so today we created the MOST DEFENDED vault on the server.. but will it protect us?!

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I'm not like there is no way in the whole of my YouTube channel I am ever late to a stream if I see one message saying late we are gonna have issues stream okay I'm rolling up my sleeves oh I hit my mic oh god it's already gone downhill it's already gone downhill how has this happened but guys welcome today to the modded episode stream thing I like streaming modded I find it actually quite fun in comparison to a team making videos on it as if you guys are the exact same and you prefer streams instead of videos you know you know what you should do you should do the really really cool thing of you guys should like the video you should subscribe I can't zoom in anymore damn it okay you should subscribe and all that fun stuff I'm not a minute late for anybody asking I'm perfectly on time so if you guys this is a video or a stream make sure you guys you like and subscribe and today we are gonna be focusing on trying to make the best of all we can alright because basically a lot of war is basically brewing on the server and to protect ourselves the one thing you want to do you wanna have no secret war room no secret vault where we can put all our valuables because I don't feel like happy having all of our cool stuff just out in the open because I feel like at some point it's gonna get us killed it's 100% gonna get us killed because someone is gonna come take it all and then we have nothing so honestly it's gonna be very very depressing if someone comes and takes all my stuff but we won't worry about that we won't worry about people taking our stuff and we will we have a little bit of concrete brick I don't you have too much in comparison of what everybody else has concrete brick wise but you know it's enough for us that means it's enough for everybody else and we can't read a drill I'm thinking of a place we can make this right I'm thinking of a place we can make this because I'm not that sure where we want to do it one minute 12 seconds late I timed it no that's how that's how late you are that's not how late I am I'm not that late as you all right so we aren't going to try find probably the best spot we can put this I don't exactly know where we can you're always so quiet I'm not quiet am I am i quiet I don't think I am we need to turn that off there we go I dislike spangle that has terrible how dare you alright so once we get ourselves situated we are going to try find a spot I'm wondering if it would be in the base because if it's in the base what's up everybody if it's in the base if it's in the base that means we can definitely kind of like have it protected because you guys don't know bye I need hang on where's the coffee because we hundred percent have changed the codes we a hundred percent have changed the codes oh that's so loud okay I don't know if my plan worked don't know if everybody what's the stream delay I'm not sure the time it took me to read that message so I know I'm really not sure but okay we haven't had to change the codes I was trying to fake people out but I don't think it's gonna work cuz I'm gonna give up now what's up everybody you go get some snacks go get some snacks go for it have fun so I'm thinking of a place we can make this because the bank is right there Mikey's base is right there so if we have it maybe around this area cuz I've seen my keys on our team I'm on my team Ryan's on my team okay that's not the code stream definitely not the code 100% not the code nothing to worry about no don't spam the code because then that makes it the code okay so we armed the farm base till we own this we own all of this land so we might as well actually no because people's houses are going to be here okay we're going to go back and make it in the base what's up yeah deke how are you doing we'll head back this way this is what we're gonna do if you guys are new to the channel art there's a sign lovely okay payment for Ryan from okay not going to touch that ad to Ryan stuff I had a little look that's totally not the code I think we're about it's just it I'm faking everybody out listen if everybody spams 5 5 5 5 m makes it the code and then if you guys don't spam the code then I'm not hey everybody bullies me okay let's mine in here and we will put roof back and because it's raining and it's annoying I will remove it because you know that our poems are no reason ice flower garden thank you very much it's my favorite flower garden so I'm wondering where we can make this I don't wanna make it directly here because people are gonna come steal it right people not gonna steal it they're gonna come steal our stuff so I think if we make it underneath the chair okay the issue with this being low lord thank you for the sub the issue with this pink the fact that we're gonna need some sand to kind of like stand everything up so let's let's try that let's try it see if we have any sand we have any no sand food chest nothing or chest nothing in here dirt earth that's not what we wanted flan stuff Oh some sand didn't know Stan was for flans that totally rhymes but make sure you guys you like the stream and subscribe if you guys aren't you very much appreciate it if you don't I'm gonna raid your base there you go that that totally equivalents to my craft war there we go we got 5757 should be enough looking at