Ranking Every DreamWorks Movie

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sponsored by surf shark VPN well here we go [Music] again [Music] ants yes the very first DreamWorks movie is ants I mean who even remembers this movie anyway its entire purpose was probably just to compete with Pixar A Bug's Life that being said I still think that this movie is not all that bad here's a quick summary there's this ant called Z and an ant colony who's a worker ant but Z doesn't want to be a worker and he wants to become like the Chad Soldier act because he wants to impress this princess girl so then he decides to go to war somehow survive the war and then kidnaps the princess pretty bold you might be thinking but keep in mind this guy's a huge inel they then find a picnic with some very not so subo product placement fast forward to the end of the movie and they return back to the ant colony where everyone literally almost drowns and then Z saves them Z ends up with the princess and the end honestly for the first movie this was kind of horrible I mean imagine the bosss on someone to create a whole ass Animation studio just to copy a movie C tier how in God's name is this a DreamWorks movie I honestly forgot for a second while watching this that this is the same company responsible for the godamn boss baby The Prince of Egypt is undeniably one of dreamworks's greatest movies it follows the story of Moses from the Bible freeing the Hebrews From Slavery which indeed means that this movie is Cannon to the Christ Cinematic Universe and also the Bible and I mean I just love that book I even have a signed copy anyway so the movie starts and shows us a bunch of Hebrew slaves rushing to hide their their infants as a faroh orders on infanticide which is basically the killing of all infant babies so as to reduce population wao and I thought that Finding Nemo had a dark start this movie takes the cape so Moses's mother releases Moses into the river and hopes that he could return to free the Hebrews years later Moses now part of the royal family of Egypt finds out the dark truth behind where he came from and the fact that he was indeed adopted you're adopted he then runs away and starts a new life before being called upon by God to go free his people he goes back to try to reason with his brother King Ramsey but to no avail so he instead brings 10 plagues upon Egypt and commits Mass infanticide killing Ramsey's son in the process Moses then leads the freed slaves to the Red Sea but then gets pursued by King RAM and his men but with the power of God and Anime on his side Moses splits the water in half crosses the sea and then closes it down to the rest of the Egyptians the end all and all this movie had no right to go this hard everything was just perfect the music the animation the story The Raw emotional damage literally everything is executed so well easy s tier it's to be all right this is one of the best dream RS movies I've ever seen prior to making this video I had never actually watched the road to Eldorado but my god do I not regret watching it this movie is about these two con man Tulio and Miguel who receive a map to the legendary ancient city of El Dorado which roughly translates to the City of Gold so then Tulio and Miguel travel there and then get escorted by the town's high priest and a bunch of the locals who for some reason think that they're Gods after a volcano coincidentally erupts so now with the whole town Fu Tulio and Miguel live like Gods before deciding to leave with all the gold Tulio falls in love with this girl called CH who helps them pretend to be Gods but then the town leader guy finds out the truth behind Tulio and Miguel you know the fact that they're literally just random people pretending to be Gods so then he tries to kill them fails and then tries to kill them again and then fails again eventually tulo Miguel and Chell leave El Dorado and search for their next adventure honestly my summary of this movie does not do it justice this movie is absolutely hilarious and I feel like the humor still alls today I highly recommend this one a tier but first first sponsor time all right let's do this one last time my name is Dave Davidson once a professional Surfer I was bitten by a radioactive shark and for the past 10 years I've been the one and only Sur through my several years of being this City's protector I have faced many challenges such as dangerous hackers trying to extort money from innocent people oo not good cookies trying to steal private information oh how dare they region lock shows and content free Family Guy funny moments for everyone y Sur shark man let's go Sur shark but that's not all because if you use today sponsor Sur shark VPN you get access to over 3,000 different servers across 100 countries ads blocked viruses blocked and your money well spent so if you don't click the link in the description to get Ser Shar VPN for 3 months free then I'm going to blow up a hospital that's not a joke the bombs are already in place and only you can stop the dying patients from surfing their last shark get surf shark quick get it now hurry now get it Chicken Run is a masterful movie somehow the stop motion in this movie has aged so well that it still holds up almost 23 years later so Chicken Run is about a bunch of chickens trying to escape an egg Farm which let's be honest is basically a gck the main character is this chicken called ginger who makes all these elaborate Escape plant only for them to be thwarted by the owners of the chicken farm and Mrs Tweety until this American rooster voiced by Mel Gibson LS inside the goolag ginger is then Amazed by his apparent ability to fly and asks him to teach her in the rest of the chicken's house so that they could Escape although plot twist he lied all along and didn't actually know how to fly the scene where she finds out the truth still kind of gives me goosebumps to this day it was actually done so well anyway so with that plan being thrown out of the window the new plan was just to build an airplane but then plot twist again Mrs twey gets on the airplane and kills Ginger but then another plot twist she misses and cuts herself off and falls inside of her own Factory the chickens all escape and everyone lives happily ever after aside from Mrs Tweety who literally gets crushed by a door in the end editors note Mrs Tweety actually survives according to the new trailer which recently dropped at the time of recording this overall this movie was pretty good my only complaint is that the story of this movie doesn't really feel all that flushed out and I could kind of see the twist of the rooster guy not being able to fly from a mile away but other than that this was a pretty fun watch ardman Studios is still undeniably goated a tier I absolutely adore this movie just like an onion it has so many wonderful layers to it I mean it's Shrek this is literally an animated classic great enough to rival the greats like Pope fiction and Inter St so Shrek is about this guy called Shrek who goes on a quest to rescue a princess so that he could get a swamp back from this guy who kind of looks like Markiplier anyways I'm pretty sure you guys know how the rest of this movie goes he rescues Fiona Fiona turns out to be an ogre Markiplier dies and the end if you still haven't seen this movie which I'm certain than you probably have you need to watch this right now this is pretty much the equivalent of a featur length post I guess the only thing I didn't like about Shrek was that the pacing kind of slowed down in the second act of the movie a bit but other than that this movie is hilarious and absolutely Unapologetic in its humor s [Music] tier if I'm going to be honest I had never heard of this movie prior to making this video and judging this movie by its cover before watching it yeah I thought it was going to be complete trash but surprisingly it's not actually that bad this movie is about this horse called Spirit who doesn't talk but has sort of a disconnected voice for his conscience voiced by Matt Damon he gets captured by a bunch of Americans and pretty much decides to partake at some Tom FY by Leading an entire godamn horse Revolution and escaping before being captured Again by this Native American guy eventually he gets set free gets captured again gets set free again and then gets chased by the Americans who eventually just give up after realizing that they didn't want to get beaten up by the same horse twice in a row and so Spirit returns home and the end overall I feel like this movie was actually good the PA was simple while it's not being too boring and the message of this movie is about not letting anyone enslave you and fighting for Freedom I'll give it a beat here sin bad was a pretty disappointing movie for me it's not even like this was a bad movie it was kind of all right I was just completely underwhelmed once the credits roll because the ending was