so we started today with no money.. but this NEW skyblock spawner farm can make us MILLIONS!

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so welcome back today to another episode of minecraft Skyblock here on PvP Yukon nap make sure you guys come play Genesis realm means winter playing it's a lot of fun but today basically before we get into the video to me and to him I decided to interrupt this video we're gonna play a game of hide-and-seek so twin you are now hidden on the island right yeah I haven't looked at all we're basically reverting to being children he's somewhere on here but if I find twin everyone has to like both of our videos okay I want to I want 300 likes on both of them and if not you're childish it's unfair but alright they're childish as we're playing hide and seek okay you can see me I got to you we have stuff to do at a time for this no ruins the fun I will find you here okay okay you know that look I literally can't look anymore my eyes are deceiving me I'm gonna look back on video editing this and I'm gonna see you straight away I can already tell me you're not hidden I still can't fight you alright so today's video gonna be good fun we're gonna one we are gonna place all our lovely cows boners and then we're gonna work on two IGS cuz I have quite a lot of money I don't know if you have any money put um you know ahead of the money game right now that's good enough there we go but right now we have a thing right here to an I don't know if you've seen it but we have some stuff set up here I'd love to show you if you want to come over and start placing blocks so right now we have our cows bonus here and five of them because I still have the rest I've got our robot on top grinding them and it goes into this chunk hopper here which basically it's like the size of a double chest in a hot bus with everything in the chunk instantly like that's dropped goes into this hopper here right which means all of this it's a Cao Lu is gonna go straight in here that means we can sell though I have 57 more cows bonus lot do i displace all of them alright I'm going for it too dude oh my god it's so dingy I can just hit dings continuously ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding painting okay there we go I have 62 cows when it comes it we should get like a lot more loot that's how it worked Wayne has oh you haven't broken dude why no cows oh my god okay look how much loot just went in there but we've got like a holy row okay so when we eventually get like oh my god twin look in the things I think he lit you one hit the whole staff is he has he has looting five sharpness five because he's the ultimate tier he's like the highest level so I think that's how it works so we can use these right now for what we want to do today which he is to make ourselves a lovely IG farm don't we we want to make ourselves because if you guys want to go to /opt when you can do the same the bottom three I like the most expensive I think it goes in like price tear though cows are worth five hundred K creepers 500 K blaze is 500 K and then IG is a 1.5 mill mushrooms a 2.5 mill and zombies a 5 mill so we want to make some money so then we can get wait you have 700 K no ok we won't have enough before oh my god he just got shredded oh there's so much stuff in here beef is what we need to sell but the thing is you can't sell it like through the shop so I don't know whether need to add it or not but you literally can't sell Robbie if you have to cook it it's it's a right twin I will go through every hot bar and sell hand everything ok let's do that then let's make it fully our farm block okay so my minions inventory might have some as well so we could probably cuz I'm debating how do you want to grind them out you want to do it so we kill them with a sword you want to do it so they just like fall in lava or we can do it so minion kills them all are robots you wanna live all right okay I don't know if we worth killing it with a minion that we could can we try it with a minion before we do it so if I take my minion right now how do I pick back up convert to egg there we go and then what I'll do is I'll go to shop and buy three IGS just so obviously we can test the difference it so I bought three IDs we have three so if we go over here to a different Chun Kuen do you want to come over after you sort out your thing but we're doing everything so quickly today aren't we look at this alright so IG IG IG right so if we grab another chunk copper put it there then we will go to mold or no we need to go to target types you need to okay then we need I don't seem to be on there oh no they are they are then grinding it didn't go into the chung cop [Music] we might have to because I don't think it's actually a meant to work that way I just feel like we may have slightly broken it but that's really not the point oh no oh dear I'll just kill these twin don't worry about it I got this with my shop six sword dude I'm on it no don't you worry sir you go get you go get silk touch and I'll I'll create out the iron golems that keep spawning in front of me dude they're spawning faster than I can kill them what do I do yeah there's one on there for 250k do kiss he's selling it I know kissy you buying it okay you buy cuz I don't have any money after I bought the IDs but I guess you Oh dig that went into the chunk copper will just get rid of these look I'll just push these off the edge it's not gonna matter just get rid of them all right we don't want them anymore just slowly push it just slowly push slowly push just push it I did it your absolute welcome alright so where'd you want to put the farm my trying to put this IG farm because it's a very delicate situation up to you where you want to put it I'm giving this delegation fully up to you here why not well say I am but if not then we'll figure it out won't we though we can't we saw it took us half an hour basically to make a cobblestone generator I don't think we're gonna be able to do this alright so we could do but do you wanna just give it a go because I know kind of the basis how it has to work okay right the issue is we kind of need chunk borders and know whether chunk start own borders this isn't a sixteen by sixteen is it this is way bigger so everything inside this chunk okay so do you want to outline everything with cobble quick and then we can break it down to the floor if I grab a shovel we can start like clearing it down so excavator bingo everything's the same level wall oh my god this shovel is so good look at this it's so quick look I'm doing today totally not because we need to get this episode done and we you can't do it by yourself madam any tellest Winx exited the racing what's what that's a diamond putt happy Christmas why is there loads I'm a dude I'm coming in I got him there was four they were all hidden just replace it with that there we go so this is