SML Movie- Junior's Sprite Problem! 2023- Full Episode

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all right crass today we're going to be doing another show in tell so hopefully you brought something cool to show to crass would you bring for show and tell Cody I brought my violin I learned how to play Star Wars on it that's so cool what' you bring Joseph I brought a wash what Joseph why would you bring a wash why wouldn't I bring a wash Cody what if it stings you it's not going to sting me it's my pet duh it's not your pet then why is it in this cup huh well because you trapped it in there guys look what I brought for show and tell I brought a never before open Hey Arnold toy oh dude that's super cool yeah I guess that's kind of cool you know how hard it is not to open up a he Arnold toy for years Cody not that hard what' you bring Penelope I brought my princess piggy bank it has $45 in it well I'll give you my hairold toy for the $45 no Junior I'm so mad at Penelope for not giving me that money all right Jeffy you come up here and show and tell first Bo Booga don't be scared it's just me this is a lion Mas I found very scary Jeffy you can go back to your seat all right panar it's your turn I can't wait to show everyone my piggy bank Jeffy you broke my piggy bank you're going to have to pay for that well I'm a ky cat I don't have any money ha Penelope that's what you get for not buying my Hey Arnold toy shut up Junior all right you two settle down go back to your seats all right Cody you come up and present next hell yeah you guys ready for your ears to explode from greatness okay everybody I'm going to be playing the intro song from Star Wars you know the that goes like you know that one okay here we go I didn't even get to do my show tell because you didn't buy my hair on to for $45 oh go cry about it Junior go cry about it [ __ ] Joseph what's up dude I will give you my ha arold toy if you put that wasp down the back of her shirt oh say less I was eyeing that Hey Arnold toy since you showed me dude all right dude I put it down a shirt here you go yes hey Penelope how you feeling fine wait there's there's something crawling on my stomach it's a wash just Stu me oh thank you for cheering Penelope I'm glad you enjoyed it Penelope why are you creaming probably because she enjoys my beautiful music teacher I just got stung by a wasp and I'm allergic now my stomach's all bloated well maybe you're pregnant Penelope shut up Junior maybe Jeffy got you pregnant when he ran into you I got penel be pregnant hey Daddy what's wrong Jeffy did your classmates not like your lion mask no they did then why the long face because my mommy drank when she was pregnant with me no I meant why are you sad I'm afraid to tell you Jeffy we're your parents you can tell us anything yeah Jeffy you promise you won't get mad well I I got to know what it is first and you promise to take me to Disney World so I can get over it how bad is it Jeffy oh it's really bad like so bad like the worst thing ever my life is over did you kill someone well not yet I mean she gets to make that decision later on down the line you know her body her choice what are you talking about Jeffy I got a girl pregnant what you got a girl pregnant Jeffy why would you do that well hey it's not my fault oh it is your fault Jeffy you're the one who did it well I ran into her and I busted her Pink Piggy open and then she asked asked me to pay for it she asked you to pay for it yeah oh my God baby Jeffy got caught up in some weird money situation baby Jeffy are you sure she's pregnant yeah her belly's already big what Jeffy why didn't you tell us sooner well I just found out today oh my God are you sure it's yours yeah I mean I did bust that Pink Piggy wide open daddy like it made a mess it was all over the carpet ew Jeffy well where didd you even do this at Jeffy and your classroom oh Jeffy you're sick you are sick Jeffy why would you do that well it was an accident I hope it was an accident I hope you didn't plan on doing this Jeffy well yeah it was the first time I ran into her oh my God Jeffy you're supposed to get the nose on before you do that oh my God baby what do we do we need to call a doctor well there's always plan B Jeffy it's too late for that her belly's already big well plan B is in push her down the stairs that's not a bad idea Marvin no baby it look like jeffy's too young to have a kid he can't raise a kid Marvin okay fine we'll call a doctor and ask him what stairs he recommends pushing her down hey there somebody call a doctor yeah doctor we're not doing so good yeah me neither man this economy am I right oh I am barely scraping by I don't even know if I can afford to keep the lights on next month my panic attacks keep me up at night no I'm talking about Jeffy got someone pregnant oh congratulations is it a boy or a girl I got a girl pregnant but no I mean is the baby a boy or a girl we don't know yet we'll let it decide when it gets older but hopefully it identifies his dead soon okay so what do you need me for listen doctor he got a girl pregnant and he hasn't told us who she is yet but we're just scared what do we do well Sasquatch probably went back into the woods what well I mean no offense to Jeffy but she had to be pretty hideous if she was willing to bang him I mean my my daughter would never she's a straight A student and she has respect for herself what would you do if your daughter got pregnant I'd probably kill her strangle her actually you you hold her under water in the bathtub for about 3 minutes that ought to do it yeah but I don't have to worry about that cuz she is perfect Actually I don't even think she likes boys between me and you I think she prefers runch and mug if you know what I mean well listen we just don't know what to do we've never dealt with a situation like this before well I would suggest calling her over here and having to take a pregnancy test to see if she's even pregnant I don't want to ask a girl to take a pregnancy test that's weird yeah we wouldn't want that how about this how about I hide behind the couch and you call her over and then when she gets here I jump out and scare her so she pees a little bit cuz I'm pretty scary and then I'll catch some of that pee with a pregnancy test and then we'll know if she's pregnant or not you're not scary yeah I guess you're right I'm not really the H see I'm scary you jumped yeah you are pretty scary I like your plan more than just asking her to take a pregnancy test yeah well we already know she's pregnant because her belly is big listen I'm sure she's [ __ ] huge that doesn't mean she's pregnant you know ogus can get pretty big I mean I bet she looks like Fiona from Shrek you know after Sundown but you should call her over here cuz I don't want to have to go to her swamp okay yeah Jeffy you go get the girl you hide behind the couch okay I'll do that all right Dad she's right there so you're the girl who's causing all these problems look I just want my money have some dignity young lady I want my $45 $45 that's all she charged you hey I worked hard for that yeah I'm sure you did work hard with all that nasty stuff you did to Jeffy how often do you do stuff like this do what you know bust your piggy open that was my first time and it was really embarrassing I couldn't even show up my piggy for show and tell you were going to show off your piggy for show and tell your father must be ashame I'm so glad we're trying to get rid of it get rid of what you know will you get rid of it get rid of what I just want my money if we give you the $45 will you do what we want um yeah sure okay I'll give her the $45 I got 50 I got1 in my wallet okay yeah deal all right brooken guy you can come on out she just wants money wow Marvin I heard the whole thing she sounds like a