so our Skyblock Island was one of the poorest.. but this NEW skyblock grinder can make us RICH!

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okay we should now be alive today with some Skyblock myth I do not accept that late spam I do not accept it in the slightest all right you're a bully you mean I'm not taking it anybody else that spams it right you're gonna have to deal with with factions or even over here because I'm anger right now I'm completely anger it guys welcome to this episode today episode slash slash other stuff slash the other thing I don't know what it is episode stream thing of Skyblock pretty much today what we're going to be doing is lot of stuff we're gonna be having some fun if we are not late okay listen if people call me late I'm not gonna be happy but today what we are going to be doing is we're here obviously with twin I'm a team you either right now just what we do the intro and some stuff but you should be sorry because my whole chat is screaming it's it's definitely your fault okay yes your fault how dare you I'm not happy but welcome today to today's episode today what we're going to be doing is actually making ourselves a brand new kind of like mob grinder thing and we're gonna be having some fun SodaStream probably gonna be beer out yeah that was an English at all what I said but probably for about half an hour 45 minutes maybe you guys can't complain this is a video or a stream yeah either one you can do both if you want high five with the two pound your favorite mod is here hello favorite mod you guys can come play at PvP darknet we wanna you want to join genesis realm it's the best one but twin-t really opened a key so i think we should take it upon ourselves to open ourselves oh I didn't want to open that one okay well we'll open two just for the fun of it but we're gonna be making ourselves oh my god like a crazy mob grinder today like a crazy one with all the spawn is that we have all set up and we're gonna get ourselves another 1,500 womp Queens okay we just apparently I'll get your between today we're not getting anything else I'm your favorite mod okay listen we're not gonna worry about my about specifics here but let's go to the island thank you to Riley and lemon for the subs I appreciate it you both are very cool people my favorite people actually some of my favorite I'm very good thank you welcome to the stream everybody twin right now it's just currently outlining this so what we're gonna have to do is wait for twin because we're gonna have to move these diamonds as well over here to the farm so we're gonna have farm removal at the very beginning and then once we farm removed we're gonna spawn a create and then I don't even know if we have enough money for spawn is really but I mean we can if we go mob coin-shop mob coin what is it I did mob coin shop did I not can I not spell I probably can't spell we can't buy mushroom spoilers and stuff I could buy a zombie spawner which is I think is five mil so we can use our first one of that but we can we can figure it up I've sent me a second off the mod also don't care I just need long so even though it says me I love you so much thank you very much I appreciate that so twin already is on this twins already on this grind twin is doing everything currently I wish we were as good as him sometimes but make sure you guys do subscribe and like the video if you guys are new let's see if we can smash 300 likes on this episode side stream normal factions hopefully we'll be resuming tomorrow which means I'll be back on my normal schedule which is factions Monday Tuesday modded Wednesday Skyblock Thursday factions Friday Saturday and then skywalk Sunday there we go nailed it I'm not late at all you guys are just late and what we're going to do is probably unmute now we'll speak to twin for a bit on the stream and then we're kind of differ mute up and do random stuff throughout so let's have a go at this I like twin alright so we have to move the diamonds as well right which means we need to clear the farm the entire thing I mean it's not even gone nothing of it is gone at all actually we might as well get rid of it right probably and also guess what I can do twin what is it like E or my liking is it like yours at me because I'm very very confused right now I think I think it is but it's only like whenever you break something I don't I'm very confused it's certain things it's certain things listen we're triggering it currently it's absolutely triggered what can you do iy5 I think you should invite me and Miffy I heard me inviting anybody right now and I probably do a giveaway generator for when I do so okay Farms pretty much gone we need to wait to put diamonds just next to the original diamonds here and down for Diamond - I just have a few of them just place them at the back I didn't seem to be laggy anymore all right not bad at all I place them over the edge place them right on the wrong side dude I'm not trash at all all right not trash at all okay I don't have any slabs what about slaps slaps completely okay hang on all right so pretty much what we're gonna do is we have ourselves a generator right here cobblestone generates aren't really needed but because twins recording him doing this I'm gonna let Windows do his own thing for a little bit but I think the server is like little laggy like a little little little laggy but there's nothing really you know we you can do twins done it too small no that doesn't go there okay we can't take twin anywhere but hopefully this mob grinder I'm gonna surprise twin with the zombie spawner that we're gonna