Minimal Gear OVERNIGHT BUSHCRAFT CAMP with my Dog, Build Natural Shelter, Tiny Backpack, Cooking.

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[Applause] if you see a rock maybe that's what he's doing you trippin out over a rock bro come on man everything's fine okay what is it oh look it's an inanimate object he's the rock look he's rock [Music] hey folks how you guys doing today it's a nice day and decided to get tripper and head it to the woods we're at a different spot than we've ever been before I have a really small tiny tiny Camelback backpack on and some stuff in my pockets with that we're gonna make a nice shelter spend a comfortable night on the bush go get that backpack off well we've hiked in for about a half an hour and like I said this is a spot that I've never been to before we were able to find this big clearing we're not in the bush exactly we're just on the perimeter of the woods here and the sun's been able to hit this grassy area dry all the grass so we're kind of underneath this nice pine tree here it seems like an ideal spot to set up a camp for the night now in going with the minimal gear I didn't bring any kind of shelter or a sleeping pad I did bring a sleeping bag or quilt sorry to keep myself warm so what I want to do is kind of build like they can eat from a closed in a frame and I'm not gonna be using a fire for warmth I will have a fire outside uh but I'll climb inside it for the night I'm gonna show you the stuff that I do have to help me build with and I will start to collect some materials and stuff and then I'll continue to show you the rest of the gear that I do have it's not much but yeah let's get out what I do have to help me build and let's find some materials and get to work and it's a beautiful day beautiful day huge thank you to survival mat for this dog backpack for tripper works out really good this is from kirgo this is a much better brand than I had originally they sent it to me so thank you very much it obviously worked well I've got some I got all trippers sleeping this needs in here plus some other stuff in seeing that I have such a small backpack I did carry some gear on my person I've got my gloves attached to me here I got my GoPro head mount goodbye pocket I have player still on my hip I have a small belt knife from a a forge on my hip with a nice some nice leather from one tree leather I'll show you that a little bit later on I've got Swiss Army knife and on the other side I've got my small trooper toe what are you rolling in what are you rolling in dude what do you think you're a dog what is this what is this rolling in poos anyway I've got my small grants furs Brooks Oh door acts on a custom leather ax mask that C's on my hip again made from one tree leather I got a package in the mail with a few things the other day from Erin at once real leather so I'm going to be testing that stuff Oh today as well sure work fine I've had sheaths from him before that goes on the belt hopefully you can see that that goes on the belt does not impede anything as I walk my whole system all all ready to go no on the way in I did see a lot of trees that were bent over from the snow early on in the year with boughs that I need for to build on them that I can take down without feeling too bad and limbs and pieces of wood proper so I'm gonna take oh and I have my silky saw when I grab my silky saw out of the backpack I'm gonna take what I have on me I'm gonna head back to where I came in at and collect a bunch there's gonna be a haul to carry them back over here but it's going to be a good score there's stuff like this - look I'm not joking when I say this this winter was brutal on trees like that's again the top of the tree broken off there but then look I have all of this building material to use it's nice and dry right and I don't feel guilty about taking it down it's just gonna sit here rot anyways I mean they're all over the place this is my small backpack there's got everything I need for the whole night in it just pretty awesome I'll get to the showing you guys the meat of it soon I'm gonna actually get this out of the Sun because I do have actual meat in it all right there's my saw let's get this bad boy out of the Sun there all right we're all squared away I'm just gonna grab my gloves let's get going I'm gonna leave my big camera no I'm not this is handy having a hands-free system tripper stop rolling and poop bro stop rolling and poop bro what are you doing hands-free system get all these off I can use this for building and these will still be good rib work so I'm not gonna take these off right here I'll bring them all the way back but let's let's just saw this in a manageable piece see all the tension on that the torque you gotta be careful with that type of stuff can be sketchy okay and look right underneath it we got that one good building material but not enough a bunch of boughs even though they're small more building material I could see more up that way and a bunch more right here I'll stand back and just in case there's a bunch of torque on that one - nope none at all okay you're gonna take that good get it down take it go get your stick and go go take it you gotta watch out then if you're not gonna take it big guy oh man he makes things so enjoyable okay so that's hung up I'm definitely not gonna fight with that to get it out so I'll cut this one free - I'll try to binding on the other side there we go yeah I'll just cut these guys free it's high up as we can okay I was able to get I was able to get these pieces probably 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 or 7 stocks with a bunch of boughs not enough but definitely a good haul from this immediate area so I'm gonna make the long arduous journey bringing these back to the shelters but I have to take 3 or 4 troops [Music] so honestly smell summer spring waiting for this waiting for dry land to camp on dry land ahead dry land ahoy we're gonna take a water break for a hot minute here you know what well I'm doing that why don't I show you just the gear I do have all the gear I do you have so I don't forget a trip so I have had this Camelback backpack for a long time I remember trading it on a trade blanket in person in Ohio at a bushcraft USA me getting this for I don't even know what I traded for it but barely ever using it using it on like walks with Scout in Windsor and stuff anyways let's go through what I do have I have a pack sausages I got five in there I'll probably eat three give two to the dog Salas in this middle compartment here this pack backpack just cinches all up together this is just like the middle compartment in between two compartments and you can cinch it back up really tight and easily and it's pretty useful actually so that was all I had in that part so in the front part this small compartment I managed to get a lot of things in so important things as well first off I fold the cup that's not that important but it's helpful no trip for fun then I've got my water bottle that's the only water I have for today a liter of