real gold digger oh hey Penelope what are you doing here wait Marvin where' the girl go I want to show my daughter what a real [ __ ] looks like uh she is the girl Penelope you hussy what you're the girl who busted a piggy open yeah I accidentally ran into Jeffy and he busted it open oh this is A parents worst nightmare I thought I raised you better than that and why are you charging money for it because he busted my piggy open oh sweet Jesus I shattered her piggy you motherucker I'll kill you stop fighting stop fighting we can't change what happened it already happened yeah I guess you're right it was an accident right Jeffy yeah yeah I've had plenty of accidents too I mean that's how Penelope was born what listen she said she'll get rid of it for $45 get rid of what oh you're getting rid of it young lady there's no way you're ready for that what are you talking about no don't even try to hide it your stomach is huge oh that yeah I want to get rid of that oh thank God I was going to come to you for help as a doctor oh good cuz there's like there's some stairs over there so I could just give you a knuckle sandwich right in the stomach um isn't that going to make it worse I mean yeah it's going to hurt and it's not going to be fun but then again you already had your fun didn't you I didn't have fun with this it was a really mean prank all the boys at school played on me everyone was in on it and it hurt and stung oh Bean needle dick I'll kill you oh okay I said no fighting listen she said she's willing to do a solution so you just got to find out which one she wants to do okay yeah Penelope how do you want to get rid of it I don't know like a shot ooh a shot a shot yeah that's that's the best way of doing it um I keep my shots over here by the stairs okay all right Dad where's the shot he has a shot right in the gut ah [Music] dad what the hell was that for okay I think that might have done it how's your stomach feel it hurts but it hurt before too H I think we need to go to the top of the stairs and do it a few more times how is that going to help my wasp sting I'm sorry you what I got stung by a wasp on the stomach wait wait wait wait so you're telling me you didn't get pregnant what ew no dad but but what about your Piggy getting busted open I brought my piggy bangs for showand tell and Jeffy knocked loed into me and it shattered on the floor oh oh thank God oh I am so happy what the hell did you think happened nothing nothing just keep your pure innocent mind pure and innocent look look you just go home and I will go upstairs and explain to those nice people what happened okay good news everyone is it dead well technically shibby well not even shiby cuz it turns out she wasn't pregnant to begin with oh thank God woohoo pull out gab strong as F well no not even that cuz it turns out she and Jeffy didn't even do anything well what about all the busting the piggy stuff oh well she brought her piggy bank to school for showand tell and Jeffy just accidentally broke it then why was her stomach so big oh she gets stung on the stomach by a wasp and she's really allergic to wasps that's why it's swelled up so much well Jeffy why did you think you got her pregnant cuz I ran into her and then everyone said she was pregnant but that's not where babies come from yeah this whole thing let's just be happy that it was a big misunderstanding yep mhm y it's a big misunderstanding understanding bigand that's a big Miser good happy ending big okay I'm going to go AB can we go Disney World dad you got to take me to Disney World guys today's my birthday happy birthday dude thanks Joseph what you didn't say happy birthday to me Cody well I I was going to but then Joseph said it first and the way he said it was so loud that I couldn't say it so I just figured I'd hang back and say it later so you're not going to tell me happy birthday on my birthday well happy birthday Jun I don't want you say it now you're only saying it cuz I'm mad well I I wanted to say it before but I couldn't you couldn't say three little words happy birthday Junior that's two words I thought you supposed to be smart it's happy birthday no junior junior birthday is one word it's two words okay look Cody listen to this when women have a baby it's called birth and what's today it's a day it's just a day to you it's just a normal day it's not my birthday what Junior come on so you forgot my birthday just say it you forgot my birthday that's why you didn't say it I didn't forget your birthday yes you did you only said it after Joseph said it I called you out on it yeah dude Junior no you literally just said it's my birthday today so of course I knew it was your birthday I'm not the tell you guys it's my birthday I never said it was my birthday you just said it a minute ago Joseph thank you for remembering my birthday oh no problem dude you know I'm a good friend I'm always here for you bro and I'm turning 12 years old and since I'm 12 I'm a big boy and I can do so much more stuff than when I was 11 like what uh like I can uh stay up past 9:00 p.m. oo and I can uh ride a bicycle without training wheels oo Jor I've never seen you ride a bike and I can also um put together a thousand piece puzzle without eating the pieces or choking on them no you can't Junior yes I can really okay here's the pieces do it uh show them dude yeah I I totally can put this puzzle together without choking on the pieces like the boxes just dude help dude help him junor I told you you can't do it the pieces just look so delicious I know Junior nobody can put together a puzzle without trying to eat the pieces until they're at least 13 I know they're just so colorful and weirdly shaped and you can't help but wonder what they'd feel like in your mouth got stop it dude see Junior I told you they're just so bite-sized and they melt in your mouth yeah let's get rid of these pieces I don't want to choke all right guys I got rid of all the pieces so we're not going to choke uh junior what you forgot a piece dude stop me spit it out spit it out oh dude it almost had me I know stupid puzzle pieces all right guys so you're saying that now that I'm 12 I can't do anything cool no Junior well what age can I start doing cool stuffff uh 65 65 what can I do at 65 well you can retire play checkers and then die I don't want to do that yet o when you're 21 you can drink what really no way yeah you can drink at 21 no dude he's lying he's lying you're telling me at 21 I can drink a glass of water yeah can I use a straw I don't know about a straw but you can drink what about Hawaiian Punch yeah definitely so I can drink liquids at 21 yeah dude that's crazy imagine eating McDonald's and being able to drink a Sprite with it I can I can finally have the Travis Scott meal yeah with the Sprite oh with a right dude okay okay Cody okay yeah so um I want to be 21 you got to wait nine more years Junior I don't want to wait N9 years I wish I wish there was a way to be older faster wait it is dude what you don't turn 12 until you blow out your candles oh yeah yeah that's true yeah however many candles that are on your cake when you blow them out that's how old you are yeah really yeah so if you change the 12 to a 21 on your cake and the candles and then you blow out the candles you'll be 21 it really works like that yeah okay so let's go change my candle to 21 and I'll blow it out okay let's go do that all right guys here's my cake happy birthday junior junior they spelled your name wrong no they didn't that's not how you spell junior yeah it is look read it that's just the month of June and then year it says junor my name's Junior but but no your name has an i in it no no it doesn't where's the I it's it's in the I it's the Juni okay now you're just making that up Joseph can you read that for me uh Happy Birthday