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hey guys how you doing it's driving in the car right now I got mr. tripper with me I don't know what we're gonna do we're driving up an old highway that has a lot of pull offs with Crown land and potential for brook trout lake trout fishing with rivers and lakes and tons of stuff I can do so I'm just rented right now to an outfitter that I can get a little bit more info information from around here and then I don't know where I'm going to stay out tonight or maybe the next night maybe not me today I have no idea what's going on I have all this stuff for camping so if we can find a decent spot I have my canoe on top to find a decent spot littletripper and I are gonna do our first camp together and hopefully catch some fish and explore that's the relevant big draw for me today yeah is that I want to explore this area find potential spots that aren't in a Provincial Park that are just crown land that I can go do whatever I want roll up in camp or fish or hike or canoe or all three so finding a spot to put my car my truck is a part of that but yeah exploring is the name of the game today and tomorrow and we will keep you along with this it'll be an exciting interesting different kind of adventure I'm excited for [Music] [Music] all right you going by my backcountry GPS and by the map I got from the the old fitter yo fitter was alright gave me some some info I'm gonna try so it's rated now as you can see that's okay we got a truck got a tent and I don't need to go too far into a river system or into a lake system thing is right now the lakes are could be frozen heading far north right now the lease could be frozen and the rivers are smaller the rivers are just torrents right now sorry I just drove past the link it looked like there was ice on top the rumors aren't torrent the leaks are possibly frozen so who knows this could be a crapshoot if that's case I'm heading back down south it'll do something else but I found out where some good brook trout lakes are without too much my template to get to them hopefully the whole thing is bringing the dog right it's raining now and he can't do too much right now it's just a puppy but we'll see see what we can do it's a sense of adventure more than anything I'm excited happy to have it I'm happy that the snow is gone okay just driving and I saw a little pull-off and I looked down and there was a pretty decent little River down there so instead of just blowing pop by it and wandering I got all the time in the world let's go go see what's down there who knows this might not be anything maybe somebody's property let's go see no there's no no trespassing signs and that's a good sign weird level flow low will change suddenly okay okay good to know this is getting a little a little tight tight little scratchy on the old f-150 that's okay let's get out and walk pull over so not in anybody's way an old bird got tripper in the crate while we travel well he's still a little come on good boy good boy you got it good boy good boy come on we're almost out of it okay we've got to turn around now the the trail is heated right out there's no way that this is like a ATV trail or anything now it was at one point but look at all the blowdown over top of it you know I don't definitely don't hear water coming from this way it must have been a wind or something maybe the highway anyways go back we'll go back in there was a sign saying that water levels change I assumed that the dam there that means that the dam nearby right but that sign was way back there and I don't don't see any water yet off we go adventure awaits I checked it out what didn't pan out that's part of adventuring that's part of exploring this been around here as dogs got me all dogs got me mucked up you got me bro alright look at him he's pulling like crazy now he doesn't go back to the car relax home ok ok yeah he's a little stressed out about this you're okay you okay good dog good and there he goes she's very adamant to get back to the truck so anyway so we're getting back to the truck great great okay that's one way good job good dog dog good okay off now can you that's down off off good off trip her crate good good good great good boy no back up good boy we'll get you a treat all right but you're a good boy tripper okay buddy all right let's go explore go explore some more [Music] I just turned off the old highway under this logging road and we're kind of following a creek I just got out looked at the creek and it's rushing like if I threw my lure and they've gone in no time so and it's pretty shallow I didn't see any fish either which I thought I would so anyways we're gonna follow this this dirt road this old logging road down quite aways and if the opener was correct there will be a small lake off off the logging road down my row a few kilometers and we'll be able to set up their camp out there catch some fish hopefully that's the case hopefully I can find it even if it is the case there's all these little offshoots everywhere there's a sign let me read it - it says no trespassing I think that's over that way yeah okay well we're back into the snow I'm hoping this doesn't Peter hope for me because I'll have to back out quite a