Solo Overnight Building a Debris Hut In the Woods Using a Plastic Bottle with BACON and Steak

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[Music] more like tacticool if you will pew pew pew all right seven days have flown by and i'm thinking i want to change things up a little bit and do a solo overnight in the woods today's another beautiful day in the eastern woodlands high of 44 low of 25 scattered rain showers here and there it rained all last night if you can see it but everything is soaking wet and that's good to go because we're going to get out here get it done corporal style let's walk through here recon an area find a good spot for the night and set up camp now today in this video i want to try to make a shelter using as little gear as possible let's get her done [Music] do [Music] so i'm scouting location we've got a good water source right here but once again no matter where you go in the woods it seems like no matter what state i'm in i'm always going to find crap like this and i'm not a hardcore advocate of recycling and all that but no matter where you go somehow this crap ends up in a water source and there's a broken bottle right there and it's disgusting but i got an idea and i'm thinking like the saying goes one man's trash is another man's treasure i'm going to take this container and we'll figure something out so [Applause] always outstanding okay check it out we're at the edge of a pine forest and the one thing i've always wanted to do was build a pine needle debris hut this stuff out here is about six inches thick and it's as far as the eye can see the beauty of it it rained last night everything is wet so the chances of fire are zero so it worked in my favor now before we get too far down the trail let me address something really quick before someone blows up my comment section where's the tree fort what happened where's part four did it burn down did somebody seize it what happened here's what happened youtube slowed the playlist down slowed the series down stopped notifications and stopped promoting it in the recommended youtube playlist there are currently contracted top tubers that are on every category that have priority i guess you could say and i am not one of them so it tends to happen is your video goes and then it just drops and it becomes a dead video and you're only going to see it by accident or if you're searching my videos so if you want more of corporals corner forts i have a new fort category hit that bad boy up watch all those videos play them all to the end show youtube that you want corporals corner to build some forts and i'll get back at it in the meantime let's take a break from that series get out here enjoy nature and do some solo overnight in the woods corporal style let's get to it this so [Applause] uh [Applause] worked out pretty well we got that plastic bottle cordage all i did was i went ahead and tied a bipod last or a sheer lash we did a timber hitch and then we went around three times wrapping three times frapping finished off with a clove hitch and overhand knot and it worked so i'm thinking this a little bit high for my taste i don't know um i might leave it see what happens but we want to go ahead and close all these gaps in here with some more poles all the way around and then add our pine needles we'll be good to go [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so [Laughter] [Music] ah 2021 turd ferguson no it's perfect i actually use that as a unit of measure believe it or not i can do this right here my knees just hitting the ceiling right here or the roof and i know that's perfect a lot of people don't understand they say you make your shelters too small well if the fire is one full step away this is less area for heat loss it's less area to have to heat and it's less work i have to do so i'm happy with this if this were a survival situation and i made a survival shelter that's exactly what this is i'm going to hunker down and block the wind have a fire and chill till i'm rescued so i'm happy sweet got kind of a camo pattern going on there more like tacticool if you will pew pew pew [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] i like it it'll work and for those that skipped through all my videos and are just tuning in be like oh my god he's burying bodies in the woods again i can't take it well it's not my first rodeo uh [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] do [Applause] hey [Laughter] uh okay so check this out another cool thing about being inside this pine forest is that all these pine trees are competing for sunlight they're choked in here at the very top you see all the green pine needles but everything down here at my level is bone dry now the trees themselves are alive but all these branches are dead i can walk through here and just grab handfuls of dead material to use for my fire and like i said everything on the ground is wet this stuff here bone dry outstanding so [Laughter] hmm hmm that's looking textbook okay it burned in really well so i'm happy with that um i'm gonna carve my notch right here a little pie notch looking like a little pac-man and then open the bottom up for some airflow and we're good to go uh hmm hmm huh so outstanding af okay [Music] that's what i'm talking about bacon grease seared rib eye bacon bits assorted vegetables all simmering in bacon grease going back to my roots baby outstanding god i have no idea what a serving actually is but this 8 inch skillet looks about right so i'm going to polish this bad boy off catch you all in a few oh man that chunk of fat on there uh that's what i'm talking about i actually needed this um it's been really uh depressing and frustrating lately with uh what's going on on youtube that uh three-part series is actually going to be a four-part series the tree fort in the woods um it bombed so i don't know what happened you can go back and look at it if you don't believe me you can see the views went first part second part third part and i can't figure it out because people watching it they're like oh my god this is great no one's done this um and i believe it so that tells me the problem is on the other end of it so show youtube that you want more of corporals corner watch my videos watch them all the way through get to that recommended playlist find my next videos and play them bad boys also go to my fort category next to my favorites and start playing corporals corner forts this will bump me up on the list get me seen and heard and then dude i'm telling you right now i don't want to give anything away but i had all kinds of crazy builds for 2021 but the problem is it takes days to build these things and i don't want to go spend days building something just to get a quarter of the views that's just really depressing so um if you want corpus corner forts check out my fork category play them bad boys show youtube what you want keep this short and sweet and this bad boy off right here because i want to sit back i want to get some wilderness fire and i want to sit back and enjoy my night again it's been a long time since we didn't sell overnighters and i want to enjoy it so what do we do here we came out to a pine forest and built a pineal debris hut with minimal gear talking pocket knife and a two liter pop bottle we hooked up to a tree and made cordage and this thing turned out well so yes i had a backpack full of gear yes i have my side knife or my primary knife but we accomplish great things using minimal gear and i'm loving it so with that all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two myself alliance outfitters influencer page if you're interested in corporals corner merchandise they can be found on teespring all three links are found inside my description box now please do that favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you ring that bell please select all notifications and as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching get out the field have some fun and i'm gonna catch you next time you
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 278,677
Rating: 4.9638782 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight Building a Debris Hut In the Woods Using a Plastic Bottle, corporals corner, solo, solo overnight, overnighter, camping in the woods, overnight in the woods, overnight in a survival shelter, building a shelter in the woods, minimum gear camping, minimum gear survival, overnight in an emergency shelter, debris hut, how to build a debris hut, joerobinet camping, building a bushcraft shelter, overnight in a natural shelter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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