10 DAYS IN THE WILD! Bushcraft Skills, Living off the Land, Hail Storms! FOREST FIRES! Float Planes!

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hey guys how you doing oh this is it or on the start of a remote wilderness trip we'll be out here for seven nights eight full days just remote I got dropped off in that plane like you saw I just threw my first line in I'm waiting on Kyle Kyle is coming with me he's gonna be here in about two hours and he'll have a secondary floatplane flight in so I'm just gonna hang out on this lake here do some fishing and wait for the old guy to show up then let's start on our journey this trip isn't gonna be too too crazy of distance probably about 75 kilometers in the seven nights were here eight days and so that's just over ten klicks a day it's not bad we're gonna do a lot of fishing a lot of exploring some portaging will be some Rapids should be great this is what I've been it's what I've been needing this is what I've been wanting for since the ice was off the lake we're gonna see how this goes wish me luck I'm already having fun it's been a couple minutes no sign of Kyle buddy a little Pike to start the day start the trip with that's alright I'm gonna need the pliers I think oh yeah trying to stay organized as much as possible on this trip for once you guys know who I am right we'll try and not pull too many Joe's this trip thanks boy so how was the flight it was awesome dude yeah there's great saw two bald eagles on the way in is awesome now we're here I'm a little disappointed that I don't have a nice like walleye that you caught for me prepared and all that I throw it back yeah going back in peace did you I have I don't want to hurt your feelings oh I got you yeah you know the scoreboards at zero right now right now it's one zero but yeah why is it was how was that wind paddle first three seconds of not paddling in several years and it's straight into the only fish you got best time right no so just trolling got a decent walleye could be dinner what's that I'm navigating the whole time that's what you could call it that's what you could call it navigate yeah there's always a reason yeah check it out I pulled a big old leech over to the over the water I'll be able to use that for bait later on I'll be really good bait because you know that's what the fish are eating already right let's see if he'll get me you want to get me he doesn't want to get me what not even good enough for a leech oh it's much warmer than the water at my house yep Beauty I'm catching leeches left and right not much meat off that guy but too small please what we're gonna do because it doesn't get dark - like literally 10:30 or 11:00 like no joke two dinners two dinners so we're I'm just gonna have this as a snack I'll share some with Kyle dude you're just going to use fish crisp my skillet I got my bush buddy here if it's out of frame and some lard a little bit of lard grab the lard - please no limo anyways I'll get some lemon out of my bag there's probably a lot of people Kyle who started watching my videos after you moved up a way so I assume this is gonna be new for a lot of people they don't understand your mess he said awesomeness but so I got a little rock I've got a rock down on the ground first off for safety well all we're gonna do to start this let's grab some twigs break them and then light the broken ends it's so dry up here look at that granted there's a little tiny bit of moss on there but oh man and hopefully that'll catch if not we'll just I'll do it again but looking pretty good yep looking real good that's that that's why this land is changed molded by my fire because it's a it's a fire driven forest it's so easy in here lightning comes down sparks his stuff up part of the reason there's no black flies here this time of year apparently it's so dry I didn't believe Harlan when he was telling us but seems like it might be the truth oh yeah bud yeah look I have a spatula Kyle Jill what's the best spatula to push man this one one that you make out of mine I do really want to give that take this opportunity to give Harlan a huge shadow Red Lake Outfitters we wouldn't been able to come out and do this without you guys really appreciate it this is the third year in a row I've come and Harlan hooked it up first year was LaShawn we went to woodland caribou second year I did that 10-day Crown land thing again couldn't done it without Harlan nice and dry oh yeah we got kindling for days on that one too it is such a gorgeous day like such a gorgeous sight a gorgeous day no bugs no bugs I'll happily carry that bug jacket without having to use it this is gonna be a good trip I'm feeling good I'm feeling very good I felt good for the past few days I've been away from home for two nights already two nights in a hotel getting here and everything's coming up millhouse is pretty good we'll see you tomorrow morning how it goes but as of now like 90% very happy with that walleye number two nice pretty guy who had teeth on him I think I might paddle down the old wind tunnel back to see Kyle see how he's doing I still want to keep paddling and fishing definitely there's a there's a lot of light left it's nice to be over here when you get those purples and blues and stuff I love that this is the second wall I caught over this little bay area tonight oh that's a decent one that's probably the best one I've caught so far oh you hit hard you hit hard let's see what we got feels like a walleye feels like a walleye it's a pike it's a decent pike there he goes nice alright two pikes no.1 pike 1 pike that counts we're in this little Bay this little shallow bay here we expect there to be some Plake in here but I thought for sure a walleye - what you'll see she's so very peaceful the wind is calm right down like I knew it would it's the name of the game here the walleye yeah thanks those lively lively little bit of pink some alone up there calling a little bit of pinks and blues in the sky my favorite time of night yeah BAM son you'll get better not so many nice noises right now the fishings getting hot cuz I got back-to-back oh my goodness whoa eyes off the chain Harlan calls this mr. Oh wrote the wall eye primer he has a bunch of different packages you can go on he calls this one the wall eye primer I see why why it's just a small Oh sweet peas on all right and does that count also playing with my camera not really pay attention what are the rules maybe we should stop worrying about it so much or just fish good idea okay I'm going back I swear go back go back I saw her just slam him now this is what Kyle was doing earlier when I was not doing this I was gonna hit in the face by large pike we remove the middle treble o to this rippln Redfin it's a good thing because it's not necessary it would have just tore up more things or rip more lips as it were go on Hey okay I'm going back now listen to all the birds this is magical mayflies on the water I keep watching them take off you taking plate I really do have to get back now I have missed this here comes the wind yeah I've missed this wow this is so good for the soul honestly this is like cleansing so peaceful it's like it's impossible to put into words impossible I had to pull my lure up here and go through these Narrows it's pretty shallow actually this lake anywhere near the shore there are drop-off all is fine Vee kind of come on guys fellow brethren I can hear their wings I can hear their wings from here it's so cool nothing