creating our SECRET Minecraft Base,, behind a natural Minecraft WATERFALL! - Hide or Hunt #1

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welcome back to season nine of how to hunt right me and Timothy we're here we're here for revenge we're here to get first place all right we want nothing more nothing less right last time if you guys haven't seen the previous the series like the link will be on screen somewhere basically we got robbed Tim right we got absolutely robbed with third place by the Aussies over there those two and those two over there who built their base of the giant tree okay they're looking at me and also I have a cool skin we also did our slow fall perverts counting down police but we've noticed something in the intro it's an old abandoned boat over there so we're just gonna go right forward alright but Tim how many like to be gonna go for on this video to go to strafe or the thing straight for the thing 17,000 likes at sea free in smash 17,000 likes if we can that I'd be fantastic if not then I will probably cry but the Tim would go Candy's coming with us we need to go Tim don't run as fast as you can dude I'm so speedy right now dude you don't know how speedy I am okay go go or even go swim as fast as you can there's two chests in here right there's one in the back one in the front if you get the one in the front I'll get the one in the back and then candy shouldn't be able to get it no no you can do it in here you can stand in here and get a okay I got it I got I got it I got the first one dude the second one's in here I got it I got it got it caught we got to loot it that was easy dude I have I have brought three leather pants look how fashionable I am with my new shoes dude we're killing it right now already so base idea this map is obviously as you guys saw it very very mountainous I'm thinking Tim what if we mined behind a waterfall you made our base like but we mined two blocks of stone and that's where we made our base yeah like behind there so what we're gonna need to do but give me to do right is smelt stone like as soon as possible because we're gonna to go mining like right now because what we need to do op C is I think we should wait a bit let's not do it right now but we can literally do it in these two blocks because no one will check like the middle of it you know people will only check like the top of the bottom I think this really could work so we need to now go find a cave that obviously this map is very very large there are loads of places we could have it Tim I also have half the food are Tim we got we got carrots we got wheat come here buddy I got you there you go as seventeen and then I got some wheat as well so once we have our beacon down we can actually uh there's sheep over here as well people have been getting wood and everything as well we should probably get so I'm gonna I'm gonna keep killing mission at the minute I got three more bits of food we just need to kind of find a cave if you get the wood right because we're obviously gonna need to use ladders so I think a cheat no we'll both get wood just to make it there we go that's lovely all right now all we need to do is find a cave because we know what we're gonna make our base right in those two blocks so all we need to do now is literally just find cave it's that simple hopefully there are caves around or there are pigs over here as well if we want to go straight for food we can as food it's like a very very scarce resource right like everybody is always like oh I need food or I need this yeah exactly so if we stock up it doesn't matter how many times we die right I also have carrots we could actually make a carrot farm there's a nice river over here I'm not seeing an entrance to a cave though I'm not seeing a cave or anything oh no no no no I mean what we could do right is we can lychee just go straight for a base if you were to go do the base like right now you found caves where'd you go I lost you south okay I'm going south I'm heading that way I don't deber deber okay we'll grab a little bit of iron we'll grab some other bits and then what we will do is we will go grab the coal we need to coal any iron anywhere or do this a big dip down here oh I found I and there we go easy easy that's what we needed someone's already died just just Chuck a Nell in the chat okay I'm down like the bottom of this cave by the way so there could be like a thousand mobs down here I don't know nice not bad dude there are mobs down here don't worry my leather pants will always protect me I won't die dude I have I have protection three leather pants I've never looked so fancy in my life dude I just a creeper just blew up and I got into another entrance of another cave it's like honestly the world is just going right for us today dude I don't know how literally just everything is going right we've already found a base idea oh god that that's more mobs no no I already see a skeleton distrub the bow okay this is a dead end this is a complete she isn't a dead end ow ow oh there's someone blowing stuff up near me then and there's also another skeleton staring at me oh dear this hook who'd she go wrong I'll Tim help help help run pavement ah it's one skeleton but he's really he's really scary dude the length the leather three pants did nothing right they did absolutely nothing look at look at my body okay then why did see more art yet dude look at all this iron it's everywhere the best art I think we've ever right the hydro honey it's just been it's lychee just been like easy you know I recorded my intro probably like a minute early probably like okay we probably got a little bit longer let them where are you you're down there 20 minutes remaining oh we got loads of time you have so much time oh my god is that okay there's more mobs up here no I can blow up when we can blow up not on the island though actually were bashing bash oh look at that teamwork dude is it like so much iron I'll get the iron you kill the creeper there we go that works 35 iron Tim okay what we're gonna do by the way is we're not going to drink our envies till the end of the episode thing is we need a furnace like as soon as