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what is it buddy hey guys joe here i got tripper with me we're out at the fort it's going to be a blizzard tonight it's going to come down quite a bit with snow so we're going to test out the fort protection capabilities and stay the night go in there here here trap here in there yes good boy what's all that about huh smells kind of like a barn in here nope nope nope there you go good boy [Applause] guten tag so on the agenda for today's video we really just gotta get some firewood hunker down hey steve we'll hunker down and wait for this blizzard to come by um i got some goodies i don't have much most of this is taken up by my sleeping bag tripper sleeping bag and our sleeping pads but uh this is the first time tripper's been out with me for a video let alone an overnighter so we're gonna pay a lot of attention to him and enjoy ourselves right buddy got some good food for you too huh you can smell it can't you easy on the elbows big guy they weren't cheap hey there he goes tripper stop your elbows bud all right tripper back to his chip herself huh all right we got our wood processing tools gonna leave the fort behind us and uh go try to find a healthy supply of firewood that'll get us through the night because once she starts coming down she's gonna be uh snowing for hours it's calling for a just a heck of a snowstorm firewood here we go there's a couple balsam spruce here that are dead not good hardwood but we'll collect as much as we can anyway [Applause] [Applause] so tripper and i just walk down behind the fort into an area that i don't normally frequent or even go into at all because it's swampy but good thing about the winter is a lot of things become accessible that aren't accessible other times a year so i found a score on birch park i found a bunch of dry hardwood and i found the like uh markings of a porcupine on a tree and a couple other things so let's go check it out and get that firewood we already got a lot i got a lot that i didn't show you but i'm gonna go stack up what's this what is this a squirrel mitten all those pieces on the snow you can see those are pieces of spruce shell or spruce cone shell they've eaten the seeds out of and discarded out of their home so he's got a nose on him and he's right in there but the porcupine porcupine markings the porcupine work [Applause] is right here as you can see over the years they've used this same tree this is fresh this year look at that it's almost a straight line at the bottom fresh there and then old chew then actual bark and it goes up from there there's another fresh chew uh right there on that limb but that's good to see what you got buddy what are you eating what are you eating so happy to be out here hey good boy so anyways oh and then there's some rabbit shoe there lots of signs of animals down here in the swampy part probably much more productive anyway i found a dead cedar with his bark stripped off so that's good i can use that for things go on buddy nice job what is it somebody's home let's leave those guys alone come on bam nice and easy that's plenty that's too much for the old pocket balling birch craft birch craft birch bark falling out of control oh tripper and then there is just a plethora of dead dry wood ready for the picking leave it leave it wow look at the color of this wood i can get it out hey little punk look at the color of that okay goodbye there you go i [Applause] i know so vocal have you guys missed the interpreter in the videos know some of you have because i get comments all the time i uh i miss having him here too he's a handful but it's uh it's what he's for man i don't ever want to be in the woods without a dog if i don't have to it's the whole reason i got him all right i've got a decent hull here i'm gonna head back uh with one arm full and strip down some of these layers because i'm overheating and i gotta not sweat too much go go you just drop a deuce bro stanky stanky leg trip you good bro okay we are solid on the firewood situation today i am very confident in that now all we have to do is cut it all up what do you think two years it took me to get this two years what is it tripper what is it all right you want to go see what it is or what let's go see what is it buddy i don't think there's anything there nothing we need to worry about at least yeah everything's good but good anyway so this is one stack of wood this is all hardwood and all relatively dry so pretty happy with that come on in here i have hardwood twigs to start with and some conifer twigs to start with and come around the forks we've got some hardwood here two real big decent-sized uh balsam spruce or sorry balsam fur and another big piece of hardwood laying up there we are good we are good for wood so it's about 4 30 right now and i am absolutely starving so we need this fire going the the blizzard is supposed to come around six or seven tonight so anyways we're gonna get this going i can feel the winds coming in now and we'll cook up our food in a little bit i have just a lighter to light the star with today and there's nothing wrong with that look at that nice and easy so we'll get as much on as we can and if i remember correctly tripper is probably going to jump at and bark at the sparks ashes and flames so that should be fun why