i played Minecraft all day & came across the LARGEST unclaimed Minecraft farm.. but is it rich?!

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oh my god I can literally already see a name I wasn't even prepared I was legit I saw entities and was legitimately just checking out if it was mine herbal but it's fully unclaimed this whole thing is unclaimed there are no claims anywhere apart from in the side with spirit tube and you guys can see a seven entities in this chunk alone so we could be heading right now into a base I'm not exactly sure but with the guy there has like kind of confirmed that we found a base I wasn't expecting to see a name tag to be perfectly honest his name tag is actually really close I guess we can get rid of the entities we don't exactly need them for now we kind of oh my god we're already in okay right-click mode for a second if you guys have done an intro anything but if you guys do enjoy minecraft factions or my craft raiding make sure you guys to subscribe with notifications on because we are in this guy's base right now and actually I've got to have an angry word with all of you for a second so we'll stay in vision is based is for 10 seconds cuz he clearly probably won't know it's us so you see moving but he's staying still we should be okay but 80% of you guys and not subscribe to the channel so make sure you guys do with post notifications on a post new enough every single day apart from my videos corrupt like yesterday that's a big fail but how many likes are we hitting - the thousand okay you're just really awkward today aren't you okay right we're in this guy's face and we need to slowly but surely check everything out because it's looking like just like a farm and some spoilers for now I'm not gonna go straight for the spawn as in case he does come I'll pick my armor off just in case he does come back and it looks like the guys in the faction a queenĂ­s his name is was good cuz f who was good cuz he is in a faction that is worth thirty three million dollars I don't know oh okay hello this is slowly walk past him he totally hasn't seen us he's got rabbits bonus in here which I'm guessing he was grinding previously and what's he got over here he's got a melon farm over here this is actually crazy I haven't seen like an underground base this big especially as a farm is this one of the biggest like farm bases I've seen I think it might be this is the hub he's got rare items junk private chests he's got farm stuff armor armor food pots fishing oh and he's got a wee time over here as well so honestly I think one of the biggest underground farms I've actually raided on minecraft I don't think I've got anything that's like bigger than this what's this this is like a like a little dumpster garbage bin I don't know I went American for a second but let's work our way round here and start grabbing his smallness because honestly that's what we came here to do do you saw those boners it was clocked in my head this is what we're doing so we need to go just past him quickly he seems to be fully FK which is nice we'll probably hit him at the end let's head over and grab these spoilers because these are gonna be worth the most money he's got pig chicken cow sheep let's go with the pig first is eight pigs that's a lot of money that's a lot of spoilers actually okay right this might be a very very rich raid I'm not that sure he's got a sheep that once again is a good amount of money I think at the end of this raid what we'll do is we're actually gonna go calculate everything and see how much we actually did get got two cows and he has two chickens obviously guys this is of action trading server so raiding is a huge part of it in the chest nothing nothing just looks like random general stuff all right let's make our way out with this sugarcane farm there was some chests close by which IG did want to go have a look at obviously we have a four minutes left on invest for 20 so if we open this he probably shouldn't know is right okay he has sugar cane and just an iron ho he seems to be fully FK so we should be able to grab the rabbit spoilers I'm not that sure but we're just gonna go for it one rabbit we got it he's still afk fully I think once we have everything what we'll do is we'll do our usual like afk test that's what we'll do to check this guy right here but the melon farm doesn't seem to have anything in it it just literally seems to be a melon farm how many layers of this does he actually have I don't know all that you have quite a few layers as well so it's like you're probably making them a good amount of money cuz if you guys don't know when you start the server melons are really like the best way to make money but its head into the private chest area making sure obviously this guy is still afk this guy he an armor pots food let's go with rare items he's got I'm breaking through books and fused elixirs to bits of TNT hey what's in junks and sponges some infused buckets this chefs right here yeah it's a little bit of tea and tea I guess we'll take the TNT I mean some TNT is obviously better than no TNT five stacks of it not that bad at all it's got a daily bowls and dispensers fuse buckets not looking like the richest place we've ever raided Danny here has some p2 for us we'll take that building materials generally look like these guys are like quite new to the server I only had p1 what's