i found my way into this new Minecraft farm base & decided to go invisible to troll the owners (LOL)

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[Music] okay there's a guy actually online so I basically was just trying to find their faction claims to see what was going on but there's a guy online and I appear to have missed oh okay right um it looks like they've made it like an underground house type thing so I think the best fit for me honestly is to pull all this off and we're actually gonna go invisible right we're gonna go fully inves for this but guys if you guys do enjoy minecraft factions I wasn't sure if this is that you're gonna be a video but I think it might end up being a video but guys make sure you guys smash 500 likes in 24 hours right now if you guys don't I'm gonna be very very upset right with all of you everyone except you in the back you're okay right team whistle it looks like their faction name you can see Drake 99-97 Drake and beware of the guard I think that says or something that I don't know I don't speak Joe and I'm kind of guessing it looks like German cuz I know that is thank you so something something something thank you but we need to find a way to be able to get inside so it looks like right there they actually don't have a door it's just this looks like the only door okay he's coming back in okay so it looks like he's setting something up right now and I want to get in without him noticing I'm not sure how we're actually gonna be able to do this right now to be honest so guys if I managed to pull this off we are gonna be like the most insane in visitors I've ever met in my life honestly so he is right below us I need to go away before we open the door we should maybe be able to press the button I'm not sure how we can get in without pressing the button okay he's just open the chest of the story below us is there a way we can maybe get into that no it doesn't like it was he he drown on the back there I need him to leave for a sec I got four minutes left on our movies that says he not long at all and we need to open this door okay next opportunity I get I'm taking it open this door because I'm not going to be able to see outside here the whole video obviously maybe if I open it there's two people online right now so this this guy maybe does have a friend in the base which means if I open it he may think it's a buddy and not me okay we're just gonna go for it did you not notice I don't think you noticed I think we managed to get past without him noticing honestly I think he had an idea oh oh I have a feeling he knows we might actually be in here he just started crouching all right let's go let's run away that's what we're gonna do let's run away we need to drink another inves and not get caught oh my god he looked up here and left I don't think he saw our parcours cuz obviously we I think you get less particles when you jump oh let's drink another in business left here don't you know it's that set home raid inside of here so he won't find out and let's slowly make our way around because okay just open the door he's just seeing our particles oh I'm trying to do Kim Possible you know so here we need to get in there we need to get in that other room okay let's just hide round the corner okay this is this is my plan just hide around the corner and hope you wasn't gonna notice us because if he does I think we may be dead think you know is this anyway I'm not gonna lie to you I think opening that door was probably a really bad idea and you run across so let's open that and run okay run run run run run I think you notice as well there's this chest down here I don't even know what this is it just goes to hoppers oh we're trapped okay he's not actually in this room but it looks like we're okay all right let's try have a look at this base and see what we might be able to raid in here looks like cactus this is a cactus farm I have you know the utmost feeling thing is it looks a whole like cactus but I don't think we're gonna be able to grab these hoppers because if we do we're gonna have to say gyum which means people are gonna know because we can't like yeah we can't mine them which kind of does suck and we know that guys a chest room back at the front it's just I'm gonna need to slowly make my way back over cuz I don't think he knows I'm in here I know he saw us go definitely saw us almost in like multiple times oh Christ what is he doing okay is there a way we can like spy on him through the fence I'm not sure we need to get down to that chest room I can fight he's got like a redstone contraption what is that okay he's back in he's got his sword out he's ready to fight me okay I have no idea if I set home right to in here right I have a home in here so I can go home home raid right now and that will get me out without having to use the doors think that's the plan we're gonna go for it we have five minutes left on our movies which is a good amount of time honestly this guy I don't know if he knows or not like a hug okay he's just stood by the door can we go back here what's this this looks like a redstone thing he's got like furnaces and dispensers in the wall but only like redstone going I don't know honestly this is terrifying I don't think this rate is gonna be rich at all literally I think there's gonna be completely nothing but this guy right now it's like a massive game of cat and mouse with this man that pressure plate is what's gonna mess me up we're gonna need to get past him without setting off that pressure plate because he's afk looking at that pressure plate hey those are the chest down there that probably means stone don't know what that means if any wants to you know translate for me in the comments feel free I said we just make a break for it we just make a break and run past a set home in the chest and leave I think that's a good idea okay I'm gonna give it a go this is probably gonna go bad perfect it's her anyway if I manage to pull this off you guys into liking this video right now right you ready go okay I think he's FK okay set home chest in here there we go so we now have homes for an hour all around this man's base um oh I wish I spoke his language open it close it yeah he knows he knows okay we need to dip dip dip dip run his friends back as well is his friend in my skin it looks like my skin okay it's not it's very close okay they are watching that chest area like hot we might have to fly able to bait these guys out into running out I think that's what we're gonna do here okay let's go oh okay right home raid - lets go home ray tube so we're actually in the other room which then means they can't get to us and we're gonna see if there's a way we can actually get these hoppers without them noticing because he just seen me through the door they keep crouching and uncurling I don't know what's going on okay my plan is gonna be I am going to go to home chest and once I'm going I am going to fireball the floor that's my idea here because if we fireball the floor we should be able to get in there so home chest fireball and we'll do it with like one second left okay there we go they're bait it out there wait it out it go on go in there yes Oh - gap holes we'll take those okay let's quickly go quickly quickly quickly okay not looking like much it looks like 32 TNT would even take that run run run run run oh oh okay we might be compromised if you got two minutes left on this envious I don't know whether I drink it now or wait a minute I'm not entirely sure and want to look through the rest of those chests on the right because we didn't check all of them we only managed to check a few okay home ray - lets go back in there so obviously