Junior yeah it spells Junior right Joseph mhm he you don't know how to spell you thought birthday was one word it's two words birthday that's Junior my name's two words okay fine fine all right so I'm going to move the candles to 21 all right Cody is that 21 is that 21 yeah Junior that's 21 I just want to make sure I spelled it right spelled it right Junior it's numbers well you keep thinking birthdays are wor so I want to make sure you that was 21 all right guys here's your drinks drinks Junior Chef pb's offering us drinks but we're not 21 yet what that's against the law dude it's totally illegal he can't do that yeah Junior Chef peee could go to jail for offering us drinks We're Miners uh Chef peei you do know you're offering us drinks yes how else are you going to eat your dry cake oh he doesn't understand what he's doing wrong Junior I think we need to call the police if we accept those drinks then we're breaking the law too yeah we be underage drinking and I'm not 21 yet until I blow up those candles yeah call the cops Cody I'm on it uh shfp we really don't want these drinks whatever I'm going to go get one he has such a problem all right Junior I called the cops where are they oh that must be them oh God hello thank God you're here my personal chef is offering us drinks and we're not 21 wow yeah that's a pretty serious offense he offered me Coke wow okay yeah what's going on here this my friend's birthday party yeah I'm turning 12 wow okay yeah that's a big no no I got to talk to this guy he's in here's in the kitchen all right Officer that's the guy right there that's the guy that offers the drinks and the coke right yeah him right there he's going to jail for a long time right after we stopped by my house oh man just got done cleaning my cake pan and now I can have some delicious this coke oh man did I just hear what I think I heard wait wait officer what are you doing here oh you seem flustered all of a sudden you're surprised to see me or something yes you're in my house what are you doing here well I'm here cuz I heard you were handing out drinks to miners yes I was and Coke wait no no no it was for the dry cake oh dry cake is that what you're calling it now okay yes it's dry cake I cooked it it's just over there it's a lot of it oh there's a lot of it what are you Distributing I made it myself oh okay escavar I didn't realize I was taking down the whole operation all right you're under arrest turn around you have the right to remain silent if you can't afford a lawyer too bad so sad all right you're coming with me no I'm so glad we got shfp off the streets yeah the world's a better place now anyway Junior I already lit your candles all right I'm going to go ahead and just blow them out okay wow what you're not going to see me happy birthday oh you just going to let me blow my camera without sing me Happy Birthday no I I just I I you just forgot it was my birthday no I didn't forget it was your birthday I just lit the candles maybe you lit the candles because it was getting cold and you want to get warm I'm not a caveman Junior wow you're not going to sing me Happy Birthday Joseph can you sing me Happy Birthday please I got you dude thank you happy birthday to you shut up Cody happy birthday to you happy birthday to Junior here's the coolest kid in the world thank you Joseph that was beautiful only for you bro I'm glad I have a friend that cares cares about me and remembers my birthday and just doesn't just light my candles without asking me all right guys am I 21 did it work I think it worked it worked Joseph is there anything different about me dude why are you talking like that it's weird yeah you sound like berie what am I talking like do do I sound different I'm just screwing with you guys thank God yeah I just want to do a funny voice is there anything different about me though well you have a mustache now I have a mustache why oh well everyone just spontaneously a mustache when they turned 21 even girls really is that why Chef has a mustache yeah he just never shaved his W I have a mustache that's so cool I'm going to go drink all day oh careful Junior you don't want to do that yeah I do I'm going to get the Travis Scott burger with a Sprite oh spray yeah I'm going to go with one let's go get it all right everybody my name is Brooklyn guy and welcome to AA addictions Anonymous everybody here is addicted to something that's okay we're not going to judge all right we're all weirdos here like me I'm a workaholic that means I'm addicted to working I have a whole bunch of jobs and I apply for new ones every day now I don't know if that's cuz I want to get away from my wife or what but that's my addiction so we're going to go around the room everybody's going to introduce themselves and explain what their addiction is all right we'll start with you there Shrek hey all you donkeys my name is Shrek hi Shrek and I am addicted to Cheesecake well that sounds pretty serious oh it is Mr police officer donkey I just can't stop eating all the cheesecake I have cheesecake for breakfast for lunch and for dinner I just can't stop eating all the cheesecake oh well that's uh that's too bad I really hope you beat that someday me too Mr police officer bony all right let's see who's next how about you the superhero Judah baby he talking to you Ty won't stop saying my name I'm supposed to be anonymous that's why I have the costume hi everybody my name is Judith hey Judith donkey Ty won't stop saying my name baby you already said it okay everybody I'm addicted to Dr Peppa I I down him every night yeah she love a sod he's my OBG Yan yeah she don't know her alphabet at all okay Tyrone it's your turn yeah hey everybody my name is Tyrone hey Tyrone donkey and I'm addicted to cheating on my wife yeah it's true he's a little horn dog yeah we ain't talking about the little wena on a stick covering bread yeah I love cheating on my wife and I got a problem ain't that right baby yeah it's okay huh yeah yeah wow wow that was very big of you guys to admit that now you see everybody even superheroes have problems thank you for that all right how about you over there uh me okay uh hey everyone my name is Mario hey donkey and I'm addicted to feeding my son green beans like I don't know what to feed him like I he wants other Foods he tells me he wants other foods but I just I just want to feed him green beans I don't know what's wrong with me oh it's okay there's nothing wrong with wanting your kid to be healthy all right now you the new guy what me I don't even know why I'm here oh I'll tell everybody why you're here if you don't want to okay fine I gave drinks to Miners and what else Coke you what you're a monster shame him come on it was just soda don't try to lie you wait what what I gave them Coca-Cola for a cake because it was a birthday party Coca-Cola oh drinks but I didn't ask what kind of drinks oh oh oh oh okay oh oh man I am really really sorry that that is embarrassing I I am an idiot I'm sorry everybody guys I got the Travis Scott meal it's lit it it is yeah it's lit right Joseph yeah it's lit it's lit well what's lit about it I mean it's just a burger and fries this burger is going to make me go sicko mode jior I don't think you should be eating anything that's going to make you go sicko mode are you going to get food poisoning did did they just not cook the burger Cody it's Travis scull who the guy from fortnite oh yeah I think I remember seeing something about that yeah the guy from fortnite they gave him his own cheeseburger so he's like a video game character yeah he's from fortnite dude I think he raps no he's from fortnite oh pretty sure he's a rapper dude fortnite why does he have a hamburger cuz he was hungry oh well I mean I've been hungry before but nobody ever made me into a meal well I didn't get