Winter Camping in a VINTAGE WAXED CANVAS TENT from the 1980's!

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I think it's safe to say winter has officially hit on my way to enjoy the snow Boosh well there's a direct fire you can see it [Music] [Applause] how're you guys doing Oh with buddy Boosh how's it going we're gonna go camp overnight tonight we got the ATVs tell us about the tent that you have all right so we're gonna be trying out this time for the first time it's about 30 years old it's a little military tent I got for my coworkers we've got from one of his coworkers 25 years ago I think it's made an 86 or 88 or something like that it's to stamp on but all I know but it's rubberized canvas and I think I'll keep us warm yeah well we got some tarps just in case we haven't set it up yet it's gonna take some rigging but it's cool it's a really cool old surplus type tent you'll see I'm gonna spend the day ATVing there we're gonna camp near a waterfall should be a fun time [Laughter] [Music] the first casualty [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a little bit [Music] I don't know man it's pretty deep yeah yeah I'll try a controlled and if it doesn't work then we'll just have to be go by the river further down yeah okay I can go around my camp around me [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] Hey boom what if we put your pad what if we put your pod between us I try to push - I think it's - yeah right there trying to knock down the snow in front of the tires just to get a little bit better grip we're hoping that once we got on top of this little incline here the snow level out but it doesn't seem promising we need a snowmobiles like this is no joke man at home there's not much though and this is like up to my knees a couple of only a couple hours north where boat high up I barked by 300 meters above the Lake Superior 400 meters something like that like I think we can get there I just want to snow anymore I guess we'll have packed down a few guys I think yeah well we can we can take turns leading so it's not too rough on the machines yeah so whoever comes in your laters gonna love us yeah yeah I don't want to give up I didn't give it a good try cuz that's a nice spot like literally wet 9005 minute I said a minute from here yeah an eighties like you I'd do it so a good thing we brought those shovels what do you think about pushing it or no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow what yeah it is fathers don't get stuck in their fields [Music] oh I guess that's what's up just right there good job man thanks for breaking it was okay beauty spot yeah it's we do got to make a couple more passes like wushu saying just to tamp everything down that way if it does no more which is supposed to do we hopefully won't get stuck here is the first real snowfall for me okay I believe how much snow there is that's the beauty spot so bouche and I camped here before with our ATVs in my hot tent last winter hey if it looks familiar to you all right so this is the ground sheet yeah yes and then this is intense itself yes so this is a beast of a tent from the eighties 88 or 86 you know which one 102 yeah it's a rubberized canvas that they follow woody how much did that win definitely 40-pound although 40 pounds but yeah we're gonna open it up and see man it hasn't hasn't been put up by booth yet I've never seen one of these I can't even really envision what it is but apparently it's got two sides to it you're saying yes so then we have tarps to make it a three sided thing where you have a fire in front which seems cool [Applause] [Music] that's the only on all right there's some burn holes and stuff in it so she's been used a good sign yeah exactly that's the middle that crease it's real heavy so we're gonna use a ratchet strap to hold it up we have them and that's probably the better bet we do have that big Hank a rope too but there's no way we'll get it half as tight as a ratchet strap so yeah we'll see I really can't even picture this thing yet is this its length oh it's gonna lay this way lengthways this is only its in half so it's super long why hi and that's a talk right there and those ends of the body there's a squirrel up there get him with the ratchet strap so we're gonna have to connect a couple of them together I assume I think so yeah [Applause] I could probably help you said his hand okay quick it's not very nice all right I can do something you know what about just put it through the one tree all of our problems I know will it go through will stand in the quad if we have to get perfect plane today turns game go hi young man cool yes our powers combined captain ratchet captain rat [ __ ] it's the power some salted pork I think he looks because the new ones are there the plastic where the old style is this metal and you don't know where right yeah and it's always rusty and doesn't yes work oh yeah he's a high not too thick um I think so yeah okay this would be on the outside yeah okay these are Blanco I did a little research I think he sees our black coats you can have lights in when they can't be seen Oh pull me laughter this riddle you're doing a good job Boosh are we done that's where