water there is some snow to melt I don't really want to have to do it but I'm sure won't you have to because I'm already needing water and nested in there was my Joe robinette titanium cook pot that nests it's got the Scott logo it's got the bail got the handles the measurements all that stuff on it's super durable lightweight you can find those at Bunker branding dot-com shameless plug oh I have my fault full move in DC for knife sharpener and the very front here there is a lid to this I'm just not sure where I put it right now so that's that also in here I've got Moroccan style mint tea and a granola bar which I'm going to have right now with some water that's those two small compartments and then now into the main compartment and the bulk of the whole thing is my sleeping bag this is a negative 5 degrees Celsius sleeping bag and it's supposed to get it down to negative 3 degrees Celsius tonight so this is actually a quilt from ugq outdoors so we'll see if that keeps me warm enough with no sleeping pad remember I'm sleeping on top of pine boughs with a quilt right so there's no material underneath me I'm right on top pine boughs with my clothes anyways that was the bulk of my student of my my backpack the next thing is I had this all wrapped up together and a neat little thing but I have my toque for tonight which is a Down skully to again from ugq Oh doors just in case it packed out to absolutely nothing there's no reason to not bring it has a little bit of nice stuff by the ears silky it's a night nice nice - and then I have long johns just in case my stuff isn't sufficient for tonight to keep you warm but that's the only clothes I do have with me then I have a can of beans and I said I would open up that can of beans I'll be using my Swiss Army knife can opener that I have all my belt this is my blue farmer the royal blue farmer so that's a can of bacon beans brown sugar and bacon and those have you cooked up in my titanium pot I've got some chaga for chocolatey later on my lid and I managed to get a 5x7 tarp in there this is my old bushcraft USA messed 5x7 ripstop tarp I've had this forever so I really fit a ton of stuff in here okay and there's some stuff in a dog backpack that I'll show you oh this is the piece de resistance my sit pad my little neoprene R sorry my little reflectix sit pad not neoprene not neoprene at all and my fox-like gear handkerchief in the back bladder portion of this backpack oh look at that I just kept throwing things in last night I guess so for this small tiny nothing backpack I was able to get a decent amount of stuff in there again it's not a ton of gear by any means it's actually a small amount of gear quite a bit and that's not show you just all of it together no you can see not much not much at all obviously you saw that I had my stormy Cromer wool cap on I don't need that anymore right now at least so in tripperz backpack he has a space blanket which will come in handy to keep me off the pine boughs I guess I got a battery and that's it in that one so that's just a small pocket on Trevor's backpack then there's a big pocket on either side too and in this side he's got this is his top quilt to keep him warm tonight and then that's it for that side and then this side in the big pocket I've got this is his sleeping pad so tripperz has a sleeping pad I don't look at him this is what he gets to carry he doesn't need to carry much so he can carry luxuries then he's got this is abraded or sorry - a reverse twist paracord braid that I whipped the end with with inner paracord so this is super strong and what I'm going to do it at night tonight is hook this up to is caller I'm just gonna run this through his collar like this stop rollin poof stop rollin poop seriously man then on his color like that and then tie that part around a tree keeps eating deer poop anyways that way he won't be able to get get away and no coyotes can lure him out and he won't go chasing deer and stuff I don't trust him like I trusted Scout to just stick around me and that said Scout was tied up for the first few years when we camped I've got some paracord in here for me I've got oh I've got a ball for him here you go buddy that's hopeful I can throw that back and forth my headlamp that's it but I was reminded when I was pulling things out that I do have some twine in this pocket just in case what else oh I'm just my my camera batteries so okay that's everything [Music] sitting down with this ax thing is gonna take some getting used to there is just deer poop all over the place we're gonna have to give this Oh stuck to me have to give this a good scraping out actually I'll be laying Oh pine boughs down so it's okay I still haven't decided whether and I'm going to put it in the woods row here I'd prefer it out here but I have to make two tripods out here to build on top of and in there I could probably just tie it off the trees but we'll see it'll all come together once I start building it I'll go back with more mats you looking at okay I've got the vision so I want to use this tree here we're gonna build one tripod here right we're gonna have two anchor points we're gonna put a ridgepole ring this way and then we're gonna put ribs going this way to the ground I'm gonna have a TT lean-to coming up together and opening on this side just sighs close off this eyes closed off this side it's closed off this eyes closed off for the most part or it can even have the opening there next to the tree have a fire out there again the fires not for warmth or for sleeping it's just for cooking and for ambience and stuff all right that's what we're doing so we're gonna move all this area clean get all this area clean cut up some logs and tie them together on a tripod there's definitely enough building materials and resources so that's very helpful probably use this as a bit of a rake and try to rake away some of the poo come up here to there to there this is pretty good pretty good spot pretty level too so this one doesn't have any live vowels on it so I'm not gonna chop all these dead branches over here and get them in my way that's what I was originally gonna do is bring it up here to chop it so again this one is no good for vows but it's really good for lumber we'll just get this over here there's a couple boughs on it we can take and this one too it's probably better for lumber than boughs he'll do these over here clean them up that way they're not getting any poses where we're going to sleep some major man take measurements who watch the the redux of the stranded series that just posted recently I thought it was a good time to post it with everybody stuck at home we turned that four or five parter into a two and a half movie so check it out if you haven't okay it's warm I'm gonna need to melt some snow for sure considering there's gonna be some weight on this ridge pole I prefer if if we used a thicker one you don't I mean a little bit more dense and then that way it's not gonna Bend with all the weight on it so we'll take this big fat one here tell if you need super