like camp camp life here well I do recall someone getting the firewood to begin with that was so 20 minutes ago I was just gonna I was actually gonna cook my own but if you want me to cook yours I can alright this is going to be the best meal I think we've ever made Funyuns garlic might like spicy lentils brown rice mix you know after doing this for what seven years or something we're finally learning what to do I just stopped camping with you for a while and surfing with people who knew it they're always that help yeah and then now I understand what to do twelve fish tonight the number keeps going up or how am I talking in I told you that I'm serious right now and literally just came back I was like twelve we have so this is second ZZZ we're really getting better at cooking early too hot but not too hot Oh what is that check these are being peas lentils oh you said that yes excellent source of protein and fiber make you poop oh wow that's pretty tasty no that's good I'd send spicy woman Oh ma'am well it's not that spicy but it's like a it's like a good it's good spice okay click it's a smoked paprika in the smoked salt it's pretty good this is the best meal I've had one of those [Applause] well it's pretty early Kyle what time do you think you got up at 5:30 5:30 and it's just after 6:00 now it's pretty light obviously a lot of daylight on this trip lots of hours for fishing exploring complaining BAM the world's worst lid doesn't that look good all those dried fruits in there a little bit of extra hot water left over even fancy fancy pants Joe we are into our second lake apparently this lake is not that productive let's probably troll through it get on to the next port Hodge which is over 500 meters so up and at them the winds right exactly at our backs this narrow a little infinite stream at some lunch not too shabby one just stop yeah it's strange keeps doing that a whole bud I think we might need a little touch more lard in that yeah definitely we do okay all right we got six pieces done a little bit more lard in there and do the rest got some lemon and salt to go on it too so it should be phenomenal enamel all right lovely lovely wow that's good that's pike look at why bones I bet yep that's pike dude it's still good I don't know what when you go out this is phenomenal Horry here we to get a pike oh I'm super stoked on that you bet I didn't bring breading on my 10th page that's not bushcraft woo this is my favorite area we've been up for the trip so far not really good fishing here cuz it's pretty shallow and weedy but just the scenery is mind-blowing crazy look against the sky okay so change of plan since last time we seen you there you saw us even we did the 850 there's the end you can see the blowing in the distance this is uh it's okay it seems like it's longer than 850 to me he does he there's definitely some ups and downs it's hot I mean it's not killing us I am sweaty boy crazy this whole bunch of nothing is right as far as you can see look at that it hasn't been touched Thanks that's that's where we're camping we're definitely 1 million nothing is going to stop us 1 million percent camping on this lake I am done it is hot tamale oak here 5 o'clock huh full shade so we're hoping that this this lake is gonna be pretty the campsites are well treat it looks like it will be from here the burn looks really cool it's just not it's not good to state because the Sun so at least this time of year back second pass on this big old pork mother this very well may be the longest port ours of the whole trip at over 800 meters by the time we walk there back to get our canoes in there again that's not 1800 if I said 1800 I met you hundred anyways this 2400 meters because this double carry we're at the campsite we are staying here obviously I've got the lovely lovely lovely wife spaghetti rehydrating right now Oh burn the crap out of my two fingers that's there's a SH next to my coal next to my fire my wood stove here and I didn't know what it was I thought was like I don't know why just try to pick it up and burn my fingers probably because my brain is mush from all day but it's good today felt like a real actually like a real canoe trip like this is a real canoe trip don't get me wrong but this foot today felt like an endurance trip like we used to do that we have done in the past didn't move half as far as you normally do but we did decent amount of portaging and I think the Sun really wore us both down I rolled the dice last night and I didn't put my tent fly on it is there's not a cloud in the sky all those even little puffy clouds are gone I think I'll do the same again today and yeah if anything comes up and it starts raining I'll just throw a little tarp on over top and hope for the best but I like to have the ventilation and I like to see the stars I was able to lay here look at the stars through my tent last night and that was really cool I'll keep my extra tarp nice and handy in case love just flew into my mouth on my second one end of the night feels like a bike oh and he spit it right at the boat okay controlling deep and I'm in the middle and I just got a hard hit good hit good fight and I got him just in the lip too so with any luck I'll be able to just unhook them pretty easily here you just cut me up something fierce Thanks there he goes look at the size of that guy probably the biggest Pike of the trip oh I hope it's not the same fish I hope it's not the same fish what are you ha ha someone had her back back back to back ok this is a fight too my boat my boat in the boat in the boat BAM sign on the board on the board with the Laker okay now it's cool everywhere got a Laker he's a size Laker small League okay a lot of things just happen okay there we go a nice Lake very pretty lighting color I'll be a midnight snack for Kyle and I will get back split it as if Kyle doesn't get one of his own I hope he does he's not had one or not caught one yet and woodland caribou is the first place I ever caught one so I have faith for sure and what if what a gorgeous night this place this this whole trip man this whole trip it's going so good it's like amazing weather great fish good buddy they were complaining that we're in this like burn who cares man look at this place there's like 40 man Oh 35 40 minutes left before the Sun hits the horizon then they're really nice colors will start to come out woodland caribou man I love this place I miss this is such a good good trip already day two only dates who hopefully will paddle out of the burn tomorrow it'd be nice to camping like a real forest but again like this has an amazing quality all its own the Sun is just relentless the shade would be nice [Applause] anyway we're gonna stay over here in paddle I gotta fix my hands up when I go back to camp I gotta use my first aid kit and bandage lumping stuff gonna get infected over here dealing with all these fish remember the last time my hands got all sorts of beat up so anyway yeah I will do that no first aid kit will come in handy I only brought our tiny little one but everything I need there's like a little bit of ointment some band-aids duct tape and a later sup I see you have made fire that made this a fire looks pretty upper you made the fish oh yeah oh yeah boy well thank you Joe very good like little chicken fish McNuggets in the middle boys so I really like it but I think I prefer the walleye coil electro is very good it's just that the meats it touches on the soft side whereas the walleyes