SML Movie- The Bird! 2023-Full Episode

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Joseph look at my fortnite pickaxe it's a dinosaur dude I love these fortnite toys they're so awesome I know not so fast you better watch out I got a bazooka oh no dude he has a bazooka get him Joseph oh I'm going to give him all this smoke you really think that's going to stop me Joseph he's going to hit us with the Bazooka dude throw the plunger [Music] ow way to go Harry you lost our rocket up in the attic yeah Harry would have ruin everything Harry yeah Harry yeah hary yeah re yeah e go guys calm down we can just go up in the attic and get it but it's so hot up there yeah dude it's so high up it's not like we have wings and just can fly up there and get it Joseph you do have wings oh yeah dude sometimes I forget you know they're behind me so I don't see them all the time well can you fly me up there and get it yeah yeah dude come on oh man Joseph it's so hot in here I know dude let's just hurry up but where's the rocket at oh I don't know oh man look at all this old stuff well look at that old game console dude it looks like it's from the 1700s you think George Washington played on it he definitely played on that yeah totally oh look at this old iPhone dude it still has a button who uses button anymore dinosaurs right look at this old plaque 100,000 subscribers that was forever ago oh man totally oh dude look at that camera it's so old we should totally go downstairs and take some pictures with it oh yeah if it even works right let's go did you guys find the rocket did you guys find the rocket that's what you sound like Harry yeah Harry I don't understand why you guys always have to make fun of me because you're Cody's replacement and we always make fun of Cody yeah Cody Harry uh shuck it Harry yeah but no we didn't find the rocket but we found this really old camera oh look it's a Polaroids camera so it takes really cold photos what you said it's a polar bear camera camera no a Polaroid camera it prints the picture out the front it prints the picture out yep then how do I post the picture on Instagram you can't what about Facebook you don't how do I make a Tik Tok with it yeah it's not a video camera it's a regular camera then how do I use it well you just take a picture and it prints it out the front here take a picture of me take a picture of you you're really ugly it's going to break the camera all right here we go all right let's see how the photo came out Harry Harry where'd you go dude he disappeared where' he disappear to I don't know dude check the photo you already know though you only live once that's the Mel ninja yellow about okay I'm going check the photo Joseph look Harry's in the picture but he's not here in real life oh dude what if he got stuck in the photo you already know though you only live once that's the ninja yellow everybody okay she like Joseph how do we get out of the picture I don't know dche try shaking it okay I'll try shaking it come on Harry I'm trying to get you out come on Harry Joseph hit it from behind that's what she said hit come on Harry come out I'm going try put it back in the camera okay dude I hate vending machines me too never accepts my dollar okay what what else can we do he's not coming out I don't know dude oh oh try taking a picture of the picture Joseph you're a genius yeah I know that's what I do to grow Snapchats when they send me pictures me too all right try take a picture of it all right let's hope this works all right Harry dude the picture disappeared oh no it disappeared oh no Joseph that means the picture inside a picture okay let's see dude it's blurry you idiot Joseph I'm sorry I was nervous and shaking and and I'm scared cuz the camera you know traps people so I don't know what to do well how are we going to help Harry now I don't know we have to ask someone really smart like shef peipi dude shef peipi is dumber than the rock he's not dumb dude he's 30 he still cooks for your dad and he hasn't gone to college I don't think he's the smartest person well yeah but the smartest person we know is trapped inside a picture inside a picture but but we have to ask Chef peipi he's our only hope come on let's go okay dude Chef peipi shf peipi oh dude where did he go I don't know Chef peipi maybe he's in his room but the food is still cooking he always leaves the food alone he wants it to get as burned as possible oh yeah that does sound like Chef peee all right let's go find her shf peipi shf peipi oh dude where is he I don't know maybe he's on a date him well I mean you're right shef's ugly oh man oh my name is Chef Bei but after that bathroom rig they should call me chef crap in the toilet and don't know how to flush afterwards oh I wonder if the food's ready no it's not burned yet oh oh man what is this is it a camera oh a Polaroid camera I haven't seen one of these in 20 years you know what I'mma to take a selfie look sexy cheese chef peee chef peee ooh chefy's food's ready it's nice and burnt oh dude there's a picture coming out of the camera oh no a picture coming out of the camera that means someone used it who was it shf baby oh no that means he's trapped in the photo dude I told you he wasn't as smartest he must have came back saw the camera and taken a selfie with it oh what are we going to do now oh have you seen Blues Clues oh yeah dude what if we blue scude into the into the photo oh try it that's genius try it Blue SC do we can't too oh you're not SC doing try it one more time Blue's get do we get do oh no it must only work if you have a blue dog or if your named Steve or Joe nobody lik Joe nobody lik Joe okay we have to take this photo to a professional because I didn't really care about Harry yeah me either dude but I care so much about chip and I want to save him so come on let's go all right dude dude who are you calling I'm calling the Polaroid tax support cuz they made the camera so they know how to fix it oh that's smart oh it's ringing hello thank you for calling the Polaroid tech support this call will be recorded for quality control purposes my name is Camille Habib Bob C as in camel Habib habob as in corn on the cob and what can I do for you on this beautiful evening for your pooid camera well hello Camille I found Camille is in what c as in camel Habib habab as in corn on the cob and what can I do for you on this beautiful evening for your Polaroid camera well I found this camera in my attic and when I take pictures of my friends they get stuck in the photos well that's how cameras work it's a picture well no no no no no like I mean like my friends are stuck in the pictures they're not moving yes that would be a picture it's not a video that is not a video camera well no no no no like like when I took a picture of my friends they disappeared and now they're stuck inside the photo oh I see I apologize for the inconvenience have you tried turning it off and turning it back on no well try that for me all right let me know how that works no they're still stuck in it didn't work okay have you tried blowing on it sometimes dust gets stuck in the tip no I have not blowed on it yeah NE as my wife uh how did that work it didn't work ooh did you purchase the extended warranty well no I didn't purchase the camera at all I found it my oh I'm going to stop you right there sir we cannot help you with stolen Polaroid products so I'm going to have to let you go have a good day it's not stolling though I said have a good day I'm hanging up now but it's not stolen Joseph he hung up just kidding I didn't hang up I'm still here okay well I didn't steal it I found it but but but for real I'm going to hang up now okay bye-bye he hung up Joseph he thought the camera was stolen so how are we going to get them out of the photos dude I just thought of something what if they're not actually stuck in the pictures but they're stuck in the camera Joseph you're a genius I see I've been thinking I've been thinking a lot okay so we have to break open the camera and see if they're stuck in there yeah let's do it dude she we're going to get you out all right Joseph we're going to act like this camera owes us money okay dude no problem all right pay up right now you thought we were going to forget huh you thought we were going to forget but I won my $500 and I want it now yeah it's going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you hey hey Junior he has a family dude he has a family I don't care yeah dude I think it's broken yeah they're they're not in there yeah I don't see them in there dude oh then where could they be I don't know they're probably still trapped in the photo my phone's ringing hold on uh hello hello this is Camille khabib habob Camille is in camel Habib habab has in corn on the cob and I'm calling to tell you that we found a solution to your camera problem well you you found a solution to it what is is it well on the back of the camera there's actually a switch if you flip the switch you can insert the photo and then your friends will become unstuck from the photo uh well I just broke the camera oh did you have the extended warranty no oh well then it'll take 68 weeks in order for us to fix it for you 6 to 8 weeks no 68 weeks and six easy payments of $1,200 well I can't wait that long I don't have that much money oh well D too bad so sad have a good day bye Joseph there was a way to fix them but we broke the camera oh dude I'm tired I'm going go home and play some Luigi's Mansion what say that again what I'm tired no no no the other part what I'm going go home yeah you don't have a home well thanks for pointing it out dude what the other part after that uh oh oh play Luigi's Mansion that Joseph in the game Luigi's Mansion Mario is stuck in a picture and Luigi puts him in a washing machine and it gets up unstuck from the photo okay so all you to do is put the photos in the washing machine and we're going to save chipi wait you think that'll work yeah let's try it okay dude all right Joseph throw the photos in there and we'll get shf peipi and Harry back okay dude all right yeah where was I shf baby you're back get off of me where was I you were trapped inside a photo you already know though you only live once that's the YOLO we about it every day every day every day where's Harry oh so he was a photo trapped inside a photo so when we washed him he came back as the photo well that's okay all right Jeffy it's time for you to do your chores Jeffy go do your chores you have to take out the trash and do the dishes Jeffy what are you doing you've reached the voicemail of Jeffy please leave a message after the Jeffy it's time for you to do your chor so go do your chores right now for English press one for Spanish press two Jeffy I'm not playing this game you chose Spanish no I chose English stop speaking Spanish Jeffy okay fine I'll go do my chore who's at the door uh hello hey fat booy scooter needs some money scooter needs some money yeah scooter going to buy a new scooter all right well good luck with that but Hey fat boy I need some money well then go work for your money well for $20 I'll eat your grass you'll eat my grass yeah and for $21 I'll take the gr away you'll take the gr away yeah and grass okay well look I don't need you to eat my grass that thing back there eats my grass that thing at your grass yes I it yeah yeah well look how about you just go get a different job and go get go make some money but where am I supposed to work go be a rapper like in the North Pole yeah yeah go go go rap presents at the North Pole yeah with Santa Claus okay Jeffy did you do your chores uh nope uh go do them uh I don't have to uh you do have to uh not uh yeah uhhuh uh yeah no uhuh uh D just go do it Daddy I came to the conclusion after thinking for a while now you can't tell me what to do well yes I can tell you what to do why because I'm your dad why because I adopted you why I ask myself that question every day why did I adopt you Hey fat boy thank God make good her than enough how'd you get in my house but he wasn't hiring can I have some money no you can't have any money but I'll pay you back how are you going to pay me back if you don't have money I'll eat your grass for $20 I don't need you to eat my grass but you can take the G no no no no no taking away the letters just leave please but what am I supposed to do go go be a rapper like on the candy no like Go sing a song sco another song sing it Mary had a little lamp little lamp little lamp Mary had a little lamp I don't know the rest of this song oh okay that was was good now go to Hollywood and sing it okay yeah that's how you'll make your money no it's fire Daddy all right Jeffy go do your chores I don't want to do it come ow okay come on Jeffy you got to do dishes ow ow ow ow ow Jeffy you have to do the dishes and take out the trash all right daddy well why don't you go ahead and chit in the trash can cuz you're trash Jeffy face do the dishes Jeffy all right Daddy just make them go away and just I don't want to see him in the sink when I get back can do daddy well this old plate went to the market and this little piggy had roof beef and this little plate went wee we we all the way home and this little plate just hit the floor really hard and this little plate screw it hey Daddy I'm done with my chores Jeffy there's no way you're done with your chores already yes there is cuz I'm just that MF and good what's up my pets scooter my name ain't scooter no more it's SC UD SC UD yep and you can put that in your poter what what you became a rapper now sure did and I made some money you made some money see you made $100 and that ain't even from rapping that's from eating grass eating grass y see how much it did I definitely took away the gr well did you make a song I sure did it's on YouTube I'm going grab my phone so we can watch it all right I got my phone one thing I got my phone let's watch Scooter's music video yo yo yo Here Comes scooter don't worry I'm on my way Hey fat boy you want to fight yeah you want to fight okay you want to fight what Hey fat boy you want to fight all right you want to fight let's fight you want to fight good night Hey fat boy you want to fight come out you want to fight let's go you want to fight you're fat Hey fat boy my name is scooter it is look at my shirt look at it it's a scooter it does I ride my scooter I do down the Street look my face I can't be beat first place so take a seat sit down I go to Walmart in my shopping cart buy I hold in my fart eat my pop yummy I'll don't make you cry punch you in the eye on your face and give you pink eye Hey fat boy you want to fight yeah you want to fight okay you want to fight what Hey fat boy you want to fight all right you want to fight let's fight you want to fight tonight Hey fat boy you want to fight come you want to fight let's go you want a fight yes sir man oh man was that a hot beat it's getting hot here the two guys are taking CL up that was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen But the women like it they sh their poop makers in my face P you Danny that song was straight fire well he'll never make any money from it but I made $10,000 already you already made $10,000 yeah I put in my 401k I get an 8% return a year annually 365 days I'll Be A Millionaire by time I 65 y all Fu time for skater hold on let me enter the door uh hello hey Mario guess what day it is oh no what it's your time of the month I hate my time of the month yeah women say that all the time but it's giv me your house payment day well I don't have my house payment this month wait is that a light bulb yeah because I thought it would be a bright idea for you to pay your house payment well I don't have it this month I was afraid you were going to say that so I did this is that supposed to be me yeah I drew you on a light bulb and if you don't pay your house payment this is going to be you so pay your house payment by the end of the night or that's going to be you Mario have a good night oh okay oh man I got to pay Goodman by tonight where am I going to get the money scooter That's Not My Name U Hey fat boy you want to fight no scooter I was wondering if this is going to sound so weird I was wondering if I can borrow some money well well well look where the cat do again I know I know you asked me for money and I said no and now I'm asking you for money well well well looks like the shoes are on my feet no you mean the shoes on the other foot no look I got shoes on both my feet and if the shoe fits I will okay look I just want to borrow some money to pay my house payment I promise I'll pay you back well well well have the T have turn look I know I know you asked me for money and now I'm asking you for money but I promise I'll pay you back well well well doesn't that that familiar yeah I know cuz you said you'd pay me back and now I'm saying I'll pay you back look I just really need to borrow some money well well well there I know cuz I'm saying exactly what you said and I didn't let you borrow money and now you're saying that to me well well well you sound like a broken record I know cuz I'm begging for money and look all I want to do is borrow some money please well well well you're barking up the wrong tree look can I borrow some money or not well well well you got a taste of your own medicine I did I got a taste of my own medicine so can I please borrow some money I promise I'll pay you back well well well you don't know which way the wind's blowing what well well well the grass ain't greener on the other side no okay you know what you can just leave look I'm not going to borrow money just leave well well well how am I going to get the money now well Danny I could give you the money you have the money Jeffy sure I do Danny I got all them merch shells B Jeffy you really give me the money for my house payment sure Danny but I want you to rap it ask me for your money raping ask you for it Jeffy I Can't Rap sure you can daddy drop that sick beat yo yo yo it's me Mario about to ask Jeffy a question hey Jeffy War can I borrow some money no can I borrow some money no can I borrow some money no hey Jeffy what can I borrow some money no can I borrow some money no can I borrow some money no please Jeffy can I bore some money no I just need some money no can I have some money no how was that um I'll give you 5050 bucks for that Sean daddy oh 50 bucks I mean I mean I need more than this but I mean it's a good start Jeffy how can I get more of the money um well if you do whatever I say for the rest of the well wait hold on how much longer does this video need to be like 2 more minutes so if you do whatever I say for the next 2 minutes now I'll give you a rest of the money Daddy okay okay what do you want um give me a horn a horn yeah okay all right all right Jeffy I got you your horn Daddy not that type of horn actually wait a minute let me see it je stop doing that je stop it what kind of horn do you want Jeffy a unicorn horn how am I supposed to get a unicorn horn well go find a unicorn and take his horn all right Jeffy I found your unicorn horn are you happy now Jeffy talk to me are you happy with your horn Jeffy are you happy with your horn or not Jeffy can I get the money now actually D I want a squishy snake now where do I get a squishy snake at Jeffy all I know I'll go try to find you one all right Jeffy I got your squishy snake oh thanks Dad stop trying to hit me with it stop it Jeffy ow stop it Jeffy stop can I have the money now Jeffy all Danny there's one more thing I need you to do wait what follow me ow all right daddy the only thing I need you to do now is clean up the mess I made for when I wash the dishes what what mess did you make JY why' you do that Jimmy how' you even do that get the sweeping daddy J I'm not going to clean up your mess oh well then you don't want the money D well I I I do need the money but you can't tell me what to do all right well then get the sweeping if you want the money Daddy I finally cleaned up your mess Jeffy all right Daddy and here's the rest of the money I have the money to pay my house payment now yep just don't ever make me do chores ever again oh don't worry I'm not going to ask you to do chores cuz you don't know how to do them right you just make a big mess yep so what do we do now drop that shake beat so guys are you ready to watch TV oh yeah dude wait have you guys seen the remote no I don't see it dude Cody have you seen the remote no are you sitting on the remote again Cody yeah get it out okay can you give me a tug oh it's really in there yeah it is okay it's stuck in there hey Joseph can you help me no dude I'm not touching that Joseph I need your help help me pull it out [Music] okay Cody stop sitting on the remote sorry no now turn on the TV I don't want to touch that okay you're watching most dangerous wipeouts oh this guy thinks he's doing a trick oh no kids for you all right right this guy's doing a little bicycle ride and oh get wrecked loser oh what's this what's this little bicycle race okay everybody jump over the barriers oh but not this guy he thinks he's real cool oh what does the dirt taste like wao are you guys thinking what I'm thinking yeah give me that remote put it nice and up Cody stop trying to sit on the remote okay I was thinking that we can record us doing something dangerous and then we can send it in so we can be on TV like said on the remote no that sounds awesome but what will we record uh we can record as grabbing a pair scissors and cutting our uvulas off oh Shake no no that would hurt we don't need our uvulas yeah I don't need mine yeah just look at it's just sitting there hanging W to be cut out no we need those we can't cut those off okay fine Cody we'll do something safer oh I know let's grab a hammer and try to bash our fingers with it o awesome no that's not cool that would just be painful little bitty baby Cody doesn't want to do anything dangerous so how about we do something really safe like ooh Joseph you could ride a bicycle off my roof now that sounds awesome yeah dude I can totally pop a Willie yeah yeah okay okay so so so Cody you grabb the cam I got the cam I'm going to get a bike dude oh yeah you get the bike oh dude I'm so ready oh yeah it's going to be awesome hey Cody are you recording oh yeah I'm recording he's going to get some Wicked air yeah it's going to be awesome now dude are you sure I'm not going to get hurt you're not going to get hurt Joseph it's going to be awesome okay on the count of three you're going to go right 3 2 1 go sick oh dude that looked awesome Joseph Cody did you get it oh it looked boss Junior oh show it to me all right Joseph shut up I'm trying to watch the video I think Joseph's hurt Junior Joseph's not hurt I think you should call a doctor okay I'll call a doctor after you show me the video okay okay so you friend here broke every bone in his body what oh no yeah see I voice both characters so this is what you're going to get anyway like I said your friend here broke every bone in his body well what's that mean well it means he broke both his arms both his legs his ribs are destroyed and his spine is snapped in half that's so rad yeah you know what's even more rad he doesn't have health insurance because apparently he's been living alone because he doesn't have parents and that means I can't treat him and that means he's probably going to die well how much are his medical bills about $50,000 well it was nice knowing you Joseph Junior we have to help him all right this is not going to work switch Junior we have to help him see that's a lot better but Cody we cannot pay his medical bills they $50,000 well we have to do something Junior it's our fault he went off the roof in the first place I guess you're right but how are we going to get $50,000 I don't know but we have to help him somehow it's our responsibility so H who's going to pay his medical bills Brooklyn th guy wants to know e all right no y'll switch okay so who's going to cover his medical bills me and my friend Cody are going to try to raise the money you just have to give us some time okay but you only have 24 hours D all right come on Cody let's go try to raise the money okay hey Chef peee what do you want junior I'm trying to cook can we borrow $50,000 $50,000 Junior I've been working for your dad for 10 years and I haven't been paid $20 what makes you think I have $50,000 well Joseph broke every bone in his body and he doesn't have medical insurance I don't have medical insurance and I'm perfectly fine well Joseph has $50,000 in medical bills and if we don't pay it in 24 hours he's going to die is this the part where I get sad or something well it's also kind of our fault because we made him go