Oilskin Tarp, Wool Blanket Overnight Bushcraft Camp-Caveman Steak- Bough Bed-Long Fire PACK GIVEAWAY

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hey how you guys doing joe oh joey here mode tripper we're at a new spot someone gave us permission to use they have like 200 acres near my place so i thought we'd come out for a fall night camp and cook up a steak through the whole bushcraft scene i got an oil skin tarp which i've never used before so we've got to set that up which might be a learning curve for me because it's so super heavy or heavier than uh than still nylon at least what else i have an axe my backpack from the hidden woodsman this is gonna be a fun night trippers here he's got his backpack on too we're just walking around the woods in search of a suitable spot to set up this tarp come here i have no sleeping pad which means we have to get up off the ground somehow uh probably spruce boughs we'll make a bow bed and also i have a wool blanket to keep me warm tonight so we'll be making a fire sleeping by the fire type thing yeah this is the spot here's the clearing beauty colors right nice opening too we're going to camp right around here i think it's somewhere in this general area we've got open sky there's no dead fall around and relatively flat ground we'll just have to find a specific spot here for light and for flat ground for distancing between trees i like this birch here and this red oak here okay so that means i got a good almost 10 feet of space here but i need to clear out a little bit and prepare to have a camp here tripper's laying over by my backpack because i have his ball with me i'm sure once i start throwing sticks he'll be coming over though and there he is hey come here let me take your backpack off goodbye come here good boy let's take that off back back good boy and he's off you got that dude this little rotted birch has got to go but it's going to be rotted inside no [Applause] okay leave it here there you go man i hope that was on camera oh it wasn't perfect that's the piece of birch that i threw there is this deadfall that potentially could come down so let's loose cannon this bad boy it almost looks candid to me on the dome watch out man hey go over there this way this way stop stop here ready [Applause] okay i'm gonna worry about that careful my camera dude no don't dig duck because i'm gonna be laying there you're gonna make it all sorts of uneven let's go take it take it go [Music] what's up tripper you're my good boy i'll go through what i have quickly uh later on right now i'm kind of wanting to get this stuff up because it's almost supper time came out here late today autumn had uh her surgery today on her eye they put the they put the tube in and it went well so that's good for her tear duct that's the second surgery she's had on it okay so here is the tarp and this is from bushcraft spain if i'm not mistaken i'll get it right in a second if that's wrong hey bud i'm a happy boy that's what you want do whatever they are you're gonna have to find it it's over there go get it crazy dog okay so let's check this bad boy out yes bushcraft spain i'm gonna close up all this logo [Applause] so these guys doug here these guys reached out to me on instagram and if i wanted any of their uh products they said they wanted to send me a tarp so i said okay sounds good so thanks guys and if you want to check them out bushcraft spain at bushcraft spain so it looks to be 10 by 10. i could be wrong and let's try okay i gotta get his ball let's try to set this up in the adirondack win win configuration he's looking up in the tree like it's not in the tree you gotta watch where i throw it then if you don't yeah it's not up there man those are leaves they kind of look similar same color at least come on over here hey trevor this way search your ball where's your ball search search tripper where's your ball yes good boy good dog pay attention next time homie so what's the benefit here using this oil skin well certainly near the fire it's better there's not going to be any sparks or anything in it and well honestly i never have a problem with my nylon ones even if they do get sparks it's not the end of the world it is nice to have a kit like this the wool blanket you know the heavy kit the big axe i like that type of stuff for the fall in the winter so it's cool it's a very like a nostalgic vintagey type feel and useful as well so we'll get this cheap uh 330 cord on i don't think it's 550. who needs 550 pounds of braking strength all the time all right i am right imagine that oh this is really foamy it's real real foamy so we're going to put this on a diagonal as is standard for the adirondack wind shelter so it's not actually that heavy it's a very uh thin as far as uh cotton or wax canvas would go i thought it would be much thicker but i'm happy it's not saves on the weight and it's plenty durable seems at least plenty durable i like the color of it it's green so here's the corner one two and go right here on both sides put a toggle in there yep all right we'll get some toggles made start uh staking this thing out i'm gonna make some heavy duty toggles so i'm gonna use my axe and my saw good boy good being a good boy [Applause] uh get back make a little notch maybe let me help now i think that's a cow if you guys can hear that i think that's a cow mooing all right let's get this fixed up that's up there tight now it's very