perfect like really chicken nuggets but anyways this is very good very very good not complaint all right guys night - yeah night - done great day absolutely great day it chilled down it dropped the temperature dropped quite a bit so I've got a two car long-sleeved pants new socks fully in this sleeping bag now - you're not just using like a quilt it'd be nice to see if tomorrow brings that with it I wouldn't mind that at all so we'll catch her with you guys in the morning cheeky leader cheeky leader well the clouds came back with full force oh my goodness look at that that's where the wind was coming from there was no clouds that way at all look at the not too nice I got a little bit of waves a little bit of wind but we're not really going against him how's it going across it that's okay these little boats are great for that take your time you gotta troll I guess I will [Music] [Applause] Slendy yeah no bikes have whole time nothing well we've made it to our 100 meter for highs for the day not dreading this at all hello windy homie I would have been scared to Big Canoe in the middle there yeah I don't like it's Hannum canoe regardless for many reasons regardless [Applause] this looks very bare area or raised 1000 meter poor Tosh just planning on a hundred brawl you know like full of piss and vinegar hopes and dreams we'll need to have it crushed [Applause] typically in those I move my boat all the way out the wave in the way everything no appreciation [Applause] so we slept here last night claim across from here to here is very windy there's some Falls which I doing some fishing we're right here on this green triangle so we want to come down this way head west a bit and then come down this is supposed to be a really rocky cool area with high cliffs and stuff and now we need to decide do you want to go through that and try to camp on this bigger lake which we have to flip over and look at a different map or go down and look at this and then come this way the problem is there's one campsite here a portage and then apparently this is a problem I don't know what this means beaver I think there's a bad beaver dam right here and then we're on Mexican hat Mexican hat has a lot of good campsites I think it's the top of this huge huge Lake I'd be coolest in one of these camps days here if it's not burned yeah we can definitely go check that's do that it's simple then we look at our own ship so it's one complete picture let's go down we'll go into a key in or whatever GN o GN and then if it is but we don't have to go all the way to the sites if it is burned yeah we'll just go back and we're just X to the fjords and look down that way and if it looks terrible forget it and we'll go back and do Mexican hat well maybe you would might be able to camp at that site beforehand if it's not burnt as well there's a camp site before the port ours right correct all right yep I think we got a plan let's go through this we have a plan crisis averted well it's mercy here so maybe the fire didn't go away this way I don't know don't call me on this and I hope I'm right what it looks like this is the end of the burn and then right there starts to be the live trees again all across is all alive and everything that's a really really good sign all live all green man I'm trying to film Kyle all right well this is Pike number two for me and this oh there goes the rod out the back okay onto the fjords does it make sense I'm not doing the same thing as you I think you're just too angry I think the fish is he's yelling over there by himself he's yelling I think the fish can pick up on his anchor this is just between us right I'm very excited to see green trees how happy do these green trees make you definitely right there so nice to see all right Kyle it looks like there's a portage or an animal trail right there I was a hundred percent sure I was completely stuffed in the pocket right by a point right yeah and it's that I actually got a pike yeah well it's the first time for everything man oh look at all these so happy it's a good fish he's fish from zero to five minutes you know well we've made it to a campsite we're on a really big lake on a point there's a fire pit here and it's all hot and in the Sun wait till you see this this is like something out of a movie for us right now [Music] all right have fun look at this flat flat flat ground shade got chairs up just relaxing trying to cool down Kyle's gonna go drop one off oh man so happy to be here now and now I'm living the tree safely [Music] these shorts and water shoes you did a good job just so everyone knows that tree is dead before this trip I didn't even want to open my gear or my bag after I had packed it to put in things I had for God or dad things or whatever organize things because it was such a hassle to you know take it out and put it back in and on this trip I've probably dumped out my whole backpack 15 times easy just again how it is how it is every time I'm so glad to be camping like this again so glad to be back to canoe tripping real to canoe tripping I want to go on another trip when I get home I really do I want to try to make that happen [Applause] yeah it'll be a bacon well that was easy enough like one little click on the lighter yeah I smell let me look at Daisy I mean it's not as bad as it has been but we're not talking roses here I'm not talking yak you're right no I thought I was gonna go back out and fish tonight turns out my body says no it didn't really get the pinks and purples that I was hoping for tonight so it's okay I'm I'm fine sitting here for the the first night and actually relaxing I would fire as opposed to fishing this is awesome we have flat land there's grass here I've never been so excited to see flat land and grass my whole life this is the best campsite we've had for sure really the flat the flat ground is nice both previous nights have been very lopsided and very lumpy it's still sleeping well still soupy very well look there's that light again in the sky where do you say you think it's Jupiter I don't I don't know mercury it's gotta be a planet it's Uranus it could be Uranus it's a possibility you wouldn't be able to see it if it was mine alright folks that's it for tonight nice fire by the lake three-part some good times this is one of the most campy feels I heard so yeah good night yeah I'm not sure what tomorrow will bring but this guy will be here and this guy and tonight no fly we'll see how she goes I might be up not wake me up again it might be four in the morning soaking wet right now that was great this morning I just rolled over in bed went back to sleep and you ran around crazy all right good night love you good morning well slept really well those clips you saw her at like 4:00 in the morning the Sun coming up I had really weird dreams first time I dropped in probably years very strange dreams Conor McGregor Dana White Cody Cohen ol Miller canoeing and portaging very strange very very strict got a beauty day already today we've got a paddle back along that wrote back to our normal wrote and then we have a real big slog today getting over a beaver dam like a 200 meter beaver dam and sinking the mud and stuff should be fine oh there he goes running make sure you got your glove on for safety [Music] [Music] what row I just want the silly way for some no reason at all no reason at all and now I'm stuck on a gee Joe you good oh yeah and Rick let's just go back silly guy yep okay no reason for that dum dum dum