so anticlimactic so Sinbad is about this pirate Thief guy called Sinbad he and his crew get framed for stealing some mystical book from a kingdom that was apparently actually stolen by by uh the goddess of Discord but then Sinbad's friend saves him from getting executed and if they don't get the book he literally dies so the God is of Discord or whatever tells Sinbad that if he answers your question truthfully he gets the book but if he lies and he doesn't get the book and the question was pretty much if you don't get the book would you return to the kingdom and die or would you run away instead Sinbad says that he would return he gets called out for lying and he doesn't get the book boohoo now the movie is over but nope Sinbad Returns To The Kingdom at the last second proving the goddess of Discord wrong and he gets the magic book in the end which I thought was a stupid ending I mean like I saw that coming from a mile away whatever this man answered to the question he would have gotten the book anyway this question is stupid so yeah sin bad is pretty sin bad the ending is really my only complaint with the whole movie though it was just so anticlimactic and unsatisfying especially with there not being really a final climax of the movie all the problems just get solved automatically it's like the writers just gave up halfway through I mean at least the animation looks decent but other than that this is probably a c tier movie I Need a Hero Shrek 2 is a godsend of a movie I'm sure it's probably no surprise to you when I say that I enjoyed this movie way more than Shrek 1 this Toy Story 2 and Madagascar 2 are pretty much perfect sequels in every way Shrek 2 follows right after Shrek one with Shrek and Fiona on their honeymoon but then they get invited by Fiona's parents to their Castle they eventually get there but then it's revealed that this was all planned by the Fairy Godmother and her son Prince Charming to try and arrange a marriage between charming and Fiona the next morning shk encounters boots who was sent there to kill him but accidentally spills the beans that fness that Harold had sent him to kill Shrek so then Shrek steals a happily ever after potion which gives him the greatest glow probably an animation history oh wait so then Shrek and his Noble Steed head to the castle only to find out that Prince Charming had taken Shrek's Place fast forward a bit and Shrek gets arrested before the royal ball starts but then he gets rescued by the gang from Shrek one using Pinocchio's nose tell a lie I am wearing ladies underwear are you embarrassing and this right here is when the greatest SE and Dreamworks Animation history happens that of course being the holding up for a hero scene take notes illumination this is how you use holding up for a hero Shrek gets in the castle riding a giant gingerbread which later dies rest in peace you will be remembered pul repays his death and Harold redeems himself by sacrificing himself at the last second leading Shrek and Fiona to finally have a happily ever after overall this movie is pretty much Shrek one but 10 times better and probably Dreamworks at its peak the jokes all also land extremely well I hate Monday s [Music] year sharktail is such an outof pocket and horrible movie but weirdly also in a good way this movie sort of stifi DreamWorks as a studio that made mostly post movies with a couple of good ones now and there I mean this whole thing is such an atrocious meme but my God is it also the greatest dreamer movie at the same time this movie is about this fish named Oscar voiced by Smith of course who owes the Italian mafia shark gang money he eventually gets the money needed to pay them back from his friend Angie but then decides to bet it on seahorse racing and loses it immediately he's done ordered to get executed by a few sharks but as it turns out one of the sharks called the was actually a vegan so he spares Oscar leaving his brother to try and kill him which results in him dying making Oscar look like he was the one who killed an entire shark so then Oscar parades around and lives his life as the shark slayer becoming rich and famous for killing a shark then the shark Mafia go after him he survives miraculously and then confesses to not actually knowing how to murder sharks I lied liar everyone forgives him in the end he gets a girlfriend and the whole movie wraps up con conveniently like a sitcom what a wondrous film honestly for what it's worth this movie is not very good I mean the animation in itself looks atrocious and honestly made me want to rip my eyes out but I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it the jokes were funny the pot was stupid enough to be entertaining and the movie doesn't take itself that seriously even though it's not the best movie out there it was still sort of good and for that c tier like Madagascar is a great movie and I am putting this one very high on the tier list I do not care what anybody says I might be kind of biased because I love these Madagascar movies as a child but I don't care this may not be the greatest dreamr movie in terms of setting the standard higher but I still think that it was pretty entertaining this movie follows the animals living in the New York Zoo who decided to take out and get shipped to Madagascar we got Alex theion David schwimer giraffe Marty zebra and this hippo Voice by Jada pcket my wife's name out your so anyways the gang reach Madagascar where they get stranded and quickly rared that without food they become wild animals to try to eat each other they meet a bunch of lemur and also King Julian and after fighting off some fusa they gain the trust of the Lemur and with the help of the Penguins they get back to their boat to sail to New York and live happily ever after except their boat had no fuel so the sequel happened this is honestly one of my favorite dreamer movies the plot is simple the characters were funny enough and the overall movie was a great time for me sure this movie might not have been the best in terms of Animation but man was it still enjoyable s tier I'm not going to lie this movie is heavily underrated hell Wallace and grommet as a whole is heavily underrated so this movie is about Wallace and grommet trying to catch a Were Rabbit a cross between a werewolf and a rabbit from eating all of their Town's vegetables of course using their little inventions and whatnot these Contraptions are always the greatest part of any walls and gr movie we also have the bad guy dead set on literally just using a hunting rifle to kill the we rabbit anyway so fast forward a bit and it turns out the we rabbit was W was himself which I did not see coming on my first watch at all he basically just terrorizes the town and grommet tries to stop him by using an airplane and getting in a dog fight with this other dog wvas falls down and literally dies but then grommet revives him with the power of cheese cheese I'm just crackers about cheese what a classic movie once again artman Studios never misses s [Music] tier okay hear me out when I say this but Over the Hedge is probably one of the greatest animated movies period I don't know what it is about this movie but it just sort of feels underappreciated in every way this is a classic movie I loved it as a kid and now rewatching it I appreciate it even more I don't know if it's that fever dreamlike feeling of nostalgia whilst watching this movie or the animation style reminiscent of Toy Story 2 but I love it so the movie starts and introduces us to this raccoon called RJ trying to steal food from a bear which then goes wrong the bear pretty much forces RJ to return all the food to him in a week RJ then finds a suburban area with a bunch of animals he then shows them the way of kleptomania and we get this absolute God Montage of them stealing food and also the wonders of modern consumerism little do the animals know that arj was actually just using them to help him steal the food back to return to the bear so RJ literally just gites all the animals that they're doing his work for him but then the Exterminator shows up and catches the animals after a botched Heist RJ escapes and Returns the food to the bear but then decides to change his mind and save the animals instead and then we get this amazing fight scene with the bear the animals and the exterminator in the end this crackhead squirrel saves the day and the exterminator gets arrested honestly I had way more fun in this movie than I'd like to admit the characters are so stupid but they honestly all make up for it with how good they tie into the story DreamWorks please make a sequel to this movie s [Music] tier okay it might be a little more biased in my opinion of this movie just for the fact that I used to watch this movie as a kid non-stop every day but anyways flush away is still a great movie aside from the human animations at the start this movie is about this rat called rodie