spend our mob coins on because okay we need one more cuz there are a lot of people on there right now there are 245 people on it so guys I am going to be giving away hopefully a I'm gonna be able to do hopefully a key all soon enough which means if you guys do want to come on for the keel I will be able to do a keel I just have to you know get myself the command before I do anything because otherwise I'm gonna forget because I literally I'm just otherwise I'm gonna just fail with everything but we're gonna set up this right now yeah what's the key command just so I can ask so guys hop on right now if you guys do want a free crate key you can actually start playing you could not start playing I don't really mind it's really up to you but well I'm you again and start this grind it's when I have a surprise for you I think you sorry I have a surprise for you what you ready yeah ready yeah don't put it right here okay catch who it's a zombie spawner that's the most expensive one five mil I got it with mob coins I had 10k mob coins and you can buy them with mob coins so I just bought one we're so good at this okay I need I'm gonna do a little bit of a keel you know I just need the the command I don't know what it is I don't know do like key 900 whatever someone says and then end up breaking the server so gift one please imagine if that actually worked you need to line up these chunks are we gonna do a vine again we can use iron we could but like is the bottom actually gonna be are we gonna actually make it the entire thing one chunk like yes oh of course alright such block we I have a stack and a half of iron blocks I'm gonna use all of our own and make them iron blocks oh my god what have you done there we go what did you pick again pops I know how to turn it off p.m. just p.m. toggle I thought I did I was getting really frustrated okay right so where's this chunk twin alright we need this char yes I have no idea you're doing something it's not me I'm literally talking to my stream it's not me I wish it was I'm serious you and the I know you don't you want to see it in case what it's tainted sorry yeah you keoki name amount I mean we can try that we'll give it a go well how do you / key I do give key okay well you can have a key once I figure out how to do it because once we actually figure it out we'll probably be in the clear right so this is a whole chunk correct yeah this is a whole chunk okay so we need I have another chunk copper so do you want to make a chest storage first or after first I put it in this corner because then look it actually fits a corner rather than being completely out of it if you know what I mean where did you want it what it's all right this is just Kili I don't know I don't know do Q oh my god it might be keel Elisha thank you for the sub makes you go to a few guys in you make sure you guys some play pvdyck and okay thank you okay eros is on which means he should be able to give me the key command mesengeros key come on oh here's this PM is disabled that's that's completely rude Dookie oh I've seen Jerry Harry bit earlier on stream okay we'll figure it out okay by the way do we have any spawn nest as you put in this okay because if I do sharp we want for this we're looking for maybe like a zombie pigmen or like I don't know what else plays it or creeper sorry we could put our cows in there yeah okay listen I didn't do that in chat that wasn't me that wasn't me at all the this the key all spam it definitely wasn't me I didn't say anything that was just a me I don't know how to do it I don't know whether it's just like key all and then the key name I don't really know but all right listen I'm waiting for this setup twin you don't good faith I did actually I'm waiting your future I'm waiting Raven I swear to god don't look come and you can have one all right I'm waiting for you I trust you in Oh Oh like the trust in the world okay that's the iron this lion farm is doing alright for you honest it's just like we need a lot more supporters so for now it's getting us like a little bit of iron we just use mostly for iron blocks but as you can see that it's slowly dying we have our minions on top good way cool okay listen I'm way into it yeah look at me and when you're this is gonna be like the best farm in the world chests the storage in the war the best chest storage in the world I'm holding you to that my stream is gonna hold you to that literally like this is what I did all the time or even okay what if I just put such keel I think it's like key all legendary you know mean like the key but you're a nerd oh you're doing it so they're gonna die in the middle and then the hope is are gonna go round okay so look it's going to go into one chest right and the hoppers are gonna go all the way around so like this could be the end and then they'll up right here start stories okay I like that that's a good idea what's up so yeah so we need ROFL alright okay apparently is just such keel alright okay here we go make sure you guys log on you have probably about 10 seconds before you know a key is give it okay I'm gonna block up a little bit first win how hide you want to go yeah no because as soon as the stuff dies it will place I think Jesus I don't know okay ready keels cash turn affirm I did it okay so mobs fooled at 27 right okay so if we go maybe 32 that's what I was going to say because we finish each other's you and Demi both said it leave I thank you for the sub I appreciate it so we're gonna get this done hopefully what's up everyone in the chat how is everybody doing he just joined what's up cyber gap how you doing