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today we're going to be telling our most painful stories and at the end I will tell you how I ended up in the hospital but first let's start with nadway and my story is back in 2019 right this is when I I was actually friends with dudes and my you're not friends with him anymore it involves dudes I wanted to send juice a funny video I put my phone against the wall well like on the floor I recorded a video of me screaming something and then I jumped head first into the wall into the wall why I was trying to jump into the phone but then I miscalculated and jumped a little bit too high so I went head first into the wall and made a hole in my wall you got a big old head I was home alone at that time I didn't know what to tell my parents I told them that I was working out you know running around and I tripped on a wire and I fell into them you were running around working out in your room yeah I've literally dolphin dived into the wall I'm not even joking the video was like I had on my phone but I was too scared of my parents finding the evidence so I just deleted it because yeah I still have a photo of the hole in the wall well in that way gets his phone let's hear another story from Mr Mimi well I I'm just a Chad I I you know I've broken many bones many parts I'm just so cool okay so stop Mimi here's the hole in the wild my forehead didn't go through let a real man tell the story okay when I was three years old I was a dumb baby like oh I know for sure I also had like deep social anxiety or something so at three yeah if I wasn't close to my mom for like three seconds or like had like a glob jumping or something I would start crying what one day my mom left me on the bed to go downstairs real quick she had to make like some galap damage literally not even real you're not even a real babe like you don't even exist okay so literally like three minutes of unsupervision and my blood pressure was Rising as a baby okay the bed was like 10 foot high or something so I couldn't even get down somehow as like a three-year-old baby I managed to do some pork it's hardcore yeah I was looking like a handstand jump off the bed to a cabinet I slid down the handles of the desk and then I jumped on the floor and started emoting is this another concussion story because that also explains a lot yeah I totally didn't just fall on my head once I got on the floor I started crawling towards the stairs because my mom was downstairs you know this was in India so like the stairs were weren't made out of wood they were made out of like hard Stone like marble or something oh my God I was crawling towards the stairs and I could hear my mom downstairs and more importantly I could smell the galap jump so yeah I started crawling one step two step I'm getting closer three step four steps falls down the stairs no not yet I crawled down the first two stairs I successfully did it five step I don't know what comes after five but my hand slipped I rolled over and everything slowed down okay I was in the air I was rolling in the air and in that moment while I was in the air my life flashed before my eyes oh my God I'm gonna see a long fall and just as time slowly snapped back to reality I landed directly on my left eyelid oh my God how'd you do that I I just told you how I did it what do you tell the ladies when they ask what the scar is about I saved a baby in the fire or something not anymore since this is going out I don't know how I didn't die I I should have like just rolled down from here because like the stairs like very very long and like further destroyed my head but I survived I just had to get like stitches in my left eye so you can still see them to this day if you look close enough and yeah I was the baby that was dropped on my head you already dropped on your head you dropped yourself on your head bro also I don't know if this story is true because I I literally spawned in the world at the age of 11. I have no consciousness before that but my mom told me this he just gave me a vivid story about him my mom told me this I'm gonna go eat some glove challenge well while Blazer goes eats gulab jammins TBH it's time to tell your story I think my story is the most relatable if it's not relatable what are you doing oh my God he's so relatable guys dude I'm so relatable oh God oh God I was like five or six okay I hated homework my brother's the kind of person that would sit me down and watch me do my homework because I never did my homework either someone watch me do it or I didn't do it at all so my brother wants to use the bathroom and I was like my nails are a little long so how can I cut them without getting out of my seat Chief no I see that's that's the logical answer that's the logical answer right but I wanted the perfect edges okay do not go to the bathroom with your brother okay buddy so I was trying to figure out how to get the perfect beautiful edges on my nail so I'm looking through my bag because I don't want to bite my nails because biting my nails that's gross so I found the next best thing a pencil sharpener oh my God you got your local school no I was just in my bag you know I was a perfectly I was a good school student but I was a bad homework student you know what I mean but how would that make it clean Ali I'm six my six years like okay if I just put my finger my pinky finger my little my little pinky finger