ways this doesn't look great this does not look great there we go okay scared me for a minute there it just keeps going it just keeps on going there's more flagging tape I haven't seen any of that in a long time so that's a good good sign oh that's just showing me that the road is washed out there and I need to go around it perfect oh look a sign a sign a sign guys alright I'm gonna stop here and assess because there's a little small bridge and then a big turn around and another spot if there's a bridge there has to be water so that's a good sign let's get out here figure out where the heck we'd just where the heck we are I can camp here there's a couple fire pits here moose tracks on the ground in front of me nice flat ground old logging remnants yeah let's go check out the bridge it's only 11:30 in the morning we've been going since the boat left thing I left my toes about eat so we've got plenty of Tom getting hungry for lunch I'm sure tripper needs to eat some food too yeah let's go take a walk down that bridge and see what's up no I'm getting there I'm getting there I'm about half way from the turnoff through that little lake I'm just hoping that these roads connect there's a word right in the middle where they should connect they might not actually oh maybe I might be able to paddle through a little stream to get there - either way all right let's go check out this bridge come on buddy come good dog we definitely hear water rushing there well she's moving I can camp right here if I want it on the other side even looks pretty nice other remnants of another bird you okay come beautiful come it looks right it looks very Trudy little feeder Creek coming in come on big guy look good boy hate to go boy all right come on what do you got what do you got hey all wing little wing action let's not actually eat it though let's not actually swallow it drop it [Applause] good boy it's moving and there's a pool right there I maybe I should try and fish this we'll stop and have a little bite to eat here throw a line in he's eating rocks right now I think he's hungry [Applause] I'm just set up right next to the river bank here the bridge is just up there at the cattail or sorry the catkins producing pollen already you go boy we'll get you some food okay all right well tripper was nice enough to inhale his food for me so I can eat quickly I'm that's what I'm believing he did just eat it quick so old dad can get his food into him I got my bush buddy twigs still going here I started it with some lichen I found on the ground and some really dry spruce twigs so the sun's come out it's gonna be a really nice day and I'm glad we're out here I got some soup to cook some organic soup good for the old tummy I just got to keep tripper away from knocking this over he doesn't know his boundaries yet this is his first time camping first time seeing me hook something over what we can call a fire let's see mmm almost almost there some more twigs on that bad boy yeah it's my hot dude that's more hat deed that's my spoon but you do have a toy you can play with I brought it for you there all right we're done here I'm excited about this soup boys and girls excited about this organic soup lentils beans other things carrots organic miss peas green beans mmm she's hot she's hot anyways it's done let me know miss excited about soup no this is enjoyable my dog you running around he's probably knocked my camera into the river very enjoyable it's a nice day the sun's beating on me again these bush buggies are really cool I'm showing this before but you can it's hot it's very hot you can actually pick it up by the bottom because it's a double wall gasifier things still kick no tonnes of heat well after this you're back in the truck head farther down this back road this old logging road hopefully come out to a lake I'm sure I will it looks so good on the GPS looks good on the map and then we'll get into the lake get in the canoe find a little spot to camp not too far in and start trying to fit trying to fish it'll be cool to have him at camp we'll have to watch him very tightly so that he doesn't chew all my tent or my sleeping pad is that would be a be a bad bad first camping trip I don't think that other ears coming up there's a one of your dog tripper the one-eared wonder dog a little tiny MEPs on here zero or a one see if there's any little rookies in here I got a little bit of a lift on my truck the other day I gotta have a two and a half inch lift to go front brush garden I got a winch I supposed to put on a canoe rack too but the the wrong one came in I wanted in black came in silver so we will we'll get that canoe rack on there too and then this that trucks pretty set up for this kind of stuff it already is even with the full Me's for the canoe it's fine but yeah I'm happy I'm happy I got the little bit of a two inch two and a half inch lift I'm able to go through this is that snow no problem and it's still fine for the highway driving which I do a lot of so all right let's go back to the old beast anyway no fish used to be caught here at least not by this guy [Applause] this looks to be like it's getting pretty snowy I'm right next to it free oh man let's hope I can get through this oh man sketchpad