this logically let's go all the way up here we're gonna need to make it kind of look natural in a way and I'm also scared I'm at you're gonna drown so this needs to be all the way up and so does the one in front of it and maybe one here as well oh I'm about to drown give me a second oh god please don't drown you so late I've been suffering while keep me having alone enjoying the content to you thank you very much for like pro I very much appreciate that you're a very very cool guy and guys what do you guys want to see you Peter Lee we've seen the stream where you guys made this in the comments what do you guys want to see for 30,000 because we are like we're planned to hit it in like two days three days pretty much so it's really up to you guys that's because Demi's playing Zelda that make sense okay so let's know it's not out so for now what we will do is we will block all of this in there we go we will drown all of this to get rid of this water which we can occurs now mist it under a chair like the stream and stuff - even he is the best about late sometimes okay you are right on one of those things okay so we need to make it right underneath this chair but I'm thinking right there's a thing we can make with the MAL assist Dormont and we can make a vanishing frame now I don't know how this works because I don't know what the difference is between these two things that okay you should let Miffy control your channel that is a fate worse than death so we just need an ender pearl iron ingot and for red star we have that that should work I say okay it's gonna be in here isn't it do we have any post all chests redstone any iron no iron Oh God this could go very badly to start uh no ender pearl and a pop no ender pearl some iron oh no I've done everything wrong I didn't do that that was my key and a pearl no wonder PO are we really gonna have to go find it ender pearl huh nothing nothing okay well do i usual plan Mikey I need pearl do you have one this is our usual plan if everything goes to pot just get Mikey to do it for us okay come over Mikey thank you there we go right we can always rely on Mikey at least with everything goes around a 30 K leak my address that's probably not a good idea I'm gonna be honest did he help anything brick T I should be good for now if if you do want to come on I want to make one of those vault doors but they're very difficult to make volt what's it called like there you go the HBM one like the Volt tech blast door but it's incredibly expensive to mix if you want to help me get started you can if not it's okay then we just delivering me food when I stream there we go I know mobs don't naturally spawn but like the Hat there's a way to get ender pearls I think it may be like an outpost or something is that my key it's my key to come to deliver us stuff thank you sir there you can always trust Mikey he doesn't ask what we're up to he just walks away good old Mikey what's up T doc how are you doing all right we need to fight ourselves like wrapping tape okay so let's go to this vanishing I can't spell today and we'll make the in-1 I don't know what the difference is should we just make diamond diamond vanishing frame diamond vanishing frame there's no difference between the two let's do it diamond instead of iron let's let's live life on the edge there we go and we will do this this this this okay so now we have full diamond vanishing frames I don't know what exactly they are but you know a vanishing frame is a vanishing frame and that's what we need so we'll get rid of this lovely chair and we will put it there and then if we put that there this there oh god okay so the block we want is stone brick so how do we get it to vanish duration I don't know how do I get it to vanish do I need like a lever or something I might need a lever like a bun I'm not sure I might just need a button don't do diamond do wood okay I've already done diamond so might be a bit of an issue on that part let's grab two sticks and a bit of cobble if we have any don't know if we even have cobble we already have a stick but we still need the cobble we need a bit of cobble apparently we don't have any cobble so we will just make ourselves a button is it this is how it works I don't know how it works because there's the vanishing frame I can't place a bun or as one point seven isn't it we need natural block did you do oh there we go that's what we needed okay but I think the big buttons gonna give it a home I have the vanish button is that an actual vanish but another thing there's no actual vanish button on the thing so will you just have to dink it with that there we go that's so fancy oh my God we're so good at this let's grab myself some wood because we need to make some more ladders so we can actually make this defend it but if you guys are enjoy going the stream or the video it make sure you guys do like and subscribe what is happening we're about to create the best vault on the dam server know they were going to be able to compete with us we're gonna have the best wall room slash vault slash well-defended thing ever but yeah rec T if you do want to focus on making the blast all you can if you don't I will I will force you to because that's how we run things here let's make ourselves some ladders there you go it won't be enough for now but strap ourselves down boof there we go and we need to make a drill as well those like spiral drill things they're