possible oh dude this is beautiful I'm at 40 bits of iron I think we should hey I'm just grabbing the rest this iron dude I've got 44 bits of iron in the first episode we've never had this much luck before yeah I'll carry it why not we had stacking nine iron should we head should we head back up the surface right we have all this time but now we don't have to worry about you only because we literally have loads of stuff so what we might have to do right is we'll head back up to the surface I don't actually know the way up I think we just follow the staircase it's kind of echo still left echoes to your left there in the cave we're gonna go wait there's nothing what are we cheating more iron okay no we'll just head up but do we do we just go down Tim I'm so confused what do we do here let's go up let's go up now should we catch them making their base why level we're at 49 do you mind to echo or Tim come here there's another entrance to a cave but no oh this is where they are then because look there's no the torches echoes literally right here right we'll be nice we'll give him some mine we'll give him some iron there you go alright let's dip let's dip we've made friendships that's all we needed to do let's get out of here oh dude there's the entrance right back to the surface yeah well let's get out of here so it's like um thanks dude we're just gonna be nice that's always right we're back out we're back out in like an hour in a dark oak place dude stuffs blown up around here there's creepers okay let's head back to our base idea because I think what we should do is soon enough right drink our inves IDI will obviously need ladders so let's craft our wood into planks now I also have a full inventory full of stuff I have like no room whatsoever pigs over here will kill these for food yep I've only got 7 bits left old God okay right we'll kill all these pigs I have four I've got potatoes as well we can make a potato for healthy dad does wonders this make baked potatoes and I have bones for bone meal dude we've never been so sorted in our lives for hide or hunt what is going on it's like the best season like I'm not used to this why why is it going so well factions pandas by the ways right behind us he just dropped into a cave should we head straight for the base spot okay I'm right by where we came out the cave if you want to come to me I'm right here okay let's head over head over this way cuz obviously at the same time we can just be looking like we're scouting right cuz our base idea is like right over there what is this you just picked up a fish dude we've already found our pare iron and everything else we need in the first episode what is going on dude we what do we have lost I mean a power and then a dog I found a wild cap quoi just staring at me I think is right our base is right to the right that's someone's going for it we'll go for the house why not let's kill the tails wait now save the tails listen this is minecraft alright it doesn't prove late into my reward value all right I believe in saving tails murder them Tim's murder them it keeps going away by just accept it I didn't get anything had killed him for no reason I know I liked you in Finding Nemo right where we gonna go should we head straight for our base cuz there's people over that side right if we inves up we should be fine but I'm just gonna swim this way hopefully there's no one like by this mountain in a boat a boat a bit risky though cuz I don't think it's too risky that's what I think is you you might drown and then people could just see you go into the boat and not come back out I just found Kaiser can measure so we can't make the base here right now we'll go past them we'll go past them like we're not actually trying to make a base hello its first episode they have no reason to follow let's go up this hill have chrome framed again dude this is a very high populous drinking in this ryan's found diamonds okay I'm gonna hold the bottle okay so we know where each other around to that big waterfall we saw before you behind me yeah I can't I can't see you at all Ames dead lovely to see there's two blocks in the wall that's where we're gonna do it okay don't go up there yeah I need to mine just behind it and then I have two bits of andesite for now which I'm gonna block it up with okay okay tell me you're in okay oh and he took there we go okay I'm gonna drop you at you know we're head all the way down okay I felt with you make sure you keep an eye on um visit I know we have eight minutes right that'll take us to near the end of the episode I just hope we can get everything in Becky this is far enough down where we are which we keep going a little bit oh we might into a cave if we need to go back up oh no no no no this is not good let me do it in here actually no let's not do it in the cave right come to me we're gonna come back out break break the box beneath me cuz I don't do it like a massive open area like having like a little smoke wait don't break that last one wait okay wait now break it and then I'm gonna break an area to your side you should do be able to mine up from here on this one block up here and then okay I haven't you thought this through okay let's just place the beacon here right this is perfect we can fix this all later at the bottom because no one should like randomly come in here and let's have it like a 3x3 let's have it like this this is good enough for us yeah let's go one more round boss and then I'll put the beacon in the wall here and there we go excessively set up my beacon okay I've made all of our wood into stick apart from yours I still have my steel I made all mine into sticks I probably should've led with that a lot of ladders and here we go we'll go all the way up okay we need a furnace like right away cuz we need to smelt that stone because people will tell from the front it looks too fishy okay we need because no one will be looking for us right now that's a thing I have three bits of wool as well we can make a bed you just picked up you picked up all right I'm gonna make furnaces you have any coal we're gonna break this bottom layer okay the thing is I can't see you that's the