off the roof on a bicycle yeah it was rad God that does sound rad well how are you going to raise the money Junior I don't know that's why we came to you for the money look if I knew how to raise that money I would be doing it right now oh we could try washing cars no yeah they don't want you touching their cars with your Dirty Fingers look they have machines that do that oh oh I know we can have a big sale where we sell cookies for the money yeah yeah and SHP you can make the cookies oh yeah cuz I'm not doing anything I can totally cook for you right now yeah you're not doing anything okay okay so all we have to do is make like 10 cookies Junior we'd have to sell a lot more than 10 cookies yeah you have to say sell like a truckload like a shitload like like just stop me at any time um no we can just sell 10 cookies for $5,000 a piece junor no one's going to pay $5,000 for a cookie Bill gateswood we're not selling to Bill Gates Warren Buffett no Jeff Bezos okay he's too busy going to space okay fine we'll lower the price but uh Chef are you going to make the cookies what do I get out of it Junior um we'll give you half of everything we make that's a deal D on it I'll get the make why would you do that Junior he's got to make the cookies now no now we have to raise $100,000 no we don't we have to raise 50 Junior you just told Chef Pee we would give him half of anything we make if we only raise $50,000 then he only gets 25 and we only get 25,000 and that's not enough to pay off Joseph's medical bills Joseph's medical bills are only 50 so we only have to raise 50 but no Junior we have to raise 100,000 because we have to be able to afford to pay ship P you don't know what you're talking about Cody just just make the [Music] cookies [Music] all right the first batch is done oh these cookies look amazing I know I know I'm going to try one no Junior we have to sell those well I have to make sure they taste good we're not going to sell any if you eat them all I have to make sure they don't taste like butt why would they taste like butt I cook them myself well what if you like farted them or peeing them why would I pee in them I cook them myself well look I'm going to try one okay I think we should all try one well okay well I'll try one each no I'm saying we all Tred the same cookie I'm not going to eat after you Cody you eat butt well that may be true but we shouldn't waste a cookie I'm still going to try one while you two argue I'm going to put this back in the oven oh can I put it in no I can put it in my by myself I want to put it in no no don't you don't you I want to put why would you close it get him out of there cuz I'm trying to bake the cookie just open it up and get him out oh I can't open it oh help me shf up uhoh oh no all right your friend Chef P here has third degree burns all over his body except for right between his eyes and he doesn't have health insurance either so his medical bills are going to be another $50,000 yeah Junior this is all your fault uh switch Junior this is all your fault how is it my fault if you hadn't pushed Chef peipi into an oven we wouldn't have this problem well maybe Chef peee should have let me put the cookies in the oven Junior now we owe $150,000 L everything going to be okay look you can bake the cookies and I'll sell them all right fine I guess so uh am I going to get my monies or not why does he sound like that look the voice actor can't play both characters look just come on all right Junior you sell those cookies while I make these do you even know how to make cookies Cody well it doesn't seem that complicated I could probably figure it out all right Chef Cody oo I like that I like the sound of that all right I'm going to sell all these cookies and make a bunch of money yeah you better you better make $150,000 e Roy yeah whatever uh hey Roy ew why are you talking to me loser well I was just wondering if you wanted to buy some cookies buy cookies I don't buy anything things are just given to me you know one time I went to a Super Bowl and I didn't have to pay for anything I know then why would I buy your stupid cookies well I'm just trying to raise some money and I want to know if you wanted to buy some no no no no no I'll tell you what I'm going to take these cookies these are mine now well you have to pay for those no Roy doesn't pay for anything you're right wow these cookies look pretty good hey Cody oh hey Junior you sell any cookies I actually sold the whole batch really that's amazing who bought all those cookies uh Roy so you didn't get any money because Roy doesn't pay for anything unless a girl bought him for him did that happen no what so why would you even sell to Roy in the first place Junior you know he doesn't pay for anything but he has a Rolex so I thought he had money yeah I know Junior that's what the Rolex is for so you think he has money but he doesn't that's why he has three baby mamas okay look I'll be more careful next time Cody I'll only sell to people who have money well good cuz we can't afford to keep losing cookies wa what's wrong with these cookies what do you mean there's nothing wrong with them what's all the stuff on top of them what do you mean sprinkles yeah why I had to gay it up a little bit we're supposed to making chocolate chip people like sprinkles no they don't it's like toothpaste and orange juice what are you talking about that has nothing to do with this you know what I think about these cookies what Junior you idiot what are you doing we needed those cookies you know that's what I think about your dumb stupid cookie you nerd are you okay Junior where are my glasses oh no they're broken on the ground over there but Junior you broke my glasses I need those glasses to see I'm over here what I'm over here what Junior I don't know what to do now I can't see you destroyed one batch of cookies you gave another batch of cookies away and I don't know what to do now we're still $150,000 in the red okay look look I'll bake the cookies and you can sell them well I can't sell them because I can't see you can see but I can't Junior don't tell me what I can and canot see oh okay look look I'll bake the cookies I've watched Che bake cookies for years so I know how to bake cookies you can like try to sell them all right look we can make this work are you sure you know how to make cookies look you can come watch me come try to watch me make cookies I can't watch anything cuz I can't see then then then come supervise me or listen I don't know how I'm fine all right Cody are you ready to watch me make the best cookies ever Junior make the cookies good I'm over here o over here that's good enough Junior just please make them right I know how to make cookies Cody I've been making cookies for years I'm the cookie master I can make cookies in my sleep just shut up and do it okay um the first ingredient I need is uh I need an egg okay yeah I guess that makes sense sure and uh I'm going to just like that Junior what what was that that that was me in the egg for the yolk for the the cookies okay yeah I'm I need another another egg okay I'm just going to like that okay two eggs yeah I'm do I'm doing that and I think I need I think I need another one I don't know that that seems like kind of a lot of eggs yeah that's what I'm doing what no no no I don't think you're supposed to do junior junior junior you're not just throwing eggs at the pan are you no good cuz that would be the stupidest thing you could possibly be doing really yeah well that's that's that's that that's that's not what I'm doing well good cuz that would be really dumb all right so um I think I'm almost done really are you are you sure cuz it seems like you just put eggs in it so far oh you think I should add something else yeah probably hold on I think I know what I need uh where is it where is it uh all right I got it Junior what is that squirting noise your mom no I'm serious Junior what is that it's uh the chocolate syrup why why I'm making the chocolate chips people don't usually make their own own chocolate chips well I do I'm I'm the king of chocolate chips I know I make the best homemade chocolate chips I you're using the entire bottle I guess I know I really like chocolate chips smells like tomatoes oh it's it's tomato based that's okay chocolate chip I mean if you say so it's ready to go in the oven what really that seems kind of fast yeah all right Cody the cookies are done Junior why do they smell like throw up hey I didn't insult your cookies no you just threw them on the floor oh yeah well my cookies are cool they're red Junior why are the cookies red because I added a secret ingredient Junior what's in these cookies I'm not going to tell you I don't need to steal my recipe just just try them Junior I'm not going to taste any red cookies unless I know what's in them look trust me they're really good they're edible oh yeah they're edible that's very reassuring let's Jun what the hell is that it's ketchup ketchup Junior why would you put ketchup in the cookies because I want them to be red and have like Pizzazz why do they taste so much like egg and and why are they crunchy that might be the eggshells eggshells Junior why the hell Junior how am I going to sell eggshell and ketchup cookies oh you can just tell people that none of the competition can catch up and the competition is walking on [Music] eggshells okay that's actually pretty good I might be able to work with that okay look I'll try to sell these cookies you just make some more but please Junior just follow the instructions no more ketchup cookies okay no more ketchup cookies I'm going to go try to find find some help okay excuse me sir or Madam I'm selling cookies to help my two friends who were horribly injured earlier today we need to raise a total of $150,000 and so far we haven't raised any yet so if you could just please buy some cookies that would be a very big help thank you Cody who are you talking to I'm talking to this nice gentleman in front of me and I'm pretty sure he's going to buy that's a lamp Cody it's a it's a l damn it Junior I can't do this I can't see you can't cooking I don't know what we're going to do oh Cody Cody calm down I have eight batches of chocolate chip cookies ready to sell right now really eight batches eight batches no ketchup no ketchup they're perfectly fine well I got to see this yeah come on all right Cody don't worry all our problems are solved that would be really good Junior all right look I went to the store and I bought cookies already made so we don't have to worry about making them you bought cookies yeah and how much did the cookies cost Junior maybe about $100 $100 and where did you get the money Junior I borrow it from my dad great great that's just great so now we owe $150,100 look calm down Cody all have to do with sell these cookies it's easy no Junior it's not easy nothing has been easy none of this is easy I can't see you can't cook now we owe even more money and who knows how much money it's going to cost to replace my glasses Junior we have more debt as kids than the average adult Cody just calm down and eat some cookies Junior you idiot you keep ruining this why are you doing this come come look look I know somebody who buy all these cookies Junior who who would be so stupid to pay that much money for cookies they'd have to be a real goofball well I I know just follow me I know who's going to buy them uh junior who is this guy he likes cookies um excuse me sir we don't want to bother you but we're selling cookies and we want to know if you want to buy some I like cookies what you do well uh we're selling cookies oh what flavor are they they are chocolate chip all right let's try one I don't like them you don't no but um how much you looking to get on these cookies $150,000 $150,000 well that's exactly what I got right here junior we need that money oh we're going to get it um where did you get all that money from oh yeah my daddy's a to fairy and Easter bunny I got a pretty cool daddy that's really awesome well uh we we really need all that money for these cookies um actually I was thinking more along the lines of $10,000 we can't sell them for $110,000 but no Junior that's a great deal no I spent $100 on this cook I'm not selling for $10,000 that's still a huge profit I can get more how about $30,000 um no I can't do that how about $50,000 no I don't want 50 to take the deal no no no no how about 70 um how about 100,000 no not 100,000 how about 130 h no I can't do 130 how about 149,900 $199.99 no 150 or we're leaving Juni that's only one penny off I have a penny in my pocket no no no we want 150,000 or No Deal bye all right bye no no no Junior come back we we we we can do the deal no no he'll be back no he won't junor this is Junior you idiot we were only one penny away from not having any problem don't worry Cody he's going to come crawling back to buy our cookies no he's not because he didn't even like the cookies me like cookie damn it Junior you let Cookie Monster in the house I didn't think he's going to eat our cookies his name is Cookie Monster Junior of course he's going to eat the goddamn cookies Cookie mon shoot shoot get out get out get out of here oh he ate all the cookies I give up Junior I don't know what to do anymore who's that I can't even imagine who Could That Be cookie damn it Junior you let him back in the house cookie the cookie about to get out of here Mo I got him I got him stop eating our cookies you bastard get out of here I hate that guy yeah me too oh no oh no not again oh if it's a Cookie Monster you hit him with that I'll hit him all right Junior you open the door and I'll hit Cookie Monster with this rolling pen all right take this Cookie Monster congratulations you just won $149,000 for your entry into the world's most dangerous video contest oh my God Junior all of our problems are solved no it's not we need 150,000 we don't want it jior uh yeah I'll take that money please congratulations we definitely want all of this it's good to have you back Joseph yeah dude it suck breaking every bone in my body but at least I'm back right yeah it was really hard raising all that money don't even talk about it so guys what do you want to do now I don't know dude o o I know you want to go lay down on the interstate and see if cars hit us dude boss Junior let's go dude I can't believe Junior broke every bone in his body yeah let's go make some cookies yeah I'll get a ketchup W it's my favorite holiday ever Thanksgiving it's my favorite too no it's not it's mine it's only mine okay it can be your favorite all I can do is just eat eat eat I eat everything and I get to chill with my family I get to chill with my son yay e a and I get to chill with my mommy I love my mommy yeah whatever hey Grandma what's your favorite part of Thanksgiving yeah oh yeah y'all want to know what my favorite pot is yeah you want to know what my favorite pot oh Thanksgiving is yeah oh oh yeah it's to be stuffed yeah that's true it is true stuffing okay well Dad where's the turkey I really want the turkey right now I'm really want the turkey well I don't know it Chef peipi was supposed to have it um Chef peipi where is that turkey yeah Chef peipi where's the turkey I'm coming Bowser here's your stupid turkey lunchable have a Happy Thanksgiving oh son have you ever seen a better lunchable than that no dad that looks like an amazing turkey lunchable I know look at that processed meat so how many slices of turkey do I get this year well I don't know what the hell what what are you talking about a Lunchable turkey lunchable the pilgrims who survived the Titanic would be appalled they're supposed to be turkey and and corn and tobacco and mashed potatoes not aable well is this was the best I could do Mom yeah right Grandma we do this every year me and Dad split a turkey lunchable because Dad said that's what everybody does le this is Oreo in there do you see the Oreo I don't want no damn Oreo I'm sorry you get a nice turkey Feast going on here and I'm going to go dig my own grave Jesus well you better Dad what's wrong with Grandma I mean I mean I guess she is right we should have a big Thanksgiving with a bunch of people and a a lot of food and like a bunch of food like in the biggest turkey ever like we should have a huge Thanksgiving Dad how about you invite some of your friends I don't know about my friends um you have to have a lot of friends Dad I know you have a lot of friends um of course I have a lot of friends you know I'm I'm cool but name one of them I want to know um well it was that one guy in in Walmart that was in front of me he was cool until I asked him to skip like he wouldn't let me skip it was 10 items or less and he like 30 items I only had two he's such an well no dad I I was talking about your real friends you know Craig you know that that red guy oh yeah Craig yeah um well if he's not busy I can invite him you know what I think it is time for us to have a big Thanksgiving the biggest one ever yeah the biggest one ever oh can I invite my friends yeah you invite your friends and I'm going to go in and fight a couple of my friends the ones I do have okay Dad hm I have a lot of friends yeah yeah I do like that um that one guy from No he he was weird oh or or the girl that was in no no she tried to stalk me oh Mario Mario's my friend I know he wait he hates me he'll never come to this he has to come to my Thanksgiving dinner but how oh I know exactly how he would I'mma make him come hello hello hey Mario who is this oh it's Bowser wait why are you calling me why am I calling you yeah it's weird oh oh yeah yeah um the princess has been kidnapped on Thanksgiving yeah on Thanksgiving I know it's crazy right this is stupid what am I supposed to do um you probably should come and save her where is she where is she yeah where is she at she's at my Thanksgiving party you know you better not put one hand on her you made me so mad do um uh yeah yeah she's like oh you should come and save her I'm on my way so make sure you bring some cranberry sauce too all right bye oh my God Mario's coming finally now I got to invite some more friends damn it oh what's wrong with Mario are you still bald yes I am and also the Pres has been kidnapped oh man again I know in on Thanksgiving a really important day well maybe she went to the grocery store to get some ham and turkey no Bowser just kidnapped her he just called me you want to come with me to save her oh sure yeah I'm bored all right come on okay so Mario is on his way but it's going to take him eight worlds to get here it's going to take a while so who else can I invite oh Craig um but I got to say something evil to get him here what can I say h Michael Brown shooting boy riots riots everywhere why would you burn down a Little Caesars that's so evil hi hi Craig hello well um I was wondering if you could come to my Thanksgiving dinner the Thanksgiving yeah well no one's ever been that nice to me before there was that one guy who invited me to a movie but everyone ended up dead who who who really likes Batman anyway right yeah I guess so I would love to go to your Thanksgiving dinner so are you ready yay I'm ready now W let's go y we're going to have turkey finally got Bowser's Thanksgiving ready now I can go and have Thanksgiving with my family chefi I need you to do something for me real quick I need you to make a big Thanksgiving dinner for me you know with a turkey and and dressing and all that extra stuff everything the big deal what that's not real quick I just gave you a Lunchable like a few seconds ago look cooking a big Thanksgiving meal will take forever it takes a whole bunch of hours in preparation look I I can't do it Bowser well you're going to have to cuz I already invited like 20,000 people and they're going to be on their way now so get the cooking H oh but Bowser what about my family oh go ahead and invite them then I don't care well at least I get to be with my family for Thanksgiving but where am I going to get a turkey this is a short notied o i can Amazon Prime it yeah let me go and do that [Music] oh I wonder who that was oh it must be the turkey finally the turkey is here and all I have to do is get him out of the box now where is that turkey oh what you're alive oh come back here you stupid turkey now you're trapped why did they send me alive turkey I'm trying to cook you God I don't even know how to cook a live turkey I got an idea what Woody yeah Woody what are you doing here well I ain't got nothing to do so I sitting here drinking a beer because the shrimpos they fly south for the winter oh yeah so uh I a had nothing better to do I sitting here watching you deal with the turkey and whatnot yeah that turkey is getting on my nerves yeah I see that but uh I got a solution that'll help you with uh with trying to kill this turkey so what's your solution all right well you see I went early Black Friday shopping there at uh at Gander Mountain oh really got me this uh this big old P90X plus right here wow yeah toing we yeah see it what is it supposed to do it uh it shoots it shoots bullets son now okay what what's got on it see there you look close enough it's got the laser sight and it's got the silencer and and it shoots bullets explosive bullets so the second I shoot the G bam and it's going to it's going to shoot yeah and what we're going to do is when we shoot the turkey boom done instant instant kill he's going to die just instantly instantly you don't even got to think twice well I need you to do that for me I need this turkey dead I got to cook this for Bowser all right absolutely all right let me get a swig of my beer and uh we'll go handle this turkey all right okay I'm going to make sure this turkey is oh yeah it's a good beer right here wait yeah you're taking a mighty long Swig of that beer went straight to my head come on let's go get us some turkey oh okay are you sure you're not alcoholic all right sh p PE all right what I'm going to do is I'm going to shoot them in an instant cooked turkey right here what really yeah all right now watch and see okay all right here we go one two three all right wow see that right there yeah how did you do that it was this damn gun I got here wow that's magical how do you get one of those well I had to fight two old ladies and three old men to get it I was first in line camped out for weeks oh man but uh yeah it about $4500 that's $4500 ever spent oh yeah you think that can do the what it did on that to dressing absolutely you got any dressing yeah it's over here let's go let's go try it out finally dinner is complete and now Bowser can stop bothering me wait why why is there a lady tied up to a chair CH B wait wait wow this does look like a real Thanksgiving dinner I know this is what you asked for right yeah well I didn't expect you to go all out but thanks and you can invite your stupid family so go ahead and call them up or whatever finally ohoh that must be my friends Joseph Cody you came yeah I bet you're glad that we abandoned our families to have Thanksgiving with you it's kind of cool but anyway are you ready to eat the biggest turkey ever my mom made metam musel roast so I'm just happy to be here what that's gross but anyway do youall want to come in and play toys and watch football oh boy I guess so yay okay everybody we're going to play trains what I'm tired of trains Junior we played all the time how about we play something different it's Thanksgiving well uh youall want to watch football or something yeah that' be cool football's kind of gay oh well why why' you say that are you serious yeah I just I don't like football it's just men grabbing each other and I mean who would want to watch that right you of all people are saying that Cody I thought you would like it what do you me but anyway what do y'all want to play um hm oh how about we play house yes we haven't played that in a long time we can do a Thanksgiving special oh yeah let's do it [Music] okay honey I'm home oh hi honey Happy Thanksgiving honey oh Happy Thanksgiving to you so what did you cook for Thanksgiving dinner what what what the hell is that oh it's watermelon it's your favorite right watermelon my favorite yeah it's your favorite oh you must be sleeping with a black guy because watermelon is not my favorite I hate watermelon how dare you I just slaved over this stove for two hours frying the stupid watermelon and I I'm not sleeping with black guys I'm sleeping with a Hispanic well F Le Nai d Everybody cuz my wife's your I'm not a look stop calling me names and just get a freaking turkey out of the oven okay hopefully I'll burn my hands or not to touch you anymore I hope you do burn your hands dad help me why is