really cool one we need to make one of those okay so let's start breaking okay now we're gonna drown luckily we have more sand for this exact situation I gotta go even keep up the good work - thank you very much I very much appreciate that let's go and do grab our concrete brick and we'll put this up on the side this can go here I do well lord voltron excited I'm very good with names today I'm not sure how I'm gonna be I haven't had the opportunity to say many names today so I guess we'll figure it out as we go oh god this is gonna take us a year and I'm drowning okay let's replace that and then do it from the top how did that break Oh God oh Jesus I haven't thought this through and - dirt to dirt there we go just quickly do it before I drown quickly do it before I drown there we go there we go are we gonna be fine now okay we're fine now that was a big worry over nothing so let's do concrete concrete concrete concrete could all see one it well-defended cuz then if we die then okay don't let new Craven that's not a good thing I have a very civil person in life how am I gonna get back up no dammit I didn't think about this did I um how am I gonna get back up who's that I was writing break tea can you open it up message Rexie dude can you get me out no let me get me out thank you what would we ever do without rec tea we'd be completely stuck okay he's already got stuff for it okay lovely so this is for the vault door but I'm planning to make am I going to war with anybody in the server not yet I feel like it's coming sooner rather than later because everybody's basically trying to kill everybody at this point thank you Rick T I will put this in the the Flan's stuff no that one's packed okay we'll put it in this one for now and we'll grab Oh we've ruined that somehow we'll grab ourselves Steel Co and I think that totally gave us I'm pretty sure it is but we'll head back do we need anything before we go concrete we have food we have everything else we have so how are we gonna think about this we want to do it so it's really like big enough that's kind of the big thing I certainly put the lattice on the wrong side bit doesn't really matter so we'll go down like another 3/4 we say 4 yeah 14 good okay so we will ladder once we have replaced this because we need to place our concrete exactly concrete's I think the most protected block on the server I don't think anyone can like easily get through concrete okay I thought we broke something oh no I place a ladder it's all I get for not looking okay and then concrete this cuz I feel like nobody can really get through concrete that easily and if they can then damn we're in trouble because I thought this was like the most protective block with like reinforced glass and stuff so if I'm wrong then we might be in trouble but I don't think we will so let's go find out how far are we out I thought we should go down maybe like three more I feel like three is a good amount because that way we're at least down a little bit Bradley thank you for this up okay so that's that done and then we need to go down here down here and here boom boom um Oh can't even turn my mouse today I'm so off today and boom boom there we go nailed it concrete has a mm blast resistance because I know if I block with 60k we probably won't be able to afford that HP and while it was running how do you enchant the drill I'm not sure I think you need books I don't have a drill myself so I can't tell you but okay so this is gonna be the main kind of like line so we want the ladders to end there no we'll do the ladder to end here because we still have the four left and then once we've done that we will use this it's kind of like a outward reach because we could do maybe some stairs down into the actual room rather than just having it stick out on the open I feel like that's a good idea we might be more concrete rec to you something you can do if you are in still in the stream is you can go make some more concrete because we're probably gonna need a lot more than I thought I'm gonna be completely honest there is another stronger block if it wants to tell what it is you can because if we find that stronger block and it's easy enough to make I might as well make it at this point let's go out out here happy birthday Raven it's not my birthday to July it was my birthday is it my birthday shall I come this quickly I think it might have honestly the years just flown by at this point okay we're gonna drown ourselves I can already tell okay there we go that's what I was expecting we have sandstone so let's just sense them this for now just them because we need to go out there oh I haven't thought this through at all okay and sandstone all of this there we go problem solved everything is fine now so if we go out maybe like two so another one here okay I'm gonna have to break this and sandstone Oh are we I don't know how I'm gonna do this I might just break it straight away or like just break everything first before we do it and if we had a torch we could do this make it a lot quicker but we don't so rip to that bad rock it's none of those and chance' be wrong July the what my birthday is July 10th 1999 if you guys can count you can guess how old I am if not then okay it's not actually my birthday if it is I'd know right and that's I've just become so old that I don't actually know but I guess we'll take it XYZ thank you for the sub so let's go out one