Solo Overnight Building a Wooden Hammock In the Woods and Ribeye with Bacon Wrapped Corn

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[Applause] ah all right seven days have passed which gives you another solo overnight in the woods looking at a high of 75 low of 55 and we're mid may right now now today is going to be a lot different i'm going to answer a question and it's not a negative question i've got a lot of questions on my shelters what happens to them when you leave do you tear them down do you repurpose wood do you run them out as airbnbs well you're in luck today we're gonna go to our previous campsite and we're gonna repurpose that wood and turn that shelter into something outstanding stick around okay so here we are the scene of the crime our previous campsite if you haven't seen this video you're not alone it was titled soul overnight building a raised shelter with pivoting doors in the woods kind of like karate kid the crane technique notifications did not go out on time they went out anywhere from six to 12 hours late by that time you were asleep when you woke up it was not your feed it was already ripped out and was gone they moved on okay so the video went like this if you haven't seen it check that bad boy out it was outstanding why because i made it okay so i want to combine a few videos and most of all i want this shelter to be successful [Applause] so so here's what i'm thinking this cross member right here on my frame i want to drop it down below my tarp or at least equal with the bottom of my tarp so because i want to wrap it i have that option so we're going to cut these off bring them down on both sides and then go from there [Applause] so [Applause] here as always all the gear my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two my self-reliance outfitters influencer page and if you're interested in corporals corner merchandise thank you found on teespring all three links are found inside my description box nice so the one thing we didn't do last time was we didn't rack this and that prevents this side to side motion like mr miyagi saeed so all we're going to do here is use a running bolon on this corner go around that corner and then crank it down using a rope tackle or trucker's hitch passing that through makes it a running bulletin so by doing that x pattern is very little racking now [Applause] and there we go okay so someone's asking themselves what's he doing there's already a horizontal there all i do is make one longer and here's the method to this madness right here in the previous shelter all the weight was on the legs right here okay we won't have any legs we're gonna be suspended in the air and i want that frame to rock or tweak on me side to side or back and forth so all i did was go with a longer pole i'm going to diagonal lash it to the diagonal on my bipod as well as the horizontal on my bipod and then we'll go ahead and tie off the front okay the wooden hammock in the woods okay now a lot of people are afraid and they say something like those logs are gonna flip you'll fall on the ground i've never had logs flip but there's a couple things you can do one is run two more towards the center that we have equal weight distribution all the way across here and no matter where you put your body weight at they're never gonna flip or option two tie every single one of these down and i'm not gonna go that route so i'm thinking invent an option three why not lay one on top here and lash it down here to here and one here and that sort of will sandwich those logs together and it's never gonna flip [Applause] [Applause] [Music] if you like what you see here please do me a favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you're in that bell please select all notifications and then take it a step further grab your cell phone download the free youtube app and sign in this will give you push notifications when my new videos drop so okay so here's the method to this madness right here we're elevated everything's sloping down towards that fire now normally i'd say something like well an elevated shelter deserves an elevated fire and most of the time if we're on a flat ground i'd say yes to that however think about how a fire works the heat goes this way and up at the same time so it makes sense to be higher over here at my shelter lower over here with my fire that he's going to come across and go underneath that shelter keeping me warm all night now the opposite of that spectrum everything rolls downhill so i went ahead and dug a trench fire with a ring around it simply to keep the coals and logs from rolling downhill now somebody's going to say well if it rains it's going to fill full of water well here's my comment or my response if it rains that bad we're talking buckets of water any exposed fire is going to go out anyways all right check this out the one thing i'm guilty of well besides being really really really really good looking hashtag blue steel is water collection in my opinion most youtubers are so i have my bucket i'm in a route to one of three ponds i'm gonna collect some water on the way up there i want to look around for some materials moss rocks charcoal from burnt logs and maybe some sand and get back and improvise some type of water filtration system now this beaver pond we're going to the water looks like crap tastes like crap and it smells like crap improvising some type of filtration system will not only get rid of the particulates but help out with the color and smell as well so this so so so take a middle pole i'm gonna spin it around until it tightens up [Applause] [Applause] i'm gonna pull it tight so well look at that plenty of time you guys are getting your money's worth on this one all right check this out now we went ahead and built our wooden hammock in the woods our fire pit's complete we collected water we scouted an area and we built an improvised water filter using a tripod now i'm thinking we go back to that pond over there while i was there i looked down and i saw a small fish if they're small fish or baby fish there