our daughter in the oven look look look I'm tired of feeding her you're never around you're always with a secretary lady and I'm stuck feeding her changing her diaper she poops two times a day she's in high school well it's not my fault you never body trained her well you know what I didn't want her to begin with I wanted her a border but you said no she'll be the precious little angel that'll fix our marriage well she didn't fix our marriage you made it worse I didn't make it worse you made it worse you should a war protection well you know what I don't want my daughter either I want her to die in there you know end up on Nancy gr they'll be like oh did you see the Father the bad father who works his ass y'all pays the bills pays the electricity just for his wife the at him all damn day I can't send you you to pay the bills I pay the bills I make the money I'm the boss I'm the one who do everything in this house oh my God y we finally made it we had to go through eight worlds to get here I know that sand level suck that got sand in my shoes I know it got in my underwear but anyway when Bowser opens the door we're going to beat him up and get Peach back okay oh I'm going to tickle him to death okay I guess that'll work knock on the door all right oh I'll get it no hello hello toad his skin color is different than ours we need to beat him up where's the princess yeah what the princess don't not like you don't know the princess who don't make me start tickling you again you know what princess is and where's Bowser oh Bowser your guests are beating the out of me and they're going to hell Craig stop whining Mario he came Bower there you are toad stay here and tickle this weird red guy oh no problem I'm the devil clearly with the horns and everything well whatever tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle it's very unpleasant BS are oh I'm going to kill you Mario you came give me get off me where's the princess oh oh she's over there just chilling um yeah she came willing why is she tied up princess I'm going save you she doesn't want to be talked to how do you know that look shouldn't women just be quiettime I mean I guess you're right but wait did you really invite me to to to this whole dinner yeah man I got the little turkey over there I don't know what this is I guess it's dressing um cranberry sauce yeah I got the whole thing okay well um well I mean it's not poison is it no no I don't think so well I mean I guess you are being nice and inviting me for your Thanksgiving dinner but yeah so stop wanting and just get in the chair well can I at least invite some of my friends because the the the chair you have friends too yeah I have Tony the Tiger Mr Pig Woody I guess you can invite him I'm bored anyway I need some more company all right I'll invite him wow now this this is what I call a Thanksgiving I know Dad everybody's here it's like for one big happy family I know like everybody from like every video mhm well hey son I need you to be quiet while I make an announcement okay okay Dad all right um hey everybody uh excuse me [Music] everybody hey hell hello women I would just like to say thank you for coming to my Thanksgiving dinner and my beautiful beautiful mom would like to say grace so everybody get ready to Bow your heads okay BL praying who wants to stick around for that right I already even got zero BL all right everybody bow your heads it's time to sa Grace bow your head oh oh sorry geez you ain't got no respect for Jesus I don't who's said that oh whatever all right make sure you hit head B I'm going say grace all right dear Lord I'd like to thank the uh the pilgrims and the Indians for coming in on the Titanic and uh making us turkey and inventing the turkey and uh making pork chops and dressing and squash and putting fish in the ground and grow stuff with cabbage and cabbage Dad shut up I don't like to thank Jesus for putting my wall bug on this earth oh honky and uh I'd like to thank him for Transformers too that's good ass movie and uh just transforming in yeah it was a pretty good movie and I'd like to thank uh Denzel Washington for playing that that movie with the air plane where he saved all them people also a pretty good movie and uh oh oh George Washington Carver oh peanut okay um I think that's enough amen yay we can eat now okay finally everybody get ready to dig in no thank God she finally shut up Hey shipi where's your family well they couldn't make it because they said they don't love me anymore W well sucks to be youa peipe all right hold on everybody where's my damn cheesecake hold on hold on Shrek I had to go and get it out of the oven chees everybody everybody gets to a Thanksgiving dinner except for me because because all the shrimpos flew south for the winter so there's no shrimpos inside well it looks like you got lucky Woody cuz I got some from the store what's that it it's a Thanksgiving Miracle yeah you're welcome oh oh come here come here Dro come here Dro oh hey can I have one of your dmos are you high no is that poop um I don't know it kind of looks like chocolate syrup to me it looks like poop where's the ice cream it's poop you should taste it then the things that doy you did oh ew ew okay I think it's time to cut the turkey guys hey Mario do you want to help me out uh sure with that big knife that's a huge knife yeah I had to get a huge so I can kill you what no I'm just kidding we're having a good time bro it's Thanksgiving all right Mario are you ready to call this turkey with a friend sure this is a beautiful turkey I love it okay which pach do you want I I want uh this turkey like right there right here okay mine wait wait what no no it's not yours mine no not you again no no come back with the who is that Dam it let's go get him he went out the door well let's go and get him we need a turkey no no no no no why did you throw the turkey you dick damn it Thanksgiving is ruined now I know we're not going to eat that turkey it exploded so what are we going to what are we going to use as a turkey now mine okay after hours of trying to catch this stupid pigeon who wants the first bite oh I want the breastes black Yoshi wants the breastes okay I guess I'll cut the breast this is and so Mario Bowser and their friends had a wonderful this thing on all right good all right come on now what I did was I was just mowing the grass I was walking along and then I found an a tree and it had an egg in I never no a tree before but there was a nest in there and there was an egg and I think not sure but it might be Shrimpo egg so come on guys I'm want to come show you come on now the egg is right here in this tree in the nest now we're going to come over here and we're going to touch it I'm going to touch it real gently CU I don't know what it is touch it oh touch it I touch it all right now I don't I want to take it but I don't know if I should what that what's that oh I better hide right now I'm going to hide in this bush oh it's Froot Loop bird I'm getting a good view of my binoculars I don't even know why the fruit loop bird here anyway I a like the cereal I kill him right now all right how am I going to catch this thing oh wait I know okay now the Trap is set what's going to happen is she going to come down here and be like oh what happened to one of my eggs and she's going to be sitting here sniffing it and then after that she going to pick it up like so and she going to step right here and then I'mma pull it like like that and then after that I'm going to catch me a new birdie yeah and I'm have pet birdie and I'm going to have another egg I can make me some Shrimpo omelet M Shrimpo omelette all right I got to set this back up now make it all pretty ready all right there we go good egg all right let's go all right and get down here get my string all right now we're going to sit here now we're going to make the bird call now I'm going to do the call to get him to come over here I don't think he heard me all right now I've been waiting for this this car right here this one special all right I'm going to do it hey 2K bird get down here 2K hand get back here I don't think you heard me ah stupid number I got your in it's working oh crap it's working now I got to pull it yeah got her right all right now I got it I'm time to take him on [Music] home I don't got supper guys all right time to cook dinner yeah all right we're going to be hit them we're going to get them we're going to roast them and we're going to enjoy a nice feast all right let me get a knife all right here we go Bey isy all right oh man I can't kill this poor innocent little creature just look at it I think I'll just keep your ass pck that's what I do yeah my new birdie Mr Skittles that's what I'm going to call you all right now I'm going to put you in sex room because Mario didn't give me a nice enough room in this place it's all fancy castle for me to be alone so here's shet you why don't you get right here get some sleep and I'll come get you for supper I'll see you in a few my Skittles oh chees cake oh Sarah lip NY little cheesecake we'll have fun tonight oh yes talk to me Cheesecake go ahead do it naughty oh tell me you have chocolate blueberry strawberry anything talk dirty oh let me turn on the light my love I got to see your beautiful face oh oh oh oh sorry cheesecake I you caught me cheating bad little ogre let me finish oh best cheesecake I ever had oh what the oh go ahead taking out black Yoshi playing some Call of Duty on Xbox 360 because my Playstation Network down cuz some hoes don't try to hack it nope not up hill I still own all right go ahead all right yeah not not up in Black Yoshi house not up in here you don't because you you you want know something look at my chain look at go ahead do your chain hang low always do it wob to the flow no it don't because I want touch no ground go ahead well what's that oh oh no no can't be sh shreky man calm down that Cheescake in there all right then get it back my Call of Duty all right dude I told you calm down Che cheesecake ain't that good no it not all right gotta get focused now you just went like 25 and two we got to do better than that all right let's get focused now play some Call of Duty yeah cheesecake ain't that good folk cheesecake ain't that good oh go I'm going go check on this folk I'mma Set It Off open there I'mma say it off about set it off over here F around cigy what is that oh I got know black donkey maybe maybe you could tell me I just sitting here trying to enoy my cheesecake and then moment end cuz I see little little two can bird with fruit loops and no no no no that's what I ate for breakfast I'm trying to come in here eat my cheesecake and then fro L bird you tell me what's going on Donkey F you know I ain't bring no bird up in the KB you know that what's up I'm go P it let's go P it I'm going come over here and just pet a little bird yeah good bird oh oh hey give my my e me you eat me eat me don't worry black donkey I found your Glock I'm going to get him oh black donkey I've never shot one of these before just shoot it f just shoot him a f you shot me you shot me f all right all right I hope he likes cat food I don't know what birds eat these days back in the day they they cat food may maybe this will work all right now let's go feed him oh Ra's pieces he might like Dam might have a little sweet beak every now and then throw some in there all right we're good now all right let's go feed him oh I hear yelling oh Skittle in trouble let's go get Skittles is everything okay I shot black donkey Skittles skitt bad Skittles drop him drop them Skittles drop them oh than love F FK he shot me in the nose FK cheesecake dude just bust a cap up in my nose SC you're going to time out bad bad Skittles well you know this bir folk yeah I called him earlier today his name Skittles he's so C for and birdie don't you like him no folk I don't like him he done try to eat me and he made cheesecake dude don't bust cap of my nose and then if if you don't get rid of this b f I'm I'm going kill Knight I'm bust cap bust Cap all right now why would you go and harm poor defensive little skills he ain't doing nothing wrong he ain't no better maybe it's just because you're africanamerican he did come from Africa and then Africans tried to clip his wing so he wouldn't fly off anymore because he's rare yeah F he don't like black people oh no you better get him out of this house before I go crazy up in this hole oo no o no all right you win I'll take him somewhere else come on Skittle yeah folk you better take in somewhere else cuz if I can in this house again he going to be bird through o bird through you okay black donkey F just give me a band I'll be right I'm still bleeding all over the place all right I'll be right the back I'm so sorry they yelled at you Skittles I I didn't mean that all right now I just got to find a place to put you oh the bathro that's perfect all right come in here all right now we're going to come over here and right there is where your food is right there your toothpaste you can brush your beak so you don't get beat breath mhm and here potty M you can't make it one foot to go to the toilet so have fun in here and I'll be back every now and then check on you don't cause any more commotion good night Skittles oh finally get to lay down oh exhausting day oh that didn't sound good time need the toilet oh d okay it's going to be a world's largest crap right here oh I can't hold it oh somebody's in the bathroom hurry up in there please please hurry up I got a crap I can't hold it hurry up in there I got the crap I can't hold it it's hurting real bad I hurry up I need to get in the toilet I got a crap really bad hurry up got me I your bird you can't be pooping in there e I'm going open this ah get out get the [Music] crap [Music] [Laughter] yeah folk I still fly my green band all day F let's go yeah still fly as all right I can't wait to go back and play some Call of Duty I done paused it I'm like the hardest part of the game we going to do this right now we going to do it right no disturbances let's go let's do it Call of Duty Call of Duty Call of Duty Call of Duty call oh F no oh F no F I'm going to kill you now I got my machine P now yeah you better fly away you stupid bird go ahead yeah you better run never come back F play my Call of Duty crazy people up in here a that was the most refreshing crap I've ever taken yeah I I think I lost 20 lbs oh going to go eat some McDonald's now yay yay McDonald's chicken nuggets Big Mac chicken nuggets Big Mac all right I had a long day and can't wait to get me some rest and then I'mma wake up in the morning and eat me a nice whole breakfast for full of shrimpos and eggs and all kind of other yummy stuff I'm going to share it all with Skittles me and my Skittles lay here and just taking nap with my eyes [Music] open McDonald's you know what be good with this cheesecake going to go get cheesecake [Music] cheesecake let's try the find cheesecake cheesecake cheesecake cheesecake that little donkey I sth to God he never have cheesecake in this house all right I'll just eat McDonald's plane it's always good like that all right oh can't wait to eat Mickey these yes all right holy crap who ate my McDonald's I bet it was that stupid bird oh I'mma kill it now o f 3 in the morning just got done whooping tail on Call of Duty my nose be feeling better a good day right here about to go to bed about to go to bed dream Some Dream some hoes let's go black donkey I'm going to kill that bird W what he do now he ate my McDonald's I can't take it anymore first thing in the morning we're going to kill that bird all right folk whatever you say just wake me up in the morning and we going to shoot him and he going to be sleeping with the fishes like AMA been lying folk all right black donkey first thing in the morning oh I finally get some sleep tonight oh can't wait in the morning going to kill that bird oh I can't wait oh oh so comfortable I can't wait I'm going to sleep like a baby ah ah I can't wait to kill that [Music] [Music] bird yeah I'mma kill that b who you talking to talking to me you talking to me a ow I know you're not talking to me again yes this old do black donkey black donkey who why you waking me up what you need it's time like donkey let me get my GL oh let go all right folk I got my GL where is bird it's by wood it come on let's go get it all right black donkey they're over there all right fol let's go get them sh [Music] [Music] all right the black donkey what we're going to do is you're going to take this trash bag and you're going to walk up behind Skittles and you're going to Capt them in the bag and then we're going to shake the bag and then we're going to stab him and we're going to shoot them all right [Music] fol all right start St in his bed are you stupid bir e my cheesecake and my McDonald's this for eating my cheesecake I my turn let me get my glass donkey where do you want me to put the bag at so you can shoot it oh you sit on the side house so nobody here okay okay Donkey stupid F hurry black donkey shoot it I've been waiting all day for [Music] this yeah F he definitely is dead byebye little birdie tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet but black donkey where we going to have the body all right folk I got an idea with a hide it oh my GL o I'mma throw him in his trash can o that bird ain't never coming back ah good readings oh for the love of God I can't believe I just killed the bird don't forget about me f i bust C up in that birdie all right donkey I'm going to go take a nap all right F I'm going to play me some Call of Duty bust C mhm so tired oh everything suddenly bright I the W sunglasses anyway oh yes oh now I got to figure out what's on television oh CH commercials hopefully breaking news there has been a rare bird parrot I should say that escaped from the African zoo the earlier this morning we also have had word that the zookeepers are offering a $20 million reward if you bring the bird back alive don't bring it back dead and don't bring it to the news station like we had someone do earlier today so there's a picture of the bird to my turn left at the line my my right right over here and if you have it please bring it as soon as possible thank you are you kidding me $20 million a why black donkey black donkey hey folk I saw a newscast I I got the bird out trash can like you think they give us like half an half for for a dead bird like like like 10 Milli like a million no donkey it has to be alive all right F hey I can I can make it look alive look I'm killed F tweet tweet hey F would you believe it better up this thing's kind of heavy I've never played baseball before you guys o Cody I'm so ready to strike you out okay Joseph come on you have to strike him out if you strike him out we win the game dude I'm totally going to strike him out I'm like luk Garrick before he had his disease but he was like a a first baseman are you ready Cody okay I'm ready okay bottom of the ninth base is loaded it's only me only Joseph can win this game and win the World Series okay I'm ready yeah strike one Jesus Junior what was that about I'm just really excited okay two more strikes Joseph you can do it okay let me get the ball hey it was too fast strike two dude I'm really getting tired of that we just one more strike and we win the World Series like the Chicago Cubs wait wait no they haven't won in like 100 years right but but but now we win it again come on Joseph one more strike okay hold on hold on all right all right last strike I could do this I can do this mama raised me to do this come on Cody last chance you can do this yeah I don't suck no well well I suck but I don't suck at baseball no I'm cool and I'm hunky I'm cool and hunky Cody yes I'm cool and huny all right Cody last strike and you lose wa yes home run yes wao dude he got a home run yeah but he lost my ball behind the refrigerator let's go get it okay how we going to get my ball from behind the refrigerator I don't know dude yes yes oh God yes who wants to second Cody shut up you lost my ball yeah shut up dude okay okay uh let's just try pulling on the refrigerator all right all right let's try God oh it's heavy okay okay let's get my ball all right oh look there it is there's my ball but ew Joseph what is that dude I don't know ew it looks so gross it kind of looks like a burger that's not a burger a burger is supposed to be good that's like black and blue and E what's wrong with it I don't know it doesn't supposed to look like that though I know that e Hey Jo um I'll give you $20 to take a bite no ew gross I'm not going to take a bite of that wait wait do you even have $20 yeah well no but I will one day whatever when I'm when I'm a mailman anyway you want to try it no I'm not going to try that okay geez you know who can try it who I bet Cody will try it yeah yeah I bet if we tell Cody he'll be cool if he tries he'll try it dude that's I'm going get it I don't want to touch it I don't want to touch it either I'll try to touch it what if I get P touch me with it e what's the green stuff on it I don't even know it looks like slime or something it looks like boogers e I'm going to call Cody over okay okay okay Cody we got you something that's really cool what is it guys you ready to suck it no we don't care about your stupid home run Cody anyway we got you this Burger thing to eat yeah ew what is that it's a cheeseburger that we found behind the refrigerator is it cool no why would it even be back there well I I guess the guy from my last Department must have left it behind or something but anyway you want to try it no no why would I want to do that that's gross I mean it'll get you cool points dude yeah yeah you'll be so cool if you try it that peer pressure is not going to work on me guys well it's it's not what what peer pressure we're not using peer pressure yeah yeah yeah Cody look if you try this you'd be so cool people would be talking cool about you all the time okay Joseph uh ask me a question about Cody okay okay um hey hey hey Junior have you seen Cody Cody I I don't know anyone named Cody I just know this kid named Cody the badass oh Cody the bad ass that's who I'm talking about he's such a badass yeah you know Cody the badass took a bite of the black cheeseburger that's gross no no he didn't he such a badass he's such a badass dude that would be pretty cool yeah everyone would be saying that about you Cody so uh you want to take a bite of it please yeah be the badass that you know you can be yeah the hunky badass oh okay do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it oh he took a bite he took a bite my God why is it crunchy how's it taste Cody how it taste it's awful oh dude it's so horrible describe the texture to me it's like gooey and crunchy and weird e is it is it good though no you like bacon God wrong C I'm fine you okay no I wish I had a bottle of water or something to drink yeah what hey hey how did that happen thought you make that bowl of water appear yeah I don't know wait you said you said you said you wished you had a bottle of water wish for something else um I wish your couch was blue what that's dumb doesn't work that was weird maybe it's the burger dude yeah take another bite and and wish for something else okay okay wait the second bite okay Cody wish for something it's even worse the second time it's worse just hold it in and then wish yeah Cody wish for something doctors that weren't there before well come on Cody hurry and wish come on I wish I didn't need glasses anymore what wa what is it go look in the mirror Cody yeah yeah check the mirror godam I don't really understand it I'm gorgeous my God look at those eyes I don't need to wear glasses anymore stup eyes oh my God you guys this is amazing I'm so happy well I mean you look you look good Cody yeah I don't even need my glasses anymore I have my beautiful new eyes yeah they're they're good beautiful I need to take another bite to get rid of my ads wait no no no no you don't get another bite I get the next bite okay we discovered a wish and cheeseburger I get the next bite no no no hold on I want the next bite hey hey my apartment my rules we found this cheeseburger behind my refrigerator I get the next bite I guess you're kind of right yeah so I get the next bite okay the next wish so uh hm what do I want to wish what are you even going to wish for junior I don't know I'll make that decision when it's in my mouth that's what I said Cody shut up with your new eyes Okay I'm going to take this bite did it really taste bad Cody it's awful well I'm going to it's worth that wish what how dides it taste dude so bad do you know what you're going to wish for no give