Solo Overnight Building a Raised Shelter With Pivoting Doors In The Woods and Bacon Ribeye Skillet

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Love me some corporals corner.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/InfectedShadow 📅︎︎ May 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Hat didn't have NZ on it, guess I don't exist.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/EventArgs 📅︎︎ May 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
uh all right seven days have passed we're using another solo overnighter in the woods now we've done several builds this year and i'm thinking it's time to combine two three four even five of these builds together and come up with something awesome now i've not really thought this through i see pictures flashing through my head here and there this piece that piece i want to treat it like a salad bar i want to grab this grab that take what i want leave the rest and come up with something outstanding let's get out here and get to our spot oh and by the way we're on elevated terrain which means it slopes downward so it's gonna be a bit of a challenge but i like that i'm a stickler for punishment the beatings will continue until the morale improves stay tuned okay so here we are the ground slopes in that direction we have a tree right there and a tree right there now it rained last night and i'm not sleeping this wet soggy mess not going to happen so combining videos like i mentioned let's go ahead and go with our bipods from our previous video this time instead of using arbor knots we're going to use an actual diagonal lash so you guys can see the difference now if you haven't seen my last video that was last week here's what happened youtube slowed it down turned off notifications and a lot of you did not get notified either on youtube or through your phones i apologize for that there's nothing i can do youtube dropped the ball and didn't care so if you haven't seen that it's titled solo overnight building a suspended shelter and pivoting fire in the woods back to this set of bipods and run poles across it but then combine our wooden logs that we place on the ground on top of that let's go ahead and handle that first and then we'll talk through the next part okay diagonal lash time very simple start off with a timber hitch from there we're going to go ahead and wrap three times then cross over diagonally wrap three more times forms an x then go between that x three times finish off the clove hitch ah uh okay so here's a real quick pointer when you're doing something like this on the fly i mean off the top of your head um you run into all kinds of problems so trying to engineer something you might correct one problem and then it causes like three four or five more so this is a basic structure we have a raised bed ridge pole now the ground slopes this way and that way and you can tell that by looking at the bed the poles here from my bed are leaning in this direction as well as leaning that direction so here's what i'm thinking to fix this simple cut some spacers i want them a larger diameter than my poles bury them slam underneath there now we're going to lift the bed this way that horizontal bar there all we're going to do is being temporarily held by arbor knots raise it to where i want it then latch it with our diagonal lash okay so that right there is called a splice we splice two pieces together normally when you splice something you want to be stronger than the original material i can't make that wood grow and i can't weld it back together but i can hold it in place that's exactly what we did right there so when i toss and turn all night it should stay in position i hope boom lash that right there and then boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and we're good to go but first let's go and handle a comment from our critics section now the comment reads somewhere along the lines of i know he's out there taking that wood and repurposing it putting in the back of his pickup and driving it from sight to sight i know it well i can't begin to answer that so let me rephrase that into a question do i repurpose wood here's my answer if i say yes someone's going to say aha got him he couldn't do those builds in a day if i say no i don't i have all this at my disposal i can walk in here and chop down whatever i want when i want and build to my heart's content so i'm going to say aha got him he's out there deforesting i can't take it call the lorax so here's my honest answer i don't know it's my first day on the job contact my supervisor oh and have a blessed day so so there we go all right i'm happy with this very little deflection things rock solid we're all locked in so now i'm thinking step two we want to go ahead and frame this shelter out kind of like we did with our emergency fort in the woods i want one up here like this one underneath it but i want to add the pivoting fire concept i want the doors to pivot open like a delorean i'm starting my frame for this side we have our horizontal right here it's attached to our ridge pole we have a vertical vertical my second horizontal is right here above the bed actually the bed stops it my last horizontal is going to go right here and the idea is i can grab this side of my tarp and lift it easy peasy lemon squeezy so as always all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two my self-reliance outfitters influencer page and if you're interested in corporals corner merchandise that can be found on t-spring all three links are found inside my description box okay so here we go side a side b now if i get this bad boy up to 88 miles an hour we'll be in business tell you what these clouds need to crap or get off the pot because i'm trying to film we have a light glare and this is hard to see and then all of a sudden it goes dark unfortunately i have to pick a front in the back door front back now during perfect conditions i'll be able to open both doors in the event of a light rain close the back door this tarp will actually flap over this and facilitate the rain runoff huge downpour closing both down we still have that rain flap right here we're good to go [Applause] hahaha and there you go corporals bird of prey take that wharf boom yes i just said that okay here's what i'm thinking time for a fire pit original thought process was put the fire in the front why because that's the front we have nice scenery over here it can rain a little bit i can sit back and enjoy my fire but like i mentioned already we're on a sloping hillside elevation difference over here is about two and a half feet so that means a build something else firebox that's elevated to get off the ground when it rains b start digging and build some type of earth berm two foot high for a fire or option c put the fire in the back this way i can just dig a slight indentation or a dakota fire hole use that earth put a berm around it so any water can just flow around it door number two so okay so a bushcrafty shelter