we spent all day creating the MOST PROTECTED base on the server.. to hide from our WORST enemies!

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right now that I'm live I think if I get one more comment saying Raven is light I'm never uploading again actually that's a bad thing don't say that it's a really bad idea oh god why have I said that ladies and gentlemen how is everybody doing my name is James also known as Raven I just make it in my streams that you work in doesn't like it's working okay it is working there we go so if I get one more comment I'm gonna be severely depressed that people are saying oh are Ravens late okay I'm on time I am perfectly on time it is half past eight GMT this is when I always stream on a Sunday you guys can come watch and you guys are calling me late all right I am NOT late I am very early to my own stream never late never never not on time what's going on everybody in the chat I'm just gonna undo my jacket a little bit cuz it's getting quite hot in here because of all this stuff that's been going on and in Minecraft war right so before we go any further with the stream slash episodes that enjoyment extravaganza I just wanted to say the usual you know just get them head set on getting everything ready but guys if you guys enjoyed my crafts war as a stream or as a video you know everything like that make sure you guys do like and subscribe if you guys are new it's it's very much appreciated troops in my base oh it's wrecked II okay I thought someone was there being like trying to kill me you know what I mean and the fact that I'm not gonna die is perfectly fine I'm not late chat leave me alone but some stuff has gone on the last time I streamed minecraft war so you guys may have seen I did all of this the last stream we kind of like changed the base we're gonna add some stuff today we're gonna show off like some some wolves and some stuff that other people have done but we're gonna show off basically what ryan stand on history in which he never uploaded and what i'm gonna do now salty Rob thank you for the $0.99 I appreciate it you're a cool guy but right so I had this issue before and this is my best idea ever so I had an issue before of whenever I like wanted to like open the keypad if I keep outlet 1 2 3 4 which it isn't as you can see right it would it would come up and Ryan was responsible for us changing the keypads so to stop ourselves changing said keypads we are going to go to here and we do this and there we go now it's also further that we get rid of the Cordy this is the best idea I've ever done what's up sailor what's a hello from Egypt hello Egypt I guess you're the whole country or okay so we have to need to go back into place with me that is I open the Corgi again Corgi could be there and no Corgi run - oh no I missed it okay corgis still there then no it's not five five five five it's not no don't worry it's nothing it's nothing there's no how do you know the code rind in his video okay now I met I made the call D for nothing I legitimately I I was late to the stream because I was downloading a picture of a corgi from Google I'm actually mad I'm actually upset I'm physically upset right but if you guys didn't see Ryan stream he did I think like two days ago so I got to three days ago oh my god it's very warm but basically some stuff happened we took a guy to jail we kept him in jail rec tees off somewhere on a little adventure I killed a man which you know I don't feel great about what we got ourselves a shotgun we got another one of these bad boys which is the MX gun which is like the good gun we got ourselves a sky shocker sword and another set of lupine and I think I put it here there we go so there's just another set of lupine is it Barrett in there as well another MX and some chicken which I'm guessing Ryan or someone put in there because I didn't do it but yeah Ryan showed it once I thought I wasn't late I'm not late it was the korky wood was pretending to be late so it wasn't acting my fault yeah all right we get it it's five five five five leaves me alone okay but today's stream we are gonna just go kisi with the donation I'm outside your base can I give you a gift we don't really accept gifts you know we don't want people to be like you know like taking advantage of us but I will come outside in a sec I don't want to show this off so basically Ryan and Mikey and everybody has done a lot of work to spawn burnt chicken thank you I guess we have to go this way anyway let's head this way so if you guys don't know we control the whole like side of spawn I farmed so here's right we don't get anything apparently there's a new assassin in town that's lovely it's always good to know I'm late what'd I miss nothing really all we did was kind of just show off what happened yesterday and we're gonna go have a look and finish that off now so Ryan and I think Mikey have been working on a wall which kind of like guards off the whole of our lands if you guys don't know now spawn is completely flat and ever was flat before can do to the stream have to do some nuclear stuff I think I can eventually so this is all our land it goes behind Mikey's base over to here everything is now flat everything wasn't clapped before obviously it was all it was all you know like bumpy and broken I think everybody helped you can go watch Ryan's video he kind of does it a lot bit more in detail what's up Tarek how are you doing so we've still got obviously all of this to go this is gonna be built up and everything inside this now is actually our land I