dum dum I listed the poor Taj it's very grown in hey soon because the fire that ripped through here and now obviously this is all growing up in its place in the trees place little maples bunch of grass probably a whole bunch of ticks it's hot it's a sunny hot day for a change [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes I stepped on all the rocks all of the rocks does it bother you really you're not used to it yet what you know used to it well the good thing is I don't really care either way no I know you okay yeah thanks for the canoe Harlan I'm being gentle as gentle as I can be no I would be I'm still gentle when it's off I like there's my first sign of the lake we're headed to some nice cliffs and blue water it's clouding up play crazy right now cool the moss I'll get nailed by mosquitoes in here more so than the rest of the trip there we go I stop and have some lunch here I think yeah okay gonna head back for my canoe then it's lunch time before we get on to Mexican Hat I did have snacks in a pouch higher up but those snacks have been consuming some he's just going down we're gonna go to mustard packets today boys and girls Falken up yeah three raisins for dinner dessert desserts the word all right I got a little flat bread with some suspect meat just straights meat but well we're gonna eat it so it's more I'm gonna have to stop for a real lunch because I can't eat this again it's like the third day in a row I'll have some extra chili and oh I have that chicken stew that I wanted to eat for lunch that's what I'll do well we've reached the impassable Beaver Dam it doesn't look that bad I'm for saying this now at the beginning but it looks like man that when weather has changed it looks like we just got a line our canoes in here and walk along the side I'm like just pretty pretty easygoing actually pretty really easygoing yeah okay no that's what we'll do all the way yonder yonder I say man that's changed it's breezy it's not even hot at all Suns gone oh man okay just get into there maybe I can paddle through that ah that's a big hole that's a big hole okay on the beaver trail either beaver it's gonna we've come to the conclusion we believe it's going to storm some dirty old gnarly dark clouds rolling in and the sky is uh sorry the winds picking up big time so yeah we're a little stanky look at the boats look at the mud and the boats everything I own is covered in mud alright gotta go gotta make some time okay this is the yes this is the wait oh that's so nice it's so nice to see priceless absolutely priceless I haven't been overjoyed from something that suck it's so reminiscent of that took six hours though the burst cliff thing this only took half hour whoa and it's not a burn there's a beautiful lake beautifully so real talk I need this I've been feeling like I'm gonna slump lately a little bit depressed as the whole medical stuff that's been going on losing scope living up there and not being able to take advantage of it after after moving my whole family up there and expecting that to be the life now and then I just I just couldn't take it anymore I had to take a chance and get out here and I am so so so so very happy I did I need this in my life big time I need it I told you guys that before I need this just for me to stay sane to appreciate what I have like honestly like I love being out here I absolutely love being out here I was actually bummed out at first I thought this trip was gonna be super easy and just paddle around from Lake to Lake slammin a walleye it is that but it's also that this is the Hat that is a memory that is a life long memory I will never forget birch cliff Creek I'll never forget that trip with Kyle and this one it's starting to become that to the hardships that you go through matter the hardships are the best don't get me wrong I love slamming wall I'm taking Kyle's blood and fish I love it what that's needed a little bit of adversity is needed lessons life lessons thirty-five years old starting to learn some things you know stick with me I'm sorry if my videos have not been great lately I keep seeing comments saying that like I'm Joe moves north and then his videos suck or hits a million subscribers doesn't go camping anymore it's like runs his mouth doesn't know the full deal believe me I'd be camping this whole time I would have already been on multi and I have I keep tripping on three canoes three camping trips already right it's just summer now a couple days ago just got them anyways if you feel that way I do apologize it's not been my intent it's I'm doing what I can when I can and this is quite rejuvenating I have a procedure in Toronto next month and I don't know now whether or not I want to go do it we'll see see after this trip how I feel is the way I feel right now I want to go on another canoe trip when I get back I want to take tripper on his first real canoe trip right when I get back that's how I feel right now and that's what I keep saying to Kyle it's past three gate four days hope you guys understand hope you guys are still with me I really do appreciate all my subscribers from from way back when - now Isaac's IPE guys excitement on us here last name of always watching always commenting super appreciative Oh Batman there's a lot other people a lot of you guys make this possible all right camp say Kim say time good job big guy yeah we're at Kyle boom what was that ten minutes yeah if that meant I'm relaxed okay shoot some mud caked on it Kyle don't walk it in the water right now but I'm a little chilly so I'm gonna take mine off and wash them in the water by hand is mud cake oh wow do this alright it's an I think it's a caddisfly larvae or maybe a dragonfly alarm it's a big one but it's just the exoskeleton again whoo sighs that thing he's already come out no is he yeah he taller he's hollow empty inside just like me all right well she's slippery one I don't really care about my pants too much they'll dry but I do want to wash my socks and my boots oh yeah that's a little muddy that's a little brown brown brown brown oh so that's a little well before and after shot there for you folks at home there's the temperature perfect yeah it's not hot bug situation is zero except for two million ants on there if you look at the the ground it's moving with hands it's like it's trippy nice gentle breeze we have three walleye sitting we have three walleye we have flat ground flat we there's a bunch of spots for tents I mean there's honestly man this is going this trip is like I'm so glad we had to do that that muck slog like that just was a blast it was a blast it was fun it like solidified that this is a real canoe trip yeah like like we're in the middle of nowhere we got flown in and we're still both like Newport eyes yeah how hard could it be right this is awesome honestly I feel like yeah I couldn't ask for anything else okay we do this up a little bit I give you a clothesline Joe thank you on their oppressive yeah alright no open butterfly no Joe and Joe let's try and make this a little bit more safe you have it up here instead of on the ground and just notice that it doesn't really have barrier on this side we've decided and discovered that we prefer that the fish a little crispy yeah I think a little bit of brown borderline black on some of the edges little Brown goes a long way well oh it's so good so good got my hands are a little battery oh man so there's falls on this lake waterfall it's just down sorry it's just down the lake