this other guy got this guy has he won he's got some swords he's got a sharpness to obviously that's the junk one armor old they actually have a good mixture of stuff right now look at this they've got armor here they've got load of p2 we'll just siphon through or p4 and just take like p2 and above could p1 really isn't worth it to be honest like from a buddy it plays a server you'll see no p2 definitely the higher or the lowest one you probably will take that should be all of it from this chest now right yeah okay so it's head back to the base just store all this stuff away I guess I can clear my PV at the same time it just so if the guy eventually does come back I forgot about the gas make it stop ahaha you guys probably can't hear it I don't know like it sounds like gas I don't know what gas star but I don't know how to describe the sound they make but it's not fun I've just realised as well I've put my own set in there so we probably need to siphon that bank out at the end let's scrap my p4 set where is the helmet um just play legs and roots there we go okay that's quickly empty our PV while we have time obviously a lot of stuff now actually in our PV let's drink another in booze while we're here as well in business in pyramids because he probably won't notice if we are at you drinking one but I'd rather be safe than sorry in this case and not end up I don't know like being caught and losing stuff which is why like definitely putting away the spool ins after a raid is a brilliant idea this guy still fully afk if we check his bow he is worth $18,000 and we do this for every single video I want you guys after we kill him I leave it now I want you guys to comment down below I'm gonna pause for a second I want you guys to comment how much his head is worth and if you guys get it right I will be Harting most of the replies obviously if it gets a bit too much then but guys make sure you do kind how much you think his head is worth with $18,000 in it and most dragon you earth buddy trekking you're worth a lot alright thanks to the input he looks is that like Oh Tiger skin you see a Matt Pham huh is this like the other base where the guy bullied me and didn't know who I was and hurt my ego right let's get back to reading ego stuff can wait okay more armor a little bit more p2 I guess we'll take the rest of it a p1 we can leave farm stuff he just has infinity buckets he's got some daily bows power for boat we can take that definitely probably worth it at least and I don't know if that's actually it for the entirety of this I'm guessing there's not really that much more we can do apart from maybe troll the guy now good thing about him not being here is we can just troll him - living hell the idea I'm gonna have here is maybe if we dig him just in a straight hole down to bedrock and just like make a little base beneath him this so he comes back and he maybe thinks that's his new base this might be the idea here I don't shovel listen I'll be right back we're just gonna borrow one of your shovels are you telling me you don't have a good show listen I have to borrow your warrior shell for my mentor if we break these four here you should fall down there we go we need to be careful not to actually kill him there's a cave system beneath this what is this so we'll set home raid right here and what we do is just continue to keep our buddy safe I'm buddy I only come good thing is this guy is clearly very afk right now okay let's go all the way down here we go all the way down to bedrock and we have now reached Ed Rock Oh anything beneath the base what's this that were a cannon was what was the cannon aim toward this face the hole here I really think we've just left our friend like is that it I think that's visually it visually left our friend in the bottom of a hole we need Tok we need to get him back come on buddy we'll help you don't like to do our original plan and let's leave him some signs and maybe just let him know kind of what happened because honestly entity bases are too easy to fight this is probably gonna be the last raid I have for a while I don't have any more if any of you guys do have bases or stuff that you guys find that you won't raid it and you guys want me to do it instead feel free to tweet me at factions raven i will obviously give you guys credit if you guys give me a raid but this should be a big enough room for the guy right now what i need to do i will see our usual AFK test so let's chuck a fireball in his face nope still afk got it lovely so what we need to do is let's take armor back on because the guy can't do any harm to us let's go to base shop I'm in combat hang on like six seconds okay nevermind and we need to get ourselves I'm trying to think of what we need here cuz I'm trying to think I just really want to give the guys like a sign just saying kind of what happened I don't want to fully troll him we can make it like a nice little like the area let's make him a nice little pretty area underneath this can be his new home this is what we'll do we'll remake his house for him don't worry buddy you sit there and be safe I'll be with you in a second honestly we are doing such a good deed right now we are honestly this guy is gonna come back and be all sad and be like oh what's this I even made me a brand new base which I can use you you bet you buddy I got you back don't worry okay this should be