are mommy and daddy fish so i'm not set up for fishing right now but we can improvise i have bank line i have paracord there's plenty of sticks and poles in the forest and i'm willing to bet you i got one or two small hooks in the bottom of that pack i bet money on it okay so making our do-it-yourself fishing pole is extremely easy all we're doing is looking for a straight stick roughly six to eight feet in length with a diameter at the base about a half inch at the top no less than a quarter inch we want to be green and flexible okay from here we're going to beef up our handle area taking number 36 bank line we're going to wrap it like a whipping for a rope and just beef that handle up to something to hold on to when we set that hook okay at the top i'm going to tie another whipping i'm going to leave that loop longer for a loop to loop connection for fishing line inner strands of paracord or even bank line okay so we're going to do is we're going to make a bite in our cordage i'm going to lay it down right there where i want my handle to end i'm going to mark it i'm simply going to wrap around that line pulling it tight all the way to the end of this loop right here so okay at the top of our pole we're gonna whip it the exact same way but instead of having one bite we're gonna have two okay so taking our double bites we're gonna push them together and we want our short end facing the handle of our pole and all we're going to do is we're going to start off wrapping it just like we would from the tip towards the base now instead of pulling a short end we're going to pull a loop making that loop longer so choose paracord simply cut it to the length you desire minimum the length of that pole and take out the inner strands fish on baby come on come on just like that [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] campfire cooked rib eye and bacon wrapped corn hmm let's feel that protein flowing to my veins oh man [Music] [Applause] enough of that now the real business my subs my usual thank you thank you to all my subs all my new subs all my old subs i appreciate and love every single one of you and i mean that thank you for everything you've done for me youtube is playing as usual games and this is going to be week number three and i'm willing to bet you they dial this video down and i'm gonna get probably half my views but i've noticed tons of shared videos so you guys are coming through for me and i really appreciate that i ask that you just keep doing what you're doing watch my videos all the way to the end sharing with everyone everywhere show youtube in the world that you want corporals corner and let's get to that million and i'm gonna keep giving you corporal's corner i love you guys and i appreciate you i really mean that thank you and there we go corporal's wooden hammock in the woods and yes i can feel that heat going right through here it's almost unbearable now during the winter time it's probably been outstanding would have been like corporate history inside here all night loving it baby so i can drop that lid down and then just go to sleep but there's no rain in the forecast so i'm gonna leave it open and just enjoy my view catch you all morning say what that's a long drop for an overnighter oh man told you guys how you know when i got this woodland camo swagman roll which actually seems like it's thicker too so i don't know love it though oh man now we can start okay let's talk about the shelter what did we do here well we simply combined two or three different videos into something outstanding we took a classic old school raised bed and suspended it and created a suspended platform a wooden hammock in the woods we utilized a trucker's hitch rope tackle and then added that pivoting aspect from our framed shelter from there we built a tripod and made a do-it-yourself water filtration system and lastly we finished off with a do-it-yourself fishing pole and it worked out pretty well i'm happy just another twist on old school bushcraft ideas and there you go still overnight building a wooden hammock in the woods now like i mentioned before just a new twist on old school ideas with that all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two my self-reliance outfitters influencer page and if you're interested in corporal's corner merchandise that you can find on teespring all three links are found inside my description box now please do me a favor hit that like and subscribe button and then read that notification bell once you're in that bell please select all notifications then take it a step further grab your cell phone download the free youtube app and sign in this will give you push notifications when my new videos drop as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching be on the field have some fun i'm going to catch you next time [Music] whoa still here okay check this out i'm on a second youtube channel now i don't have any confusion i'm always going to post every single week right here at corpus corner but those that follow my channel religiously know that for about 10 years i did nothing but straight skills videos so self-alliance outfitters has a youtube page self-alliance outfitters on youtube i'm there i drop videos twice a month on quick tips anywhere from two to four minutes in length hardcore bushcraft skills check me out at sufferlion's outfitters on youtube stop by subscribe tell them i sent you
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 194,848
Rating: 4.9677219 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight Building a Wooden Hammock In the Woods, corporals corner, solo, solo overnighter, camping in the woods, overnight in a survival shelter, joerobinet fort, overnight in the woods, overnight in an emergency shelter, minimum gear survival, minimum gear camping, building a natural shelter, building a suspended shelter, overnight in a bushcraft shelter, solo overnight, camping with steve, step 2, steve wallis
Id: 1gnumB2Y0ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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