this way and hope to god okay there's more sand just what we like to see and there's give me more above this it's gonna take us so long if I Australian no I am from England but let's go down here and we need to make ourselves more sandstone there we go we don't check that mop for any of 18 I'm going to go farm some more sand up to this honestly but after this we can go change all of this into concrete can you do concrete stairs or anything like that you're 19 easy counting do you are a legend how did you ever figure that out what it says all right concrete all of this because if you can do concrete stairs we can make it like full concrete but if not we'll have to dislike we'll have to mix and match pretty much between the two 19 or 20 I am 1920 this year okay if I can break this fast enough I can place the thing okay no I just suck apparently sandstone sandstone that's them okay there we go Jason thanks for the sub so let's go here and then these can go here I keep pulling up my gun by accident I don't have any white other place sandstone don't you have anything to shoot anybody with so we're actually gonna kill anybody today much to my streams disappointment boom no no we're not gonna have to do it now spam right click okay so I'm gonna click no spam right click no don't right click got it and totally wasn't any are you kidding me ah why did I choose to do this in the sand I could have just done it right in the middle every program would have been solved but now everyone a ruined it all yep come on keep drowning me why not come on I'm waiting for it why is there so much sand oh we're gonna take so long to do this what it's actually going on come on I just want to make a vault leave me alone okay that's got rid of everything oh dear oh dear okay we might have to just concrete it and then fix it I feel like that's what we should do it's concrete and then fix because then we can make an easier time of it so let's this isn't gonna be sad as well isn't it no come on no I'm so depressed okay we're gonna make ourselves a crafting table we'll stick it in the corner and then we'll make us as a slab and we'll do that to a slab all of what we have to break so these two and see if I can place down a slab in time no make a shovel I could've just made shovel you should have built it in the never oh they're artists you read a really good idea to make a vault in the nether we could actually do that if we were gonna have like a war with somebody we could like fully hide in the nether they weren't we have to find our outpost base like make a portal listen tear I know a shovel would help me out I'm just gonna make a shovel what a brilliant idea can't leave I thought about my stream didn't pathetic from all of you popular people who are writing in the comments but guys if you do enjoy my craft fort makes you guys who like and subscribe I post micro for like three times a week which you know is grounds enough for you to subscribe to my amazing channel because we are very very close to thirty thousand and thirty thousand so good yeah have that sand I've beaten you now okay no I haven't nope still drowning oh that can go in there that can go in there there you go so we'll drop down into this room and then once we're in this room make torches I mean I did kind of it seems to be very laggy is that just me what's the TPS Davis is like 18 that's okay I thought I thought it was worse at the end the day I realized I place concrete but I kind of need to break here so this is probably going to take us a very long time but we actually no we just don't are you kidding me why does everything just want to drown me today I just want to make a vault and everything's drowning me Oh brilliant exactly what we needed more things to cover up look at this fantastic absolutely fantastic how long am i streaming I am streaming for probably about another 20-30 minutes something like that just so we can get like a good basis of this vault done okay I feel like if I make it first where I want to go I've done this in probably the worst way possible haven't I because I have all of this open yeah I need to go down oh that's so obvious look at that I hold no it's okay we're gonna make it better that's my goal we're gonna make it better and we're gonna make it so we don't have to worry so let's fill this for a second okay let's fill this there we go nothing suspicious in here make that turn there we go just there you go nothing suspicious going on in here nothing going on nothing at all there we go and then I don't know how we're gonna do this I obviously haven't thought about this okay so here we'll do another ladder oh I like where I'm going with this I honestly am the best ideas ever I have the best ideas ever anybody that says different is clearly lying to you but will concrete concrete concrete concrete why am i hearing a who's messing with my door leave my door alone oh it's wrecked e hi wrecked e nothing going on here nothing going on here you have a surprise oh I drill you made me a trail I kind of can't get it I'm drowning but thank you wrecked e what would I ever do without you I don't have a drill for starters I really love my craft but none of my friends play and if I ask me make fun of me did I've experienced this not really I kind of never had any friends in the first place and not to put a damper on the mood but I really didn't so I mean if then it's a game at the end of the day if