McGee we're gonna go through some water here doesn't look to be too bad No not God okay there's a fork in the road and we're going right and I believe this is the way to the lake I believe this is going to connect to the lake the closer I get on the GPS the easier it is to read it and I believe this will go to the lake no another fork another four so we got to go right again take a right let's see what the deal is it looks like the smaller of the two trails and let's take a left let's take a left see where she goes all right well we may have came to an impasse it looks like there was a truck ahead of me however long ago and they only got up to a boat right here look at the depth of the snow I certainly don't want to get stuck back in here I don't want to give up either oh no they got farther I can see their tracks okay okay well if they got there maybe I can oh man this is just tons of snow now no I can't keep going I can't get stuck back here we'll go left well hike in laughs I can't get stuck back in here it's just just too too risky I'm already starting to slide out on the way back oh man come on you can do this no no no no no you got so you got this easy does it easy does backing up down these roads is not fun but you know what it is part of an adventure well I have some good news tripper and I hiked up what looked to be impassable on the right-hand side of the fork the first one we wanted to take it opens up right past these alders but it's completely uphill the whole way with snow pretty deep and steep as well and then it goes downhill to the lake I'm gonna hiked all the way to the lake and there's mostly ice off there's still slush and I don't know how thick it is because it's not around the side so I couldn't check it oh it's open on the sides I'm gonna go for it I'm gonna drive my truck up the hill down the hill to the lake and hopefully make it I think I can make it with the truck and yeah and then load up the canoe and find a spot along the shore somewhere on that Lake to to camp and hopefully catch fish hopefully I can bust through that slush in the middle like it's nothing and that would make everything easier if not I'll skirt the banks with the canoe and see where where we go see where we can end up but I am camping tonight tripper and I want camping tonight hey buddy your first time camping and he did and he did just amazingly hiked the whole way there I mean not holding a leash and then he came back with me not holding a leash too so it was good it was very good okay let's attempt this no what do you think hey hey we can do it I think we got this I think we got this big guy we'll go eat some fish we'll get you your first fish that'd be good me and you will split it okay but oh she's more of a not what all right this is gonna be the most sketchy part of the day by far you got it in four-wheel drive and a bust through all this big ol puddles tight alders uphill quite a bit and slush and snow to get to a sketchy Lake sign me up okay that's remain turned the olders done with so that's one of it one of the obstacles fix this is the second one this is the main one this is the big big issue here we're gonna go uphill in this snow for quite a bit so let's see if we can do like crazy we can do this we can do this we got this I know it I know we can do this the mirrors are busted folding in yeah we got this we got this I saw a bunch of ATV tracks no real truck tracks but that's okay we'll make so yeah I'll make some he says I think just at the bottom of this hill we're good yes I can see the ice on the lake there the frozen lake froze initially now we just got to kind of go slow down these loose rocks a I believe and I'm just talking here I don't know anything you know I mean this is all new to me yes we made it I just gotta find a spot to pull over so we're not in anybody's way that could be coming through an ATV I think if we just tuck in over here next to this little watery part it should be good it's okay right that's okay this stuff in between like rim and my tire that can't be good oh it can't be good Oh busted me oh man look at that side plus to this already this is brand new I freaking busted her off oh my gosh oh my gosh frickin Joe I hope I don't come up with to a flat tire tomorrow that would absolutely suck this wood embedded was meant for right and all the pollen that one's intact all these guys are good hopefully I can just order that calf I'm sure I can oh man oh man well we're in the boat I decided to put him in the crate and bring the crate just so I could have somewhere to put him if I need to go out and paddle while itself or if I need to get a fish or if something doesn't go right he's in there he's protected and it's a safe spot for him he doesn't hate that place at all so I did put him in there and the canoe right in just because I have nowhere else for the the crate unless he's in it my back is full oh I'm hung up load some slush already oh my goodness all right I want to try to get across the lake over there that looks like some decent rocky outcrops with Sun but going across the lake might be difficult I want to try and skirt it try and circumvent the lake skirt skirt I see if ya see if we can't get to it from over here I got a full load