who gets flushed on a toilet by this other rat so then he gets stranded in an underground rats he meets this rat girl and also these evil frogs trying to steal her Ruby or something like that but it turns out it's fake as Ry literally just breaks it to prove his point it's also revealed that the evil frog man's plan was to FL the entirety of the Rat City during the halftime of the FIFA World Cup final when all the humans used their toilets when everyone goes to the toilet the whole city will be flushed away he said it oh yeah I forgot to mention this movie along with all the other Aran movies is very British like extremely British come on England oh so then Rod returns and defeats the evil frogs freezing the Giant Wave in the process and saving the rat city for the most part I thought that this was a pretty creative movie I also sort of get how this was artman's attempt at trying to incorporate their stop motion films into 3D because without 3D this wouldn't have been possible but I also feel like it loses a lot of that stop motion charm not that the animation is bad of course aside from the humans but I just prefer stop motion other than that this is still a pretty enjoyable ardman movie a tier saw again Shrek the Third was sort of a vet down for me I don't know what it is about about this movie but it just didn't hit as hard as any of the other Shrek movies this movie follows after Shrek 2 with Shrek and Fiona being king and queen and Shrek not wanting anything to do with it so then Shrek along with donkey and puss set off to find the next Heir who turns out to be someone called Arthur and despite this kid literally being destined to be the next king it turns out he's a huge loser with no friends also while this was happening all of the fairy tale villains including Prince Charming decided to team up and rule over Far Far Away shuck then gets captured by the bad guys and then Arthur gives an inspirational speech or whatever which somehow works and saves the day and then Shrek and Fiona have kids and the end yeah this movie was not very good usually every single character in these Shrek movies are pretty likable but throughout this movie I just sort of had a burning hatred for Arthur's character other than that the story was weak the writing didn't feel all too flushed out and the jokes were forgettable B tier B movie is actually a good movie and no I am not being sarcastic even though this movie has quite the awkward premise I found it one of the funniest dream Works movies ever so on to the plot this movie is about this bee called Barry Seinfeld who decides to not get a job as a Bee because he didn't want to work a mundane office job for the rest of his life instead he then decides to go out of the hive and actually talk to humans he somehow develops a close relationship to this girl and then proceeds to sue humans for harvesting their honey did you know that you have rights yes this is not a joke this is actually what happens in the movie hey wait a sec is that the bear from Over the Hedge there's also the girl's boyfriend Ken voiced by Patrick warber who inexplicably just decided to put so much emotion into his voice acting for no reason and for your information I prefer sugar-free artificial sweeteners made by man anyway so Barry wins the court case the Beast get left alone and the nature just dies because without Beast there's no pollination so then they just decide to use the remaining pollen on the flowers which apparently save nature and everyone lives happily ever after all in all the Bee Movie was definitely a roller coaster all of the jokes in this movie are so surreal and actually land which I wasn't expecting they liter literally kill Winnie the Poo in this movie you cannot make this stuff up the part and story of this movie is so nonsensical yet I still love it so much for some reason I mean at best this was a pretty ironic movie that still so bad it becomes enjoyable and at worst it's the be movie watch it at your own risk D tier k k Kung Fu Panda is a great movie period the plot of this movie is so goofy yet for some reason it works on so many different levels so Kung Fu Panda is about this Panda called po who accidentally gets chosen to become the Legendary Dragon Warrior who's apparently the one worthy to open the dragon scroll and become all powerful po then gets trained by Master Shifu and eventually wins kungu as well as earning the trust of the furious five there's also the main villain Ty Long who we learned once to take revenge on Master Shifu as he was deemed Unworthy of the Dragon scroll eventually po receives the dragon scroll which plot twist turns out to be empty but then po finds out that the secret to the power the dragon scroll holds is actually just nothing but instead to believe in yourself what you need to to believe in is you pen uses the wisdom to beat up tyong and DM I honestly love this movie so much all the characters are so simple yet have such intriguing arcs the story was pretty straightforward the fight scenes were funny and well made and I can't really think of anything I dislike about it either s [Music] tier for like I said earlier in the video I think that Madagascar 2 is a pretty perfect sequel to the first Madagascar 2 takes place right after the first one with the gang all leaving Madagascar a rundown airplane being shot from a slingshot call it glorified Angry Birds if you will the airplane then crashes and they all get stranded in Africa Alex then somehow finds his family and reunites with them but then must go through a sort of Passage ceremony where he must beat a lion in a fight however Alex mistakes the fight for a dance fight and gets beaten up meanwhile Gloria falls in love with a chunky moto moto God I really just said that sentence out loud however their relationship doesn't really work as Gloria finds out that moto moto only liked her for her body the next day The Watering Hole dries up causing a drought to which the animal solve by reasonable means of literally sacrificing Melman the Giraffe to a volcano but then Melman gets saved by Gloria who proclaims her love for him the gang that escapes through a makeshift plane led by monkeys and live happily ever after in Africa until the Penguins leave them and so Madagascar 3 happens overall I just love this movie it was able to expand on the Madagascar universe so seamlessly and develop each character further especially with Gloria and melman's relationship and Alex and Marty's whole Arc about friendship pretty good sequel s tier Monsters versus Aliens is not a very good movie I don't really know what this movie was trying to achieve because it wasn't very funny nor was it memorable but hey I mean at least they tried Monsters versus Aliens is about this girl who becomes a giant because of some radiation or something like that and then she starts working for the CIA because plot needs to happen there's also these other monsters including this fish guy called Missing Link voiced by Will oret hey wait a second isn't that the horse from horsing around anyway so the president tries to communic Comm unicate with a bunch of these aliens threatening to destroy the Earth which end up going horribly wrong so then the government sends out Team Monster to try to defeat the aliens which they end up doing in an epic Climax and the end there's also this half-ass love story with the main character girl and this reporter guy that wasn't really that interesting in my opinion I mean to give it props I at least like the character Dynamics and interactions they had in this movie but other than that this was just a huge waste of time movie for me all the action was done so poorly that I literally almost fell asleep halfway through e tier How to Train Your Dragon is a banger of a movie this is probably the first 3D animated DreamWorks movie on here that actually managed to take itself seriously and be a bit more mature than the others so this movie follows the life of this scrawny Viking kid called hiup who lives in a viking Village obsessed with killing dragons but hiup doesn't want to be a scrawny Viking kid anymore instead he wants to become a man so in an effort to prove himself hiup shoots and wounds this Dragon which we later learn is a Night Fury a type of dragon that's heavily endangered hicup somehow tames the Night Fury calling it Toothless and then discovers the Dragon's Nest fast forward a bit and hiccup's Dad stoic attacks the Dragon's Nest along with the rest of the Vikings but then hiup and his friends save the day hiccup gets a girlfriend and together they change the Vikings from killing dragons to taming them thus the title of the movie overall this is a pretty solid movie I liked it for the sole purpose that it actually had emotion this movie just wanted to tell a cool story about dragons and it excelled pretty well at that so a tier Shrek 4 was profess good it's definitely a lot better than Shrek 3 in