in the pencil sharpener and give it a little swish the Nail's gonna get a perfect cut that's a great idea actually I should try that that was a great idea and then I tried it I gave it a little twist and then half of my nail was gone oh my God two thirds of my nail is actually gone okay I had a third of it and I didn't even cry and you know why I didn't cry I I looked at my finger and I thought about every life choice I did before this moment that led up to this and I just looked at my fingernet I was like huh that wasn't the best idea after like two minutes of processing I tried to get my fingernail out of it you know because it wasn't fully gone yet it was like bending oh yeah it was really bad my finger was like surgically attached to the the pencil sharpener at this point right so then I tried to get it out and that it was still it it was still it was the worst part right so my finger was stuck inside the pencil sharpener and if I tried to move it even and inch not even an a centimeter or as the European people do a millimeter okay centimeter is European and dude females complain about childbirth oh my gosh even if I tried to move it a millimeter or a centimeter it would it the most excruciating pain would come out of it okay so now I'm stuck and I have to go to my mom's like Mommy I I got my fingers stuck in a pencil sharp I'm on Legit how dumb are you for putting your finger in a pencil sharper and my only response was I thought it would work that's not my only thought bro I thought it would work did it work two-thirds of my nail is gone okay it worked but it was a clean cut it wasn't exactly it got a little bit more than the nail that's all I'm saying how'd you get it out oh we just ripped it out oh my God this explains why he has claws let's hear a story from Ally it's not me she she's just been waiting to talk about his like I think juicy is the only other person here that broke a bone I never broke a bone but one time when I was a kid I was in the bathroom and I was playing with my uh Hello Kitty like toothbrush holder and it was like pink and I had like a little Hello Kitty on it and I started like filling it up with water and then I decided to tape it so the water when it first opened and then I kept filling it with like more water water through like a little tiny hole on the top after a while I just got bored so I just decided to like cut the tape off and empty the water out and so I grabbed a pair of scissors and started to cut the tape but I was standing at the sink and I got distracted when I looked at myself in the mirror and then all of a sudden the scissors like slipped and I was just staring in the mirror but I knew like something bad happened like I felt it like I was like I just froze so I like slowly looked down and there was a big gash across my fingers oh it looked like my finger was like almost cut off that means my story is relatable so I started running around the bathroom screaming and crying you know how much water how many people could drink that water around I was crying and screaming until my mom came in she was like what happened and I shoved it in her face to show her I'm dying look at this mom there's shoved her in her face and she told me we have to go to the hospital and I was like no I was like scared I was like no I don't want to go to the hospital maybe it'll stop bleeding and they put you down she looked at me and my mangled finger and was like bruh and she just like threw me into the car because she took me to the hospital and they stitched it up and I had like four or five stitches with my finger and then I got ice cream oh wow wow in the world could have eaten that ice cream to see it's your time to shine so anyway let me tell a real man story no breaking their bones having silly concussions at three years old all right you know what he's coming at your neck anyway so basically I woke up on an average British day okay you're not relatable still only outside it's it's raining you know I get up I brush my teeth wow that is true for the head injury true story okay so I woke up I was like seven years old I was getting ready to go to school you know average day average Bridge day so I got to school it came to lunch and we went out in the playground you know this game called Hopscotch where you know you jump what there's nobody okay this is not a laughing matter okay anyway so there's this game called Hopscotch okay me being me I was an absolutely Master by the way I accidentally tripped over my own leg I had an amazing bridge and then I literally started falling in slow motion and I tried to save myself but then I I my elbow was pointing towards the floor like towards the concrete and I was trying to save myself and I landed directly on top of my right elbow oh literally boom I hit the floor and I was like I didn't know what happened because I had a lot adrenaline at first so I got up I looked around everybody was standing there just standing NPCs staring at me like they was about a great request and the teacher was looking at me and she came running over and I was like I was about to burst out crying and then the teacher comes and grabs me obviously and starts drinking your tears and then pulls me away so I was literally carrying my elbow because I couldn't even move it the school called right the ambulance and then and then my mum turned off as well and then basically and then basically I refused to