man I got a bunch more gear because I got this dog right I got a full-size tank I got a tarp I got a big blanket from the lay on it's how to drive off with crate just tons of stuff but it's his first time and I want to do it right I don't want to be uncomfortable or cold or wet or scared so all those bases are covered with crate and the blanket and the towel and it's food and toys and treats everything should be pretty good it's a nice day a nice paddle in this lake just waters about this crystal-clear water can get you're a good boy trip doing really good buddy I'll take you over there as soon as I can oh boy yeah this is very very clear late I don't see much vegetation but again it's early spring supposed to be good brook trout fishing in here I hope so it was a haul to get in here I broke my tire might have a flat tire tomorrow morning we'll see I don't think there's gonna be any traditional campsite says inspect them there may be some cleared spots that people have used before that will be suitable that's what I'm betting those those rocky outcrops across the lake are we're just making a way around still this Lake must be accessed in the wintertime by snowmobile because I do see trails through the slush we're gonna up onto one here and try and try and ride it as far as we can yeah it's not not soft enough to break through it at least there we go follow this little channel we will have to try to break through or that yeah I can't break through on the sides no not at all turn it turn it to heck I'm running out of room to paddle I'm just kind of pushing off the ice okay well this is the end of the road okay so busting through it is out of the question for the most part you all might be a different story but today we got to stick to open water I just been taking my time coasting about 30 40 feet off the shore there you can hear some moving water up in front of me like I can't go across like I want it's just not gonna work and then fishing might not be the greatest near the shore but it drops off I got these polarized glasses on and this is a pretty clear lake I can see you down pretty good and it drops off from the bank it's on the shore pretty good so it's not Nando the question that I catch a fish this close to shore and this time of year - oh there's some split wood on the bank this might be an impromptu campsite hey oh yeah I guess that is a little camp definitely a little fire pit and everything okay well that's something something to keep in mind I can hear moving water let's try and get up there and see the fishing will be good over there moving water there might be a campsite right near here - that's the case I'll probably grab it unload my stuff there at least then go and fish but I wanna check out this moving water they're just draining into a creek then that's what it is it's dropping down past all this driftwood into a creek all right let's go over here there's some can't be looking spot I'm gonna bother getting up okay you're gonna get all hooked not gonna tie it father oh my I'm just gonna tie it up tie it up come on out let's go all right forget it see there what come good dog yep good boy Moose Tracks I want to get up over here actually come on big guy oh it snows mighty deep here still come on trip come on trip let's go come come good dog bug calm tripper boy oh this looks nice over here a little windy look at this beauty spot even better up in here way from the wind a little bit set the tent up somewhere over here in the flatness never mind there's not really a flat spot up here back here maybe right around here good boy yeah cut wood here as well we'll play your pit you know it is a really nice spot but it does get the brunt of the wind right here I'm gonna try and get in and find a different spot I might be able to tuck around there but I'd like ideally get across to get away from the wind I wonder if I get up and hike back into that way maybe next to the creek if that might be nice what you eatin find all sorts of poop to eat oh here okay yeah let's go I'll go try and try and find a better spot or a different spot and if not if nothing is better than this then I'll come back here there's a very good sense of direction he knows exactly the way we came to get here at least one of us does I'm coming up towards where I saw another potential camping spot it looks like I am legit locked into what end of the lake here this ice looks wheat thicker try to get through in this little open channel [Music] turn hope it doesn't freeze up tonight it's right there it's literally right there so frustrating I keep so far right here I'm right here right there those rocks they're not those with the ones right past it I can see some cut wood and I can see some open land but I guess there's no point if I can't get on fish and everything so plus I can't even get there I guess I'll be going back to that spot the decision has been made for me I like columns hence the cold [Music] water water Helen wash anyone anyone so we're at the spot where I didn't think I would go at the little end near the river where the river dumps in where the logjam was so where the lake lake dumps into a river I got the stream that's where we are so we got flowing water like crazy behind us it