a fire started and we're gonna start preparing dinner we brought out potatoes we're gonna dice them up with some fresh white onion Brussels sprouts and rib eye steaks it's gonna be a three-course meal delicious fresh produce we knew we weren't gonna have to do much forging in the starting so we're gonna feast tonight and it's gonna be so good it's gonna be so good [Music] oops nice little sticks button should do the trick going quick so we can get cold do that she do that it is so dry all this wood is so dry not a single oh stole these piece are a little bit big I almost smothered her out to do that a timer to she's going good enough all right let's get a ripping get preparing dinner okay so one thing we learned last year when Monty was eight months old when we took him on our Boundary Waters camping is insulation from the ground is the most important thing for keeping your dog warm so last year we were creating a comfort zone with three sleeping pads it turns out it kept them a lot warmer so this year we just went ahead and we're gonna do it every night because Ruger is five months old and he's gonna get a little bit colder than Monti did last year he hasn't got much fur he's a little skinny guy and he doesn't get a lot of fur but we did bring our to wider sleeping pads and as you can see our tent is creating lift you can see under the tent God so it's gonna might stretch out our towel a little bit but I think once it's weighed down it'll be okay but it might stretch out of here yeah we should have brought two smaller ones in one big one oh well so Monti and Ruger are on opposite ends of the eating spectrum go ahead guys eat your food Monte's the I guess I could eat a little bit and Reuters that I'm gonna inhale this all in two settings aunty didn't even eat since breakfast Louise is leaving it why'd you come here good boy go ahead and eat that food there's a good boy there you go she says be course that's a good boy he'll take ten fifteen minutes to eat that is just about done and then he's gonna creep on Monte for his food yeah you need to learn to eat slower there's nothing we can do we've tried let's dice up some [Music] okay here's gonna taste delicious alright as you can see we got a big pile of get that garlic in there we are going to feast need I say we got our potatoes I got a little bit of oil in there get the garlic cut up potatoes we are gonna add some salt and pepper to this and put the lid on and get this steaming all right Punk what's on the menu tonight nice peppery salted garlic mmm to perfection [Music] minute and we'll get the rim I slap down there get back he's just creeping steaks oh yeah those just got out of there got Brussels getting close to done mm-hmm and we've got peppers and onions little extra oil in there that's hot oh yeah what'd I say peppers onions and potatoes yeah this is gonna be so fun to clean I'm so excited for that part Oh clothes done just let the steaks cook up this can almost sit now mm-hmm beautiful oh yes all right looks like we are yeah gotta be careful there this over here oh yeah rest for a minute and we are whistles onions yeah it looks like everything is just cooked perfect there's a little bit soft these are a little bit firm but we're gonna let the grease it'll soak up into the wood and then if you just burn a log so there's no mess but we're gonna be feasting at any second you - oh no I dropped a potato no shame here movie out mm she's a little bit round I'm I just said top portion mm-hmm I like me a rare steak let's go it's time to destroy that top part was a little rare just on the outside but you can see that whole big center pieces perfectly we're doing a little pile of chunks and steak fat for the dogs so these little begging monsters can get a treat you want to treat Monte behind you think don't forget about me Dad don't forget about me please you guys look at some you know we always spoil you all right who's ready for their treat you guys ready for your treats all right sit stay there there let's just make you enjoy this Monty we'll start with you since you're the eldest core here sit all right twirl twirl good boy sit sit pretty look at that he's holding it so I go boy oh yeah I just pull on that hey gentle gentle good boy Wow gentle Monty gentle acting like a wild animal hey Ruger no leave it you're gonna get your own just like a good boy Monty now let's get Ruger we can't favor one over the other too much all right twirl twirl Ruger clear Ruger twirl twirl go boy sit so pretty it's a pretty versatile it do the cross that's it he could do it so pretty so pretty Monty knows sit sit pretty good alright I give up all right you did good enough sit gentle only for wait gentler than Monty is that's like oh boy look at that pure enjoyment and look at that pure jealousy you guys I'll feed you some more I'll dirty up my fingers the boys spoiled little turd nuggets the lot of ya mmm that was so good that was perfect we eat every scrap between us and the dogs that was so delicious probably the best outdoor camping meals I've ever had pretty good but uh we're gonna be just cleaning up picking up camp and getting in the tent here alrighty we are in the tent and get ready for bed it's pretty pretty warm this evening what does this thing say 66.6 it's probably about 50 55 degrees in here it's got to take time but Ruger doesn't