so I think after I'm done eating I'm gonna clean up I'm gonna go down there what do you say let's do it all right there's obviously walleye in here and there would be a good chance of catching them at the bottom of falls maybe maybe I'll drag we'll see well yeah I'm gonna eat this stuff up first for sure Oh Kyle has caught the biggest walleye of the trip today lucky that's actually Red Devil yeah I said we're icing hey huh little red devil spoon that big it's not with a big honker yep my rippling red fin let me down today only one little walleye guy it's almost 6:00 I don't think it matters if we come out a little bit early for for fishing tonight because there's no Sun Royal Oak fog cover anyway we'll see I guess I just caught a little walleye on my Deep Diver again right after I left the campsite that's pretty cool a second one that guy just a little little walleye Carlton trolling across to another Island or points right now see and then I'm gonna zigzag back my way across the lake to these Falls we don't know if the Falls are on our side or the other side of the portage but it's only 3:25 and there's no gear so I'm doing it regardless Kyle said he doesn't want to but he's in his boat somewhere he's in his boat behind me near the camp I'm sure he'll come over if I do got my rain stuff with me just in case it starts to sprinkle again it's only been sprinkling and then the bag that the rain stuff is in I can use to cover my camera got another fish who knows what it'll be every single time I think I know what it'll be it'll be it's a different fish I keep saying walleye and pike and then Pike in the law boy we shall see what are you mr. fish this third fish in like ten minutes it's gotta be a well it's got to be a pike honey just pull hard and of course it's a walleye because I say it's a pike every Dern time that's the biggest of all I have caught this trip hold okay bud [Music] Andy's gone big ol walleye yeah yeah but I didn't land them and it's raining yeah it's the third fish since we left camp on the Deep Diver yes well deep dive it's raining [Applause] pretty shell and here they know that there'll be any good fishing on this side of one but I'm gonna go do the 325 meter poritosh just with my fishing pole my my lucky lure here come I don't want a lot more Hey [Applause] regardless if I don't get any fish I'm sure it will still be pretty and I can show you guys oh yeah its beauty it's already worth it sorry [Applause] [Applause] this is so pretty [Applause] so this obviously all burned as well pretty recently it looks like Mexican hat all right I've come up to the other side here I'll rock Karen oh wow this is pretty this is pretty clear this all burned on that side you can tell yeah all stirred over there I don't know the fifties at all either way no big deal I'm glad it came out it's like a long fall instead of a big waterfall so it's all real shallow in there no big deal very very pretty glad I came up Oh little sweaty Kyle went back he said he was tired so he didn't want to do the poor Tosh which is fine I'm happy to do it anyway I'm gonna head back now and control a long way the way back to the camp I'm tired myself and very warm does I have two pairs of pants on and two shirts okay go back smells so nice we're change I can really smell my stitch can you guys hear that what do you think that is Carl we've not heard we've not heard anything like that the whole trip alright folks in bed started writing again or just just just done for the day day four was a great day probably my favorite day into him with things now day five on the map seems like we don't have to do much so we might push it to the next lake we'll see what happens when we get there I'll see you guys in the morning [Music] oh there's some good news we can see clouds it's about 5:30 in the morning a little bit better visibility sunrise a bit I don't know I don't really smell too much smoke I can see a bit of blue and sky I really don't know - beauty morning there's some mist on the water and everything and we're getting up earlier and earlier every morning you know it's hard to stay in bed with this birds chirping this this nice and the Sun coming up and anticipation for the day nope oh yeah so this is East obviously the Sun is rising and town a Red Lake is to the east of us so we're hoping that it looks just as good as it does here there to the west pretty smoky still but yeah we'll see we're gonna we're supposed to call Harlan on the satphone at 10:00 he's just about seven o'clock now yeah just a little paddle Posey breakfast I was up earlier than him let's go see if I can grab a little walleye or two potentially the last paddle oh we got fishy nice walleye real nice walleye pretty gonna be good this place is unreal guys like honestly almost you can almost guarantee food you can almost guarantee fishing fish beautiful fish thanks bud hope I got that little paddling for about an hour now just so calm listening to the sounds of nature out here this is the world listening to the sounds of my world over here that would some time to reflect on the trip I'm feeling very lucky to have had very good health this trip the exception of one day which it's better than I could have thought better than I could have imagined very blessed to live in Canada and have this at my doorstep I drove 16 hours to give your mind you but I do have things that I can do like this around home getting a bit shallow in here time to pull up the old Deep Diver I'm happy to have a buddy like Kyle who'll come out here and do this with me sure we get annoyed at each other a lot that's part of it we know that but yeah how do you have friends who are into this stuff that I can convince to come out with me boom right the both the legend of one fish Joe is no more yep there we go big guy just barely had them feisty they smell like 10 like stink like 10 there it goes nice so again deep driver now that's why I was pulling up you saw that eyes got them right at the boat very cool anyways just just feeling grateful you know feeling blessed feeling happy feeling lucky I would highly recommend this place woodland caribou Provincial Park if you like fishing if you like canoeing if you like getting away from it all we saw literally we saw three sets of people in eight days the first set was when we got dropped off they were getting picked up by the same plane that was scheduled my second set was a few days into it we saw two guys from Minnesota or Wisconsin one of the two and then yesterday we saw three guys from historic Minnesota or Wisconsin respectively that's pretty good for eight days you know what I mean everybody kind of keeps themselves everybody's pretty respectful out here nobody's infringing on anyone else's space or experience this is the second time I've been to this park and it won't be the last I do have you said earlier in the video have wishes of bringing my wife my kid kids when she's old enough my brother - here - this place showing them my brother's never been owned anywhere we tried to do it last year just didn't work out it's gonna be awesome we wouldn't even have to do a big old trip you get dropped off in Haven here paddle over to adventure get some lake trout a couple short portage is over to a couple different lakes you know what I mean it doesn't have to be anything crazy you can do whatever that's another beauty thing about this you can cater you you customize your trip however you want Harlan that red light coat fitters has a bunch