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ladies and gentlemen how is everybody doing in the video right I am doing fantastic thank you for definitely not asking - today we are wasting no time with today's video we're gonna jump right into it in like the next 15 or so seconds but before we go any further 80 % of you right I'm unless I'm talking to you in the background and not subscribe to the channel alright YouTube statistically has shown me that to make sure you guys do subscribe and let's see if we could smash 2,000 likes if we can't that'll be fantastic you guys comment done when you have done it I'll be Harting the first replies for an hour today we're gonna head over the home braid right it's in the hotbar that means you know we're definitely getting serious and we're and avoid again and I can't see where I'm going to just reconnect nothing nothing going on here today we are raiding a base that is a giant floating obsidian box and if I f map is owned by the faction go beast these guys are worth six million dollars and nobody is currently online right they've got a few people in the faction but what we can do is we can use this lovely cannon which I have obviously done by myself by the way by my bad line cape thank you this lovely cannon is hopefully gonna get us into the base as they have like a direct ladder going from like point a up here to point B down here it's it's quite crazy hopefully there is some good stuff in here if you're watching this video it clearly is some good stuff it should stack like once and I don't even know if it stacked any sand yes it sucked at once and I can see the sand currently which means what can I have to do this for a little bit longer we do have sand and stuff in the chest so worst-case scenario will be okay so it looks like we're making brilliant progress right now right we're right-clicking red stones doing red stony things sand is falling everything's working I say this now right and I guarantee in the next 30 seconds something's probably gonna go wrong as it always does which means now daily videos will be occurring as psycho sky has reset everything's reset everything's brilliant okay but it's gonna focus on getting into the base because otherwise we're gonna be here for hours going through a really cool amount like this one this is a fun one I like this one so now we're at the point where we basically need to turn on the scatter for the cannon which means that we're gonna do some cool stuff and we're hopefully gonna break into this base he says I don't think it worked at all okay let's give it one more go as we could have just messed up that last time honestly anybody who's ever doubted me my name is Raven I have finally got into a base I am worth something in my life and here we are alright the ladder as you guys can tell is up here I think we broke a few chests as well and it all cleared sorry about that I didn't mean to but there is a load of chairs down here with all the pickaxe you got some pickaxes we got some other stuff maybe he says hopefully some potions or one stack of obsidian we're now rich I'll definitely take that and we will never look through before we go grab anything else is we need to make sure we don't miss anything because if we miss anything by comments are gonna yell at me let's head up and start working our way up at the base hopefully I can purl against this wall I didn't do it okay that's a guy what do I do okay I killed him there our spawn is here this is just sped up everything all right this is just sped up everything the guy literally just logged on in front of me him peeps his head over the side okay let's let's focus on getting the spawner so we're gonna have to bring P I bridging clear I miss lovely okay we're gonna grab a creeper egg because we don't have time for this we do not have time for this blow up Jerry and we may have severely messed up I only got oh god Jerry what do we do this is put everything back in the chest right nothing ever dropped on the floor there's so much good stuff in here that I want we got we I'm so scared he's still online I'm not exactly sure where he is but all I need to do right now is grab these boners okay this is my number one priority he could be getting geared could be getting some armor on we'll drink this eight minute potion of speed and we'll just grab these boners right here 15 whole spoilers okay issue he's back get him again okay we did that that went brilliantly okay now we're out of room in our a chests and everything we have no room okay I'm gonna head back to home mission and we're gonna have to hope he doesn't come back and take all the spawns because if he does we were in severe trouble okay we're in severe trouble this guy just logged on peeps his head over there okay it looks like they've actually added dispensers thank you Mission Control doing exactly what I wanted we look okay we look okay let's grab a 15 chickens bonus oh my god we are gonna be very very rich after this 15 picks bonus and I'm guessing us also 15 rabbits if we F who go beast this guy is still online I'll message him and I will say hello okay this quickly now has to go into these dispensers we have to do this with such urgency we have to do it with such precision I have probably found have very toxic player he just