finding a HUGE mistake on an SECRET UNDERGROUND Minecraft Base..

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welcome back today to another fantastic amazing best episode you've ever seen it's definitely not but I just like picking myself up it's an insurer okay leave me alone welcome back today to another episode of factions we're in today's factions at video we find a base by walking through a cave now this base originally was pretty much unreadable without using some TNT after wall downloading we found a way we could walk through a cave and get right underneath the base without the owner's finding out because you have five seconds to LIKE this video right now comment down when you have done it that would be very much appreciated I'll be Harting the replies but this raid was insane a lot went on in this video so make sure you guys do watch it all I'll see you guys tomorrow with hopefully another episode of something and roll the clip let's stop me talking we're getting ourselves a full demigod set wish me luck you got a demigod set did you say would you like to wear a god set it's funny cuz Demi's name is Demi you get it I was worried I've got dude we have the exact same I just played right you ready yep reinforced thorium curse 5 and spiked coating - that's the title of the top quality content you get on this channel better than you so I'm happy with that no it's not a competition but if it was I'm winning listen this is the most exciting thing I've ever had in my life and I have six kids ok this is the most exciting thing I've ever done I'm going right this is gonna be honestly this is gonna be a really cool raid let's just hope that the chests are rich we do know they have some spoilers but obviously we don't know what let's riot debates they have a cough uncle of sports okay if you get the terminology or - are you geared like it yeah sure I have pots over here I can't buy pots from here can I know I'm gonna buy some fireballs as long okay Kim can you wait for me I just like to go get pots and then I'll be with you this base right here though has made you've gone past it a very very bad thing so they're on the ground yeah they're under they're not above it we just found that out inves inves inves do you have a spare one i I'm not gonna lie to you was not prepared for this in this latest so I will go buy one okay can you go buy me one too I will I am a winner I'll wait for you like a Labrador will I buy a few yeah buy a few let's go for a few why not you know I have you and I will PV the rest here take these two at least you granny poopy I can you bust it yeah look at this I'm leaving a trail for you you're done for now buddy you pick up all of this stuff down here take a right over the winter and then go down from here do we're crushing this this is efficient look at this around just around the corner of the lava and we are oh okay Isaac I'm annoying there are so many people no I have four sisters too wait is there more than one there's more of them - I think oh no I think I saw a rabbit head that he killed I can see two in there right now I can't see any other names above me we've got a guy moving and he is definitely killing mobs because I seem collect that's the guy was all about we want to get in this place we want to neutralize all Dan Craig yeah we want to kill him as quickly as possible possible obviously we want to kill them we want to how do we we sound really bad doing this we need to be like trying to hop in and not be able to get in do you what I mean okay I can pull in where you can pull in through the side of the chest I'm hitting the wall this is a really no okay no we can save there but we'll have to pull up so we got to be ready yeah I'm gonna fire one right here this chest corner I would say I would say Sega so it's like a massive also said yeah okay yeah I'm down look it's gonna be a surprise entry I've got straight for two minutes let's do like you ready I have said yes okay here we go oh no barrier it's not where I wanted you I want regardless I'm gonna go from trophy oh my god he just got to flow through man he just got gifts I'll ever see some buckets all geared in my life okay should I stay with this bonus yeah grab and grab and PBM boo some guys trying to get this bonus grab I can't like fighting him to the death you've Raven always wins I got no gg gg grab him grab him he's gone he's got into a room carols our priority right no he teleported back Brian I knew I don't have any room to pick up all these spoilers buddy Oh help we hope we hope each other like a family ever guys in hiding the guys behind us naked I'll keep killing the naked guy the Sheep that what a madman keep him in the corner keep in the corner yes stay there come on you goof the smaller so I haven't trapped in lava just grab him grab him grab him grab him I'm covering you I've never clicked so much in my life okay get our a come back get out of combat I'm grabbing the rest of the stuff here watch me watch me don't let them in okay I'm Peavy I'm sitting on this door I'm sitting on this door there's a guy here I tried my best he can come out the other doorway what do you got this oh my god yeah we're getting him we're getting him I got him I got Magog did you get them all yeah I got I've got this guy trapped like we had the other guy so this guy's gonna drop I think Oh he'd not been too loud but thank God I got burned oh come on guy does he have fire resistance yeah yeah I think he does he was drinking a poker second ago sorry I don't think he's pot to work because you're not turning against the wall oh yeah he is right I'm gonna look in the chest see what we got going on right I need help okay yeah