4 DAYS ALONE in a PRIMITIVE WILD CAMP - Bushcraft Shelter - Foraging - Survival Solo Adventure

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] thanks for clicking on the video i've got my axe knife and a saw i've got a few sheepskins and deer hides in here and a sleeping bag i've got some food believe it or not i've even got a wood stove and the plan is to spend the next three days maybe four days right here in this underground stealth shelter and i got my dog with me as well to keep me company and also if it gets a bit cold she can warm me up in the middle of the night hey can't you yeah so if you missed my last video i built this shelter i didn't use an axe and life for a saw i just used my hands and a pair of gloves the idea was to build a shelter you could easily build in a woodland without using any tools i used sticks branches logs all around this wooden floor this is littered with natural resources the natural materials are great when it comes to building things like a debris shelter for the roof well you can see it's nice and green it blends in really well with the environment that's most and that's going to keep a lot of heat in when it comes to having a small fire on the inside of the shelter so please stay tuned and watch the video up until the end to see what i get up to over the next three or four days hey come on then let's get this fire going [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so [Applause] so so [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] oh it's lovely and warm in amber here on then hey come in here it's lovely and warm i know yep this is home for the next three nights you me three nights right here so the next thing i want to do is get the sheepskins and the deer hides and lay them down on the floor and then i'll be cooking up a bit of food come on so i've got this black sheepskin i've got this white sheepskin and then i've got two deer hides with me put that there then i think this one's going to go on top this that'll keep me nice and warm i'll give this one to amber because she deserves a nice warm sheepskin for the night so i'll place that one there and this will be my bed for the night oh amber no you're not sleeping on me you're sleeping there right next to me on that sheepskin okay right well now that we've got the fire going we've got the bed sorted now it's time to cook up a bit of food you want some food yeah come on then yeah let's get some dog food out the bag for you so in the pan i've got some chicken and then in here i have a potato i've also got an onion and of course a bit of garlic gotta have a bit of garlic when you're cooking in the woods oh and i've also got a carrot no in fact what i'm going to do is i'm going to give half of this carrot to my dog she loves carrots that means i've got one potato some garlic one onion and half a carrot add some chicken [Music] so [Music] [Music] so uh so so [Applause] cooking good in the woods right that can only mean one thing time for a beer and today's beer we have it's actually one of my favorite beers is cronenberg 1664. cheers i love it in the woods got shelter got a dog got everything i need got some food i've even got spare batteries for the camera um yeah i love it this really is what i love the most is camping out in the woods cheers so if you haven't already worked out i'm cooking up a curry this is a chicken madras curry so it's fairly spicy and i've even got a few naan breads to go with it which i'm just going to warm over the top of the hot plate a bit a little bit later on when all this is cooked uh comment below if you have a dog and let me know what sort of breed what type of breed or dog you have oh aren't they just great companions when you're out camping [Music] hey hmm tired hey are you tired as it's almost time to eat i've got a few of these little naan breads so i'm just going to place them there to warm up i'll leave them about a minute and then give them a flip so if there's anyone watching that might be new to the channel i just want to say thank you very much for subscribing if anyone would like to support the channel then feel free to buy some of my merch my merch is all about cooking good in the woods there's chopping boards and i've got these titanium sporks as well and it even says cooking good in the woods on it as well as bushcraft tools and then i have these lovely cookers there's a couple of different types you know what there's quite a few things on the website i'll put a link down below if not wait until the end of the video and you'll see a selection of the different types of merch that i have well the lime breads are looking good this is ready so it's time to take this off and off camera when you guys were not watching i quickly gave this a little clean so now the sheet is super clean ready to use i'm gonna put this down oh that's really hot ah the time has come time to eat the chicken curry oh that chicken so tender just falls apart let's try some carrot so it's now time to get get the sleeping bag out and you can see this is where i'm going to sleep there's a sheepskin right here that's that's a black sheepskin and that's where that's why you probably can't see it because it's a bit camouflaged that's where amber's gonna sleep this is where i'm sleeping tonight i've