terms of writing alone and also this movie had way bigger Stakes than any Shrek movie had for that matter so this movie starts right after Shrek 3 sh go that Shrek's life had only become harder after he had kids water he then makes a deal with Rumple still skin to have a day in his old wife back before he was married in exchange for a day of his life but then plot twist rumo still skin takes out the day he was born which meant that if he didn't reverse the effects of the deal he would be stuck in an alternate timeline and in this alternate timeline Fiona never got saved and Inter turn became a leader of a fierce ogre Society donkey and Shrek never met rump was still SK his Bri and rules far far away which became an apocalyptic wasel and Puss and Boots died now I'm just kidding he became obese Shrek then finds out that the only way to revert the timeline is to get a true love's kiss so then Shrek locates Fiona and then kisses her which doesn't do anything because in this timeline Fiona doesn't know Shrek which results in her not being his true love the ogre Society then overthrow rle still skin with Shrek and Fiona falling in love in the process they then kiss the timeline reverts back to normal and Shrek realizes that he was pretty content with his life after all what a great ending I actually really liked the message the movie was going for that being to just not take your life for granted and as a whole this movie just showed how much Shrek had developed throughout the past movies aside from Shrek of course so a [Music] tier Mega m is a wonderful movie that completely subverted my expectations the first time I watched it something about this movie and its message just felt so genuine while it's being such a great movie to watch so mega mind is told through the perspective of well mega mind who's meant to portray your standard superhero Arch Nemesis there's also of course the main hero named metroman and yep that's two for two for maripier so megaan pretty much devotes his entire life to trying to kill metroman along with this minion called minion and once he eventually does succeed in killing metroman he realizes that without him his life just becomes a meaningless void so then he starts a romantic relationship with a woman called roxan while this guy say a human and roxan gives mega mind the idea of just simply creating his own superhero to fill the void in this life but for some reason Mega mine chooses the worst possible candidate to become a superhero that of course being Jonah Hill from super bad who turns out to be a huge incel with no and despite Jonah Hill becoming a Chad superhero we quickly learned that he uses it for his own selfish gain trying to steal roxsan from Mega mine after she finds out that he isn't really Human After All Jonah Hill then goes completely 180 and becomes a powerful super villain urging megaan and Rox sand to find a way to stop him they eventually find marip I I mean metroman still alive and we learned that he just simply faked his death cuz he got bored of being a superhero so then Mega mine decides to do an epic troll in Jonah Hill pretending to be metroman it doesn't work and then mega mind just sucks out his powers to end all in all this was an amazing movie it somehow managed to be ironic while conveying a genuine message that message being that even if you have superpowers the only thing truly holding you back is yourself the duality of man if you will this movie also sort of had that similar effect of Shrek whereas instead of a typical superhero or fairy tale story it completely warps everything and does the opposite of what you'd expect s tier Kung Fu Pan 2 had no reason to go this hard I mean you know the movie is going to be good when you learn that the main villain called Shen's whole motive was just to become as strong as possible and in turn apparently massacred several hundred pandas in a sort of panda Holocaust genocide this guy is literally Hitler like he is no joke 100% Hitler PO is fighting Hitler anyway so po was destined to pretty much be the one to stop Shen but then we find out Po's tragic backstory that being that he was abandoned as a baby as a result of the great Panda genocide with his mother presumably being killed off by Shen the scene where Paul rned all of this in a flashback was so genuinely well done with it actually being emotional and serious you know unlike some other scenes in some other movies so then Paul uses his inner peace to learn how to accept that time can heal all wounds and beats up Shen Shen then gets crushed by a boat and dies and the end yeah this was a pretty great movie all around I really liked how they made the main villain in this movie have a deep and personal connection to PO and also the fact that this peacock was just such a menacing and powerful villain this guy is probably the second evilest DreamWorks character anyways yeah Kung Fu panu was pretty great a tier Puss and Boots was not very good I mean as a generic spin-off movie to the Shrek franchise I think it did its part but the fact of the matter is this movie was just average and didn't really try at all which I find funny considering how the sequel to this is the complete opposite but we'll get back to that so plot Puss and Boots tries to steal these magic beans from Jack and Joe who in this movie are an outright Savage murderous couple he runs into another cat called kitty soft Who convinced him to joining her and hump Dumpty and trying to steal the beans back we then get this really long flashback that shows us the history between puss and Humpty showing us that they were once very close friends until one night where Humpty decides to rob a bank framing puss in the process the scene with puss's backstory was probably the best part from this entire movie this scene actually had depth and was shocking even though I did literally just watch a talking Spanish cat get betrayed by an egg puss Kitty and Humpty eventually reach the beant stock and find the Golden Goose who ra golden eggs they then steal the Golden Goose and then proceed to betray puss for a second time revealing Humpty as a Twist villain traitor puss gets thrown in prison and then gets rescued by Kitty and then we learn of Humpty's true intentions which was to use the Golden Goose as bait for a giant goose to destroy the town in the end Humpty has a change of heart and decides to sacrifice himself to save puss in the town overall I thought that Puss and Boots was just sort of a mediocre movie The only thing I actually sort of L from the story was puss and Humpty's whole Arc thingy the rest was just kind of forgettable and not even worth mentioning beat here Oscar 3 was an amazing and phenomenal movie at least for the first 20 minutes and then the rest of it was just generic and boring I cannot stress enough how great the opening scene of this movie was hey man love or hate DreamWorks you got to agree that they've made some of the best intro scenes to animated movies so this movie opens to an insane action scene of the gang going on a casino Heist to get the Penguins back from abandoning them after the first movie this obviously goes wrong and so we get this intense chase scene between the Penguins and this French Animal control officer named Dubois who's also the main villain of the movie I find it really funny how they made dub extremely op for no reason in this movie she literally has the ability to walk through walls like it's nothing I'm The Jug anyway so after this chase scene the rest of the movie follows the gang joining the circus to evade the feds but then we get one of those cliche movie moments where the circus people find out that the Madagascar gang lied to them and that they weren't actually from the circus in the end All is Forgiven the gang joins the circus permanently and du gets chipped in Madagascar honestly as a third movie it wasn't as good as I initially hoped but there's still a lot to like about the story like this tiger guy who has PTSD from one of of his stunts gone wrong also voiced by Brian Cranson of all people say my name also whilst watching this movie one of my friends pointed out that the character designs look like they were made by illumination and honestly I can't unsee this yeah DreamWorks were basically just ripping them off which sucks because illumination character design is dog poop look at the humans in Madagascar 2 compared to three why couldn't they just stick to this design other than that this movie was kind of okay a [Music] tier man I really wanted to like rise with the guardians but just something about this movie it's just not for me I'm sorry the story is pretty much about these Guardians based off of imaginary holiday like creatures you got Russian Santa Claus Australian Easter Bunny whatever the hell this is and their whole gimmick was basically that they only exist if the children around the world believed in them this movie was literally inside