Getting Started In Bushcraft - What Do You Really Need?

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[Music] hey what's going on guys welcome back to the channel lone wolf 902 in today's video we're going to be talking about how to get started in bushcraft so as you can see i have a lot of items set up including what i'm sitting on what's next to me what's above me what's around me we're going to be addressing some of the basic things that you need to get started in bush crafting because it is not as elaborate or as expensive as many people make it out to be you do not have to have the best of the best those name brands you don't need to have it very very simple so we're going to go through some of the items that i have here we're going to eliminate some of them and we're going to end with a very basic kit that you need to have to get started in bushcraft in a general woodland area all right so starting things off i'm going to move outside of the shelter and i'm going to talk about what i've got going on here this is a 10 by 10 canvas tarp it is a square cut 3 meter by 3 meter 10 by 10 like i said this particular tarp is actually my signature edition wolfbend tarp i chose this tarp for this video because it is canvas it is available in two different fabrics currently a 300d oxford silver lined in many different colors and then this canvas model which is a khaki color the reason why i choose canvas when you're out bushcrafting generally you're going to have a fire to keep yourself warm to light the area at nighttime to cook to boil water all of that good stuff that you need to do this canvas fabric works very very well with open fires embers will hit it sparks will hit it it won't burn it works very very well it is waterproof and it is a thinner canvas it's not that old world war ii type canvas where it's really thick and heavy this stuff does not absorb water it doesn't take long to dry it works very well i've also chosen this particular shelter configuration being the plow point because it blocks the whole rear end of your shelter area i'm out at a lake location right now the wind's coming in this way so i pitched it to block the wind so ideally what i would do is i would put my fire right in front of the doorway and then i'd have heat cooking protection light everything i need right at the doorway now i have set this up today with two limbs ideally what i would usually do i wouldn't use these two limbs i would tie my tarp directly to a tree so i'd have a big tree in front now obviously that would kind of block the shock today for filming purposes so i went with these two limbs just to show that you can pitch it in an area where there are no trees if you need to so the plow point shelter and a canvas tarp is going to be my choice very simple very cheap very affordable and effective you don't have to have this exact tarp like i said if you have another canvas source i would get it i would use it don't worry about the weight it's going to last it's going to work in the wintertime it's going to work in the wind the rain the snow the sun it's going to work and it's going to work for a very long time all right guys so coming inside of the shelter the second thing that i want to talk about is my bed roll okay so this is a wax canvas product that i made myself it's actually a painters drop cloth that i've doubled up and stitched along the end and along the the sides to basically form an envelope so you can crawl inside of this and get in like a sleeping bag it is waterproof both sides are fully waxed and there are brass grommets up top so the reason why i put these up here is because i can stuff the inside of this remember it's waterproof i can stuff the inside with leaf litter a whole bunch of leaves pine spruce duff all this stuff down here spruce boughs whatever i can get inside of there and then i can lash it shut with some cordage and i could turn this into a very thick mattress that's waterproof it's great around fire because it's canvas because remember our fire is going to be up front so our tarps canvas our bed roll is canvas we can lay on top of this or we can crawl inside of it it's very cheap very effective it just takes a little bit of time to make and i'll talk about that in a little bit but the second part to this canvas which brings us to our third item is a hundred percent wool blanket okay these are excellent to have the reason again why i choose wool is because it's great around the fire it's not going to burn holes as easy as synthetic fabrics it's reliable it keeps you warm even when it's soaking wet it'll still keep you warm now with this particular wool blanket i've actually stitched the end and the entire side to match my bed roll so this wool blanket fits inside of the bed roll if i want to use this as a sleeping bag if i have blowing rain i can crawl on the side of here go to sleep whatever rain hits this will not soak into my sleep system right now i'm actually kneeling on it the ground is completely wet around here it did rain yesterday last night so it is still wet my knees are not getting wet so this is a great sit pad it's a great area to organize you can do your your gear layout if you're working on projects it makes an excellent item to have so i'm going to talk about some more of the items that we've got set up here on the stumps let's talk