long ones anyways I don't necessarily want it up that high I'd like to be able to sit it on that fat limb for extra support but then that just means that the piece is going out need to be that much longer all right it's down anyways we'll just set it there get a good measurement on it so it sits there comes out to there give it a little bit extra just for safekeeping make a little notch I'm telling you it's handy having all these tools right on your person here having to put them down or look for them one you need so I gave a little bit extra room just to have this be able to hang over on the tripod for extra Oh safety support we're gonna call it tripods gonna sit there is a boom on there yeah we'll have to measure out some pieces now for the tripod so this isn't a bad size get tied up there nice and secure and go this will go this size or just a size just a little bit shorter than the nest we'll see how many we can get off that other long one if we can get two of them and use that and we'll have three that'll be good can you stop digging cuz that's my my home that's gonna be my home for tonight bro can you hey hey what are you doing tripper no stop digging a hole bro where's your ball get your ball income nope would it go boy all right I already kind of uh found a little bit of it incline here but this will help this piece of wood underneath them yeah I think you're a little bit these are all real real sticky and juicy they're all obviously live the ones that fell over the trail they're coming in so again for anyone interested we're gonna just secure this on at first with a couple / hams nothing crazy no you're not gonna do that and then you know what just where I'm tying here just to make it a little bit easier for myself man you need to not do that cuz it's really loud right on my face man okay don't throw it for him they have him run okay anyways after that no back up nope just want to wrap it around I should have clean these logs up much better no man yep definitely okay you've seen me do this I don't want to bore you with this so I'm gonna do one of these all right okay the hole that he dug is coming in useful I stuck one of the pegs in there now the dirt hey buddy stop I know I said it was useful but come on okay it's something it's a little high on this side though on this truck stop digging dude no more man stop digging pretty even you guys up a little no that's pretty good that's pretty good okay don't hate that Oh hate that at all we think looks pretty good to me yeah boy yeah bleep yeah it looks great okay yep oh good building materials I'll use it after I do have to clean this up a bit I think okay so that's big enough for me in there and the dog right tie that so I'm for sure yeah I might all just kind of stay in place with the put the weight of it sticking hands don't egg please no no no no they basically have to come out to the same length as the those ridge poles that are already there the size of the tripod no no depending on how these turn out I might switch the direction I'm laying from this way to this way this way he's got a big hump in it and they say a little bit more flat and this way it looks like it's gonna be shorter than this way already so we'll see we'll see how it goes how many more I need to I'm gonna need to do the sides as well I got have some sturdy pieces and some weaker pieces so I want to try to alternate like strong strong weak we type thing you don't rip all right three on each side looking pretty good so I want to put side ribs on it going across like two of these going down as well that won't work too good I had one that bent where is she so one there and then one below it like so and then I'll tie those on get more ballast for the outside and then have to start putting like sidewall here to kind of end it off but let's go inside it and see how how big it is how much room I have yeah it's just a big hump here in the middle laying down this way I'm in it my head does come past this piece here so I'll have to extend it to about there to be comfortable but I'm pretty happy with that and then the dog can be right next to me we have much more room sideways next to each other this way so yeah I'm happy with this trip are you staying right in my camera bro I'm happy with this so we'll uh we'll keep going this way I gotta get some more side ribs and then stuff with a back wall and then a bunch of boughs I've been collecting all the bowels of and cutting off over there but it's not nearly enough because I have to make a bed as well so we'll be we'll be spending most of the day on this it's uh almost 110 my clock is an hour behind still from the daily savings 110 right now I can't one this morning fire on 10 o'clock okay so I got my twine holding one Ridge pull up then a side pull I'm gonna come over here and tuck it up under this little notch I'll show you what I mean a little notch here I'm just gonna try to tuck it there but now it's pulling that other side out son of a gun Carol basket I do this okay now we're gonna do this now we're just gonna tie it on and then that's how we'll be held down by the weight of everything else but this is barely barely gonna reach I'm gonna get our twine out okay that's one down that's looking good to me the only problem is this is kind of bounced up a little bit from the pressure but I'm fine with that because again once anything starts to get put on here sticks and boughs is gonna push it right down so this is all the way to the fourth peg fourth Pole and that's incorporating the tripod into this rib work so that's good I'll do that one underneath I'm not gonna bore you with the details of that one I'll just tie that up it's gonna fit purposely and then I'll go around the other side if I come with across any snafu snafus I'll let you know that's basically how it's gonna look I might have to put one another third one but we'll see because everything else just gets now stuck on there stacked on there and oh I cut myself no fresh tat kit hey everything else gets tacked on their boughs and fun stuff make a progress you're gonna stop eating poops bro you're gonna not eat the poops okay dear so tripper decided to take my roll of twine and hide it on me so that's super helpful I do have some paracord instead of using a bunch of it I think I will cannibalize it and use all the strands so I've got should have seven here one two three four five six seven yes I dropped one so that'll help I'm almost done tying anyway so went over a little ways away from where I've been collecting wood and I found a downed poplar or Aspen so there's one will be able to do here stick that for Ken all right pry it there so I only have two I only have to tie on one side because that side is zom by friction by pressure and that's got this extra piece coming up here I can tuck back in that's on there and that's pressure on there yeah yeah whatever so the bowels will go on there next ok another change of plans how about this I kind of like this idea I block I do end up blocking off all this off boom boom putting up a couple two