me a second give me a second it's so Closs oh you have to take it like a man swallow it dude it's so gross swallow okay done you almost almost done okay okay okay I think I'm ready to wish all right um what do I want um oh I know I wish I was a grownup wa hey guys look I'm a grown up like my dad dude wao I have a grownup body everybody wao this is so cool that's crazy man now you can make like adult decisions like pay bills and and taxes and I can drive a car wa guys W look at my big body dude you do look big okay so I'm going to take another bite and get another wish wait wait wait what about M don't I get a wish now yeah it is Joseph's turn but look at my body my turn it's my turn let me get my bite okay take Joseph how's it taste dude how's it taste oh dude it's so horrible why did you guys turn me into this cuz you're going to get a wish Joseph come on okay hold on are you ready to make a wish okay okay what are you going to wish for um I kind of wish I had those new LeBron oh my god dude look wo you got those new shoes look so flashy I mean but be honest that's like that's kind of a dumb wish what do you mean look look I mean look Cody wish for new eyes it changed his appearance I wish for a big body cuz I'm a grownup now and you wish for some dumb shoes you can buy those at the store Joseph look look I don't have money like you okay I don't just go and buy toys every day well I just think it's a dumb wish but anyway um I think we should go on order so it's my turn to do another wish no that means it's my turn again well no I don't think you should get another wish because you wish were two eyes that's two wish I think because my wish is so simple I should get another wish right I think that since I'm a grownup I make the grown decision hey hey hey I'm about to be paying some Call of Duty to here and I can't have y'all yelling y'all need to go ahead and leave okay but black y you we're playing with we're playing with the cheeseburger We need oh I don't care what you playing with I got to play some Call of Duty guys come on let's go let's go what the we come back for he's not going to touch it man them stupid little kid trying to rule my Call of Duty session but man I feel kind of hungry what's that is it is that a black cheeseburger man the struggle real though but I'll take a quick bite man I know the struggle is real but that's nasty fol man I had the worst luck today man my we didn't come in all time I got pulled over by the cops man I walked through the gas station they follow me around thinking I'm going to steal something fol man my struggles just real folk man I wish I didn't had these problems though man life's hard but but I feel like I need to get a job see guys I told you black y wasn't going to take long but he took a bite of the burger Junior what he did what a waste of a wish believe that well anyway guys I'm the adult here so I get the next wish okay wait wait what yeah we already agreed on that remember yeah dude how is it it went down it went down better the second time okay all right guys so uh what's my wish going to be um I feel like I need to make a wish to help someone else out instead of me yeah you should do it dude nice I wish thatp was a ballerina what I can't believe they would even move the stupid refrigerator but now it's done wait why do I feel like dancing all of a sudden and what do I have this this tutu on oh my God I can't stop that that's funny yeah I could see that shut up Cody we don't care about your eyes all right Joseph it's your turn to wish what about my turn wait I said Cody your wish counted as two cuz you have two eyes got a whole body shut up Cody okay I'm going to take my bite all right Joseph come on make a cool wish make a wish that affects your body like you know he has eyes of body okay um I kind of wish I had two heads so I be smarter than Cody W J you have two heads now wow wow this is so cool dude wo Cody look he might be smarter than you now does the other one work it looks like it just s there it should work I mean E I mean that looks like a bad wish now look weird yeah it looks like you're like claustrophobia your head like two yeah yeah this is kind of weird and I got a crk in my neck dude can I just make another wish I guess so I mean I don't want to live with two hairs dude okay take a bite make another wish okay all right Joseph wish for that head to be gone okay I wish I didn't have a head I I mean no I a one head one head uh well he doesn't have a head no Joseph you okay buddy you okay that's he's he's fine he should be fine he just doesn't have a head I mean I don't want to waste a wish to get his head back but I look we only have like two bites left but um uh someone's coming Cody hide hide hey Black Yoshi I got a question for look at this big mess that black Yoshi Left Behind oh stupid controller and ew what is that is that is that a is that a cheeseburger I can't believe black you would eat something like that and it's like it's almost gone too so obviously he was enjoying it huh I mean he's not around I guess I could try it I mean see what type of things he eats oh God that's the most disgusting thing ever had in my life oh God why would black Yi eat that ew that's so gross oh my God now I'm just a bald guy with a bad taste in my mouth mouth I wish I had hair but I guess that'll never happen wait what's this what's this on the side of my face oh no it can't be I have hair oh my God I have long flowing Jamaican hair yes this is awesome Cody it looks like there's only one bite left that means there's one wish left well I guess we should use it to wish Joseph's head back on right no Cody that's stupid we only have one wish left we can wish for anything in the world we wish to be a roller coaster we could wish for a million dollars we could wish to be president and you want to waste it help help Joseph get his head back on Junior he's our friend we have to do what's right no he's the one who messed up his wishes I want to use it to wish to become a roller coaster Junior that's selfish we have to wish his head back on but I want a PlayStation but what about Joseph we don't need a Joseph I want oh great Cody you knocked it on the floor good job you knocked it on the floor Junior okay you know what I'm I'm going to eat the next B okay oh no my dog sh uh Hey Chompy uh no no don't don't don't don't take a bite yet okay just no no no no no no no B come on chompie spit it out chompie spit it out spit it out stupid dog it's no use you know he already swallowed it what do you think he's going to wish for um probably dog food or something what are you going to wish for boy what are you going to wish [Music] for all right dad here's your Royal donut no thank you P um P Pasqual uh what's wrong with you it's p pee right yes thank you pee well done you're supposed to be my dad and you don't even know my name oh what right whatever uh well thank you anyway PE I hope you choc on it donut now that that bman that is a quality jelly donut uh Mr Str may I uh may I have a bitee please well I don't know bitman are you royalty uh no sir well then you may most certainly not have a bite of my jelly donut what what is this bitman oh that'll be a fly sir oh what a fly you not shoe this winged monster away from my donut go away fly shoe Sho it's not listening oh well done bman thank you sir I cannot eat this now it has been sullied by fly PE what do you want Dad I require another donut this one was sullied by a foul demon what are you talking about I just got you that donut like 5 minutes ago well now it's ruined fetch me another oh my God uh may may I have the donut please no bamman you may not have the donut not even with fly feces on it may you have it but he's going to throw it learn your place I mean he he wants to eat it I mean it's not like it's deadly or anything it's just a fly touched it you're right well if I cared about every one of his wands he would be king but he is not so fetch me another oh God okay then jeez here's your second donut drama queen thank you peepers oh my God I hate you I now that bamman that is a mighty fine replacement donut I see that sir uh may I have a bite of this one bamman do you do you think before you speak uh yes I do bamon Bow your head do you think I like hitting you uh I believe so sir was that a good hit bman it it was Sir and I I now know my place good I'm going bman it's back the fly is back kill it at once I see that sir fly B baby there is a damnable demon devouring my delectable donut what the fly could you just Sho it no I want it dead I want it head on my desk by tomorrow morning bring this fly to Justice what am I supposed to do go in exterminator for God's sake how about I like slap it first maybe that'll help it doesn't matter my donut is ruined I will not have is dead go away now you can eat your donut no call an exterminator I'll have your head instead of the Flies oh my God you act like a drama queen I can't believe you're my father uh may I have that one no oh someone's at the door wait Junior what are you doing um well there's someone at the door and I need to se in the video what oh who are you okay seriously are there any other houses on this street I've been here like four times in the last couple of weeks I mean this is all I do now I have a show to host I'm a busy man what do you want this time I'm sorry but it's it's a fly in our house a fly you called me for a fly I know it sounds ridiculous but it's a bounty on it a bounty yes yesly my my dad is like he he's a king he's kind of royalty and he put a bounty on his fly cuz he says some type of dragon mythical creature type thing so he he wants it like killed and exterminated so can you do that for a king huh yeah it might be like you know uh gold or something he he'll pay you okay okay I think I can do it yeah let's go kill us a fly oh I want to kill the fly too you're not killing nothing all right so where is this fly supposed to be um I'm not really sure it's somewhere in this kitchen so so you're telling me we're supposed to find a fly in this big house a little tiny winged creature in this giant house that's impossible we have never oh there it is wow wo that was quick that was pretty good oh let's go kill it oh yeah okay okay so it looks like he's up there so how are we going to reach him if he's that high I don't know we need something kind of long the whack oh I know I know I got something hold on apparently he knows he always knows yeah look at this big flashlight this will get it yeah yeah I don't think you're going to reach it man I'm going to get it watch me get out of my way everybody I got a flashlight get back oh that was not good Chef okay Chef PE um is he dead um Chef Pee wake up I don't I don't think hitting him more is going to help that okay I think we should just keep looking away from here but but Chef PE wake up chef chef peipi stop playing dead Chef peei U uh M mister mister mister what happened to Chef peipe oh Chef he probably has a concussion cuz he hit him on the H with a flashlight well wake him up yeah I don't think I can do that I think he's probably going to be out for a while if he ever wakes up at all really oh well we kill that mean fly okay so just back up I'm going to use my RAID here it's poison kills bug's death really spray him I want to see him die yeah you take that you little flying bastard yeah oh uh-oh it's not supposed to do that he got bigger yes he did that's not good spray him again spray him again okay okay uh oh this isn't good he got even bigger oh no I think we're going to die kid I don't know what are we going to do uh I need to call somebody I I know somebody uh come with me okay yeah yeah we got a bit of an issue here yeah no it it is not pretty we're going to need your help immediately yeah okay thanks um who' you call I called the master grandar I will Revenge you who's that it's the master it's the door hey Jackie chew hello oh good we all know each other yeah yeah except for except for that who's that oh that's a my son his name is Jackie too Jack Jackie cuz like a smaller version oh oh oh oh I get it yeah CL how old is he oh he a 2 years old he already smaller than both of you he has PhD and calurus twice wa really yeah well you're really smart hey hey Jackie too you want to be best friend no no time for a friend all right H very good Jackie to very good oh he only has time for homework that's not fun yeah he has to keep it gr up cuz tell him what happened if you get lower than A+ I disor a family very good and and if he does that I take him to China and make him a girl there they don't rocket the girl oh well well that's that's mean well anyway there's a big fly in there and we have to kill it yeah it's huge we're going to need your help oh I must have venge my grand come on okay okay Jackie so how are we going to kill this oh what the the fry can hear everything he has ears like hell and Cara I he son go wa wait where did you send him to sh he he going to go scope out the fry cuz he has better eyesight than me why isn't his eye slant like yours because Asians they don't hit puberty until 13y old so until you're 13 your eyes are normal your egg gr are normal and then when soon as you hit a 13y old eyes go slant egrow get sh off whole half inch whole half inch w wow so let's follow let's follow Jackie to and see where he go Papa look oh I see a fry I'm going to avenge my grand oh papa you missed the fry ah D missed him oh you want a donut you little B I got you there it is right there it's right there where'd he go where' he go oh he went away hey hey there's nothing over there where you go I can't see him he fried the other way Papa come over we have to we have toou left or right we have to rethink the plan di all right well that clearly did not work no it didn't work we need another plan yeah we do son we failed your great grandpar sorry grandar yeah well anyway um we need a new plan so what are we going to do well we're going to need someone who's fast and someone who has pinpoint accuracy who's that oh Tom Brady catch what Tom Brady Tom Brady who oh God damn it wait what's wrong oh it's Tom Brady oh Tom Tom just pick up the fly SWAT come on man just pick it up and throw it at the fly come on you can do it oh three time Super Bowl winner Tom Brady goes back to pass throws it oh come on man you threw an interception oh this is embarrassing Tom you can't do that at the next Super Bowl they're going to drop you from the team yeah yeah don't do that please win the Super Bowl please oh oh darn I need to win okay Tom Freddy goes back to pass dang it pleas mac and cheese oh dang oh I can do this come on Tom no come on muffins oh come on man whoa Tom what are you doing Tom Tom stop throw Tom Tom that's very expensive put that down oh God what's he doing stop it he's just throwing things he's Tom Brady it's what he does Tom please stop oh God what I okay somebody just call the cops please okay I called him oh my God what happened oh my head hurts what is going on oh my God BR three time Super Bowl champion Tom Brady what are you doing in my house that's me oh my God Brady hello Mr Tom Brady oh my God I'm blushing I don't know what to do wait wait Tom Brady why did you just throw me hey hey what's going on here Tom Brady is over here throw at me like I'm a football in a Super Bowl mm yeah we get complaints about Tom Brady all the time well you should handle it wait we're working on it sir who what is that it's a fly hold on oh my God it's hovering above your nose no please get it I'm going to get it no no don't don't shoot it please oh I got it yeah you all right PP oh oh my God nor it actually was you didn't shoot me how how the hell did you do this oh look at donut I'm going to have to confiscate this for evidence for the fly being here I don't care I'm thankful that I still have my nose you crazy ass cop wow he actually killed it they killed it I can't believe he killed the fry he killed the fry he killed it he killed the fry he killed the I'm indeed to him but America still owes my country trillions but he killed the F oh my head is still throbbing ah hey huh yeah don't I I'm sorry to bother you but am I getting paid at some point or what paid for what well you know things get kind of out of hand with the cops and Tom Brady so I just I feel like I deserve some sort of some sort of payment for that but you didn't do anything wait wait do you have the fly well well no the bullet kind of destroyed it it's oh so so there's no evidence of the fly well no not exactly well there's your answer oh all right you're not getting paid today until you have evidence of a dead fly you will not get the Bounty money well all right I guess I'll just get another job yeah I'll probably that's your best bet yeah I'll probably back in a couple days so well now that all this fly business has been resolved I can eat my donut in peace what where is my donut I'm Mr strong BT what what is this it it appears to be a gun A gun yes H bman what are you doing don't do anything you'll regret so guys what do you want to do today dude we should totally put on blindfolds and jungle chainsaws while going down the stairs that sounds like a sick idea I know right or we could just watch TV lame dude that's so lame we're always on the stupid red couch let's go and do something but but this would be way safer we should just watch well well guys you both have really good ideas so I think you guys should have a staring contest and whoever doesn't blink we do their idea okay but he has four eyes he obviously has an advantage well I see what I see what you're saying but he also has more eyes that he could blink I guess you're right all right so and [Music] go e e dude you blink you cheated oh I guess we have to watch TV breaking news m a floor man found a human nose in his pizza and he sued Papa John's and received $1 million let's go to Goodman for the story now Goodman thanks Goodman I'm here with the man who sued Papa John's for $1 million he would like to remain anonymous and he would like to be called poy so poy tell us what happened well I uh ordered a pizza from Papa John's you know pretty standard pepperoni pizza uh so they deliver it and I go to bite into it and I see that that that that's a no it sure is yeah I say that's that's not a pepperoni that's that's that's a nose it's a human nose so I call the store and I tell them hey there's a nose in my pizza and they say it was supposed to be a pepperoni pizza and I say well it's not it's a no it's a nose Pizza it is yeah so then they check around the store to see if anybody lost their nose and it turns out they did somebody lost their nose right in my pizza he was slicing the pizza and it slipped and he sliced his own nose off and just boxed it up like normal yeah so they offer me a refund or a new pizza so I sued them yeah that's one would yeah I sued them for a million dollars they gave me this cardboard box full of money so that's is it I'm sorry is that an ear oh you're about to get paid again there's an there's an ear in my box of money okay well that's cool I guess somebody's just falling apart over at Papa John's I guess Mr Potato Head works at Papa John's and his pieces are falling off that's I'm just going to keep ordering things and keep getting paid yeah that's the way to do it now remember folks if you find body parts in your pizza or your big box of money you can lawyer up and get paid guys did you see that dude I know a nose Pizza that sounds delicious no no no no no the guy got a million dollars for finding a nose on his pizza so what if we go plant a nose on a piece of pizza and then we Sue too and we get a million doll dude that is so genius I wish I would have thought of that no Junior that's a terrible idea if we get caught we'll go to jail and also where are we even going to get a body part well I have hundreds of Mr Potato Head pieces in my room I found a body part in the backyard so we can just go take one of the Mr Potato Head pieces and we can just go put on food and say we found it in Sue and get a million dollars this is a stupid idea no it's a good idea we're going to be rich come on let's get rich all right guys what body part should we use to put on the pizza well the guy on the news used the nose but I'm in the feet so let's use this orange piece I think we should use the nose what do you think Cody I think this is stupid because the guy in the news had a real human nose in his food no one's going to care if we use a Mr Potato headpiece cuz it's a toy well you going to offer to cut off your nose Cody and let me use that no then we're going to have to use a toy nose Cody so I'm going use a nose welcome to Papa John's how may I take your order uh can I get a large pepperoni pizza with no body parts on it I guess you saw the news huh yeah y we saw the news and we don't want any body parts on our pizza well we guarantee there won't be any body parts in your pizza all right $20 please here it is thanks you sir and your pizza is right here fresh off the heater and there's no body parts uh no body part sir all right thank you all right Cody I put the Mr Potato Head nose on the pizza so Joseph is going to be recording your reaction when you open up the box so be really scared when you see it Junior why would I be recording myself eating a pizza isn't that going to be kind of suspicious no because you're starting your food review Channel on YouTube and this is your first video okay so in my first video I'm going to find a nose in my pizza no one's going to believe that well no you're going to go viral that's what's going to make it so big Junior this is stupid no one's going to believe this no no no close the box go go go all right go hey guys it's me Cody but hold on hold hold on Joseph uh your nose is in the video oh oh my bad dude okay start again go hey guys it's me Cody and today I'm going to be reviewing just like a regular Papa John's pepperoni pizza I guess cuz I guess I've never had one before here we go oh my God what is that oh no there's a nose in my pizza oh you're going to sue right you're going to sue yeah I'm I'm going to sue yeah yeah scream scream what why would I scream it's just a scream ah louder louder they didn't hear you ah oh this man is screaming over here cuz the nose in his pizza J nothing's happening I demand a million dollars where's my million dollars yeah yeah yeah like the guy on the news yeah I want a million dollars like that guy on on the news yell for the manager manager oh manager there's a nose in my pizza I'm going yell out manager we had a nose in my pizza y'all want something uh yes Mr manager my friend found something in his pizza tell him Cody I I I I found I found a nose what a nose oh oh no not a again oh we can't kick you this old like this uh hold on Sir uh I'm going to get the cook for you Mr pead come in here hi guys are you enjoying your pizza oh sh what's wrong Cody it's Mr Potato Head I know this is perfect we can say that one of his pieces fell off in the pizza we can sue them is something wrong look at the pizza look at what you did you did this uh I don't see anything other than cheese and pepperoni well that's your nose right there in the pizza right there that's your nose no my nose is on my face no no no we know you come with spare parts and one of your noses fell in the pizza and we want a suit for a million dollars isn't that right Cody I I that could be anybody's nose no no it's his nose and we're seing for a million do you want a million do right I mean a refund would be no we want a million doar and we're going to s look I'm I'm going to have to fire you Mr pad oh fired I can't be fired I have a family in tater tots at home look I don't care about your ti look you causing lawsuits get out of here oh yeah we won our million dollars and we wanton it now and we're going to sue even more harder than the last guy who sued I I don't feel good about no no no no it feels good we want a million doll go get our million dollar [Music] breaking news M K another person has found a nose in their Papa John's Pizza there shocking video capturing the moment when the customer noticed the nose in his pizza let's show you that now here we go oh my God what is that oh no there's a nose in my pizza oh you're going to sue right you're going to sue yeah I'm I'm going to sue yeah scream scream what why would I scream it's just a scream ah Shocky video the employee whose nose fell off onto the pizza has been fired we also have a statement from him now let's go to that that wasn't my nose I swear I can't be fired I needed that job I have mouths to feed well look at that Junior we ruined a man's life oh come on Cody he's not even a real man he's a potato he's a person he has