about tools and maintenance all right so talking about tools and maintenance i want to start over here on this dump i have a very small carving knife now your choice of knife does not need to be expensive okay it doesn't have to be the the top of the line knife don't go for the name brands just get a knife that's gonna work okay so i have three examples here for knives i've got one on my hip i've got a very thick custom made knife this is 3 16 thick very very thick very heavy knife and i use this as my axe because you'll notice i do not have an axe with me this video is geared around how to get started in bushcraft and i feel the axes are very very dangerous if you do not have the skills to use an axe you can easily cut your leg your hand your finger your foot very dangerous with this simple knife being a very thick knife i could still use it as an axe and just move some of these items out of the way i can use it as an axe by batoning so i simply take a piece of wood another piece of wood and by splitting that piece down the middle i essentially have an axe now i also have a knife if i need to make fine curls and shavings i've got a knife so the knife is a very very multi-use item like i said this guy is large and it is a thick knife put that there i have another small knife and i really enjoy this knife for really fine tasks this knife comes in a kydex sheath it also has a little fire steel attached to it so there's another great tool for out in the woods and then i have a another knife over here this guy's also in a kydex sheath with a fire steel it's just a little bit larger okay so those are three great options i really do really really do like to see people with big heavy knives i wouldn't go ahead carrying more than one knife i may take a small knife for doing really fine tasks but i find the big knife with enough skill and using it it can be used for all tasks okay because remember this is for beginner we don't want to go dumping a bunch of money on expensive multi things get one knife that's going to work and stick with it because it will treat you very very well my sheath for this knife is attached to my hip it's leather and it's on a dangler system so it basically flops around which makes it really easy for kneeling down especially when you're in a tarp shelter like this i can put my knife in my sheath and it's there when i need it it's going to bend it's going to go wherever i go wherever i need it to go having a fixed knife on your hip such as this one may get in the way of crunching down and digging in your ribs and your stomach so it can limit a little bit of movement but that just shows a couple of items that you may want to get when bushcrafting but like i said i would stick with one really big honkin knife to rule out the axe now i do have a small hatchet down here this guy i don't know the brand of this because i've had it for probably over 10 years it it's actually a throwing hatchet i just removed the the wrap that was on there i wrapped it with paracord it is extremely sharp and i like it because i could choke up on it with my finger and i've got a nice little thumb well there so if i do need to do some really intricate work this thing will shave wood for days it's also a great little chopper so if i do need to chop of course using caution of where your hands are it works very well and it comes with a little leather kind of axe mask that i made myself and we're going to talk about crafting and making things because that's going to be the bread and butter of this craft is making things so that's some cutting tools right there out of the gate the most expensive i think might have been this knife now this knife might run you 100 150 depending where you are i would go like i said with a big thick knife this guy was custom made they will cost a lot more but you don't need name brands just get a good knife that's going to work so continuing on with the tools i do have a carving kit over here that i've covered in another video a more recent video that i did actually and it it has all my crafting equipment basically that i would need to make lantern spoons cups whatever i need to make is in here so i'll talk about some of the items i basically carry chisels so this is a really small flat grind chisel these are all very very sharp another flat grind a little bit wider i think that's about 10 mil one centimeter and this is a canvas roll by the way i can roll this up and it does tie so it's a nice little compact roll i carry a nice little hook chisel another flat grind chisel and then i carry two spoon chisels one is more deeper of a spoon gouge and these are excellent for making spoons bowls whatever you need to to craft that you need that curve for i also keep some sandpaper in here this is a fabric backed sandpaper not paper it's very important because it's more durable so this grit is 150 i use that for wood for sanding down wood for sanding down files or knives if i really do gouge them up bad on accident you can bring back a profile using that we'll stuff that under there for now now talking about sharpening i do carry a piece of leather with some compound on there for honing a blade the compound is also in here a little container so i can rub that on and then take my knife or my hatchet and strop it after i'm done using the honing stone so this is a very small honing