so this rich faction base looked unraidable.. until i noticed A HIDDEN WAY to get ALL their spawners

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so it's actually Tuesday at the time I'm recording this and I found myself in these spots probably way too often where you know I could be recording some quality functions content but instead you know you're stuck you're stuck with the road for users that face it all my channel does now but today guys we are going to be doing something I didn't really plan to do now we're on top of a base as you guys can see I'm not just you know chilling on some water I don't you like it if we ever act we'll think I don't know what it means just sounds very cool these guys have two guys online and are worth 12 million dollars and they've messed up I mean I mean severely messed up and I also didn't record myself swimming because I remember how the last time that footage went and it was like eight minutes of me swimming but you guys have made the biggest mistake you can make a tea they've made to show off the second one once we get down to the first one because the first one is what we're gonna be using honestly I feel like swimming is actually better content and swimming down but what do we call it drowning not not swimming down we call it drowning even though I have water breathing so this is obviously one way these guys have severely messed up but guys if you guys are excited for me to get into this base or just you know watch my content in general make sure it goes to like and subscribe if you guys are new we are smashing through 26,000 tuned will be it like nine hundred million thousand right no okay but we should be getting there it is we're getting close but let's see if we can hit 300 likes if we can that'd be fantastic make sure you go subscribe with those notifications you know and over I post a video or do a live stream or basically do anything you'll basically like my stalkers that I accept so this is the first way these guys have severely messed up their base so obviously we can kind of just go in now like this this is their base this is that it has spawn it's okay it literally has spoilers I've gone invisible somehow I guess we'll just pull in and I want to show you guys just before we do I will not show you guys the other way these guys have messed up so what they've done it if left this little dirt pillar so if I get this right I say this lightly because I'm not a very smart person when we fireball okay will guess try again okay there we go so if we fireball it leaves an open packet like an open-air air lock thing I don't know what to call it what is it it's like a block so if we were to get ourselves logically here a charged creeper this is such a bad idea they add your own light it will blow into the base as you can see we're now basically in the page please make sure you guys do like and subscribe if you guys want to see you know cool video because I'm a very cool guy but we need to get in the vase now before they realize that we're here or maybe have heard the giant explosion so I shouldn't be able to bank this pole I shouldn't just be able to go through here because I apparently I can't power so all do is we'll grab ourselves another charge creeper and we will put we'll call him Pete and we'll put Pete in here and we'll go to rage shot and we'll grab ourselves a flint and steel and we'll light people compete thanks Pete so we are now into basically the main part of this base there is actually so much of this base to show you guys but before we do anything we need to drop ourselves a full envious there we go we're gonna go invisible for this bad idea I know it's one of my worst ones yet these guys have squid spawn is kind of just sat here so we're just gonna grab these there's two squids the nice way to start a video grabbing my selves to free spawn us and also these guys have like an immaculate base right this is very very nice I'm not gonna go griefing it like I do other bases this one look at it it's so pretty it's just a shame it has to get raided and there're also there's also one box that we can't get into many of the fact it's pure obsidian but we'll give it a go anyway hopefully we might you know we might get lucky the guy might mine out and just give us the stuff he might basically see us here and be like oh damn it it's this guy again we'll just we'll just give you the stuff and move base don't think it's gonna happen gonna be honest but this base is looking pretty empty now apart from the spawns especially in this area I don't there's an easy way to get into these without blowing it up so we'll probably come back to that last over here these guys do have a little glass box where they're just a few little spawn is in this so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna be I did it first try I never do it first try I'm so proud of me but we'll get rid of these spoilers just so worst case scenario and these guys do come back and you know won't want to try to kill me then you know you know spawn is for you buddy boy but they have a lovely set of all that is here and going up to the next room where look at this I can't blow this up it's so beautiful just looking like some p2 in the chest I'm not gonna bother with the p2 we only want the big-boy stuff we only want the p4 we don't want any of this strength speed parts axes efficiency for shovels pots of healing there any diamond stuff I in prop 3 oh no no diamond stuff okay thank you we'll have a look through these anyway I know these guys aren't and