out before Inside Out was made the Guardians then have to face off against the boogeyman whose whole motive was just to be remembered again and instill fear among the children and then the Guardians make the children believe them again thus defeating the Boogeyman and saving the world the entire premise of the movie was sort of promising to begin with but none of this really clicked with me and in my opinion the whole story was kind of tedious some of the characters were kind of cool aside from the boogeyman who's probably the most forgettable villain in dream book's history and the concept of the movie was definitely something interesting but this movie just sort of took itself too seriously in my opinion I mean who the hell directed this Zack Snider B tier okay you guys are probably going to hate me for this but I thought crude was great for the most part I mean this is literally just a simple copy and paste Adventure movie that just happens to be about caveman but weirdly enough I actually had a good time watching this movie probably because halfway through I just turned my brain off and switched into caveman mode so this movie is about a cave girl called Eep who meets a cave boy called guy and Guy joins ep's family as the world around them literally just starts collapsing due to an apocalypse so then they evacuate and go on a quest to try and find tomorrow which I think is supposed to act as both a metaphorical and a literal location the rest of that Venture is just filled with your typical haha funny caveman moments look at the funny caveman discovering fire isn't that hilarious please laugh the caveman dad then saves the family from the apocalypse discovers tomorrow or so I think that's tomorrow and that's it overall definitely not the best movie although the graphics did look pretty cool these backgrounds look like they were from some Nintendo game which I thought looked nice final verdict if you're going to watch this movie just remember to turn your brain off B tier Pro speed I am speed oh wait wrong movie Turbo is a terrible movie and this sucks because this movie wasn't even bad and entertaining at the same time it was just bad for some reason this movie had an extremely stacked cast including Ryan Reynolds Samuel L Jackson and Snoop Dog of all people this don't miss anyways so turbo is about the snail who dreams of racing in the Indie 500 and meeting his Idol guy G one day he gets sucked into a car engine or something and absorb speed powers so then he joins these other snail Racers and together they raise money to compete in the indd 500 Turbo Against All Odds actually gets in the indd 500 and this is when we learn that gy is literally The Twist villain threatening turbo to back out revealing his true colors but then after a massive crash turbo wins despite G literally attempting to kill him in the end wow what an insane ass movie the whole perise of a snail competing in a major tournament is something I never thought I would see and judging by this movie it probably should have stayed that way I mean if I wanted to watch a movie about some animal who wanted to accomplish something he was passionate about despite the hardship of well being an animal I would just watch Ratatouille I have no idea what the writers were doing in the room when they wrote this but I could definitely tell the drugs were one of them D tier thank the Lord for this movie Mr Peabody and Sherman is probably the only DreamWorks movie on this list next to Shrek that can tell a joke and make me go hey wait a second this movie is for kids right it's a booby trap what's so funny you said booby whoa pause on that so the plot of this movie is about this genius anthropomorphic dog named Peabody who decides to adopt a kid called Sherman and because of his high intelligence builds a literal time machine using it to teach Sherman about history which I thought was probably the best part about this movie I just adored how the movie constantly switches between different points across history showing us several erors in the past it was pretty cool so anyways Sherman goes to school and immediately gets bullied by this girl called Penny calling him a dog which results in child protective services being called on Mr Peabody after Sherman bites her in self-defense now I don't know about you guys but me personally I believe in equal rights equal fights so then Peabody invites Penny's family to talk things out and this is when Sherman shows Penny The Time Machine resulting in them going back to the past this ends up leading to two alternate universes causing a rip in the SpaceTime Continuum which just roughly translates to time machine broky so Universe collapses in the end Sherman reverses all damage by taking the time machine and going fast with it which somehow fixes the problem so yeah that was Mr Peabody and Sherman honestly not a very bad film if it weren't for Penny being the most annoying character in existence I would have probably ranked this higher but for now a [Music] tier just like the first How to Train Your Dragon this one was a major upgrade in possibly every way how to train your dragon to follows a few years after how to training dragon won with hicup being pressured by his dad to become the new chief of the town hicup and Astra then come across a bunch of dragon Trappers trying to trap us many Dragon us they can to bring to their boss Drago blood vist a fierce warmonger whose goal is to uh let's see here conquer the world why how original hiob also gets kidnapped by his long lost mother for some reason who we also run through a flashback distance herself from hicup when he was a baby because she didn't want to kill dragons or something like that Drago blood vist then attacks them and somehow hypnotizes toothless making him attack Hiccup and killing stoic in the process rest in peace this whole battle scene is probably my favorite part in the entire movie because not only did it show how absolutely powerful Drago was it also sort of humbled hiccup seeing as he was now helpless against this guy with a Army of dragons it really put into perspective how utterly dangerous Drago was until eventually hiccup just somehow talks toothless out of being hypnotized you're not that guy pal trust me you're not that guy and then all the dragons team up eventually making Drago Retreat hiup becomes chief of his town and the end honestly as a sequel to the first H trainer Dragon this one was still pretty consistent in its quality and also it did a pretty good job in expanding the world and the characters around it in conclusion this is a pretty good sequel s [Applause] tier I can't believe that DreamWorks actually had the bosss to make a movie based off of the 2010 hit game Penguins of Madagascar for the Nintendo DS H the movie was pretty mid I mean I guess it did its job as a spin-off to the Madagascar franchise this movie had penguins in it what more could you have wanted so the plot of the movie goes like this The Penguins of Madagascar get kidnapped by this menacing octopus guy named Dave whose whole motive was to basically just turn Penguins into mutated monsters the Penguins then run into this a gang of animal spies called The North Wind however the Penguins just kind of treat them as a joke and refuse help from them trying to catch Dave themselves which ultimately backfires as private gets captured by him oh yeah I forgot to mention a lot of this movie is revolved around private's Arc and becoming a valued member of The Penguins of Madagascar team private eventually redeems himself saving all the Penguins in the final battle against Dave but honestly I couldn't really take his Arc very seriously I mean this is the Penguins of Madagascar we're watching for God's sake anyways they then defeat Dave the octopus and we get a happy ending overall was it a good spin-off yes was it a good movie uh the best part about this movie is probably still Benedict Cumberbatch saying the word penguin though like penguins penguins B [Music] tier home was kind of a blond and forgettable movie although I can sort of see why some people enjoy this one I just didn't really like it too much or cared enough for the characters so home is about a bunch of these aliens invading Earth but then one of the aliens throw a party and accidentally invites some Rogue alien who's supposed to be the main villain the alien guy then tapes up with this girl who is trying to find her mom and from what I can remember they find the mom the big bad alien guy comes to Earth and shockingly he turns out to be a peaceful alien all along so the entire plot of this movie was for nothing I'm trying to think of more things to say about this movie but in all honesty there's nothing more it's a pretty basic DreamWork movie and it definitely could have been Le D [Music] tier Kung Fu Panda 3 was unsurprisingly a very good movie so far there haven't been any bad Kung Fu Panda movies in the franchise