said a very rude word why you do this it's factions you guys don't know if you guys are new to the channel right this is what factions is all about it's all about raiding other people taking other people's stuff he just took damage he's down here I killed another guy he said who cares why is this guy so mean everyone's calling me up dude I think I found the most toxic faction ever okay he's back again he just jumps off the edge you have so much to live for okay let's quickly focus up and get these spoilers before we talk to mr. toxic faction as these guys do not seem like okay he's definitely not a nice person they're messaging me reported they think I'm chief what listen if I was cheating could like Infinite dab right that is the question head back to home raid because I'm actually curious these guys might be going straight for my camera there's obviously nothing really like important in here we've got all the spoilers for now everything's looking fantastic on our part okay let's head back over here and hope that maybe someone is back as I would enjoy there's a guy dead no okay listen we managed to grab the spoilers he's looking at me over the edge I'm pretty sure I won't be able to get anything else we did get the spawn as though that's the important thing but these guys are so toxic I don't understand why people like this I get that like obviously it's taking people stuff but it's obviously how the server works is how the server is played he has like a knock back a thousand I'm getting so much abuse from these okay I just want to get back to the base now I regret not sending right that's the chair I'm gonna have to burn out because of everything he's saying oh god okay let's get into the base hope we don't die are we in we are in lovely he can't get us back out now there we go we got him I told him to stop and he said no I just need to parse it home braid in here there we go this has gone fantastically now now what we can do now what we can do is we can have a look through these chests and find out hopefully if there's anything good in here they've got some creeper eggs a wither skeleton hair they're just spamming me mean things I don't get it like we see you guys if you're new to factions it's a raiding server the whole idea is to take stuff at this guy these guys sorry and not taking it very well we've got some good armor and stuff in here though and stuff we can definitely sell fix some money off you've already made like four million dollars from the trade and there is actually more to have a look at so up here are even more levels that they've got some stuff here also got more spoilers in here okay let's grab these actually let's grab these now before they come back and kill me 15 mushroom spawn us are either gonna have to leave nine or find okay there we go nine spaces okay there we go let's head back to home mission put all this away and hopefully we can actually stop raiding the rest of this base without these guys being too toxic I mean I think the line is already passed for toxic players I think these guys are definitely the angriest people I've ever met playing factions Shino I did a video a while ago on a guy who was probably the most toxic player I've ever met these guys I think are a close second okay these guys are definitely up there we're getting so much like cool stuff from this raid he's messing me you are getting banned I don't know why I'd be banned I'm playing legit Lee I'm doing everything fair okay this guy needs to there we go let's get him out the way so we can keep raiding his friend has to be here somewhere okay that's what I'm thinking his friend has to be here somewhere but now we can have a little look through and see if there's anything good we want to take some more pure gold and pure iron we've got some more diamonds and stuff I think I'll leave the diamonds I'm only looking for like the impure stuff or the pure stuff kay we've got some more impure gems some mask fragments definitely some rare stuff inside this base it's a lot richer than I thought it would be like with stuff in the chest a mighty very very surprised I've got some impure courts as well we've got a load of cool stuff some more creeper eggs a chicken spawner if I F who go beast there's the two of those guys online which are the two people who were being very mean to me currently I have no idea like I think the other guys inves I think he's in fists somewhere I thought I just saw some particles okay I don't think these guys are gonna let me raid this very very easily I think to be honest these guys are gonna keep coming back they've got some good armor in here as well we can take all this and start moving it back a little bit of TNT also you came back in daily armor what what a guy we've got some more creeper exits and more obsidian a lot of rich stuff in this base that we're gonna have to move back and forth we've got some impure gold a lot of stuff is looking quite good the only thing I'm worried about is him coming back in armor and then me dying because obviously that would not be the greatest thing ever I think we had a look through most of these chests it's just got to the point where I just have to repeatedly spawn kill this guy to even like a raid at the base like they are not letting me do anything I know that obviously