who labeled compared to the other ones but it's it's always good to look just in case they're hiding something the people usually do right it's looking like my my theory was you know incorrect they have 22 graphs we've made a profiting as we only use a few 603 time ins don't mind if I do I'm gonna keep those those are my lucky diamonds I would take them with me everywhere they've cooked they've put cobblestone in the stone chest so I feel like as a friendly player all I can really do is help them out now glowstone some ice and a few sponges what's the over here we've got prod three oh my god are we finally it's empty isn't it I just wanted some diamond armor and apparently we're not getting anything legitimately I just wanted to literally just grab oh I in luck it's p2 but I'll take it and unorganized there chess quick and we'll just grab all this p2 we'll just I know I said I don't want to take the p2 earlier if it's all that is in the base we're definitely gonna take it these guys anything else in these chests nope so we were set home right in here just in case worst-case scenario you get killed I know we still have that side to check out as well and these I go they have chess in the court okay now can't be distracted we have to go back to the vault right now just so we have the ability just done you know like but back and forth back and forth so if you guys are enjoying this like I said make sure you guys do like and subscribe if you guys are new we post bangers every single day well it depends any definition of bangers fate it's important for us now to keep our three diamonds with us is those obviously are lucky diamonds I'm gonna name each of them individually and give them a nice home but which side haven't we checked it's this site okay so we'll go over here any prop for there's a dub of p2 boots a dub of p2 legs a dub of p2 another double p2 may be that of p4 or is it only p2 just completely gonna ask my faction if p2 is actually worth taking because if it is we'll take it if it isn't then you know rip to rip it to p2 but we'll check these out just those say in the corner which it looks a bit no it looks a bit weird but it's looking once again like there is nothing in these chests how dare they once again we're not looking very lucky in these chests we might end up taking that P 2 and not sure I do actually get in these but I don't want to do a lot of damage let's just have a look at the open ones and just see if it might add to be worth it alright that that would be a big fat no but we've got some CEG's right now just come on please but actually do something no didn't do anything okay I'm not very good at this this whole chest blowing up stuff I'm actually surprised no one in the faction is actually like online or like coming to try to defend it obviously they don't know they've been raided it's kind of like hard to tell if you're not here is fact remember like anywhere there a guy just wandering around I don't get back down I want to go back down but I'm completely lost oh there we go a nice little ladder giving us the way but we want to blow up these I'm trying to do as a minimal damage to the base I produce and say that as I'm using a charged creeper um that did more than I wanted I'm gonna be honest looking back I didn't really plan for that to happen but it's looking for the most part very very lucky that we actually did it because obviously there's nothing actually in them we've just wasted our time completely so I think what I'm actually gonna do is I'm gonna start moving all of this P - I feel like it might be worth it in the in the long run of things because you know CP two is a great piece of armor depart from prop 4 which is probably the best and then there was the p3 after that it's its third out of four we have to give it some kind of props right I feel like now's the time we're gonna put our armor back on just in case anybody wants to let you know like come up and get get killed by my amazing PvP skills I literally heard people laugh in the comments people already laughing at me so what we'll do is we'll move all of this a little bit by a little bit we've still got like half a double helmets to go because obviously we're by ourselves today no one's actually around at the time I'm recording this which means Raven is unsupervised which is always a bad thing Raven unsupervised is something that probably shouldn't happen because I'm usually gonna end up blowing something up or maybe like ruining someone's day or like maybe blowing up someone's base like I already have done like I said it probably wasn't a good idea to use charged creepers I apologize to aqua Fink's it's a very cool faction name very original I'm very sorry I blew up your obviously I forgot how boring it is doing rates by yourself when you're so used to doing it with other people I think what we might do worst case scenario is after we've moved this p2 we're gonna head up to the very very like tippy tippy top of the base then obviously there's a bit more to show down at the very bottom so we'll do everything before we end this video so if you know you guys are thinking he's left this out don't worry I've thought of Plan B and C and then D okay right I guess we'll leave this here for now I don't want to spend so long just taking absolutely everything was case scenario we will come back and get it before we actually leave the base but I do want to get on and see if there's a way to get inside like this big RV box which I guess we will head to now obviously with all that p2 and p1 and stuff