i almost couldn't raid this rich factions spawners.. but then i noticed THIS whilst cannoning!

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now before this video goes any further I want you guys to do me a favor in the comments of this video I want you guys to leave how long you reckon it takes the rate of for wool base by yourself and if you guess anything less than like six hours that's probably how long has taken me so this cannon today has completely failed me but welcome back guys to the raid for today they we have the cannon set up at a faction called a breaker break learn oh break oh there we go these guys are worth seven million dollars with five million dollars at spawn it's not the best not the worst we're in the middle today but before we go any further make sure you guys do like and subscribe if you guys aren't new with post notifications on where she just hit twenty eight thousand subscribers Demi give me a woo okay that was a loud woo I only have to trim down that audio Jesus but guys thank you so much for the ketubah support we actually just hit 28 K like I said submit sure you guys like him subscribe we post note there but yeah that makes sense and it makes you you guys can get this video to 370 how YouTube works right but I want to show you guys just what the canon has done today before we actually raid this base because it's actually quite funny in a way because I've never seen it break this much so the first two balls in this are dry or the first three sorry these are completely dry which is fine not an issue note one shot through these after two shots because we are aiming at y2 46 we did this somehow they're not this is and then I fired again and it did this so I'm just gonna go on a whim and say maybe it might be broken I'm not a hundred percent chop we're gonna fire now and just see if we can actually rate this bass I think we have like one wall left before actually in the base this thing is stacked there we go let's fire the cannon sit in our little corner well actually go see the damage it's done when we go back that should have exploded there we go let's go slash back was here by myself today which kind of sucks I don't like being by myself but you know it's what it is it's what we have to do that did like three sand we've made it alright we're gonna have to sand stack one more before we hopefully get into the base that I'll be back with you guys in a second and I'm gonna do a cool transition now that you guys have never seen me do before alright so we're at the end of the sand stack right now obviously you know you didn't hear anything from the sand stacking so it's fine but this now is done there we go let we have enough red sand everything should be good it's fire cannon again and I hope this gets us in the base I'm literally hoping and praying at this point that it gets us in the base come on please cannon don't let me down I guess we'll find out in three seconds because it's DPS still not a thing okay and we are not mmm if I just fire again it should work right I'll stack like a little bit of Santa just see if it works ever done this before do we have any shots left anyway we have I've left okay we have lots left I'm not doing stacking up on the side I can just go do this so we do like three more layers and we'll hope to god that cannon actually is working as if the cannon doesn't work then we're not gonna get into a rate which means I don't have a video which means I'm gonna have to cry and probably like ill someone else's video probably rinds let's face it I'm thinking if we do maybe like three stacks of Santa that should be enough because obviously it's only once and and needs but we'll just try it with like six if any cannon experts know why this is happening please do let me know as I'm severely not happy okay so that will fire and then we'll go slash back here hope that it working oh my god we're actually in the base I did a team I've done it I'm so proud of me honestly I did this all by myself so oh my god hardly blew up anything though this is where we need to get to in here cuz up here are the spawn us this is the chests room that we're going for luckily we didn't actually blow anything up I have a feeling if I fire another shot which I should do it will get rid of this obsidian here which should get us into the spawn is because they do have like an absolute load of spawner so we'll just fire once more chuck ourselves back in our slash bag and okay that's gonna be too early is it no I think we're good oh my god actually worked oh my god we blow up everything um oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear okay just put it back in the chest everything's fine put all this back yeah it's fine it's fine nothing to worry about that's not hot like a WT put all this away everything's fine nothing to worry right here I didn't do anything okay so now we need to power into this room so let's go to our G shop let's G shot there we go let's grab our mob merchant where he is and grab ourselves maybe two stacks of posters so we prepared okay actually did it first try so these guys actually have all of their doors open to their spawn Aswini stupid so it will grab ourselves a cheat of late there we go that will grab ourselves these mushroom and there is the one brilliant it was eight sheep in one mushroom pathetic so we'll grab the pigs are there six pigs lovely love myself six pigs my favorite AB some chickens I think there are six chickens and look how many cows spawn as these guys have they're just all lined out in a little cube cube like a line vertical line line thing okay we'll just go with