just put a load of firewood on it's super hot i'm going to close that down i want to just shut that damper down a little bit so it stays a little bit open the thing i found with this stove is it's quite tricky to keep it going all night so you have to leave it open a little little bit and if you leave it leave it open full it just burns itself straight out there got my sleeping bag anyway you've all seen this before so i'm not gonna bore you but i'm gonna see you all in the morning so good night [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well good morning that wasn't actually too bad i slept the whole way through uh this i had to put some more firewood on in the middle of the night i'm glad i just before i went to bed i went and sourced a little bit more firewood and i put it on i don't know it must have been i don't have a clue but it was dark and it was cold so i put loads of firewood on and yeah this has actually been going the whole night through so um if it wasn't for me getting that firewood before going to bed i don't think this had been going in the morning all i had to do was open that up put a few more little twigs in i found down here let a bit more air in and it all just came back to life so yeah not too bad at all amber i think she might have been a little bit too cold so she's a bit tired now uh she's had a breakfast i'm just so i've got a tea a little chinese chinese style tea and then um to go with it for my breakfast hey oh you're awake now i know it was a little bit cold wasn't it and then to go with my tea i've got some fruit somewhere down here i've got a couple of kiwi fruits and an apple so yeah nothing really to cook up just a bit of a healthy healthy breakfast today hey go for a walk in a minute around the woods won't we and if you're wondering how i'm getting a light into the shelter well i'm just using one of these it's like a gorilla pod and i've got this thing which is a great little bit of kit super bright you can adjust the settings on it and yeah it lights up really well i just want to show you how clean this wood stove is burning so i've got it in there i've got loads of wood in there super hot but look at that there's no smoke at all to be seen so if i just change the settings if i just turn that down a little bit can you see you probably can't see anything no smoke at all to be seen it's roaring hot it really is so yeah that is how i light up the shelter and that shows you how stealth this wood stove is when it comes to burning fuel well the trick is to make sure that your fuel the wood that you're burning is super dry because any moisture in the wood will give off lots of smoke so i found a nice little place for the knife just hangs right there on that stick oh yeah i'll tell you amber she loves an apple so i'm just going to cut her off a little wedge nice little wedge of apple go going then see ya oh she loves it um [Applause] oh i haven't had a kiwi fruit in months so good [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] well just come across this and this by the looks of it this is from a pine tree and by looking up i can see that there's pine trees all over the place and the reason why i think this is a good find is because i know that in here right in where these knots are there'll be some fat wood some resinous wood that's great for fire lighting so i'm going to do is use my saw and i'm going to saw off this little limb right there some people really struggle to find fat wood what i do is i look for rotten pine on the forest floor and then i look for the junction and that's exactly where all this resin will be concentrated when the wood dies when the tree rots down it's all going to be become concentrated right here in this section so i'm going to try and get as much of it as possible by going as close to the main branch or as close to this to the main trunk and already i can smell pine resin but what we're looking for is a real golden orangey golden color inside this limb that i'm sawing off and it should really smell very strong of pine resin so it's the orangey color we're looking for and there we are right there in fact i was expecting it to be a bit more orangey than that but yeah i can smell that is a good bit of fat wood right there if i just roll it over you can see that is what we're looking for oh lovely love that stuff so i'm going to put this in my pocket and we'll have a look at it later on when we get back to the camp oh yeah keep that another thing you'll notice with this fatwood is it weighs quite a lot a lot a lot heavier than you'd expect it to weigh and i've just come across a bit of this honeysuckle which is another great resource it's good for cordage making you can pull off these fibers twist them together and make yourself an endless amount of cordage it's also great for friction fire lighting however you do want a bit of a thicker piece of of the honeysuckle rather than a small thin stem like this and another thing it's great for is weaving you can even take these smaller younger shoots that are more pliable and weave yourself anything from a basket to a crayfish or a lobster pot and here's another bit of rotten pine quite heavy again let's see if there's anything inside this one oh look at that much better real darker orangey color lovely