want to be in a sleeping bag he crawled out of it Monte's knows the drill he's just passing out immediately so we had delicious meal and we are ready for bed so we're gonna get up early oh I wanna say 5:30 5:30 yeah 5:30 super early for sunrises there and then we're gonna get moving we got some ground to cover tomorrow and we want to do some even addition so catch you in the morning yay morning time how'd you sleep crazy thing your wild child burger burger your watch a burger did leave them aloft thank you poor Monty got Rooker hey leave monte alone you monster this is Monty and burgers morning routine of chase me chase me we are off I am still wearing my headlamp okay next voyage is pretty close by for the first mission can you sit down thank you thank you mister we're off to an early start the Sun has risen and now let the day begin first porridge of the day is done we've got five more today oh boy guess there's one with a pretty steeper incline so well fun getting that one pill I guess boy is chilly yeah it's pretty dang warm this trip we're doing for lights it's really all the time we could find to do a fall trip this year pretty busy pretty exciting we've got the weather out cast looks great for this trip I mean it's always subject to change but it looks like there's gonna be no rain slightly slightly a little bit warmer temperatures definitely warmer than last year last year they were you know forties fifties they're gonna be high 50s low 60s it looks like good amount of sunshine no rain low winds and we're really gonna be paddling into the wind maybe like one day cuz we got a lot of paddling this trip so that's great that's really nice and four so for ubers first little Boundary Waters trip and him being a five month old puppy it's just nicer that he doesn't have to deal with the 40 degree temperatures but we did prepare for it you know if it's 40 during the day and it gets below you know 20 at night we've got stuff for we've got a sleeping bag we've got a thermal jacket for him and then a extra sweater same thing for Monty my he's got his sleeping bag even though he doesn't really need it okay insulation from the ground we brought the crazy creeks put those in the boat so they're insulated from the water I got a little best for Monty so they're there they're good to go even if it gets really cold well let's wrap them up just looks epic out here with the mist rolling off the water as they tie up their bluff Thank You Stan in my canal the water might go it looks like we're have to push through these reeds why'd you stay there yeah push these reeds that's always fun yep I think he's gonna go for it and then it comes out somewhere out there let's just swampy reeds looks like it might oh yeah it does go to the left we do need to go that way okay nice that was easier are you an adventure puppy now come on - you - come here you two dogs so you get money little feet adventuring all day a little bit of moving water exciting let's hope I don't slam into a big rock this moving water it's not that's great for my Kevlar can you stop be careful the floor water levels not too high right now don't come right here so foul lake yes or North felt like they seemed pretty connected like the same Lake so we've got a bit of a paddle to do and then some portage in again well there's lots of ducks here I can see why they call it South Valley [Music] blue skies view clouds light breeze perfect beautiful you can say [ __ ] all you want [ __ ] it's a big lake here I traded function using a little [ __ ] paddle so she can go a little faster across this lake it's a bigger one I don't mind it actually do I don't like this little thing but she likes the other paddle better I'll let her use it I'll let her use my power sometimes I could be a judge no man any I'm a firm believer that any dog can swim be a canoe dog this takes time patience practice is definitely easier if they're starting as a puppy but you can make any dog do any decently behaved dog he's got to put in your time keep bringing them in the boat keep trying let them learn a lesson if they're trying to jump out let him jump out let him realize it that's not a good idea bad ruler that was right even got to the campsite jumps out of the boat it's like two feet of water he just goes Oh God he learned nice and in the boat I don't think we're really gonna have to battle the wind this whole trip maybe the next Lake a little bit that's a little bit what it looks like it's all gonna be southwest winds right now we're heading west we're heading west northwest so if we stick on the south western shore we shouldn't really have to wind up the whole trip and then it'll be at our backs cruise and then but I have not dropped my line in the water we're taking a cast yet kind of wait to get a little further ahead I might try the next Lake its Moose Lake we got to take moose portage to get there maybe I'll try fishing for something there patrol line as we go who knows well feel like doing just cool bluff that way pretty very pretty Falls Falls my favorite time of year we just upset a whole bunch of geese oh yeah it's got the Moose Lake taking a lunch break so pretty like I'm gonna have to set my line here we got a head of cabbage once again so I got buffalo style tuna cabbage and sharp cheddar cheese and this is delicious little lunch voila for the old bar