we're sleeping tonight bonus I think this is and that's the real Sam you know powerful yeah [Applause] grabbing the sheet metal toggles little di there d-ring yes yeah that's pretty big will be that talk right now be the wall yeah I can't really see anything mine holes form it could be really wide really wide you want back to be in the background or you want a fire one side is gonna stay open yeah deciding couldn't be both side building like warming on it thinks that we should especially for two reasons I would like to see this apart here will be nice and then the wind is coming from predominantly that way yeah so only just blocked that back yeah I like that cool yeah I don't to block that out really and then we can film from inside it's gonna be so big it's yeah like we all have to work you know all right [Applause] Boosh clipped carabiners on either side and to hold in place like a toggle kind of thing this is huge I think this would be okay yeah yeah that'll be fine okay we need to cut steaks then right yeah that's all we'll do all right we just found no Boosh did not know but there's a stove Jack in his tent and he was very excited very happy thank you look at my saw at the fort and I didn't have time to go get it before we were coming out so I stopped at a corner store on the way up and found a Bose off at a corner store so we'll see how good is the brand is bow saw Britain is Gilmour we're gonna make the stakes a little bit on the long side because the snow and because of how substantial they need to be to hold up that weight well that's all is not great I have to tighten the blade [Music] yeah that's garbage you have to tighten it it's easy enough just move it down one knotch no it's not gonna go it's not going to go what the heck can't even tighten it come on you can do it you can do it get on there he's summer gun there we go I get it teehee enough right so I got on the second hole No all right just not that good of a blade to be honest anyway we've got one two three five steaks six if you include that little one you need to probably point some of the ends on this because the girl moment got a little bit on the frozen side [Music] Oh lots of pretty axe oh you haven't seen it it's still nice someone refurbished it and made it for me Tommy Tommy temper or coming to X I love it man beautiful little nail puller aah aah oh yeah I'm just going to oh man that's nice right yeah we did thank you for this one though we're gonna use one ratchet strap on either side I'm sure to get his side put it in this middle one above the window here's the window on my side I'm gonna pull it out and stake it out and then we have stakes and ropes to pull up the rest of it [Applause] damn sign so that's how it's supposed to go that's hi it's way higher on that side but that's how it'll be it's okay that's how high the sides are supposed to be we'd only have we have to tie to the ground normally they ship the rope should be out we can we can only do that in certain spots here that's how it looks good so I guess it's modular and you can add other pieces that exactly like this to make it longer and then an end cap you'll end cap [Applause] that's taking shape now it yeah it is that's no jocks probably in the right spot to be honest at the end that window I imagine that zoom Jack's supposed to be right there it's higher on that side for sure whatever it's big dude you get you set this up like get a little swaddle in little permanent or Cottage do even if you don't have the sides on you can still have that woods over there they'll give like a kitchen now would be really nice uh-huh if again nice your attendees this is a shed for the girl oh yeah quad tent it looks it looks horrible over here because the weights how high that is how low this is it needs to be up like that if I can get this maybe I can I can try this up higher I want to try to do hey bear there since this is so big we've decided we're gonna make this slot over here we're gonna level it out we're not gonna try and take all the snow away because who wants to do that certainly not me and then potentially on the ground underneath that is on uneven ground we're going to flatten this snow all here then we're gonna hang a tarp on on the back behind but and then we're gonna leave all this stuff over here we have chairs so we're not don't really worry about it over here it's less work for us we'll have the snow where it sir that require right in front as long as we get this side over here cleaned up which is actually the most amount of snow in the whole thing really but there's welp it over there from someone who was doing donuts on or who's out with a bit and their ATV but I never need to say it was a PV didn't good with hikers it up relax that we're here the hockey [Applause] what [Applause] cool that's like this plot a lot of spots going be nice to Snug together you almost put two walls here and have a little door right in the middle of partition alright so if you get this tarp on if we are as you want it to cover mainly this because it's 10 by 10 it's how it covers the whole thing no so we can either I do have a secondary tarp okay let's do that let's put this in the middle and put the