keep that so just further up this rotten trunk that's lying on the forest floor you can see that right there is a very thin section and it's quite wide here on top because this is the rotten outer wood that's broken down decaying and just simply rotting away this is where the fat wood will be that dense bit right in the middle that is where we're gonna find our fat wood remember we're looking for an orangey color and it's gone a little bit light because of the saw marks but right there that is a nice bit of orangey-coloured fat wood that is it so it looks like a squirrel has been perched right here chomping away at these pine cones trying to get to the small seeds within them and as we're in a bit of pine woodland it was only a matter of time before coming across something like this and you can see this is where the trees have had a bit of a wound it's oozed out lots of pine resin and it's all congealed it's all solid trying to try and break a little piece off there you go little piece right there great for again for fire lighting if it's they're tricky to get a fire go you can put scatter a little bit of this onto your small flickering flames this will melt down and catch fire a little bit like how i lit the fire yesterday however because it wasn't exposed the pine resin yesterday was underneath the bark therefore it's still quite runny another thing you can do with this is you can make a primitive adhesive have a look at one of my previous videos and you'll see how to turn this into a caveman glue and this is a little bit of wood sorrel this is a wild edible and the thing is i've got plenty of food with me but if i was ever in a situation where i didn't have any food and i was in the woods would i rely on this to eat well if there's nothing else to eat yeah but i'll tell you what it'll take you a hell of a lot of picking in order to get yourself a meals worth of this slight citrusy note to it other than that nothing wrong with it lovely so now that we've made it back to camp i've got my knife which has got my built-in fire steel i've got some of that fat wood let's try and process it and see if we can get a flame i'm just creating a little pile of these curls or shavings and then i'm going to scrape using my knife i'm going to scrape lots of this in order to create some really fine shavings the wood i'm scraping onto this stump is really rotten and there we have it there's our fatwood shavings so hey so [Music] so i'm just getting some firewood ready for tonight and what i'm doing is i'm taking advantage of some of this dead wood that's been suspended in the trees so it's been wind dried and here you can see i've got this i've got these two uh trunks coming up from this tree and just by wedging it into in between these trunks it means i can really get a good handhold and easily saw away at the wood that i need for fire for the fire tonight ah well the sun went down a couple of hours ago it's now dark outside and the fire's nice and warm i've got plenty of firewood for tonight and uh i think i might cook some food up i get a lot of questions in the comments section asking how i prepare for a three or four day trip like this when it comes to food so i'm going to show you what i have right here what i do is i pack i work out everything that i want to eat throughout the day and i pack it all down into one or two bags or sometimes use tupperware's this here this is my meal for tonight and in here i've got some i've got some noodles i've got some more garlic i've got an onion i've got some broccoli as well i've got some steak which is beef steak and then i've got a nice seasoning um almost like a marinade this is tonight's meal and it's going to be an asian style stir-fry oh and there's also a chili as well so that is how i prepare and i prepare every day i have a a pack like this for each day and once again whether it's the bag or whether it's a tupperware and then when it comes to cooking oil i normally have a little bottle like this with a little bit of cooking oil in it so that i can use a little bit if and when i need to as for pots and pans chopping boards cups and tongs things like that well i normally bring a something like this with me if not i'll always have this set with me which has got at the moment it's got water in it but it's also got another pot inside it which i um i use as like a dog bowl um but yeah the great thing is that this has just been boiling so that's why it's quite hot but i've got some water in here so i'm going to be steaming i'm going to be well quickly steaming my noodles in the pot right there and then these weigh quite a lot you know i wouldn't take this if i was going hiking up a mountain but i would take it for a few days if i'm not that far from the car if you're wondering how far i am from the car i'm about a 20-minute walk from the from where i parked up it is quite heavy i don't recommend taking this on a long on a long journey especially if you're hiking a lot but it is a great resource it's a great pan because it's cast iron and it holds the heat really well so i'm going to put that there i'm going to cook some steak up in there i've got some bits and pieces to fry up as well do the noodles add some chili add the sauce as well and yeah and that's pretty much it and then obviously