a family but Cody we have a million doll dude I've never seen this much money in my life I know it's so awesome Junior I think we should give some of this money to Mr Potato head why well because he's homeless now and he lost his job because of us but if you give away some of your money we won't be millionaires anymore we'll be thousandaires and that sounds lame yeah if you're going to give away money you might as well give it to me yeah you might as well give it to your buds Junior I think we should give Mr Potato Head at least half of this money half half that's like half the money yeah exactly that's half the money Joseph he wants to give away half a million dollars well if he's going to give away money Joseph okay fine I'm still going to get Mr Potato Head half well that's dumb come on let's go find find [Music] him hey sexy Hey Big Boy what can I do for you how much to rent that mouth ears for the night uh 20 bucks all right there you go w hey I'll give you $100 for your feet I don't know what you said but I think it's yes Jesus Christ look at him Junior he's a mess he doesn't even have a mouth oh what are we supposed to do we're going to take him back to your house and we're going to fix him up how are we going to fix him up you have plenty of extra Mr Potato Head pieces at your house come on all right Cody I gave him a mouth tell us what happened Mr Potato Head well first of all I lost my job and then my wife leaves me and takes the tots and and the next thing I know I'm having to sell my body parts on the side of the road for money and they took the most important one Jesus why is there eyes on the back of your head so I can look him in the eyes when he's mashing my potatoes just awful oh well we really want to help you get back on your feet yeah literally here sit on this oh that's not the first time I've heard that this evening oh so we also want to help you in another way how yeah we're going to give you all of this money wait wait we're only going to give him half junior he deserves it haven't you seen what he's been through all of this money you want to give it to me yeah oh I appreciate it thank you so much just go ahead be gentle no no no no you you don't have to do that anymore Mr we want to just give you the money oh really yeah we just want your life to go back to normal oh thank you so much oh I appreciate it why are you sad Junior because you gave Mr potatoe head our million dollars and now we have nothing it was the right thing to do he fixed his life but now we have nothing hey guys Mr Potato Head oh I don't go by that name anymore I go by Mr big bank account head wow nice drip yeah it be like that sometimes well what are you doing here well I wanted to come by and thank Cody for making things right and giving me a million dollars so I want to give him a stack I want to make sure my brother eats Do you have a back for me oh hold on I got something for you here tape that to the back of your head then you might get something what what was that for you about to get your own potatoes mask well why didn't he give me any money because you ruined his life Junior well you you ruined it too well but at least I made it right so guys what do you want to do today oh I know what I want to do today I want to take a big fat whopping foot long Right Between the Buns ew Cody what are you talking about uh I want to eat a hot dog Junior get your mind out of the G gutter stick it in mine what Joseph are you hungry wa hungry yeah dude I'm always hungry that's like the only reason I come over here I haven't eaten in a week but how do you live Joseph yeah how how do you alive if you haven't eaten a week dude I I have to catch my own food like I have to set up squirrel traps fishing n dude but the best part is the road kill oh well I'll go ask CHP if you can cook us something to eat oh okay okay where is it where is it bull ey Chef you got it baby baby uh Chef peei what do you want junior I'm in the kitchen cooking wait why are you blindfolded because it's too easy I've been getting this kitchen cooking for years come on I'm too good at it and even this is easy wait what are you cooking isn't it obvious breakfast for dinner come on it's eggs bacon even pancakes hold on let me add another egg yeah that's what I'm talking about get ready for dinner Junior yes m guys we're probably going to have to order Chinese food or something why yeah because Chef peee is cooking again but isn't that what we want him to do no I mean he's cooking oh oh oh god oh no no no we can't do that yeah I'm not eating that dude that's disgusting I know Chef peipi does not know how to cook someone needs to tell him he does not need to be a chef yeah so I guess we'll order Chinese food I guess okay yeah oh guys you know what be so funny if I order the Chinese food while speaking Chinese that's awesome dude right but Junior you don't speak Chinese well I can learn like how do you say the word Chinese in Chinese I I don't know that's a good question huh yeah well I'm going to get my phone order Chinese food okay okay okay guys it's ringing hello uh hello is this a Chinese restaurant yum yum uh yeah yum yum oh what kind of yum yum you want uh Cody what kind of yum yum we want uh get egg rolls uh can we get egg rolls oh yum yum egg roll how many yum yum egg roll you want uh how many yum yum egg roll we want Cody uh two can we get two of the Yum Yum egg rolls okay so Yum Yum Yum Yum egg roll yeah actually you know what Junior get three actually can we get three yum yum egg rolls okay so you want yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum egg roll no no no I only want three of the Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum y you put too many yum yum yums oh okay I got it so you want yum yum yum yum yum yum yum egg roll and not yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum egg roll yeah yeah only only yeah okay what else you want uh Joseph what do you want dude get the chicken uh can we can we get chicken what I mean Yum Yum Chicken oh yum yum chicken do you want yum yum chicken cat meow or Yum Yum Chicken Dog R Joseph do you want cat meow or dog wolf dog wolf dude yeah Junior I'm allergic to cats uh can we get the dog wolf okay yum yum dog wo all right what else you want uh can I get fortune cookies oh how many yum yum fortune cookie you want uh seven okay so you want yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum for your cookie yeah yeah that' be good oh also uh can I get some rice oh yum yum rice how many pieces of yum yum rice you want uh Cody how many pieces of yum yum rice would we want what how many pieces I I don't know a couple hundred uh I I guess a couple hundred pieces okay so you want yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum y yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum y yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum y y y y yum y y y y y y yum right is that all hello hello oh Junior wake up hello uh yeah yeah that that sounds right I guess yeah okay I'll be there 1 minute bye all right guys he said he said he'll be here in 1 minute we order Chinese food yeah I'm so hungry wait he's here already wow that was fast I'll be right back guys I'm going to get it okay uh hello I dog with my Suzuki way here I hope it not yours I I don't think so cuz it did it for me tonight okay hey your fool yum yum Cookie Okay cookie yum yum is this all of it cookie yum yum okay okay guys I got the Chinese food but where's the rest of the food Junior uh Cody I know you're blind and you need glasses but it's right in front of you no Junior where's the rest of the food we ordered a whole bunch of food he said that's all of it it's not all of it Junior those are just fortune cookies what about the Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum egg rolls and the dog and the rice uh he said that's all of it and maybe he forgot and maybe he couldn't see what he was doing but Junior these are just fortune cookies we can't have fortune cookies for dinner sure we can I love cookies I eat cookies all the time but Junior these are fortune cookies they're not even good what they have to be good they're cookies but no Junior they taste awful really yeah the only reason people ever eat these is because there's a message inside a message yeah it tells you your fortune what's a fortune oh well it's kind of like your future and it it could also be advice oh I want to see one I'm going to open one okay so I break the cookie open yeah look Cody there's a message inside it yep you will find great wealth today I'm going to find money but no Junior you're not going to find money just because it was in a fortune cookie yes I will the cookie said it has to be true but Junior The Fortunes don't always come true these cookies are mass produced in a factory somewhere multiple people have probably gotten that fortune already yeah and they probably found money they're probably Rich nobody got rich from a fortune cookie Junior oh yeah well well maybe Bill Gates did no he didn't Junior well well how do you know that Bill Gates probably got rich cuz he opened up a fortune cookie and and it said you're going to be a billionaire uh no he didn't get rich from a fortune cookie well how do to get rich then from Microsoft well maybe the fortune cookie said make Microsoft Junior that doesn't even make sense okay I'll tell you what I bet you $20 you're not going to find money today oh look $20 no Juni that's my $20 no I found it it was on my couch you didn't find it I showed it to you well look I still found it and I found great wealth so look you bet me $20 I wouldn't find money you owe me another $20 what that doesn't even make sense Junior you already have my $20 you bet me $20 that I would not find money because of the fortune cookie and look I found money so I need another $20 all right fine here see look I have great wealth a fortune cookie was right Junior this is stupid okay I'm going to try another cookie this what it's going to say junior I want my money back you will be surprise with great luck I'm going to have good luck no Junior that's not going to happen well the first one happened that's because you stole $40 from me H I wonder what kind of luck I'm going to have Junior we still don't even have our Chinese food and I am starving well I'm hungry too uh let's go answer the door I wonder who that is okay uh hello hey there uh I know you didn't order a pizza but those people across the street did uh but they didn't answer their door so I just figured I'd give you their pizza for free wait really yeah well that's amazing cuz I'm really hungry right now oh well I guess it's your lucky day oh wow it's amazing there you go um to be honest I didn't even really try to deliver their Pizza cuz I don't like them uh actually the guy that lives there uh gave me a purple nurple in middle school so yeah this is just my way of getting back at them take that Frank whose nipples are sore now yeah you enjoy that pizza have a nice night oh my god look Cody we got a free pizza unbelievable it's because the cookies are coming true no Junior the first one is because you stole from me and this one was a complete coincidence it's not a coincidence Cody it's a fortune cookie and it's it's completely true it said I was going to have good luck and look I get a free pizza when we're hungry well I'll admit this is good luck but it's not because of the cookie well I'm going to open up another one and it's going to happen again right fine you will soon witness a miracle that's going to happen Cody you might happen the other two happen what's wrong choking you're what choking CH gang choking what's a CH gang choking on food oh you're choking I'll do the high like are you okay Cody oh my God Junior I was choking and you saved my life it's a miracle it was right we witnessed a miracle no no Junior I saved your life was a miracle what okay I'm I'm going to get a fortune cookie and prove to you that these aren't real okay they are real what's it say Cody you will find yourself in a sticky situation oh I like the sound of that too bad it's not going to happen well it's going to happen Cody because the cookie never lies well I guess it could happen if you were down junior so are you down junior h what what who Could That Be uh I'll get it Cody uh hello a pig oh hey there is Cody here uh yeah he's upstairs but you can't walk up him because you're going to make the second floor cave in cuz you're so fat oh okay could you give him his Dolly he forgot it at home uh sure wait e why is he sticky oh I don't know all right well I'll see you later okay bye it was your mom Cody why she said you left Ken at home so she wanted to bring him to you oh yeah I guess I did and guess what he's really sticky yeah Ken's always sticky so look we're in a sticky situation just like the fortune cookie says no come on Junior you know Ken's always sticky no Cody the fortune cookie it's always right all right Junior I'll admit there are a lot of coincidences surrounding these fortune cookies so let's open another one it's going to it's going to keep coming true all right okay this one says help I am trapped in a Chinese cookie factory oh should should we call someone I mean who we going to call Ghostbusters you're dumb Cody I know oh okay look this is just a joke there's no one really trapped in a Chinese cookie factory really like they they don't do that to people right yeah but what is Joseph doing what Joseph Joseph wake up dude oh my head hurts are you okay oh yeah I just got a really bad headache oh well um open up a fortune cookie what okay Joseph what does your cookie say you're poor well it's not wrong Cody yeah I guess that's true so the cookies right again wait what do these cookies do again they say your fortune so it got yours pretty spoton oh so you can just go home joose if you want to okay dude I do have a headache I'm going to go home all right Cody there's only one cookie left well open it Junior okay fine okay Cody this one says you can do anything oh come on Junior the other ones had things that could actually happen this one just says you can do anything you can't do just anything well I mean the other cookies came true so what if I could literally do anything what Junior you you can do anything what you can do anything like like literally anything anything anything anything you want on anything you put your mind to you can do it I can just do it you can just do it just do it yeah just do it right now anything anything anything you want just do it just do it just do it come on do it like I can turn into a rocket and crash into Jupiter yeah yeah do it Junior Blast Off yeah do it all right crft today we're going to be doing animal dissection so each of you should have a dead animal on your desk and you're going to cut it open with the kitchen knife I gave you oh man this is so awesome I get to cut open a frog and see what his insides look like hey Cody what animal did you get I get a pig you got your mom that means you get to see what the inside of your mom looks like every guy knows what that looks like your mom's a hoe no she's not hey you know the last time your mom was cut open it was when you were born cuz you were a C-section C-section I wasn't a csection yeah you were yeah you were teacher why are we playing with knives this seems really dangerous hey Cody catch no damn it Joseph don't throw that watch I'm going to throw it when you least expect it teacher can I move desks or can you at least tell Joseph to cut it the hell out grass be careful with the knives you can poke your eye out with that thing look he caught it Cody are you okay no I'm not okay I have a knife in my eye teacher I'm going to go to the nurse see crra that's why I told you to be careful that's why you should always be wearing your safety goggles even though I didn't provide any to you and you can thank the school funding for that but anyway back to the animal dissection so what you're going to do is you're going to cut down the abdomen of the animal that you have and pull out the stomach w oh dude I cut his skull open now I'm going get his brains out oh look at how squishy it is but Joseph you were supposed to cut open his stomach but dude I wanted to play with his brains look watch this Splat sticky oh that's so awesome I'm going to get my brain out hey Joseph look I got mine's brain out oh dude I bet you won't throw it at the chalk board I bet I will oh do it dude after you get the hey who throw the brain hey I know the brains look fun and Squishy but don't throw the brains at the board maybe after CFT sorry teacher hey guys I'm back Cody I didn't know you were a pirate I'm not a pirate Junior then why do you have an eye patch oh I don't know maybe because Joseph stabbed me in the eye and then the nurse had to put a Band-Aid over it but it didn't help because I'm permanently blind for Life thanks Joseph oh you're welcome buddy did I miss anything oh yeah you're supposed to cut out your animal's brain and throw it as hard as you can at the board really yeah yeah he said like we can do it for fun okay and if you look up to the right you'll be able to see your animal's heart who thw the brain Cody did it Cody principal's office no but they they said I was supposed to do it the brain I was supposed to throw the board no screw you guys sorry Cody I hate this class oh I don't want to cut open this froggy what's wrong it's already dead look at my pig look at his gut his Wier oh okay I guess I got to cut open this froggy please don't do this you can talk of course I can talk I got 14 tpos and the Mrs get home please don't kill me I don't want to kill you but my teacher says I have to no no you don't you can on me listen always was captured against me will and I've been playing dead ever since please don't let me die well I guess I can get you out of here I can take you home and show you my Daddy I than you so much all right CR real quick important announcement you are not allowed to take your animals home that school policy okay so I'm going to come around the crass and I want you to show me your animal stomach oh no what do we do oh hide me and say I'll run away oh that's a good idea where to hide you oh I know hurry jump inside my diaper okay all right Jeffy where's your animal stomach wait Jeffy where's your animal at um he got up and ran away what he ran away grass everyone be on The Rook out for a frog Jeffy do you know where we get these animals from Area 51 because they're extremely intelligent but very very dangerous so we have to kill them and dissect to prevent them from taking over the world but don't worry Jeffy I will not rest until I find your frog all right crass everyone can go home for the day but make sure your animal is dead before you leave and if you see that frog make sure you call me directly all right Mr froggy let's get out of here thank you so much hey Dy hey Jeffy how was school guess what's in my pants it's green and covered in Wards Jeffy if it looks like that has been infected what have you been doing to it well Daddy I had it out on my desk at school and the teacher wanted to see it so I put it in my pants and I came home Jeffy if your teacher wanted to see it we have to call the cop so there's something wrong with him and we have to call a doctor cuz it's green and covered in warts that means there something wrong Jeffy your we is not supposed to look like that well it's not my winner daddy oh well then what is it well close your eyes and turn around and I'll pull it out and show you I'm I'm scared but okay all right thank God I'm out of there don't you ever change your diaper all right then you can turn around now what it's a frog oh yeah I'm a Frog oh my God it can talk of course I can talk you've seen my cousin and them commercials did you know that you can save 15% or more in 15 minutes on concience something like that what Jeffy where didd you get a talking frog at well I got from school the teacher wanted me to cut him open and so I saved his life that's true he's my hero a Marvin Jeffy saved that frog's life well frog it's time for you to go back outside where you came from well you know this frog has a name what's your name fraer well fraer you can go back outside you get ran over by cars and pee on plans or whatever you need to do oh yeah yeah all right well Jeffy I'll see you later mate thanks for everything all right bye froger Marvin I'll see you later too okay bye all right Jeffy no more bringing amphibians into the house what about frogs frogs are amphibians Jeffy well then why didn't you just say that instead of saying amphibians or something Jeffy look just no more bringing animals into the house okay so go to your room all right Daddy [Music] got to call the chief hello who's this you know who this is Sergeant froger you made it out alive you son of a I told you I'd make it out great job Sergeant now you know what to do oh yeah kill all humans make them pay for all those frogs that died in those school dissections with pleasure what was that sorry I got a frog in my throat hope it's not my wife oh man I don't know what to cook tonight oh hello there wait is that a frog oh I can make frog legs hey give me your legs froggy or we can make something different tonight how about Chef arms Chef arms yeah one down billions to go all right baby what movie do you want to watch tonight ooh let's watch a scary movie which one do you want to watch you should watch scream Roger what are you doing here oh hi there Marvin you want to know what I'm going to do with this knife oh what I'm going to stab you in the rib it will hurt get it I'm going to stab you in the rib it will hurt Ribbit will hurt Ribbit I'm a I'm a frog frog say Ribbit you're going to kill me with how long you're explaining this joke why are you trying to kill us oh I don't know maybe because humans been slicing up frogs for years I think I'm going to slice you up oh no Mar what are we doing no oh oh look look there's a fly oh you think I'm going to fall for that ooh get over here you little bugger run hey come back here run to the pantry run to The Pantry on get back here you oh baby close the door close the door I know you're in there Marvin call the cops let me get my phone come on answer the phone answer the phone open up 911 what's your emergency oh yes please send help help help help okay what's going on there's a frog a frog yeah a big scary frog sir you're a grown man why are you afraid of a frog because he's trying to kill me okay sir I think you have ranidaphobia that's a fear of frogs Yeah I have ranidaphobia I ran the away from this frog tried to kill me okay frogs can't kill you they're not dangerous except for poison dart frogs they they can kill you they're very dangerous they're all colorful they look like candy but if you eat them you'll die it is it a poison dart frog no it's a really big frog Marvin don't forget to tell him about the knife who is that it's the Frog he can talk A talking frog yeah he has a knife so sir are you on something are you okay no no no I'm not okay he's trying to kill me okay sir I think I could call you an ambulance so they can get you mentally checked out no no no no please please just come help me the Frog's trying to kill me I'm in my pantry and he's trying to kill me and he said he's going to stab me in the rib it will hurt he said he'll stab me in the rib it will hurt Ribbit like ribbit oh this is a prank called bye Marvin open the door Marvin it's not locked did you say it's not law oh open the door open the door Marvin open the door hey Mr froggy what doing oh hey there Jeffy me and your parents are just playing hide and seek why do you have a knife oh we were just just about to cut some cake and have some fun help Jeffy help why is she screaming uh she's saying Help Cut the Cake she wants to help Cut the Cake so that's that's what I'm trying to get in here oh that makes sense oh they're showing at the door I'll go get it yeah go Get It Marvin he's froggy hello Jeffy there's a Tracker in the Frog and I track it to your house get to safety I'll handle the Frog okay come on Marvin I just want to slice you open froger we meet again Jackie chew what are you doing here you should have never escaped because your death would have been quick and painless but now you suffer now you're going to be the one that suffers long and painful we'll see about that two in the pig one in the St oh no please give me a second chance I'll change it looks like I'm eating frog rigs tonight thank you so much Jackie cheu for saving our life mhm we really appreciate it Marvin today's been a weird day every day is a weird day in our life true hey Dad look what I found can I keep him but no