what's up dragon music so I'm leaving this in your faithful hands okay I'm gonna go totally not open a recce okay I'm gonna go totally not open a recce cuz I didn't I didn't I'm not the one that gave it out obviously it was until we could get spawn 'its from this you can open it - oh can you not what did I give it a red creaky that was a natural slab was it I got 25 k XP brilliant lovely so it-it's earnest oh try just open a legendary well over here just just acknowledge and Dario look I've ever been a rare no I miss point yeah I got 40 k XP you kidding me else mild in the slightest way honestly I've actually just been outsmart or cows in there too right we could put everything so we're gonna have to redo this unless you just want to do it so they fall to the floor and then do it just so there's a hopper in the corner we can do it like that moment 16 hoppers in a chunk there's no stoppers here have you broken the chunk I don't know have you broken it let me let me place gimme gimme gimme gimme you cannot place more than 16 hope is in the chunk there isn't miss okay listen I don't know how we're gonna fix this we can't place hoppers yeah let's try that just disconnect and then then reconnect and then we'll hope does he look in check yes sometimes okay you ready yeah nope okay fix my chunk hub place hoppers sadface there we go okay let you take the hoppers I'm gonna go do stream things for a sec and let me know when it's fixed all right you got this okay so I really have reloaded the chunk right we did reload it slightly I think I think we reloaded it but I'm pretty sure right now what we need to do is lose you just wait for this to be done but while we're doing this we can wait for iron blocks I don't know if anybody has one or like one we can use because we're gonna need such block I really have nine right here we need a listen I know we don't need a full trap oh my god we actually don't need a full trap twin I realized we actually don't need a full trap I'm not sure okay listen I'm confused should we do a full trap okay reload the chunk my chat is saying do f3 and a at the same time I just did it and a like hold f3 and a at the exact same time it doesn't I literally just did it oh yeah okay now someone said do it there okay didn't work lovely well okay well that didn't go very well at all but hopefully that gets fixed soon so I think we're gonna go the full trap I honestly think it's the best thing for us to do so Ripper oh I forgot about my delay oh I'm very sorry delay that's the worst thing ever but wait wait twin why have you got the chest like this if they're gonna 432 how are we gonna okay arrows fix it arrows fixed it try yeah he fixed it let me go so like the trunk hopper is when they get killed it all goes into that yeah but you have two more they have to fold like 27 blocks right right I am right wait I'm right yeah we're gonna go with a full trap I think the full trap is gonna be the best thing all the fools promise okay so do you want to just do chunk hopper in this corner like our original plan let me see if this works like that the way I want it to okay twin we have a situation yeah we can either use the mob the robot because we get looting five from it okay so we get more stuff anyway so we might not even need this big thing we could do the same as this one and then have other stuff in the middle okay you wanna do that okay so the robot yeah that one over there has sharpness five like looting six looting five yeah right so if he kills the mobs no if he kills the mobs we get more money out of it because we're getting looting out with it yes no we can just do it normally like the way I wanted yes cool okay we're backtracking okay we're back boys we've made it only takes us a little bit but we get there eventually that's the important thing that's the important thing do we need to catch up with this island levels you know kissee i would do if i with lover but like i agree the multi minions are gonna give us like way more money yeah tell me have you done it look at that okay he'll kill them into this they'll go into that and they'll fall all the way down through all these okay we have to bear in mind the minions have to kill like above so what you need to then make a layer above this okay I've cut it off here I don't know if this is a good spot yeah this little room right here yeah and we can just have the floor what's up Oh ski I think I remember you poppers exactly and then they could even have the spoilers on it or maybe you'd like a little glass room like we did on the other one like we could do a glass room where the saunas are and just the minion just killing everything dude this is gonna look so sick we're gonna make so much out of this it's going to we're gonna be all full of this I can already tell me and you I don't think building is our expertise you know what I mean it's not yeah we have high hopes that's what important right come here come there come West yes we're we're by the tree okay come in yeah we're six beacons oh yeah oh I like that I came out Jacob and your daddy thanks for the socks that's gonna be so sick final level okay listen for the floor I'm not sure how you want to do it you'll do glass for the floor okay should we make the glass then because we have to do it naturally don't we yeah I have to make it let's go why stained cuz let's stick with what we know all right cool all right I need to buy bone meal dies it is bone meal right pork you got four stacks okay there's the glass there's the glass go around the the bone meal I know the bone meal the glass goes around the bone meal that makes sense