i managed to find what looked like the WORST Minecraft Base.. but it was FULL of surprises! ($$$)

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so the last factions video I did it would something like similar to this one right here it's it's a floating thing that we are hopefully going to go have a look at I bought a water bucket for many reasons one of them being I don't end up falling and dying so we're taking precautions we're learning but welcome back to micro factions and today we have found what looks like probably the worst sky base I think I've ever seen Oh Lucy I come along like a lot of bases over my time and this to be honest I don't know what the thought was of this but it's not even hidden like legitimately if you're down on the floor you can see it it's really not difficult but we are going to start blocking ourselves see that's why that's why ok the block glitches and then you're in trouble okay which means now we have to block up again we're not very good at this but guys if you guys do enjoy minecraft factions make sure you guys do leave a like subscribe if you guys aren't you weird you know the little bell you want to turn it on and then you want to press there always one do you always get notified when I post a video and yes I'm still recovering from the cinnamon pizza don't talk to me let's see if we can hear 830 2 and a half light on today's video now to be safe what we're gonna do is we are gonna just jump down we're gonna set home right here and we are gonna just work our way up here we go just very very slowly we are getting very close we're gonna need you to another pit stop soon I don't know if I should have inves I don't know if anyone's aligned I haven't wall downloaded I haven't checked anything this could be a 30-second video it could be like a 3-hour long okay I've never really done a three-hour video it'll be like 15 minutes alright it's gonna be one other two but we are gonna do another pit stop here and let's set home rate again I feel like it looks ok there's some obsidian nothing's claimed where Johnny T says a lot I could have claimed but if someone is aligned obviously it's way more fun if they do come back so we're going to take our time we are almost there honestly we've had a pretty splendid Skype lot of sky block sky placing trip we've done very very well with ourselves here we go and let's how close are we quite close let's do another pit stop do I see a name ok there's actually a guy online there's a guy called oh voz I think you guys can see him in the corner there he's an adventurer which means honestly we're gonna have some fun with a sky base I don't know what we're gonna do to him but we will we would take the time to figure it out and we are going to do another pit stop here set home raid and we will go to shop and we're gonna get ourselves envious because if this guy does see us then it's over okay we want to have fun I'm already thinking of things we can do to him I might completely remove this guy base this all sort of thing you could do you have to watch it just watch the video please okay I may have gone slightly over the top with the amount of invades I need obviously I've got like 12 but that's fine so the guys still in the same spot I think yeah okay so let's go all the way up again and I'm gonna keep my armor on until we get near the top because if we can build underneath it we might be able to see like what about he's doing okay I'm not very good at placing when I actually can't see but here we go we're gonna make our way up and we are at the sky base he's over here it seems to be water so something's drowning is it safe okay looks like he's in like that little wooden box so we're probably good to keep our eye on for now it looks completely awful let's set home raid here again is actually richest opponents this guy is in probably the worst sky base I've ever seen but yet there are a squid bonus do we have a silk touch we do did this guy rate them did he raid an unclaimed base it's something I generally compute about but I guess we just we take him I think that's the thing to do one squid spawner not bad at all one squids Warner's better than zero squid spawn us of course and we are I want to make sure he's completely afk so let's just open the chest just double okay he's got just plain diamond armor he's got oh he's actually got what he's got a full set of p4 he's got an accustomed enchanted set he's got P three are you telling me this sky base is actually rich this guy is I'm so confused why do you have a full P full sir he's got custom in chance but he has like plain tools he doesn't have sharpness on half of this stuff actually look it's just diamond boots there's nothing else here he has a Rowan like a half of diamonds so this guy is definitely like a new player I don't want to say he might be cheating but that's a lot of diamonds to get I don't know how someone would get those so we're just gonna sell em all because at the end of the day it's alright it's free money that's free $30,000 right there but I'd sold the others and he's in here so we can literally just break our way in which is good about this but I'm still very very surprised he has all this cool stuff and we're gonna take the opportunity I'd okay this bits open we're gonna go home into the actual base and what we're gonna do is just pull this away so if he does