think that is that an arrow siren foam do not enter I am made of egg right I guess will not enter because he's made of egg but I think this goes all the way behind Mikey's base all the way to ours so all of this is our land now so you can do what you want with it so if we will have like a disco over there and we want to have like I know like a party right there and we want to have like a pool over there we can and we're not gonna do that because we do have some plans and I think I'm not sure when I can invite people because the surf is like pretty full already I might speak to Ryan all the admins maybe you can see if I can maybe like drop one invite maybe so you guys will have to keep it looked out for that and yeah like I thought it goes all the way around to the back at Mikey's base that's the way in I think and then for Mikey's base to our base everything is covered so it it's good that we have like a whole kind of like is that a nuclear blast or can I just leave I have a feeling I can just leave what's up if we don't you need anything right now I'm taking this as a road this must be a road and then this is all our land right no break T rec t come on oh no I'm trapped let me please let me in please let me and I just want it there we go we're free right so we'll head back now to our base so we can start preparations on our base monkey faces sharp and under she's online my key online my key is not online I was gonna get my key to help me today but yeah I guess the present looks super cool I wanted to show you the inside actually I think I know that my keys key code so let me get Kogi I know Kui call here we come hey for some reason okay I actually do know my keys he code lovely Irish Li right with the $2 to faith through super check can your facecam maybe not maybe who knows but I'll show you guys the prison just a little bit over here is the sign that we need and it says welcome to Maine Castle prison level zero is low security temporary jail time level 1 MC sheared cells individual long-term jail time team cell long term jail time high-security individual cell individual cell long term school temporary cells individual being held small cells for individual to be captured to be held in IVA blah blah blah blah right it's all signs and stuff we can't actually pronounce we're gonna head my keys on online oh he is it just covered up mine that makes sense so this is what looks like the individual ones where it's just like oh like they've got a bed stuff Demi did you just load up minecraft my account I've been hacked ladies and gentlemen I've been hacked by the woman it's that two feet to my right you like close that game right now because I'm I was doing a tour of a prison and now you've ruined it can I can I please log on now ok please log on I have to restart my day now I don't like you today right streams couldn't be delayed for two minutes while we sort Demi out or Demi sorts herself out because that was very mean Demi thank you I've been hacked I've been hacked what do we do now okay we're now delayed for a few minutes while this loads back up our team name is Co I guess I didn't is answer some stuff in the chat for a few minutes and obviously if you guys are enjoying me loading up the screen make sure you guys you like and subscribe if you guys are new because we're gonna have a lot of fun today hopefully eventually once we can log back on so if you guys have any questions feel free to drop them in the chat while this is loading I'm not sure what the layers like but if it loads up then I still answer like one or two maybe and if you guys want to you guys can you know so you leave them in the comments but make sure you guys do like the video too all right it's back already that's quick let's do that list there we go everything should be back to normal now how why I'm 19 am I am I gonna log back on okay right problem solved that was cool so where were we back in the prison everything so laggy are we good I think we're good okay we actually are good do I like corgis alright there are no right dog not my favorite the whole lightly favorite but this looks like it's the big team cell right we'll get right back into it now nothing happened I think was broken so this looks like the big team cell thing which is gonna be held like for teens or like maybe multiple people or stuff like that we don't know I guess we'll figure it out hello from Scotland hello Scotland how'd you get views um I wish I knew I'd actually know the code to this I couldn't want to try it so let's call gear up quick and do okay it's not the code it's not the code I thought kissy again a good job Demi much love not good job Demi you know ah what can we do with her put a gun on the roof of my base okay this looks like the main top level which is like where people are like oh my god it's like full isolation like they have two doors oh my god I hope to god we never end up in here what's in here it's not the way to the roof I wish I knew the codes I don't actually know the codes I mean if I did this would probably be a lot easier but I don't so we'll have to figure it out later so let's head out of here I don't to open my keys door I guess we can take the railroad back yeah let's take this back she's my name I love your content during the only minecraft youtubers left I mean there's a wide variety of them it's just you know I think I'm one of the only ones left who does like who's that directiy who does like I don't know how to word it like proper daily factions not daily for actions but like factions and like modded war