are you burning those sticks dude there's such nothing wrong with these sticks why are you burning them such a waste hey such a waste nope there you go nice fire started now we'll deal with this yep show for my camera watch out for my camera oh look who's finally decided to stop running around put this over here in case you want to lay in it for now lay on it for now i'll blow it up after for you if you don't want to you don't have to either i know you're weird about that stuff well i think i need a table out here that's probably going to be the next thing that i build she's low low to the ground joe that's we got our food like i said i'm really hungry it's almost uh supper time so we're trying to get everything organized here i got a steak got a ribeye steak there i'm going to share a tripper and here i have some asparagus back up back up and green onion trip it back i've also got a couple mushrooms and some onion i have this pretty cool wax paper stuff that you can uh put some food stuffs in not wet things obviously but i got a potato and some garlic in there and that's reusable quite reusable steak spice and some olive oil so i think what we'll do first chop up the veggies and get them in there and we'll use this little i bought a little bamboo piece of wood for this because old duggy i haven't seen him in a while he's gonna make me a walnut one but we just haven't seen each other so until oh no my potato until i see him this is what i will use i hope everyone's doing well this is my first real video since new year's i did that update video which was pretty well received thank you for that but this is the first camping trip this is the first real real video i'm doing so i'm happy to be out oh we got the uh the starlink hooked up elon musk's internet all hooked up and uh it was like plug and play basically super easy straightforward um and yeah it works so very happy about that and this will be the first video that i'm uploading from at least so we'll see how long it takes to upload and the whole nine yards but first impressions are good i was so happy to be able to call bell and cancel my subscription with them and we said can we ask why and i said yes because every time i call here it's uh the worst experience of my life uh you have horrible internet and i'm paying like way more than i should for a garbage internet every month like say no more fam back off man i will give you food i promise you will eat your fill imagine my name was phil all right [Applause] now what really matters [Applause] day trip well that looks good you can back up now you can back up you can back up you can back up back up that looks so good ribeye is my all-time favorite cut sometimes they're no good when you get them restaurants for some reason they want to give you thin rib eyes or chewy fat rib eyes the rib eyes that i like are thick well marbled not chewy but buttery fat okay let's check on this fire it's almost time to start cooking it's cooking a little hot a little hot [Music] looking good though potatoes i should have cooked the potatoes first i completely dropped the ball on that i should throw the potatoes in first for a while but that's okay it'll all work out all right so this is basically done it's gonna still cook on the skillet after uh after i take it off so i'm gonna put it next to the fire there on the rock to stay hot just wanna scrape down this uh this grill a little bit it was all rusty i'm gonna throw my steak right on it and we'll be good to go the coals of burnt or the fires burned down to close for the most part so it's gonna cook pretty quick looks good what yep [Music] okay it's looking good looking good all right she's done blew it into flame a little bit so the fat will get crisped up we go that was made for that steak no no it's hot dude could have been a learning experience no don't touch it don't touch it man seriously like as much as i want you to touch it to learn okay you're gonna just touch it anyway yeah you can have some steak if you like leave it alrighty first things first i got my clp kooksa and my muskoka detour got two of these bad boys for tonight one's a shock top so i'm gonna pour a nice frothy brew nice and frothy head out without water you guys missed my english accent right why i just blew on this i just blew on it even better through the wooden cup even better okay okay folks well i'm gonna let that sit for another minute before i dig in here's my stir fry hmm get off you're just sitting on the grill must be cooled down now oh my goodness he's literally sitting on it nope nope he just felt the heat dude i didn't bring any lowery seasoning which is what i normally put on my stir fries but i just substituted a little bit of montreal steak spice on there like seriously just a pinch and all the flavors together are working good so it doesn't really need it look at that super excited about this tripper's gonna get his share for sure let's see just how we did on the cooking on the cooking front oh we over did it it's cooked it's cooked for sure that's a phenomenal steak holy smokes boys and girls [Music] wow hey buddy here come good boy down [Applause] fat he thought i was giving that to him when i held it out so the surgery did not work for autumn there's no more like waiting to see it's it's apparent and it's just the same exact as it