SML Theory: Nancy Is Not Jeffy's Mom!

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what if I told you Nancy is not jeffy's real mom I have many reasons to believe that she isn't and I'm going to show you who jeffy's real parents are in this [Music] video we first met Nancy in SML movie de's parents she seemed really mean and didn't care about anyone but herself I don't love you you're ugly and you're stupid and you waste my time and then later in the video we were also introduced to jeffy's Dad ja Pierre Francois breaking news world renowned painter jacqu Pierre Francois has died he leaves behind his million dooll Fortune to his only son but the weird thing is Nancy and jock look nothing like Jeffy the only resembling characters to Jeffy is jeffy's daughter Jeff from SML movie jeffy's daughter who then got kidnapped by an eagle at the end of the video sit right there but don't eat the grass I said don't eat the grass my turn Jeff where did you go oh and of course we also met jeffy's grandparents from SML movie jeffy's grandparents in the video they were super crazy and they had this weird obsession with cats and spam see that over there Jeffy that's a Kiki room look at all the Kiki good kiki come on papy let's go show Jeffy the Kiki room all right Jeffy this is what we call the Kiki room this is where all 35 of my babies live 32 confirmed alive Jeffy we don't have TV TV is the devil what we have is the Kiki room and we watch the Kiki like our own personal little sitcom like you see that orange one over there well that one is married to the one right here with with the mustache and then this one over here is his secret lover um Grandma you are Grandma's about to cut up some spam for the Kiki why don't you go get Grandma another can of spam out of the pantry it's down the hallway the long creepy hallway they even tried to kill Jeffy towards the end of the video because they thought he was spam I see a whole bunch of spam right here wait me yeah get over here get back here the P are over but the most interesting part about this is that jeffy's grandparents look exactly like Jeffy unlike Nancy and jock his grandparents actually look like they could be his family so this got me thinking could jeffy's grandparents actually be his parents well I believe so and I'm going to prove it in this video in SML movie jeffy's grandparents it's Marvin and Rose's anniversary and Marvin decides to get Rose Rose a bunny it was last minute because he didn't have any present plann for her so he just grabbed a rabbit from outside but then as Jeffy is baking a cake the rabbit sneaks into the tray and gets baked as well dumper where are you going come back all right put the cake in there let me make sure the oven's at 550° all right yep sure is Oh my goder he K my r in the C so then jeffy's parents decided that they did not want Jeffy living with them anymore so they called the police and Brooklyn guy apparently has this app on his phone that can locate people who are related to you so he used it on Jeffy and he found out that Jeffy has two grandparents new app on my phone called family finder that'll help me find anybody he's related to wait does it work well let's see take a picture of him and huh wow look at that he has two grandparents that live not far from here he has two grandparents really yeah I guess I could send him to live with them so he got sent to his grandparents house by the cop and when he first meets his grandmother his grandmother says this very odd thing who's that uh hello ma'am I'm Brooklyn te guy with the police department you ain't got a warrant no ma'am I I don't have a warrant that's not why I'm here I'm here with your grandson Jeffy Jeffy I ain't seen him in 15 years 15 years is so specific that would have meant that the last time they saw Jeffy was when he was practically a baby like 3 or 4 years old so I'm thinking this could mean that when Jeffy was still super young just 3 or 4 years old Nancy had just married jock and decided to kidnap Jeffy because she knew that jock would eventually die and his will would go to his son now you're probably wondering why would jeffy's grandparents not know that they're actually his parents well I think that's because Nancy manipulated jeffy's real parents into thinking that they're his grandparents and she just took Jeffy without them even caring how was she able to do this well just look at how they are in the jeffy's grandparents video they're so old and crazy and you can also see that they are very very forgetful which means they could have some form of Alzheimer's or dementia so they could have been easy to manipulate and easily forget Jeffy this would also further explain jeffy's crazy Antics and why he's so dumb a lot of the time because jeffy's real parents gave birth to him when they were super super super old and when they were already going through periods of dementia I also think that after Nancy kidnapped Jeffy and made his real parents forget about him his real parents ended up driving themselves insane and that's what led to their obsession with cats and of course spam I mean the whole video was just so weird not only did they have an obsession with cats and spam but they also just completely lived in the dark and it feels like they had no idea what was even going on you get back in there watch the Kiki show well Grandma told me to come get the Spam I'll get the spam you go on okay spam now this Theory would almost be complete but there's just one more thing how could jeffy's mom know that she would end up getting money if we were shown that she just found out about it in the jeffy's Parents video and then also why would she give Jeffy a to Marvin well I believe that she actually did know about the money the entire time I mean it seems like jock has been a painter for a while he was probably already painting when he first met Nancy and I think that the reason why Nancy gave Jeffy away to Marvin is because Jeffy was just annoying her way too much because I mean we know how Jeffy is Marvin is able to handle him well most of the time but because Nancy is so evil and crazy she couldn't take it anymore so she gave him away to Marvin and remembered where she gave him to and then came back to that same house closer to the time where he'd turn 18 so she could could still get him back in time to get her money but without having to raise him for so many years now before we end this Theory there is one more thing that I want to bring up jeffy's Sister Phoebe a lot of people are probably going to be wondering if Nancy kidnapped Jeffy then when did she get Phoebe well the simple answer for this is I don't think Phoebe is Canon anymore on the current SML Channel we have not seen Phoebe at all yet she only appeared back during the plush videos so until we see Phoebe in a modern SML video the simple answer to when did Nancy get Phoebe is that she never did because currently Phoebe is not canon but if Phoebe ever does show up in a future SML video I will make a theory about that so be sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of my SML theories and thanks for [Music] watching
Channel: SML Theories
Views: 20,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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