we need to neutralize unfortunately yeah we need to get rid of this guy this guy's the only one keeping the minute right now my stuff just wore off my mother's just wore off I had the 30 minute pot what just happened right we got this cousin got the main stuff oh oh oh oh he's grabbed more stuff he must be going low on pots wait what if I stay out on this room yeah we're gonna get trapped in this box out of the room I could probably kill him yeah I'm watching I'm watching so Nora trapped us on you got this you got this you got this gone couple spoilers on his head's worth 200 grand take it you just faction as rich as anything was going on that's a guide okay I tried to get him but he's through this room okay she's wanted to go on in my PV there safe the safe guys it's a garlic there's a guy in here oh he keeps cutting all right Brian Brian was he got a wrap up Oh watch it watch it okay I I don't have any like strength pots or anything if you have one no I don't either you have to give me a second brother I have all that I have a load of spoilers on me I need to put away oh my god that's a good sword yeah you got one yeah I got I can okay so from this guy this guy shots alright okay I'm coming to come you go you go you go you go get past these one okay okay I'm grabbin pots as I can okay I'm going back you ready yeah yeah good job he wants you to go yeah keeping there don't let mouth he's just trumping himself oh wait two seconds I can get up there with him can if you have if you have creeper eggs we can get up there with him wait I'm gonna check the chest is it I'm coming I'm coming wait really wait what the hell raiding killing them is the distraction and the pearls she paid um I'll check behind us see if there's anything in here heads heads I had confused the public kind of heard hunter I keep seeing up seen him like oh that's what you want efficient essence yeah take that all their player heads in here as well let me update I checked you know all worthless or people the division essence pickaxes and braiding supplies more creeper we just got blocked off that's why I pull him set home raid to Indy okay I'm gonna go shop dude and get some actual stream pot okay okay yeah yeah I feel this guy's trying to bait us up there I know like still he's still trying to do it so if I can just keep him there for a second we should be okay okay he's still trying you have loads of time to come back don't worry about it I'm just buying a fuse but 11 the fire said only wait I'm gonna try five will that go through the wall I missed again this is what these are the kind of rays that I love I love these type of videos these are might want to literally if not my absolute favorite type of raid to do just because it's so hectic there's rooms up here I know that's what I'm saying I try to protect it so do I I have charged one it's late you should I do it I have charged creeper so I just family okay behind him I'm behind him I'm behind him I'm behind him rid of him where's the other guy gone he's definitely getting geared you ever got is it good for the feet oh yeah go for the feet behind him I'm behind him as well so he can't go out either way he's got a king he's gonna run out of pots this guy should affirm he's gonna get out I've never Oh rabbit one Oh No okay we got him we got to check these rooms are you yooper have any stuff right yeah I'm getting it I got the rabbit mask as a guy down below that guy's probably still in one half I think he's in concert client or an old account or whatever I'd have no idea what just happened yeah yeah I part just so just so if anyone dude I've never liked P he peed and tried so hard in my life if the people who own displays are watching GG defense by that guy but oh and we raided everything in his base I think we have I mean this guy's back here by himself I mean we can't get to him like we've raped but we've raided that room yeah oh that's a strong guy oh my back again this guy just needs to stop we thought we got the skeletons bonus yet we got all the spoilers we got the skeletons don't think there is no I think it literally is just the stuff we had because we checked this if we check this room in here yeah yeah we have that's where the skeletons were I checked I didn't check the chest no I didn't check him either I said I set home as well so I can scout the still I'm just double checking these rooms okay I'm coming with you just through if I miss instead of my home in the other area so regardless I think we're okay okay yeah I don't think there's any rooms I'm confident so it's up to you if you wanna die continue trying to kill any but I want to get that main room guy can we not say in there we can just pull through the guy really hasn't defended it that well hold on to you he zippers again oh no oh leave Leave leave Leave leave there no right I don't think I'm gonna get out of this oh come on I can't get out I pulled through he's he seems like I killed him it's okay do we take the risk and just stay here wait no no go back if you want to go back go back quick I still have my home outside though so we go oh well yeah true oh we've never pulled before you're 9 combo right no why is it every video that we do there's a reset why is it every time we raid there's like oh yeah we'll just reboot this up there we go we're free that raid was and this is what we did lets you walk straight into it they seem like nice people they seem like I mean they haven't been immune to us at any point so I guess like we hate creepers at your fraction micro faction server is there the weirdest thing ever because like it's such a hostile thing like you literally come in and you take everything they've got