was before because it's pretty disheartening because we put her through all this stuff right before she's a little kid she's two she watches a show called doc mcstuffins she loves doctors go and see doc mcstuffins go see doc mcstuffins whatever it's a doctor she's happy about it laughing well after this last surgery after this third surgery she's not all about the doctors anymore she's scared of going to the doctors whereas before it was a happy thing for which really bums me out but again it's not the end of the world it's just every single time they tell us it's going to work or that has a 90 success rate it just doesn't work and with everything locked down i just don't know what to do i certainly don't want to put her through that again but i don't want her to lose that eye or lose sight or that eye or lose being able to breathe the one nostril it's just or even just having the cosmetic issue of that she's a pretty little girl you know what i mean i don't want her to have this issue in life she doesn't have to kids are mean you know what i mean like again i know it could be worse believe me i am thankful it's not it's still frustrating though as i'm sure you can appreciate go for the camera bro we got the new puppy she is a bundle of joy she's very precious and uh tripper is very good with her he was a little scared at first the big bad golden doodle puppy but he's very interested in her now and she just wants to follow him around she's honestly the best puppy i've ever seen other than scope nobody's topping scope well this uh this blizzard was supposed to happen at around 7 p.m tonight i just checked the weather now it says it's not going to show up until around 10 or 10 30. might be in bed by that time if i'm being honest with you but we'll see we'll wake up to uh to a snowy escape i'm sure good boy cleaning that up are you well supper was fantastic tripper ended up getting more of that steak than i had but i am full and that uh that stir-fry on the side was was the icing on the cake stir fry on the side was the icing on the cake so i'm gonna stoke this fire back up i have to get my flashlight out because it's getting kind of dark in here the old fort is not friendly for filming the unfriendly filming fort show buddy you're right in the way right in the frame so this uh this fire pit's been going strong folks remember the concerns over it i think we have null and avoided those concerns with all the fires and how hot it's been but uh anyway fire pits just a rock and the rocks behind it stones behind it hold the heat and uh i'm not shy on burning firewood today because i have a ton of it so we're just going to keep it rocking i said rock it like three times there back with another one of those black rocking boots it's not really cold today it was like zero uh earlier um it's probably dropped down a little bit now but not very cold today at all that's why i decided to bring tripper because he's doing well and uh it's not too cold so he's not limping he's doing pretty good this is what it looks like outside right now getting pretty dark winds are kicking up but still no signs of any blizzards i'm really hoping we can deliver on that one you know the whole point is to come out here test out the fort so good of a shelter it actually is not just come and see later on and see the aftermath but be out here in the blizzard in the winds and snow anyway still got lots of firewood to go i can want to spend some time and cut some up now before it gets too dark [Applause] tripper what are you doing man are you kidding me watch out for my camera dude please look at my butt look at my butt look at me look at my look at my butt boop okay um i gave tripper my extra blanket there because he doesn't like the feel of that sleeping bag i don't think but he's all wound up because it's pretty sparky fire right now we're gonna get settled in here a little bit this is nice and toasty it's a big fire quite warm in here well it's getting late um it's almost nine o'clock now we've been hanging out we went for a nighttime hike he's all hyped up again he was a little calm down but when we got back we stoked this fire back up and uh he's just losing it so anyway far for the course back to normal now however many months later this uh this blizzard man i keep promising and i really hope that it does happen i uh i don't know i don't know what to say it said it in the radar but uh if it does happen i'll be sure to show you i think we're gonna settle in for a little bit we'll make my bed maybe have triple a down maybe i'll put his bed over here and move the chair but uh it doesn't need to be very close to this fire because it is toasty in here quite quite warm it's a nice night reminds me old times with tripper not cold at all it's nice in here it's got a nice glow with this fire going [Applause] put your barking at uh it's stuck on a knot up there i had to fix that but for now let me just get it down close enough and it will it'll boil because it's so hot there we go put it right in there bam so that'll be the next thing up on the agenda i'm not going to do it tonight but uh i have to clear that up so i can slide it back and forth much easier instead of fighting with it make up some hot chocolate my daughter got me this actually emerald picked this out for me back up trimmer can't fire coco