and stuff I feel like me and Ryan I like the only like - I don't know I don't know how to word what I'm saying but I feel like it the community is definitely died off a lot and there's only like a few of us left I think then we just fell oh okay no I've missed my my car okay I have to get another one I will take this one there we go Brian exposes the codes alright we know what the code is we just don't know what Mikey's code is so let's take our rail car all the way back that she makes it so much better daily content I know it's been almost a day I think I usually take like Saturday's off I feel like Saturday is my day off that was quick anything here we need apart from the nuke which we can't take because it's a nuke I don't think we're allowed it let's block that back up there we go that siren can't touch that I'm gonna break it it's done a program what you mean what mod to use in my craft Oh God I can tell you we use a load we add a load we remove a load like it's it's a really big mixture of the two kiss you again come check out me in the mills base I might do a little bit I'm just gonna work on some protection stuff and we're gonna work on making our base the most defended on the service so if you guys don't know we have ourselves that's you know over here we have ourselves disassembling machine and I think what we needed before what Mikey said was Mikey what was a thing to make templates laughs piss because I know we needed lapis lapis with one of them if we even have a Nate do we not have any oh dear lapis and paper there we go right Mikey's a genius who knew okay so we need yes it will be a video after so we need to make ourselves so one thing I wanted to do on the base is make barbed wire but to do that we need normal barbed wire and then we can make like flaming barbed wire which when you flame how to fort I don't know if we have we can make poisoned one which we do a poison powder and you get the idea right and today we are also going to be building like a massive watch tower on the side of the base in this little corner here I'm gonna be like removing this a little bit moving make it like a storage area so we are going to make ourselves just some normal Bible high Demi in the corner we need to make ourselves an aluminium wire assembly table thing okay so let's find it the aluminium wire that was easy done it so let's put this in here no in there and we make it by one aluminium who knew where's our will chest go on all chests make the caustic one would you mean I I mean I don't know how you need like you need hydrogen peroxide and I don't have hydrogen peroxide because we don't have a chemical plant unless Mikey does I'm guessing Mikey does do we have any aluminium that works right I can use this no is it the wrong aluminium and a minyan wire it looks like whoo two different mod or two different models HBM one we need the Flan's one there we go with flats or just this one oh there we go we got it alright so we need a load of these let's make like six more worth like near enough to a stack just water and have a chemical plant I mean I don't have one so if anyone has a chemical plant wrecked here I'll be happy to use it but we need this we need some iron which we should have somewhere we'll just cover a little bit of iron and we will put this stuff in here because we don't need this just now and get rid of the paper get rid of this and we'll keep this for now and then we'll go down here we can make ourselves Oh boom boom what goes in the middle nothing goes in the middle okay and then Bob Bob Bob Bob all right so that's a stack and 16 of barbed wire already we have one in Mikey's thing yeah I'm in an hour thing but I mean I guess I can show the code now because Ryan's done it right that's how it works isn't it actually I don't even need to leave I can just go back I need to go up the top I needed to go up here and then up here so I'm wondering how we can do this barbed wire what I'm thinking is we do like a we do it in the gaps here in the making replaced it with the caustic one once it's actually done I don't want placing it here because we're going to remove it in a second solid up the barbed wire because that's very realistic make a website in first website yeah baby there I don't know what I'm saying two dollars from soul Blazer good day for my fans in Australia hello Australia I'm guessing you're speaking for the whole country I am slowly dying that was a really bad idea so let's actually make the tower first to stream what should we do what's up make sure it make sure you guys like okay if you get me the peroxide I will make it Rexy should we do the tower first before we do the bar boy or should we do it in like a different order cuz I'm just trying to figure this out right now I'm wondering what we should do I also need to make this kind of like broken just so we can put the barbed wire in it so I don't know whether we do the tower first or the barbed wire first so it's completely up to you guys Netherlands says hello hello Netherlands oh my god everything's even everything's pretty we have a pretty little base it's just everything works I'm so happy when things work so what I'm thinking for the tower is we need to do it so it's not in like line with yes so it's gonna have to be like is this how long does it go I guess we can go round right tower first all right tower it is everybody tear it is so we all mine down or start mining down this if if my keys here you know Mikey can come help I think what I might do is when I hit like 28 down the scribe it's because if