it for the burger I got it for the Sprite it comes with a Sprite well why didn't you just order the Sprite well look I'm 21 now and I can finally drink so I'm going to drink my Sprite oh it's so good oh careful Junior you're not my mom shut up Cody I don't even know my mom Jenny you really cannot hold your Sprite I think I'm going to Bar dude it did make you go sicko mode where's my keys I'm going to drive what I don't think that's a good idea come on W with go for a drive excuse me sir oh shoot it's the cops hey Wall-E do you have any gum are you sure you're okay if you driving that Wall-E uh yes yes oifer I'm perfectly inebriated to drive my Wall-E tonight okay is that a Sprite I smell on your breath there no I I haven't had any Sprite I I I know the rules I wouldn't be doing that yeah yeah really cuz it seems like you had a few drinks no I I haven't had a few I have one big c yeah well you do know that it's illegal to uh drink Sprite and then drive a Wall-E right yeah I know the rules I'm not I wasn't born um Yer I was born today it is uh is Wally flicking me off there w-e stop it Wall-E doesn't like the police Wally's dad was was was was another Wall-E and he got arrested yeah well it's not a very nice Wall-E yeah bad Wally dbb it you naughty W naughty yeah yeah you know what I think I'm going to have to take you in no no hold on you didn't ask for my ID it's right here go W go hello is this yours uh shf pee I did something bad J what did you do well he thinks drinking soda is illegal that's why he called the cops on you look Chef peipe I've been real bad I'm 21 now I I flip my candles on the cake to say 21 instead of 12 so then I turned 21 what that that that's not how that works yeah when I blew out the candles I grew this mustache what what you just put that on oh come on I don't want to have a boring birthday okay the cough cough going on I can't go anywhere fun so I want to have a fun birthday car yeah but I mean we're still cool though right like from before like give me some skin no that's okay that's okay not this time that's fine okay I'll catch you in the flip so guys what do you want to do today I don't know dude cry why are you guys so sad because Tom Brady lost to the Dallas Cowboys more like cowgir I hate them Junior don't you like the Cowboys too no I've never liked the Cowboys well then why do you have this cowboys wallet uh my grandma got it for me I grew up a Cowboys fan listen I'm just sad that Tom Brady lost to him yeah he went out sad dude blown the hell out yeah bent over what Tom Brady get bent over I I didn't hear about that when did that happen we're just sad that he lost Lo Cody well do you think he's going to retire yeah probably I know we'll never see him play again well I mean he is 45 years old so that makes sense the news breaking news Tom Brady was eliminated from the playoffs 2 days ago and now he's holding a press conference to announce his retirement oh I'm not retiring but you're not retiring no no I'm going to keep playing football till I'm 60 years old well what team are you going to to play for well it doesn't matter to me I'm just going to keep playing football until I win 30 Super Bowls yay look guys he's going to keep playing football damn it [ __ ] I thought you guys would be happy no Cody we wanted him to retire yeah dude this is too agonizing you guys were literally just sad that he was going to stop playing obviously we're sad that he lost to the Cowboys Cody but that doesn't mean we want him to keep playing football yeah he's super old dude he could die at any moment what he going to do wait till he's 60 years old and then die on the field and his kids have to grow up without a dad he already lost his wife Cod he should retire and spend time with his kids well maybe he just loves playing football no no no he doesn't love playing football no man loves 300lb men grabbing on you well I wouldn't say no man listen he's clearly unhappy Cody he looks pretty happy to me and he has millions of dollars no no no he has a mental problem look there's something wrong with his brain he has like a curse on him that will make him not stop playing football and we need to help him retire yeah dude what are we going to do yeah how you going to help him retire well we could break both his legs what oh I was thinking the same thing dude listen Cody when a football player breaks his leg his career is usually over so if we break both of Tom Brady's legs he's going to have to retire but guys I don't condone any of no listen listen Cody look he's going to be laying in a hospital bed with both his legs snapped in half and his kids going to be like you done Daddy he's like I'm done kids and like Yay Daddy and they're going to run off in the sunset and he's going to thank us later Cody okay well how are you going to break his legs hm I got a bat ooh a bat okay maybe I asked the wrong question how are you going to get Tom Brady over here so you can break his legs H we got to like lure him in with something that he likes he likes football no he doesn't God he doesn't listen he's under a curse Cody he doesn't like football um Cody go on his Instagram and see if he post anything on his story that he might like okay okay I'm on his Instagram story what' he post H well he has a picture of his dog on his crotch and it says always looking for meat that caption is crazy always looking for meat is crazy well he just likes his dog I mean yeah but always looking for meat like that's just crazy come on dude you know Brady got a thing on him yeah I mean I guess that just seems crazy let's see Lua loving her boy toy what the hell what is he calling himself a boy toy he just likes his dog Cody I guess who's a good boy Junior this is crazy he just likes dogs so I got an idea we go to the shelter we adopt the dog we put it on Instagram he'll come over and want to pet it well a lot of people have dogs that doesn't mean Tom Brady just shows up at their house no look we'll tell them that the dog's looking for meat well yeah I guess that could work all right so let's go to the shelter and adopt a dog okay all right guys we got a dog Junior I can't believe we adopted a dog just so you can break Tom Brady's legs we're helping Tom Brady Cody dude what are we going to name it uh puffball Jenkins oo I like the name sophisticated wait why is it sniffing and licking me oh you know it's licking for me dude oh yeah the post okay um Joseph grab my phone okay all right Cody hold him down okay um take it Joseph okay dude I got you dude this is a sweet pig let me see oh yeah that's like it's just like Tom Brady's post oh yeah guys this feels wrong no Tom Brady did not post we're just trying to get his attention Joseph post it on my story oh I got you bro Tom Brady will be here any minute that's Tom Brady no way Tom Brady huh I wish I was Tom Brady no I sprained my pinky in high school so I never went pro but if I didn't sprain my pinky I'd be 10 times better than Tom Brady oh by the way did you post this on Instagram oh yeah I posted that yeah okay well that is crazy I mean that picture with that caption always looking for me that is just insane man well I was just trying to get Tom Brady's attention no no this is crazy I'm going to have to check on that dog to see if it's okay well no the dog is okay M I'm going to have to come check okay I'm just going to make myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich real quick I took my shirt off cuz I don't want it to get dirty with all the peanut butter and jelly I don't know why I'm telling you this you're a dog hold on let me just get a glob of peanut butter ow get off me get off me get off me ow ow ow what's going on here get this dog off of me get off puffball jacs what the hell is going on in here I was just trying to get a PBJ what a peanut butter BJ kid