and I pray that Jeffrey kenberg it stays that way so kungfupanda 3 starts in the spirit realm and here we see Master ugu battle it out with the villain of this movie Kai whose whole gimmick is taking character spirits and using them to fight for him sort of like a twisted version of Pokemon Kai pretty much just starts collecting people like it's nothing for the first half and here we have po who supposedly destined to beat him through the power of chi which is apparently this cool ability pandas can do which cultivate life so Po's Dad no not that Dad his actual biological dad convinces po to go to the Pand The Village to learn how to do the chi but plot twist the pandas don't actually know how to do Chi so this whole thing was just a liar revealed kind of Trope Kai then slowly takes the chi out of everyone and arrives at the panda Village ready to fight Po and then a last ditch effort po sacrifices himself taking Kai to the spirit realm and then the other Panda save PO by unlocking their Chi thus giving po unlimited power which he uses to destroy Kai all in all Kung Fu Panda 3 was pretty good I especially loveed how they tried experimenting with different animation techniques at the beginning and end DreamWorks were literally itching to change up their Style and I'm so happy they did so with their most recent movies also the main villain was pretty cool I guess he's not nearly as intimidating as Shen from the previous movie but hey I think JK Simmons did a good job with the voice acting you're fired s tier trolls need I say more I'm not going to waste your time with this one trolls is a terrible movie in literally every aspect the plot consists of junk probably only a 2-year-old could mistake for a movie which is this movie's target audience in the first place who knew baby could be this profitable okay so plot right there's this girl troll who likes partying and then her friends get kidnapped by a big stinky Bergen so then she teams up with this other troll who is very sad and angry because apparently singing killed his grandma or something like that how did singing kill your grandma I'm over here stroking my dick then they rescue the other trolls from the Bergens and teach them the meaning of happiness and then they have a dance party ending I cannot express this enough but trolls is really bad I feel like even movies like like minions or boss baby have more maturity than trolls every attempt at a joke here just felt like they were trying to spoon feed it to me like I was an infant like hey look the jok's on screen the only thing possibly more aggravating in this movie is the fact that DreamWorks is now making this into a Trilogy because why not you know let's just ignore every other good movie we made in favor of the haha funny pop trolls because ooh money F tier absolute [Music] trash the boss baby is one of the most brain dead movies to ever come into contact with my frontal Ro and for that I love it I have no idea why but I had the best time of my life watching the boss baby of all movies anyways so the boss baby is about this baby who wears a suit and talks and it's funny because you know he's a baby there's also this other kid called Tim who tries to get rid of the boss Baby by having him ran over by a car and then Tim and the boss baby team up to try to stop an evil organization from launching Immortal puppies because babies and puppies are apparent of Immortal Enemies in this movie there's also these Chase scenes that happened between the boss baby to try and stop the evil bad guy from doing his evil bad things and for some reason the music went so incredibly hard that I forgot I was watching the boss baby in the first place after all this stuff happens the boss baby triumphs and gets promoted but then just decides to throw it all away to become a normal baby and that's pretty much it wait hold on a second no no no no not again so yeah that was the boss baby honestly not the best movie out there but somehow also not the worst anyways uh CER I [Music] guess as an a fan of the captain underpant books as a kid I can 100% tell you that this is an amazing adaptation not only did this movie capture the essence of reading these books it adds on to them with more depth and thought put into the story so just like the books Captain underpant focuses on the two kids George and Herold we also learned that they constantly get in trouble at school because of some uh minor trolling and also their evil principal Mr crup the next day they have to sit through some kid called Melvin's presentation who's also quite literally the nerd Emoji in human form and Melvin pretty much uses a hidden camera to Niche on George and Harold So to avoid them from being in separate classes George uses a Hypno ring to hypnotize Mr crup into becoming Captain Underpants and then we get possibly the greatest intro scene to any superhero ever Underpants we also learned that if you snap near Mr crop he turns into Captain Underpants but if you throw water at him he turns back to crup just like in the comics the next day this German inventor called Professor P applies to be a science teacher but then georgean Harold unveiled that the p in his name actually stands for poopy pants causing all the kids to laugh at his expense yes this is real this guy's whole viven origin story was that he was once a successful inventor that nobody took seriously because of his name so now he's taking his revenge in society by teaming up with Melvin and attempting to rid the world of laughter by making a giant toilet and we get this amazing action scene told through the perspective of flip orama man they really thought of everything did they so Professor poopy pants uses his anti- laughing rate to try and stop George and Herold from laughing which end up backfiring on him in the end George and Harald decided what's best is to break the Hypno ring thus killing Captain Underpants until at the very end where Captain Underpants return set of the next sequel if only Captain Underpants is such a great movie it excels at pretty much everything a Captain Underpants adaptation could have excelled at and perfectly captures what it's like to read a Captain Underpants book all down to the small details in the art style and writing DreamWorks please make a sequel s tier How to Train Your Dragon 3 is great there is no denying that for some reason I never really paid close attention to the series but now having rewatched the entire trilogy this is Cinema so this movie starts a few years after hiup becomes Chief but then he learns that this warmonger called grimma was trying to hunt down his Night Fury also he was apparently responsible for endangering them in the first place and wanted to finally make them extinct so then hicup starts to search for the Hidden World a supposed safe haven for dragons to live in harmony oh yeah and they also discovered the female Night Fury the light Fury who I actually thought was much needed to the plot to develop toothless's character hicup and as eventually find the hidden world and see Toothless and the light Fury as a couple leading the vast nest of dragons but then they get out by the dragons as Intruders in my opinion this was a huge turning point in the story because it's when hiup first realizes that humans should be leaving the dragons alone as opposed to trading them like pets hicup then plants an ambush on grimmel's Army which works until grimmel tranquilizes toothless but then hicup gets saved and grimmel Falls 1,000 feet into the ocean possibly shattering every bone his body and killing him instantly hicup then decides what's best is for all the dragons to be set free to live in The Hidden World and then we get this emotional scene of everyone letting their dragons go and man it was perfect there's also this ending scene of Hiccup in two 3 uniting where Hiccup and the other Vikings vow to keep the dragons a secret from humankind until they're ready to coexist without some crazy lunatic trying to murder them this right here ladies and gentlemen is a perfect ending to this Trilogy honestly I have pretty much nothing else to say the How to Train Your Dragon series is consistently great and you should go watch it s [Music] tier in my opinion abominable was very abominable for some reason this movie tries way too hard to be a Pixar movie and fails with literally every possible way so abominable ass set in Shanghai China and revolves around this Yeti escaping and defending this girl named ye and in an attempt to hide the yeti from the feds her and two other kids settled on an adventure to Mount Everest to try and return the yeti to his home also somehow this Yeti has unexplained mythical Powers which just conveniently help Y and times where the situation seems hopeless I mean some people call that convenience I call that bad writing there's also for some reason a Twist vain in this movie which makes absolutely no sense there's no point