okay I bought like nine stacks of glass by the way all right well then your glass okay yeah I'll just try get a stack of this or like as much as we can uh there we go that is lovely we're killing it right now twin this is gonna make us so much money I'm just like next time when we say we should plan this out we should plan out more than the chunk we're doing it yeah we probably should okay I have eight stacks of glass okay we should do it one level above so like right here so we should it like right here okay apparently we're making this hard for ourselves I'm not sure how wait you don't wanna do I was gonna say yeah I don't you iron across that Jade glass are you good okay yeah just just checking on you my man just just checking just checking on your girl I just got to make sure you're okay you know no okay that's your eating noise that's when you eat with are you okay what we could do is make this this bit here at the very top like our like oh maybe like above or like below like the area we have the people in so they can ask chaos bonus for us yeah we could have it below we come in like a little cool room and stuff for like a we have like a little coffee shop down there we could have a little side business you know you really didn't you really didn't like the idea did you Oh have you not placed the junk off oh I knew that I could put it right here actually you said yeah threw up that makes more sense we are currently building the best probably mob grinder you can ever make with these cool minions it's gonna make us hopefully a lot of money in the very end of it but I guess we'll see so we're gonna be live put about another 20 minutes or so once we get this done so hey t-dog what's up what's up Eko how you doing I hope you had an endless welcome Billy if it's your first dream I hope it's a favorite we've done it no really see okay we've done all right so I'll get my minion because I have the higher upgrade one so that means a y5 with too proud except my teepee real quick I will in a little bit give me a sec okay we need ultimate make it into an egg we'll put him just directly in the middle or as far to the middle as we can get look at there that's a good idea right that way people would see how many spawners we have in here yeah people can be like oh these guys are so rich and then we'll make him into mold mob attack Oh grinding we want grinding don't we oh wait grinding you can only do one mob mob killing mob grinding would grind nearby chunks grind nearby chunks for Lu yeah this one should work okay so uh if you got a silk touch I can go get these cows what's up and they'll pay you in okay so touch me so touch me up eat there we go well I've just realized how many cows we actually have and how long this is actually gonna take we have 60 see 60 see 60 C is a number twin I can already tell it's it's so slow yeah these my screams of a half an hour right figure that watch time that's what you don't think about if you guys do wanna play make sure you guys do hop over to PvP dot the Archon net wise up stream chat we are making today our brand new mob grinder thing we're gonna use the robots to hopefully get a load more money so this should work what's up tombow how you doing do you need minion with real money I think you can use real money or mob coins I'm not sure but you know we'll figure it out I'm able to do this in vanilla probably not I don't think so this isn't my first rodeo slash stream I mean as long as you happy with that Jack and the grumpy can't thank you guys for the subs make sure you guys do like the video if you guys aren't new and subscribe you've got 30 seconds to like and subscribe all right I want 200 likes on this stream and I want someone to tell me how many likes her out right now is that's the important thing but we'll be back with twin now and make sure you guys do come along play Genesis realm right now Genesis not origins Genesis that's the best one all right there's a little people on this right now but it's good fun all right I'm almost done all right I'm almost done two one done never doing this again was all our eirick exactly it's almost like you didn't think of this probably okay twin okay never mind for some reason I play or something I'll bonemeal and it crafted the blocks into bricks and I thought we lost our our thing like our blocks that I just made I thought we lost them I was literally about to cry I I want more likes on this right now on everybody watching the video and people watching this is afraid to subscribe right now I mean look we've almost done it with blocks right where should we place the spawner don't do it like one in every corner because if I do three away here are they gonna die what can we still only do one mob I'm not sure mob attack mode it would detect nearby mops oh ok no we with this one we can select multiple so I can select cows oh my god 20 actually goes and kills them did you see him dude he sprinted over there he fully sprinted right zombie pigmen me 1 why are we gonna happen here mushroom will have will put the zombies in here to creep the creeper creeper creeper creeper creeper there we go zombie villager ops for everything pretty much isn't IGS because then our IT farm can continue grinding without having to worry about this okay yeah I bet you put everything in here apart from IDs so everything now will get grinded apart from my geez once we make up that room down there we could actually set it up to where only we can oh we can make it to where like oh my god Raven do not for the room okay countdown okay what are you doing what's the room I did okay so basically