Solo Overnight Building a Suspended Bridge Shelter and Bacon Steak with Potatoes and Cheese

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[Applause] all right springtime's coming we're at the end of february high of 40 low of 30. and you can still see there's snow on the ground but it's starting to melt and become a slushy soupy mess let's get out here find a place to shelter for the night and do something cool let's get to it okay so here we are once again another uprooted tree and i love these things i mean i fell in love with this i found these things out here this is actually a different one as i just showed you it is not the same one from eight months ago when i did my first uprooted tree video and it is not the same one for my underground shelter video if you haven't seen those videos check them out because they're outstanding why because i built them all right here's what i'm thinking here i want to utilize the back wall here to my advantage create a wall boom done this trunk right here there's a small gap underneath we can fill that with snow or mud or debris second wall boom roof over top maybe a third wall long fire out front now i do not want to sleep in this this would be a problem with any type of fire out there is going to melt all this mud just snow this ice and i'll be in a slushy soupy mess so normally i do a raised bed this time i got inspired i was thinking about suspended bridges so why not create a bridge hammock people are like a bridge hammock what is that you'll find out trigger warning there's going to be digging and cutting wood in this video i know it's a lot of work for an overnighter [Applause] so okay let's go ahead and address something before we get started campsite selection we have five w's wind water widow makers wood and wildlife so we're gonna build our shelter so we're out of the wind we have water in the form of snow on the ground everywhere there's also a creek back here we have wood right over here there's a downed tree with wood for eternity no signs of wildlife in this area but we have the major number one danger here is this widowmaker so we're going to drop this bad boy the beauty of this is it will land right over here with the rest of my firewood and i can burn wood all night so [Applause] just like that [Applause] [Applause] as always all the gear my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two my self reliance outfitters influencer page and if you're interested in corporals corner merchandise they can found on key spring all three links are found inside my description box ah so so sweet so we have our wind block here we have a snow wall wind block wind block here log wind block so basically i want to lay down anywhere in this area we should be able to block the wind on three sides add a roof fire out front outstanding af okay so what i have right here is something known in the construction industry as mule tape and it's commonly found with electricians and i'm sure you've seen large grayish pvc pipe and it runs through concrete or through walls what they do is they grab this mule tape and they lubricate up a bunch of electrical conduits or wires and then they attach this tape to it and physically pull those wires over thousands and thousands and thousands of feet sometimes the machine does it as well and this stuff here is 1800 pounds brake strength it's also a flat tape and it holds up very well out here it's underrated so on ebay or amazon you get a hold of this stuff i don't know what the actual name of it is but we call it mule tape so i'm going to go ahead and get 100 foot of this cut in half i have two lines of 50 foot started one right here i'm going to run it around my log to my tree and have a large loop top and bottom a loop that goes around here same thing on this side 50 more foot giving me a loop a top and a bottom so i have two loops coming this way going around my log and we're going to use that to make our suspended bridge hammock so both ends are equal on that end and then we're going to do our standard arbor knot right here to keep this down here so we're just off the ground and we can take advantage of that windbreak oh so so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] okay so just like we're gonna sit here and weave a mat all we're doing is we're taking our bottom one and we're gonna lift it up that creates a pocket we're gonna slide our rung inside there let the bottom up place it in same thing on this side so so and we're out of wood so [Music] [Laughter] hey okay so anywhere from halfway to two-thirds you're gonna have to stop and give it some slack twisting that becomes so tight it's virtually impossible to get one of these rungs inside there so just give it some slack back it off and then continue on remember lifting from the bottom up slide it in you're good to go uh we're talking about hammock baby bridge hammock suspension bridge hammock oh they can get some pine needles underneath me and uh we'll be in business [Applause] okay so let's answer this question cause someone's gonna ask it what do you need pine needles for you're in suspended bed okay you're right i'm in a suspended bed and i don't need the pine needles but the ground here is just a nasty soupy clay concoction and it's only going to get worse because the weather's warming up it's about 42 degrees and it's supposed to hit around 45 today all this is gonna melt away and be a nightmare so the method is to the madness put the pine needles down and yes the pine needles are wet i don't care because we'll actually cover the soupy frosting mix and i put my boots right here i can step off onto it i'd rather have wet feet than nasty muddy feet so i'm gonna go ahead and put the pine needles underneath the bed and we'll go from there [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you let's go ahead and pause for a minute if you like what you see here please do me that favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you're in that bell please select all notifications then take it a step further grab your cell phone and download the free youtube app and sign in this will give you push notifications when my new videos drop [Applause] [Applause] oh once again if it ain't raining we ain't training in this case we ain't eaten check that out rib eye potatoes bacon onions in bacon grease covered in cheese baby that chunk of meat right there oh man oh man [Applause] as always one healthy man-sized portion for a growing boy i'm gonna sit here enjoy my meal listen to the rain and i'll catch you all in a few [Applause] look at that potato so we're talking about right there suspended bridge bed baby okay so truth behind this the engineering is courtesy of my boy dave canterbury if you haven't seen him check him out he's og of youtube been on here since the beginning but believe it or not people still say i just found your channel so if you haven't seen him check him out dave canterbury okay so i'm changing things up a little bit and um could do coffee time right now why because i'm falling asleep and most importantly i have a meeting tomorrow with my attorney and i like going into a lot of personal business but this one's kind of cool it involves medium-sized dude it's a pre-custody meeting for a mediation later this month so wish me luck on that juan valdez outstanding so yeah custody meeting um yeah yeah so we'll talk about this shelter real quick what did we do here well we found another downed tree an uprooted tree cleaned that bad boy out then we went ahead and framed out our tarp make it more rigid placed it and then most importantly we created our suspended bridge bed this is the first for me and i am loving it i mean it's like being on an actual bridge it bounces up and down i have that small air cushion where i'm off the ground and we have our pine needles underneath us so i'm making up that dead air space as well as keeping me out of that soupy mess and last thing we did is we created our windscreen and our long fire so something new something different something for the books or a book and lastly to my legions i love you guys you guys are killing it without you i always say it i am nothing you guys got me bumped up on the list you got me being seen and heard all over youtube i just passed 500 000 subscribers thanks to you because of what you guys have done um i supply the content you guys are watching it you guys are killing it you guys are circulating it and i appreciate it you're my legions and it means a lot to me i ask you please continue on continuing on watch my videos all the way to the end sharing with everybody everywhere find youtube's next recommended playlist and my next video in there play that bad boy play one of my playlists go out to your job go do yard work just let that bad boy play get me on that list keep me on that list and i'll be here for you all thank you and there you go solo overnight using the suspended bridge bed courtesy of dave canterbury as always all the gear my videos can be found in two places one on my amazon influencer page and two myself alliance outfitters influencer page and if you're interested in corporal's corner merchandise they can be found on teespring all three links are found inside my description box now please do me that favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you in that bell please select all notifications and as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching get out the field have some fun i'm going to catch you next time [Music] you
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 293,550
Rating: 4.9624357 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight Building a Suspended Bridge Shelter, corporals corner, solo, solo overnight, overnighter, camping in the woods, overnight in the woods, overnight in a survival shelter, building a shelter in the woods, joerobinet fort, minimum gear survival, minimum gear camping, overnight in an emergency shelter, bushcraft overnight, building a natural shelter, overnight in a bushcraft shelter, building a shelter in the rain
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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