stone works excellent for knives chisels put some spit on there put some water hone your blade and then strop it down to precise sharpness works really well i then carry a very basic hook knife this is i think seven bucks on amazon very very cheap very sharp though you learn how to sharpen these they will be very very sharp and then lastly i have a little pin vise with a 1 8 bit on there for drilling holes in wood if i do need to drill a hole i've got that very very handy this is aluminum so it doesn't rust that's important that basically covers my my small little crafting kit now like i said i do have a hatchet with me i do have my hip on my belt so i wouldn't necessarily take both unless i had a goal in mind that i wanted to carve something that required a hatchet generally this knife for me will do everything so it's nice to have one tool instead of five or six kicking around so if i was specifically going to carve a spoon i might even bring just this one chisel and i would wrap it in the leather and i'd throw some jute twine around there and i'd carry just this and then just my knife so i don't have to bring the whole kit it it's all about what you plan on doing every trip i find has an objective in mind that you want to achieve or a goal that you want to achieve so you don't have to bring everything this is just items i want to show you to get started so being on the tools and sharp edges brings us to gloves for safety these are leather gloves these work excellent around fire cooking hot objects cutting chopping gathering wood all kinds of stuff they're very very useful i don't use them as much as i should but i do use them and they are extremely valuable so that is tools cutting area now we move on to fire my choice i have two choices with fire one is a big fire steel that i really enjoy taking with me the other option is actually over here in this tin i carry flint and steel and char cloth so start with fire steel the fire steel is a very very valuable piece of kit that can be found very affordable and i find if you do not know how to light fire with a fire steel do not go outdoors okay this is the first thing that you should learn be getting started in bushcraft this is the very first skill that you should learn so my knife has a 90 degree spine on it it will throw sparks very very good obviously be careful where you're throwing them but it will throw sparks with just this knife all of my knives no matter what they are i put on a grinder and put a 90 degree spine on it so they're very very sharp fire steel being big you can get a long stroke on it instead of flicking it you get a nice real deep gouge and it will light a fire most likely first or second strike depending on your skill level these don't care if they get wet okay the fire steel is not going to matter if it gets wet it's not going to matter if you drop it it's not going to break they're very very durable now this one obviously is fancy it's got a wooden grip on it handle i like it i like the aesthetics of it this is my choice for fire most the time is a fire steel second choice i really enjoy is flint and steel so what i have here is a tin that's actually for air rifles just your lead pellets go in here and i put a hole in the top of it that's very important because this is the container that i store my char cloth in so this is all charred cloth if you don't know how to make char cloth the best way to do it is just take a cotton t-shirt that's not black it's going to be black when it's finished okay so i recommend a white a red an orange whatever has to be 100 cotton make little squares drop it in the container screw the lid on nice and tight make sure that hole is clear of any debris place it on a heat source over your fire over stove whatever it's going to spew out smoke don't breathe it in it's not good for your health when it's done smoking take it off let it cool completely do not open it when it's cooled off completely that you could touch it with your hand open it up and you'll be left with charred cloth what char cloth is i'll show you also like i said carry my flint and steel my steel is an old high carbon steel file and my flint is a simple piece of flint now with this char cloth you can make this yourself take your striker and get an ember to land on there if there's wind oh had one and this method of fire lighting is probably my favorite so we've got an ember on that now that put inside of some birch bark do this really quickly without lighting the forest on fire grab my walk so that right there will start a fire very quickly now like i said i do recommend of course it went out when i dropped it i do recommend learning fire get that burned out i do highly recommend learning your fire skills first it's free it basically is free you can find flint all over the place riverbeds check local areas there are spots where you can find other high iron rocks that will spark with a high carving piece of steel it will work just got to hit it make a spark char cloth is very easy to make old t-shirt recycle that fabric or like i said use the firesteel method so we do have many different sizes of fire steels you don't have to have a big one you can have a medium sized one like i said the big one is easy to learn on and it's very effective because you don't need to grind a whole lot off of it you could just one