you guys don't know I have like it's only halfway in the month and I'm up like 3,000 subscribers okay it's nuts you guys are insane which is honestly I've never had that before so it's completely nuts first thing we have made it to well welcome I hope you are having a fun time on the factor of every YouTube channel make sure you tell your friends or a cool bunch of people here we're not bullies we're very nice I've just shot a gun that terrified me oh my god I just gave her some heart attack I need to okay I'm good I'm good I totally didn't panic everyone else did make sure you guys do like the video and subscribe you guys are new Danny you are the worst person ever but guys if you do like the stream it means you're you're a cool guy where'd you live to live in Scotland or America I live in the UK just the UK nowhere specific just everywhere at 200 likes Demi will start a prank war she wouldn't dare she knows I value my life I don't wanna die she'll kill me almost a hundred likes that is insane thank you guys very very much we're gonna have big tree make this tower let's make it like this so this is already we need to make it even and it's gonna need to be enough so we can all see fit some stuff in there I think if we just do it like this and then do it so we can like wrap around the side Jacob thank you for the sub get Raven to 300 likes I mean the last time Ryan came and 2 spammed everyone to like me like 300 likes like half an hour so okay I feel like this works and there should be let's put a little line here just so we know there we go where we are then BOOM Demi you right there just sat there out vanish all right so let's line this out you can't hit game Santa it's actually very very quiet I'm very sorry I should probably turn it up just a little bit and then um but we won't I have to have it like a little bit of like an edge so it's like I don't know I feel like this is too thick to make you know I mean this is like too thick of a tower so I might just thin it a little bit because all of this is gonna be like the wall for the tower anyway so it shouldn't even matter let's do that and then we can from here we could do like an entrance here and here I don't think we should sing as we have one in the front right here what my craft what is this it's a load of mods just combined into one there very good fun to play I've just chucked out my blocks that I needed let's grab all of these thank you guys for the subs I appreciate that yes like the stream I agree that's cool that makes you cool I put it in the wrong foot oh I've just shot again I just need to put my gun away okay the guns going away I don't know trust myself oh just shot twice randomly there we go and then this can go up in the middle there we go see I'm not that good of a builder right I'm a master volume at 2% because for me it's still quite loud but I guess that everyone else it's not that layout I think how to do this because we need to make it so we can like actually look out of the tower if we do that there oh my god I would directly okay Ricky if you got me the the Hydra had your fleming of bauxite above what I miss just during the stream we basically just showed off the land explained what happened with Ryan and that's that's pretty much it I think and then we're starting to make a really cool tower so you'll to trigger-happy I know right I am the worst person ever to own a gun which is probably why I don't looking back at it this is gonna need to be down one then this one's gonna need to be up and I guess we can just decorate after or like once we're actually done with the whole thing because once we're actually done with it it should look nice hopefully he says I might subscribe to PewDiePie you you bet I am down with T series up with the other guy oh it's uneven oh dear oh dear oh dear alright let's not do a corner yeah it solves that problem what happens Ryan when he streamed last time someone tried to kill me I killed them we got a lot of stuff some guys in prison you know it's a just insane development and then break that there we go problem solved no one ever had to worry about it okay so we can make this are quite vehicles who will need to build up all the way let's start from here and then go round through the back of these chests like this I think yes there we go and then this can be our tower so we need to make it bigger I finally caught a stream of my favorite youtuber do minecraft stuff and things I appreciate that very much thank you it's very nice comment [Music] Boston thank you for the sub and JJM challenge you guys are cool right so let's head over here I'm probably only gonna stream for another 20 30 like 25 minutes 30 minutes I'm like that I don't know depends how everything goes we need to grow up ourselves more stuff I should have some smelted there we go always prepared over here always prepared yeah this is a server this is the private modded war so at which I hopefully should be able to give a spot away on like eventually I'm not sure I want to say a number and then it'd not be the right one you know what I mean so I guess we'll figure it out when it comes to it Tara's sexy it's the best whatever the best hour ever her amazing inspiration I didn't think so I recently deemed whereabouts mean Demi live there is a very nice milkshake place like half an hour away 20 minutes away i DM them asking for a black card and I'll let you guys know how it goes I'll keep you guys updated if that's an inspiration then I don't know what is what mods are on the server oh there are so many I can't even count