actually it's really cool I'll take you down there there's a big drop-off and everything but we're on this tall kind of dome like rocky outcrop back away from the water just to touch I could still see it but the wind is not back here at all I can see black flies flying around especially because of the moving water but they're not biting at all which is great probably so a couple weeks before that maybe about a week but I think we're gonna set up here I got all my gear behind me letting trip route roam around smell the place I want to take him on its perimeter walk and show him where it's dangerous but yeah this is home tons of lakyn on top of this rock scrape it away make a little fire pit yeah I'm loving it are you going where you going bud man he blends in well but uh I think he's learning is learning the ropes right now by himself actually he's a very intelligent dog very stubborn too I brought three pieces of wood with me I knew I wasn't gonna have to portage so I got three dry pieces of wood can't hurt anything never do that but why not I will have access to pine and spruce around but this is nice hardwood so it's a bonus we go on any good boy there he is there is Hey leave it leave it this is his blanket for tonight in the tent he will stay nice and warm here truck what's this what's this but what sound for you huh oh you like your blanket you love your blanket don't you immediately starts chewing on it I've got a Big Agnes copper spur too man never ever opened it well I got that tent set up pretty easily on my first try proud of myself on that one was pretty intuitive I do have to get the rain fly on it especially because it seems like it's going to rain but I don't expect that to be too much more difficult where are you going we just want to lay down there instead I'm glad I brought your blanket bro push doggie yeah drop it good yes good tent good tent yes this is where we sleep Flint look boy I can't trip all right well that was easy enough I do think I put this tent together wrong there's nowhere to tie this back unless I'm supposed to do it up here maybe I was closer to up here alright nevermind fine it's all fine okay he's in the tent he's hopefully not gonna poke any holes to it or chew through it I'm gonna leave my suit and bag my sleeping pad and all that stuff I'll deal with that right before bed so it's less area for him to chew on or potentially cope with his paws I am going to lay this this blanket owned a little bit better because he was kind of flying the tent as he he likes to need the soft blanket he's really weird he's like sucks on it - it's doesn't ever chew it up he just kind of puts it in his mouth it's really really strange but anyways his comfort thing so he was just burying his bully stick Scott's never buried anything his whole life his dog is a dog dog is a wild dog well the clouds aren't looking that nice winds starting to pick up a bit I should probably cut some firewood [Applause] as much as I do want to fish I do need firewood to cook to stay warm and just kind of hang out tonight so yeah maybe that's what we'll do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's he's not having it come on good boy come come I know I know this way boy those are my footprints that's a big gate there might be a loose [Music] [Applause] okay well this dog does not like this noise I'm gonna head back over there man it's wild over here it's beautiful very nice okay bud relax all right so I've got quite a bit of wood here all pretty dense spruce I'm not too concerned about what anymore plus those three hardwood pieces I brought we golden one problem I'm seeing that will happen for tomorrow or even what I want to go paddle the wind has been blowing this way since I've got here and it's kind of brought in all the ice this way so it's open over there now and I'm kind of kind of iced in it's not the biggest deal in the world I'll be able to break through this little bit get out and go that way around but yeah I paddled all right to up to there now that's all I see so I see all right I guess now I'll make a little fire pit what are you doing troublemaker is it good boy this is straight rock here get rid of these couple runs you know yeah good boy get it get it get it good boy yeah get it here you drew her her yeah okay great he jumped in right when I told him to he's trying to get anything before that all is well before thumb I did a little Clio I think it's what I stuck myself with in here it's wrap packaging I just got it before it came this is the same exactly where I caught a nice brook trout and I'll gonk went on on a lake that I was very surprised to catch it on so I looked at the adventure map that I have again I got to camp there and it does say 100 percent does say that there are brook trout in this lake so I did have a decent size schooling on before maybe it was too big get that off of there we'll get the little Clio on there's a decent-sized 3/4 outs it's not so big but it's not some happy to it probably a little better an edible size for some decent regular size Brooke trove Oh tripperz leash here again I don't have a life jacket on up a lot of people were concerned at least have a big long leash on them if I got a life jacket for him right now