we'll try some of that out i think marshmallows what else no back up man all right here it is ha ha see i told you i told you it would come nice i stuck up that fire again the blizzard is on its way trees are blowing snow is blowing too nice you tripper what do you think big guy what's going on [Applause] starting to get wet from the snow coming in so i'm going to shut this door for [Applause] now [Applause] yeah it's coming down hope it snows all night we'll see i brought all my firewood inside good morning folks it's just after seven i i passed out after i talked to you last night i started blizzarding i just laid down for a little bit to uh just rest my eyes and my legs and my back and i thought i'll get some more footage of it a little bit and i must have passed out hard because i woke up at about four and it was just calm as the day so let's go check it out it should be a daylight starting tripper bounced on me a little while ago i just see him he came back in right now as i'm talking but he left a good half hour ago i was calling him and he didn't want anything to do with coming back so let's go get out and see what the uh what the snow brought but the blizzard actually brought i can see it came in the in the shelter a little bit in the fort here what's up buddy oh yeah see all blew in here that was not there yesterday what are you doing man oh yeah holy smokes snowing now trevor come here sit sit stay tripper what's this stay what's this well it was a blizzard look at how we got pounded how heavy those bows are and everything with snow on them so what's this hey all right look even the paracord has a ton of snow on it wow so all that came down out here and i was completely ko'd in here oblivious to anything going on so i'd say the old fort did its job hey it's too loud it's too early for that man calm down [Applause] i can't believe i slept through a blizzard you know like it wasn't as advertised it didn't come at six or seven pm but still it's up through a blizzard the old fort did his job oh let me get some bacon on maybe make a tea [Music] she's wet up there holding a lot all right super hot fanta careful careful my cup man there's a lot of snow out there i wish i was able to get more of the blizzard for you like i said i thought it was gonna come earlier but i just wanted to get out and camp in this blizzard seemed like a good test of the fort i wanted to be out here for that seemed like a good video to make i hope you guys enjoyed it let me back to my regular postings now so as long as this upload goes goes smoothly smoothly at home and i'm sure it will ah well thanks for watching guys hope you have a good day and i'll see you soon in a brand new video come on come get it we'll go camping we'll go uh actually you know i have plans to revamp this fort on the inside there's a lot of wasted space over there and it drips a lot over here where it doesn't drip it all over there so maybe the move is to move the bed over there and make a table i would like a table a working table um it will switch the fire pit around and stuff but other than that i do want to go on a camping trip i do have a extended day uh canvas 10 winter winter uh sorry i do have a extended trip like a multi-day canvas tent type winter trip coming up in the near future and i do have some um some new gear that i want to test out before that so i'll be going out for an overnight with the uh the canvas tent soon enough to test out some new gear too so lots in the works anyways you guys have a good day thanks thanks for watching i'll see you later that's all she wrote man nothing left just packing up getting ready to leave here's my saw just completely buried under the snow [Applause] what do you say we're all done sounds good get your stick let's go get your stick can come okay fine see how it is it's snowy it's snowy out here wow what you doing buddy hey big guy come here come wow is it snowy there's the truck she uh she's a little covered man this is so much deeper than yesterday i can't believe the amount of snow we got and how protected i was like i literally had no clue no clue it snowed this much holy smokes hello man [Applause] there we go calm down trooper get in the back buddy tripper's here come here buddy right here right here come here oh there's the big boy [Music] i think he had fun he uh i know when i i know i heard clumps of snow falling i didn't know what it was at the time in the middle of the night but whenever there was a big clump of snow falling he uh he was sure to let me know about it he's fogging up my windows bro all right guys let you go take it easy on to the next one
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 1,588,410
Rating: 4.881392 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Ontario, Canada, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, camping, winter, wintercamping, offgrid, adventure, off, grid, outdoors, wander, hiking, outside, steak, dog, tripper, scout, dutchshepherd, joerobinet, wilderness, forest, woods, fort, wild, wildcamping, tent, hammock, bivy, tarp, shelter, build, building, builder, cooking, cook, grill, bbq, food, skills, outdoor
Id: JXdcCW0ZWzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 40sec (3040 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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