Solo Overnight Building an Emergency Fort In The Woods Part 1 Rock Heater with Bacon Steak Hobo Meal

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all right so here we are again another solo overnighter in the woods now speaking of solo overnighters last week's video solo overnight building a double-decker raised bed in the woods part two is up now a lot of people are asking me where did it go did you post it what happened here's the deal push notifications from youtube did not go out so i apologize for that here's the icon right here this is what it looks like scroll through my videos under shelters and you'll find that bad boy go ahead and watch it it was outstanding we had a raised fire and some good chow talking vegetables cooked in bacon grease with bacon and of course the rib eye it was bad ass now back to today's video i'm thinking there's a lot of people out in the woods right now building shacks shanties cabins and even forts and most the time they are referring to long-term shelters but what if we were to build a fort in the woods using an emergency tarp or emergency tarps and a minimum kit something for short term but still be considered a fort so here we go solar night building an emergency fort in the woods enjoy [Applause] okay let's go ahead and talk about this structure i want to create a emergency fort in the woods using a minimum kit so to do that i want to use two emergency blankets two emergency tarps i want to put them in a lean to configuration not creating an a-frame i want a small gap in between to do that i want to frame out one of my tarps and jut it over the top of the other one this way any rain that falls this way will be facilitated here as well as here this also leaves a small gap in between for a fire or hot coals inside i'm getting on this kick of thermal mass heaters so i want to create some type of thermal mass heater on the inside that will release any smoke but keep me warm all night [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] i boom okay so so far so good once again we're looking outstanding there are y branches here and here on both sides and we have our horizontal which is going to give it that scissor or pivot action this one right here all i got to do is pivot it that way and raise it up using a couple logs for a wall this one over here raises up maybe about two logs over here probably four logs and that will actually give it a small gap in between that we talked about in the beginning dog [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] so [Applause] so this came out of nowhere i'm sitting over here having a bite to eat getting some water and all of a sudden the clouds and then boom we got snow so i checked the weather report and they're saying the next 12 to 14 hours is going to be just like this so outstanding [Applause] let's go ahead and pause for a minute all the gear in my videos including corporal's corner merch can be found in three places one my amazon influencer page two myself reliance outfitters influencer page and three teespring all three links can be found inside my description box [Applause] [Applause] okay so i titled this an emergency fort in the woods because there's so many takes on cabin shack shanties forts emergency shelter setups but no one's ever done this and so i wanted to go ahead and go a different direction utilize our emergency blankets we have one here and here but create a longer term survival shelter that will do the exact same thing that a space blanket will but be more rigid so we have two independent panels here that are lean twos opposite of each other which creates an a-frame setup but the real benefit is that they pivot so using our emergency blanket here in this case an orange one with three x's we now have a panel that will move up and down or can be removed and signal for rescue our opposite one has a reflective side on the inside so we can turn that bad boy around and utilize the sunlight as well and get that contrast and movement so an emergency fort in the woods okay so that setup right there not only gives you an emergency shelter in the woods something that can be used for a longer term survival situation but also gives you a pretty cool fort in the woods or in this case any emergency fort in the woods okay so last thing on my agenda i mentioned i want to play around with a thermal mass heater so i'm thinking between these two posts towards the center i want to go ahead and dig out a trench or a trough or maybe a small divot and we have that opening up here like this to release any smoke i'm thinking of small fire or some coals or maybe even some hot rocks inside some coals that way it radiates that heat off all night it's going to bounce off that reflective side and then back down to my body now someone heard me say rocks and they went rocks get a rope they're going to explode well every single rock has the potential to explode the difference is i want to eliminate some of the variables i'm not going to go to a creek river or a lake and pull rocks out i'm not going to do that so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] and like my boy ron papiel says set it and forget it [Applause] okay so what we got going on here we got steak we got chicken we got bacon squash brussels sprouts onion potatoes and cheese yes vegetables look at that chunk of steak right there oh man [Applause] piece of chicken look at that that's outstanding as well my diet's gonna change in 2021 more protein a lot bigger meals and yes vegetables and it's not because i'm dying or something like you guys go see a cardiologist um i'm actually healthy i work out five to six days a week and i've started doing a lot of cardio lately one of my goals has always been to see everest just sit there and look up and be like i'm right here and there's the highest spot in the world and then at some point if i had enough money and time and the proper training i wouldn't mind actually getting to the top of that summit and just look up and be like i am the highest spot in the world right now i mean i've always thought that would be cool but baby steps um so i'm gonna hook up with the company septemberish 2021 and go check out the base camp and i want to be in shape for that while i'm there get some training and then uh you know see what happens future goals ah the foo was outstanding af now time to start a fire remo williams style [Applause] [Applause] so this is crazy it's exactly what it is a thermal mass heater the rocks are all together and the heat is coming off of that my upper core is actually really warm if i had a front and a back wall it would probably heat this entire shelter up i'm thinking next time make it a little bit longer add a layer of hot coals put the rocks on top and see what happens throughout the night but this is insane i can feel the heat right here yeah it's venting off it's badass i mean it's like it's doing exactly what's supposed to do it's radiating the heat off and i'm happy with that yeah this is working great outstanding af all right lastly to all my legions make this short and sweet thank you thank you all my new subs all my old subs without you i keep saying it i'm nothing you made this last year possible and this is just a taste of 2021 we're gonna get into all kinds of badassery so stay tuned and i really do appreciate every single one of you thank you for everything those that haven't done it yet check out my website and get on my email list that way i can notify you when my new videos drop thanks again i appreciate it [Applause] so so good so not bad not bad at all let's go and talk about that shelter like we mentioned last week this is just a taste of 2021 we do longer builds different takes on builds more elaborate builds two or three four five day overnight builds and basically use our imagination combined with our experience and skill set in our kit and see what we come up with so look forward to that so that shelter we went ahead and used two emergency blankets four y branches set those y branches and then framed out our tarps doing that created a pivoting tarp on both sides that we could go ahead and use an orange blanket or emergency space blanket with three x's so we could signal for rescue the other panel gave us a reflective panel to signal for rescue giving us that contrast and movement lastly we went ahead and put some walls on there and then created a thermal mass heater which that actually worked on this one here part one there's no front or back walls or doors so the heat did escape but in that immediate vicinity it was warm and it actually bumped that heat up inside there and to be really honest going out and hanging an emergency tarp or creating that i'll do that every time welcome back last night building an emergency fort in the woods was outstanding it's always good to get out with a minimum kit and your imagination and see what truly is possible with that all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two myself reliance outfitters influencer page if you're interested in corporals corner merchandise that can be found on teespring all three links are inside my description box please do them that favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you're in that bell please select all notifications then take it a step further grab your cell phones and download the free youtube app and sign in this will give you push notifications when my new videos drop as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching get on the field have some fun i'm going to catch you next time [Music] you
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 402,235
Rating: 4.9309678 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight Building an Emergency Fort In The Woods Part 1, solo, solo overnight, overnighter, overnight in the woods, camping in the woods, overnight in a survival shelter, building a fort in the woods, joerobinet fort, overnight in a bushcraft shelter, building a shelter in the woods, minimum gear camping, minimum gear survival, building a cabin in the woods, building a fort, how to build a fort, overnight in a emergency shelter
Id: 5ek-mj5XHDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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