we're gonna need a way to get in here without people you know getting out yeah pretty much so oh my god I'm not a glass I've got something I've got sex I've got a few sex come here twin I got you four stacks they go thank you right we're doing this with minions pretty much just so we have like looting on it and we can just continuously let it go all right show me the idea what's the are we doing a door yes people kick people could only be in here we can put the sign like right here so we're stuck in here you know what I mean that's a good idea I like that twins if people are watching the stream should they like right now they should they shouldn't like it right now but they should like it there we go that was the best I like it just this goodbye honestly I thought this is gonna make us loads of money oh I'm actually excited for this because we have a zombie spawner to put down and that's five mill that's like the number one spawner you know yeah what we get to do the Flores I think walkway and under this glass right here iron okay because right now we need you need to change your minion because right now it's only chunk loading it's not spawner activating so we need that to spawner activate for the oh geez okay here you change that for now I will do something I don't know I currently do anything in that iron Joe check me that the zombie spawner and I'll chuck them down oh yes yes yes and if you have any other spoilers okay mater it's 3x3 there we go I'm gonna need to add diamonds maybe to this filter I'm not sure a diamonds on this filter no okay no no add filtered item okay we actually need a diamond I don't have a diamond can I buy a diamond from shop ok wait the minion will kill the zombies and then we didn't get a diamond I don't know if it's a tit okay we need a diamond I'm gonna buy a diamond quick oh okay well I already bought one okay there we go that should now be there we go we have diamonds now on the list so diamonds now from now should hopefully there we go they go into the hopper now which is cool lovely something's we can make loads of money out of this why not an automatic fun without the minions because this will make more money we have permanent looting on these right did you change your thing to a spawner activate yep okay there we go we get an iron sorry alright yeah I am we we've kind of use them only to be honest with you Mike oh it's it's bugging me as well because we definitely make it done but we can't because we don't have enough blocks can be buying from shop how much are they oh I own blocks they're 1000 each so if we get E - it's 57 K I spent fifty seven K on some blocks oh my Jesus how much money you have yeah so bad what's up so much I'm stuck how are you stuck okay if you've got one block I need one block to win okay go place one up here that one there isn't it we can block it off so it's like glass and do it's gonna look so nice it's gonna look so sick look at it it's gonna look so nice dude I'm actually so - we could do like a little seating area like a cinema you know like a home theater we do we could do so much with this so they're just like hey everybody how much what do you need okay I've got three there we go I think we just for now I just have to wait for the the things to come up or we can just go open a creaky yeah we could do that real quick and also we might be important to the island but I don't want a day or something I mean it's up to you I know I'd like it like that okay yeah I see it now is more like a grant thing you know what I mean Arminian right now it should still be yeah it's just killing everything it repeatedly okay so I'm gonna go see what do we have oh I five with the tude pound or if I'm with minion that's what we're doing that's what the plan is oh my god oh my god that's a little ooh oh my that is a lot of loot we should like gives us more money leather I think it's beef because I do have settled because I have sell oh I do okay so we can did you shift-click that out well like take it out you ever sell want whoa whoa whoa whoa you've a souland yeah can i yeah I'll give you two I never knew how to sell want wait a second oh yeah then we can just take it whenever we need it yeah such a good idea oh we've only got a few uses yeah that one has 500 okay so now all we have to do is kind of just let this go that's gonna run a Mercedes cube by it's pretty funny to see everybody it's so amazing I don't know why it's so much fun you know do a key which one you want to do should we do just a legendary yeah I did shop I did shop okay so we'll do one legendary and then that might be the end right there maybe so loud okay ready legendary yeah I'm doing it I'm doing it right now swing right this very moment like the stream like a 1.5 mil I'm so much better than you well alright let's think about this so what we're gonna spend the money on cuz we can't buy another zombie um okay I think what we should do okay I'm listening I think we should I think we should save our money for your essay next time yeah the next time we make something cuz we're gonna need money the next time we make another yeah but I mean one I spend my money on spoilers I mean good because that will get us more money our zombies not spawning or they are there we go because I'm thinking about if I go to shop we have one point I have 1.5 mil I could buy two zombie pigmen that would get us 1.5 mil she'll buy two zombie pigmen he isn't that'll get some more money at the end the day it's what we have to think of okay I'll do that then okay is there an even way we can do it no there is an out damn one two three there I'll do