for her to be a Twist villain just play the movie out normally don't pull any of this Disney the movie ends with a Yeti using his powers to escape and finally returned to Mount Everest Jesus Christ man what what even was this movie as far as I can remember abominable was bad but not on a level next to trolls bad it's still a pretty decent movie if you remove the awful twist villain so just for that b [Music] tier and speaking of trolls trolls World Tour need I say less I actually hated this movie so much so much that I'd even go as far to say as it's worse than any Pixar or illumination movie I've ever seen anyways the plot of the movie goes like this ages ago in the trolls Universe there used to be a lot of trolls according to different genres of music like rock classical and jazz and they have like this big guitar thing that they each rip the string out of or something and the main villain who I don't even know the name of is trying to steal all the strings to form sort of a trolls version of an Infinity Gauntlet she eventually gets all the strings and snaps her fingers which wipes out half the population of trolls or so I wish the actual movie consists of the Justin Timberlake and anak Kendrick troll going on an adventure to try and refriend the bad guy troll which doesn't work you know because she's evil and stuff there's also a bunch of K-pop trolls for some reason hey wait if K-pop Trolls Exist in the trolls universe doesn't that mean there's a trolls North Korea so in the end all the trolls music gets deleted or something but then everyone just unites and sings a song which restores the balance in the trolls Universe blah blah yada yada y woo thank God this movie is over with I'm not even mad anymore I'm just mainly disappointed with how consistently bad this movie was like where were all the music factions in the last movie how did nobody mention the Bergens throughout the whole thing is anyone even still watching this video up until this point anyways yeah that was trolls too just get in the bin crude the new age was surprisingly a great movie this movie was definitely slower paced than the first and had the less action but it makes up for it with funny characters and just overall a funny premise so crudes a new age starts after the events of crudes 1 with eep's family trying to find a place to settle down until caveman dad grug discovers a wall leading them to a Rich Paradise like Oasis right here all your needs will be met hungry a minute however they learned that the land is already owned by a couple called The betterman Who apparently know guy as they were best friends with guy's parents before they uh got unived there's also the betterman's daughter named Don who the beans's actively try to set guy up with so half the movie is pretty much the crudes living in an advanc oasis with a beans actively trying to Gaslight Gro into giving them guy and leaving forever which I thought was arious the first 30 minutes of this movie is basically just a sitcom I mean to be fair with the betterman you got to do what you got to do gas light gatekeep drug so in retaliation Gro decides to eat all the bananas around the island which were apparently off limits as they were key to the survival of the betterments and keeping an angry hord of punch monkeys out of the island and now with no bananas the punch monkeys get pissed and kidnapped grug guy and betterman and through an elaborate backstory we find out that the monkeys were using the bananas to feed a giant monster monkey and then Eve along with the rest of the pack save guy and grug and defeat the giant monkeys the end honestly this movie was such a surprise to me I was actually having the best time of my life watching the crudes of all movies also the environments are pretty cool definitely an improvement to the first be [Music] here spirit unamed is a trash forgettable movie I literally never even heard of this movie before making this video and I think there's a good reason why there's not even a proper reason as to why anybody should watch this movie I mean if you turn this movie on for a bunch of kids it probably all get bored anyway look I have no idea what this movie even was who asked for this I do not care what happens to this girl or this guy or anybody in this movie the part of the movie is very simple girl likes horse girl freeze horse girl owns horse the end yeah that's literally it I mean besides the main bad guy who was this Cowboy guy who I actually kind of rooted for that's all this movie had to offer you guys remember how the first Spirit movie was about riding free and being independent this movie literally has Spirit from that movie and I guess he's just the pet of some random girl now even though the movie is literally called Spirit Untamed breed niggaer but also I mean this was sort of expected coming from a Netflix movie adaptation I mean just look at the animation in itself F tier absolute garbage movie never watch it the boss baby 2 is kind of a pointless movie in my opinion I mean even after you watching Boss baby 1 you could tell that dream rks were opting for this to be a standalone film but hey Money Changes people boss baby 2 takes place about 30 years or so into the future we got the adult boss baby and adult Tim and now you're probably thinking why the hell is this called boss baby to if the boss baby is the boss adult well simple they literally just deage them through some magical milk I mean did you seriously think dreamers were going to let one of the most profitable characters go like that so the rest of this movie follows as Tim goes to school with his daughter to uncover the truth behind the school's principal which turns out to be a baby somehow and his entire plan was just to hypnotize all the parents to become zombies making a baby Revolution well that's a stupid plan so then the principal baby gets defeated and we get a happy ending yeah this movie was complete garbage not only is the main plot so generic and tedious but the main villain baby was such a character that I swear to God I almost popped the vessel watching this movie in conclusion even if you somehow like the first boss baby just don't watch this e tier thank God for the bad guys this movie is such a great breath of fresh air I cannot even begin to describe how pumped I was to rewatch this movie after sitting through boss baby 2 this movie is just overall great the art style the animation even the music all just ties together so well anyway so this movie is about this group of notorious bank robbers called the bad guys we try and do a final robbery to cement their legacy but then fail it there's also this hamster guy who supposed to be like a goody two shoes philanthropist like Mr Beast but then as it turns out he's to twist villain and frame the bad guys which get them arrested and then they get saved by the Crimson paw a character definitely created without any malicious intention the wolf guy and snake guy have a falling out together and then the hamster teams up with a snake guy and the snake guy betrays the hamster and then the hamster and the bad guys both get arrested and the end all in all this movie was actually really good sure the story was kind of predictable and not really that enticing especially with the twist villain which I actually predicted from a mile away and the characters weren't really all that fleshed out especially the side characters which didn't really have enough screen time in my opinion but that doesn't really matter to me because this movie was still a fun time good movie a tier who is your favorite Fearless hero buckle up boys this is going to be a very long review for some reason I had never thought about watching Puss and Boots 2 until I was doing research for this video I actually had a chance to watch this movie but I decided to watch Black Panther 2 instead and my God now I completely see why everyone hated me at the end of my 2022 video Puss and Boots is everything I could have wanted plus more from a puss and boot movie the movie starts with Puss and Boots partying and fighting this wooden giant creature animated and glorious 12 FPS of course I find it amazing that you could tell that whenever the FPS in this movie drops you're about to see the most beautiful animation ever conceived because even though this movie took notes from spider versus animation style it still PS it off so incredibly well every single fight scene feels more alive than ever despite there being lesser frames for a smooth brain to perceive and honestly that's fine because you don't need 400 FPS 4K twixer clips for smooth animation in the first place I honestly adore this art style so much and I see so much potential with it in the future Kung Fu Panda 4 back to the plot pussing boots gets crushed by a giant Bell and wakes up to find out that he's on his last life and then it cuts to this Montage of puss doing some uh questionable activ so then