you want to play it you're gonna play it there's nothing they can really say or do to kind of change your opinion if you have fun playing it that's what the matters don't care what anybody else says I was not gonna go down a wrong route there but I feel like that's the most supportive thing I've ever said to anybody so you're welcome okay that's totally not break back into our base Prison Break style and we will just lock this back up nothing happened I wrecked e we would I need to go back down now don't I need to go back down okay so we have this straightaway it's a straightaway you come down you're in another concrete room and what we could do is actually vanishing block it again I feel like that's what we could do is we could do another vanishing block let's do another one here and make it with concrete so let's grab a one piece of concrete and do this so we already have like multiple layers on everything and then button this because I'll see we'll remove the buttons when we're done so it doesn't look like make glass windows flage under the water to see bow attacks also I've seen a boat destroy a turret thing I like that idea we're gonna make this the most well defended thing ever all right thanks to you why'd I do this first I polisher done this after because I need to dig down here there we go so that will be a nother there so we're gonna break it just for now so we can get back up and then we will drill all of this oh my god the drill saves lives this is fantastic okay and then let's drown our concrete concrete who loved this already I think it's one of the most like well defended things ever I don't think anybody else happened or anything else happened you know what I mean I don't know what I'm saying I don't think anyone else has won this good but oh god I need to get back up let's use cobble there's gonna be way quicker I feel like and we're gonna make us some more ladders there we go let's ladder it up there we go 22 ladders that should be enough spiral drill down so when we get to about here I feel like what we should do is we should have this be our room because we're kind of going into the base at this point so we're not going out into the water mark convey with the two-pound superbitch at you should build a box and then sponge then build it I probably should to be fair you guys had full of bright ideas but you know I feel like it's too late now I don't think we can get sponge anyway if we can I'm not sure how our videos do thank you very much I appreciate that oh my god concrete is so easy to break with this drill so we'll do that the vanishing box is gonna go there that's fine and then from here we will have our big open war meeting vault room okay because once we get the door we're gonna add another section for the vault door but for now what we want to do is we're gonna have a nine door here with the cold and then pass the code we're gonna have some chests and then another room and then like another big open room so if you guys do like micro for like I said make sure you guys you like and subscribe here than you you know it's the best place to be the factory driven YouTube channel if not then you're missing out 100% how dare you and let's go up here yeah looking sponges work and 1.7.10 anyway because we are 1.7.10 we're not on like 1.8 and that's drilled a concrete anyway don't and she no let's keep it like this level I like that level okay so we need to go make ourselves another concrete door if I can remember having to do it I feel like Mikey told us once I've been streaming for almost about half an hour and then we are gonna probably go for about another 20 minutes or something people are dying in the chat Jesus what's going on okay let's go to out this way like this there we go go two ways out just so there are no size issues because that way we can fit hopefully everything or a good amount of stuff either way you get bored of Minecraft I think sometimes it kind of depends like what you're feeling because right now I'm like really not into factions at all like I'm having a really tough time recording factions it's like a really big struggle but I feel like that's just a phase I have to you know move on I can't wait for the reset of overlord that's gonna be good fun means I can stop playing properly again and we go over here well look at this this is already fantastic and I feel like here is where we're gonna put the door so we'll put the door right here then man will block all of this off properly just so nobody can get in or around there we go so now I need to head back up to the top and grab ourselves another door should place like a few feet never getting play with me give me recommendations apply on the forums on like factions and stuff that's always a good way high for all of Serbia hello Serbia thought we'd have to break off a new block again to get back out if it breaks there we go right hello it didn't break the block it just broke there we go alright so we need a door thing here we go so material no no how do we create there we go frame type Oh God top block bottom block frame got it okay so now we need to put in a code now how we're gonna do if we do it slide up that door okay everything's fine so we now we need to add a code and this code is gonna be something I'm not gonna say on stream I'm gonna keep it completely secret Ryan is not gonna know I'm rich it's gonna spam four letters on my keyboard okay and then I'm