big enough if we mined out this row as well there we go we will do is go to a shop we'll head over to shop right now and what we will do is we're gonna get some grass and we're gonna place down it's like a spawner or two Froome I'll buy it out of my own balance just because then we're not actually giving the guys stuff back everyone's happy now where do we get this this shop is still so new to me it's still so confusing okay there we go let's grab like two sacks of grass probably way too much our friend is still sat here lovely let's just make lovely little three rows of grass here and then what we will do is slash craft ed we all grab ourselves some stone slabs this is gonna be fantastic the guy's gonna come back after like a hard day of doing whatever he does in his free time and be like wow my base is improved there you go come on on the grass good job and then we need oh we need any wood is well Jeff any wood buddy I'm gonna I'll go check your base to stay there stay there buddy I'll be back with you in a second all right let's go have a look would we be looking come on some of you gotta have some somewhere it's gonna be something oh come on yeah there we go is he got signs for me he is chests he's got one sign and he has a stack of oak wood we'll take it let's do slash back and that's what we're their craft this into logs or planks there we go and what we can do is leave some scientists across here we'll start nicely we'll go hey bud hope all is well sorry about the base I think honestly we're gonna probably make an enemy at this rate but that's what factions all about I do want to start focusing more especially on making a god setting stuff for the rest of this season so if you guys do want to see stuff like that make sure you guys do leave a like and subscribe and we're gonna such CRO off all right signs pretty much completed I went with the nice approach because obviously what's good cuz is our friend he's gonna come back and just if we block this up at the top like right here he's not gonna know how he got here like that there we go so we've basically said hey bud hope all is well sorry about the base you need to claim basically otherwise people like me will raid it for content enjoy this new base I made you it's got a homely feel raven now we obviously need to finish like the decoration of this so let's maybe put some wood planks in here there we go and we don't actually have another chest let's let's make him some more chests there we go will be nice there we go lovely and let's put a strip of wood down here honestly my decorative side is just flying out right now oh god we can't do it like that because it's got a sign on it put one here for good luck and one here for good luck to and I think that is where we should leave them in this lovely looking a base let's put put one here as well and one on this side I feel like this is where we should definitely leave him I feel like this is the greatest spot we could do honest he has a nice new base it's got a nice homely feel we need to go out to get him some soup or nuts so let's head over and grab him some just so he knows that he can restart again these guys do have three million dollars in value which is really weird if I look at fo was good because there were 3.1 million dollars that you went down there truce to the eff top one faction and let's get him let's get in one pig spawner maybe I will get him two or three cuz I'm feeling nice and we will place that there there you go buddy you you enjoy you look after it mr. o TECA skin because without me you would have nothing I'm looking after you right now but while we do that we'll quickly go back up to the base make sure we didn't double-check anything and we will leave this video here because I feel bad for the guy now poor man oh never mind we need to do is block this back up so he doesn't know he had she got mined out there we go though looking like this was the hub they had some stuff in here whole in here lava is it like a secret chest in it or anything no okay I think that will be the end honestly I'm not feeling like anything else is in this base guys we're gonna leave this episode here like Demi said if we can hit I don't remember the amount 741 likes that will be absolutely amazing PS thank you guys for 63 thousand subscribers we are coming in very very close to 70,000 like I said right you guys on already make sure you subscribe you know good things coming in the next few weeks oh guys thank you so much for the support I will see you guys tomorrow with another video we're gonna leave our friend too and head over to spawn and delete our home just so he can feel safe in his new base good luck buddy I'll see you soon and speaking of seeing soon I see you guys tomorrow with another episode and that was smooth
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 409,418
Rating: 4.7771468 out of 5
Keywords: i played Minecraft all day & came across the LARGEST unclaimed Minecraft farm.. but is it rich?!, factionsraven, factions raven, factionsraven raiding, raiding in minecraft, mine craft, minecraft, minecraft factions, minecraft trolling, minecraft pvp, minecraft tnt, factions, 1.8 minecraft, minecraft raiding, raven, minecraft video, minecraft funny, no cursing, kid friendly minecraft
Id: As4b4ufLhW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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