or three straight up-and-down pieces of wood there another one here blocking that all off completely and then having this as my entrance I'm not going in in this area here crawl in sleep on that side see what I mean and have it blocked off this is all me block block block block I'll show you what I mean here crawl in here see her trip then I go gonna lay down here Trevor can lay down next to me I'll still be very protective I think I like that I think that I think I like that idea he's gonna knock my camera over [Applause] okay we're gonna get to that you know get to the fashion a boy tripper humor me for as long as he could you glad I got these long ones [Applause] we're definitely getting somewhere I know it looks pretty good from the outside here but believe me once you go inside and I show you looks from the inside out it's nowhere near done I've used most of my vowels on here I do have some on the inside and I have this left I save all the nice soft top ones for my bed on the inside I'm about to make some pegs here to go in up up and down are pretty no no no no back up pretty blunt yep what point at least right now I will just chamfer the ends to make sure that it doesn't mushroom all too bad on me but this is accident huge or anything I'm sure it won't and then we'll sharpen up this one to pound this one all right go check it out I maybe should not have started to put vowels on this spot yet I just grabbed a bunch and stuck them in there because they fit pretty well I'm going to chop this down into the ground a little bit nothing crazy now I can certainly tie that right in that crotch there and then we'll take you around here you can see I haven't done anything to this side as far as valves we'll see what happens I might just tie that tarp up I don't know if I want to lift that much more boughs I do have that's that survival shelter tarp I can throw on this side clean up all these nubs we'll see see how it goes I'm flying with it either way well let's get this back wall done that way I can focus on this wall at the end this side wall at the end so again that can just stay there I'll tie that in pretty good right there I maybe will tie a cross piece on the inside there too just to have something for the ballast to stick to a little bit better hey there tripper I'm surprised I didn't show you carry them in my coat pocket it's been sitting in the snow all day can you guess what it is just one - this one that's not gonna cut it look at that man there's a lot of bells on there guys get all the Sun coming through Wow oh that looks like nothing from here oh my goodness look at the difference I'm gonna leave this set up here and come back and keep working on it wait that's not that's not enough that's not enough it's not enough come Trevor come come come it's trippy because I've never been in this spot while you keep saying like he keeps being on such alert what are you barking out right now man and no bears are waking up and everything he's a little see he's like all worked up look na tripper okay come there's nothing there what what oh man find another tree that's fallen over obviously it broke off in the wind storm snow storm slush storm ice storm some storm in the wintertime there are a good amount of boughs on here there are kind of sparse to honest there's more vows down towards the top here forget what we can't offer this should be should be a good amount close up that end and you know what I did find a bunch of pine this is all spruce but I found white pine which doesn't go as well but well worth maybe we can use that to top everything off to give it just extra buffer man always kick it up [Applause] yeah this is gonna mount here this is good stuff it's on the side too and some rip on me so I only have to worry about it it's smoke covered or not hey this one this one's fine right nope we got a decent amount here there's my second arm pull back this will definitely do all we need to finish complete okay let's go to all the bells on it now that it's gonna get the end isn't looking so bad it's actually looking pretty good to be honest with you I know there's a lot of spots it needs still but that sides pretty good pretty camouflage too actually the end is looking decent good boy Jeffers waiting on supper hey hey Boyd so I think all it takes now is putting that tarp up there I do have these pine I see the difference we've wasted pine boughs that you never really want pine boughs this is pine boughs and then those are screw cent balsam fir they lay a lot flatter but in all reality I could throw that on there it's not gonna do much I got thrown on the other side for a real brush pile and I might do that let's do that and see anything to leave that on there no harm no foul all right all right oh yeah bonus C book this is tarp going on there we're gonna have to move some of these branches of the way I'm gonna put the rubberized part on the inside just for a little protection if possible if that does anything there's a twig here that's in a good spot so I'm just gonna hook the loop right on it the loop from the toilet on the tarp hook it right on there just for temporary you know what I might do I might take my saw and cut this down this part of the tripod down that way I can get to it yeah okay where's my saw all right I just use the tip here because I'm starting to cut into another that Ridge pole is in the way they're just the tip for a hot minute here okay cool all right that's it not bad for a day's work I'm uh I'm done building for the day I'm hungry I want to get the fire going right to go collect firewood and everything still so it's it's quarter after 5:00 I am done building for the day got all this up like I said so I'll probably have to fire right in front here to be honest with you dig the grass out a bit and find some rocks and get some firewood going I'm gonna cook my sausages just on a stick old-school their precooked so it's no big deal and then I'll either I'll probably cut a couple of them up after the cooked and put them in my cooked beans like hot wieners and beans type thing and I'll probably eat one just by itself I've been thinking about this for quite some time now can you tell okay this is a nice day man I'm happy I'm over here here's a fun day it's been it's been busy busy busy so a little skunky too if I actually skunky so that's that's something but anyway I'll come back like I said and finish working up on this ever I have the chance whenever I want to get back out to the spot it's no big deal I'll take my tarp down with me and then all that's here is a couple pieces of paracord that I can come take down whatever I need to if I do need to take that the rest is natural so it's no big deal it's pretty uh pretty hidden as well you know it's pretty camouflaged natural kit Campbell camouflage let's sort okay firewood and rocks all right so I'm gonna sit here comfortably have my fire probably where that log is honestly far away look here so start clearing off the grass and the pine Duff that general area saw right there if it starts it's all