tight i can tie a stopper knot there but we might have to adjust it later on so but then i can slide this whole thing this way or that way if i want i guess not this way because my my knots here but i can slide it the other way if i want to but she's pretty solid where she is i might tuck it right up against this one and let's see how tight i can get it now okay so that's that we're now going to uh toggle or sorry peg out the sides there so here's the very tip of the back here we're going to count up two two tabs this tarp has a lot of tabs everywhere which is super handy and we'll just move that up we won't even need to use the notch i made because it's got this hump on it which is fine so pull it back as tight as you want maybe leave a little bit of a little bit of slack to play with there's a second one oh look i can use my notch this time yay and the notch works fine we'll leave a little bit of slack again and we'll pound these in with my axe once we know that uh this is where we want it to be okay looking good to me go on back off back off tripper okay i'm pretty pleased with the way that this came all together it's got a nice amount of room in it but if i pull it back from the tile back here i'm gonna get much more room beauty about this thing too i only really used one ridge line to put it up i staked it all to the ground perfect perfect height for that i'm only going to use the other piece of ridgeline to tie it back so a small amount of cordage on this and and i could definitely use much less than this this is just the leftovers so i'm going to leave it long all right working up a sweat too which is nice it was brisk baby johnny johnny anyone all right so you can really see what i mean here where i'm losing space so let's pull that bad boy up so you just take a little bite loop it through through this middle tab and these all these tabs are super reinforced which is pretty nice probably necessary because of all the weight it's gonna hold up this piece of rope is a little too long okay so that's on there now voila look at the space you get pretty slick so then if bad weather comes let's throw this down either put it down here put it down here even way up here if i wanted but for now i feel all right with it being just right there slick okay we're gonna build a big fire in front let's get the uh the bed roll out look all right so i've got my uh gore-tex bivvy here my italian wool blanket and i will need to make myself a uh a mattress like i said a bed a valve bed so it looks like it dips down here maybe i'll put my head on this side build it up a little bit but i can get way back in here the bed doesn't have to be that much wider than my bed roll here maybe that wide perfect and then the dog can sit behind perfect yep slick okay one arm load down need a couple more of those probably okay that's two um i could probably use another one to be honest with you i'm super hungry there's no shortage of firewood at all right right here so i'm gonna get a fire going and uh cook up my steak and stuff and deal with the rest of this later i maybe i'll i'll make i gotta get this out of the way to fire that's the point so maybe the bed's getting made real quick i would enjoy a somewhat comfortable sleep so um i'm just gonna roughly throw these in right now and i'll mess around with it later i'm just any of the big big stalks i'm just putting on the outside where i'm not gonna where my body's not gonna be at so i don't have to lay on any uh any thick sticks and this is all just creating a oh this is also creating a like a groundwork for the actual mattress the actual bow bed that can be woven better after that actually might be enough i might just go end up getting uh like a topper topper ones because look at how much loft i have i do have to get more but look at that oh yeah oh it's even with a little bit of incline for the head i'm actually going to leave these just like this and get more and place them in other spots because i like that incline a lot but good for laying out here watching the fire at night okay fire time i had to collect some rocks i grabbed one already when i was getting my wood super impressed with this forest it's got all the resources so i want the fire a good step away so we'll start it here that's a good marker again i can go get more rocks after and stuff i'm just trying to get everything started get it rocking then the one comes in knocking you know good boy okay folks i got my firewood prepped out there and lots lots more to to cut up i've got a little platform of thicker logs or thicker branches rather i'm just going to try and throw a spark right into this nice sometimes turning it upside down helps quite a lot if you don't put it out one minute buddy [Applause] there we go and i'll just add this is all cedar we're using cedar to start it with and then we'll get the hardwood on there after but the cedar is a nice light very dry wood where i got it from the bottom branches these big cedars oh i know you're gonna be okay though i promise you get some good flames going nope leave my wood alone so so uh oh i don't even need the axe for this [Applause] back up crazy that's a solid solid piece of maple we've got a few more of those i've already got a bunch we're good we're doing just fine having this uh this log this tree down here is super handy use it for sitting on cutting wood on talking about jumping over you know i'm trying to stretch