what is wrong with you you are sick now no no like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich well then why is there peanut butter on your wing I don't know that's where the spoon fell oh yeah very coincidental oh no officer officer listen the dog is always looking for meat not peanut butter okay I think I need to take this dog away from you no no no no no no which we need this dog to break Tom Brady's legs what I don't know what you kids are talking about but this dog is not safe here come on puffball Jenkins let's get you to a safe home they took our dog Cody what's up dude where were you at Joseph I was a Sonic no that sounds way better than the peanut butter and jelly sandwich I was going to make wait why do you have peanut butter on your crot dude oh I tried to make a PB&J and then a dog attacked me actually you know what I'm going to go clean myself out oh dude where is the dog oh the cops came and took him wait the cops came oh man thank God I wasn't here cuz I have a warrant I would have started shooting someone would have died okay guys I'm back my yeah say bless you wait that's for sneezes yeah what's wrong with you anyway Cody you put on a new shirt uh yeah so but your shirt's right here oh what happened I don't know you guys just fell asleep oh dude I got a headache I can't remember anything good well since the dog thing didn't work out how are you guys going to get Tom Brady over here oh yeah we still got to get Tom Brady's attention um what else does Tom Brady like football no he doesn't like football Cody yes he does Junior dude he might be right this time okay Cody since Tom Brady likes football how are we going to get his attention with that well Tom Brady still wants to play right so maybe if we made like a highlight reel of showing how good Joseph is at catching footballs that would get Tom Brady's attention and he'd come over to sign him dude I always wanted to be a celebrity oh dude let's do it okay well I mean that actually might work all right so let's grab a camera let's grab a football and Joseph catch some footballs oh yeah dude all right Cody make sure to get the really good angles of Joseph making these catches oh don't worry Junior me and my boyfriend have had a lot of practice with the camera we should start in only fans all right Joseph go along all right dude I'm open I'm open dude he you breast get out of my kitchen trying to make scorching hot Pringles oh this shot's going to be hot get out of that fire god Cody why did you have to get in my way I would have definitely made it to ESPN catch the ball over the fire dang yeah why'd you have to get in his way Cody Junior that was a [ __ ] throw and you know it well the doctor's on his way hey there somebody call a doctor yeah doctor I have this sore in my mouth it's like on the side and it burns and I play with it with my tongue but I don't like it oh that's okay it's just a cold or it'll go away in a few days all right thank you all right if that's all you needed uh excuse me oh my God kid you are burned to a crisp what happened my friend sucks at throwing no you suck at being a cameraman listen doctor we were trying to make a highlight re for Tom Brady because we wanted him to try to sign my friend right and so he were trying to throw the football over the fire and Cody got in the way and fell into the fire oh man kids playing with fire is really dangerous somebody could have gotten seriously hurt uh excuse me oh right yeah you did get seriously hurt well this is why you don't do that kind of thing huh I feel like I should say something else um no more monkeys jumping on the bed no that's not it uh an apple a day keeps the doctor away yeah yeah that's it I I'm afraid of apples iPhone iPad iPod oh well I guess that's it yeah apple see okay well if that's all you need excuse me can you help me oh oh right yeah yeah sorry sorry kid I'll give you a full body cast for your Burns yes please I'm in so much pain you feeling better Cody a little bit well kid since you have burns on 98% of your body I guess that makes you eligible for the Make A Wish Foundation so what do you want to wish for you can meet anybody you do pretty much anything um oh Cody C Cody Cody ask to meet Tom Brady and then we can break his legs Junior that seems wrong do it Cody I want to meet Tom Brady oh okay yeah sure I can get Tom Brady over here wait a minute don't you have a warrant I'm out of here dude I'll get you kid okay yeah I'll go get Tom Brady over here oh good going Cody hey there I'm Tom Brady I heard there was a sick kid here who wanted to meet me oh yeah Tom I did hey how about I give you a smooch well that was just a peck let's go in for another there you go do you feel better uh yeah hey Tom hey I'm Tom Brady what are you doing with that hammer ow ow ow my legs my precious legs ow you broke both my legs I'm sorry Tom it was for your own good doctor come in here well Tom you broke both your legs and that kid did it but you're not pressing charges so I'm going to go Tom why are you not pressing charges well because it's not his fault well yeah it is he broke your legs on purpose are you going to retire now Tom no of course not imagine winning a Super Bowl while in a wheelchair I'll be the Super Goat the first NFL player to win a Super Bowl while in a wheelchair so you don't want to retire nope you don't want to spend time with your kids no that's lame you know what isn't lame Super Bowls you don't want to like enjoy life Super Bowls is life you don't want to like spend time on the beach with your millions of dollars no not unless there's a Super Bowl on the beach oh that'd be cool there should be a Super Bowl underwater on the moon um okay always follow your dreams kids well Junior you didn't get Tom Brady to retire I guess there's nothing that'll make him retire yeah always looking for meat though is crazy right like that's a crazy caption we can all agree that's crazy guys I'm starving me too dude guys why is there toilet paper and mustard on the couch because we're going to eat it wait toilet paper and mustard that's my favorite mine too ew we can't eat toilet paper well dude not without mustard we can't you have to have mustard no no I mean we can't eat toilet paper at all that's gross have you ever tried it no dude don't knock it if you haven't tried it you have to try everything once Cody mhm that's what my uncle told me yeah I don't really agree with him but that's how he got me to do the Head Shoulders Knees and Toes dance head shoulders knees and toes toes toes toes toes toes toes toes to Cody you got to try the toilet paper it's delicious no Junior that's disgusting well what if the first caveman in 8 00 BC was walking through the jungle and he saw a double cheeseburger and he's like ew don't eat that that's a double cheeseburger but through the jungle Junior where do you think double cheeseburgers is come from the ground that's why it's called ground beef duh no no Junior they come from cows so it comes from your mom burn hey hey waiter can I order a Cody's mom Burger bring it on a huge plate cuz she's fat you know what guys we are not eating toilet [Music] paper W Cody you did that on purpose but no I didn't yes you did when you th that toilet paper you said I hope it breaks your piggy bank Junior I didn't say that dude he totally said that yeah you said it Cody and your all four of your eyes look really mean when you said it oh yeah he he was looking at you with a Vengeance dude yeah you looked vicious guys it was an accident you were an accident yeah but Junior I couldn't do that again if I wanted to yeah because I only have one piggy bank but if I had another piggy bank you do it again because you have laser Precision accuracy mhm Junior you called my mom fat because I wouldn't eat toilet paper oh so since I called