line let's go back to our vault now before we actually end up losing everything cuz we already lost a lot of that stuff from blowing up those chests which I obviously didn't plan on but I'll take doing that was it or passive spawner so nothing really expertly like sticking out for us today but if I F top I think these guys effed up - these guys do have six spawner stored which may mean we can get like this a few maybe like some rabbits or something was this all rabbit oh my god these guys had so many rabbits so let's that's four cows we can stick with four cows can we that's ten okay we need to get her some cobble and we need to get rid of more cobble so we're gonna have to do like a back and forth thing here while you rate this spawner because honestly I didn't expect that like this to work because I saw how bad the cannon was failing see if anyone knows why it was failing please do let me know but if it obviously is like a my issue then I might need a new cannon or a cannon so if any you know applications are open you know I mean if you guys want to raid for me though it means I can actually do better aids you know him yeah I'm definitely down but we'll grab the last of these cows boners is this gonna be ten as well oh god I think they're all ten are we gonna have our spots we should do would have mine all of them really stupid but there we go we have all these cows bonus let's put these back in the base before we actually get murdered because that's probably not going to be a good thing let's put these in our little spawner area here they're all cows it doesn't really matter where they go not really that organized so we're not like tearing out spawn us even though people think we should but let's head back now that should be everything done from the littles little spawn a room thing though let's sure that's everything rabbits gone gone gone gone so we'll pull out of here onto the floor there we go and these guys actually do have just a few chests lined up obviously there was a lot more here but we appear to blowing everything up so we're gonna have to distinct with these ones right now so obviously we know they have this double TNT we're the ones that put that in the chest just hoping if there's anything else it's not looking great I'm gonna be honest 9 obsidian my lucky obsidian I'll take you George TNT we do actually need so I will take this what was this pickaxe you pick it's another silk touch I'll take that obviously we have all this TNT some it looks like custom Inchon books siphon - I guess I'll take there and fish I mean we'll settle this fish why not we'll take all the fish and will actually go sell it at the fish Marchant Marchant merchant before this video ends some more TNT S&P - and stuff anything oh - skeleton spawner okay right we'll take the two obviously I think we blew up the other four spawn us because they must have been like in and like this area here like if I had like an outline right now it'd be like outlining this bit so what we will do is actually will keep the fish here and what we will do is start moving this TNT because obviously it's a good bit amount of TNT I'm surprised that we even got anything from these chests I was honestly just aiming for these spoilers and was hoping for the best but there we go - we have a TNT chest I think we do think we have actually quite a bit of TNT let's put that in there but mu r slash back and I'll put away my three lucky obsidian now if the raid goes to pot we know why I mean they'll oh my god that's two division essences okay we'll take that elastic blade two lucky diamonds again there's some dispensers what looks like Oh general err an enchanted enhanced in heart's not in chanted I don't know what I'm saying today grab the rest of this TNT there we go and then we will slash back again these guys have so much stuff we might need to like clear our inventory a little bit just because I know for a fact like whenever we we're gonna be sat here just like moving stuff for a while so I'll put these Skelly's away too cuz guys if you don't know the race to F top is on - I need every bit of value I can get because we are first right now with 1.1 billion but we know drip I'll probably put like a screenshot on the screen right now these guys do actually have like secret value I think they're like right next to us in the value so we need to raid raid raid raid raid like multiple times and we need to like everything we get is going back into the faction so no more giving stuff out I'm sorry if I read your base and you want stuff back - potatoes why not this is the little scattered bit of TNT so let's take all this here we go cuz I think it's been like a constant cannon making war between us and and drip now because I think it's literally just bin i raid it all kinda box now i ready to draw a cannon box like so on and so forth but i don't know where to put the rest of this stuff we'll just put it we'll just put it in here a division lesson so how'd you put my HS because i actually need these but potatoes can go in there obsidian can go in there - to put that in there i was in there okay means now we can start moving a bit more as a tea and tea and parsley let me know what kind of videos you guys want to see because the video i did where I found like a mansion on top of faction so or five instant creepers why not actually is near like 80,000 views which I have never had before so thank you guys so much I ever get lucky and cross that type of thing again I don't think I will I think Lucci that was the one-off thing if I ever do I will probably do another video like that where like and maybe