I think we had like 17 or something in total it's a mixture of stuff being like HBM some mods from like gun montz some door mods some like nuclear mods and stuff like that like it's very like nuclear gun based if that makes any sense if you are why I listed my key literally just did it where's Ryan I'm actually not sure where Ryan is today I really wish I knew so this is gonna be the side of the tower I feel like it just looks out of place you know what I mean I feel like we need to edit it slightly but I guess it's all gonna work okay it's all gonna work how old am i I am 19 1 9 1 less than 21 older than 18 so if we just edit this right I feel like if we go out to make it like a square yeah let's do that let's get rid of this middle one and make it a square cuz otherwise it's just gonna get on my nerves I think and then it's it's gonna annoy me love live streams by the way you're the best dude thank you very very much I appreciate that that's very nice of you to say let's head up here and make this like a little school where there we go I rarely give MOT I rarely give it I haven't given them all to anybody in ages I'd be surprised if anybody got mod like ever I never give it so we need to like maybe add some like cool windows or like some cool structures so if we make ourselves reinforced glass its reinforced how do we make it iron bars okay we have that we have iron he says hoping that we have iron do we have any ayat req T do we have any and this post process will be probably a lot easier if we do because I know we have a little bit I want to waste all of that that's for you know it's an iminium we've only got 21 21 so if anyone has it ona we have loads more okay we'll just borrow half a stack of this there we go but so we need to make ourselves iron bars there we go oh god I made a load oh dear what have we done hey that's sixteen why didn't it work Oh cause there's glass in the middle that makes sense you just can't see on the texture pack right so I'll make ourselves some glass and then after that what we will do is do we have any glass anywhere like have any less glass so after this what we would do is start work on the tower will barbed wire everything up everything's gonna look you know fantastic have a fitting that isn't how it went no God no it is no is okay no we're good at this and then sixteen there there we go reinforced glass let's grab some more there that goes there and now we're out of everything salted alright so we have a stack and forty-eight of reinforced glass go see if you reinforce it it's not gonna get us killed what's the key for what's the key we have a key now I don't know what that is this is sparkling our tears are too getting bored on a survival world if the blast door to the way outside okay thank you so let's go I know how to do this I need to make it look nice but not like maybe if we make this wood like this side Tarek thank you for I don't have that currency I'm very very sorry but I'm guessing it's like the 1 dollar 99 cents thank you very much so if we grab wood right I hope you do with oak wood it'll look nice this do we have any awkward we should have something somewhere right doesn't have to be oak it just needs to be you know generally wood do like pie no not really a pie man wood wood wood wood spruce I don't do it spruce pretty ugly okay there we go thirty-two that should be enough right I guess so one two okay how long's a stream gonna last why is the stream not on 350 likes a 350-degree aren't watching that is an amazing question why isn't it all like and subscribe right now thank you we are gonna turn it for have enough wood I think it's like 11 per side so we probably won't be able to do every side let's bring this up right here Tarek again with the donation life of its man keep up the pace - thank you very much I appreciate that a lot that's very nice of you is it boss oh thank you very much man I appreciate that make the hydrogen deep oxide barbed wire all right I'm on it just let me finish my cool Tower am I wearing a hat that's a dumb question you should know the answer to that if you were subscribed to this channel if you subscribe to this channel all I'm saying is you should know the answer to that question it's like it's like the most common thing ever alright we didn't have enough wood I guess we'll fix that at a later date hopefully as you know we're gonna go get it now because otherwise I'm not gonna do it and I'm gonna forget so we'll go so wherever there is oak wood I don't know where that is but how long grab a new tubing properly not long cuz you know I was very inconsistent before but now I'm on a very very inconsistent a very consistent grind we're heading through life we need to find some oak wood does anybody have some please I just need oak wood everyone like or I delete your fortnight account that is - oh that is a that's a big question does anyone have any oak wood we need oak wood there's no or this opus that oak wood outside here we could just grab that alright what does mine through it's our wall and we're just you know here no one has to know anything there we go and we're allowed it's our land or just do this and head over to this forest if there's any awkward anywhere I guess we can just borrow some from somebody you just you should spice things up and wear it B me actually don't own a beanie otherwise I think about it what the hell something just exploded there's no awkward why is it only birch we just need oak wood why is there none anywhere is everybody robbed it hello oak wood only need a couple come