long stroke and have your fire right away so that real quickly covers our fire and basically i don't bring matches i don't bring a lighter none of that practice your fire steel practice your flint and steel and you will be golden golden for going out into the woods all right so we've covered fire we've covered knives we've covered edges sharp tools we also need to address the saw the saw is a very very important tool this is a boreal 21 saw it is a folding flat pack saw very very sharp very effective snaps together just like that this works really really well i highly recommend getting a pack saw that you can pack i like the design of this it packs down very small it's very lightweight it is extremely effective so i do recommend getting a flat pack type saw again it doesn't have to be that saw it doesn't have to be any high name brand saws you just need a good saw that's going to work this will stack firewood very quickly so that is very important to have that basically wraps up cutting tools so i want to talk about cordage and some of the crafting things that i've got over here first let's get this out of the way because this is just coffee this is a nice little metal container that i like having it's full of fresh ground coffee if i needed to i could punch a hole in there and make another charred cloth tin if i really needed to but this is a great container for eating out of for storing things in for keeping coffee and that's what i use it mainly for uh there's so many options that you could do with a container this is just a small one that i have with me talking about cordage so i do have other cordage up here that i'll grab in just a second my favorite type of cordage to bring is jute okay so i've got three options here for jute this is standard jute twine this is jute twine separated so this is actually a four strand jute twine i've separated it into two strands and then i've carved out a little bobbin that i made and i wrapped probably about 40 or 50 feet of that on there so smaller gauge of jute and then i have this jute rope which is really really excellent for all kinds of things you can use it for fire you can use it for tying you can use jute is it's just it's a really good option to have for example here i have it tied on the axe handle if i do need to light fire and i'm in an area where i'm really i'm hired up for tinder it's raining it's wet i do need to light a fire i could take my knife and cut the handle off of this okay i'm gonna set that down off to the side i could cut the handle off of that so let's say this is off the handle and then my knife back in there and then you can work the fibers open and this is this is like elementary stuff this is basically where you should be starting to light your fires is with jute twine i teach my children how to do this it's the first step to to learn how to light fire birch bark or jute twine i like jute twine because it's available it's easy it boosts morale when learning it's just it's an excellent source to learn so you work those fibers loose like that you get a bird's nest okay put that down fire steel or your flint and steel works really well so jute twine has many uses i like working with it because it's just so multi-use right next to it we have a candle this candle has been worked quite a bit i'm going to talk about where because obviously this is wax canvas this is wax canvas as well the the candle is very very useful in itself by using the wax so if you do have tools that this one is stainless steel so what's less likely to uh to rust this guy however is one tool steel and it does corrode quite a bit and we're going to talk more about that but if you do carry an axe or tools like this i do recommend bringing a maintenance kit now a candle can work for that by rubbing the wax into the tool and then putting it over a heat source and melting it in it's also great for waxing waterproofing canvas so you rub that in hold it over the heat source it's also a light source so you can light that stick it in the ground stick it on a holder or whatever you've got a candle there's many uses for a candle so this one i've been using to wax canvas which will bring us over to this stump with the wax canvas i'm a huge fan of handmade items and this right here is actually a project that i made myself in a recent video when i went out in a canvas hot tent and i'm liking it i really do enjoy it so what i got inside is another cooking vessel and let's talk about this first so i can get it out of the way here so you've seen that i have my walk down there and i'll grab that really quickly this wok is 100 titanium this is very very expensive i don't recommend starting out with a titanium wok because they are expensive however the wok is the jack of all trades you can make coffee in this you can make tea you can use it as a frying pan put a steak in there you can use it as a soup bowl you could do all kinds of things collect forage items with it you can wash stuff in there so if i need to wash a shirt hot water wash it up there's so many uses for this and the reason why i picked titanium is because it's lightweight and it doesn't rust that's the big thing with this wok so i love this it is probably my favorite cooking gear out of everything i have i love this titanium wok very very good also expensive so if you've got the the funds to get