problem I'm gonna put the bong to put the pants back on okay I'm going to start smelting iron in these two and then it will smell food in the other I have 18 raw pork chops on the right one has gone so well now we can let you to sit we have nothing else to do I mean obviously we do but like not for now and for now we're okay we need a chest as well I'll make some double chests okay we're a bit cramped dude we're a bit cramped right I'm not gonna lie yeah and then we'll put the chest down there there we go perfect perfect yeah oh wait what I said no EE we're in we're in the clear from every situation ever do does the map I have a map of the world there's nothing on it it's just an empty map yeah at least now we can actually reference where we're going lovely we love compasses okay we need to smell stone or cobble there I put some wood in there with it just so we can get a few bits oh it's in the top furnace over here because I need to go replace it like as soon as possible okay so soon as I get one more bit I'm gonna head up we still got three minutes left to remove this we haven't got that long left I think we've got like five minutes left maybe six though I wanna see this episodes we've never had a better start I put everything I had in this chest I've got a bow I've got four arrows we also have tropical fish we need to this week I'm gonna make bread so we actually have another source of food there we go seven bits of bread we've got mutton we also need to make a farm at some point Tim I've grabbed the I know I've got six on me right now maybe five minutes now okay so we might need to get ready to leave or like Starcraft okay I'm dropping you that laughs and why I just haven't made a chest plate yet yeah and then we also need to make we should do right I'm gonna put the protection of the leather pants in here I've got one minute 30 left am I in biz okay this should be fine we just need to is that all the I'm we had I swear we had more iron set is like 20 we should be able to make tools then right so we need is a shovel pickaxe and a sort I'll grab that I can make one chest plate for now I keep looking for a crafting table then I keep realizing it's a beacon okay one chest plate there we go we are now full iron armor first episode no I've got um I've got four army right now make that five six ok we're basically almost done so I've only got 40 seconds left on in this yeah we've got a load of stone which is good I think we should maybe keep like eight on us at a time in case we need to go back to our base there you go yeah I'll chuck you a chest plate and there we go and my guy they enjoy it's behind you on the chest there you go so now we need to make his talks oh there we go yep okay I'm gonna make we have sticks right yeah okay I'm gonna make us a sword each I have nine okay we got easy start crouching there's that tie once a taunt there's a name right behind us you not on Crouch do not UNCHR out at all this could be where his base is he hasn't got long to place a beacon so you going down he's going down crouched him no way dude we can't yeah it's literally right on all right we'll find it we'll find it next episode I needed to leave the render distance that we can uncrowded we take know what else is around us so he's just leaving the interest okay he's out the chunk just just watch me for a sec just make sure nobody comes in the chunk okay I'll make us both picks really quickly this is too risky this is way too risky okay we still we starve I left over yeah I think we should end the episode in the base alright I've got a load of stone let's go in it out of it we need to end it out because in people okay shift all the way up you want to go ahead and exit first okay let me just double-check the chunk okay we're safe are you ready go go go quick I look like I'm just scaling the mountain that's the beauty of it because we can swim out so far remember what it is if you screenshot it just tell me like the general I mean it's to the right of the gravel so we can't really be do you remember what level it was on exactly okay have you got the coordinates and everything just so yep lovely so he was right around here somewhere like right here we really should have made a shovel he looks in this dirt he has to be he might down like five blocks shifted a bit came straight back up and the beacon has to be placed I think we originally only have like a minute left so we're probably gonna end this episode with I mean our base right I think it's fantastic I think we've done a brilliant job with the location because nobody's gonna check all of that you know nobody will think it'll be in the half level of it so you should actually be safe I say this now this could go severely wrong but I think we have like a minute left if if that mean we've had probably right and you can agree the best idol hunt star we've ever had I in straightaway everything's gone brilliantly in the first episode like that's crazy right we haven't even left so I'm gonna end this episode here see if you guys did enjoy make sure you guys do like and subscribe you guys and you I apologize about the skin like Timothy said right let's see if we can smash 17,000 likes right right guy we're gonna smash 17,000 likes that's all it is obviously the whole playlist will be available once the series is finished but I do recommend you go watch the previous ones too thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you guys tomorrow with another episode where hopefully we might find this base that's a that's right next to us
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 83,097
Rating: 4.9640031 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, factions raven, raven, minecraft factions, old school Minecraft, minecraft raiding, I found this rich kids, minecraft, mine craft, factionsraven hide or hunt, minecraft hide or hunt, secret waterfall minecraft base, minecraft waterfall base, hide or hunt, hide or hunt episode 1, creating our SECRET Minecraft Base, behind a natural Minecraft WATERFALL! | Hide or Hunt #1
Id: eNnO6BxUhqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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