i wasn't sure if i'd found a Minecraft base.. until i noticed the OWNERS nametag through the floor!

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here we are again relying on ye old entity tactic obviously if I ports hang on there you go you can see the seven in the corner we're gonna hope to god that there is actually a raid here if not you know this doesn't make it into a video then goodbye but if it does I want all of you guys down below to like and subscribe if you guys aren't you thank you guys by the way for 60,000 subscribers but we're gonna hopefully making our way into okay that works that it's not nether right you don't get bricks in the nether I have no sound for some reason but that's not the point there is a guy here okay there is a guy online this isn't actually claimed look if I if I F map there are no claims around it its legit just entities I don't know if this guy is here I haven't well downloaded anything I haven't done anything but guys let's see if we can smash 750 likes in 24 hours there's TNT on me that's not the point we need to find the best entry point now for this base we need to find the best way in for this video and where's that gonna be maybe if he's right there I don't know what he's up to Rodrigo hello Rodrigo it's a chest can we open nothing okay did you let him know you might just be fully afk let's try find a really easy way in and let's just try go to the opposite side of the base if so we don't make that much noise and he won't really notice okay there's definitely horses this horse bonus I can see those so let's drink another invisible or we do anything because obviously we don't want to we don't want to lose it there we go okay let's fall down oh my god this jambe is a a zombies bonus it says Skelly's as well I need to make my way into where he is that's Kelly so I just quickly ready go oh my god there's zombies and skeleton an unclaimed base okay right how are we gonna do this do we prioritize we not prioritize I can guarantee like 90% of you in the comments right now are just yelling at me to prioritize I might get the skeletons first cuz if he does come back from being afk this is my thought of process he's looking directly this way he's looking directly into this so if I go this way and grab these first and he won't notice right there was 8 Skelly's so we've got all eight I'm surprised he was actually 8 that's a lot of money that's close to 3 4 mil something like that but let's grab these zombies hopefully he won't notice or they don't go into his inventory let's take him okay only one zombie that's okay the sooner we get everything the sooner we can leave as I slowly grout faster I think he is fully afk like like vajay like if I dance in front of him he should okay I told think he's here to be honest let it grab these just so we can PVM there's one horse there is six mushroom and we can honesty now I think just check through completely we should now completely be okay just to check through these Jess oh that was full of netherrack we want to slowly at this once got hairos bones look like general just mob loot stuff an innocent potion of healing some melons is this a melon farm too I mean I'll sell that for money cuz that's three melons pretty much that's a 3 4 K and that's a lot of money he's got raw beef it's looking generally juice it's like a farm base I would be surprised if there was actually more in it but oh there's an axe some legs just P one he's got some lava of instant damage pots okay we're gonna kill him using these I'm gonna redeem myself from the last time I tried okay so looking like this base is actually pretty much empty in comparison to everything else because honestly I was expecting this to be a lot bigger if it was gonna be a base because people only really build bases in the never if it's actually like a massive thing I don't think I've ever found like a huge chest base in the nether don't wanna do that so I can raid it I mean don't don't do that let's see I'm wondering what we can do to this guy because it's unclaimed obviously we have like an infinite potential and what we can do I think we should maybe start trolling this guy just a little bit I don't know blow up his base at all because this guy's obviously gone to some effort to decorate it and I don't really want to ruin it for him when he comes back obviously then he could still move maybe use the same design but see people are gonna come and like break it please don't if you find this let's just move the skeletons over here and then what we can do is I'm thinking what what why level are we at we're at why level two so we can't do anything going down but we might be able just to completely fill his base with like dirt or something I'm thinking that might be the best thing to do here or something so like when he comes back here it's like a bit of a shock if we mined him down he should be at bedrock right there why am i jumping I press spacebar for no reason I'd say what we're gonna do is wick I'm in a good mood alright I'm in a good mood with this guy I'm gonna do a nice thing and we're gonna leave him in here what we're gonna do does he have any wood for like signs or anything let's just check his chess again too in there can we like scavenge it throughout every chest we should be able to right ha I thought I saw at sixty-one birch wood there we go so let's such craft right now I'm trying to be very quiet like I know he could hear me it obviously isn't the factor at all we make three sign and what we will do is just be like hey but I hope all is well and you made this unclaimed was too easy to find I'm sorry I'm not really sorry it's just you know in the afk you gotta just mess with them a little bit I think that's the more fun in it it's just messing with the people because this guy right now has no idea he's gonna come back from whatever he's doing and to see his base raided which is mean in itself but I hope you're able to get back on your feet Raven there we go okay I think that's a good enough like sign thing for him to keep but how much is he were head value-wise because I don't wanna we have to see that there we go we'll leave oh I don't know if you have to read that either honestly I'm not very good at this whole blocking people in think I'm used to just killing them or taking their money but oh looks like it isn't this cornice if I bow Rodrigo he's worth 200 case if I kill him I want you guys once again comment down below right now I'll pause it right here just for a second don't you guys have to pause the video I want you guys to comment how much he is gonna be worth with this head obviously last time people nailed it on the head some people got very close I'm gonna go fit right now so I'm gonna kill him honestly in the game ow I hurt myself okay he's gone he had a pick ax a sword okay see he was ready to kill me at like any moment okay so yeah a sharpness to get a haste one okay I'm gonna put all this in a chest room because I actually need his stuff where can we put it but it here here and they would've put his loot in there as well cuz it looks like he was actually grinding beforehand because I want you guys to comment right now how much you think that the head is worth and we are gonna three-to-one it right now we're gonna go three two one it is worth $40,000 if you guys to guess $42,000 you are