one i do recommend it it is good but not for beginners it's just too expensive bring us us back to our kettle now the kettle is a very very useful item you'll see this in a lot of bushcrafters kits this particular kettle i wrapped with this jute rope so you can see i've already been crafting with it and then i've wrapped the little handle here with the jute string so a kettle will get you water so you can hang this over top of the fire you can make soup you can make food in it although i don't like cooking food in the kettle because you can never really get it clean i like cooking more in the wok that way i can have my open food source i can throw gravel in there wash it when i'm done and hang it up and be done with it so the kettle is very very useful these can be found on amazon for like 10 12 bucks very very cheap this one did come with silicone on the handle but like i said i cut it off and i replaced it with juice add some aesthetics and it also works better so that's cooking that's really all you need you can cook steak over the fire on a stick you put a stick in the ground cook that way you can get a wok or a pan or a kettle whatever you need just get one type of dish that's that's what i like going for the wok gives me everything in one but it is expensive the kettle is really really useful as well because like i said i don't have to cook steak in here i can put steak on a stick and cook it over the fire i can make a spit i could do whatever i need to do but this gets me hot water i can make tea coffee chaga whatever you need to do cuddle's an excellent source back to the canvas bag this is what i made on a camping trip simply by rubbing this into the wax putting it next to a wood stove that i had during this trip or you could put it next to a fire melt the wax in there and it becomes very durable very waterproof i obviously don't need to worry about my kettle getting wet but this is a multi-use bag i could put tinder in here i could put birch bark in here keep it dry food the handle is made or the string is made of jute 20 so again another fire starter you can hang it up in a tree as a bear bag whatever you need to do with it it's a wax canvas bag so very very useful to have i enjoy making things in the woods they're very rewarding that canvas was off cut from my canvas bed roll that i'm kneeling on so it's it's again using scraps now sewing kit i made this with this little sewing kit the sewing kit is super super inexpensive to make this particular pouch i made out of a scrap piece of leather same thing as this and i have another pouch around here that i made a whole bunch of things out of scrap leather so inside of my kit i basically have a cork that i put three sewing needles in the camera picks that up i do have thread and one needle already from crafting i keep some jute twine in here even though i always carry a bundle of jute twine that jute twine actually goes to this big fat needle so if i need to stitch something heavy duty i will actually use jute twine and it works really well i also have a bobbin which is currently empty because i made this and forgot to refill it but here i've made basically carved a micro size version of this little bobbin this i'll wind with thread now right now i have an actual bobbin of thread two of them in here i will take that off wind it over there and that will give me a small lightweight bobbin and it's just it's just fun to use so that's a very very simple sewing kit everything i need to sew stitch repair build craft whatever everything's in this tiny little kit very lightweight very easy to make my other spice kit here or my other leather pouch i should say is a spice kit this is another project that i made very very simple inside i have glass containers that i found at a local dollar store you can get these on amazon i keep five spices very easy very aesthetically pleasing i like the look of it i like the feel of it it's durable i can put some compound on the inside of this and use that as a strop if i really like to to multi-use it but that's the deal with this very simple craft that was very affordable and i keep some spices in there that i really like so if you are carrying any kinds of like rice i like carrying rice pasta some real simple foods it's nice to spice that up because it can be quite bland so coming over to the other final item on the stump this is the maintenance kit that i carry i carry steel wool in here to basically get all the gunk off my knife this knife is quite dirty right now so i'll use the steel wool to brush all that rust off and then once i get it to a point where i'm happy i'll then move to the other portion of this kit which is a cotton t-shirt that i keep wrapped up another glass vial of olive oil very very cheap very affordable maintenance kit you don't need to buy that name brand stuff i know there's maintenance kits out there that even even 14 is too much you can grab some steel wool a big box of the stuff for four or five bucks and the the glass vials i think come for a dollar for four and then a little tiny draw bag 50 cents you got a whole maintenance kit that's going to last a very long time so that's my maintenance kit that i use on my hatchet my knives my axe anything that i've got that i need a maintenance i can maintenance with that so let's talk about the bag because we've got a backpack