and then uh we'll keep moving bring some water it's a pretty one and look at that the winds aren't even that bad that's the way we're headed so winds are nothing it's time for the sunshine she's a beaut she said I think I got my line a little too far out there as you can see guys so I'd really like to I mean we're making decent time I'd really like to kid there's a little lake that I know it has stalked rookies in it they're not huge but stock rookies there's a good chance of catching them it's got a little porridge down to it that's where I'm trying to kind of rush to so i get sufficient time to catch a mess of them so we can have a little kind of fish fry i one of our meals is planned to make fish tacos so for that we need to catch some fish and decent amount and then we'll have cabbage slaw lemon juice and then we will maybe cook up the other two potatoes we brought those I'm hoping to have for dinner tonight I love it we just got to catch some fish rookies over my target now if I catch some bass or pike on the way I'll use that too I ain't afraid of that Lakers are out of season so I can't eat those any of those get a few of them hope we catch a good amount I'd like to eat some fish today for poor dogs so we're just so mean to them making them be out here in the wild where it's just nature and they can play with all the sticks they won they get fed treats and brave eyes and fish get to be outdoors all day it's it's cruel really it's really cruel to you just being tortured you look like you're being tortured I'm just kidding he loves it out here I believe I have the first fish of the trip on it's fighting really weird all right when I slowed down there for a second - yeah listen I don't know there feels like a little fish that is a fish come on bass come on Mike come on walleye come on monster random brook trout oh it's a bass yeah she's a pretty small bass pretty small yeah he's tiny I mean I'm going for dinner but like that's a small bass we're gonna let them go kept them so that's good to know there's bass in here alright let's get some more let's get some more hey I wouldn't mind eating those you know like taste-wise and meat why just not a lot of meat like taste wise those little things would be delicious but you'd have to eat like I have to kill like 10 of them I don't really feel like doing that I want to kill that many fish not saying they wouldn't be tasty though have a mess of those pumpkin burger just out there in the middle paddling soaking in the scenery it's really pretty today in this Lake this time of year what our chances are seeing moose are it's a pretty like cliff you've got the area so I'm sure they come through here but like they like the swampy stuff more snags are the worst when you get your line all the way up and speak of the devil that's what a snag looks like back there [Music] this is definitely a fish it was right right after that drop-off that drop-off was right there I just set my line again and I thought I saw a strike I was like oh maybe I hit rock are like no way I'm not even close and seconds later boom this one hit hard whatever this is a little aggressive whatever it is it's a little heavier than the last one what are ya it is a little bit though I think that one's gonna make her onto the stringer you know it's not huge it's not tiny like the last one we're after a fish dinner so this guy here is gonna go on the stringer hopefully we catch some more - and this'll add to the fish dinner we have tonight we've got another one it feels like it it is another bass oh yeah oh yeah good Ian sighs it's about perfect oh yeah another one for the stringer mother fish there that's a better slot better sighs so he's good on the stringer we're gonna eat him up tonight too like catching these bass like this I'm not sure exactly how many I'll keep but I'll definitely keep keep a couple more because I want to have a nice fish I think I'm allowed six or five five or six but I'm not gonna eat more than five anyways but uh you know we're gonna eat a healthy portion of fish tonight I got one more on this one's tini oh you got a nice [ __ ] let's just camp here there just one out for the other we're having ourselves a fish fry tonight oh no no it's gone damn it that was a good-sized one to poop sacks my whole took my pole was like right where the Sun is so every time I check is like blinding myself so we've got the one portage almost half mile and then a teeny little pond small quarter mile portage and then run we're staying so about 1:30 so we can get up here to this portage in the next half hour we look indecent I might still get to go do some night fishing I've only got these two baths and definitely gonna go I'd like a few more than that we'll make do with that leave these be sure one of my favorite things about Paul camping is bringing out perishable we brought up some cheese cabbage onion garlic the state's potatoes mostly brown lemons yeah we always better what and I just got a snag great joy turn around anyways one of the things I love about it is that you can bring that stuff college and you know only staying for night so my bag bag is just as heavy as it was when I did the nine night the other day got to dog food which is about eight bags and then we got our food and then we got all this fresh produce so weighs about the same way a little bit extra