gonna get the Corgi oh yeah Colby can go there because they know who can see and then we would do okay there we go the door has now been made I feel like somehow you guys have seen that and I've completely messed it up but well I guess we'll figure it out as we go so let's head back down here with our new custom door with the new new code which no one gets to know even though I feel like I've somehow messed it up but there we go there's a lovely door and then we can start replacing the floor a little bit make it fully concrete so nobody can get in my car became rust apparently you know that's what happened to Minecraft for you have to be fully prepared at all times and this at least this way we are like mostly prepared hopefully okay it's not five five five five I'm not that stupid I wish I was but I'm not gonna make another code that I'm not telling Ryan this code pretty much cuz I make an effort to hide my codes Ryan just likes to do it out in the open for everybody to know it so I haven't done five five five again alright and then we will do this side as well and want you to do is that you can make some chess and maybe what we can do here is actually there's a really cool thing on hpm or actually if we can look up the turret you guys may notice I use it in my thumbnails that literally a lot but if we go to this the Gatling century this thing right here basically what it does is if you aren't hold it holding a telemetry card on the right channel it will actually shoot you so what we can do is like do one and two here two here and then like the door in here I thought that's a good idea it's mine ourselves in so I don't show the codon stream smarter than I look and then we will concrete all of this every last bit of it's gonna be concrete we don't want any of it anymore goodbye there we go concrete this did that break hello there we go everything's fine nothing to worry about here late again with the stream note you're just late I'm not late I've been streaming for half an hour everyone else is late on me there we go and then this is now fully concrete grummy thank you the sub leave thank you for the sub let's go now I don't know whether we put chess directly here if we do like chess lined up here chests lined up here is that even no it isn't it's just because the doors not there well the door is there but just in in the way pretty much and then we were actually will go a little bit deeper we'll go three more before the vault doors in therefore if you do the vault door directly in the front then like we could do like just normal stuff down here maybe like a little war room I might add some like stairs down to the place or you put like a map Thank You Raven I'm gonna go on your suggestion I'll see you in a bit I've seen a bit my man have fun hey guys I'm only gonna stream for about another 15 maybe also minutes and you know from there we'll just kind of finish this up make it the most defended thing I felt like it is for now anyway no really has like a secure vault apart from the bank and I will see the bank is not I'm not gonna rob the bank for people wondering I'd I'm not gonna survive it because I'm gonna die but there we go how much concrete do we have oh god not much where's my concrete man wreck tee I need my concrete I don't know if even if he's doing concrete or even if he's getting it done I'm I'm posting this yet this will be a video after so if you guys can't make it for the full stream you guys can watch the video but damn but but but the bear but the burn burn burn burn burn there we go graeme with two dollars since when you have part on vanity when I whenever I used to do sky block with Ryan me and Ryan used to do sky block on vani that's why I still have it I'm surprised I still have it but that's my do the roof I feel like this should just be enough concrete what I think about hi tell I feel like hi tells gonna be very good hi tells gonna be a lot of fun I'm not sure if I'm gonna switch the honesty depends about how it works as servers and multiplayer obviously about factions and how factions is gonna work because I would see it won't be the same as it is on here so I don't know it will depends I'm gonna play it for a bit and just try it out but you know can't say anything yet because I don't know the answer until I actually play the game okay so this right now if we go back up top we'll drop all this cobble we don't need any of it can I don't drop there we go is it just really like e today how like it might be what is it NZ New Zealand I think ok I'm parently right am I gonna stop playing Minecraft or hi tell probably not and then we need a lot of chairs I don't think eights gonna be enough cuz we need to make just to I think for now it should be just so we can start moving the valuables so what we'll start moving them will replace everything and then we will hopefully have a very secure vault because we already have the door I'd like the doors enough right unless everybody see force their way in very rudely oh that actually works look at that don't don't them boom that's 8 right there so let's grab nothing yeah I need an empty inventory for this will go back up top into it and then we'll block everything off at the end I know your door password no you don't I covered it no one knows the door password apart from me and my discord that I typed it in so we need something moving all of this so if we put all of our stuff in here