we've got to carry all this gear in so let's talk about a pack so as far as backpacks go again sticking with budget it doesn't have to be name brand this particular pack is tactical innovations it was sent to me it was canadian made so i'm very happy about that this is a basic 30 35 i'd say 30 to 40 liters 30 to 40 is a very very good size to do your bush crafting in now this particular pack will hold my tarp my bed roll my wool blanket my kettle everything that i need to go out and and stay for two three nights it will fit inside of this bag bushcraft style okay so this is a nice military pack i like the military feel of it it's very durable it's got nice cordura fabric as many options now this particular pack i know some of you are probably still looking at this walk thinking how are you gonna carry that in there this particular pack the reason why i chose this for this video it has a helmet compartment so that actually fits in there for like military helmets and whatnot and pretend that the rest of the pack is full with all my gear that fits in there nicely and it contours to the pack and the handle just sticks out that's it so i like this pack with my wok because it fits in there really nicely you don't have to buy expensive gear that's kind of the point that i'm trying to make yes i do have some pieces here that are high dollar but you don't need it you don't need that you just need a version of it so this pack i've found packs like this on amazon not this pack but packs very similar to this for thirty dollars canadian okay this guy i believe retails for 149 canadian but you can find other packs that are affordable that will still work okay so that basically covers the backpack real quick real simple you just need something to put the gear in and carry it into the woods okay containers now we did cover one container i don't know what i did with it oh it's down there so we covered the little container of coffee my container that i like to carry water in is just a simple aluminum bottle okay this was a water bottle got a blue cap i took some sandpaper and removed all the paint it's just a single wall aluminum bottle very simple you don't really need anything else bigger than this to carry water in technically this is i think it's one one liter maybe one liter you really don't need anything elaborate when you're bush crafting or you're out doing this type of stock generally you want to set up near water so i'm at a lake right now i can go down fill this up come back up do whatever i need to do i can take my walk down i can take my kettle down fill it up if you're at a stream fill it up generally this will get you to the next spot okay so if i do need a drink to move to the next spot to hike this this will suffice this will work so basic aluminum bottle i don't use steel because i always have a kettle i like aluminum because it won't rust on the outside so you can leave it out in the rain works really well and it's lightweight drinking now we all know the traditional cook's uh excellent tool to have i use this for not only hot drinks and coffee but i also use it for food prep if i'm cutting up peppers or food i'll put it in here once it's all chopped up and then i could transfer it into my wok dump it out go cook and whatnot i've also used it for rice so when i'm eating i can use this as a bowl okay i can also eat directly out of the wok which i do very often works really well so this is not just a cup it's also a bowl it's another container it is wood so it does insulate to a certain degree you won't burn your hands on the side of it like you will the titanium cup it just it works really well i like i like the aesthetics of it as well with the cooksaw it's traditional really nice very fitting to what uh what bushcraft is so that is another drinking container uh what else do i got here i do have some cordage up here so moving back to the whole cordage i choose 1.8 millimeter paracord don't know the brand it's just 1.8 millimeter paracord i believe the breaking strength of this stuff is 95 pounds i believe so i carry this this is green you can get it in many different colors i like 1.8 millimeter because it ties very precise fine knots right now i have a strand running down to the ground holding it up just one single strand it's very lightweight i carry a whole bunch of them on a little carabiner i think i got about eight of them in total here today with me so very effective i cut them at about 10 or 12 foot lengths ready to go and they have a little loop tied in them that loop stays there melt the ends with some fire you're good to go great source for guy lines cordage tying lashing whatever you need excellent source right there i also have a smog up here this guy has been with me for probably eight years i love this thing these have so many uses they open up very large i often use this in the wintertime i'll wrap it around my neck while i'm hiking keeps me very warm it's also a towel so i can wash out my cooking dishes i can lay it down and use it as an actual carrying vessel so i can put a whole bunch of things inside of here i can wrap it up tie it to a stick like a hobo type style carry it you can use it as a bear bag hike stuff up in the woods you can use it as a pre-filter for water char cloth the list goes on there's probably a thousand uses for for schmod so these are