of packages a bunch of different routes you can choose from we chose the walleye walleye primer because we wanted to catch a lot of fish and boy boy did that work out excuse me one second here couple firsts Kyle I think just caught one walleye before so he slammed a bunch got his first Laker I got my first Laker here - two years ago with Shawn since then I've caught a few four on this trip and we did so he took the three guys we saw yesterday told us they were going over to adventure and they I got 16 lake trout the one day and they got 12 the next day or something along those lines between the three of them Kyle and I only stayed out there for like hour and a half two hours max we got five between the two of us pretty good odds Kyle's a married man no so he's anxious to get home as my 16 hours to drive broken up over two days anyway thanks for coming along guys appreciate everyone sticking with me there's lots more to come I plan on doing this until I can't do it anymore making videos being part of outdoor bushcraft camping community it's getting pretty smoky I'm just gonna finish up pally and head back to the camp and sit down for that I'll keep you guys with me - all I in a Pike already this short little leisurely paddle around one fish show no mo anybody just enjoy in the morning educational morning with Kyle circle of life and they'd sing that song all RS in there when the power up noon already better stuff hurt other words the any songs everybody gets of course I got a few all on the plate I lost one plate of course I've been trolling at about the speed here so I hear that I did a little like three-minute recap on what lures works is nice I was thinking about doing that when he came back yeah yeah I just like here's what I bring here's what I did is there's my giant yeah we brought up ways all these Dern jigs we're gonna have to eat the mister twisters if they don't show up they'll be good mr. twister steel mm-hmm I got a bunch of leeches back there too we could throw in a little salty flavor maybe bonus lemon I got a lemon popular boy hold on buildin plastic with leech and lemon are you doing Joe what you mean what do you mean who's this no worries we heard a bush plane I think you're starting to hear things okay okay what's the you know anything yet or no okay say it again okay thanks yeah no I understand oh we're okay we're running low on food but we're just kind of posted up on Haven so we can get fish when we need to say it again still going on eh all right so no news at all right the the sky is blue on one side of us to the north and blue it's smoking the south yeah to the north it's all blue to the north it's all blue sky and smoky to the south yeah slight breeze no there's been no wind for the past two days really yeah okay when do you want me to when do you want me to call you when do you want me to call you back okay yeah yeah yeah all right booty why no good their significant delay well couple plane planes that just left some flowers well we're not high on the priority list right now there are some people who have have to go for other reasons medical reasons and they've been in for longer and all that stuff so what we're gonna do is go down to the pick up point which is in the north end of this Lake we brought all our stuff so we're gonna set up there and we don't know if we're leaving today or tomorrow and still big deal either way we're gonna go down to the access point near the access point a plane can pick up point and we will set up camp there and just wait what was supposed to call on the South Pole later on today to find out and if not that will be over here tomorrow so no big deal to be honest with you like one day delay in a wilderness park like this it's not a big deal like it could be a week it could be gonna be a bunch more so we do have still food enough for today and I think I will still supplement with fish but yeah everything's been going good you had fish for lunch so I was able to save my chili save my beef with rice as well just gonna and it'll be a change of scenery we just went swimming at our old site packed up everything laughs and it's time to kind of move on we've been there for a couple days and it's getting monotonous so yeah I'm happy to move excited for the change and yeah keep you guys with us check things out watch out for that huge draw check things out when we get there okay another update we're not getting out here today and possibly not tomorrow the planes that they sent out earlier had to go back do the smoke they couldn't see and then the one took three hours to do an hour long thing our long trip whatever and we're yeah so we don't know everything's up in the air Outfitters doing what he can Harlan do what he can but everybody's calling them and everybody's in the same kind of boat there's no all the contingency plans and everything have been exhausted there's no no getting out of here everybody's backed up so hopefully they can fly tomorrow and even if they can we are low on the list we might not be getting out of here because other people have real real issues they have to get out so it's okay we're just gonna camp for a couple more days you know I mean it's we're here we got I have one more supper after this we have fish to catch we have water we have shelter we have each other so we're just trying to keep a positive attitude about it nothing's bad but people at all people have gone through much more than this this is just extra camping so anyways I only have one battery a one-bar red bar on my last battery on my camera so I have to end this now I'll keep you guys with us whenever something happens but other than that we're here on this island in the middle of woodland caribou Park yep slope yes Boop tell me more about mutton dad sheep cant bread like most Californian camp bread is baked in dutch ovens some of it in the form of yeast powder biscuit on unwholesome sticky compound leading it straight to the spiria that's my favorite Oh folks stay in the books I've got a pretty flat level ground tonight which is awesome the hasn't happened but most nights yeah high spirit what high spirits tonight and I'm really happy about it I'll get with you guys in the morning sweet dreams oh that's a good sign so clean up in the air right above our lake so maybe in a an hour or so I'll give the you don't run into us oh he does maybe I'll give the outfitter a show in an hour or so well it's uh getting a mite bit sketchy here hoping that plane comes very soon Dern oh man it's dark okay well that was the worst timing possible we got the call that the plane was coming we got everything ready we saw the plane the plane was like right there coming in hot and then this storm kicks up and the plane leaves we are soaked you can hear the thunder everything everything we have is put away we have no shelter and the plane left the plane is gone because you couldn't fly in the storm so now what this is day nine morning of day nine hello how are you doing that was such a tease it was the such a tease here we could see it he was coming in and then he had to back off and go I understand it was dangerous I get it it's just the timing was horrible the storm is kicked up out of nowhere we haven't had rain and the whole time we've been here the whole time crazy well here comes the rain again yay here comes the rain again how do you feel about what just happened I don't I don't know how to express this feeling sick plane coming in 500 feet it's gonna land in about