so today we came across the RICHEST skybase on the server.. and used TNT to raid his spawners!

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the every day it was cycles five-year anniversary and happy happy anniversary what did you up above us as you can see is a raid and it is and by the way it's all claim it's claimed for absolute miles it's so far what do we do it's so basically there is a sky base up above we have a lot of value in it and for a sky base it's got two skeletons at 7:30 2002 I respond I'm in 2024 at Cowboys 1.5 million which is basically a two million dollar sky ball i base we're basically born as alone there is chess up there which we can't see they're over there thing is right how are we gonna get up the only way to get up is they have a box there is to make a cannon one dry shot and fire into the box and wars this view down and we should be able to go up there I can do it only way but before we do that it was a we have the end of all and your to both and the end of all okay we're doing both ok have returned one these things are in the store I'm not sure if the anniversary ones are a bit late to the party I'm just seeing if we get any good knees Oh we'll get oh we're gonna get like gonna get so much stuff I got I got I got treasure lockpick I got G shop I got a G shop as well and a homie summoner I got G shop I got a sharp 6x treasure lockpick mystical charms okay can we go through everything I got a divine balance you have no I'm a sword guy you're an axe guys gonna swap oh you both do you wanna make if you make me a god axe I'll give you this I appreciate from that and then you know all right anyway let's put this stuff away oh oh wait money pounds but I got 1.2 mil I think I will not to do I think I do no I don't thank you didn't even need to claim that because like if you didn't claim at like I don't know unless you well you probably have you would have mini-map but me yeah that'd be quite hard to see but it's not no it stands out the Obsidian box kind of just like gives everything away like we're not even gonna be able to build a 4:20 just like even a simple okay hello we could do with one stacker just have to be enough power I made that by hand by the way I didn't do that is they know do we need to I'll let you go up at you know oh yeah I've got my G sharp every night you know so Redeemer G sharp at the emoji shop only 14 day one no way Ryan by load of stuff I come have no power we'd hit the bright part where the war is gonna like fall down that's that's a bit we need to hit so we need to hit like bottom of it okay right I am an absolute beast if you just love me it with the box I can just go okay thank you I've chat with the block twice and almost died twice we might be maybe one too high to go down one layer ever mind about will be looks like we're aiming for the water does that make sense yeah let's go gonna go down a few the stack is here or the barrel will be okay let's go down a little bit just cuz of the bow you thought I died what the barrel barrel can go here so fired 43 should we do that let's do this probably so much easier it's not even a 1 second it's just a modified 4:20 I'll just hug on to you then we blow up the platform if it works alright you ready I'm gonna be severely oh ok modification error I forgot to power the scale all right go don't fire again wait because it might not be the chunks might not be updating could have actually done something I don't know if right now either you're not making are you missing it it might not be reaching I don't know okay put more delay delay delay then this is gonna have to go okay there's probably too much delay oh okay yeah I think I found out why I was just a bit too much delay delay let's delay what are we doing I think I need to fill again it might be I can take maybe we should do it we should be in the box we're brought to you oh I see the water oh that's the glass I hear oh that makes sense yeah but you didn't seem to destroy too much I think you were dipping just by literally one yeah so when I raised it by one it went to where it should be it's okay it takes me a while to get there but I always do it's the Raven guarantee no you can just fly off the edge that cannon has a name Jeff my name Jeff basically there look how much paypal of you to jump off right now to yours yeah all right deal I'll give you three you give me three if you jump make it ten I will I'll pay first I see the cows I see knocked us off we're all dead juvenile by twos I haven't even got a sword I've just got 46 Kapil's by I don't even have a pal there are spoilers in here though so I'll grab these I'm gonna grab I'll grab these spiders and I'm sorry but okay we got an extra spawn there are two heads in here that both so for nothing oh yeah oh god there's little heed of of heads that's a double them below you to get refreshing scalp look like nothing I'm gonna be honest three yeah I'll just get rid of them no dubs of like P 3 and P 4 just take all of it it's P 3 P 4 right oh yeah yeah it's just iron armor that's what it is [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] it's the way you're fully screaming I have a gun I think I think we know hey guys I hope you enjoyed the video I have to be you know some more quiet because Demi's asleep I'm sorry taste I'm really Lawrence you guys like scope if you guys aren't you and hopefully you guys didn't you the video like I said if you guys did make sure you slap a like on it and I will see you guys tomorrow with another lovely factions episode maybe who knows
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 33,109
Rating: 4.8925037 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, raven, factions raven, minecraft, mine craft, creepersedge, creepers edge, raiding, minecraft raiding, saicopvp, minecraft action, missing block, rich raid, pg13, so today we came across the RICHEST skybase on the server.. and used TNT to raid his spawners!, factions skybase, skybase raid, spawner raiding, factionsraven raiding, factionsraven minecraft, factions raid
Id: WdP5z6n3EHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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