secondary hope they're okay the block I scoop I think you can reach you can do wherever whoever eyelets though will reach the corners and then pull it down I do contend without even cuz it's full see how much closer yeah that's pretty good it's a work fine listen talk nice and talks measured just safely for the job huh hot line play nice oh you know what we can even probably horse show you even leave it through kid weave it how much of a weaver myself Oh homeless where the ground sheet is you've got that right buddy warning isn't it oh yeah this is looking pretty homely very cool [Applause] okay hello yeah nice man I'm happy with this you got our beds made I'm using my vivvy I'm behind next to the tarp Boosh I just a couple Stephen bags here we're going with all green all green team silver that's hurt that's a good birch bark a couple pieces of hardwood already jackpot we should really spend the rest of the time we can possibly do cutting wood the rest of the time we could possibly do the rest of the light we have left in the day we should spend cutting wood collecting fire nice score booth seemed pretty dry yeah it sure does [Applause] we got water at least we know he's found the mother lode three back for this one we won't have to cut anymore with the firewood we already had didn't film that yeah a lot of the wood we got it's pretty damp there are some dry pieces I'd say 80% of the wood is either damp or wet this is how it goes right now this time of year and rain for a bunch and then snow it on top of it but we she's out looking for some dry spruce twigs and stuff like that there's a few dry piece of maple we have here to get it going it's only about five o'clock now it's getting dark but we are gonna need firewood on it still awake until around 10:00 or so I would assume we have to cook so did you have a lot of firewood a little bit more dry stuff the saw isn't all that bad it's not as good as my Angola well that's just because of the blade Hey what do you think probably have the church there in there alright there's also a little bit oh yeah nice man what is it first probably have the fire right around here just gonna get this wood over the way dig dig the snow own a little bit you make a little bit of a backing you got to get this fire going case I need to eat soon we need to make coals everything losing light quick [Applause] that's one thing I don't miss is shoveling snow away from campsites and stuff this is not a fun chore summertime is really easy livin there's only six months of it so it's no big deal it's a pretty big space gonna line it with some logs [Applause] like that one half maybe the bigger ones that are more wet than the others cut in half and then will align this pit with thumbs we'll have four wide and it'll be a really good base they're like three and a half four inches wide each it'll dry it out stay up off the ground then this will turn into coals the win win win win win win for win that's so wet all right that's the base of all bases Ace of Base all right we got our sheets of birch bark and I was able to grow a bunch of cedar off of a dead stump and split it all up so we have great kindling nothing that's what I feel ready to go this has a little prop should go pretty good I would assume this birch bark was hanging up in the middle of a tree so super dry for those of you who don't know I'm sure you do you all do but birch bark will burn even when wet she's handy also ash ash tree the burn one green not as good as birch obviously a birch bark birch bark rather birch wood is usually no good unless it's kiln dried or found by whoosh mystical powers I'll be here all night oh man she's a fire already bad television of the woods yeah always love how like if you spend your time getting the preparation right for a fire it goes up quickly and without a hitch yeah you stressful yeah or not just not that enough yeah all right all the popping the popping noises cooking is kind of like a - it's like it's a dirty kitchen and stuffs all over the place it's a harder than if it's a gun readings ready to go definitely [Applause] we'll have good coals oh yeah wanna hardwood that's up in the bottle yeah start burning yeah they'll cool this is what we used to do I learned this from that in winter trucker I know it's our lone tractor no one profit from the U P he's au fer oh oh yeah the one girl back in the day actually I don't haven't heard from him a long time but we got we ate a porcupine yeah we got one out of the three of the 22 and wrapped it in bacon spit over the fire well not only will this help to dry out the wet pieces of what it looks super cool that's what it's all about right we're gonna give us a nice bed of coals good amount of warmth of a great fire houses amazing fire [Applause] check out the pile of food we got the old potato onion garlic Deeley and then bouche brought these epic chops they're very thick smoked oh no no fogged oh hold on who pulled it up there we go oh boy chops Oh beauty that's a good fire you can cook on one side of us they keep it going hot yeah these potatoes are more hardened I think it leveled a little more please yeah bringing applesauce or pork chops or an apple let's know it's coming