this fire out a little bit i'm not going to do like an extremely long fire you know what i mean but maybe half the length of my body maybe another couple rocks we'll get maybe three feet or so easy axe pretty clean pretty clean no i'm gonna take it away from you man no joke this stuff is extremely dense like [Music] that's hard feels like iron compared to the other hood it's dense very dense heavy too that'll be very good wood i do want to cook on maple [Music] no just let me do it just let me do this and you can get your own go get your own there's lots here here there you go i'm never throwing a stick for my dog again not what are you doing okay you gotta stop man it's so loud people aren't gonna be able to handle that okay we're making a tripod wrap some fraps going around the sticks then going around the rope with itself just tighten it up i'm going to tie it off just an overhand then i'll use the rest of this rope to um uh to tie up the pot hanger potentially okay you're gonna be okay oh this is loose let's retie that if i need to but i think it's gonna be quite all right for what i need okay stretching it out a little bit more so it doesn't uh catch on fire it is dry wood i try to use off the ground like i showed you but i guess this one is pretty um dry too that's okay that's perfectly fine okay i gotta i bought myself something which i should have had for a long time a leatherman super useful this one is the side kick so yeah i'm gonna use this right now don't tell him and i've got a can of beans to go with my steak so i didn't even check out before i bought it but i did check out before i left my house it does have a can opener on it let's just find it other side other side of the side kick what are you doing buddy no don't start that jumping at the flames all right there we go hey don't no all right first time trying to use it nice it works how handy is that i've only ever used a swiss army knife one but this is working just fine leatherman is a good brand for sure it takes a minute but that's all right super handy thing to have anyways right and you don't have to do the whole thing you can just pry probably do half of it maybe this is probably even good here and we'll just pry the lid back i think we can do that at least oh this is sketchy yeah let's not do that see that going wrong right quick okay trippers digging holes and throwing dirt onto my tarp all right okay we did it yay only a couple metal fragments in there we'll just walk it off later on don't worry tripper will get some of my steak but he has an abundance of dog food here as well he brought in his backpack and you can get the ground beans the ground beans oh thank you uh um uh two ways of making the notch the bird's beak notch and we're pretty much done two different heights i can hang it now i can make a third if i wanted or a fourth it's not necessary though because we can adjust the rope just tied a little loose knot on there and i'm wrapping it around the tripod to lose height because it was too uh low so let's try it now okay cool it's a good height off i can even uh probably raise it up a little bit by moving the tripod yeah perfect i don't want to cook them fast at all it's a narrow pot so i want to cook them slow and stir them a lot i also got to get my steak on still stories i got a plate i got chippers quilt i got food do i have food is this food i'm so hungry i'm so hungry it's 6 53 i do have food look at that it has the steaks and i also have i also please tell me i have the steak spice i have the steak spice bonus this is a new york not my favorite but it's going to be super good well thanks to bushcraft spain for sending the uh the old um oil skin canvas tarp very nice of you mmm smells bloody bloody all right oh it stings i got a sock cut on the tip of my thumb me and this cow are blood brothers now uh it's the end of the cake spices quite peppery quite peppery get in there okay happy with that you know what i haven't done this in some time but i think i'm going to just put the steak right on the coals it's a it's a nice flavor that way plus i have the steak spice it should be pretty good these are all 90 of these are maple coals just trying to get residual ash off first not that matters at all okay let's try this anyway what's going on big guy look at that camo look at that camo before for that such a dark face the rest of his body blends in pretty good good boy i think i might as well move these down a touch too because that's not going to take too long to cook i don't think i think it's probably time to flip this all right i'm calling that steak done let's get it off there those beans need to cook a little bit longer steak will sit it'll be perfect let's get the cut cut open the steak see how how we did oh that's a scrambled dough well done that's pretty raw i think it might be too raw for my liking to be honest with you guys let's see near the end the end looks fine yeah maybe i'll just throw a couple pieces back on just in the middle these are all look fine to me holy smokes a little bit of charred wood on there that's really really really tender and really good super super good wow wow wow man i'm gonna eat this until it doesn't taste to my liking and then if that happens i'll throw back on the fire but wow [Music] wow cheers goodness the chard the chard adds to it so much i'll just be drinking water tonight these type of woods remind me of my old stomping grounds