three minutes and then he's covered he's scrubbing off altitude he's gonna slow down he's gonna slow down and then yeah more more more and the lightening intensifies and the rain comes down and we're here once again by ourselves wait but we do have all of our stuff packed up or stuff packed up that's good and now we're all wet - soaked to the bone yeah yeah that was intense like you're saying that was something out of like you'd see over like a movie yeah I wish I had to go pro my head I mean like that was like a movie yeah yep unbelievable oh you don't yep so the craziest part about all that was five minutes earlier and there was nothing no black clouds nothing and now it's like 10 minutes after and for the most part it's cleared up behind us but Red Lake is that away and you can still see obviously it's now looking to clear over that way oh man it was just the perfect timing the perfect storm timing what an adventure this completes the story for sure well now it's nice over there and it's dark is night over there I'll rigged up this time Thank You Kyle we're laying under here put some pine cones oh we got yeah I got lots of thanks buddy they're really comfortable it's like a back massager yeah like who needs yeah this is a raining and sunny and we're just waiting I'm roasting a live actually right now under the Sun under I'm hot I'm very hot but it's boring right now yeah you're all right it's been two hours two hours late ow Joe and I are laying under the tarp on a nice very comfortable bed of dirt we're we're kind of done with the wild right now we're ready for some real food our stomachs are both like grumbling because all we've had is beef jerky and Snickers bars for the past six hours because that's all we have the I don't get this full Sun in this pouring rain we are dirt merchants we are dirt merchants right now I'm a pinecone merchant you might have dirt but I got pine cone let's get up there so us Joe how much I got three specks of dirt now our little window of clear sky seemed to have cleared up a bit our little window of clear sky seems to not be here anymore another cell coming in real deal stuff here not much fun jumpin Joe no we've basically been sitting on our butts since 8 o'clock this morning that's 240 yeah there's lots of thunder and lightning and not much else some rain no plane they're playing helicopter or boat or any other UFO I don't care this way send down the foo [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you [Applause] wasn't that fun it ain't it ain't over no look at it she dark she big dark hey thanks thanks for rigging this tarp up man ain't no problem really glad I hold this round yeah it's starting to pick up a touch [Applause] look there's hail now this is in turn [Applause] it's hailing look at it [Applause] oh my goodness this is nuts it's hailing [Applause] well that's here now we literally just got absolutely drenched we had to Kyle tarp up much lower now oh man look at that look at that Wow better no man that was I've never done it with a wall of black look at that little black cloud there in the white oh this place is wild big weather big weather and then blue sky over there back at it again so what brings on forest fires in the park is lightning we haven't seen any of that today no not like for the past two and a half hours or anything so that would really be a bummer if now got delayed by fire ready to get picked up a boat to get picked up playing in sight then the storm comes then the storm is done and in a fire starts again and that my friends know might happen [Applause] well it's 5:30 now we're not getting out of here there's no way so we'll post up for another night I really hope that another forest fire doesn't pop up because that will delay us all the more can't get out to fish because it's storming here's something is it just a jet second time we tricked okay anyway like I was saying we're not here Oh lightning perfect no that's what we were missing so we've got our little Kyle's got his tarp rigged up we got some wood I split down earlier some dry wood on the inside so we don't have to use twigs for my twig stove Kyle is all out of fuel for his alcohol stove obviously because we're two days behind now farther than we thought we'd be so okay I'm gonna cook up some food all right we're gonna do up the open-air pepper beef with rice and hope it doesn't mess my guts up too bad gotta fill up to the eighth fill line alright she's done that's what you got pepper rice with beef so peppery so very peppery but it's food that must be it will fill up little joke for sure aren't you working with cub got spice mentals with brown rice some leftover Korean beef BBQ jerky I'm gonna throw in there nice yeah actually sounds like free do some meal as a random throwing together thing right it's actually calmed down quite a bit here you know imagine that on the water no way but then but then we wouldn't be here anyway we want to be here enjoying our lovely you know rehydrated dinners that might be our last supper ever oh we're making the best out of it I'm glad to be your like buddy Coyle you know what I mean it's a it's good times regardless so we'll definitely look back on this with fond memory as I'm sure I won't stuff my face now we might even get dumb enough to try to do this again it's gonna be a long time like our memories are gonna have to fade a little bit but we might let's go camping I'm a backpacker well this isn't half bad peppered beef with rice 90% of its rehydrated there's just still some crunchy stuff but my tummy doesn't care it's very hungry yeah link looks we're like two stages away from being glass what we call the out there am i 5:30 because the last plane couldn't run till could only run till 7:00 tonight I guess the only goal for 12 hours you started at 7:00 go to 7:00 so says if you haven't heard of plane at 5:30 call me 5:30 it was like black still we were like not going just get my show we're not getting out of here right nope we just sent a plane note and it came back so anyways that's when we decided to cook dinner just set up again they did say there's intermittent thunderstorms tonight and tomorrow all day but to be ready for like 7:00 in the morning because if they can get an hour break it's using an hour window believe it about 6:00 a.m. so we're gonna leave Carlos tarp up the life-saving tarp and uh yeah just pack up real early the morning and hope for the best there's no breakfast there's uh maybe we get open fish tonight and keep a couple of fish for the morning or something but who knows yeah anyways this pepper beef rice is it's filling and it's going down good it's full of sodium so I'm drinking lots of water and open for the best you go back with you guys tonight sometime we'll probably have some epic sunset tonight yeah I'd be a great sunset glass Lake loon in the background all that kind of stuff would be still here with little food how was that storm was that the most epic storm you've ever seen that was not fun my favorite part was in the entire tarp thought I thought I was gonna lift off rip down all the trees and the hill was just gonna smack us together yeah that was nice that was intense Hale was bouncing off the ground the criminals yeah there you go yeah yeah they would hit the ground the soft ground and still bounce like five inches up how was that oh man just whiteout there's like a whiteout well then we could smell smoke to hope fitter Harlan says far away no big deal it's just winds bringing