in the same vice versa when you're very mean when you think about it like it's fun but it's very really mean it's often I've made many a person cry not not really cry but like in-game cry like just by taking some stuff I mean you work for the stuff right you work for you wanna be happy that's the point the whole point is over like you lose it you gain it you lose it you gain it exactly I think we're done I think we've made him like not very happy right Oh starting up in ten seconds run you know what that means keep clicking on their heads I'm actually gonna have one of them to make it interesting okay yeah you do that I'm not I like stuff okay I'm heading to spawn I'm sad to base the service back up with away see we're both safe he says before you die and I don't hate right dispose okay so that raid is over I think we're ready for a big-boy raid now within madam money with yeah you have right now I have 1.3 million dollars okay I have 700 mm with all the loot Wisconsin's borders everything oh the other day so a lot of the servers on psycho have recently reset and with that a bunch of new stuff is came he thinks there is a excellent ah Royal do you get it it's because Easter oh my god but obviously you guys know the rules of my channel anyway yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna mute up and open this so let me know how it goes okay see you on the other side okay so on this channel we obviously do stuff a little bit different we don't believe in in giving things from other people we take might we conquer we take that is ten mystical charms which you're gonna go straight into my HS for later also get a loot vault full with what looks like a load of stuff in it like all of the scan through it right now but we can get an end of all out of this we have an N Easter we've got some titles excellent titles and egg-cited thanks Matt for the puns they were awful we have I think we'll open today the end of all Easter and to charm so obviously save the rest for other videos but guys if you do want to buy it the little psycho be calm you can actually buy all this stuff this guy is very very happy about what we're about to do aren't you mr. faction zero you happy this guy is happy I've never seen something so happy in my life everyone say he messaged me open it let's just chuck it open chucked it open right here five reward one set home that was awful I'm hoping the next one to show boats not bad at all come on unsaved your title not sure if that's the the rarest thing but we'll go with it one treasure lockpick it couldn't really be worse for us at this point it's all really going downhill bump yeah okay it's not gone well three three-inch other chomps you can't exactly go wrong with three enchanted charms Easter loot bag which I think is Easter related items obviously and a blaster weapon what the hell is that what does shop 6ax eureka that's mine we got the holy bread with knock back to and Easter loot bag which we actually just gonna open and obviously our enchanted charms and everything else will it she's gonna put in our HS for now I don't feel like we should use it all but we've got a load of stuff now to open our Easter Lupe we got to invincible creepers and to overall essences it was really bad but we also have a three enchanted charms and are too mystical chumps to end this off so let's actually just go for it our enchanted charm open the very first one I see the holy nugget if we get the holy nugget I will give away everything I own on the server oh my god we will one off how is that allowed that's so mean okay we're gonna get it this time I can feel it we've got two more attempts well really one more attempt that guy just got anarchist from it no I could have been mine we also got a load of creepers and we'll open up our very very last one in hopes that we're gonna get something as good it's the holy nugget I see it in there and also once again we're gonna scroll right past it I believe this is Riggs we were two off and one off what's the point alright server hates me but open up our bloody notes you guys can see the money just flowing into my account on the side here look at it go and point five million dollars and we'll open up a first of our mystical charms to hopefully get something mystical I believe it's going to be mystical Hades summoner okay that's like a massive boss mob on the server which means we can get a load of good stuff out of this so three the last one will be as lucky oh we could have got fly why does everything hate me today everything could have gone so well but everything hates me just money I don't even want money in money's good I'll take it but I don't even want it I'll Haiti summing up we got really good rewards out of this my HS is it you just full of rest off now and also our enchantment books which were open and hope that we maybe get anything that's gonna be of any use no telling where three isn't bad but the rest they kind of suck so I guess that's a I guess that's that and what a crazy raid is with my raven fan club following me look at hello these are the only people that like me
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 16,347
Rating: 4.9551401 out of 5
Keywords: finding a HUGE mistake on an UNDERGROUND Minecraft Base.. this is insane!, factionsraven, raven, minecraft, mine craft, factions raven, factionsraven hide or hunt, raven hide or hunt, hide or hunt #1, hide or hunt episode 1, funny hide or hunt, minecraft hide and seek, hide or hunt public server, factionsraven factions, secret factions base, hidden minecraft base
Id: byMngi_WMrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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