go in the ambulance because I was scared of ambulances I don't know why I was scared I was seven years old I was I know I was oh yeah we get free healthcare but anyways what a black basically my mom had to take me in her car while we followed the ambulance to the hospital that was pretty dramatic if we want to hear a real scary story okay let Blazer tell it oh well well well well I'm tired of hearing all these baby stories my first time I broke my arm I was in school like I was oh yeah wait never mind no there's another time all right you say you didn't break your head as well the most recently a year ago I remember this so I was going to America for the first time I was like oh my God I'm so excited I'm gonna beat my friends I was gonna meet sucks for one and then it was like a week before my flight and I had my last dirt biking race of the season this is dirt biking imagine not being athletic enough to ride a normal bicycle so you need to put an engine in it so it can drive you around it's like driving a sports car with the two wheels if that's the way you want to put it then sure I was a little nervous I was like okay this is my last race I can win this I'm doing this I was at the starting Gates so there's like a Long Gate but like 40 people in a row and I was rapping behind us and it was a sign there's 15 seconds 15 seconds to the great dog and I will sit in there five seconds I really appreciate the side effects by the way thank you no problem and I stared at the gate in front of me and the gate dropped and I I'll go as fast as possible to the first quarter with 50 people next to me and I was almost at the corner and I looked around me and I was like oh my God I'm the first one I'm gonna win it you're weird I'm in first place did someone throw a blue shell no one Michelle there was a Dentistry so I slammed in the brakes I put my foot out I'm ready to make the left corner and I look to my left and one some kind of idiot doesn't know how to break and snaps right into me that was me my bad so I get up I get up I'm like damn I look I look at the guy I was like bro what the hell are you doing he didn't look at me he just picked up his bike and he left I'm sorry I'm nervous I can't make eye contacts whatever I'll catch up I stand up I pick up my bike and I cannot pick up my bike what's going on here I look at my left arm because it hurts a little bit the wrong way I look at it and it was shaped like the cool ass you draw in school I was like dang it's not supposed to be like that I have to get out of here and then and then I I stood up and I went to the side and I was just sitting down I was like oh at first I was like walking in circles I didn't know what to do my my arm is an ass what do I do I can't live like this so I sat down and the Medicaid and we're like damn this sucks and I didn't feel much because I had adrenaline and stuff because because of the start and I sat down and I sat there for like five minutes and all of a sudden I got like dizzy and stuff I was like oh dude that's not good the doctor said oh it's all good you're just a little scared I think you should get a new doctor bro I don't think he's a doctor she said sit down drink this uh pills pills there's a med kid okay okay dude didn't have any water do I have to swallow that stuff dry but I could do it it was fine and I started feeling better after that and then I was like oh my God I have a flight next week and then I couldn't fly because my arm was kind of sideways what about the race I could have continued to raise my arm brushed like an S now it's time to say my story I also broke a bone two actually back in the day when I used to go outside I used to skateboard a lot okay not that cringed skateboard with four wheels none of that I'm talking about the ripstick nah I had a ripstick all you uncultured viewers the RipStik is like the coolest Trend back in the day it was a skateboard that only had two wheels one in the front one in the back crazy right you must be asking how the heck do you balance on two wheels the trick was as soon as you got onto the skateboard you had to do this just like little dance you got to do the shot as you got on the skateboard you had to do a little Shabba Shava to get the board moving and if you stop dancing you had no momentum and boom you would just fall flat on your face now that we're all educated how does this have anything to do with breaking a bone well me and the neighborhood gang okay we were Rich we were ripsticking down the streets you know doing normal kid stuff scaring pedestrians robbing houses breaking down lemonade stands in our neighborhood there were a lot of these like biking paths and they stretched on for like miles you know these like little paths like through the houses and stuff and we love ripsticking in these biking paths because there were like a lot of turns and Hills that were a lot of fun but it was like most importantly so like we wouldn't get hit by cars and we didn't have to look left or right and die so that was good I see however there are different like skill levels in the biking path so we were feeling adventurous we never went past medium difficulties so you know we felt like we were gonna do the nightmare pack just to put in perspective there's like three more stages of difficulty until the nightmare path there was hard extreme extreme plus then nightmare so that means the path that we were just gonna go