i used to come to a scope granted there's way more resources here rocks uh spruce trees hemlock trees balsam fir trees lots of stuff what are you doing stop crying dog i'm gonna give trippers some food wow this is good i can't believe how good that steak is i'm not not uh playing that up one bit perfect i could probably pour this bean sauce on his food you probably like that put the scraps of steak that i don't need it with it too maybe i'll just wait to feed them chill out for a minute man that is super good taste-o-vision come on elon while we're being whole i inhaled the bean no back up that's my poop back up a little pushy man i'm really enjoying this i'll get back with you guys in a minute i'm done eating getting yourself with the saw is uh always bad i just got two pieces of steak that i have to throw back on a little bit they were just too raw for my liking scrambled oh well done but tripper's getting a lot of pieces of good meat and some fat in there not going to give him all the fat because i like it and it's not that great for him you're just going to go ahead all right i'm not gonna give any of the bean juice just because i don't know how good it is for dogs there we go i've gotta do now i've gotta uh fix my bed get more firewood before it gets too dark it is 7 30. the sun goes down right around 7 30 i think 7 37 today but i have a residual light for a little bit i have to clean up camp as well and uh find some spot i found a spot for my my food for overnight but um yeah not too hard to do we'll get it done i wouldn't mind getting a couple more rocks for this if i want to stretch it out too it's not feeling like it's getting cold at all there's some clouds in the sky so maybe it won't get uh too cold tonight hopefully i'm just going to click it right to this toggle here we're just going to clip it right to this toggle here and we will fight off any crazy bear attacks or anything no worries see he got the sauce anyway he's got the drip he's got the sauce this is tripper's pad i told you i would tell you what it was it is the climate static v short it actually has a pretty awesome valve system it's very easy to blow up so we'll get that set up for tripper now yeah he's got plenty of room behind me here i've messed around with my bed i didn't get any more bells but i think it's going to be fine this is you over here hey yeah good dog lay down yeah oh there he is good boy good boy oh yeah this is gonna be good i might stuff my coat underneath where my butt is but other than that super happy with this really uh sheltered in here without even pulling that flap over tripper's super sheltered um yeah this is golden we'll get his uh let's get his quilt out because this is an integral part of his sleep system good boy yeah you might suck aren't you yeah buddy this isn't what it came in i'm just i just repurposed the stuff sacks or the compression sacks for whatever outing i need that's this hex cam top quilt from ugq outdoor that just goes right on top of them tuck him in and look at that he's gonna get up and run away not time for you yet hey bud but anyways that's the setup sitting pretty uh feeling very comfy no if you knock over my camera into the fire that's going to be real bad you reel that oh my goodness dude look inside nice and comfy super comfy and me and tripper can share that little blanket too he can lay on me half on me i'm cool with that right trips whatever bro this is perfect this wind is blowing the smoke to the side of my shelter and out so it's perfect in there not getting smoked out at all and i'm just cutting wood off this fallen tree right here my my can tree the cans getting shorter and shorter like i'll take this piece now take that piece that piece all these and it doesn't matter if they're a little damp or anything like that because it's just a long fire it's making a good uh good base for it starting to go good lots of coals what you're doing what they're doing so tonight will be the first time trevor's ever camped out with me not in a tent so we'll be sleeping under the stars this thing's completely open you can wander around i'm not tying him up or anything that'll be a good test for him so uh yeah we'll see he's already running around crazy he never goes too far but he smells things he chucks things out i'm sure he'll wake me up a couple times careful mike oh i guess i'm holding my camera careful my tripod i really enjoy camping under a tarp for the airflow the sight the nostalgic just feeling more at one not not inside something so i'd like to be able to do this with tripper it's crazy [Music] you've been around fire your whole life man almost two years old now just leave it okay come here come lay down come on come on come sit with me come here come here come here come here tripper come here he's ignoring me come here come on lay down sit on my baby and little blanket and bow bed that good boy boys and he goes there he goes again yeah so this should be a fun night lots of moisture coming out of some of those logs i can hear this place has an abundance of wood which is awesome nobody comes back into here or anything i want to say thank you to the people letting me use this i'm sure they're going to watch you guys are awesome and your cow is awesome as well he wanted to lay there i'll try to get him to lay in his bed back behind me and put park this caboose right there which is totally fine let's cuddle up next to the