plus drinks at this bar and uh what the hell was that sound Str well that was horrifying without a doubt death is now probably my favorite DreamWorks villain of all time and it's a literally no contest the fact that death was such a horror oriented villain makes him work so well this man is literally just a DreamWorks version of Pennywise every scene with this goddamn wolf in the movie had me replaying it 10 times just because of how good his character is so then puss finds out out about the Wishing Star which is a magical star capable of granting One Wish puss then realizes that he could use the Wishing Star to get his nine lives back so then he attempts to steal the map to the Wishing Star from this guy called Big Jack Corner although big is kind of an understatement for the absolute size of this lad P also meets kitty soft on his way out yeah remember kitty soft from the first movie I'm sure you don't they then team up along with this emotional support puppy to go through this magical portal Dimension but then puss and kitty get stopped by goldilock and Jack corner so then they have this epic fight and uhoh puss and eventually reaches the Wishing Star but then gets challenged by death in a Duo to which puss fully accepts his fate and starts fighting this is the moment death pretty much realizes that puss now values life so he decides to just beare puss puss then destroys the Wishing Star Jack Corner pulls a terminator and dies and then they sail off into Far Far Away wait Far Far Away Shu five confirmed so yeah that was Puss and Boots too unexpectedly one of the greatest animated movies I've ever seen in my entire life the animation is smoth and expressive the characters were all likable and had development throughout the movie aside from Jack Corner who was just kind of an to everyone and didn't change it all I still find it funny how this guy literally just brutally kills off his own henchman for fun people die in this movie and it is hilarious anyways I feel like I've been talking about this movie for way too long now so I'm going to move on although my review probably still does not do this movie justice so just go watch it I declare this movie delicious s tier and finally to end off probably my longest video ever going to post on this channel Ruby Gilman teenage Kraken Jesus Christ that is a very long title apparently this movie did pretty poorly for DreamWork seeing us it literally broke a record for being the least performing in the box office and looking at the movie theater when I walked in to watch this movie yeah I could tell something went very wrong so the plot of this movie is about this teenage Kraken Ruby Gilman trying to fit into a high school she tries to ask out this boy to prom but then it goes horribly wrong and as it turns out if she falls into the ocean she turns into a giant Kraken yeah this is basically just Luca X turn turning red in the second half we learned that mermaids and Krakens were apparently at War which caused the Kraken mom and Kraken Grandma's relationship to fall apart but that doesn't stop Ruby from refighting this mermaid girl which turns out to be a Twist villain surprise surprise Ruby and her cracken Mom and Grandma then just start beating up the mermaid girl Ruby goes to prom and the mom and the grandma apologize to each other because even time can heal a broken relationship but not this movie's performance at the box office honestly this one was also a big disappointment in my opinion the first few minutes were pretty good I really dig this cool aesthetic they had going on with a city in high school but then the second half where they do all this random mermaid stuff just kind of bored me to death also the mermaid twist villain was kind of awful and didn't even posst as a really big threat in the end I will admit that this movie isn't that bad it's just not that good either I guess my expectations were just too high after watching Puss and Boots too DreamWorks you were doing so well man just why be here overall DreamWorks is a great Animation studio and there's no denying that and after over 100 painful hour hours of watching nothing but DreamWorks movies here's my final ranking in order of best to worst we have Shrek 2 a Timeless Masterpiece in one of the best DreamWorks movies ever made mega mind an unironically good movie which actually teaches a valuable life lesson Shrek probably the funniest dream Bricks movie ever made pen boots The Last Wish a movie with a surprisingly great plot and probably the best villain The Prince of Egypt an actual work of art and movie form Madagascar another classic dream WIS movie Wallace and grommet the curse of the we rabbit probably the best Wallace and grommet movie out there Madagascar escaped to Africa a well- made sequel to the first Madagascar how to tra Dragon the Hidden World a great ending to a great Trilogy Kung Fu Panda another Timeless classic How to Train Your Dragon 2 an amazing sequel with a pretty cool villain Over the Hedge surprisingly an amazing and hilarious fever dreamish like movie Captain underpan the first Epic Movie one of the greatest movie adaptations of all time of all time Kung Fu Panda 3 a pretty well- wred movie All Around The Road to El Dorado great classic that still holds up today the bad guys a movie with a simple yet interesting plot and also a cool art style How to Train Your Dragon one of the more serious dreamer's movies but it's still pretty good Kung Fu Panda 2 a great movie with a villain that is literally Hitler Madagascar 3 Europe's Most Wanted a mostly mediocre movie aside from the amazing opening scene Shrek Forever After pretty much just Shrek but what if Flushed Away probably the most British DreamWorks movie Mr Peabody and Sherman a pretty great movie about history and time travel chicken run a genuinely great stop motion Movie with an enthralling storyline Penguins of Madagascar for a Madagascar spin-off it's pretty all right Ruby Gilman teenage Kraken mediocre movie but pretty cool environments the crude is a new age ironically an amazing sequel the crudes one Puss and Boots mediocre Shrek spin-off movie The crudes an allright movie about funny cavemen spirit stallion of the simmeron for how low my expectations were for this movie it was pretty good Rise of the Guardians great movie just not my type Shrek the Third probably the weakest Shrek movie abominable the movie with probably the worst twist villain I've ever seen boss baby a movie I actually enjoyed for all of the wrong reasons sharktail an ironically good movie because of how bad it is ants a mediocre movie probably on the same level on a bugs life Sinbad the legend of the Seven Seas it's an okay movie for the most part but the ending is garbage be movie this is literally a post and movie form turbo Just Watch Ratatouille home I mean you can tell they tried Monsters versus Aliens a boring movie with not really anything too special the boss baby family business a movie I hated for all the right reasons trolls a movie that feels like it was made by illumination Spirit Untamed a bad movie in literally every possible way trolls World Tour once again get in the bin in conclusion DreamWorks is probably one of the most based Animation Studios out there although some of their movies were kind of bad compared to Pixar they're still one of the most creative studios in my opinion with their movies ranging from 2D animation to 3D animation to stop motion animation and now with the most recent changes with their new art style and Puss and Boots too in the bad guys it's amazing to see how far DreamWorks has come sure there might have been a few Forks in the road and massive lves for DreamWorks in the past but it's still safe to say that just by watching these movies it's very clear that the people behind them have passion for what they're doing and genuinely just want to make a good movie DreamWorks might be the underdog when compared to Pixar in terms of quality and Illumination in terms of the box office and some of their movies might have been a little Hit or Miss but my god when their movies hit they hit hard and even though their most recent movie has been quite the Flop I'm sure we can all look past it and look into to the bright future of what might just be the next animation Renaissance oh I'm sure their next release is going to be amazing already trolls 3 [Music] oh
Channel: Chaze
Views: 2,059,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chaze, Dreamworks, Ranking Dreamworks, disney, illumination, pixar, dreamworks villains, tier list, memes, movies, shrek, megamind, puss in boots, kung fu panda, madagascar, how to train your dragon, ranking tier list, diary of a wimpy kid, ranking every dreamworks movie, ranking every pixar movie
Id: f0neibMUoUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 48sec (3648 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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