your mom a factual name you resulted the violence who's next yeah who's next me yeah you going to punch Joseph in the face what are you going to do you're going to rob me all my money's on the ground in the kitchen you broke my piggy bank what are you going to do steal Chey be's wallet no no guys all I did was throw a roll of toilet paper oh all I did was throw a roll of toilet paper you make it sound like the bad thing you did wasn't that bad all I did was key a car all I did was throw rocks through your windows all I did was unplug your grandma from life support Junior that's not the same is the same they're all bad things oh you don't know the difference between bad and and right oh okay oh like you know Cody if you hit somebody with your car that's bad yeah I know Junior okay look I'll buy you another piggy bank oh you'll buy me another piggy bank like it's replaceable what if my grandma who you unplugged from my support bought me that piggy bank and it was wor it was priceless well it's not Priceless Junior you bought it from like a dollar store or something okay so I can burn your house down tonight and just buy your new one and everything's better no because my house is worth more oh your house is worth more so now your stuff's more valuable than mine oh oh it's Junior it's not worth anything but since I'm coach and all my stuff's really valuable well well yeah my house is more valuable than your piggy bank you don't know that okay I'm burning your house down the night I'm just going to do that I'm going go on Zillow look at the estimate for your house and I'm going to burn your house down what Junior I threw a roll of toilet paper so now you're threatening me with arson I don't know who arson is but me Junior I'm going to burn your house down tonight Junior if you do that I'm calling the police oh you're calling the police shouldn't you call the fire department it's a fire what the police going to do arrest the fire like bad fire put your hands behind your back okay I'll call both okay well then go call both cuz I'm I'm heading to your house right now to burn your house down well okay I'll do that oh well now you're going to run from your problems like I'm just going to leave classic Cody yeah classic Cody breaking people's stuff and calling the police in the fire department for no reason come on Joseph let's give him a reason to call let's go burn his house down oh let's do it dude all right Joseph we're at Cody's house try to light it on fire are you sure dude this is not my first time light it on fire I want to see his house burned down okay say less it's lighting guys what are you doing what are you doing here I live here oh oh oh we we didn't know that we thought it was a random house yep yep are you guys trying to burn my house down with a lighter yeah it's going to work judge of lighter oh I got you dude it's not going to work my house is made of brick well then how' the wolf do with the Three Little Pigs he huffed and he puffed and he blew the houses down J start blowing guys it didn't even work in the story it's not going to work now all right Joseph let's rent a wrecking ball and knock his house down okay we can do that dude guys just go home well why do you want to go home do do do you like your house or something yeah well why don't you marry your house in his house sitting on the foundation k i s s i n g first comes the mortgage and then comes the payment and then comes up with the baby car yeah hey go marry your house weirdo weirdo can you guys just please go home now you know what Cody you're going to get what's coming from you it's called karma so you're going to get what's coming to you so we don't have to do anything come on Jo let's get out of here all right dude try to guys stop it just go come on almost had it dude a Joseph I really wanted to burn his house down oh me too dude but I guess his house was flame [ __ ] yeah he does love his house it's so special yeah do you know any way to get him back oh dude we could poop in the bag put it right in front of his door and then light the bag on fire he has to stump the bag out and put the fire out and then his shoes are covered in poop well Joseph when he sees the bag on fire he's not going to want to step on the fire he's he doesn't want to burn his foot oh I got a better idea what if we poop in a bag and then we WR on the bag with Sharpie please step on bag and then he's going to be like oh wait that bag wants me to step on it he's going to start stepping on it and gets poop all over his shoes you know what I like that better dude because you ask please he's going to do it yeah he's going to say please step on back I got to do it poop oh let's go get a bag let's do it yeah I got a poop already all right Joseph that bag's full of poop check okay oh dude yeah it's full of poop oh it smells disgusting yeah it's so gross Cody's going to open the door he's going to see please step on me he's going to step on he's like saying please it has good manners oh yeah he's definitely going to step on it his foot is going to be a magnet to this bag she's going to be like stop stop stop stop stop oh am I stepping and poop I think I like it I'm going knock on the door so Cody can answer okay okay dude okay and run J I can't believe we just did that dude that was hilarious I know we literally pooped in a bag and put in his front door dude do you think he stepped on it oh I think he's stepping on it right now he he's like stop stop stop and there's poop going everywh within his eyes and everything my phone's ringing that's probably him oh I bet it is is it him is it him yeah it's him I'm it right now okay shut up shut up know you shut up D you shut up U hello junior did you leave a bag of poop outside my front door that says please step on me I'm going to take that as a yes no no we we didn't do that but did you step on it no what then how' you know there was poop in it yeah Turtles turt turt I I just opened it up and I saw there was poop inside no you totally stepped on a c yeah F's foot F's foot I didn't step on it how did you not step on on it cuz cuz the bag said please step on me so you totally stepped on it what no I wouldn't do that just because a bag told me to you totally stepped on it yeah poopy PW poopy PW the poop in poop guys I did not step on the poop bag yeah you did that's why you're so mad con is cuz you're washing your feet I can hear the bathtub right now no I'm mad because you left a bag of poop outside my front door but we didn't do that J whose poop was that me and Joseph's did you see that at McDonald's earlier no no I I didn't notice that it's really bad I'm going to hang up now Junior oh yeah you have to go wash your feet yeah okay McDonald's poop on his foot okay go wash your feet Cody yeah hello he h up oh okay but look I I I don't feel like I got payback completely like he can wash his feet but I can't wash my broken piggy bank that is true dude o what I got the perfect idea I'll download a fake texting app and and I'll text him and say he's going to die tonight dude that is genius best prank of 2020 yeah he's going to he's going to he's not going to lose all his sleep he's not going to be able to sleep at night he's going to oh who's trying to kill me who's trying to kill me no one's trying to kill him oh bro that is so smart waste his time 2020 yes let's do it all right I'm going to go download a fake texting app come on okay all right Joseph I downloaded a texting app and I texted Cody I said hey Cody you better not go to sleep tonight because I'm going to kill you oh dude I also said I'm also going to eat your pet goldfish oh I bet he's so nervous right now trying to protect that goldfish I know he's so in love with his pet goldfish he won't stop talking about it I know dude Junior oh oh what's up Cody what do