very very muddy underneath hit like extremely wet so that's a good thing not concerned about anything that way get this top layer off and it's honestly probably not even necessary but I like to be safe safe this possono here doing this stuff so clear it down to bare earth we're gonna get some rocks make a fire pit we don't need that big of a fire pan I do want to stay warm tonight don't get me wrong negative three Celsius still somewhat chilly when you're just sitting around doing nothing so I will use it for warming before I go to tell you go to bed meat now for this decent sized rock right there oh maybe not decent size overstatement all right are you doing hey tripper hey tripper hey tripper what you doing it's good at ignoring me yep okay so I'm gonna make a three-sided firepit like I normally do I don't like a fully enclosed fire pit cause it blocks a lot of the heat that would normally radiate back towards you it blocks it down in the in the rocks so we'll make a big back wall come around the sides a bit you guys might remember my buddy Clint Clint solds old outdoors and he's been posting videos a lot lately go check him out he's a such a good guy and post amazing content he's out and doing stuff that people wish they were doing I'm sure all right so that's basically it we can take out some small rocks and add some bigger ones on the side there I will just gain more for the back yeah that's it okay we're good I won't gather one or two more just to finish off the back there but that's pretty solid three solid thumbs up bro triple what are you doing hey buddy what are you doing he's obsessed he's not even flinchin talking hey buddy [Music] well coming into some issues with firewood you see I found some here and that's all fine but it's all poplar and it's super soft late anyways it won't last long it won't add up to much coals the only other thing I can really find for firewood is the big lower branches of the white pine trees that are substantial in size and easy to get to which are fine but they don't last very long either so I've got much more time really I'm hungry I want to start cooking losing light - oh sure not losing weight but losing enough daylight where I want to sit down and eat supper but yeah I'm gonna go on my search for for some more firewood I think I'll bring my GoPro a dog obsessed man he's right in there no oh you get it dad it's stuck in his teeth say I got about 85% of my wood cut up as of now I'm really happy that I don't have to rely on firewood for warmth tonight while I sleep because it's not gonna cut it I have enough here for a [ __ ] for sure and for a little bit when it gets dark there's a decent amount of wood this won't last because of the type of it I can't believe it I think normally I can find at least I can find dead spruce standing in these stands here and it's a dead dry standing spruce can be very dense wood and it's more than capable but mostly all I can find is this this poplar I found one piece of spruce and it's already cut up in there I got this big beefy poplar so that's good it's soft man you can feel how soft it is it's nice for cutting I just know it's not gonna be good later on someone try anyway um I got cold stuff oh my sweater back coming up sawing this I works myself back up into a warmth worked a once back up that doesn't that's not how you say that I'm warm again who wants shame on me all right I need food I think my brain is going a little mush because of no food I'm gonna cut this office on fire here look so on the ground already perfect [ __ ] so this is his ugq top quilt and this was in his side pouch of his backpack it's a cute little doggy backpack thanks again survival mat and family much appreciate all right hex cam fix camera say I believe and ugq Oh door I'll lay this down he can lay on top of it for now this over here forever come-come good boy yeah yeah come this way come this way come this way good boy good boy yeah yeah good dog see that's where you can stay you can't just lay there I'm just trying to make you comfortable man good boy lift you up later good boy yeah good dog yes boy that's perfect Hey all right we're gonna throw a spark right in this horse park it's up on top of this little kind of nest of small twigs and I've got really small fine twigs to throw on and then another size up I've got my small fire still today all right let's do this no that's gonna burn up and also downward into the twigs that are below it creating a good berry off the ground and something more for it to grow from more fuel for it to grow from not just on top of it that's nothing new to you guys going smoke generator a trip get a nice fire going right off the hop here oh it's nice to feel it to feel the one for the fire I'm not too cold by any means but it's always nice to feel it alright fine hens real warm now not today spider this is a good feeling guys sitting here with my dog one of a shelter I built took all day to build next to fire I built oh gee eat some food nice drink all is right with this this world right here all is right hope everyone is doing okay lay this over in the shelter so I got this ass and that I can use as a plot and I'm sure this hurt right here I can use use that part of this yeah watch out tripper make it two of them tripper you're standing right in the way Oh Oh over here good boy this one is so very soft okay so that can be hot hook that's a pretty hefty pot hook I guess and we just need a stick to hold it up with you know what that is a very hefty pot hook that's a good pot to leave here and make another day to keep here but maybe I can just use this this is probably more than enough right here for what I need to do I'll need to search out a really big stick to prompt that big one up with whereas something like this it's fine like I can probably use this stick that's on the ground here so make it clean yeah I can potentially use that okay or if not I can use this this piece alright so if I am using this piece stick that into the ground flatten the top out of this that's how this works like a screwdriver top kind of thing all the stinks this wood is stinky tripper stop lying on the end of this bro and eat it stop man you're rude okay that's that then for this just need to make a quick notch the birds beak you guys have seen me do this before I really like this little knife from a forge it's a minimalist I believe does everything I needed to do very nimble sharp as the Dickens has an emerald burlap handle I saw it I had to pick it up support them to write small business I do not give this for free bought this with my own money chipper get over here Shep are you on top me bro you're on top of me go corn go alright I'll get that get all this over there situate it I'll bring this just in case she's sharp she's sharp it's like cutting through a pear this wood awful or another piece of fruit all right close I'm on with you so if I do this put this on here gonna sit there that's not so bad it might go a bit too cuz this is then we'll try this one oh I hit where the frost is or a rock so