we're far away we can use an invisible use everything okay that's a bad idea okay they don't know where I am which is a good thing they think that I think that five will bait what perfectly is there a way we will be able to get Hopper's without them noticing that's what I'm not sure about because this is worth like 50 K these hoppers alone drank another in viscum we may be like go up the side here or anything going on here looks like they get to like at the top of the cactus this might be a good spot for us to hide okay let's set home ray - right here instead just so if they do come in here we should be okay now I'm gonna go to shop and I'm gonna grab a fireball and we're gonna try the fireball TRO again and we're gonna see if we managed to get into that chest room I think they're very very coordinated and also let's get rid of all our speed pots and fuse elixirs I don't think we're gonna be fighting we can just buy just a few more envious that should be enough and we'll grab just a few fireballs for now six should be enough so let's see if we can hopefully bait them back out one seems to be in the melon farm so let's go home chest don't think it baited him I don't think okay I could see that they're going for it they're going for it it worked yes yes it's going going going open this bread diamonds we'll take those I know it's not rich but it's definitely gonna be worth it in the end okay now let's go hide around this corner or this is a good place to hide I'm actually terrified I've never been so scared and so on edge doing her throw in my life they're doing anything they're just kind of waiting around once they go in the room but I don't think they know I have a home in like every room now okay they come back out let's hide back around the corner okay they're going straight back to the chess which means we should be okay now who wears his friend his buddy just seems to be but he's just mining melons I'm not sure what his friends up to but obviously you know we're honestly don't know what to do with these guys I might leave them a sign out here and fireballs so they go this direction he saw all the signs peekaboo oh it's writing back he's gonna talk to me did he not see me he said who are you okay we almost got caught we need to take this slowly I said we know he speaks English which is nice they're just hovering those signs now I can't go back in there for a second oh no we could be dead here we could be dead I don't even have a sword on me but we're gonna run for it make it run for it Raven leave it run no he can fully chasing me okay we're gonna go home right - we're going back in I'm not leaving these guys I want to be friends I want to see if they have discord to end this video off okay that's gonna be my plan friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly okay look friendly no no let me go in I want to place the site oh look at me I'm gonna die alright it's them or me it's them or me it's them or me okay listen I don't want to kill your friend listen that was a warning okay look friends friends friends friends friends message friend friend friend took friend there's your buddy stuff okay I asked him do you have discord the rest of his stuff is over here I didn't take it I was here right I think I'm gonna cut now and I might be back to you guys hopefully when I have these guys discord sorry so I just wanted to be friends okay I didn't I didn't want to kill the other guy I had to kind of like diffuse the situation a little bit are you guys new to the server yeah we started yesterday actually he started yesterday okay so you don't want to do this type of thing I'm telling you I know it's only probably temporary because that you said you guys started yesterday but you don't want to do this type of thing because this doesn't happen but people would do it way worse okay yeah I know I was trying to communicate with you through signs like I said boo boo boo and then you said who are you an admin and I was gonna reply but then obviously I was trying to be sneaky about it at the same time and it just didn't work you just found me straight away I saw the bubbles from you but like when I found this I wasn't expecting like because I was hid behind this door for ages just trying to find a way in and I eventually just walked in but your friend was like on it straight away like your friend was searching everything yeah you told me a dessert and to speak that someone to see I would fire ball in here and then go to your chest like I heard about your chair so I kept baiting you guys in here and it works like every time you sound like a cool guy so I only I don't wanna be mean about this so I'm gonna just you know I'm gonna help you guys out obviously you're new to the server so I'm gonna head to my skyways quick and I will describe you some stuff honestly you know good sports always make factions fun there honestly moved to a claim based as soon as you can because people aren't going to be as nice with me so let me came through the door yeah I literally just open the door because there's a permission I think in factions where you can change who can open buttons so look if you come here just come down here I can legit me look I can just open the door okay so I was able to just let you walk in the dirt yeah okay so if you it should be like really easy to fix but that's not an issue but I want you to have these so you can either sell them because some of them are quite high level like the spiders are level 11 and what you can do is sell those for a load of money which then means that you can rank up with spawn ins and stuff like that but honestly thank you for being a good sport I'm sorry I had to kill your buddy okay but I'd recommend moving out here like as soon as possible honestly because once this video goes up this video goes up in a few hours I'm saying someone will probably come and end up like blowing this up which is what we don't want we don't want to like you guys to stop playing because obviously that's a bad thing but obviously what a cool guy what a cool guy I thought he was gonna be really mean but his friend just messaged me and said at the first moment I hated you but his friend seems like a really really cool guy so I obviously gave them some stuff just so they could help I knew they were new players kind of when I saw the base but obviously they're gonna hopefully move out into a claim based soon I think that's gonna be the end of this video was honestly a brilliant video I really enjoyed that it was really really scary hit but policy big shout-out to those guys they're such such cool guys that's up with you guys come across a base like this don't blow it up just mess with them help them obviously if they're new to factions like these guys are obviously give them some tips don't blow up their stuff cuz it's just gonna make him quit and bring the experience but guys thank you so much for watching today's video if you guys did enjoy make sure you guys to leave a like and subscribe if you guys aren't you thank you guys so much for watching and so much for 50 down to scribers never see you guys tomorrow with another video
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 902,157
Rating: 4.74686 out of 5
Keywords: i found my way into this new Minecraft farm base & decided to go invisible to troll the owners (LOL), factionsraven, factions raven, factionsraven factions, raven, saicopvp, factionsraven raid, raiding in factions, saico pvp, factionsraven unclaimed raid, unclaimed faction base, trolling players, trolling minecraft, factions troll
Id: nBZ6C3Kifwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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