Jeffy you can't keep any random animals that you found outside Marvin what could go wrong with a pig well the Frog tried to kill us that was a frog I guess you're right I guess you can keep the pig hey chief they don't suspect a thing we'll finally get payback from all that bacon they've been eating [Laughter] excellent just going to sit here and watch my soap operas where's my remote oh there it is I can't reach it hey Jonathan get in here bring by me the remotes Jonathan the remote bring it to me now whatever he must be distracted playing his video games or something let me call him Hey sir call my son Bo your mother's calling I'm not answering that Bo you answer your mother okay but she's not nice to me I'll put it on speaker so you can hear what hey can you bring Mommy to remote control well I'm not coming all the way to your house just to hand you the remote oh I meant to call my favorite son Jonathan I didn't know I was calling my other son the piece of Brookie yeah there it is yeah I think you should probably call Jonathan instead why you don't want to come over and see your mother we would love to come and see you is that your skank of a wife I always knew you'd marry someone ugly she doesn't mean it oh and tell her I mean it too yeah okay good talk ma thanks for calling screw you uh-huh yeah thanks for making me answer that she only acts like that because she's old she acted like that when she was 30 no stupid phone called the wrong son hey Jonathan get in here and bring me the remote Jonathan let me see what that stupid boy's up to all right I got all six tabs open in the right time stamps okay Nami let's RW Jonathan I've been calling you day mother Jonathan what the hell are you want to my mother mother mother speak to me I'm having a h day I got a CN guy he can fix this oh great now my brother's calling answer it you saw how the call with my mom went B okay fine hello mom's dead Jonathan you don't have to make up a story just so I'll come over there and give you the remote I'm not making it up she's on the ground and she's not moving she does that all the time Jonathan it's called being drunk no she's not breathing okay fine if you're that worried about it just take it to a hospital and I'll be there in a minute okay okay I'm here Jonathan what are you doing Tess I'm trying to save her stay alive stay alive Jonathan she's going to be As Dead As Disco If you don't stop I already gave him Mouse to out for 30 minutes I even used tongue e Jonathan just tell me what happened well I was in my room and then she walked in while I was watching uh My Little Pony and then she grabbed her chest and fell over well it sounds like she had a heart attack no save her mother Nurse Jackie can you please get him the hell out of here all right come along darling well she flatlines so I think she's probably dead no M you can't die stay with me boy I'm so sorry about your mother dying I'm here for you during this tough time tough time no this is Party Time see Bo you don't have to drink your sorrows away no no no this is a happy beer I'm happy right now Bo you're showing your grief in a weird way no I'm not showing grief because I'm not grieving see how I'm not crying and I'm not sad at all B I think you're in denial no no no you you don't get it I literally do not care that my mother died it means nothing to me this is a normal day Bo when's the funeral uh it's about an hour from now what we got to go get ready we got to go oh I'm not going B you're going to your mother's funeral what why she wouldn't come to my funeral she told me that to my face when I was in fifth grade do you know what that does to a kid Bon we're going no I'm not going you can't make me oh yeah oh yeah well fine then I'm taking the remote oh come on what if I want to change the channel B you get this back after you go to your mother's funeral okay fine I will make an appearance and then we are leaving okay oh God it's an open casket funeral my there it's going to be okay hubby I'm not upset you're not going to see a single tear come out of my eyes she looks so beautiful just like she did when she was alive it's like I can still hear her saying I hate book guy he's such a weightless son Jonathan I don't really get why you're so sad I'm honestly surprised she didn't die soona she smoked like a chimney she loved me so much well look on the bright side Jonathan maybe now you can finally grow up and move out of the house you really think Mom's not going to give me her house in a wheel booking guy yeah right okay Jonathan let's just go sit down so we can get this whole thing over with okay one last kiss I love you Mommy okay okay I think one kiss is enough come on come on you Big M just sit down sit down be quiet dead she's not coming back yeah that's how death Works Jonathan now shut up it's starting hello and welcome to the funeral of Barbara guy who was taken from us too soon true true way too soon she was 75 and her lungs looked like raisins I personally never knew Barbara but she seems like a lovely woman no she wasn't he's just upset because mother didn't love him I would refrain from shouting out during the funeral please let's have some respect for the dead now as I was saying Barbara is survived by her two sons of whom I'm sure she was very proud of H I didn't know we were telling jokes at this funeral Barbara loved smoking and drinking and drinking and smoking now he's telling the truth the budget of this funeral was only $100 so that's about all you're getting out of me but now let's hear from some people close to Mrs guy starting with her son Jonathan are you sure you're going to be able to talk yes I just have to compose myself hello everybody my name is Jonathan and I was my mother's favorite son don't you say a word looking guy you know it's true I know I was going to agree with you so for those of you that knew my mother you would know she's a gentle caring loving and just all around amazing person to everyone except brn guy she hated him uh I got a uber East delivery oh that that that's mine I I told you to leave it at the door oh well you said you was going to tip me in cash yeah if you didn't interrupt the funeral well how was I supposed to know it was a funeral it's a funeral home what here the food God honey you're interrupting the funeral shush I'm hungry thank you this smells really good uh let's see here um they they forgot my straw man they always forget the straw now I got to do a really loud open lid sip like I was saying I have prepared a song in my mother's honor Amazing Grace how sweet yourself do you mind the fries will get cold you should have ate before the funeral I thought there were going to be finger sandwiches or something I apologize everyone for my brother's rude Interruption how inconsiderate well that concludes my song I would like to give my mother one last hug before I go I love you mother I love you my oh Lord no no no no no no no no no no Jonathan okay okay Jonathan put put the corpse back in the coffin put put it back no you're going to have to I'll never let go Jonathan this is embarrassing put it back this is gross on oh God that was very beautiful jonath thanks Karen well everybody that was something huh yeah so um I mean I guess it's time for me to make my speech it should be pretty short so I guess I'll just say you suck thank thank you thank you Jonathan yeah that's very nice uh so as I was saying I um honey honey could you pass me the french fries they they're getting cold okay yeah thank thank you sorry everybody I didn't eat today so I'm just going to pop one of these bad boys in and they're cold okay okay well that's great that just ruins my day this is the worst loss that happened today this this has ruined my entire day I was really looking forward to this so uh what was I saying I I'm sorry I lost all train of thought because of the french fries that that really bums me out oh oh yeah that that's right uh I don't really know what to say about Ma I didn't love her she she definitely didn't love me you know she she hit me all the time and she yelled at me and told me I was worthless so I don't really know why I'm here so I mean I guess the one thing I will say is suck it Babs how you like that I'm a alive and you're dead who's useless now huh yeah you're just worm food now huh yeah sorry this is the last chance I was going to get to say that to a face so I think that's about it yeah hey hey does this place have a microwave I I might still be able to save these unlike her she's she's done honey that was very emotional I could tell she meant a lot to you you weren't listening thank you very much for the nice words boys now we will hear from Mrs guy's ex-lover ex-lover who the hell could that be hey everyone how's it going Simmons oh yeah hey mate sorry about your mom H but where do I start H yeah I guess I'd like to start by quoting a song from Usher and little John she was a lady in the streets but a freak in the sheets oh she sure was I'm going to miss that old Pooch but anyway we met on a disturbance call she was trying to steal cigarettes from the gas station so I showed up arrested her put in the back of my cop car but instead of going down to the station we went back to her place and uh I booked her he did he did I heard it from my room yeah you'd be surprised where she could put a taser but uh yeah that's all I got to say about that God hopefully this is almost over all lovely words were said today now if everyone will just follow me outside for the burial we will now lower the casket into the grave yeah I won't let you bury her I'm going to have protection to me so I I can see her whenever I want Jesus Jonathan you're making a scene at a funeral you're embarrassing yourself shut up you bastard she never loves you she only loved me I was her favorite you know that you know she didn't love you yeah I know she told me all the time there there Jonathan shut up you stink she didn't love you either oh my God Jonathan just let them bury the casket never we'll go out for ice cream afterwards Two Scoops Two Scoops okay Amazing Grace How Sweet the Sound no M you bury me with oh God this is a show I I I can't watch this PO you had to leave because you were just too sad no I left because it was a show the casket busted open Jonathan was being in insane my French fries were cold I'm just glad that it's over oh oh Jonathan why did you bring the corpse to my house well you hope mom will I go pee well I'm not e e e e e ew oh god oh oh I hope this is a good time it's clearly not and how is everyone getting in my house well it's time to go over your mother's will so if you could come back to the office with me that'd be great what what do I bring the body or preferably not okay I don't even know why I have to come to this I know I'm not getting anything what Simmons what are you doing here I'm in the wheel man how do you know all right let's get to reading this thing I brought M E I told you not to do that anyway barbra's last will intestin shut the up yes sir all my belongings are to be divided between the two most important people in my life Jonathan guy and officer long schlong Simmons what to my perfect baby boy Jonathan I leave my house car and bank accounts to Simmons I leave my my used underwear and panties good for you and to my ungrateful piece of good for nothing son Brookie I leave behind absolutely nothing tell him I hate him piece of he's a bum who can't make up his mind on what job he wants and he married a skank and the rest of it is just cussing you out yep that's about what I thought thanks a lot Mom I'm out of here how was the reading of the wheel honey it went exactly like I expected I got nothing and I was insult at least she can enough to invite you yeah how considerate of her I'm just going to drink my beer and be glad she's gone wow I can't believe my ears told me what I heard when I heard it what Mom I thought you were dead April fools I was faking it well it is April Fool's Day you faked your death for April Fool's Day I sure did cuz I wanted to see which one of my boys cared about me the most it turned out it was Jonathan he baled his eyes out what did you do you sat there and ate cold french fries and drank a drink really loud at my funeral well okay I was hungry and also I didn't think you'd fake your own death well I didn't think you'd be a fat piece of and eat cold french fries at my funeral well I I can't believe you fake your own death what kind of psychopath does something like that me cuz I wanted to see who really cared about me and turns out it was Jonathan and long schlong Simmons oh boy did you hear what he said up my funeral damn it was like it was like my casket was flooding in there wait m mom hold on hold on at the hospital the machine said you Flatline you were dead oh well my heart stops when I get blackout drunk but then when I woke up in the mor I was like I'm back baby time to claim that life insurance policy okay you know what I'm not coming to any more of your future funerals from now on you're an ass come on Jonathan since you're my favorite I'll let you rub mommy's bunion yay what a colossal waste of my time hey Chef B look I drew your face on an egg Junior that looks nothing like me Chef it looks just like you look it's got your stupid pry googly eyes your little poop nose and only a face a mother could love what are you trying to say junior I'm ugly well I'm not saying you're beautiful you know what you're not the only one that can draw look this is you but yes you're a big stupid hey D what you doing I just got done painting my face on an egg Jeffy how's it look wow look what I didn't daddy oh cool Jeffy you painted your face um no I didn't Daddy I painted an egg I know you painted an egg Jeffy but you you painted your face no I didn't there's no paint on my face Daddy Jeffy I know there's no paint on your face cuz you didn't paint your face but you painted your face on the egg no I didn't Daddy all I did was paint the egg see this is the egg and this is my face no paint on yeah and you painted your face no I didn't daddy do you see paint on my face Jeffy I know you didn't paint your actual face but what did you paint on that egg paint Jeffy look look when you took the egg okay okay you painted your face on the egg right no what what' you paint on it pain Jeffy that's it Danny why would you doing that yeah Mario control your anger now I got to clean that up well Jeffy was just making me so mad at at last I am finally free from that egg prison what what are you yeah what the hell are you what you talk a bunny Daddy I thought you were the Easter Bunny I am the Easter Bunny Genie I have been trapped in that egg for thousands of years and you have freed me oh my God are you ser serious wait wait does that mean we get wishes please tell me we get wishes yeah please tell me we get wishes no well not yet but by freeing me there is now a golden egg hidden somewhere in this house if you find the golden egg it will grant the finder Only One Wish One Wish oh I'm going to find that egg no sh I'm going to find that egg listen brat you do not need that egg I need the wish more than you I want to finding yet wait wait wait can we use that one wish to wish for more wishes yeah no no wishing for more wishes wishes and no wishing to wish for more wishes no wish wishing oh man um can you help us find me no I can't help you but I also can't go anywhere until someone finds the egg and uses the wish so whoever finds the egg first gets the only wish go now oh look at that egg oh my God where's that going NE where's that going NE I need to find it I need to find it where that no [Applause] a Jeffy Bo you're a genius Jeffy okay start throwing everything everything you can find throwing we got to find that golden egg if you find the golden egg I'll never make you eat green beans ever for the rest of your life okay this is the happiest day of my life I'm going to find the gold egg Chef no you're not I'm going to find that egg don't even bother just get out the K I'm going to find it [Music] Chef you breaking I got to find the egg the egg you where is it where is it where is it it has to be in here somewhere come on no it's not in here oh the B it has to be in here come on where's that egg Daddy needs some money I need to get paid where the hell is that egg come on come on oh where is the egg where's the golden egg where's the golden egg was it here I was looking there first no you work you're too slow I'm about too slow get out there get off me Junior little bastard oh it must be your friend you better go get it hello hey Junior why you all out of breath you you look at a picture of me no Cody today's Easter oh is it I'm Jewish we don't really do that yeah an Easter Bunny Genie came out of an egg and he hit a gold magical egg around the house and it only grants one wish I'm trying to find it way yeah yeah being serious me that I'm going to find that golden egg oh dude I need a new mom I got to find it guys guys guys guys how about we agree on a truth a truth yeah yeah yeah look if one of us finds the golden egg we all agree to share that one wish what no way that wish is mine man what are you going to wish for Cody well I'm going to wish for all the guys in the world to be gay yeah just super super gay just every guy in the world's going to want me like you and Joseph just so gay Joseph we got to find that egg dude I got to find that egg I really need a mom well I want a beard what a beard yeah I want a long luscious beard Cody it give your mom a nice warm place to sit ohage you know what I I would wish you're not that you can't do that dance anymore well you know what if I find it I'm going to wish that you can't have a mouth so so you can't talk to me anymore well well well if I I if I find it I'm going to wish that you don't have a mouth so you can't wish that I don't have a mouth well if I find it I'm going to wish that you couldn't wish that I didn't have a mouth from your wish that you wish with your mouth well well if I find it I'm going to wish that you couldn't wish that I could that I couldn't that that I I'm going to find that egg well no no no I'm going to find that egg I know you are but what am I wait what I I I thought you were going to call me a name like you usually do but but you didn't so I'm want to find that egg find egg come on Jeffy find it come on Jeffy find it yeah find it where's that golden egg where's the golden egg yo Mario man why you destroying your house F because blacki there's a magical golden egg that Grant one wish I'm trying to find it oh uh what would happen if I found it EG well you give it to me then cuz I need that wish but uh what if I want to wish black Yosi black Yosi Mario you might as well give up because I'm going to find that ass up yours PP no Jeffy Jeffy did you find it Jeffy good boy Jeffy good boy I looked everywhere in this freaking kitchen where could that golden egg be where is it the bathroom it's dirty in there nobody ever goes in there that's genius happy Easter to me oh Shrek have you seen a golden egg in the bathroom or in the toilet oh no Chef donkey I haven't seen any golden eggs but uh there are a lot of egg shaped things in the toilet if you'd like to take a look oh my God that's s oh did you find what you were looking for sh donkey no Shrek I'm trying to find a golden egg oh doy why are you looking for a golden egg in the first place look this golden egg can grant one wish and I really want to be rich H golden egg gr any wish I could wish for a lifetime supply of Cheesecake oh I got to wipe first oh do I wipe or let it crust wipe or crust wipe crust wiper crust oh I wish I had a coin to flip oh we're going to light it crust crusting I hate Easter I used to be the Easter egg honey Champion but Junior beat me years ago and I haven't been the same sense I can't even find eggs the same anymore like where's that blue egg I was looking for I can't even find it damn it Isa is not the same oh maybe Charlie could cheer me up Charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live audience oh hi guys I'm Charlie and today is Easter and I heard that if you eat a whole Easter egg the Easter Bunny will give you a dollar you're going to give me a dollar right okay well I'mma eat the whole Easter egg I hope it tastes good looks good good okay give me a dollar give me the dollar it was totally worth it Charlie you sure know how to make me laugh wait wait what the Blue Egg oh my God wait I found a blue egg wait that means I haven't lost it right oh I can feel it in my hands it's a burning sensation I haven't lost it I'm back baby where's the gold EG where's the golden egg at Junior dad not now I'm busy no no no this is important what Dad look I lost my nuts to you 3 years ago when you beat me in that Easter egg hunting contest and I want him back your nuts yes my nuts look you took them for me 3 years ago and I need them I haven't been there manly ever since and I deserve a rematch look give me my rematch okay Dad I'll give you a rematch but I'm kind of busy right now I'm looking for an egg no no that's what I want to do I want to look for eggs okay Dad how about this uh the first person to find a golden egg wins and then the number one Easter egg looking Champion ever is or okay just find a golden egg I can do yeah I just don't think you're going to find it Well oh really now you're challenging me I'm Challen you're not going to find a golden egg I'm going to find it find it I'm going to rub it in your freaking face oh you're going to rub it in my face oh yeah I'm rub my face B okay Shout he's going to work to my advantage he's going to find it and give it to me no fair Junior using your hot dad to find the egg for you what I can't find that golden egg anywhere I need to find it hey dadd look I found a gold egg wait Jeffy that's yellow no it's not it's gold Jeffy do you even know what gold looks like um no Jeffy gold looks like my shoe you see how it's kind of like brownish but it's kind of like shinier and lighter and not really that it's here it is Dy Jeffy that's yellow Jeffy that's the pizza guy I ordered pizza so just go answer the door and uh just tell them all about your stupid little egg or something all right D um [Music] hello did did I make it did I see see I I I I threw the pizza I didn't I didn't feel like walking up to the front door you know if you're wondering how I rung the doorbell I uh I threw I threw my pen you know you see that around here somewhere me um you want to see my egg yeah yeah that's real great but you you going to you going to pay for that pizza um we're real busy in here we're looking for a golden egg that'll Grant any wish gr grants any wish mhm um I I hey I I need to come in for a minute just excuse me okay I can't find that golden egg anywhere I know Mario I looked all in the kitchen I can't find that stupid egg either I know we're destroying the house in the living room and I just don't know where it's at thany dadd the pach guy here hey what oh good I'm really hungry where's the pizza oh oh yeah yeah I I threw it you threw it yeah I I threw it um that that'll be $9.95 a plus T what tip I'm not going to tip you where's my pizza well well it's on the doorstep over there if you really want it but what are you doing inside my house oh oh yeah I I'm here to get in on that like golden egg thing oh I got to find that golden egg I got to beat Junior B you're not going to find a golden egg we've all been looking for this golden egg and we can't find it wait what you're in on this competition too yes we're all trying to find this golden egg and we can't find it so well y'all ain't going to beat me I'm going to find this damn egg sh sh I can't find that golden egg anywhere look I know Junior we all search for this damn egg we can't find it in here all right guys how about this we go ask the Easter Bunny Genie what's going on cuz we've been looking for this golden egg and we cannot find it that's a nice my idea Mario good idea yes yeah Mario that's a really good idea good idea D yay let's let's let's do that yeah yeah let's do that let's go ask him come on guys all right all right Easter Bunny Genie we've been looking everywhere for that golden egg and we haven't found it so what's going on you must find it because if you don't find the egg and make a wish I will be trapped is a genie forever well can you give us a hint yeah can you give us a hint we've been looking all day for and we can't find it yeah and I I just got here yeah and he just got here yeah Mr Bunny rabit can you please give us a hint I've been looking for the gold neeg all day and all I found was this man I sure wish I found the golden egg oh look daddy is this the golden egg yeah