down pretty good now and try and clean up my gear as much as I can get whatever I need out bring this underneath the tent enough room here for like you have all the film here spraying out like yeah oh yeah that's kinda nice for that yeah yeah I like how big an opening is I can I think they'd like put these together made offices out on the field I think so I think so yeah it's it's like two of these wide would be ideal all OH imagine the coverage you would know you can rig this up yeah because if you put tarps out on an angle even right coming from this I don't on an angle to like a V I mean they're almost really like a pyramid type thing yeah and then you could bring this up so much higher I bring this ticklish crap imagine that these with all the help to people oh yeah get up you I think [ __ ] pulls it they've had it falls for it with you these you made your own aluminum poles or something to like if you knew the setup yeah it would be too hard it's us at fork stick on either side that you cut with an aluminum pole across yeah cool yeah another thing anything ran down superplex yeah they're good to go gigantic thank you no problem all right well thank you sir this looks amazing decided to dig in do you want some salt at all Oh No thank you pretty salty already [Music] smells like bacon oh yeah pretty much this is like thick bacon there better cut oh boy look at times oh my goodness it's so good we're so good this they pretty succulent a ma'am that's on point we just holding the orders and tongs yup nice picking away said melt-in-your-mouth almost man you're right I didn't need to put sauce on it all buddy that's so good butcher is close to making smoke smoking the bacon in these chops means making up oh yeah now that he doesn't Sunday sneeze when does it smell up I can't go into this store hey magic hungry feeling being like living beside a subway we just bought like a bread smell oh dude there used to be a subway in the same building as well they're gonna say in waiting to the in the sewer downtown and the TV bit building there's a subway but in the whole block Western Windsor there used to be a subway in there and everything without fail like you're going to get them principal vieni end up with a sub justice a male walks in I think that's why they they are the big red by the entrances of metros potatoes are done little crispy oh yeah listen Soph so what do you know about this tent or what do you assume about this tent and its origins I know you said you had a couple ideas earlier might have been from the Gulf War yeah this is American or Canadian came from the border town right and I think this is maybe it's hard to say but it's from that era it would be using this sort of stuff in the Gulf or definitely I think these were replaced by the style of tent that has like a frame those pops okay ideal for rapid deployment right because this yeah this is not a cook no startup nil on manpower I'm just a little easier than the frame but yeah it's so it's missing the frame while we sleep no three but it has a stove jack the flap that you can tie back yeah it's fun to hook see these things man like this is probably seen action or at least been overseas somewhere it's definitely been used it's super old almost as old as I am it's hard to use this kind of stuff fun to see it I would have never seen this otherwise I bet you couldn't find one of these I I'm sure it has a name I don't know on that that word he says night the year it was made it doesn't say a name or anything no it's all like numbers and numbers in code riot I think it's like a style of temper tent good you're sitting in a temper temper yeah separatin what is that the I think the US military uses our militaries and it's black dough so you can't see light through it right okay it's modular like this if anyone knows let us know in the comments please yeah yeah I really can oh yeah anything about it yeah Viraj cookin gosh we set it up the proper way to but it's snowing this way if we were set up the other way we're getting snow it on like crazy our stuff totally dry alright go back with you after this little saggy oh you shut up tarp on this side so now we have nice and closed space it's very comfy in here okay it's [ __ ] out well Boosh I think I might be going to bed buddy time enough those cheese balls that's not good all right guys I saw foggy lens it's about midnight now time to go to bed so I'm gonna tuck in I'll see you guys see with you guys in the morning gonna see you guys in the morning more like it it's still snowing quite a bit but in here nice and safe and warm lat lay tripod holding the tarp up no wind coming through here bonus good morning slept in that's okay I can't do it home back in here for some reason so it's really good night got dark Oh quick it's hard to film in the dark we end up putting another side onto the shelter though just to block the wind yeah it worked out good yeah I did very well feels like a little cabin now can I deal well I'm just trying to get my strength up to get my sleeping better get back wait Nicole it's five o negative five right now and one for you for too long this is where you might have some breakfast and go out here you got