I can do that I can't even prop something in front of it if I need to it doesn't bow too much yes no it's in this problem it is pushed down in the back pretty substantially okay okay okay hot see how that fits with the weight and it's gonna be pulled right down try and use this one let's see flip this one a lot more straight up and down and close to the fire pit okay that's in there that's very straight up and down isn't it or - I won't bend as much anyway they're both therefore an option and that's promised my sausage is in the fridge nice and cold both yeah a couple these are free - but I just burned through my pants all right it's a shorter one shorter one on this guy at a single I got you should be able to cook three at a time here cover back up it's one man shirt stripper wouldn't mind eating long cold do that for him all right two on that one one on the other so I'm gonna need something heavy to hold this part down that should cook up pretty quickly I gotta get my beans on still in the carve a little eating utensil well eating utensil well the old faithful farmer comes in handy guys know how to use one of these might come in handy for you sometime soon Oh any normal Swiss Army knife should have can opener on it the top half goes on the inside the bottom half goes on the outside the top half meeting this little circular part goes on the inside you just pry against itself against the lip of the can and work your way it doesn't take very long at all you only move a little bit at the time but seem so anyway that might come in handy down the road for some people who doesn't have an old Swiss Army knife it got packs down to them or even a knock off what they had forever in their basement right okay beans beans and magical fruit are you sure / something you're lucky we're lucky it's only here okay so there's a decent amount fill it up a decent amount at least I'll look for the lid you're in a second we'll get this on cooking those sausages are already on there obviously like you saw this one we'll see how much of its bows down that's a whole lot this one okay that's perfect there it's not gonna go anywhere I'm gonna get the lid for it these bad boys oh yeah oh yeah boy looking good everything's basically done I've switched the pot hanger to a smaller one to the lower one cuz the flames are done sausages as you can see hard looking nice there's no marshmallow and Smarties and and grim no that's just s'mores there's no marshmallow and ketchup and shrimp and popsicles like scrambled Oh would have but beans and waiters nonetheless two takes on that one these beans are done I'm going to cut off sausage into the beans okay as well as possible oh no at least it landed in the beans oh I pulled the Jo get that back on there just for for ease of cutting you know whoa she's hot come I have to go he glows what's up stripper I think you want some you think you want some bud oh it's the smoke he's trippin over with the smaller you have lots to learn still man oh man it's so hot so why so do i okay we're gonna fix this up I promise okay this is what we ended up with one cooked sausage for supper to cooked for me my two are in here here's our cut up please just cut out there waiting to cool down I still have two more to go probably cook both of them up and we'll each have one after but yeah this is good to go I already gave him one piece I'm gonna go grab my other treat I'll be right back it's getting chilly all my layers on now except for my long johns Cheers Bon Appetit yeah we're good go buddy oh yeah she's hitting the spot already oh boy I'm pretty sure I'll be comfortable tonight I don't have as much um bowels underneath me as I should have which is the name of the game but you know what I might in all honesty I might steal tripperz sleeping pad it's a 3/4 length sleeping pad so it'll go to like my knees when he's fine I compiled all the the bow was up for him and he still has this topical he'll be totally fine it's again couldn't get negative 3 tonight I don't have enough for me we'll see we'll see how it goes I was thinking about stealing his using his he'll be fine regardless well I gotta show you my his setup for tonight I can't just leave him run around like I said he cody's will lure him out he will go chase deer things like that and I don't want to have to be up in the middle of the night screaming for him and trying to hope that comes back to things so I'll show you my setup how to keep them contained same way I just do a scout like I said oh boy he really doesn't like that's a camp smoke my fires having a rough go so I have trips planned but we're not allowed to be us like in public right like I'm right now where I am right now I'm in the middle of nowhere no when people are coming out here this isn't like a like a part Provincial Park or anything like that like I'm sure it's fine for me to be here right now but like won't be going on canoe trips with people there saying that we'll be lucky if this is all wrapped up by July I've got back to norm by July so that's like two three months well into I guess two months well into a canoe season fish aren't gonna catch themselves you know I'm not saying I'm Gretchen well they sure as hell ain't gonna catch him so I've been getting better though a master Kukai was pretty good to be fair of that spot woodland caribou you have to be a real horrible fisherman to not be able to catch a fish there quarter length silly dog that's ugq quilt and that's gonna go in there on top of tripperz sleeping pad I am I am confiscating it I'll show you my setup here though pretty sweet got seen pad here my quilt on top the quilt is going to get tough I'm sorry I tucked in the quilt at the bottom in the foot box and then the bar at the top won't really matter because it's not gonna come to the top of it got these buttons here that I like to snap together regardless it's gonna be long longer than it needs to be for that that's fine I'm good there and then sit pad tripper I built up the bed here more boughs here actually I can build it up even more but in case he comes off off of it over here a little bit I want some on the ground here too then we can wrap up with this sleep on top of it or underneath it whatever he wants for the plenty of room for him and me not too shabby guys let's be shabby at all Oh feels good on the old back to lay down oh yes oh oh man it feels good on my back ok anyways this is nice I'm happy with it for tonight but it will need more work in the future that's okay it's all part of the fun look what are you what you're doing Doug what you're doing dog the dog got his leash here I just rolled up in my coat pocket I'm gonna wrap it around the tree wrap it around the tree and then through itself itself of a loop there oh you son-of them man like come on dude why why yeah you feel bad I can tell okay check check everything's good now that leash is connected there what did you do with the other piece pepper what did you do oh man dog dog that's attached ahead but he can't really get up and you get up and move around too much