wait wait did he just waste the wish yep I don't even know why were made oh dang I got the egg for you you but Jeffy you used your one wish to wish for the golden egg that you already had but I wish the golden egg for you Daddy so here take your wish I'm going to kill him I'm going to kill him let's all kill him let's all kill him what a stupid wish wishing for an egg you already had well anyway I'm free um H happy Easter oh my God look at this grilled cheese this is so wonderful I just want to take a bite out of you right now oh I got to let you finish cooking though oh man I love grilled cheeses they're like my favorite meal ever look at you I can't wait to get a bite it's so nice and golden oh my god oh o I need to go and get a drink first is that cheesee I smell cheese is that American cheese that's American cheese cheese American cheese got me a coke wait what the hell where is my sandwich junior did you eat a sandwich where are you come on Polly whirl kick his come on Charizard you have no power against my Poliwhirl he know Surf and bubble [Applause] beam Pokemon makes me so mad Junior where's my grilled cheese I know you got it what tell me where is my grilled cheese I just cooked it like 5 minutes ago tell me where it is I'm ready to eat it and you're going to tell me where it is I did not take you stupid grilled cheese sh B I've been playing Pokemon don't sit here and lie to me my grilled cheese is missing and it doesn't just walk off it like off the plate it just leaves I was supposed to eat it I did not take your stupid grilled cheese Chef peeee so go go suck a lemon what so where's my grilled cheese then Junior I don't have times for g games I I I don't know maybe my dad took it stop bothering me you always bother me like Junior this and Junior that and Junior this you're just always annoying I don't annoy you like this don't lie Junior you always annoy me I'm not even annoying you I just want to find my freaking grilled cheese well get off your fat stinky butt and go make another one I didn't take it so get out of my room you know what I'mma do that just make sure you don't bother me later I know Junior a Bowser took my grilled cheese I just know it don't stress pee PE don't stress I'll just make another one grilled cheese number two not as cheesy as the last one but it'll do no one's going to take this one I promise so hungry oh man you look so luscious yes it's about time yes one bite no don't eat the cheese what is that noise coming from H yeah I'm just hearing stuff no I can't be hearing stuff I know I I hear something come out junior is that I like the cheese I need it I need it hey hey get off my sandwich you're not touching my sandwich you stupid rat never again it's not happening okay this is mine I'm eating it but I like the cheese I don't care if you like cheese this is my freaking sandwich did you take my last sandwich I think you did yes oh man I got to apologize to Junior then I want this sandwich I like cheese look I don't care what you like you're not getting the sandwich you already took one sandwich of mine but it has jeez I don't give a care if it had Ham on it okay you're not taking my sandwich get come here get back here you bat oh no cornered you're cornered so give up the stupid sandwich right now uh no I I have I I I have better idea what is your better idea just give me my s h sandwich oh my god oh it hurts he hit me with a hammer freaking Hammer I'm so sick of this I'm going call a freaking exterminator oh that must be the Exterminator oh finally oh are you the Exterminator sir yeah I heard you got a rat problem where's your [Laughter] mother oh man sorry about that man jeez got to keep it fun in this job you know anyway where's that rat yours whatever dude he he's in here just come after me all right we'll get that bastard okay Mr exterminator so the rat is somewhere in this kitchen what what's your mother doing in the kitchen eh oh man I get I get you good are you finished yeah yeah yeah sorry about that that was very funny okay so how do you plan on catching the stupid rat um how about you ask your father oh man I am on a roll today yeah you should try being a comedian oh man yeah so how do you plan on getting this stupid rat you you have to come up with a plan come on now H we could uh we could uh we could try a red caller what's your mother's phone number can you just f with my mom's jokes okay Sor oh killing so we have the red call and we just what what else do we do there Chee you got any cheese like cheese oh that's smart that's smart rats do like cheese yeah what's your mother's favorite gun in cheese you know what I'm just going to get the cheese shut the hell up okay okay you do that jeez I am on a roll today I should right stand up or something okay so we don't have any more American cheese but we have GAA cheese is that good no ga yeah that's a ga job cuz it's a good to chees anyway get it I really don't all right well uh I I I'm assuming it's a small rat right so so I'll just wait for him to come get the cheese and then I'll just grab him with my hands wait wait this is not a small rat this is not an ordinary rat this rat is huge jeez I I can't believe you say that about your own mother oh God you good you just stop please give me that give me that come on come on I'm not giving you anything okay all right all right just make sure you catch the stupid rat okay I hope your plan really works okay so we're just going to go over here and watch him since you know everything okay Mr rat executioner who thinks he's a comedian the rat should pop up in a couple of seconds we're going to sit here and wait on him okay he's huge he's big I promise you yeah well I'm from Brooklyn all right I'm used to deal with big rats you know like my ex-wife right I wish that were here to hear that oh man I got I got her good oh God damn whatever just wait on the stupid right to come okay all right man jeez cheese I smell cheese cheese what what kind of cheese cheese not not American cheese no not swiss cheese it's it's GAA cheese my favorite cheese damn that's a big rat you see him right yeah no joke huh no of course not this is not a laughing matter you see the size of that damn thing Jesus I got a job to do oh not time for making jokes G cheese I love G cheese wrapping on the G cheese G cheese I love cheese come here ow jeez he bit me oh God what was that I think I got red AIDS or something are you sure you're an exterminator cuz that was pretty pitiful he bit you I could have did that no I didn't think he was going to be that big he's big up close Okay jeez just like your mother hey come on man I thought we were friends here so it works for you but not me come on now that doesn't make any sense I I don't know what you're talking about man just just back off okay so what's the freaking plan come up with a second plan okay all right uh okay plan B all right voila take a look at Plan B wao this does look a little Hightech you are doing your stuff now yeah and and you see that cheese in the middle there yeah yeah yeah well that's go to chease yeah you heard that his favorite cheese yeah yeah I heard him say that and and I also peed on it yeah what did you pee on it for oh well you know cuz he's a rat so they like they like gross stuff so I figured I mean cuz he's I mean I'm not a scientist or nothing I don't I don't really know but it it seemed like a pretty good idea whatever anyway do you really think this is going to work this kind of seems a little excessive he's a smart rat oh yeah well well let's see him try to do it in the dark W bam let's see him get through that I guess that's a little more harder since it's darker but I don't think it's going to you know catch him oh yeah we we'll take a look at this what's that it's the red exterminator 5000 watch wow I believe you're going to catch them now yeah all right now let's just sit back relax and enjoy the extermination yeah oh here I come I love cheese oh yep yep it's good cheese it's good cheese come on come on tail stay strong hold me up tail m g cheese I love cheese oh cheese come here cheese come here cheese oh cheese a I love cheese I got it I got I got the cheese I got it you can have this back wow that is a smart red wait hold on turn on the light oh okay wait that's my grilled cheese do you see that over there on the table yes so what I need to get it he took it from me I have to get it back no no don't do that that's I have to get it oh but the TR gr cheese I've been missing you that's that's not a smart idea man you don't tell me what's a smart idea this is my grilled cheese and this is the cheesy one I have to get it you really take your grilled cheese seriously man I love my grilled cheeses well it's not a really good idea but be careful oh look hey there's the red what oh god oh you whine more than your mother I am the best oh jeez you deserve it oh man oh my God I like je God oh that'll be about 500 bucks ow ow hey you all right there buddy no I'm not all right I'm I'm in pain over here I feel like I broke every bone in my body oh well I'm I'm still going to need the $500 from you though I'm not paying you $500 for not catching a mouse oh come on but I used all those traps and it's thank you so much for the Cuda cheese it's my favorite cheese I love it you get it cuz cuz it's a mouse tra the board game and I'm I'm exterminated and he's but seriously I'm going to need that $500 for you ASAP Patrick get in here it's time for dinner Patrick where's your shirt I used it a toilet paper and I tried to flush it down the toilet so now it's stuck Patrick we've talked about this t-shirts aren't toilet paper whose's McDonald's is this can I have a friend fry yes Patrick it's your dinner you got me McDonald's that's crazy chicken nugget mommy look this one's shaped like the State of Florida we should sell it on eBay for a million billion dollars okay Patrick I also got you a milkshake a milkshake and it's purple how did they even do that okay you eat your dinner I'll be in the other room I'm going to drink it m salt G St all right ma'am shut the hell up and tell me what happened I gave my son McDonald once I left the room I came back and found him like this yeah likely story liar what I didn't do this oh sure you didn't murderer s take her away all right ma'am you're coming with me hello sir hey Susan I just got done talking to the murderer what do we got child found dead mother still alive they were the only two in the house yep she definitely did it yeah she didn't like him and she wanted to go out and party so she killed him the child shirt was also clogging the toilet sir but I didn't notice until after I peed yeah she probably strangled him with the shirt and tried to flush it down the toilet too bad we can't use it as evidence now that you peed on it there goes our evidence right down the drain any fingerprints on the kid I found 10 fingerprints sir but they were all his own H run those anyway just in case she might have touched him only on his fingers what's this purple Grimace milkshake sir oh thank God Oh I thought it was his blood and maybe I was going colorblind or like maybe he was an alien or something still what a waste well I guess there's no use crying over spilled milk shake good one sir sir I do have to tell you this is the 700 reported death with the grimmest milkshake found nearby oh that's just a coincidence it's a popular milkshake you know if everybody in the world has one of these some of those people are going to die and then they're going to drop the milkshake right next to that dead body but sir you don't think there's a chance that the milkshakes been poisoned oh no I know Grimace personally he would never poison his own milkshakes wait you know Grimace yeah we went to high school together we go way back love Grimace big teddy bear of a guy I mean I don't know what the hell he is but he's great what you don't believe me I'll call him yes call him so we can question him okay you don't believe me I'll call Grim okay Susan it's ringing look I'll even put it on speaker for for you hello hey there Grimace it's me Brooklyn guy oh hey buddy hey happy late birthday by the way sorry I didn't get you anything oh that's okay yeah I just wanted to ask we've been finding a lot of dead people next to your milkshakes yeah maybe because it's my milkshake yeah it is your milkshake yeah it is my milkshake are you on the toilet cuz it sounds like you're straining oh yeah I'm on toilet die yeah you really show that turd who's boss yeah you little turd that sounds more like a big one to me you piece of yeah I I get it that's what you get for drinking my milkshake yeah you really yell at your poops a lot yeah so anyway like I was saying it's my milkshake for my birthday yeah yeah it was it was your birthday yeah my birthday yeah I just wanted to make sure you weren't going around like killing people with something me kill somebody nuh oh great that's all I needed to hear grimas yeah but just make sure no one else drinks my milkshake because they might end up dead okay well that was weird but it was nice talking to you Grimace okay bye bye see you Susan he said he didn't kill anybody if you say so sir I do say so and I also declare this case closed get this body out of here so guys what do you want to do today well guys I went to McDonald's to get my free medium french fries I get for McDonald's every week and I found out it's Grimace is birthday well actually his birthday was about a month ago but they're still selling the meal and it comes with a shake wao it's purple dude that looks sick what's it tastes like oh I don't know I haven't tried it yet can I try it first before you spit in the straw yeah I do like to spit right inside the straw I don't know how straws work oh I got to try it next I want to try it first okay get to sucking and then you can try the shake shut up Cody I'm going to try it wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait the [Music] news breaking news hundreds of people all around the world are mysteriously dying after drinking the Grimace shake from McDonald's McDonald's is discontinuing the shake until they can figure out the cause oh no no Junior didn't you hear the news people are dying after they drink this the only way you can die from drinking a milkshake is if you drink it too fast and get a brain freeze and go into a coma or if you get obesity from eating too much McDonald's but not that many people would die from that dying from obesity Cody you know the obesity rate in America is 42.4% so there's a chance that an obese person is drinking a milkshake that they're not supposed to be drinking and they die well I think they were saying there's an ingredient in the milkshake that's killing people there's poison in the milkshake well maybe yeah well then you try it I'm not going to drink poison you're a milkshake dude yeah you paid money for it you should try it first well you're the one who wanted it well I don't want to try it you try it I'm not trying that you try it well Cody you try it I don't want to drink it okay then how are we going to find out who tries it first uh how about we play a game of poker and whoever loses has to try it first but really an entire game of poker just to figure out who's going to drink this milkshake but you don't know how to play poker you're bad at poker no how about we just draw straws draw straws he don't know what he's talking about okay Cody we can draw straws come on J let's get some paper yeah let's show his ass what all right Cody check out my straw drawing n dude check out my straw drawing wao you drew a McDonald's straw yeah yeah I tried to stay on theme you know oh man you made a Bendy straw that's sick all right Cody where's your straw drawing no idiots what I didn't say draw pictures of straws I meant that we all get straws we cut the straws we pull the straws and whoever has the shortest straw loses no no you didn't say that no you said draw straws so we drew straws yeah you changing the rules now dude but that's what drawing straws is it's what you pull straws you should have said pull straws you said draw straws so we grabb paper and we drew straws so where's your straw drawing I didn't draw one because not suppos so you lose you lose lose automatically yeah we drew straws you didn't draw straws so you lose you had to drink the milkshake no that's not how draw straw fine I will drink the milkshake interesting how's it taste like like blueberry muffins does it tast like poison no anx no I mean I don't really feel bad I don't really know why people are dying from this is it Grim come here back I'll kill you what's going on he took a dip of mud milkshake I mean I bought it I'll kill you hey he didn't actually take a sip what oh yeah no I don't know how to use straws so I just spit in the straw yeah he's bad at sucking well no no no I'm good at sucking I just don't know how to use straws if you're looking for a good time I'll at your boy then how do you know my milkshake tastes like blueberries I I I I could smell it oh yeah let me smell your breath I don't brush my teeth let me smell your breath ew gross yeah I weren't you so why are you doing this Grimace why are you so mad because I'm killing every body that takes a siip of my milkshake after my birthday why because it's my milkshake not yours not his my milkshake it's not that serious bro yeah it's just a milkshake well just make sure you don't take a sip cuz if you do I'll kill you well how will you know if we take a sip because I can hear it when people take a sip you don't have ears I have ears like a dolphin so don't take a sip and throw it away okay damn I kind of want to take a sip of it now right guys know he he's not going to know he's killed hundreds of people I mean if he killing people over a milkshake he got to be good yeah I mean I'll take the quietest sip ever yeah he's not even in the room dude like the tinyest quiet sh Junior look how long is he going to stand there for bro that's goofy I think we should just throw this thing away no we're going to keep it cuz I want to take a sip he's not even that scary bet you won't take a sip of it in front of his face dude bet give me the milkshake no no Junior don't hey where you doing with that I'm going to go throw it away okay good you better not take a sip I might take a sip no you better not stop that stop that stop it my not take a step I just put my mouth on the straw okay good you better not take another tip I'm making bubbles okay good hey give it to me what how am I going to do that the door's closed open the door what open the door I think I'm just going to throw it away okay good okay guys I took a sip no you didn't dude well I was blowing bubbles a little bit got in my mouth what but he's joking okay good so what should we do I think we should call the cops cuz he's just admitted to murder okay and he's standing right there so when the cops show up they'll be able to get him right there yeah yeah so I'll go get my phone okay guys it's ringing 911 what's your emergency uh yeah you know Grimace the purple guy from McDonald's well he's staring at me right now and he told us that he killed a whole bunch of people for drinking his milkshake okay listen kid I know Grimace personally and I know he would never kill anybody as a matter of fact he told me that earlier tonight I'll kill you who was that that was Grimace well how do I know that's not one of your friends doing a Grimace impression I'm the real Grimace and if you take a sip of my milkshake I'll kill you just like they killed those other 700 people did did you hear him say all that well yeah that is kind of weird but I don't know look could you just please come over okay fine I'll be over there to take a look yeah when you get here the front door is going to be unlocked so you can just come right up stairs hey don't take a I hate responding to prank calls well he said the front door would be open huh it is and up the stairs oh hey Grimace hey buddy what what what you doing I'm just making sure these kids don't take a sip of my milkshake but why shouldn't they drink your milkshake because it's my milkshake okay well I'm just going to go in and talk to them okay well make sure they don't take a sip of my milk tap okay we'll do okay good okay kids what's with the prank call it's not a prank call Grimace is really here you just talk to him well yeah everything else you told me on the phone was true but that doesn't mean Grimace is trying to kill people listen officer Grimace is trying to kill people he's trying to kill anyone who takes a sip of his milkshake that's ridiculous look I'll show you hey don't take a sip of that milkshake I'll kill you I'll rip your arms up and beat you to death with him you bastard oh s you drunk you Grimace you good buddy don't let them take a sip of my milkshake take a sip of the milkshake then he'll kill me he's not going to kill anybody he's nice so you promise if he tries to kill me you'll shoot him it's not going to come to that just take a sip so if he tries to kill me you'll shoot him right I'm a cop I'm not going to let anything happen to you okay just take a sip okay I will hey Grimace I'm going to take a sip of the milkshake don't do it go ahead Cal down put the down the down gri I will blow you the away Grim no gri gri oh God Grim I killed Grimace why did you have to make me shoot you I'm so sorry you saved my life officer oh Grim oh oh God his blood looks just like the milkshake I'm really sorry you guys couldn't see that it was just too graphic oh but now you can safely drink your Grimace milkshakes in peace he's not going to get you and now you can check out the Grimace funeral shake that might be coming out oh God yeah and please make sure you like comment and subscribe yeah I I had to kill my best friend Grimace all right craft today we're going to be learning about the digestive system so I'm going to be eating some very authentic Asian Cuisine this Boni sandwich and I'm going to eat it and we're going to see how how long it takes my body to digest a sandwich and see how long it takes for me to crap my pants uh is this my son jeffy's classroom he forgot his lunch boox here there okay thank you so much oh Jeffy poo you forgot your lunchbox how embarrassing Daddy what are you doing here you forgot your lunch box all right Daddy thank you now leave it's a Lunchable with a Capri on okay Daddy thank you leave wait that's your dad yeah your dad's bald bald Dad I'm not that bald that is very rude young man what if I made fun of your cone-shaped head well I'd say at least I have hair on it well I want to speak to your parents young man what's their number okay their number is 1 800 get some hair baldy all right d leave just leave okay look at the bald guy leaving what a bald way to leave don't you make fun of my daddy hey stop fighting just cuz he that ball hey Marvin did you drop off jeffy's lunch box I did what's wrong Marvin one of the k kids in jeffy's class said I was bald a Marvin that's not completely wrong I'm not bald I have hair on the side of my head you're kind of bald Marvin well I look like that guy on TV who's that really hot guy on TV uh Dr Phil I look like Dr Phil e Dr Phil's not hot yes he's super hot and every girl wants a doctor and I also look like the rock I look like the rock you do not look like the rock I look like The Rock The Rock's bald I'm kind of bald I also look like Steve Harvey ooh Steve Harvey's hot yeah I look just like Steve Harvey no you don't yes I do wow Danny thanks for embarrassing me how did I embarass you because you're bald and now all the kids in school know that I have a bald daddy well I bet some some of the other kids' dads are bald well they didn't see the other kids dad they saw you in your bald head well look just tell them when you're older that bald is considered sexy right baby uh-huh see yeah Daddy I'm not going to sit there and let the kids keep bullying me can we get a marker or something and color in your hair no Jeffy look there's not much I can do about being bald I guess I can call a doctor and see what the options are good okay I'm I'm going to call a doctor hey there somebody call a doctor yes doctor so I'm going bald ha you're bald baldy you're so bald yeah so someone called me bald today and I don't want to be bald anymore yeah of course not cuz of how bald you are look at your bald head well aren't you going bald don't touch me I'm just saying aren't you going bald no I'm just saying aren't loser hey let him up yeah let me get up yeah okay you're Lu your wife's here well aren't you going bald yeah but look see I can just show you you don't have to touch me weirdo stop pushing me look I don't want to be bald