correct then you are wrong you did not get it right did did they mooshroom he doesn't speak English does it now the one thing we are gonna have to do is grab an axe and basically just check for secret chest because honestly people do them and claim bases you don't notice it but if we just start mining the wall just a little bit obviously I can replace everything at the end we don't want to like fully ruin his base because I'll see everyone yells at me for that so if we just miner round the oh what's that okay that's just like a whole let's just keep going sorry horse out the way around and round we go until what's the assist just looks like a corner that's lovely we are getting to it there the stone brick but is there a secret room um what is this is this like his murder room what is this he's got like custom enchants and stuff in here okay the man has hl1 is your back stabbed to unstick inves okay I don't ever think we need to be impress anymore let's just not go in visit he's got daily bows he's got back stab to and the arrow and steady arrow and report which honestly aren't that bad he's got a weekly set and another weekly set and this busy looks like his storage area maybe like his armored storage area we're gonna block it back up for him and just like replace the whole thing there we go we want to obviously be nice to the guy I mean obviously we've just raided his base where if I can obviously not oh I stuff up that'd probably be lovely there we go pretty much all repaired no one will ever know the difference all looks lovely and he still isn't back but I've left him some sign which honestly I hope if he sees then he doesn't you know bully me or wanna murder me I also do need to do is level up to level five I think the last hoard was a little bit ago but I think what we need to do it's a to do it so we can rank up because we've a level 5 for the longest time I need 10 horde kills to do it but what I might do is go back to the base and put all these spoilers away because obviously oh let's quickly just before I do set home raid here again and then we will home home into the base and then we will go put all these away so obviously the faction then can do it they won't be the mob see what all that sounds ok sounds going off for a second you won't hear anything that's because gasps just scream but the base design is now a base design it looks like a like a cave system or like a minecart thing I don't know what this is there's oats up there where is the storage stuff where do I put the stuff maybe it's up on the ladder I'll go up the ladder and then we'll find out together we'll do it as a team also we know that's the important thing oh my god what is this this is so cool so do we just like put it in here like a free chest in the side it looks just like Alma but obviously we can just you know we'll just plonk it anywhere let's grab out all the spoilers we got from today's raid which is obviously a very good amount and we'll put them in this chest right here and we'll let you two say like to our faction maybe just this is where the spaulos are if you want them if you do want them anyway do we had anything else to put in we've got one sheep we can put in there where's where's it gone there we go one sheep we can put in and I just want to quickly have a look around there because it looks like just houses and stuff oh my god are these grinders why is this down here it's like leading me down what's this oh these are some bee pigmen oh my god ok so it's like the house is the grinder pretty much and there's like different ways in here oh my god magma cubes over here this is actually a really cool design you know we can we can kill some okay I didn't do that well let's see this is really really well done and I don't have it do you have anything to open the end of this video I wish I did I wish I did have some stuff but you know I ended up just giving all my stuff away anyway because people have mean but we can do I guess it's quickly just check if there are any extreme treasures on a hedge that is okay we can buy one of these this guys send it for 90 K let's buy those and let's head over to shop because if you guys don't know out of my end of all I got to lockpick like for extreme treasures I got like a 50% at a 40% let's redeem my to set homes there we go though we have a extreme chest right now and we have our to lock guys at know the new lockpick like tear system thing you now get it for each one so you get like a extreme lockpick for something else or something else so we're gonna go with the 50% burst just to give it a go and we unlocked it first try which means we can get some good stuff now we can get listen dairy money pouch divine gear mystery mob math so we can get charm so it's all really good and you all get this on by fishing so if you guys do want to go to head over to loot lake you might be able to fish yourself one of these and make some good money but it's open it up we got ourselves oh my god oh my god that is amazing we got ourselves two deluxe money pouches which is insane in itself we got a sunken lakes protection is that five for section four I'm breaking for and we got protection for depth strata three unbreaking for okay we're putting those on like straight away like both of these can be handy when we're making a god set later on but let's open one money pouch right now we got ourselves only it like an 800 K at 300 K there we go and let's open our last one because I says 500 K which is made I'll actually a lot of money we're almost 5 mil now let's head and try see if there's a cheap one we can bite with our 40% lockpick there we go we have 40% now to open this please it worked again okay so wheat basic you just got very very lucky I don't think I've ever been this lucky in my life but we're gonna open it up we got ourselves hospital head hunting booster and two deluxe money pouches again so honestly we made our money back and if anything we can win cheaters head flip please because what these does is it gives you 1 point 5 XP which made you grind quicker and like etc etc so let's open up the first one oh my god we got so unlucky seventy thousand dollars not good at all but falou we get something in the hi hundred thousands with 900,000 there we go I'll take that almost a million dollars right there so we're back up to almost 6 mil we've made a lot of profit just from those two things honestly I think with that now that is gonna be the end of this video guys that's C like I said if we can smash 750 likes if we can that'd be really cool thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys tomorrow with another video I hope everyone's had a brilliant day and I will see you guys then you know good bye I'll wiedersehen Cheers
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 297,958
Rating: 4.8636446 out of 5
Keywords: i wasn't sure if i'd found a Minecraft base.. until i noticed the OWNERS nametag through the floor!, factionsraven, factions raven, factionsraven raiding, raiding in minecraft, mine craft, minecraft, minecraft factions, minecraft trolling, minecraft pvp, minecraft tnt, factions, 1.8 minecraft, minecraft raiding, raven, minecraft video, minecraft funny, no cursing, kid friendly minecraft
Id: 5mDvBaaEjCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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