i've got that chopping board which i showed you and i've got this cookster which i use for drinking tea drinking water and also for drinking beer of course when it comes to water well water weighs quite a lot i think the majority of the weight in my backpack is probably water so with that being said i'm going to start preparing some of my food like i've got some broccoli i'm going to cut those up into some smaller pieces i've got some noodles as well great and great uh camping hiking food resource because they're lightweight excuse me that's my broccoli because they're lightweight and all you need to do is add water and in here i've got some when i put i put some i've got some teriyaki i've got i think i'll put a little bit of soy sauce in it put some chinese five spice in here sesame oil and uh yeah that was pretty much it that is what i have in this and this is what's going to really change what will otherwise be my plain almost bland food it's going to take it to another level so yeah this is going to be the magic ingredient again everything packs down into bags i've planned everything for every day next thing i want to pull out of the bag is an onion so for the onion i just want to slice it really thin really finely because this is i'm not going to fry this the idea is i'm going to put this into my broth right at the end so it stays crispy or crunchy so i'm gonna leave those whole because i like them when they're whole rather than finely chopped get those seeds in there so i've got a very thin piece of frying steak here it's gonna be a quick flash fry and then i'll be done so run a little bit of chili in there as well oh got a little piece of onion that's fine so and i've saved a little piece of beef for amber so i don't really want this to cook for too long i only only really want to flash fry it so i've got the flavorings from the garlic and some chili put the beef in there and then shortly i'll be adding my seasoning or my bottle of magic juice the goodness right there [Music] oh wow that smells incredible all those asian flavors and then the noodles [Applause] and that is my meal for tonight look at that got this lovely flavour some broth got some nice chili in there broccoli beef oh it's gonna be good wow try the beef hmm look at that broth ah i'm sorry you can't taste this but trust me it is absolutely delicious hmm i think it's quite important to plan your meals when you're out camping especially for a few days because you want to you know change it up every day you want it to be a little bit different and um otherwise if you're just having plain noodles and it can probably become a bit boring oh that beef though oh you know what that was amazing that was just incredible i think i'm gonna drink one more beer and probably go to bed hey what do you think what do you think about that idea amber hey what do you think about that idea okay watch out yeah i look tired as well i know you're tired as well hey that is it that is it for tonight if you're still watching thank you very much and i'll see you all tomorrow good night oh good morning to you too amber oh ah morning why have you always got to sit on me hey it was cold last night wasn't it yeah it was cold so well the fire went out in the middle of the night so i just had to soar up a bit of wood and get the fire going once again so so here's another little tip when you're at camping to keep everything clean what i do is i take a bag again and i take a scouring was a sponge and a little bottle of washing up liquid it means that when i'm not filming and between meals i can clean my shopping board my cooks and my spork my frying pan and even this cooking pot so a great little tip doesn't weigh much at all but it really does help when you're out camping and for my last tip of the day using your sleeping bag bag you can then put your jacket in it or any clothing you're not wearing when you go to sleep roll it up and that turns into your pillow [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so so so i've got a sweet potato here i'm going to put this in the fire and hopefully over the next hour it's going to slowly cook i'm just going to put it in the entrance i've pushed all the coals to the back of the wood stove i put it in the entrance i've closed the door and now well let's find something to do come on so it looks like this might be where a deer has been resting maybe during the daytime or maybe it's been sleeping overnight i quite often find these when i'm out in the woods and if you look carefully enough you can quite often find a hair what is a deer hair and the way you can tell is by breaking the hair in half or you can rip it in half and what you'll find is the hair is hollow which is why the deer hair makes such good hairs for fly fishing tying flies but today doesn't seem like i can find any oh actually there's one there very small hair right there and another thing with the deer here is they they'll break really easily so i've just broken it in half so this low-lying area which is quite open i think this is why there's quite a few trees that have been blown over by the wind it's because the trees are exposed to that sharp strong wind and because the ground is a low-lying ditch it's very soggy the ground is very boggy which means the roots don't