SML Theory: Junior Is A Failure!

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Jackie cheu is not who you think he is Junior might not be as dumb as you think and you're never going to look at SML the same way again after [Music] this one of the most odd things we've seen about the SML continuity and is the ages of Jeffy Junior Cody and Joseph compared to their grades in school we know that Junior Joseph and Cody are 15 years old and Jeffy is 19 years old which is honestly insane to think about when you realize they're all in the same class at school and in SML movie Junior's crazy assumption we find out that they are all in fifth grade Junior we're in like fifth grade why are we even talking about this kind of stuff because exactly in fifth grade this makes no sense because fifth graders are normally 10 to 11 years old Junior Joseph and Cody should not be this early in school at those ages however for Jeffy it kind of does make sense to be honest because well you know it's Jeffy I mean he should just drop out of school at this point but for junior Joseph and Cody it doesn't make any sense at all you're telling me they got held back four or five times how is that even possible I mean sure Junior is a little stupid sometimes and I guess Joseph is too but Cody Cody is literally one of the smartest characters in SML there's no way he got held back even once we've seen him get straight A's on his report card multiple times before so what is really going on here well I figured it out so let me explain the teacher of the school Jackie Chu is honestly very strict and hard on the kids most of the time I mean the school is literally called why you dumb Elementary and Jackie cheu calls the students dumb all the time he acts like the craziest teacher I've ever seen and has very strange teaching methods however the strangest Jackie chew moment we've ever seen has to be SML movie squid game and this single video might have the answer to our questions just look at this all right craft today I'm going to go around and pass out your test from yesterday and just just to let you all know everyone did bad he must be lying cuz I know I didn't fail all right Patrick here's your test back you fail oh man obviously you failed Jeffy all right Junior hear your test you fail and Joseph here you go heit your test you fail wow that really does suck for you guys I can't believe I'm the only one in the class who didn't fail fail is what you did Cody there your test fail no no no no no I I don't fail no you must have graded this wrong did you see that Cody actually got an F on his test how on Earth is that even possible when he's the smartest character and has invented so many complicated things this is literally a basic math test that he somehow got an F on look I could maybe understand if he got an A minus or a B maybe he wasn't paying attention and got one problem wrong but a literal F Cody n I'm not buying it but wait this gets even crazier look what happens next come on teacher there must be some extra credit we can do I have to wipe this F off my record extra credit I'm glad you said that Cody because I have a series of games we could play the first game we're going to play is red right green right so what you're going to do is everyone's going to line up at the back of the crest and when I say green light you're going to run towards the board but when I say red light you're going to stop okay let's begin R right super fast dude R right did he just get shot Jesus Christ dude it was just a Nerf bullet I think he's actually dead nobody mov as a means of extra credit for the students Jackie cheu recreates squid game in the classroom and literally kills them if they get eliminated during the games just like in the show I know this video was made to capitalize on the squid game Trend at the time but that is the most messed up thing we've ever seen from Jackie Chu what kind of absolute psychopath gets his students killed over an extra credit game and did Cody really even fail well I definitely don't think he did you can even see the pure disbelief from Cody when he saw the f I think this was just a lie from Jackie cheu to make the whole class fail so everyone would play in the squid game no wonder all the students keep getting held back Jackie Chu will never let them pass he is an absolute psychopath who lies about his students grades and even gets his students killed Jeffy Junior Joseph and Cody are doomed to stay in Jackie Chu's elementary school forever and continue to endure the torture but there's still a couple lingering questions about this why is Jackie Chu even doing this I mean yes he's a psychopath but why specifically the students he could just let them pass and then mess with the new fifth graders that come after them well let's look at what fifth grade actually is for a second basically fifth grade is usually the last grade of Elementary School in a lot of schools once you get into sixth grade you're then in what's called Middle School which is a whole different building and different teachers we know that the SML town is extremely small because Brooklyn guy is the only cop doctor or firefighter there is and there's a very small selection of characters that exist in the town so if Jeffy Jr Joseph Cody Penelope bully Etc were to pass Jackie Chu's class they would move up into Middle School without Jackie Chu as their teacher anymore and after that Jackie Chu would literally have no students because there's no more characters in the town to join his fifth grade his current students are all that he has they're the only ones is keeping his teaching job so he will make sure they never pass his class no matter what even if they're doing good on all the tests he can just keep lying about their grade and making them fail just like he did with Cody but also if the students died in the squid game video how are they still alive in videos and still in Jackie Chu's class well this is a pretty simple answer actually death is just inconsequential in SML jeffy's mom literally got shot in the head in SML movie jeffy's 18th birthday and still came back in SML movie jeffy's 19th birthday we're almost out of gas then find the gas station Jeffy Jeffy no Jeffy Jeffy who's here it's me I thought you died no they tried to kill me my stupid son shot me in the head good thing I'm hardheaded also we see characters die in SML all the time and it never sticks deaths in SML are pretty much just exclusive to the video that the character died in and then they just come back in the next video it's how it always goes but anyway yeah in conclusion Jackie Chu is a psychopath who will make sure that his students never passes class Jeffy might have some hope to get out of this if he just drops out of school I mean he's 19 at this point he might as well but as for junior Joseph Cody and the rest of the gang I guess we'll have to see what happens but anyway thanks for watching And subscribe so you don't miss any more of my [Music] theories
Channel: SML Theories
Views: 196,663
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Id: 7L6vLLHbxck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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