excellent to have i always bring one with me they work very well very cheap as well you get those for like seven bucks on amazon and uh and ebay so i think that basically covers everything except for what's on my person so wool hat wool is very very it it's kind of my pick i know it's heavy it's bulky it might be itchy but it's warm it's fire retardant and it works when it's wet so very cheap this is a military cap that i got at a surplus store if it was like five bucks works really well continuing on with the wool i've got my wool sweater now every time i wear one of my big thick wool sweaters i get asked probably a hundred questions where is it where can i get it this was a thrift store find okay this is a very very old 100 wool hoodie that i found i find a lot of them at thrift stores and i love wearing these it's heavy very heavy but this also works well around fire it keeps me very warm what i do with this at night time i don't wear it to sleep i actually fold it and it's so thick that it works as a sleeping pad so i actually use this as wearing and sitting and sleeping on top of so having wool sweater is a very very good useful item i prefer one with a hood obviously you get a built-in hood works really well pants i don't go too crazy on pants i just wear basic you know military kind of cargo style pants nothing too fantastic there boots i'm actually wearing some timberland pro boots these are construction boots they're leather they're waterproof they're steel toed they have a composite plate in the bottom so if i step on anything it's not going to punch through i will wear a heavy boot any day over a hiking boot these have been with me for over two years they're going very strong footwear is very very important and i don't cheap out on it i go for a big heavy clunky boot that's gonna last so that was a lot to talk about so now we're probably thinking well what do i start with this is how to get started in bushcraft i'm going to single out some items place them on the backpack and this is what i'm going to suggest you start with a a good backpack 30 to 40 liters okay b get my knife off here b i'm going to suggest a very durable thick knife that you can baton with you can chop with you can cut with absolutely bring that gloves some good leather gloves make sure they're good around fire they're going to last a long time gloves cup i'm going to recommend a cup it can be whatever you want it to be as long as it's single wall very important if you bring a titanium single ball cup you can put that over a heat source and you can boil water in it the wooden cup you can't do that with but i like the wooden cup because i generally have a kettle or a pan or some other sort of cooking vessel so i'm gonna say get yourself a cup i like the cook set they're very cheap very affordable very easy to find on amazon and ebay i'm going to say the kooksa firesteel absolute must i would start with a firesteel before flint and steel either option fire steel is going with me i got that what else am i gonna bring i'm gonna bring my aluminum bottle absolutely need to carry water what else my saw i am going to bring my saw i typically carry this in my hand because when i'm out hiking with a small pack anyways it doesn't fit inside of the pack now i did make i don't think i have it oh i do look at that i do got it i did make a wax canvas bag for my saw so this just slides right in there i haven't put the snap on it yet but i got a wax canvas bag for my saw so now when i'm hiking i don't have to worry about it getting wet and the blade rusting so again saw is going with me absolutely vital what else do i need cordage i'm going to take cordage either juke string or juke rope this is twine and rope sorry i'll probably take them both to be honest i mean it's such a universal item i'll take both jute now i'm also going to take my kettle i'm going to choose the kettle for starting out because like i said these are very expensive they're also large they're also not really needed by everybody okay we can cook a steak on a rock over the fire we can cook a steak on a stick we could do it on a spit we could do all that the kettle is going to boil your water very nicely you can do food in here very cheap very affordable kettle i've also got my handmade bag that it's going to go inside of so i'm going to bring that as well because i do have it and i'm gonna use it very affordable what else am i gonna bring i am going to bring my wax candle absolutely gonna bring it because there's so many uses with it i'm gonna bring it my sewing kit sewing kit cost a couple dollars to make i mean honestly you don't even have to have a leather bag you could use whatever bag you want you make your own wax canvas bag put it in a ziploc bag sewing kit couple needles thread very very cheap very inexpensive very easy to carry cordage we do have the jute that is a cordage method but i'm also going to bring some high strength cordage like i said 95 pound braking strength of those 1.8 millimeter paracord i'm going to bring it because i'm going to use it for tarp setups that's going to last longer than the jute okay so this is strong the jute eventually will break down what else am i gonna bring i've got my knife i've got my saw i got my cordage that i'm gonna bring my wool blanket talk about sleep system i am gonna pack a wool blanket i