the first night but we don't have to portage it and I don't mind portaging the weight you know we're eating it up as fast as we can the first couple nights and to me it's worth it having all that delicious food I mean if I'm going like crazy far and have to do all sorts of work and stuff I'm probably not gonna pack as much of that stuff but I think it's worth it and I love it I'm gonna continue to do it and those steaks those steaks were still pretty frozen last night we had to put them in warm water we cooked over the fire to thaw him out of bed so they could last until today but I wanted to have fish today so we ate them up and then I'm feeling portaging the weight headed towards what are the loose matters Monty take a nice nap take a nice nap so only caught the two bass I let one go I had two others on and they got away the one was definitely a keeper he's gone there is a monster beaver home right in front of me there's no way I'm not gonna take one or two quickcast next to it beaver home beaver home [Music] okay no luck I don't have a pipe maybe was just a little snag a rock or something okay don't fish in the lake well that was interesting he's had a couple of Canadian on the Ontario side Park workers help us with almost buying there oh we got a beaver slapping up ahead but they insisted on helping carry some stuff so I appreciate that that's pretty cool never had that hat before try to offer him chocolate and starbursts that we had extra and they just didn't want it anymore to go so yeah those Park worker chicks said not this portage the next portage is nasty and muddy they dropped a bunch of trees to try to make it better but it was still pretty rough so we'll see so the dogs are gonna get money that's alright I like when they get muddy don't you [ __ ] yeah it's my favorite I think it looks great they're running around just playing in the model piece look big [Music] I thirsty thirsty thirsty thirsty it's a spot when he knows is so now I'm honey's thirsty you're on Mountain Lake we've got an hour of sunlight so what I'm gonna do is get to camp drop off my bag go to the portage of this leg with the brook trout and I'm just gonna take a few casts from shore see if I can catch uni right there I am not bringing up my boat and having to porridge you back no way Jose put my sweatshirt on hey hey good boy yeah you're gonna go boy of course you are we've got a fisherman feels like a log so it might be a Laker he goes it is electrode this is not Larry you can eat yourself Larry and since this guy can't be eating the same no Larry there you go nice lake trout all right we'll keep trying keep trap or something as well on the way to camp oh my god I want to get there so bad it's gonna be hard for you I want to portage down my boat because it is such a nice evening for fishing for trout specially are you guys muddy wet dirty dogs oh my god Berger your undercarriage is so dirty let's hear a little more oh you're still pretty dirty all right I've got like 20 minutes to go fish for some brook trout so I'm gonna go do it so I'm either hiking a bluff right now at the trail from our campsite or it's a new path to this lake well there's no way I would have done this with my boat is just straight up oh it's not even fun to walk just a hike I hope it's up here I'm gonna try the trusty old teeny little spinner you last tries this guy I can't say I fish it hard but all I had was teeny little minnows following it not a single solid bite and from what I can see by the fish that are surfacing is they're all really small they're all middles you can see him right there yeah Paul could have had better luck I've had my boat in here and I was trolling around a surfacer or your fly-fishing but it seems like there's a lot of little bit ease in here so I'm gonna head back while there's still a little bit of light how fun set up camp get some firewood these two precious damn dogs look at that they're just nestled up together so you buddies keeping his little brother warm you two cutie pies that's a good boy Monty we're just getting the fire rippin and making a cup of hot cocoa here we've got the pan ready fish is all filleted and battered up and our homemade batter once the fire gets ripping and dies down a little bit we're gonna add some oil in the pan and fry up our fish and then we got some cabbage diced up I'm gonna put strands we're gonna put strands of that on our tortillas with some lemon juice and then with the leftover cabbage I'm gonna add more lemon juice a little bit of oil salt and pepper and we're gonna have ourselves a little bit of a slaw and if we're still hungry after that we'll make one of our dehydrated SpaghettiOs or something but we should have a pretty good meal here I know should be getting a little better it'll get hot I mean tortillas you think we're gonna get or uh tacos well it'll get there in a second we didn't get our oil quite hot enough but you know what it's still gonna taste great all right there we go I knew she'd come around okay I'm just gonna warm my tortilla a little bit add fish on here it's gonna be a little greasy but hey you know what that's gonna add to the flavor I just taste funk yeah go ahead and already mix up some lemons watch mm oh my gosh a little extra lemon all up in there all right here we go here we go are so good it's so good I could eat like 15 of