would fit for like a week the guys growing like a weed I will get one for them I understand the lakes are cold I do have a leash on him and I would rather prevent him from jumping in then just have him jump in with the lifejacket anyway to have the leash and I can control where he goes so I'm very aware of it constantly aware of where he is I have children I used to camp with a dog with an axe all the time I'm used to looking at two different things three different things at once very aware of it it might still happen I have the leash to keep control of it so anyways I'm not being unsafe I'm being smart I'm just doing it a little bit different I guess so we're gonna troll we're just gonna troll with this little Clio up and down the shoreline a bit there's a lot of trees I got snagged up a bunch of times already on the paddle in I didn't roll quite a bit Wow but again I'm stuck and was just looking out at the ice so much quieter out here already away from the river stream whatever you want to call it I imagine it's a reverse got a pretty decent Falls let's catch a brook trout though thought ahead of fishy curled up in a ball in the front relaxing keep getting snagged up camp fishing the structure there's no structure it's just all flat here can't find any points or anything there's a point over across but it's out of the question there's like little logs and stuff I keep trying to actually like cast on and set roll but no such luck yet maybe too early I don't know might be my Joe luck maybe my Joe skill but it's nice regardless cloudy and breezy again yeah just around there's a bend be a nice point to fish but maybe I can come back there's there's so many different options that's the thing like this is just where I ended up I didn't leave my house this morning thinking I was gonna come here I thought I was going somewhere else completely different I thought I was gonna go onto a river system to fish for brookies but the water is raging right now like a torrent and I'm just not gonna bring the dog do anything too crazy anyway risk anything right now wait a couple more weeks the waters warmer and the rain and the snow melted I'm canoeing with my dog and I'm fishing and we're camping outside and he's like he's gotta be 12 weeks now 12 weeks old all within I'd say less than a three-hour drive from my house almost that was up back on these logging roads just cuz I have to go slow not too shabby I may just have a fish that's awesome that's not even a rainbow I mean sorry that's not even a brookie I don't know what that is it's a trout though Oh buddy tonight buddy trout in the boat after paddling back and forth and oh man that's uh that's a surprise that's a surprise on my map back at camp there's a there's a map back at the camp there's a fish identification thing for trout's and stuff so I'll check that out but yeah he's getting a throne in the pan 100% I'm super stoked on this I'm surprised I'm very surprised I'm extremely happy about this I got fishing the boat ready to go tripper doesn't even care just sleeping away this this this go back hook this up and get so annoyed aughh I eat the rest this is what I've been wanting for such a long time content I am very blessed right now I'm very blessed and very contented right now I'm ecstatic this water is numbing Li cold that fish is going to taste so fresh and clean I want to go back camp right now I'm gonna throw the line back in the water just for the off chance I can get another one it's not the biggest you know what I mean and definitely I want to give some of the tripper he still has his kibble and I still have my spaghetti but if we could in just regardless breeding Trump breeding or intro bro I consulted the map and to the best of my knowledge this is a rainbow trout white belly pink on the cheeks and a forked tail whereas a brook trout has a square tail so on the map they saw it it says that there's brookey's in here and I knew this wasn't a brook trout right away I didn't know what it was but they're saying this is a rainbow so I'm I'm not hating life not hating not at all pretty stoked I didn't this guy cleaned I'm gonna get in the boat clean it over there and yeah get supper going I'm gonna start my my fire first and get a bunch of fuel on there to get a good good good good good coals going fun come [Applause] here I've got the tags good boy okay go buddy he likes the eggs I've got this I don't know what this part is I threw away the stomach here but before you come I threw away the stomach and the there was all a bunch of comforter there was a bunch of a whole little like mayfly not even there legally like caddisfly larvae in the stomach they're all black threw it away those are the good it's insides for him he seemed to like them that was his first time having raw fish first time having its innards of fish so I got that thing gutted out we're gonna get it on a stick and over the fire and slow cook it because that's my favorite way to do it and it's a rainbow trout we're here that's the way to do it flip that trow it over on its side there event don't roll it over on the other side after skinned it giving Tripler the skin and pulled out the spine there's a bunch of meat on it hold on bunching me - hold on here good