get me discord or maybe like prank him a little bit if it's unclaimed no just stuff like that and generally just like try branch out you know and I mean I don't to be just the factions guy anymore but we'll take the cobwebs why not anything else worthy anything worthy of being taken some more fish for our collection lovely philately threesome p2 would take the p2 because it's actually worth stuff in air top and that's what we need it's constant F top and it takes a p1 whoo evade four legs that's like max p2 p2 to go to p1 p2 look at us go we are such efficient traders today everybody will be so proud of me in my faction we have to ditch something goodbye pres moon shouts put all this away there we go yeah well put the pickaxe away as well could actually need that one we'll just keep it as a spare in this chest in case we ever lose one but there we go all this has now been put await their we yo looking fantastic yeah I think that's it for the p2 or p3 p2 is obviously the F top right now is very very close to where do you want to take every little thing we can from the base if it's worth value I'm taking it you guys better know yeah I don't think anything in here is actually worth any value they don't seem to have much some more p2 we'll take all this it looks like stuff they've just generally got from hold because obviously it's reinforced stuff and I think that's the stuff you get from hoards it's almost like I play this over for near a living Oh p2 helmet we could have missed that I think that's gonna be it with his bass honestly I expected there to be a little bit more I'm actually surprised it isn't that it's basically gonna be it I think for this raid what we were gonna do before we do anything else is we are gonna blow up the cannon and sell the fish I think we should sell the fish I can't speak they can I think we should sell this fish first and how much money do we have we at 1.3 mil it was a lot higher before this cannon trust me we'll head over to the shop and we will put all of this in a pot bar and so we can sell all of this fish so we are at 1.3 like one point three seven three one point three seven three one point three seven three okay get it in my head we've got two deluxe salmon sell those we've got a clownfish enchanted fish which I think oh my is that okay no I thought I got very lucky with it like a 60 K fish there but no nothing nothing of that sort it will get rid of our squids and then we just need to get rid of our general fish and our salmon here we go and then mmm there so we were one 373 and they just like 10 K 18 K something like that it wasn't it wasn't the best at all but what we're gonna go do go do some fun oh my god the cannon already blown up I didn't do that I was it drowned at the front but we take this part now just to actually get rid of this cannon because it's had a good life it's lived its life we have three shots left so I guess I'll pick up the TNT afterwards actually I think we have some TNT it left in the chest yeah we have a good bit of TNT left if I were to leave that sail would be very very mad at me home v2 let's move this back obviously an angry say lodge is not a nice say lodge because he'd yell at me for losing F top value and that's what we need right now I guess we'll leave the last little bit before we blow this up and we will just sponge everything obviously got to get rid of the evidence that we were in this base obviously no one is ever gonna know apart from the 28,000 people who subscribe with my channel and you know anybody on the server that kind of realizes it's me to run ourselves over like that there we go and we will just gotta sponge everything I'm not really that I don't really care that much but as long as like near everything is sponge I should be happy I look like the complete front of my Canon what was this okay right you're gonna build up with sponges that's how rich we are right now okay delivering the highlife cue rinds intro okay don't play that he's gonna copyright me friends or no friends that man's a devil here we go let's just sponge the rest of this goodbye cannon I think someone's lets you raiding a base there I don't see a base there it just claims from below it's this our base next to it I saved our base pretty much I'm a savior but there we go everything now should be sponged and what we can do is actually know okay before we do anything we actually need water because if we fall and die are you not gonna be happy or put our water there and what we will do is we will just spam the button three I got three shots off I nailed it that's probably the best one I've done yet honestly but guys thank you so much for watching today's raid on today's video hope you guys did enjoy if you did make sure you guys like it subscribe here's a new thank you very much oh my god with post notification on I'm posting every single day modded war daily factions you know what else could you want remember YouTube channel but thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you guys tomorrow and good bye
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 136,944
Rating: 4.8649883 out of 5
Keywords: i almost couldn't raid this rich factions spawners.. but then i noticed THIS whilst cannoning!, factionsraven, raven, factions raven, minecraft, mine craft, raiding, minecraft raiding, saicopvp, minecraft action, missing block, rich raid, pg13, factionsraven raiding, factionsraven house, factionsraven mansion, factions raven raiding, saicopvp raid, rich faction raid, spawner raid
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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