deserves a bushcrafty fire i got a dakota fire hole waiting to go right there so i'm gonna light that bad boy with a bow drill so all i did was take a piece of dry tool poppler and i batoned it in half boom we had two halves i took another half and batoned it again so i have a quarter this is going to be my spindle or my drill is going to drill into my board this half right here we're going to turn it into a fire board we have our bow already just a y branch with a slight curvature to it fingertip to armpit in length and a piece of fat wood from a red pine for our bearing block that we use to push down push the drill down into that board okay so taking one of our quarters that we talked about i'm going to turn this into my spindle or drill all we're going to do is we're going to remove material and taper it down one end and we're going to go ahead and round off the other i want it no less than pinky to thumb in length all right if you like what you see here please do my favorite hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you ring that bell please select all notifications then take it a step further grab your cell phone download the free youtube app and sign in this will give you push notifications when new videos drop all right so far so good we're looking on standing all we got to do is seat that drill meaning we're going to burn a full diameter of that spindle into our board and then carve our pac-man notch and then put it to the side until we need it so so uh foreign [Laughter] laughs so uh so um as always outstanding aff so [Applause] [Music] so that's a larger dakota fire hole but it's working that meal though tell you what hands down that's my favorite one to make out here in the field you get bacon bacon grease ribeye steak three types of potatoes onions cheese the season how you like it for me the bacon grease and the bacon is salty enough and i'm good to go but after doing something like this building for 12 to 14 hours like right now it's 9 12 p.m um we got out here man i want to say 7 a.m so yeah we're 14 and a half hours to get this done locate all this stuff and build it so it is possible um just want to say thank you i'll keep it all short and sweet tonight thank you to my legions all my old subs all my new subs thanks for sticking around it's been a hell of a ride um 13 long years and we're finally being seen and heard thanks to you we're not being suppressed from other channels that are the gods we're actually making a mark and being seen and hurt and that was my goal and i appreciate every single one of you that are making that happen just ask that you keep doing what you're doing sharing my videos everywhere with everyone watch them all the way to the end keep me in that feed keep me being seen and heard great things are coming up here and uh bringing you guys along for the ride so look forward to that more to come okay so here we are and it's a typical a-frame once you drop this lid down it'd be just like being inside of an a-frame a raised bed in an a-frame a little bit cramped but i have room on my side i can move around here and i'll be good to go just that small fire right there with this reflective tarp here and here i can feel that heat and most importantly we're on a sloping surface which means if the water were to come from the rain tonight it will go around us under us and i'll be high and dry and most likely warm because i'm a few fists length from the top here from the ceiling and that body heat will go around me got my swagman roll got my makeshift perseverance survival hoodie will be for a pillow and we'll be good to go all night so yeah catch you all in the morning stowaway gourmet i mean it tastes like actual yogurt that you bought from the store but it was powdered sure man the evolution of these things since 20 years ago crazy um anyway and valhalla coffee i was outstanding talk about the shelter real quick what did we do here well came out here we combined several different shelter ideas into one we have a classic raised bed using bipods then we were on a sloped or an inclined surface that sloped downward so we had to raise it up and kind of engineer a way to splice pieces onto it to get it level again from there we did two framed out tarps okay one over top of the other that created a flap for a rain fly and gave us that bird of prey or delorean style look and i think we nailed it from there we went ahead and dug a dakota fire hole and used that on the back side over here so that way if rain were to come down this hill it would flow around that berm and keep my fire going worked out pretty well and last but not least we created a improvised do-it-yourself rocket stove that we cooked our food on and there you go soul overnight building a bushcraft pivoting shelter in the woods now time to move on to bigger and better things with that all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one of my amazon influencer page and two myself reliance outfitters influencer page and if you're interested in corporals corner merchandise they can be found on teespring all three links are found inside my description box now please do me a favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you ring that bell please select all notifications and as always thank you for your comments and views and support thanks for watching be on the field have some fun i'm gonna catch you next time [Music] all right for those that stuck around and those that just figured it out corporal's corner is just like the marvel movies after the credits something cool might happen now just a reminder the first week of june atlanta georgia blade show i'll be there in the self-reliance outfitters booth my knife the camp and trail will be there also however with that said there's going to be a limited limited limited quantity so chances are if you're not there friday you're probably not going to get one sol better luck next time now along the same lines the backpack that i show in my videos the final approval went through and about two months the backpack will be out if you're on my website once again it's if you're on there i will send out notifications two or three days before with a link that you can click on and tell you hey at one o'clock on friday these backpacks are gonna drop that way you get a chance at the first run until next time take care stay safe
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 265,229
Rating: 4.9637375 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight Building a Raised Shelter With Pivoting Doors In The Woods, corporals corner, solo, solo overnight, overnighter, campinginthewoods, overnighter in an emergency shelter, building a shelter in the woods, joerobinet fort, minimum gear survival, minimum gear camping, building a natural shelter, building a suspended shelter, overnight in a bushcraft shelter, building a raised bed, camping with steve, steve wallis, step 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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