everything inside the chunk so we can have this entire thing okay so I don't know why I got you to do it with cobble what we could do oh my god twin I have it it's my vision okay it's my vision in my head but okay we're gonna need to can we buy like water buckets and stuff how do we how would we buy that from oh there we go yeah we can buy that and then we need blocks then we need this oh my god twin I've nailed it on the head probably not I'm gonna be honest okay so we need to excavate this entire floor if we need to think we place packed ice all the way across and then I have a good like a flowy system thing well it doesn't matter does it because everything in the chunk is going to go into the chunk hopper all they have to do is die you don't need like a chess set up what we need is the hopper right because the stuff isn't yeah because the stuff isn't naturally flowing on the floor it's going straight into that chunk over so we excavate this there we go we'll get rid of it and then I'll give you some packed ice to help and just packed ice everything like this is this one like when it doesn't what I was about to say what do you mean a divorce but that I've decided to switch it to what do you mean it won't work because I feel like that would be more realistic okay so what I'm gonna do is we'll water oh we can't do it to the middle everything is planned everything is fine will it work though is it enough but we can make it like floating lava you know what I mean so like the lava will like be here the lava can be here so they both go into it get your things and then we can make the chunk hopper right in the middle or like on the end is there is no middle let's put it right here and then we'll put chunk hopper there yeah but we're not we need water more now oh wait I'm really stupid why didn't we just do this hang on make that that goes there let's do this that too okay do you want to start grabbing sign okay you start grabbing signs I'm gonna start placing iron blocks so we actually get like the value from it so we don't make it too high right because we can just have it naturally like floating in the air we want to look cool is in right now and we're in right now is this why no one likes me I'm a special type of twin remember last episode on sky block where I had food it's returned again so the IDS will spawn but where does the lava have to go because we need signs right so the Lord's gonna have to go to this year the signs will have to go here okay no but I just realized we will place to chunk hoppers then to make it even we can't do it because it's okay we just have to have one and just deal with it yeah okay so you're gonna have to place two more signs one there and one up there give any spare signs I can help okay so we need more signs basically it's what you're trying to say to me basically have an IG farm set up we just don't have the IDs the most important part okay you play son you dare and I'll be so mad I will kick you off this I would never record this episode with you again just everything now by myself so the accident just your dead corpse on the side alright please place them there place those on top you idiot yeah you can just move go into the hopper it's not going to stop bring your base you know collect items that drop oh oh has to drop above it it might not be no yeah okay let's do that should we take a cut and try try to figure this out okay let's do that super important for a very long time and half is one make into the video anyway so right I'll see you guys in a sec so we basically figured it out what the problem was is on the server basically you have to like add the item to the filter of the chunk hopper so if you guys see their iron wasn't here before that wasn't actually going into that like the chest and the chunga it's done now we have it working we've put some hoppers here so everything is nicely lined out it means we're getting all of our loop we decided been having way to go with some nice white stained glass to keep with the iron theme going around it's gonna be so pretty and we come up the idea as well like whenever we have a different grinder time you like blaze for XP or maybe like we get skeletons which everyone is the best like we have all of that we can use it so what am I saying like we can use like different ores for like different things make a I'll look like really clean cuz that's what we want me on a nice clean island don't we twin we don't want anything that sucks yes it's gonna look mighty swarm there go away we don't want you this box yeah we're boxing him and leave him in there okay oh god I went way too high okay did you just buy white stained glass or do you have to like actually crafted okay oh I like that dude you're some good ideas today aren't you look at this who knew then plays the last mind no twin no we'll use the iron I get we use the time we get we get iron right for a reason we don't want to have to get rid of our island top anymore yeah you have a point yeah we're not actually getting rid of it all we will just put it over here okay so it's head sorry we lose like the populations you know what goes here with everything all placed around it the whole episode would be us two sat here thinking there's like I wonder what it could be okay I got enough to finish there we go look at the house so nice job I'm proud of this we made the best iron golem farm on the server apart from everybody else who's above us but that's really not the point sorry well I didn't even open mind of someone she and I got two zombie pigmen let's go so bad at all what's they do does but that's 1.5 mil I made more than you you've said like we could sell those actually you could sell those why would I sell because we're that we're gonna use zombie spawner oh and I'll set up like 700k it's like 50 below aah sell 700,000 oh my god you're such a child okay I'm doing it as well okay XP hell yeah I guess okay well I'm not gonna open it because you smell just not coins by the way mob coin you buy stuff for mob coins oh you can buy chunk hoppers and stuff with it XP pouch skeleton spoilers do it IGS you can buy IGS with it you can buy and you can buy silk touch books or tune books looting books mob coin balance yeah I've got 3024 alright the last episode we ended I said end on you can say one word to end it last time you said three so this is your opportunity go
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 475,130
Rating: 4.8474321 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, raven, factions raven, minecraft, mine craft, raiding, minecraft raiding, saicopvp, minecraft action, missing block, rich raid, pg13, twin plays, skyblock grinder, skyblock money, irongolem farm, ig farm skyblock, factionsraven skyblock, skyblock farm, how to make money in skyblock
Id: PNblkeQ9GSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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