dog this is all just half cooked meat we're not gonna give them the spine oh yeah everybody I think she's gone [Music] although oh well you need to back up dude yeah that part will burn you fire will burn you got a nice lead up the throat you've already had quite a bit buddy Trouty Prodi yours Melfi well I'm gonna eat up this trout I'll probably share someone with your dog and there's some pink insides and some spots and some plots and white not dad's not club she's just housing is delicious Wow yeah Oh your boundaries homie he's shaking he just wants it so bad he put a bunch of firewood still a bunch more kicking around it's already too far Suns going down let's get out on the boat buddy come on boy let's go to the boat stop know your stuff know your stuff let's go come good [Applause] yeah oh look at that the ice has left this part of the lake looks beauty it's very nice out [Applause] oh the dog has the towel fighters all right look at the beauty the beauty tripper look at it what was that hey no go back to the blanket okay as much as I want to stay out here this guy's shaking I gotta get back and get him wrapped up in a blanket and I'll hold them for a bit warm up by the fire cuddle cuddle with the tropes he's not that long of fur he's got medium for these a little baby I swear I had one on messing with the camera lost it felt way bigger than the yeah trota cause earlier I'd have been a big brookie who knows what it could have been a Laker for all I know it's math obviously isn't correct good boy a good dog tripper all right that's it for the lake tonight farewell sunset [Applause] good boy good boy cover up with desk good boy okay on top of here yep good boy good boy yes good boy you don't dump so just lay down good dog good dog just stay in there you can't be that bad going back to his little weirdo thing to the blanket this time boys okay I wanna go get them canoeing all that I'll be back really nice day everything that I want to happen happen ain't go to the exact spot that ahead plan I don't know what it was but he was there for the first youtube video - first camping trip anyways everything I wanted to happen happened travelled far down back country roads paddled in caught a fish shared liquid of dogs been amazing the exception accepted him barking at me when it was time to eat you had a great dog right in the boat never jumped in or held before I told him to [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] never thought I'd see myself camping with a dog [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I like camping by waterfalls and I also don't sometimes it's too noisy one night here is okay but I can't hear any of the frogs or the birds or anything anything I can't hear anything except for water it's nice just it's a lot and then for filming - all right cacao for cold that's right but the oh snap call my brethren I decided to just pull the canoe off tuck the seat down it's tied off as well [Applause] well this video has gone a little bit everything hey hope the majority of the people stick around to see everything not just the driving perks but I want to leave the driving parts as long as I can because that was a big part of the day as well all right there was a part of the day where I didn't know what was gonna happen what if I was just gonna have to pull over to the side of the road and camp there if I got too far if I didn't I didn't know I had no idea and again that was I was all part of the adventure he's in there I gotta cover him up he looks like he's shivering my whole body's pretty warm here from sitting by the fire this whole area is very warm I'm gonna grab the dog and cuddle him here for just a little bit stepping back into the blankets just so that I know he is actually warm create some work here and then he can keep it there I underneath the blankets he feels not too cold actually it feels pretty warm in there I know [Applause] this is what I like to title out in these blues and Pink's beauty [Applause] well it's a little bird time but the old tent all fixed up the pump is pooched fires pushed are you chewing on my sitting day better not be chewing on my sleeping bag bro that's a big no-no that you no no bro Oh No pretty roomy in this tent actually two men well I'm gonna go to bed maybe listen to a podcast lay here listen to the water me and Tripp will get up early in the morning have some breakfast and maybe paddle on over here and a really good day and thank you for coming with me with us good night buddy good morning it's probably around 7:00 I got tripper in this sleeping bag with me he's nice and warm in there halfway through the night I woke up to pee and then I looked over and he had movie curled up right next to me no blankets on them so I just missed the tips of his ears were frozen so I grabbed him and pulled him on in here and it took a little getting used to but he's calmed right down and he just landed here and pet no he's warm warm warm I can feel the warmth coming off of him I am sick I woke up and just full-blown sore throat can't breathe out of my nose I feel okay other than that it's just in my head there so it's okay yeah I'll get up and have some breakfast I think it's pretty chilly he got down pretty cold I