anymore what can I do look being bald is just part of aging for some people some people look really good bald like poy he's hot what up see yes poy is super hot and bangable uhhuh and like nobody can be like poy damn right so since we can't be like poy and be like as sexy as him like what do we do like can I get hair imp plants oh yeah I can give you hair imp plants oh thank God how much are they oh they're about $100,000 well I can't afford that I know you can't broke boy there has to be a cheaper option uh yeah okay you could uh look these nuts what a cheaper option okay well you could just try like buying a hat well I guess I could buy a hat yeah just be like a hat guy you know and then nobody could see your little bald little baby head little bald little baby look at that little head of yours I'll buy a hat okay so I'm going to go to the hat store and I'll call you if that doesn't work all right let me know if you want those implants I'm going to go buy a hat Marvin please don't buy a hat no look I got to try every option I don't want I don't want to embarrass Jeffy anymore what's up thing what well I don't want to assume what you are baby what are your pronouns mine is is his him he that doesn't make any sense Marvin and why does your hat say YOLO well I went to the hat store and I got this hat on clearance the guy at the store said every kid saying YOLO these days do you even know what YOLO means yeah when when kids answer the phone they go ring ring ring YOLO I don't think that's right and then when they're swimming in the pool they play Marco YOLO Marco YOLO hey that doesn't sound right either Marvin baby you're being really sus right now what yeah you're not being lit and Jeffy needs a lit father so I'm going to be on fire for him I'm the hottest things in sliced bread but sliced bread is room temperature you're being sus again baby Jeffy get in here what's up daddy what's up son did you just have a stroke no Jeffy I'm being lit okay you're definitely having a stroke mommy can you call the doctor no Jeffy look I'm just trying to be like like you know relevant and and hip and cool for you and your your friends this is more embarrassing than you being bald no when your friends see me they're going to be like he's so lit period poo what period poo I don't know I Googled like the top 10 things kids are saying these days and period poo is one of them so I think period poo means when a girl takes a dump and it's her time of the month period poo Okay Marvin we're going to move the hat so it looks like this now yeah D you look like you're going to go deliver peaches this hat is lame like this unless I can put like a big red M on the front of it no I don't think that's a good idea Marvin baby I think you need to take a period poo what my hat fell off yeah well I think we should leave it off too no cap what no yeah no cap yeah lit sus sus every he's being sus everybody okay look I need a hat because I can't afford $100,000 hair implants I guess we could just turn on the TV and hope a cheaper option shows up hello I am Dr Fredick fleitz and I have shaved my head to demonstrate my newest product Dr fle shits hair Spritz are you tired of being bound well worry no more because one Spritz of Dr fle shit's hair Spritz and you will no longer be bald now watch this now we wait for 5 seconds W it worked yes now if you would like a full head of hair like me all you have to do is order Dr fle shit's hair Spritz for just 19.95 order now oh my God I'm going to order that right now oh Marvin those infomercials are always a scam I guess you're right I guess I'll go back to wearing the Hat nope order it I'll go order it right now period poo come on come on come on hurry up with my package come on it's here hello did you order Dr finger sheit is hair Sprints I sure did well here you go thank you so much um where's my 5 cents what you said it was $ 1995 what really yeah so I gave you a 20 so you owe me 5 cents you you don't need the 5 cents I I do need the 5 cents I'm very stingy it's it's part of the shipping how about that okay just take the spray guys guys guys the hair sprits came in baby spray the top of my head okay I want to watch just hurry up and do it what do I do spray the top of my head okay what was wrong got in my eyes oh I'm sorry Jeffy what going happen I don't know Daddy I can't see anything Marvin that's so much hair but it means it works all right baby spray the top of my head oh are you sure yeah just spray my head I want hair okay oh I'm scared did it work yes Marvin you have so much hair I do I bet I look so sexy I'm going to go look in the mirror mommy can you shave my head sure Jeffy let's just wait till Marvin gets back oh my God I'm so hot look at my full head of hair oh my God I'm gorgeous I can look at myself all day Mommy it's been hours I know Jeffy I can go check on him Marvin it's been 3 hours and you're still staring at yourself in the mirror baby look at me look at all my hair I'm hot Marvin you're not that hot of course I'm hot baby you're just jealous you don't have as much hair as I do Marvin your hair's a mess baby I understand you're jealous because a bunch of girls are going to want me now that I have hair but you have to trust me I'm not going to cheat on you Marvin no one cares about your hair that much everyone cares about my hair especially me H the doctor I can call him back and get revenge hey there someone call a doctor again uh yeah I did wa baldy is that you baldy I don't know anyone who's bald w Wait don't touch my hair hey don't push me what's wrong you wish you weren't bald stop stop pushing me a little bald spot boy what don't call me that Marvin stop bullying him he bullied me so now that I have hair I can get revenge hey hey little bald spot hey hey let's check out that bald spot wa hey World he's going bald baldy baly mean morvin that's so rude he shouldn't be bald and and my nuts are rude okay I'm going to use some more hairspray I need some more hair yeah are you okay no I'm crying in your son's bed yeah I'm not going to lie it's a little weird Marvin's being mean I know that hair changed him how do you even grow all that hair anyway he used Dr fle shit's hair Spritz oh no don't you know what that stuff does no what well if you use too much of it the hair like takes over your brain and you turn into a hair monster oh no what do we do we got to shave Marvin's head before the hair takes over okay let's go oh Marvin we got something for you oh my God Jesus Christ you guys like my new hair well yeah kind of Marvin that hair's ridiculous you're just jealous you don't have as much hair as I do Marvin that hair's got a go no oh my God it's a monster you said it was going to turn into a monster well I lied that was just an excuse to shave his head so I could bully him again what okay look I'm going to shave it anyway you're not going to shave my hair get him Harry oh Harry that's a very creative name oh God it's EA me alive me kill it kill Marvin that hair's got to go I did it oh no my hair my beautiful hair why' you shave it all Marvin that hair turned you into a m moner but like why' you shave me bald you could have left a little bit of hair because Marvin I love you just the way you are a haha baldy you're bald again well you still have that bald spot on the back of your head yeah you're right Marvin aren't you glad that all that hair's gone off your head no no not at all I wish I had the hair back on my head but I guess I still can wear the hat oh no not the Hat what's wrong with the hat oh just wait yo yo yo what's up my brothers Marco YOLO he God I preferred the hair monster you guys are being sus hey baby why don't you go take a period poo what that's what girls do in the bathroom so who's going to shave my head oh let me do it well hey how about I do it cuz you guys are acting sus am I right Jeffy stop chewing on my head but you're my andorn daddy happy Halloween it's me Luigi roselina you're Luigi for Halloween yeah Mario what are you guys dressed up as well I'm the squirrel from Ice Age and Daddy's my Acorn and I'll do anything to get my nut yeah Jeffy drives me nuts that's funny Mario hey Mommy I can talk like a squirrel you want to hear it yeah squeakity sque sque squeaky squeaker I learned it from Emperor's New Groove look let's just go trick or treat okay let's have a fun night come on I'm a raet no no no more anger pee PE more anger it's more like I'm a raet oh you're getting close you're getting close hey Chef peipi do you like my elephant costume Junior out of every costume you could have chosen why did you choose an elephant well was the only costume they had in my size what are you supposed to be a fat guy with tumors for hands no no I'm Ralph get it like Wreck It Ralph I'm wreck it oh because every time you cook you wreck the food you wreck it no no Junior I'm exactly Ralph look look I'm I'm Wrecking yeah yeah because your Life's a wreck and you wreck everything juli do you want me to wreck you I'm not 18 yet shf peee what oh that must be my friends or it's trick-or-treaters no that's my friends only my friends ring the doorbell like that hey hey guys Happy Halloween hey Junior what's up dude oh Cody what's your costume supposed to be oh ken and I are Thing One and Thing Two there's a thing three but it's currently rammed at my Caboose oh Cody so shush oh Joseph what are you supposed to be a Teletubby without the mask no dude I'm from Among Us Among Us oh yeah I thought he was a Teletubby too like like he was Tinky Winky or something Tinky Winky not everything's about pee pees Cody that's his name all right guys what am I supposed to be o Dumbo uh an elephant pooping oh you guys are both correct I'm Cody's mom I knew it dude yeah I'm fat and I like nuts in my mouth yeah good one Junior spot on yeah are you guys ready to go trick-or-treating oh yeah dude I'm going to try to get all the candy this year cuz this is the only time of year where I get free food oh yeah awesome guys whoever gets the most candy wins okay okay thanks for giving us a PL Junior all right guys let's go trick or trunking yeah okay okay yeah let's go oh Mario let's go to this house no it's by the interstate the lights are off they obviously don't want trick-or-treaters Jeffy knock on the door all right come on I turn the lights off specifically so no one would come here hey there I'm Dr Seuss and you're dressed up like a silly goose actually I'm the squirrel from Ice Age mhm well everything I say has to rhyme as long as it's Halloween time well trick or treat smell my butt my daddy's head looks like a nut give me candy wow you're pretty good at this when when they don't have Sprite they offered Sierra Mist that was a good rhyme yeah yeah oh here here uh here's some candy I hope it comes in handy you can go now so I'm going to take a bow please leave let's go guys Chia I'm a Wreck It me give me candy meow wait kid why are you make it oh I'm Gary from SpongeBob and he doesn't wear clothes oh my God that's so disgusting papey are you going to give me candy I'm not papie I'm Ralph I'm a wreck are you going to give me spinach because I don't want spinach I want candy I don't have spinach and I'm Ralph I'm a wreck look mister I really don't care what your name is I just want some candy you know what look wreck this here's some candy all right you happy thank you m go put on some clothes and don't go to the neighbor's house he already has a record oh my God all right guys guys do you want some candy yeah all right I heard this house has the best candy what do you want uh trick or treat we want some candy you kids are like the 10th kids to show up at my house asking for free food do your parents not feed you well it's Halloween oh is that what this is I was wondering why a bunch of people were dressed up like idiots well what's your costume costume I don't need a costume I'm me why would I need to be anyone else well can you please give us some candy the only candy I have is the good candy and that's for me well if you give us some we won't tell anyone I guess just don't tell anyone because I don't want a line of por outside my house I'll be right back oh we going get the gun candy we get the yeah dude I'm a Wreck It oo I got something for you to wreck big boy oh no not you again you're through all the trick or treat and and what are you a nun oh yeah I'm a nun but I'm willing to break the rules for you what kind of candy do you want I want you to open up a big old can of spinach and save me papa I'm not a popey I'm Ralph I'm a wreck it okay Ralph the Sailor Man what what I'm Ralph I'm not a sailor man look what kind of candy do you want I'll just give me a fun siiz Snickers right here in my bucket whatever here you go oh yeah look leave okay please now thank you God not popey all right guys who do you think got the most candy dude it has to be me I got a bunch of candy no Joseph I think I got more let's definitely not me because somehow I get less candy than either of you which doesn't make sense cuz we all went to the same house well maybe they saw kin with you so they thought yall were sharing a bucket well then I should have more candy cuz there's two of us maybe they knew Ken was a doll and you were just trying to C them out of candy well that doesn't explain why some of my candies already even opened and pre- chewed like this I don't know if this is a starburst or cheese I mean it smells like it could go either way and I have a fuzzy lollipop oh dude I like that can I have that fuzzy lollipop well if you give me your peanut butter oh no not the Skippy I love me some skiy look Cody they have some candy named after you nerds yeah good one Junior I'm a wreck it oh no here comes Neil Armstrong all right guys you can't eat your candy until you finish your dinner okay all right Neil Armstrong What Neil Armstrong junor yeah look at his big strong arms he's Neil Armstrong Neil Armstrong didn't have big arms okay fine Lance Armstrong but Junior not everyone with the last name Armstrong has big arms then how they get that last name their ancestors obviously had strong arms well my last name is nut kiss so what does that say about my ancestors I mean is pretty self-explanatory yeah nut kiss come on Cody we know how you are okay yeah you can't of get so Chef we can't eat any candy until dinner no no no candy until dinner okay all right guys let's eat dinner Daddy I got so much MF and candy can I start eating it sure Jeffy what not my head Jeffy eat the candy well Daddy I'm still in my squirrel outfit so all I can eat is nuts well Jeffy will you eat these Peanut M&M's PE PE not M&M's yeah start eating that breaking news okay if you went trick-or treating tonight and you have candy throw it away right now because the candy company and the rap poison company share the same Factory so while creating candy this year the candy company accidentally make candy with rat poison in it if you eat the candy you may die so throw it away immediately what oh no Jeffy put that candy out P the candy back up what Dad don't take my candy I had to hustle hard for that Jeffy it's poison we'll buy you some more Mario we can't buy him more that could be poison too okay then you can't eat candy but I'll buy you McDonald's or something well Dad can I go back to chewing on your head no look look Rosalina go tell everyone in the house they can't eat their candy okay okay ship peee ship peee what do you want Luigi you have to take away all the candy from the kids I already did no candy it after they finish their dinner no they can't have any candy at all it's poisoned poison you have to throw it all away well I can't throw all this candy away they'll eat it out of the trash can I'll just put it in the pantry that's a good idea Donkey Kong I'm not Donkey Kong I'm Ralph Wreck it I don't know who that is you know what forget it I'll just take off this costume oh dude I'm so full you know what I'mma call an emergency meeting for dessert good thinking Joseph yeah I'm full too Cody what's wrong you barely touched your food yeah I don't know guys I just wasn't really in the mood for saltine crackers and uncooked grits today what are you talking about this is Chef pe's best meal that he cooks I know he's outdone himself but I just really wasn't in the mood all right guys who's ready for some candy oh me dude all right let's go get our candy back from chef peipi chef peipi we want our candy back oh Chef peipe you changed costumes I didn't change costumes I took my costume off cuz no one knew who I was so you changed to your Borat costume you look better as Borat I'm not Borat say Yak shamash I'm not going to say Yak shamash yes say woe wooy why would I say woe wooy you s just like Bora it's a good impression it's not an impression Junior hey Borat can we get our candy back look Junior I had to take away your candy because it was poison wow Borat you want to eat all our candy so you're just making it up a Al so you can eat it cuz you're fat no no no look the news told me that it was poison I promise okay the news also said you have to give me $5 what what I'm not giving you $5 Junior well the news said and also says give me my candy back look I'm telling you the truth Junior and I'm not giving you a candy back that's not very nice Borat Junior I hate the stupid candy okay you're not getting it back where did you hide it at in the pantry I I mean I hid it somewhere you're never going to find it I wish we knew where he hid it he hid it in the pantry how do you know that because he slipped up and said he hid it in the pantry we're going to go check the pantry Borat uh you can't check the pantry because uh I locked it yep and I swallowed the key it's in my belly wow you first you eat all our candy now you're eating Keys what are you going to eat next napkins and trash you're like a garbage monster oh shut up Junior look you're not going to goad and find that candy okay can you believe this guys that all our parents want to take our candy for you from us cuz they're adults and and since they can't go trick-or-treating anymore they want to steal candy from kids wow we have to get back at them come on guys can you believe that our parents are stealing our candy cuz they're too old to go trick- or- treat and get candy for themselves maybe Chef Pei was just being mean hey guys what doing wa Jeffy where's your candy my daddy stole it from me because he said there was poison in it see Cody look that confirms that all parents are stealing their kids candies cuz they could get candy for themselves this is so bogus dude that's so lame but look we know where our cand is being hidden and we're going to take it back how we're going to pull off a Halloween Heist how are we going to do that Junior okay first off we need code names I'm going to be popsicle Stan o I like that I'll be the Forsaken child I'll be big wiener oh I was going to be big wiener okay in that case I'll be little wiener that's too close to big wiener choose something else oh o I'll be Nighthawk and Ken can be the doll o doll face cuz he's really handsome no he's a doll he's going to be called the doll yeah a doll doll face all right I'm going go I'm going to go over everyone's missions big wiener yeah oh sorry yeah big Wier your job is going to be to make she throw up cuz he swallowed the key so go make him throw up okay all right I'm on it all right uh for forsaken child yep your job is going to be on lookout for other adults cuz other adults are going to try to stop us so you you make sure that no other adult tries to stop us okay I can do that guys I got to let you know I found a piece of candy with that PE took our candy away from me so I'mma eat this uh and I'll catch up with you guys okay you start eating that uh nth Hawk yeah okay me and you we're going to try to break into the pantry just in case Jeffy can't get the key okay but what does Ken do he's on the lookout too I don't know all right come on Ken let's blow this Popsicle stand no Cody no okay I can just end it all right now all I have to do is just one little lick and then just end it all hey peepy what do you want Jeffy that's not my name my name's big winner now what and you got 5 Seconds to throw up that key or else I'm going to hit you with this rolling pen you're not going to get the key Jeffy stupid dog you make me look bad got get this open give me a key ow it's not even locked it's not locked locked I promise it's open right now you think I'm stupid all right Nighthawk how do we get inside this Pantry door well Popsicle stand I I don't really see a keyhole where he could have locked it so I think we could probably just open it no they're adults they're really smart obviously there's like a child lock on it or something well Popsicle stand I'm pretty sure we could just open it with the handle do you have any C4 C4 yes so we can blow the door open what no no PO no I I actually left my C4 at home do you have any landmines a land mine what would that do we would just put a land mine down by the door and we'd step on it and blow the door open and we would blow ourselves up too no I don't have a land mine oh Nighthawk I have the perfect way to open this door okay all right Nighthawk a Popsicle stand what are you going to do with that cable I'm going to open this door with it well couldn't we just open the door with the handle no that's too dangerous hold on ow what are you what are you doing I got I got see Cody look I opened it so we could have just opened it with our hands no the way I did it was the safe way okay okay look Cody oh my God Junior that's the Holy Grail of candy but look how high up it is we can never reach that high uh oh maybe you could throw me up there yeah with my elephant trunk cuz I'm so strong yeah sure yeah I'm going toss you up there try to grab as much canand as you can okay Junior when I said I wanted to sit on your face this isn't what I had in mind all right Cody I'm going to toss you in the air and you try to grab as much canand as you can okay okay come on Cody grab the candy I'm trying Junior you need to throw me higher ow ow come on Cody just grab the candy okay Cody you got some candy but I want all of it well Junior how about I try throwing you up there this time no we need we need to do something different um what if I try standing on your shoulders we might be tall enough okay let's try it okay oh no what're this this isn't doing much yeah it's not going to work what if I grab the string and I try whipping it with the string no Junior it's not long enough say that again Cody no Junior it's not long enough yeah the long enough part what it's not long enough yeah I know something long that we can use all right Cody we're going to use this broom it's long enough yeah Junior you're a genius all right let's get this candy keep working it Junior it's ready to work careful Cody we got the candy Cody your friend has a concussion what a terrible thing too happen happen and concussion don't rhyme yes it does don't make a fuss or else I'll cuss and that would be bad for all of us well how long is he going to be hurt for he has brain damage so someone make me a sandwich sandwich and damage don't rme I'm doing my best this isn't a test we were just trying to get candy that candy is poisonous didn't you see the news sis I haven't seen the news I'll turn on hold on breaking news UK earlier today I reported that there was rat poison in candy and not to eat it but I'm here to tell you that I misread the teleprompter the correct story is that there is candy in rat poison so the candy is safe to eat but for the rats I hope you like Starburst flavored death well would you look at that we thought that candy was poison for a rat but that poison for a rat was really candy for a breath so we can eat candy now you can eat candy and this rhyming is getting exhausting I I'm done with this I'm I'm going home you hear that Nighthawk we can eat candy now hey Popsicle stand you might want to call that doctor back cuz uh old peepers here is dunion rings
Channel: Dr. Junior
Views: 251,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, sml reuploaded, sml jeffy, sml marathon, smlytp, sml old videos, sml reaction, sml movie, sml ytp, sml animated, sml archive, sml alien, asml, asml movie, sml bowser jr, sml cody, sml chef pepe, cool cody sml, sml drama, dr junior, sml movie 2023, new sml movie 2023, sml movie jeffy 2023, a new sml movie, every sml movie from 2023, sml new movie 2023, best small movies of 2023, sml movies 2022, jeffy's, all jeffy videos, animation jeffy, a new jeffy
Id: yRX4eC0oMuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 2sec (12842 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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