these oh man that was so good but we're about to have taco round two and funk with a good idea magical magical cheddar cheese mmm and we're gonna have a little bit more fish this time on our tacos sizzling good crispier oh it's so good yeah we don't need Cholula you know what I've been good about four more bass I could just keep devouring fried bass fried anything fried fish meat fish taco 2.0 Moore's Law more fish cheese some part of me just can't get over how good this tastes okay I've got their little fishy hors d'oeuvres who wants the street which one of you wants this one only one of you gets it how about you guys sit sit pretty sit pretty so pretty that was the best so pretty you've ever done in your whole life good boy Monty pretty Sabri you just like to use his hands twirl you have to give Monty a little piece of the thickest in his mind you already gave him both one treat boys careful careful that was so delicious what a day there's a longer day we got up at 5:30 moved all day I did some fishing on Moose Lake caught those bass had lots of bass on too and lets him go did six Portage's today they weren't crazy but took a lot of time we did a lot of paddling and yeah full day of work we got here right right before sunset so we're just going to be cleaning up sitting by this fire here we will be heading to bed so we will catch you in the morning well good morning dogs are just getting prepared for the day hi puppies hiya dogs doing rigueur little cutie pants mighty you too so we're just making breakfast and getting packed up a little bit of a late start but cool with it we have to battle the wind today we are headed this way and this is a pretty long open lake and you can see this kind of a breeze it's kind of choppy so we do have to battle the wind today go straight into a fir I don't know might be around five miles straight of the wind I'm not sure some something like that but we're gonna get moving that's for sure okey-dokey we're ready to get Hoover all cleaned up I took all my extra firewood put it under the grate with a big piece of birch bark over it biggest I could find try to keep it dry for the next guy but clunking Ruger crews it out Bunty you ready you ready buddy we're going straight in the wind and as soon as we get around this point this is the narrow part it opens up big and you can see Whitecaps so it's gonna be breezy and we've got a ways to go let's just do it we haven't even got to the windy part yet so it looks like it's six miles straight into the wind just to start our day which we've done longer paddles for sure but on a big open lake in the wind that's the work this will work we got fully loaded canoes both got a dog yep and the fun parts about to begin it's not so bad when you got the shore it's kind of the shore is going like this and the wind's coming this way but it opens up after this point and this is going to be full force that's right ahead get ready because it's coming here we go that's not so bad so bad a little and take a little quick rest let Funke catch up to me let her rest for a second and since i got a minute or two before she gets here I'm gonna cast next to this really nice tree cuz we got a rocky bottom it looks like it's like five feet deep poor funk it up contact malfunction yeah yeah yeah her contact double over her eye oh she's been pounded I went blind hmm this is what you gotta give these dogs some credit my word is blowing into the wind mallet hard they're just sitting in the boats just like all right it's not so bad I guess mom and dad will keep us safe and you know they're still younger a year and a half here and six seven months of around there seven eight I don't know something like that rugers five months so do that they're doing pretty good for their age they're gonna be lifetime Botox we are making progress we're getting there we've got about another mile to a half a mile to go I'm not exactly sure on how far but we're getting there hey Monty should we go for to the dog park do you want to go for the dog park do you want a treat you want to go for the dog park do you want to go for it to the dog park you're silly you're so handsome we're almost everybody I can't not cast we just took a nice little beef jerky candy and nuts break yeah we gotta save the cheese in case we get more fish for fish tacos because we're totally having around too if we catch more it's nice to be blowing with the wind for a change so the next portage we got is 2/3 of a mile long with 1/3 of it being an incline that seems to be pretty steep so that'll be some fun and then the rest of it's all downhill very sketchy [Music] brace yourself and here to get wet now I'm going like eight miles an hour we gotta get out of this window get to the next leg we got one more portage feel like I got an outboard motor on cruising all righty hopefully that's the last part of the day we're crossing our fingers and hoping that no one's at the one campsite on this lake it's a nice little lake it's the winds just blocked so it's nothing like the last like not even like night and day and there's walleye and pike lake and we have almost an hour and a half till the Sun sets so funks way up ahead look in see quick if it's open if it's not we got another portage and a paddle on a potentially windy Lake unfortunately so calm baby be open this will be the first time we could