we'll keep the diamond on us because we can't really use that put on this away we need our vanishing thing with this and we need this get rid of these for now that for now that for now ladders can go brick can go okay we just need one stone brick and three concrete which we have in the park and go away and we can start moving as a lot of redstone all of this so let's start moving everything should be enough to get a full adventurine air enough I'll do what if we guess it if you guess it then I don't know I'll probably cry cuz it took me like a second of keyboard spam to get this cold okay there we go that is good there we go and then we can organize it with that that this one this one I like this one and we'll put diamonds over here titanium there copper there so they can go in the corner tungsten can go there then we go look at that everything organized and lovely we could do you make everything into blocks Abdul are you just gonna go through every number you're gonna be there for a long time there's there's a lot of resin if it was one two three four I would tell you guys now is not one two three four ask Trillium anger I guess we'll take it that sounds cool anything else we need to take diamond steel copper I'm just kind of looking through every chest is to see if there's anything sulfur will take redstone sulfur will leave that I don't even know if it's any good what's this fluorite go on then we'll take a fluorite Cole will take more coal Matt you know we'll needs a call cause not really that important we already have a load of it so um anything in here no anything in here no let's just double check everything before we actually move everything out okay I think we do it okay I think we're good so let's head on the are potato first before we head our way back down it you guys won't be able to guess the code I'm telling you guys right now you won't be able to guess the code because let me just remember myself at the code okay you guys will not guess the code if anyone guesses the code I will cry let's put all of this away Oh God that chest is in pieces oh god that's oil oh okay I didn't know that and then from here we will line again that's awful we'll just leave it like that there you go that's fine I know what it's doing it's just randomizing stuff at this point I guess what does leave it like that that works until he wants to come organize it late to date but guys honestly if you guys are enjoying the stream make sure you guys who like and subscribe if you guys are new it's fantastic ok it's not 5 5 5 5 I will I will prove it look it's not 5 5 5 5 it's not 1 2 3 4 imagine the door goes up is it automatically set to 1 2 3 4 how many answers a chi is there for a four-digit code I'm not sure how many it is you can only have 4 digits I felt like that is everything moved and once we're down there we can make a room for machinery we've got to do it next time and actually start working on like the stuff and mikey has a new space oh let's grab the last if oil aluminium tungsten powder paper pipe I got paper we'll take this tape that will leave the steel in here because we need to work on this off-camera there we go and we will cut you go stick this in and then we will why do I keep getting weakness and slowness can anybody tell me am i holding something like I don't know I'm just holding oil well I forgot nausea as well what is this what's going on okay we'll just put this away before Angie gets me killed oh no my potatoes my okay nap yeah I'm fine what it was not touchy confusing edge you don't know what it was a thousand possibilities it's got me more than that right it's got me more than a thousand possibilities Oh No okay so before we in the stream what we're gonna do is quit you just cover this stuff up and then I will leave it there up in for almost 45 minutes it's a very long time for me hello gravel and you come from so what we would do is vanishing frame here and then right click make it concrete there we go that's now hidden at least now it's hidden that's that's probably the good thing that is actually hidden because if it wasn't you probably be in trouble but I mean at least now I'd actually protect it aka ghost cats thank you for the 2 pound I'm not gonna read out the message itself advertising is not something we do here apart from myself but thank you anyway I very much appreciate it so now I feel like we should actually be okay once we actually cover this out there's a lot of different codes I know that so let's make this stone brick I don't we need a vanishing frame and then stone brick there we go so that's now hidden everything is now hidden the thing we need to do is just get rid of this button and then what we can do if I have a good plan is what we need to do is put the passenger seat in front like that so this looks like a normal seat that way no one's gonna like think about it you know what I mean there are 10,000 I looked it up oh thank you very much I appreciate that so we're gonna need quite a bit why do I keep getting nausea titanium I keep it in washer grab the gravel we can put this away from now and then we need sand or gravel if we have any I keep getting nausea and my like infected have I got an infection I feel like I might be infected with something if anyone's to tell me because otherwise we're going to be in trouble any gravel gravel we would take how do we stop this I keep getting weakness in nausea I might like