end up killing us or coming back we shouldn't lose anything it's there some chests in here yeah we'll just put it in here action you can just move it whenever okay there we go that's it's in that one right here okay who's over that who was it I don't know he is just around to this corner and it looks like this is the start of his guy based is one normal sky base would look like but this right here is not a normal sky base and he has low he has zombies Faunus that all he has he's just stood there I don't want to kill him Casey comes back but I need those spoilers we doesn't have to hope that when they drop they drop into my inventory and don't drop into his we're looking after three to one at right three to one bump we get it wait what I did check how many there Wars 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 zombies spawn is right now that is a lot of money from one particular sky base what's back here he's got like a walkway like a pathway what is he doing how does this man have 10 zombies in a small little sky base that hasn't actually been raided you mister are a genius I'm taking tips off you okay let we'll just put the rest of these in here honestly I don't really know what to make of this right now it literally looked like one of the worst sky bases I've ever seen but obviously we can't really judge him because this guy's clearly more rich than I am but I don't know whether to kill him or leave him if we check his bow that's now on boss he's only worth $750 his faction is poisoning these guys have claims that might be his there that might this might be an old account this could H be his main account if we check bow Tetrick in he's worth 500 K so that is probably his main account this is probably so account I think honestly we should create a natural sky base for this guy we should slowly mine it all down I think and what we should do is just wait until hopefully someone does come back we're not gonna wait all day but I'm very very surprised a guy like this has managed to live this long in this like little little tiny little base and I see it looks raided if you're looking for the bottom up it looks like it's a waste of your time which might be why the guy actually managed to get away with living in this for so long it's literally because looking at it logically everyone probably went past it and was like oh it's already raided or like it's completely broken there's no point it's gonna be nothing in it but yeah there's still a load of like really really good set and stuff in these chests and honestly there's another pit p-3 another bit of p3 and he had that full prop full set in here that was like custom enchanted and everything this guy has a load of stuff he's got some guy's head he has some lapis lazuli some sticky pistons he's got some red stuff from the seaton we'll take that take the TNT why not always good when it's free as you see what I mean it's just regular diamond armor it's like he's making the armor with the diamonds he mined but we seem to be making good progress we're gonna hopefully make the sky but for this guy we'll just mine it down just so I know okay I'm dead I have to be dead I have to know I'm alive okay what I landed on here but survived thank you I'm safe home raid I think we set hope like off way or something like that okay we actually set one right at the very top which is lovely because I knew for a fact I was going to end up doing something stupid you buddy just wait there I'll be with you in a second someone's already messaged me how's the pizza okay it wasn't even a pizza it was like a cinnamon being that I didn't even eat and Demi actually ate so it wasn't it didn't go to waste we didn't waste food oh that video is gonna haunt me for the rest of my life well guys let me know in the comments what you guys do want to see more on this channel and also guy's psycho sky has just reset which means I can play golem realm with Ryan if that's what you guys do want to see if you guys do want to see guy block leave it in the comments down below make sure you guys do give me some ideas what me and Ryan can do is honestly sky block is always a lot of fun on psycho sky and honestly we just need to just get rid of this and stop mumbling because the sooner we get rid of it hopefully someone will come back I don't want to get rid of their homes so they just fooled this guy already now has a much nicer looking sky base now actually looks like a sky base there we go we're just completely defending this man I didn't let you check this did I oh yeah I did it's just plain diamond armor okay so I think what we should do is just to finish this off is maybe just get rid of a little bit of this floor we want to keep him as safe as possible I don't see we're not going to do a full video trolling the guy if you guys do like trolls though I'm trying to incorporate it more into videos but it's kind of difficult when it's certainly like my area of expertise I'm more of a Raider than like a Anatoli person but I'm trying to have some more fun with it as I did with my life sky block video which you guys can obviously go watch if you you want to I'm not gonna force you but you know we should be good after these few blocks honestly we're gonna leave the guy to it I don't know ruin his day but honestly I'm surprised the worst guy base I've ever come across has actually survived listen