the point of factions he is being very you mean to me I'm just gonna reply I'm raiding because that is what the server is about you know it's a very simple thing okay I think for the most part these chest rooms seem to be fully raided it doesn't seem to be that much left inside of here now if there is and there's something very very secret I'm gonna be very very upset but we got so much money out of this raid we got such a good amount of stuff we have some inves potions I'll drink one up now just for the fun of it and we'll head up the ladder again it didn't work he came back in daily Armour again I don't think these guys understand that okay he just keeps stop coming back it's just gonna keep happy can back in Armour okay I'm actually gonna die this guy's insane what just happened okay warlord KITT let's get some armor on we are going back in armor the good thing is I don't think we had any spoilers on us I think we literally just had like what we had on us which is actually seems quite good I knew someone was gonna come back in armor but we have some stuff here with like custom in chancery should be okay and quickly just gonna find out how to change text repair out we go just so we have like a low flyer and a different sort I know it's a bit of a change like midway through the video but it's grabbed up some elixirs actually did we get or we got something from here drink up a combat elixir and then we will also grab some potions and stuff as well this could go very very badly right now wait he just took no lock bag I think he's cheating okay I have to get out of this base because I have a really bad feeling that they're actually cheating now I know this could just be seen as so but honestly I think they are just the way he was doing those hits guys leave it in the comments what you guys think as well oh my god he actually chased me actually chased me that is such a bad idea for him because there's something I can do which I've done before to toxic people and it's definitely the most fun if I F claim s2 right here and I go to base shop and I grab an annihilation call if you guys don't know what this does it pretty much it pretty much removes the ground under the guy so this should actually work if we can just get above him like right here all we need to do now is just get out of combat and we hopefully should be able to do this come on swim away or Haven swim away that guy fell to his death come on all I need to do is get out of combat and I'm okay come on okay round here we go oh this video has taken such like a bad turn it's actually really surprising if I get right here and I do it no he got me right back in combat at the last second what is this I like just that bad at the game now okay this guy's over here if the guy with no armor come on there we go we got him I think we got head as well one we just need to get this guy off of it for a second we're about to get him he's on one huh come on this is all we need is just one more come on buddy we got him yes we managed to get everything back this went a lot better than I thought it would I just hope that they manage to come back cuz I really want to use this annihilation core he's messing me you are getting banned I mean I've recorded everything let's grab his head cuz this is actually worth so much money if we can get this because I think we sold one earlier for $400,000 Oh his money's actually gone his head is worthless but I think I'll keep it in the PV for now or in the chest I guess okay we looks like we have no room in anything I just met him I said GG cuz honestly right I don't want any bad feelings because obviously this is just factions he said hahaha okay good thing my friend came in at the right time to kill you okay I managed to get them to follow me again I think yeah there we go this is what I wanted and then we will head over here yeah out of combat and I think we can leave this right now come on amount of combat hi buddy there we go we'll have another one of his heads now for storage purposes we'll put this back in the a chest as well so we can stack these up I don't think they're gonna fall for that again honestly I mean it was oh there's his friend oh it's him again okay he said report it again guys I think this is where we're gonna leave this video leave in the comments if you guys have ever had probably a worse action experience ever like if you have had anybody this toxic on the server or any server please do let me know I would greatly like to see it guys it see if we can smash 2,000 likes we can I'll be fantastic thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you guys tomorrow with another video I don't know what to do in factions anymore this guy is crazy
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 64,094
Rating: 4.9003716 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, factions raven, raven, minecraft factions, old school Minecraft, minecraft raiding, I found this rich kids, minecraft, mine craft, RAIDING the WORLDS MOST TOXIC Minecraft Faction EVER.. (HACKERS!), toxic minecraft player, most toxic minecraft player, toxic players in minecraft, trolling toxic players, toxic minecraft, trolling in minecraft
Id: RrOO2cU92dQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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