see the or get to enjoy the evening time like dusk I believe it's open yes I'm glad this worked out I wasn't really expecting anybody to be on this lake but the last time I did that my last trip of course there was someone I'm gonna do a little evening fishing tonight control for some walleye and some Pike and bass so good if I catch any we made it here's our spot for the evening up on this big ledge steep getting up here but uh Punk's gonna chill she's gonna set up camp I'm gonna go out and try to catch us some fish I got fish tacos on my mind flunks got them on there too so I give her a try I think there's a decent chance I could catch something maybe it's a little windy but uh I'm gonna go give it a try just in the e a little snack quick get out there got 45 minutes left of sunlight so I got to get moving fish tacos here we go baby sunsets beautiful we're not we don't got we're gonna got a good spot for a sunset here guess there's that Bluff over there but that'd be too much work to get to I don't know if you can see this or not but I kind of little walleye hey Ruby tookie-tookie dookie dookie dogs are eating we're just sitting around right now for a second just got everything set up got done fishing I got the tarp setup because Oh what sure soft girl there's no way we can't fire tonight it is just way too windy and it's just like out an open rock face so we got the tarp set up to block the wind which is coming up like sorwe high up here and we're just gonna use our stoves to make the fish fry we're gonna attempt to put that pan right on top of our stove which it should work and I hope it works if it doesn't we can go back to our old little lids but we're gonna try it with the bigger pan see if it works so we're gonna fry things up that way should be pretty good it's going to be good we got almost almost as much fish as yesterday right about the same probably probably closest we have two nice tacos each that'll be a good dinner all right we are battering our fish here like dip it in water lay it on and to conserve our batter we usually lay out a pile like this onto something and then sometimes like will even sprinkle it a little bit at a time but we had extra batter now so we're just kind of piled on here making sure they get coated good and then when I'm done doing all the fish fillets it kind of SOGs through a little bit after a little bit of time so we'll the sprinkle this over these done pieces and then we'll get to frying eight just got the pan with the oil on the stove got the fish all battered up and then we're gonna pry some fish I think it's gonna actually work a lot better than over the fire because we're out of the wind and this thing does a pretty good job of making a nice hot flame for this sort of stuff it's a little alcohol burning stove it's a Trangia 28 but it's good for fish fry we've done it before looks like the oil is already starting it nice and hot so I was a little worried that igoe's might be too big of a pan but I think we're perfect let's give her the old spit test okay so she's plenty hot probably too hot I don't think it's too hot but that was definitely sketchy what a dummy it's gonna cook a lot faster than yesterday it's actually frying today okay so turns out the stove heats way better than the fire yeah so get on that cheese this is gonna be frying up quick here a few more pieces in here I am slowing up my fish taco no I'm eating lemon extra lemon are the split my thumb is burning closer up right here just Oh God Oh is so windy who's so good I'm gonna walk over see what we would have been dealing with we had a fire out but yeah there's no way I can't see when I put the damn thing in my face Oh feels nice to just sit back for a little bit definitely a longer day today yesterday was a little longer but today was still pretty long we slept in a little bit got a nice long paddle into the wind then some crazy gusting decent little Portage's caught some fish had some more fish tacos all in all another good day out in the wild but uh we're gonna get simmering down here cleaning up and we're just gonna lay down for a bit in the tent because it's kind of cold and breezy and we're not having a fire so we're just gonna eat some candy and maybe drink a cup of hot cocoa in the tent and then we're gonna pass out tomorrow we've got just a paddle day we're paddling all across I think it's Pine Lake all the way to the other end and supposedly we're with the wind before we left so I'm hoping it's still that I hope the winds aren't like this though because even with the one that's crazy not as fun but yep heading a bad pitch in the morning learning [ __ ] so we had one tent malfunction because of all the sleeping pads being squished into the thing last night in the middle of the night this pole snapped off this chunk of metal and yeah so the tent was all loosey-goosey so I brought duct tape so we're just gonna duct tape it to the next spot and we actually have an old tent that I ruined the same tent and we have spare poles so it'll be all right but we have to deal with this now but we'll make it it'll be all right but we learned our lesson not to not to bring big sleeping pads one big saving bad two little ones not 2 big ones one little one thank she isn't a dog it's a stuffed animal let the deed so after this get a portage right up ahead quarter-mile nothing