really have much of a root hold as soon as they wobble a bit with the wind over they go so there's a fallen tree there there's one over there there's one right here behind me there's one there as well yeah quite a few trees and you can just see how open this place is and look at the moss how much moss there is wow and there's another birch polypore right there on this old rotten birch good bit tinder take that back to camp put in my tinder pouch birch park so looks like there's been a few deer walking through here and that must be a really small one a little bambi so all right let's check these sweet potatoes what's she barking at oh that's half of it's cooked it's going to give it a turn put it back in so whoa that is cooked place it right there so the sweet potatoes cooked and as it's my final night i've got a bit of a cheeky meal nice easy one no it's not dog food i've got some heinz beans in a rich tomato sauce with pork sausages you know this is this is the ultimate camping food nice and easy you just have to heat it up you could do it in the tin but i'm gonna do it in this ah i think i've still got some water left over ah not wasting that right so yeah heinz beans and pork sausages why not oh yes look at this cheeky food [Music] cheers come here sit down then sit down hmm hey you just had your dinner you got one meal left for you that's your breakfast tomorrow then we're going home and i've got i got i've got a little bag of mixed nuts i think there's some pumpkin seeds sunflower seeds raisins goji berries one of those little mixed bags of nutty goodness okay oh this is smelling good tired yeah i know you want you want my food but you just had your food i just noticed those cobwebs starting to form at the back of the shelter so at least i've made a home for a few of these woodland insects okay you'd live here wouldn't you you'd love to live here if i fed you every day two minutes two more minutes sausage beans and a little bit of sweet potato don't forget to leave me a comment telling me what your favorite camping food is and if you've got any ideas of what i can cook up next time let me know that was good speaking of insects have a look at this little lady is a ladybug or a ladybird i can't remember i think it's a ladybug that's cool well it's been a great few days in the woods i'm actually really happy i built this because it's surprisingly homely and comfortable and where i've chosen to put my bed it gives me this kind of like it's like a deck chair it's like a poolside deck chair kind of incline and uh yeah it's surprisingly comfortable um so i'm just gonna finish my the last of my beer and then i've got about half a liter of water left i'll drink about half of that tonight save the other half quarter of a liter for tomorrow morning to get me back to the car and then i'd be home for a shower the world is shut maybe even a bath you know i might have a bath line the bathroom about an hour put some music on and enjoy the luxuries that we have in life which we don't really have here in the woods so on that note i'm going to prepare myself for bed and i will see you all in god bad hair day it's been bad hair day for about three days now i'll see you in the morning good night well i managed to keep the fire going last night brilliant so now for a quick cup of tea and then pack everything away so come on then we're going home now well that is it for the video it's been four days right here it's been great fun did get a little bit cold at one point but i'm glad that i got the i sorted out the food supplies before i came everything's worked out just right i've got a little bit of water left i've got no food left i'm going to go home now i really need a shower but i just want to say thanks a lot if you're still watching don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already let me know if you like this video please let me know by giving a thumbs up below and comment as well if you want to see me build another shelter like this or even come back here to stay in this shelter for another couple of days while it's still quite cold during these wintry months amber's over there playing with a bit of wood and last thing i want to say is the merch that i have you're going to see about 30 seconds of footage at the end of the video if you are interested please follow the link below it will take you to the merch store where you can help support these videos and keep funding what i do out here in the woods and on the channel thanks a lot goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 827,855
Rating: 4.8626776 out of 5
Keywords: BUSHCRAFT, SURVIVAL, TAOUTDOORS, TA OUTDOORS, PREPPER, CAMPING, HIKING, CAMP VIBES, FISHING, SOLO, AXE, KNIFE, BUSHCRAFTTOOLS, BUSHCRAFT TOOLS, SAW, RAY MEARS, BEAR GRYLLS, hidup primitif, berkemah, bertahan hidup, memasak, api, hutan belantara, alam, ahli hutan, mencari makan, makanan ternak, penangkapan ikan, примитивная жизнь, кемпинг, выживание, Готовка, Пожар, лесная глушь, кустарник, природа, лесоруб, собирательство, корм, рыбная ловля, vida primitiva, cámping, supervivencia, Cocinando, forraje, pescar
Id: X459_si2c6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 20sec (4640 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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