on had a 70 degree drop the turns were like sharper than like an ice cream cone okay you know the bottom of an ice cream cone like we arrived to the path and for some reason I was not fried chicken at all and the reason was I was really stupid all right it wasn't because I was Brave I was just dumb I volunteered to go first because my friends in the back started questioning if it was even a good idea they were the Smart Ones in the situation without hesitation I got on my RipStik and I started going down the pack I picked up speed really quickly we were going boom boom boom boom okay we were it was like we were motorbiking right we was at the same speed and I didn't even have to do the Shabba Shava because all you had to do was like stay balanced because you already had enough momentum like I didn't need more speed so all seemed going well for like the first couple seconds until we arrived at the first turn the problem with the ripstick is there's like no real way to slow down other than that jumping off don't tell me you jumped off no we didn't we didn't jump off you know with a normal skateboard you could at least put down like one foot to like slow you down a bit but uh-huh not with this you gotta like keep two two of your feet on the ground now we're going to the sharpest turn I ever encountered but like in my head I thought I could do it like easily I thought I could go and easy right in the head visualize it it's easy but in reality as I was turning the speed was so great I flew from like the whole ripstick just like flew from underneath like the wheels went skirt and they shot from underneath and I was just in the air I was levitating I would have been fine if I just landed on my butt but no what I did is like my legs are up in the air I put my hands right beneath me like to protect my butt oh no that's not how that works that doesn't sound safe at all and I kept my hands there underneath me to protect me so the impact of me hitting the ground was like straight hands and then into my wrist oh my fingers probably bent so far back they probably hit my own wrist I mean the good news is that I'm on the ground right I mean the bad news is that I felt like this extreme sharp pain like immediately right into my right wrist but the thing was like when I got up unless I moved it it didn't hurt I know that sounds stupid but at that time I thought like if I just leave my arm alone it'll just heal itself I I kind of just got up and I didn't think it was broken because I was just like shouldn't I be in constant pain right now if it was broken but no it didn't hurt if I didn't move it so he just got back up on our Ripsticks and kept on ripsticking you couldn't stop riff tipping I couldn't stop but that's not the problem all right the problem was I went back home that day still not knowing my right wrist was broken so I go I go to bed I'm like I'm gonna sleep this off I'm gonna feel better maybe I just pulled a muscle or something I woke up the next morning I needed to take a piss I go to open the door I completely forgot what happened the day before so I go to open the door with my right hand and I do that little twist it's those twists paid ever I I was literally holding back tears and we're not even at the worst part because I still needed to use the restroom so I changed my hands to the left hand so I could open the door I have this habit that I always need a locked door to lock doors you have to press like this little button on the door handle right it's like this little button like you know forgetting again like I'm pretty sure I have dementia and for getting my right hand was in pain I went up to go lock it and I pressed the button with my right thumb you're not so bright are you it wasn't even my right wrist turns out my right thumb was also broken you broke your entire hand and I had like this immediate shell shock because I pressed the button and my right wrist is broken so you hear this look and then it also sends the response back to your right wrist that is broken your phone is not supposed to make that sound my whole body like vibrated it's like you shocked it by electricity this isn't good yeah I was straight to my parents I was like please take me to the doctors and yeah we got the X-ray not only did I break my wrist it was also my right thumb honestly at the end of the day you know it was worse when they put the cast on you can't even shower with it you got to put like this plastic bag over your arm because you can't get the cast wet and because of that like the smell gets like really bad well if you guys enjoyed those stories and you want to hear more make sure to go subscribe to my friend's channels they're all linked down below but if you enjoyed that and you want to hear more subscribe to this channel as well and I won't kill you
Channel: SockStudios
Views: 5,174,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: socksfor1, socksfor2, socksfor3, sockstudios, animations, animation, pain, i can't feel pain animation, 3d animation, true story animation, short animation, socksfor1 animation, sock animations, among us animation, real story animation, socks animations, 2d animation, sasti animation, animation story, sockstudios things i hate, animation meme, 3d animation stories, story time animation, school stories animation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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