you have your phone did you just text me threatening to kill me and eat my pet goldfish no did somebody text you and say that yeah and whoever it was obviously doesn't know me because I don't have a pet goldfish you don't have a pet goldfish no I never have I totally thought you had a pet goldfish and you were in love with that thing nope uh Joseph I got to go use the bathroom dude why are you telling me just go Joseph did Junior text me uh uh no dude why would you ask cuz I know he's mad at me and it seems like the kind of thing he would do and he's done a lot of other really weird things tonight oh he would never do that dude what's this never mind I thought you had a pet goldfish still going to kill you though ha cwee oh man I just got done using the bathroom so what's up cwee Junior you just texted me while you were in the bathroom no I didn't I didn't have my phone get little battery Junior they called me cwee and you're the only person that calls me that well Cod weave that's a really good nickname but Cody I did not text you I didn't even have my phone in the bathroom I was just washing my hands Junior I know it's you it's not me Cody I Scout's Honor you're not a scout that doesn't mean anything to me Cody would I ever do anything mean to you Junior you tried to burn my house down earlier and then after that you put a bag of poop outside my front door okay and you stepped in it no I didn't tur toes to Cody look I did not text you that's not me I promise I swear on my life I did not text you okay so it's really not you it's not me well then I'm going to call the police because someone's threatening my life well at least you're going to call the right person this time you're not going to call the fire department over a crime all right I'm going to go call them he's such an idiot I totally had my fingers crossed when I swore on my life you're so smooth dude I know smooth hey there this kid says you've been sending them death threats me no yes you Junior Joseph you've been my boy for years yep would I do anything bad like that nope see officer I would not send bad messages like that Cody's a nerd and he wanted to sit at the popular table at lunch and I wouldn't let him cuz he's ugly and so now he's getting back at me by trying to get me arrested why would you lie to me I'm not lying to you he's the one that's lying well I'm not lying I know it's illegal to lie to a police officer yeah that's right we have a pretty easy way of figuring out who sent the messages see I have a software that can track the message to see what phone it came from so whenever we find that person they're going to jail jail yeah jail you go to jail for sending messages yeah sending death threats is illegal well well what if it was just a big joke well it doesn't matter if it's a joke it's still illegal well what if the person messages and says this whole thing was a joke don't take it seriously well did he do that no uh well hold on I got to go use the bathroom huh this thing was a joke don't take it seriously huh man I just got back from using the bathroom I was really quick with that huh hold on that guy sent the text message while you were in the bathroom H this means something but but what it means it's him officer it's not me look just because the guy coincidentally sent a text message while I was in the bathroom doesn't mean it was me it's not me look I promise it's not me go trace the number and it's not going to come back to me okay we're going to trace the number and we're going to figure this out well but officer uh hypothetically if it was me and I hypothetically smashed my phone would you be able to trace to my phone well no cuz your phone's broken so we wouldn't be able to find it okay so I I just want to know that wait why would you ask me that because the new iPhone 12's coming out and I really want it so if I smash my phone on YouTube for views I I'll make that YouTube money and I can buy the new iPhone 12 oh yeah that's a great idea make sure you get it slowmo that'd be awesome yeah I'm totally going to do that hold I'm going go break my phone I'm sorry Thomas this is how I typ this is how I typ this is how I typ typ typ typ all right let's track that message all right I just smashed my phone dude smashville population one what yep so I smashed my phone hey officer any luck tracing that number that's weird I can't seem to find the phone anywhere all I'm getting is Helen Kell simulated org well I don't know what to tell you I guess you can't trace it what he obviously smashed his phone so you wouldn't be able to find it well no no he said he was going to make a YouTube video of him smashing his phone wait kid where's the video what video the video you smashing your phone oh darn it I forgot to record it huh that's kind of suspicious but then again I forget stuff all the time like the other day I forgot to not cheat on my wife can you believe that it's like oops shouldn't have done that yeah I'm so forgetful but I guess since you can't trace the number we should just stop it here the case is closed right yeah it's too bad I really want to know who did it yeah the case is closed wait what's this what Cody you're still going to die die Cody die Junior who are you doing this well I'm not sending those messages my phone smashed wait wait but it was you before though right yeah but but now it's not me wait then then who's doing this Cody look look look at my hand I'm not doing it I'm totally not doing look my phone is smashed I can't be sending those text you can track the message though right yeah yeah I can do that all right let's see who this is typ type type typ typ type typ uhoh what the messages seem to be coming from inside the house oh really yeah and and if you're here then uhoh can you see what what part of the house it's coming from yeah hold on oh no it looks like it's coming from the [Music] kitchen oh what's go in the kitchen see what it is yeah die die alone die at home die in Rome wait don't die in Rome that's too nice die somewhere else worse you're the texter uh I am Jeff pee PE how could you Cody you threw a roll of toilet paper at my head and make me knock over my pasta wait is this true assault yeah he also broke my piggy bank destruction of personal property all I do is throw a roll of toilet paper tell them why you threw the roll of toilet paper cuz I was mad okay yeah and you also have anger issues okay look it's 5:00 in the morning and we're all really tired okay so you Chef you're a grown man you shouldn't be sending mean messages to this kid and you kid you got to learn how to manage your anger and you you broke your phone for a lie that can't have been worth it all right we all just need to grow up we all need to learn some lessons today and the lessons are be nice just don't say mean things to people and if you're watching this at home just leave a leave a comment below if you can think of a better ending than the one we came up with cuz we're all tired and this is the best we got so I'm going to try to read the best ending that people came up with at the end of the next video so guys what do you want to do today I no dude I'm bored yeah you guys want to start a rock band oh yeah yeah dude I always wanted to be a rock star yeah we get so many chicks yeah and dudes no no no not that dude yeah we'll get chicks yeah yeah and also dudes no no not that all right guys look let's just dress up like rock stars like emo punk rock stars and get instruments and we'll make a lot of money yeah let's get Edy oh yeah we're ready to be rock stars hell yeah dude I'm going to beat these drolls until they get on fire Joseph why are you talking like that cuz we're rock stars dude yeah rock stars talk like this oh okay actually I think behind the scenes we should talk normal but in front of the ladies we talk