fire it's going good too good boy i think those are just cars here man yeah i'm not trying to lie like oh snap we're not out in the boonies on this trip at all this is this is still a big plot of land cert certainly and there's still bears and uh wolves and lynx and maybe cougar and bobcat and coyote and anything else you can think of a north like northern ontario type thing they'll be coming through here for sure without a doubt but uh the road i can hear the road from here i didn't know that i would be able to but it doesn't matter i'm totally cool with it this again this is a quick thing autumn this was the second surgery she had i'm not sure if i mentioned that and if this was this one does and the first one had like a 90 success rate success rate um and it didn't work on her for her clogged tear duct and uh with all with all the the delays and everything we just we had to jump on this one when we could and um anyways it seems like it turned out okay we won't know if it sticks until uh now she's got to keep a tube in there for three months i think so if not if that doesn't uh work then it's plastic surgery but we're thankful and hopeful and faithful that it will work this time anyways i put a uh an instagram post today right when it was happening the surgery and just asking people for well wishes and prayers that they did that and stuff and got a outpouring of like 20 000 uh views on on the video on instagram and i'm like a ton of people giving their support which was really nice to see so thank you thank you i just got up and stoked the fire i finally got tripper down behind me i don't know if he's going to stay there or not it doesn't look that way but it's uh it's almost 9 30 now probably i got a little bit more firewood here and then i got a bunch right behind if i need it and he's gone i don't know how this is gonna work out but uh yeah anyways if anything um significant happens off i'll let you know come here buddy it's time to lay down come over here come on oh man oh i'm not getting any sleep he's all over the map the fire's out ah i passed out pretty good around like 10 o'clock until about two in the morning i got stoked to fire again and then slept until about five i heard this rooster crawling like crazy you'll probably hear in a minute here um uh it's cold i gotta get a fire going again but uh good sleep real good sleep that bow bed worked out okay but i didn't man me and trevor were cuddling pretty good there i was even using some of his uh his top quilt he was on top of me and stuff because it got cold so i gotta love a tripod super easy to work with cock-a-doodle-doo all right that water's done i just threw some nice size cooking logs on because i do want to get a good base uh of coals before i start to cook my bacon i slept in my pants last night i accepted everything you see on me wearing last night i did have long johns and a long sleeve under under underwear on top like a long sleeve shirt to her underneath as well but i didn't put them on i just i didn't want to get out of that little blanket after that five o'clock in the morning or like two o'clock in the morning i'm sorry after five i just laid there freaking shivering but anyways oh well tripper did really good actually last night when we he finally settled down i don't even think he got up i slept pretty hard but normally i imagine i would hear like like he's pad moving around all that nonsense or him barking and stuff i didn't hear anything he stayed there with me i think he got up probably around five started poking around when i did but but uh yeah man did pretty good he's wound up this morning i already fed him like you saw i'm gonna give him some bacon as well uh oh i did stuff my gloves and my puffy underneath my butt last night it helped i stayed off the ground i didn't feel any cold off the ground that was pretty good so um but it did get cold there's like a freaking whole symphony of cars coming by now all right let's get this uh this pod off while i'm waiting for my fire to lie down on my tea to steep i can show you the rest of the gear that was in my bag that i told you i would i'll tell you right now there's not much so the can of beans i had in there chipper had his own bowl i did have my plate but i guess i didn't need it considering i ate my beans out of the pot and i cut my steak right on the coals so there was no need for the fanciness of a plate i do have in here socks long underwear like i said i could use this for propping myself up at night if the ground's uneven as a pillow which i should have done what else i don't know warm clothes somewhere to sit didn't really need it just a stuff sack for his uh quilt i've had my food in this hidden woodsman red pouch same pouch as my as my clothes um i had a 5x7 tarp which i did not use i thought i might put on the ground i didn't need it the reason i brought my baby was just to give me a little bit of buffer off of the um the bows i didn't even get inside of it or anything i thought i could if it really got bad i could get the whole sleeping bag inside the bivy and everything i just again didn't do it i was i was dead to the world when i was asleep and there was no real wanting to get out when i wasn't i did bring a grill i'm going to be cooking my bacon on the low growth this morning just my axe mask some cordage some lightweight cordage which i never had to use a gopro mount which i never had to use a handkerchief