this other corner that's what I'll do yeah there we go two months on P Pigman twin we are killing it right now today we've got you done so much okay on the ng doesn't want to while you were streaming yeah how do we do more when I'm streaming than we do when I'm on video or when we were ever recording I'm not sure it doesn't want to go for him target types he just died yeah it's zombie pigments on there it should work okay they dropped rotten flesh and the gold nuggets dude I've just realised with all this mob Lou how full it's actually gonna get we don't need rotten flesh though I mean we can't say oh we can take it off the filter okay and you just want to drop if you just like pick one up there you go and then shift right click just click just click no because it's not on there in the first place well yeah I just removed I just remove it oh you just removed it okay yeah okay so they should kill the zombie pigmen I'll tell you when he's coming over no cuz it both makes money go minion that way just watch him go I'll just hit them closer to slowly but surely slowly but yeah we go from look at him go look at him go and then there should be no rotten flesh in there I'm waiting for it yeah no rotten flesh there we go saw it easy look at much work we've done to win you've actually done loads ok I'm gonna use this cell wand and sell some stuff check make sure we have like 3 to almost 2 dubs or Cao Lu already dude we are making it in the wild honestly when you're gonna make so much money off of this so that's the thing we did so well this is taking us half an hour that's it this is so nice okay I made oh God the whole inventory of like leather and Cal stuff sold for 10k well I just made like 25k off of that the whole inventory of like raw beef and cow stuff made 10k for a double chest bro do you realize how much money we're gonna make now more than what we just probably and then we'll be up to buy more spoons dude we're gonna become so rich to sell this one thing so we have anymore how many do we have we have enough and now what you see the new glass and we're literally daunted okay a guy in my chat Aiden thank you very much for this he says that we might need to move the spawn it up because it might be blocking the sight line that's why it might not be going to it straight away because it could be blocking the sight of it yeah he's an old guy he was blocking the sight line that's actually such a idea okay were probably do that later cuz I don't have to sit here in mind 70 cows again because that was not a fun thing to do at all dude that and we're not doing that again no not I'm not joking right we're not doing that again okay I'm gonna go end this off I don't want you to do then I'm gonna go end this off all right I'll see in a sec guys that's gonna be it for the end of this stream Jay Vic what's up man I'm very very sorry this is probably gonna be the end right now almost 400 viewers which is absolutely insane I hope everyone did enjoy hope everybody enjoy Skyblock regular factions will be back tomorrow and what we're gonna do probably on our Skyblock adventure now it's just start making some money start upgrading some IG farms with more money we cannot see do a lot more things and we've also got these cool sell ones and stuff so who almost got another dub of cao lu which is nuts if you don't a craft glass just you're such a printer it's not a thing I wish it was a thing but we're gonna leave that off probably there for today so guys make sure right now right make sure right in this very second you guys like this video and subscribe if you guys aren't new we're getting very close now to 40,000 subscribers so let's short stream 40 minutes that's what I usually do if it's a video or such but yes this will be watchable after for those asking all those wondering but we're gonna if you guys like the video right now that would be very much appreciated alright five with the two powered we're not gonna invite anybody right now I don't feel like I want to invite able to Allen just now because it mean to him when I take it I like our own pace you know what I mean thank you very much I appreciate that and I'm gonna leave that there I'm very very sorry guys like the video duck right now alright we're getting very very close to 40,000 subscribers which is where it's at and then we'll be close to 50 and then 60 and then 100k and you guys are absolutely crushing it right now but guys thank you so much for watching go check out twin if you guys haven't already and come play the server on PDP dr cohn yep make sure you guys play obviously the genesis realm like I'll give you tutorial like because when you go to the hub you'll come to here and then you go to the sky block and then you go to Genesis that's where you want to go okay that's where it's at right now but guys thank you so much for watching thanks for all the subs and stuff like that EDD plays and nixar TV it go so much for watching make sure you guys like if you guys are new with post notifications obviously and I'll see you guys tomorrow hopefully with a factions episode and I'll see you guys then
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 55,893
Rating: 4.8878813 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, raven, factions raven, war, flans mod, mods, minecraft war, minecraft factions, minecraft smp, minecraft mod pack, OUR PLAN TO END THE NUCLEAR WAR! (WILL IT WORK?) 🔥 | Minecraft WAR #2
Id: n9KTyxsiY8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 23sec (2483 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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