will recommend that absolutely now talking about the wool blanket i'm not saying this wool blanket is going to keep you warm -20 because it's not i promise you it's not the purpose of the wool blanket is to keep you warm yes but it's to get close to the fire because we're going to have our fire right here right so this wool blanket you can snuggle up to that fire and if any embers pop and land on you remember we're going to be wearing wool so i am going to also bring my wool sweater which i'm going to be wearing i would recommend a wool sweater but if i'm sleeping on top of this and i'm in my wax canvas bed roll that will burn but it's not going to burn fast if it never lands on top and sits there for 10 minutes it'll burn a hole if i've got this on top or inside or however configuration i got because i am also going to bring a a sleeping pad type thing a sheet i should say a ground sheet i will add this to the kit as well but this wax canvas toss that out with a wool blanket perfect you're golden doesn't have to wax canvas either you can use a plastic sheet you can use a tarp but like i said this has excellent fire properties it's very durable it's going to stop any sticks from poking up in your back works great we can make a mattress out of it the wool blanket and that that's my kind of warped my sleep system going along with what i'm wearing the final item if i'm not forgetting anything the final item is going to be the tarp i'm going to pack a tarp a 10 by 10 tarp works really well you use a 10 by 7 a 5 by 5 if you need something small but i like the 10 by 10. you can see i could stand up under there you could set up many different configurations you can fold it in half and make a ground sheet out of one and possibly leave that home there's so many options with a tarp so that's what i'm going gonna recommend for getting started with bushcraft any brand i highly recommend making your own gear it's really rewarding and it's just it's aesthetically pleasing i mean this has so much patina built into it i slept out the other night in this and it was pouring with rain on the same type of leaves and it stained it kind of tea color so that to me i really do enjoy that when when the the gear kind of gets messed up it kind of gets dirty it gets roughed up like the kettle it's it's covered in char and black i like that i like the aesthetics of it the wax cam is big it's rugged it's raw i like that the titanium i really like the the just the patina the way things look when your bushcraft thing it doesn't have to prim and proper and pristine use your gear it is a tool use it so that right there is what i'm going to recommend for getting started in bushcraft from there you can expand into crafting tools you can expand into maintenance kits because we can make a maintenance kit and bring it with us we've got the candle this basically is a maintenance kit it'll help you keep rust from forming on top of your stuff but that right there is a basic kit i live in canada nova scotia and here in canada we do get cold temperatures here in nova scotia we do get cold temperatures with snow winter this is what i would use all year round whether it's summer winter i don't have to use this in the summer i can lay on top of it i can crawl inside of this whatever that's my basic kit right there that i will recommend to you guys for getting started in so i really do hope that this was helpful to you guys i know it's a lot of information but i believe this will get anybody started in bush crafting very affordable you don't need to go for brand names i'm going to say that again you do not need to go for brand names don't i actually encourage you and challenge you to not go for brand names go on amazon find the cheapest things that will work that's what's going to get you outdoors because like i said the saw this is an excellent saw it's an excellent pack saw but with my knife and with some cordage i can make a saw frame and just buy a blade and then i can make a pack down bow saw right so that's that's the beauty of bushcraft it's not about getting out and having the gear to do things with it's about the adventure to get out and learn how to be self-reliant and learn how to do these activities and have fun doing it so i hope this was helpful if you guys have any questions and suggestions i'd love to hear about it drop it down in the comment section and i hope this was helpful and i i hope that some of you out there that are trying to get in the bushcraft learn some things here and the most important thing is stay safe i didn't cover a medical kit because the only thing that i personally bring medical kit is just band-aids i'll bring a couple band-aids everything in the crafting kit plus your clothing you can make tourniquet you can make bandages that's a whole different video but that right there should get you started so thank you guys for watching and i'll catch you guys in the next video
Channel: Lonewolf 902
Views: 175,170
Rating: 4.8994455 out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, bushcraft gear, survival tools, primitive camping, bush craft, woodsman, outdoors, canvas tarp, waxed canvas, bushcraft camping
Id: FRSwm4Ebyw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 46sec (2806 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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