what else oh just trippers ball some batteries for my cameras and that's about it so i had bacon in that food bag and then everything else you saw so not much uh more than enough for the night for sure what's that hey what's up what is it i'm sure this is the first time he's heard a rooster here they come to stop the rooster oh yeah all right i'm gonna get some rocks i'm gonna put them on the sides of this fire i'm gonna put my grill across and we'll cook up some bacon it's flaming up too so we're gonna have to watch that oh that's a big spider go away from my home thank you he's like but you're in my home you're in my home bro this is a pretty good setup this uh this is a usgi baby with my italian wool blanket inside of it kind of kind of thick once it's rolled up but it fits in the bottom straps of that backpack and um yeah it's pretty pretty durable pretty bomb proof i wouldn't worry about it with the fire i wouldn't worry about it with uh a lot of stuff um you know what let's do another giveaway i'll give away that backpack again i'll get so last time malcolm gave away like three backpacks i think from that giveaway i'll give away my personal i have two of them he sent me two so i'll give away my personal you know i'll let you pick you can have the one that i've used like a handful of times it smells like like campfire smoke it's got some dirt on it and stuff or i'll send you the brand new one whatever you decide um i want you to again go follow the hidden woodsman on instagram i'll tell him to make a post uh and it'll be like comment on this post for the giveaway or something like that or it'll be a picture of the backpack something along those lines just say i'm in you need to follow him okay if you haven't already and um yeah just tell him joe set you okay and he'll pick a winner in maybe a week or two and then i'll let him announce it again and i will send you because i don't want to have him send one again he sent away three already he had a crazy crazy response from the last one which is great but he sent away three packs that's his livelihood hey stop stop so i'll send mine and uh and one of those red bags with it okay anyways yeah they're a really good backpack man no joke time to flip a bacon is that what you're telling me what's up [Music] and bart and bark three two one bark [Laughter] i know buddy we'll get out of here soon you're crazy carol you know what you know what let's throw your ball for ya huh you want your ball i'll get your ball stay there okay here back back back back there he goes oh yeah oh yes it's looking great it's looking fantastic it's getting nice and smoked from the maple [Music] only half of it though because it's overlapped a little bit but so case all right all right look how smoky those are getting we're gonna call those done super smoked bacon which one which one which one is deserving of the first bite i'll go with this one that's very good very good this might be a quick grub session ma'am look how pretty this forest is if anyone's interested in the size what it folds down to it's relatively small i don't know how much four or five pounds maybe three i don't even know how to judge that but anyways that's it compared to my bed roll not too bad seems a touch fatter that's the problem that you're at home you get everything super neat tidy and then when you come out it never works out on the way out but i even tried i actually tried this time to make it tight point like a tiger you know okay it should work no problem [Music] all right oh there she goes super tight yeah that's maxed right out okay put the axe in there too it doesn't help oh man another spider just chilling it's not that the backpack is maxed out it's that the bed roll on the bottom is very very large and the straps are maxed out you could add longer straps i'm sure well thanks for watching the video guys tripper and i had a really good time we have this spot that we can come to now very pretty spot we've got a bed halfway made tripod up a little bit of a fire pit made so yeah we'll be able to uh come back and enjoy this spot out maybe do a winter camping video here or something like that but what you can expect is some real epic stuff this winter and this fall lots of extended out there camps camps with the dog camps with friends kids by myself so it should be lots of fun stuff i'm really looking forward to it all right we're going to get out of here you know what time it is buddy come on come yeah you just had to use your ball first see the problem is your mouth is open now and here look at me there you go there you go bud let's just ignore the ball for a minute because i gotta buckle you up please and thank you leave it all right guys thanks for watching so
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 363,183
Rating: 4.917737 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Ontario, Canada, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, camping, winter, wintercamping, offgrid, adventure, off, grid, outdoors, wander, hiking, outside, steak, dog, tripper, scout, dutchshepherd, joerobinet, wilderness, forest, woods, fort, wild, wildcamping, tent, hammock, bivy, tarp, shelter, build, building, builder, cooking, cook, grill, bbq, food, skills, outdoor
Id: reV1WaPaSm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 43sec (4063 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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