slept in my coat and my pants then I didn't get too hard at all so this guy in here creating a bunch of warm before we I know my dog in my secret bag it's something else I've always wanted to do Scout wouldn't have it he was too big he was a very particular dog do you think mr. tripper all right let's get up anybody we shop he coming out he tunnelling back in all right tumbling back and it is this dog ain't no dummy you can stay in there but I gotta get up I gotta pee and make some breakfast he wants no part of getting up you're on the zipper bro your honor [Music] all right I guess he's staying in bed now this frost on my boots your pee [Applause] nope nope nope back we didn't learn about fire yesterday nope no stripper leave it where'd you go bud there he is [Applause] take a boy what are you thinking what's up [Applause] oh we got the bomb bomb problems [Applause] hot it's hot wood Oh true joke mill fashion nice and soupy see how much distance he's giving me now mind you I'm eating oatmeal not fish pretty soon I'll be able to get some blueberries to put in this from the ground you know this area grows blueberries quite good quite abundant so Billy will pick my own blueberries thrown in my oatmeal in the morning and you know what I was thinking about it and I imagine that larvae that was in that trucks belly was black fly larvae that's what I think it is brook trout black flies blueberries even though is not abrupt wrote seem idea tripper crate crate good crate good crate good boy what you know what you know I know you'll want to go in there I know all right all right got everything all squared away never end up using that last piece of big firewood didn't need it but we're gonna get out of here see if we have to break through the ice or not looks like a lot more of that Isis moved out farther away looking good looking good well my hands are numb very no look it got pretty cold ah that is frost all over everything but I get these gloves back all right see what we can do it's not a far paddle out just hoping the ice is cooperating well the Sun is out my back Laureus cuz I packed away my sunglasses off the fine um when I get to the car oh snap I hope my Tigers good I hope my tire is okay that's the next leg of the adventure getting out of this road especially if that tires jack let's let's just believe that oh no that will be okay power and spin belief no I haven't been filming it because it's been taking so much effort and I'm kind of knocking the boat everywhere but I'm stuck was stuck in the ice forget about the car and the tire I gotta get out we're gonna get out of here still I'm sure the gonna warm it up later on but I'm already they know it so I'm having to break the ice with my paddle straight down right next to my boat and then push through that oh there we go push through that little pry hole I made until the next strippers not enjoying this I'm not either turn it okay well got past the cedar tree that's okay this is very tippy I don't want my tripod falling oh man [Applause] oh man this is the worst Superfudge come on okay well that's my point anyway I'm not making much progress I'm gonna continue to do this I get the bear to put the camera away I'm just it's too sketchy oh I did this once with Mike before was it a tandem boat I think big old bull cruiser of a boat not my pack boat I'm not worried about that boat it's just there's no weight to it oh man it's not looking great I'm gonna get up it looks kind of open past this like white ice the white hardest ice that's there that the that there is I'm just at the take out now I finally broke through all the wall dice to the water this is a little bit of water that's here that was some hard going no joke I'm exhausted tripperz shaking from all the noise breaking through that ice alright I'm so I'm just sweating I gotta get out of here now go check out the truck I'll show you the tire show you the the aftermath all right we're walking around for the first time together looks okay okay okay oh yeah she's good okay it's warped a tire not good but it'll work it'll get me in tripper out of here that's for sure well no it's not for sure I hope I hope it does I'm sure it will though I don't know where my dog is put the kennel down crate down over there oh hey there you are there you are well guys this is the end of it tripper and I had a great time together camping for our first time only good dog I'm very excited about it we're excited about the fish and the getting down here and find this spot and breaking through that ice to get out so say goodbye trip we'll see you guys on the next one I hope you enjoyed this one and big adventures to come I promise good bye
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 1,105,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Knife, Axe, Ontario, Canada, Fire, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, camping, dog, dutchshepherd, puppy, bushcraft, truck, overlanding, canada, logging, roads, brook trout, fishing, canoeing, frozenlake, tripper, joerobinet, offgrid, 4x4, f150, ford
Id: 9XdstNORjVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 3sec (5703 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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