stuff to do later on the day so this one man yeah yeah that was a good night definitely this is a very cozy shelter I'm not trying to get the strength to go I'm trying to get the motivation yeah let's try to find the word courage I think yeah yeah it is colder there like it's a fancy yeah so catch with you folks after we put frozen boots on nice oh yeah I can see the whole thing from there that's awesome yeah that's really cool this is why the angles [Applause] our fire was pretty big last night we burned all that wood worked out great for scale I'm sure this is all dead cold now oh it's not that's a trip we can probably blow it let's Morton please [Applause] [Music] awesome I think we're gonna get some tea on bouche was love nice enough to bring some boiled eggs that sounds phenomenal right now it's a tea and some eggs maybe a breakfast bar tear down camp like battery died on my camera right as I was blowing this into flames but it worked out pretty well whoosh wind up grab some twigs do that on there so this is going pretty good we can get our tea going from here there's water down by the lake actually I have an elegy full of water spill it sit here you all right perfect rather it warm than cold right now yeah well my whole sleep system in here I'm probably just gonna roll it up stuff it into a bag well the clerks in here [Applause] sure don't need anything in here batteries still stuff the rest in there I strap it to my each of these no problem it's fun not having to jigsaw puzzle usually if they're armed Tetris things back into place before you leave they want to take down my cart yeah the teardown should be interesting dude I my toots keep getting trapped in here and every time I bend down it shoots like to shoot up my nose kind of like brutal torture but the sleeping bag they had rolled it ends of the bag oh yeah never do that again what my gloves I had to put these next to the fire for quite some time to follow them out they're stiff as a board I can't Chile pretty happy with this a TV purchase overall if I had to do it again I might not buy polaris just because of my experience with the customer service and the store that I have to deal with in the SU sure anyone who is dealt with them knows exactly what I'm talking about anyway machine as a whole pretty solid enough had too much complaints even way drive it like I don't know what I'm doing which is most of the time warm the old girl up a touch boo she's ATV was bloated up to the gills with extra tarps and tents and stuff so I took his chair forum bungees and we're good to go time to tear this thing down all right you go get my stuff in there we just put right on yeah hey we did it wasn't that bad and see the footprint we had started way over here on the other side of the mud hey back to that clearing pretty flat three-level please elbow drop we're gonna bungees [Applause] almost 1:00 in the afternoon I'm gonna get out of here now maybe things tore down this is an awesome spot wow this is such a fun trip thanks for inviting me to play with your new tent no for all thanks for coming out to play no worries it was a fun experience I love this why I like HGTV and playing around with that tent was something that I'll never do again unless it's that same one you know what I mean that you can't find that thing around there's many around anymore know that we found out there's a stove Jack in it whoo she's pretty pumped about that I have an extra wood stove that he can use with it so that works we're gonna built build up like a wood frame you're saying yeah right maybe get some poles two aluminum poles at least figure out how it works really well and then set it up with a wood stove and then it doesn't even matter that's not enclosed you can close off the one side or whatever but having that enclosed space or that that covered space with the woods so you can cook there be nice chill in their sleep on the other side your cabin in a little bit of a porch right exactly and with the higher Ridgeline they were saying to you get a better drape this is as high as you go right now what yeah try it out again I'm sure yeah man they say there'll be more comfy next time it's very good it could only get better all right guys thanks for coming hope you enjoyed this video I really appreciate you watching I have another one coming up real soon so we'll see you soon take care [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] cold cold cold [Music] all right [Music] ran over it [Music] [Music] one guys okay [Music] [Music] [Music] stupid I see my ramp saved it at the end [Music]
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 1,651,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Axe, Ontario, Canada, Fire, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, wintercamping, winter, camping, snow, waxedcanvastent, waxed, canvas, tent, atv, plow, fun, adventure, north, 1980'scookingoverthefire, cooking, bbq, joerobinet, bushtrekboosh, outdoors, outside, tinyhome, tiny, home, offgrid, off, grid, youtube
Id: NI0ef5lch3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 55sec (4315 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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