crazy doesn't seem like there's much incline it looks pretty flat or I can see by the hills up ahead so it might be a little muddy but it's okay and then there's some waterfalls we're gonna check out there we got a big old paddle and we should get to camp the earliest out of any day tonight and we are gonna relax funk funk still a lot of hard work she doesn't like doing as much work as this all the time so she wanted a nice relaxing day and today's that day we'll get the camp will set up and we will burn the fire and chill around that portage was so easy and it was so nice so nice all right so now we're on the search for some waterfalls the Johnson Falls I was told by nobody to not miss them nobody told me that but I'm not going to miss them because they're on the map whether we got a bushwhack or not I'm sure there's gonna be a trail and we're just hiking over to Johnson Falls it's the portage right the trail for this comes right off the portage between Pine Lake and canoe Lake right at the starting right off pine so I thought it would be and it's definitely a well-traveled trail so people go to check this out quite often these are pretty sweet waterfalls I don't even know if you can hear me but definitely worth the small hike off of Pine Lake these are the Upper Falls I believe and those is the lower very pretty those were some gorgeous waterfalls gorgeous just gorgeous we ate some packets of tuna for lunch we don't have any more tortillas because we weren't planning on having fish tacos two nights but uh I mean can you blame us come on but yeah now we're starting our long paddle down Lake Pine Lake and the wind is just blowing perfectly with us it's it's not too crazy but it's just enough to where I don't have to put any effort to keep moving at a good pace yesterday we battled the win on Mountain Lake and that took just like two and a half hours to go five six miles away but this one I mean I'll be surprised if it takes pass out burgers pass out right there he's passed out right there they're just ready for us to battle so we're gonna enjoy the nice if I catch a fish I'm gonna be pulling to my side and rocking I don't know if I feel like doing that and this wind on these big legs big leg you know I just can't help myself catch the biggest Pike in my life or something I don't normally catch big mouth today could be the day never know when that big fish don't bite all right I don't think I want to push anymore if this one I got a deal I [Music] should've known better damn it now I got to keep the boat straight so I do not want to be taking waves at my side right now clothes no I didn't go far enough damn it paddling backwards Oh like turning around in this wind again she's a goner paddle backwards a snapper oh nice all right ain't deal with that again I thought it was done son I was just kidding I knew I got it out I knew it that's fine that's a lot of fun all right duly noted not gonna fish in the crazy winds I'll wait till I get around this like two thirds of the way down the lake I can go around this point and it kind of goes to where the land will block the wind and it's a decent drop-off salt fish there but for now I'll just enjoy the paddle because that's dealing with snags like that is not fun even though I got it let it go boy roots okay I'll go boy Jessica Gruber you go boy are you go boat dog now good boy Ruger you a boat dog now huh yeah I know it's fun sitting in the sign the wind as I go boy Monty go in treat your gut both dogs too huh buddy yeah you know this one this is your home we've been paddling for almost an hour and we are we're three miles in looking at the map again it looks like we have to actually go roughly eight miles down this lake especially for following the shoreline we're taking a short little canoe break found a nice little cove out of the win mm-hmm be a little snack stretch our legs for a minute since we got extra time we're making good time and we're piling with the wind just like to take a little chill with the dogs stretch their legs and go to the bathroom if they need to right Monty huh right Monty right rubes will get pallid back to Pilate in a minute here I'm just gonna really hope that I don't get the snag well about two minutes into my trolling of course I got a snag I was staying enough away from shore and it says it drops down to sixteen feet here and snapped my line [Music] [Music] Allen thing was funny at all Sydney taking pictures of Ruger and she goes the winds must have really calmed down because we're on the far end of the lake and I would assume that the wind would be the worst down here but it's nothing it's about 5:15 and I'm just gonna do a little fishing half hour 45 minutes maybe an hour not gonna keep anything just a little catch release fishing but we'd like to have dinner a little earlier [Music] [Music] I think that's a no on friendship you're gonna follow me back to camp and they're gonna drop drop a tree on the tenth better watch off I better not going home I bet a lot of Beaver slept entails me in my day [Music] delicious whoops fresh onion and then oh yeah extra garlic today yep well you don't want this much garlic too much I like garlic I'm doing at least three all right it's good enough for me I'm just gonna throw these in a roast on whole and I'm just gonna eat them that's how I'm gonna do there we go oops