buddy I give you so much credit and what we're gonna do is we are gonna leave a sign for him because I feel like he deserves it for living this long Odyssey this is oh he has eight signs there we go we'll leave this here and we'll just say there we go we've left some signs we just said hey but GG I'm making a space last I thought I was right have a good day move into a clean base Raven I think that's the message a man full of us needs to hear but we are gonna leave his sky base to it we're gonna hope to god you guys don't come across and ruin this because you guys are very very nice to the people that I do end up raiding and we are going to just jump off right now and we do it you have some more stuff to do at this video I have been very lucky and been given a end of all may by ye old mad beggar which obviously you guys can purchase at the psycho store but we are gonna be opening this up and hopefully we are gonna be getting some very very good stuff we can get from this we can get three additional set homes one two three just kind of there general stuff and then we can get either a divine legs sword lighting similar or a random kit scroll which could actually be very very handy but my key is in fact back might if you guys don't know Mikey left for a month so we're gonna open this with Mikey and we're gonna say be my good luck there we go because mikey is back we need this man this man is our Savior and we have okay our inventory is twofold we need to we need to get rid of all of this poopy stuff get rid of all these in visit we just waste a lot of money on and there we go it's now open we're gonna see what we get my keys even get so much luck we got once at home damn it we need way more than those two unknown showboats which is lovely the whole team's here hello friends we got one I think that we got Stormbreaker oh if you guys don't know that must be a end game kind of like like admin item thing which is amazing I like that we got one fly particles cloud and we're coming up now on the divine things that we need one treasure lockpick I could have hoped for two but one you know you can't do that bad we've got divine legs and that is probably the worst end of all I have ever opened obviously I think that is one of the worst ones I've ever opened so we can pick yours what's on Stormbreaker that's actually sick well item Stormbreaker in chat why not and the lockpick we got ourselves a 60% for possessed treasure that's actually really good sixty percent is a good percentage we have ourselves also once at home we have ourselves our may and revert title what's this now let's use our revert title and our may title we will just give to Mikey a go Mikey you can be involved in this are divine legs are going to be good for me start making a God set in a few days time I want to start putting like load of good God sets together I want all the good God set stuff it's gonna mean we're gonna have to level up very very fast what you're probably going to suck but it's gonna have to happen but a lot of grinding over the next few days and if you guys do want to that stuff in videos do let me know we got ourselves and the hatred one there you go I'll give you Peter Mikey there you go and we'll keep hatred for our actual God set and what we're gonna do is keep our treasure lockpick unless there are actually any possess treasures it there's one four five Milt I don't know if anybody has anyone have a possessor Asia because I think they're way you can get the afk Spooner's from because if I look on the thing yeah you can get two mysteries bonus a title master augments mob masks and we are just gonna hope that maybe somebody has one or anybody kind of I could buy it but it's it's five mil no one really wants to spend five min on it has one but she just went to sleep which honestly is not very good for us that means we now can't open one there is obviously one four five mill I don't think I'm gonna waste five mill which means next episode we should be able to open one of those and hopefully it'll go well I hope but we're gonna leave that video here I think guys thank you so much for watching today's video if you guys didn't enjoy it make sure you guys do like and subscribe if you guys aren't you we're gonna do stuck out we'll put it in a chest somewhere and then we probably go need to go tell Mikey what we did though he can select all the spoilers so we're gonna leave this video where it is thank you guys so much for watching like I said please like of scope if you guys are new to you guys tomorrow hopefully with a factions or maybe a Skyblock episode over on Gollum because if you guys don't know like I said look it's back thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys tomorrow with another video and a goodbye
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 131,973
Rating: 4.8773551 out of 5
Keywords: i managed to find what looked like the WORST Minecraft Base.. but it was FULL of surprises! ($$$), factionsraven, factions raven, factionsraven raiding, raiding in minecraft, mine craft, minecraft, minecraft factions, minecraft trolling, minecraft pvp, minecraft tnt, factions, 1.8 minecraft, minecraft raiding, raven, minecraft video, minecraft funny, no cursing, kid friendly minecraft
Id: 0iXG2qxQGoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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