on there's gotta be some somewhere please say thanks a demi because she knew my country demi our bosnian friend tarik says thank you there we go right we need to find oak wood is there any anywhere please be some somewhere how do we not have any is it as no oak wood in this land is it legit is none at all I let you think that isn't at all because all we need is like nine more bits just to finish the tower and then we should be good once that's done let's just scope around the area I guess see what's going on at that you got 40 more like Jesus it's this the faithful protective fact yes it is it's just the faithful one I don't have mine on this PC actually needed to custom texture pack any texture pipemakers out there hit me up okay I want to work let's do some work is that awkward there we go we found it we just have to go exactly where we started Ryan burned all the oak I know it's not very nice we could have used it I guess but you know Ryan's Ryan Ryan gonna burn it anyway would have grabbed some more probably should have bought an axis I'm not gonna lie there we go right so we're just mind this for a sec just while I you know sort out my bird forest I know I got oak come back I can't go back now I've really found oak if you told me that 10 minutes earlier then we would have been fine but okay we're it's 6:00 we need like four or five more we'll just grab this tree this tree should just be enough on its own there we go oh my god well mister 400 viewers that I think that's the most I've ever had it's like this is the most appropriate ever had like 385 is if you guys you want to tell your friends about this YouTube channel you guys can make sure you guys like subscribe if you guys aren't you guys I've been wondering about maybe doing modded war episodes more than the streams obviously in my stream days usually Thursday Sunday Monday so you guys can kind of like deliberate about that and comments I guess and just like leave your opinions maybe leave like I might leave it like a poll seeing what you prefer as I think when it's more of like grainy episodes like this I think it's a lot easier to do as a stream because it's like not as boring Mikey what are you doing Mikey what are you doing I'm above you Mikey Michael hello bye he sounds so depressed he sounds so depressed oh I forgot saplings Demi I'm sorry there's a meal hi ml buy a meal that looks like a gun no it's not a gun it looks like gunpowder I wrecked he said he had he had what's it called he had Oakwood so we'll head back to the base and we'll see about this Oakwood deuce who streamed all the time I prefer uncut I mean I like stream streams of fun especially on war because you can kind of like that's so loud talk to the chair and gonna do what you want the you know at the same time I feel like it is quite boring but that's obviously up to you guys this tower is gonna look fantastic when it's done you're gonna have the best-looking Tower in the damp game and everybody's gonna be jealous why did I do this we'll just go in like this there we go and then I know I know the code I'm showing the code everybody leave me alone wreck T would me up Demi don't drop them let's abuse or vanish that's abuse I cannot accept them I cannot accept them I can't accept them did you actually follow me I wrecked he picked them up so now right he can use them oh you're a muppet boy for a job at the bank we could do I actually want to see what the bank people are up to now I haven't seen them in a while how do we get up there had you followed me the whole way just to give me the saplings that I dropped go under me tarek tomorrow stream again yes should be at the same time early because I'm never late I am never late okay so now we have a stack of oak we kind of need to just you know go nuts with oak we can't don't need to worry about it now yes we know it's five five five five no one needs to spam it in the chair we all know it's five five five five leave me alone let's rob the bank rec tea I am down my whole chat now spamming five five five five that is nuts I'm trying to think how we're gonna line this out because that's the middle right there so we kind of like may need to go like down and then we connect glass upwards if that makes sense deme is a woman yes she as much as everybody doubted her all right so let's go one and then where's our reinforced glass and then we'll go to one two one two one two one okay so that's how big the tower is actually gonna actually don't know if I like that no I don't like it right we're gonna have a lot of deliberation here oh how do you break the reinforced glass I'm actually an idiot how do I break the reinforced glass I don't wanna anymore it looks like we might just have to stick with it I don't know how to break dammit look at this tower tower is amazing I wrecked it you need to move buddy let's grab oak wood there stone brick here okay just leave it right - it's fine leave it leave it leave it there we go we'll just leave it okay it doesn't matter if you're gonna try out the bank under a c4 I mean obviously we're gonna be good like conspicuous you know I mean we're not gonna like leave a trace I might do like a FBI like undercover episode where I like highly edit the thing and like make it whole about the bank if that makes any sense and you guys do want to see someone like that but looking at the front of this now it looks so ripped the shrimp has killed rip the shrimp I don't know how he's managed that but thank you Cody for this think how we can lay this out now so if we maybe do hmm we could do like