isn't my potatoes off how they got off potatoes I feel like I off potatoes I'm gonna be honest but that should some sandstone we only sand no sand Oh loads of sand that works oh that's way more than I had before well I check this chess okay so let's go cover it because I'm gonna be honest this just looked generally fishy all right this this looks generally fishy so let's grab our gravel and hopefully make this not fishy so gravel all this there we go that looks normal that looks fine we're not going to have enough gravel I can already tell because we're gonna to make it look legit - and I'm drowning life just doesn't like me today ow ow ow okay we're good okay we don't worry about that that's not there we will quickly just cover this in sand and stuff there we go look at this okay if we cover all of this all the way to the top it should look somewhat normal right like to an extent not not sort of that big pillar sticking out kind of doesn't work but radiation sickness decontamination shower I don't if I have one of those oh we do it's in the bunker okay I wanna go decontaminate myself because apparently my potatoes have infected me I didn't even eat a poisonous potato think someone trolled you with a radioactive barrel probably why would people do that though that's very mean anything to anyone everyone's dying from radiation poisoning see it's not just me unless I did something what did I do okay let's go take out the contamination but before we end this dream because you want to make sure we're obviously decontaminated and come on there we go I keep getting nausea I feel like we have one in here we apparently don't have a deacon why do we have bedrock where's the DIC information thing we had one in here what did I do I would close the door oh okay okay that's terrifying do we have any a shower in here oh we need to move this stuff as well I'm gonna do it now because I feel like I'm just gonna get myself killed my radioactive poisoning whoever it is the green stuff in your inventory I don't have any green stuff but I'm inventing frames what's this that's the siren probably should pull the siren I go to people band last time I'm not gonna pull the siren all right we'll head back up and then I think that's gonna end the string because honestly I think that well is already very well defended having two vanishing blocks it's hiding in plain sight obviously over time we can fix it I don't see off camera I'm gonna fix that I'm not gonna worry about it now cuz let's see once we get some stone we can blend it in it's gonna look a lot nicer a lot less Bait on stream and then we're gonna have ourselves if we even from this space I think we still be able to use the vault honestly because even if like the base gets attacked we can still use the vault it's not like it's not gonna be able to be used that's what that's right isn't it it should work I'm pretty sure I feel like it's my potatoes they keep giving me poisoning and stuff I'm not actually that sure I could be completely wrong ever feeling I've completely wrong but probably the abreu nuclear bomb and it radiated when I see I give anything blew up I'm just happy looking over the walls I don't tell you this Bob why because I'm gonna die but I feel like we should actually be good I keep getting like poison and stuff flow is there anyone near my base like trolling me there's not that many people online I can't be getting trolled right I feel like I should be fine close the valve door okay we don't you have the vault door yep make sure you to make one I think we had like half the stuff we're just gonna do it off camera maybe get the thing so we can do an extreme a decontamination unit glitch at what everyone logs out and turns into a bedrock okay so we did actually have one is just now turned into bedrock which doesn't really help so I feel like that should be it we need to just to see how you make these turrets we just need military-grade circuit boards just redstone and basic circuits which is aluminium redstone steel plates we can do that next time motors are easy steel pipe is easy iron plate steel longer easy alright everything pretty much easy at this point guys thank you so much for watching today stream or video hope you guys didn't enjoy liking this right because you guys are new everyone if you're watching this down is a stream I'll give you like 10 10 seconds to like the damn video otherwise I'm gonna be very very angry with 93 of you pretty much okay 93 I'm gonna be very disappointed but guys thank you so much for watching it like I said I hope you guys did enjoy like I said if you guys did enjoy me if you like him scribe with post notifications on we are getting very close to 30,000 subscribers so I will see you guys tomorrow with a very lovely factions episode if anything actually works out because obviously I've been having a hard time with facture recently but it's good fun and I will see you guys tomorrow you
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 14,265
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, raven, factions raven, war, flans mod, mods, minecraft war, minecraft factions, minecraft smp, minecraft mod pack, OUR PLAN TO END THE NUCLEAR WAR! (WILL IT WORK?) 🔥 | Minecraft WAR #2
Id: 0H21ffcthRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 15sec (2775 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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