all stored we will start heading up the big ladder which thank you guys very very much by the way because you have literally just left me away and if I can find a way to there it is there's the hole I wanted okay so there's this box over here which has nothing in this is the top of the little storage thingy and this is where we have to okay this is where we have to head to all the way up here to the very tippy tippy top this looks like parkour or they've just placed see lights for like general lighting the river park or downstairs we might give it a go later on we don't we don't we're not sure yet honestly I can't believe these guys and she left something like this in their base meaning a dirt pillar and then a hole next to it it's kind of the thing you don't see anymore it's only really like brand new players who sometimes don't realize it like being flats an air pocket or what actually means but I'd be surprised if action worth twelve million dollars actually made like a mistake like this it's not it's not that commonly seen ah okay almost I almost fell off and aged but we won't talk about that we will head our way up I can see I see the light at the end of the tunnel be making it I believe you believe everyone should believe one Ravens swim swim as fast as your legs would take you I'm not even swimming am I climb the ladder as fast as your legs will take you so this is the box I actually wanted to get in I don't think we actually have the ability to without building a cannon which I don't actually want to do so in here if we do slash chunk info there there is nothing well I got the wrong box I swear there was something in here there we go so there were six skeleton spoilers in here which I would see we want to get but there's no way for us to get them without cannoning into this box at which you know it sucks it hurts my feelings just a little bit I mean got to charge creepers so you might as well just you know try get lucky in a hole into em see you can't ask your breaker obsidian hmm did I do that I think I did uh-oh looks like this Abu box is safe from factions Raven for one more day there we go we will head now up to the very tippy tippy top of the base where we started this video and we will just grab another sec I'm not doing any like hardcore briefing like usually with me it's something which I i'll just generally blow up a hole into everybody's bayside I really don't mind but we've almost made oh oh I could have just taken the ladder edit that out no ladder we're back now at the very tippy tippy top of the base and I think before we end off this video there was when we broke in obviously we saw one little room with a little parkour thing so you might head back down there let's jump off a lot to die catch the ladder at 360 spin a couple of times like I'm in 2012 playing modern warfare 2 we'll just we obviously this being where we broke into obviously it was down here yo look at this little parkour it's not even a parkour it look like a park or another obsidian box that we can't get into another challenge for another day you don't beat me eventually oh my god another diamond for our lucky diamond collection another eight diamonds for a lucky diamond collection making so much progress honestly a diamond horse armor nothing literally worth anything in here because I have a feeling this right here it's the way into their melon farm which I'm guessing is how they make a fair bit of their money which is why like it's it's connected it's like a poopy chest room at the top because obviously it's gonna take them quite a while just to move the stuff up and down if they don't have like a good amount of homes it might actually message okay none of them are online that that probably explains quite a lot well it's the GT to these guys I'm very very sorry that something like this had to happen it's mainly because you left your base unsupervised and you kind of left the hole let it let it be a lesson to you I'm all about lessons here on the fashion of every YouTube channel like I'm like a factions teacher that's my new idea a thousand likes I would change my IG into that I'm just like you know but guys thank you so much for watching today's raid and I really think there's anything else we can do I kind of like this doing straight the rate for a video because I feel like it's just one thing you have to walk but guys I'm gonna leave this video here I don't do any charms or anything to open actually wish I did we'll head back to home new base is that it there we go you guys check the f top update right now we are worth 896 million dollars I think puts us ahead of everybody because they think some people do have hidden value but there are some cool signs thank you so much watching today's video if you guys did make sure you like inscribe which you guys are new over to you tomorrow with another episode of factions or maybe a moderate stream who knows I guess we'll find out but thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys tomorrow
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 534,156
Rating: 4.023891 out of 5
Keywords: so this rich faction base looked unraidable.. until i noticed A HIDDEN WAY to get ALL their spawners, factionsraven, raven, factions raven, minecraft, mine craft, raiding, minecraft raiding, saicopvp, minecraft action, missing block, rich raid, pg13, missing block raid, raiding in factions, rich raiding, factionsraven raiding
Id: Hql2ErsU9L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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