there if he wants to get up and pee or stretch or or whatever it's not really that much room for him so I don't want to just put a normal piece of paracord there's no afraid to break it but if I go and can do this then I can loop it through his collar at the end again and I'll have he has that much room to the end of it so you can definitely get up get over this whole shelter go to the bathroom if he wants stretch turn around and I'm feel confident that he's not gonna pull that off or break it or anything like that and he won't boiling work so that's the setup we're rocking with that tonight and hopefully don't know why we'll have to do that but for now I don't trust him to not just take off let's see I top of the doorway his all full didn't know to with boughs and stuff I like it it's not what I thought it was gonna make when I came out but like I say all the time stuff changes once you get out here just adapt to whatever I could have forced it and done the other thing but I would have been fighting with it probably not even got this far done so that's the dirty water has cleaning out the beans as melted snow it's probably ready to come over there yeah I already scrubbed it out and everything before that was just a final boil to clean it off so let's go get some so now and get ourselves some water from drinking water finally there's snow in the bush back there but I'm sure there's gonna be lots of leaf litter from the trees falling down on to it when I was over here getting the snow to clean it a couple minutes ago I realized that once you scoop off the top the underneath is pretty clean I know it's not rocket science that's how it is so we're gonna scoop off the top and grab some from underneath and see see how she goes is on the top oh yeah that's not cold on the hands at all oh yeah it's very slushy too so probably will be a lot of water per snow you know kind of say snow will make more water than normal cuz it's slushy okay I just got these pieces commissioned for me he's uh one tree leather pieces it's a awesome leather maker I really like his stuff I have a Turley Gasconade sheet from him from a long time ago back in the day I never even noticed this use green stitching on that laughs on that bottom one that's cool well accent very nice man very nice so super thick super thick leather look how many pieces you had to put in there to make it that why you told me that it would become looser with you so obviously it makes sense but look at that perfect fit for it I sent them my stuff you matched it up really awesome so thank you Erin for that and then this is brand new the other day to look at how beat up it looks no just from wearing it again that's his logo one true leather and this is my a a forge minimalist I believe that's the name of it and love this knife had for a while now everything I need it to do and yeah really really fond of it I really like a tight fitting sheet and I like a really like basic just envelope type sheath right ramírez stuff so this is exactly what I asked for he got me that I got one more thing from home for my other 84 life another sheath with a dangler well this has a dangler option - I just took it off and then a firesteel on the other one - but look at that nice little small package I like it small axe small knife I got my silky saw and this is my large fire snow from HF survival school buddy neck out in Georgia in the country of Georgia so thanks for that - but he made the sheath for it and in the first of rocking some awesome stuff here that snows melted and I really didn't get much debris in there at all actually way less than then earlier on in the year in the winter when I've done it so I'm gonna drop some chunks of chaga in here and I do have my little folder cup where I can pour this into my folder cup and not have to drink the chunks so that's what I'll probably do I'm gonna let this sit though as you're supposed to do with chaga for quite some time maybe like half an hour or so slow boil over the fire just broil it is that the word simmering simmered over the fire so yeah well we'll see how that turns out they do not know where tripper is hey good boy take a left turn it all with care you did you know Bucky the bubbles starting to slow this one again throw some more wood on I think I'm getting a bit chilly to be honest what's not doing so bad thing last me long but I'm going to bed soon anyway so okay oh it's okay good boy getting cold why don't you come over here fun will get you all set up come on yeah it's getting chilly for sure windy too breezy it breezy not windy all right come here come here here no ha yours of course what is that buddy is that better for you good boy yeah you're gonna be warm I'm gonna cover you up for a little bit to remember that that works for you okay thank you one hey it'll be all good all right learn it for almost doing that's looking good I'm gonna take that off oh yeah color off no chunks no chunks at all they're all just don't sit on the bottom that's amazing super good for you yeah buddy is black freakin luscious right there mwah boy yeah I've got my long johns and my skully cap on now it's actually kind of hard to hear anything that hood and that skully cap on take it off for a minute it's warm very warm I thought that was him whining it's a fire whistling don't scratch up that's got a sip for a minute she still piping hot I was mistaken about this firewood it's definitely gonna last long enough good better coals going there pretty decent hot fire I can feel the warmth from it there's a lot of big rounds of poplar and that's what I think this is helping the big the diameter of it is helping oh I can feel underneath him he's all warm underneath them very warm his paws are super warm he's good oh boy well never know there's not much else to do I'm really tired my back's kinda hurtin to be honest with ya getting soft soft in my old age sitting around at home but um I think that I'm gonna try and drink this we'll see hmm chugga-chugga ye anyway I think that we're gonna get some Z's pretty soon I'll probably so close to work back on if not all of it lay down watch the fire for a while with the dog oh that has a strong aftertaste like coffee anyway and like a bitter and yeah and just relax and watch watch the fire check out the stars if there is anything it's pretty clear sky so there might be I'm never good at getting it on video but yeah and then then won't pack up in the morning and head out of here I don't know like I said I don't have any breakfast so there's no reason for me to make a fire or anything I'll just pack up and leave but I'll definitely keep you with me until I'm out of here but it's been a fun time I hope you enjoyed this video it's been a while since I did this coat it kind of video I know that I know you guys were waiting for it you got to realize that I've done this type of thing a lot right a whole lot and I wanted to do it I just honestly again like I said it was sick of the snow I was sick of having to camp on top of the some wet slushy and right now it's not any snow