so five years going to be used for warmth enjoyment and hot cocoa roast and water we've got our spaghetti rehydrated almost about good so that's done we are gonna throw on the potatoes onions and garlic ruger is just resting all bundled up like a cutie-pie and Monty is rested by the fire oh boy [Music] what do you think about the smell of just deliciously caramelized onion cooked potatoes huh do you want some of this do you want a piece of onion that fell on the ground well he liked it so you stinker here's our feast for this evening oh yeah spaghetti hot cocoa potatoes onions garlic gonna be so good mmm it's hot what's so good all right no need to show any of this I'm gonna feast like a pig a wild animal he's over here just chilling being a good boy we are getting cleaned up I feel so full after that delicious meal mm-hmm there's another good one just put the spaghetti it was a good day nice nice day or relaxing we're just sitting here by the fire letting her burn down had a nice paddle with the wind today good sunshine calmed right down had a relaxing evening some good food again nice final night of the Boundary Waters trip so we're just gonna let this roast down for a bit we're actually gonna head to bed pretty early tonight I'm just gonna let this fire burn down pretty good roast some more wood and then we'll be heading to bed kind of fall so I'm not gonna drink anymore cook or anything but yeah for but we're gonna get up relatively early and we don't got too far to go to the car so we'll catch you in the morning nice little brisk morning this morning oh yeah you puppy dogs you chewed on a pinecone what you doing would you two do it no what you doing what you doing you're so excited to be alive Monty come here Monty come come I took so we're just packing up camp and we're cruising on out of here no breakfast no oatmeal no coffee this morning we do not got far to go so we're just packing and then we're gonna be paddling to camp there's a teeny little porridge it doesn't even really count like 80 feet or something might not even be a porch might be able to just paddle through we'll see but uh there's a lake there guys why are you drinking out of this puddle huh there's a this was probably a little more fresh guys right here right here gir right you drink this drink that go ahead there you go that's a smart doggy anyways we're gonna get to it and get moving Monty just likes to enjoy his morning's by staring over the lake and soaking things in and just waking up so here's a trip that we did we started right here and paddled to here in the dark and then we portage down here you do portage up this way all along here portage this paddle here portage this that's where those Forest Service workers were to help us or paddle portage paddle portage all the way over to here and then we stayed here and I went up to this like there's a trail right from this campsite that goes up here and then we fouled the wind all the way down here but dupa dupa do and then we parted sheer pal down here porch here pal down here and then Portage's stayed here that's where I caught a couple fish has a nice little lake very pretty and then we got a [ __ ] today portage down here and then we went to right there and we there's a trail you checked out these waterfalls and then we paddled all the way down here this campsite and that's all right now and then we're just packing up and all we gotta do is paddle up to here skip through this little thing and then paddle down here to the car that's a trip it's pretty nice for four days four nights pretty good trip but we're just packing away still just thought I'd go over that quick well here's our fortress and looks pretty rough well I guess I wasn't so bad for a portage was so bad I funky i Ruger definitely out of the Boundary Waters now there's cabins here generator and I packed my sunglasses into the deepest darkest places of my bag I'm not stopping to get them out so I'm just gonna have a blind I don't care just tell me if I'm gonna hit the shore I'm trying to use that generators it's so bright I'm on my left okay well that was a fun little trip we're getting closer to the car now I've got too much further to go we had perfect weather we ate good food we had both her dogs and they weren't cold didn't get wet well Ruger got wet on the first night that's all right but all I know is a great trip a little bit short but hey you know you can't always get tons of time to go out camping sometimes you got to work with what you got so we're just gonna keep paddling get to the car pack up we're gonna head on home hope you had a great time watching and we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 124,504
Rating: 4.8922029 out of 5
Keywords: 4 night adventure with my dogs and my woman, adventure, 4 night adventure, camping dogs, wilderness, wilderness camping, bushcraft, bushcraft camping, camping, wild, wild camping, outdoors, nature, fishing, camping and fishing, catch and cook, wilderness area, boundary waters, bwca, boundary waters canoe area, fall camping, fall, sunshine, canoe camping, canoe, camping dog, camping girl, girl camper, dogs, dog, puppy, fun, exciting, fish
Id: I47UPtCobvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 13sec (6913 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2017
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