a block there block there I need to make some stairs let's make up cells a crafting table out here because I would see we can't use such craft or anything let's do this even if you just get like a few slides done we will be happy with ourselves what's up hunter how you doing we need to make some stairs so what you need stairs it upstairs up yo let's go one two right and then one two and then we'll put wood in the middle right no looks terrible got yet no problem you know god I really should have planned this out before we did it in this a follow run when you makes a deposit just walk straight in I mean we can try I don't it say anything at later you know with everybody watching but I guess so we can try figure out a plan if our plan is to try rob a bank it's probably not a good one so then from here we go up up down there down there sorry not that bad it could look worse right I've done worse things that goes there stairs stairs stairs stairs I'm like God look how quick we are we are absolutely killing this tempo notice me I love you what's up American how you doing let's go stone brick stone brick I guess there oh my god we all sit good let's go stairs I'm out stairs rake T can you make me some stairs you have to be I don't like that at all I really don't like that no no what have we done okay listen I'm gonna fix it it's gonna look beautiful we are going to is it look as bad as I think it does I really think it does well if we like line up here will that look bad making go help buy one if we make it a boy when it should look better right that that's what they logically think okay listen everyone's gonna fix it once I leave anyway so it doesn't even matter it can look bad for a minute we just need to now make ourself barbed-wire if we just get one side we can't does like work off of one side and Ravens the best I don't think you've just seen my building sir I think you might be completely wrong it looks free right that's what everybody says that I could tell me uh is there gonna go sugar ahead of me so I think I might be wrong here doesn't look too bad wait well-defended look at this reinforced glass no one's gonna mess with us it's cool Thank You Amir you're cool so let's start Bob what it doesn't look as bad living it looks all right if we did like a cool roof it'd be fine right we just won't worry about it now we just won't worry about it now we'll just the tower is somewhat made we know the design we're gonna go off that means people can finish it when we leave we just need more stairs and maybe some ladders let's make us some more stairs seeing as our minion wrecked he didn't seem to make us any very angry with you wreck tea hello from Canada what's up Canada we'll just I guess lock ourselves up make a trap in your base for Ryan to troll him okay what I'm gonna keep planning right is if you guys don't know back in the day of the like I don't know if you guys were around for the first ever SMP we did it wasn't modded it was just pure vanilla I had this trap where on sand if you put like roses below it and update the block the whole thing would fall to bedrock so I might put that there maybe if everything goes right and we end up like money to trap somebody oh my god we got you make this look okay actually think we can redeem ourselves a chat I don't think we have anything to worry about I feel like we can we KITT Raven the Builder I like Bob the Builder only much more efficient hello from Mars I think everybody's just saying this right now we can make it look better that's not look too bad now right looks better looks much better he's reinforced yet but to mine the reinforced glass you see that again with Bob why underneath I mean I'm gonna sort out this barbed wire now so we have ourselves the hydrogen peroxide which I've had for probably bout 30 minutes of me streaming and once we set this up it probably will be the end of stream in about five minutes I've been going for like half like 39 minutes and that's a long time so to make the barbed wire barbed I can't spell apparently we need the claw stick which is hydrogen peroxide in the middle and then barbed wire around the outside okay let's do this we need more hydrogen peroxide ow ow oh it's rec tea hi Ricky how have you made me stairs hello from my house hello from South Africa hello from my living room you guys with girls honestly alright let's head up over a cross down one left right up down alright so now we just need two barbed wire it so it put one there I'll actually know what caustic barbed wire does till I test it should I test what it does your low your lupine set will break in seconds don't get caught in it right so probably shouldn't test it looking at this logically probably not a good idea to test it I want to test it I really want to test it okay I tu should be way more careful now I think over time once I have enough of this barbed wire I'm actually gonna get rid of this whole layer and just have the whole thing barbed wire just so our base is like fully protected from anybody trying to walk in it will kill your lupine okay sorry you won't do it is what you're saying I think we have enough oh my god we actually have enough right we can start mining let's go to the front to mine the block actually I'm gonna take this a safe way to just walk down here no I'm not going to test it right rekt he just almost yelled at me for trying to test it it took me ages it took me a whole stream to make this lupine armor guys come on okay so we can start filling in this like here maybe yeah great he said look at me I'm looking