it's slush it's just like great like just you know how it gets but it's not fun having to it's that it's that weird in-between before right here before it's like actually spring here like when I lived in Windsor grass is growing now you know I mean it's good to go everything's dry but that's what I mean when I found this I was super happy Sun just hits it enough yeah the snow is melted a lot that's gets going quick the past few days but anyways I'm happy to back be back and doing this for a little while until the bugs kick in then I'll go do canoe trip for a while go to fishing living off the land I plan on doing like a week-long thing with trip eroded the canoe boat and building a shelter and and just woman life out there I haven't been able to do in a while since last spring maybe less fall what anyway like I said I hope you enjoy the video hope you have been enjoying I hope you are enjoying it hope they're all staying safe and healthy and sane and not cabin fever and not sick of your children and not completely bored out of your skull if you live alone and I hope you're staying home it's very important right again they're saying like July know before everything's back to normal so we shall see this does have a super coffee aftertaste don't don't no mistake about it no lie okay good boy I know you're comfortable there but come on over here come on over here come come this way don't go that way come this way trip what come come here come come yes good boy that's what I mean by company's Lena good boy I kind of kind of a good boy kind of a good boy all right you gotta get this on the tripperz taller now I need to tighten this collar - oh no it's tight enough no tighten it up KC back to him in a bit it's not going anywhere good boy tripper and he's got all that like I said all that so I gotta situate myself in here just down as a or no don't I want at the top in my my my body obviously the 3/4 still that's exactly where I want that I'm sure we're gonna cuddle up together any trip get all this stuff off me alright guys with you back back with you in the morning let you know how our sleep went you stayed warm if we stayed comfortable if the Coyotes came up the Coyotes come on I'll get on pillow there howling I'm gonna tell him I love these four even pants I'm still rocking them that these straps at the bottom and make life super simple [Applause] sleep with all this stuff my belt knife my axe always sleep with that right next to me never really concern but why not if you have it might as well you know what I can cover them up with this jacket - this jackets got a fleece liner on it tough and durable so buddy hey big guy there you go hey there you go squeeze myself into this and hopefully I can grab the camera after I'm all situated in here I don't have a pillow so we'll have to get adjusted to that I have not have it not I brought my pillow and so long my luxury item I always seem to squeeze in but not on a minimal gear overnight or you know no no no no no no no no where you think you're going this is us tonight bro sex old trouble stay you're tied up come tripper come tripper come why are you doing this come here I know buddy hey go good boy good boy there you are there you are see there okay ah yes the warmth ah all right folks now that I'm super comfortable and situated I'm gonna shut you off I gotta get you out of here well I'll see you in the morning sweet dreams wish us luck good night warning how you guys doing I slept pretty good it's almost 7:00 in the morning I slept till about 6:30 or so got up kind of chilly and tire laying in bed so fire is completely out I'm gonna get out of here we slept pretty well tripper Stacy all right it's hide up here he got up a couple times and fussed about but he never really had tried to bolt or anything nothing came by than an old night that I thought I know of and I think he slept to angle boy how'd you sleep nothing came by and touched my cook pot or anything so all good pretty nice spot for a camp man a great time let me smell buddy what hey that's not actually that cold this morning I can't really see my breath anymore so that the start of sort of things to come tide this tripod or this tarp on itself didn't use any cord I literally just tied the corner of this tarp on onto this branch tripper took off you know something I heard something but the woods are alive right now in the morning here with animals and things waking up so I'm sure he'll come back soon I want to let him be a dog to you know what I mean it he needs to be able to run around and do his thing so I know he'll always come back it's just a matter of the feet yeah if he can make it back or not Oh still put on my belt or anything tripper yeah he's gone I can't hear him at all okay home I think the rest is down pack up and try for my dog he's everything good Hey where'd you go where did you go down tripper good down stay there for me okay but relax take a load off go boy he seemed sheepish when he came back I don't know weird backpack almost [Applause] all packed up this is the only way I can get him to come over here with me come see boy sit up good boy all right tripper I want to thank you for watching the video we're gonna get on out of here go get tripperz backpack on them myself on my belt I had a fun time this trip a really fun time I'm gonna go home right now hike out of here and make the drive home probably eat something decent for breakfast bacon and eggs and while I'm doing that all I'll let my video clips upload to my computer I'm going to then start editing like a madman and I hope to get this out by tomorrow which is Friday I haven't put a video up since Sunday so I didn't put ten minute videos up this week at all I left that with last week and I focused on getting out here and doing this for this week so today's Thursday I need to get this edited all day today and then get somewhere tomorrow where I can upload that's been my problem right I got hooked up last time the Dropbox and someone in a different city but this time I'm gonna try and park into my buddy's driveway and upload that way so we shall see cross your fingers hope you guys enjoy the video hope you guys are all staying safe I will see you all very soon on the next video thank you very much goodbye tripper says goodbye - come on bud let's get out of here come on bud let's get out of here
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 622,581
Rating: 4.8978758 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Ontario, Canada, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, camping, winter, wintercamping, offgrid, adventure, off, grid, outdoors, wander, hiking, outside, steak, dog, tripper, scout, dutchshepherd, joerobinet, wilderness, forest, woods, fort, wild, wildcamping, tent, hammock, bivy, tarp, shelter, build, building, builder, cooking, cook, grill, bbq, food, skills, outdoor
Id: R7lLEXhX22U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 47sec (6047 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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