in but the smoke will be a big deal if we delayed again okay we'll still keep you with our story don't worry you might have spoken too soon about the nice night thunder and lightning and this is it raining yeah it's raining just a little bit what's that noise or pine cones and pine cones well that was one of the if not the most intense storms I have ever sat through under a tarp not saying it's over party yeah I keep slowing down it keeps stopping like every hour for a good ten minutes but like the amount of rain that just came down there's no way there's gonna be a forest fire so that's a good thing that's a bonus oh man there's a lot of water a lot of water all right guys a bit of an early night tonight it's almost 9:30 chatter that tarp all day long poured rain it actually stopped raining now the birds are singing so I'm hoping that that stays like this I hope this guy stayed blue and the plane has no problem getting us in the morning we have no food left and I have a 16 hour drive home and Kyle has an international fight that he has to rebook and wait for because obviously you missed it we're told to be ready for what 6:00 or 7:00 in the morning and that's what we're gonna do so hope pray that there's blue skies the plane can land pick us up no problem fly us back to Red Lake at least in that like hour-and-a-half window and then I don't care what happens it can porec and storm everything's fine we gonna start driving it's time to go we've been here tomorrow's day ten long trip good trip but very eventful unexpected things and we're done so it's time to go I'll get with you guys in the morning hopefully from the plane good night good morning folks Tate n here we woke up pretty early did not have a good night's sleep it's 96 in the morning yet got a pretty dark sky going on right now not what we wanted to see but I have faith that these guys will get up early and get us out of here before any kind of system rolls in packing down the tent right now I've already got almost sleeping bag and everything all packed away we're gonna leave Kyle's tarp up just in case but I need to be ready to go if they come so that's what we're doing no food time to go wish us luck I'll keep you with us these pants have seen better days you got these brand-new right before the trip it used to be like something like this color everything's packed up now we're just sitting here waiting for hopefully the plane to come it's a little bit clearer cleared up here got everything packed up now it's cleared up here but I guess it's a little visibility and Red Lake so they're just waiting to take off probably gonna have to save it for a few more hours what we go find a log and carve a ball and we're gonna call it Wilson okay sounds good I'll put my real hair on it yes it is just the the unknown that sucks you know what I mean it's like when we saw that plane come in and then half the lead yesterday it's completely understandable the skies opened up on us but anyway yeah just the unknown sitting here waiting both very hungry plane she'll be coming in a few hours I really hope so until then this is what we do we sit here with our bag and tie little twigs on the ground - it keeps us musing this our canoe ready still have the tarp set up because no because of yesterday just waiting just waiting it's quite apparent that weather dictates this park everything revolves around it and I hear thunder in the distance I'd like to see an airplane it's Thunder big weather here so if you are planning on coming here just be prepared bring a bit extra food like we did we had two days extra there's a third day extra now we're out and we could go fishing but we just have no energy or desire so just sit here until the plane comes but that's the thing yeah so plan plan plan plan plan have extra of everything give yourself extra time on on the on the lee side if you're getting flown out because if you have to go to work the next day or something like that you might not make it it's just how it is or you could paddle out if you plan to fly in you could paddle out and then then you can really be in control of your own destiny really if that's your plan you already know you're gonna do it you're not food for your gonna stop at the spot where you need to start paddling out yeah all this stuff so just order to the wise this is an awesome place and awesome park big weather big fish lots of fish remote wilderness but it is a true wilderness class Park there's no bones about it this is the realest deal probably that I've been on what he got helicopters off of the mountain so maybe not for him but it's uh it's true out here well that doesn't look promising moving right in got Sun here that's all coming in alright folks it's not looking good it's past noon now no fights so I'm gonna go back to the other side of this campsite and try to fish try to get a walleye for us for supper seems like some weather is coming in again and I don't want to be out on the boat when it's storming I really don't want to be out in the boat at all I don't have any energy to paddle around but if I can't catch a walleye from back here then I'll get in the boat and I know where I can go get one so let's go try a look at some survival fishing real stuff now boys and girls absolutely no food left Collin I I had like like a quarter not even a quarter of a thing I open the left solid I split it for lunch and a half of Snickers that's it all gone so here is the back of the campsite I'll try to get fish off here success I got a pike I don't even care eating Pike cleaned up the pike but uh we knew that it wasn't me enough meat especially for the full day I did end up getting out on the boat and grabbing two of these all right eat this sighs walleye so now we have food for today which is not too shabby good job Joe Thanks thank you sir so we've been sitting here splitting up wood will be bored I miss splitting up a little bit of kindling here for the bush buddy will we're bored today some twigs there and then a nice big pot of meat so we're gonna sit here and feast on this Pike and walleye he's got a little bit of water in the frying pan raw little art obviously so bush-league rockin frying pan wants to stay the water just so it doesn't stick and burn [Music] I did I think that's us are you our float plane are you all right out of here yeah looks like you can see the orange right no I mean I'm you can see us right come on big guy come on in for a landing but yeah he's going there it is salvation Kyle alright guys that's it salvation plane has come ten days and wilds with this man yeah I had a fun for the first half the second three days not so much but whatever we all remember this we made some really good memories in encounter no doubt for the rest of our lives for sure thanks for watching yeah until next plane [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 768,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Ontario, Canada, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, camping, winter, wintercamping, offgrid, adventure, off, grid, outdoors, wander, hiking, outside, steak, dog, tripper, scout, dutchshepherd, joerobinet, wilderness, forest, woods, fort, wild, wildcamping, tent, hammock, bivy, tarp, shelter, build, building, builder, cooking, cook, grill, bbq, food, skills, outdoor
Id: EyZZlht0S1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 59sec (8279 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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