does any of you doing anything seems to be alive his helmets already broken what I take back it me saying it wasn't doing anything that melted his armor that quick uh-huh I guess we're not gonna test it everybody that's a big no-no that's a definite big no-no so they reported they said they wanted me to test it definitely not gonna happen okay we need to okay then we can parkour ourselves a crotch it's dying someone's dying who is that oh it's the corpse I don't that make sense he doesn't need to test it with our armor I mean wrecked he kind of just did it for you guys and he kind of just died so okay so this place is starting to look very well defended with this brand new defense honestly Thank You directi for giving us this barbed wire I want to see now people I think not going to be able to really climb over there's a rule in modded if you guys didn't know where you can't like climb over someone's walls you have to go like through so if anybody does try to climb over that it's gonna get you know like destroyed by this barbed wire there a key just showed literally melt your armor let's get rid of this there we go I mean it's raining we'll deal with the rain but let's go have a look see what's going on around us just before me end off this stream because I think about 45 minutes would be a good time so about two three more minutes we will if you get caught your jetpack breaks yet probably not a good idea I think eventually actually helped it does actually looked that bad from the front once it has like a roof and stuff it'll look way better okay stream you just have to you just have to not worry about it so the bank let's check out the bank quick I just want to just want to have a look and see if it's actually cuz you know prison break or bank break in this case could actually be something we can do so he's got a door there the doors there which you have to put your guns in it seems to be no other way in it's just the vault in there okay let's chow down the bag just before anything happens make a barbed wire roof I think we will be doing that as well just so when we make like the big the big thing we can like that I think that's gonna work okay so they have a lander at the back he's on to the roof and it could be exploitable I'm speaking quiet like I know they can hear me but I mean they in our land so I don't know if it's a bad thing or a good thing and Mikey's bass seems chill everything seems fine let's uh you the second tell the other side that is something I think I will work on after like a certain amount of time because once we'll see we need the whole tower done everything enforced everything work how does my alert box work with OBS so I have it set when everybody like subscribes or donates and stuff it's different dings and notifications and stuff if you go to stream laps comm or stream ya stream Maps comm also like that it's really easy to do okay just get is that how it works what is key it so I can't like I can't right okay so I need to use the key oh my god I like that I like that we can we could have like a key for the vault so no one else can get in so no one like can right-click this generally wow I like that that's a very good idea okay let's Lock this door before we do any more damage because like if we right-click now doesn't do anything right that with the key it like makes a little click sound I don't think you guys can hear it and then it rolls back into play so go back but guys I think that is gonna be it for this stream oh god this murder going on in chat that's that's probably a good time to end it before anything happens but I think for the next stream what we're gonna do is basically what a lot more machinery maybe we might like make a little nuclear area where you can start working on nukes and bombs and maybe like make some houses and spawn and stuff so the next ring will actually be tomorrow at the same time which is 8:30 p.m. GMT you should go is market any calendars right only whiteboards you know put it in your phones and basically I stream if you guys are new around here cuz a lot of people are I stream every Monday Thursday and Sunday and every other video is factions which may actually be changed to catching hackers or maybe like trolling once I find like some place to do it but I'm so like out of breath now I don't know why but guys thank you so much for watching today's stream make sure you guys do like and subscribe if you guys are new thank you guys very much for watching I'm sorry to end I'm very very sorry but I feel like you guys wouldn't what is a video even if it like it has to be like a certain length I'm very very sorry dude bruh I'm very very sorry but I will see you guys tomorrow with another stream I'm gonna be live basically the same time tomorrow right so you guys don't even have that long to wait and I will see you guys tomorrow with the factor with modern other modded stream we're gonna have some more fun we're gonna do a lot more stuff make sure you guys like and ascribe few guys in you and I will see you guys the you know soon maybe I don't know
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 24,262
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, raven, factions raven, war, flans mod, mods, minecraft war, minecraft factions, minecraft smp, minecraft mod pack, OUR PLAN TO END THE NUCLEAR WAR! (WILL IT WORK?) 🔥 | Minecraft WAR #2
Id: meXWgBSecds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 59sec (2819 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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