like this yeah okay all right so Joseph you're going to be the drummer hell yeah dude and I'll be the lead singer and bass guitar o I'll be lead guitar and then Ken can be second bass guitar dude he's a doll he can't play an instrument he's not a do guys guys don't argue cuz arguing will lead to the band breaking up and no one likes it when the band breaks up like One Direction yeah you're right dude yeah nobody's better than anyone else no matter how big and famous we get no matter how many people love me more than you guys you can't get upset what okay all right so now we need a band name o Dude three dirty grandpas oh three dirty grandpas sounds sick yeah wait but guys we're not old well that's what's awesome we'll go out on the stage and people expect three grandpas to come out and then it's us that like oh you look good for your age yeah we surprise the crowd wait but why are we dirty dude because grandpas don't bathe yeah yeah you know have you ever seen an old person shower there's a chair in there they just sit there they don't even take any a shower they're just sitting there yeah hold on we we can't be three dirty grandpas there's four of us dude he's a doll I guys we said no arguing look okay we're not doing three dirty grandpas anyone else have a better name I think we need a meaner sounding band name like like lizard guts lizard guts lizard guts is actually nice dude yeah lizard guts with a z that's sick okay yeah we're going to be lizard guts and then our logo will be like a a lizard being stepped on his guts spraying everywhere oh I like that dude all right so our band name is officially lizard Goods lizard Goods all right so what's our first song going to be well I actually have a song I got one I got one all right guys on the count of three 3 2 1 go Che p p e I want mac and cheese mac and cheese mac and cheese mac and cheese I want it please mac and cheese mac and cheese mac and cheese I want it please mac and cheese mac and cheese mac and cheese I want it please Junior what's all that noise I hear why do you like it no it sounds like a cat getting ran over it's actually a lizard cuz we're lizard Gus well you need to tell lizard Gus it's time to go out of business it sounds horrible but but but but did you hear the lyrics about how I want mac and cheese I'm not making you mac and cheese just shut up with all the noise guys I think he likes it I think we got our first fan dude I wouldn't say he liked it you'd say he loves it no dude stop being a negative nasty yeah Cody no one likes negative people if you're going to be sad like that girls aren't going to give you their muff muff yeah that tough muff dude yeah that muff cabbage I I don't want muff cabbage all right guys let's do my song from the top one a two I one can we do my song come on dude yeah Cody no one wants to hear your song about wieners it's not about wieners at least this one's not dud do we have to yeah guys we said we were all going to be equal in this band okay fine Cody we'll do your song but I have to be lead singer what no no I'm the lead singer the lead singer gets all the Muff Junior it's not all about muff what are you going to do with the Muff you don't even use it I'll give you my muff ooh secondhand muff I'll take it okay a one a two a 1 2 3 summer it's summer and I'm lonely lonely summer it's summer and I'm lonely summer lonely it's a lonely summer lonely summer it's summer and I'm lonely summer days I so lonely lonely no friends try to phone me pH me no bread just baloney baloney wish someone would try to bone me the days are so damn [Music] lonely it's a lonely Sumer these days are so God damn lonely well guys what do you think pretty bitching right I actually like it dude thanks Joseph I thought it was crap BR Capital C crap bro why it doesn't make any sense what doesn't make sense about it it's summer and I'm lonely that's the part that doesn't make sense Cody it's December 2 weeks before Christmas it should be called Lonely winter yeah he has a point dude it is H of season but but I wrote it years ago during the summer when I was lonely then we will release that song during the summer but no I want to release it now then change it to lonely winter but no it's not going to sound the same it'll sound perfect everyone will be like oh lonely winter that's a favorite Christmas song well it's not a Christmas song see I don't want to have to play it once a year like Mariah Carey but then it'll sell every year around Christmas we'll be millionaires around Christmas to buy Christmas gifts well no it's a Summer Jam it's going to be song of the summer uh Cody how about this listen please just re-record it with lonely winter just to see how it sounds just to see okay fine we'll try it a one a two a 1 2 3 lonely winter it's winter and I'm lonely lonely winter it's winter and I'm lonely win win lonely it's a lonely winter winter L I can't do this it sounds like crap Junior well why' you stop Cody it just doesn't flow the same dude I was vibing yeah it sounded great it almost sounds like it was supposed to be winter the whole time no no no no no it's going to be lonely summer or nothing well you know what then fine we're not going to do your dumb song we're going to do my song about mac and cheese no that song sucked what well yeah it sucked because it's about Chef peee and nobody knows who that is that's it Cody you're out of the band what you talk crap about Chef peee no one talks crap about my personal shift well I I I was telling the truth nobody does know who he is no one knew who Stacy's mom was but now everyone knows she's got it going on true Junior you can't just threaten to kick me out of the band for that I didn't threaten to kick you out of the band you are out of the band okay you know what fine maybe I'll be more successful on my own like Harry Styles well you know we're going to be like the other people in One Direction wait wait who uh Zayn who the [ __ ] is Zayn I don't know but that's who I am now yeah well Harry Styles wrote a song about strawberries or some [ __ ] so whatever wa it was actually about watermelons and sugar and spice and everything nice okay who cares junor come on Ken we're going to do lizard guts on our own no you can't take the lizard guts name that's our name I came up with the name well then fine take your stupid dumb lizard butts name we're going to have our own different band name yeah two dirty grandpas yeah two dirty grandpas super dirty and stinky yeah filthy yeah don't we don't bathe or wipe at all yeah all right Joseph let's focus on our song cuz it's better than a stupid lonely summer winter spring song yeah it's going to be way better dude come on a one a two what the news breaking news okay the band lizard guts has released a new song called Lonely summer and it has gone triple platinum if you haven't heard this song you have to listen to it right now dude Cody's song is amazing it's number one everywhere well look Cody just got lucky cuz even though it's winter time global warming is making it hot outside so people are confused they think it's summer I guess what's up [ __ ] what oh not you I was talking to them what are you doing here Cody I just wanted to see if you saw my song it's number one on the charts and it's triple platinum it's the fastest song to ever do that well you know your song's cute and all but you know enjoy being number one okay because our song's going to be number one right Joseph wait wait what song dude the song I just wrote right now so get ready to listen to it Cody a one a two a one two three Cody's mom is a fat pig Cody's mom is a fat cow Cody's mom is a fat whale w w w w w w w w w w w w w Cody's mom is a fat hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo what' you think about that Cody well I like that you didn't know what a hippo sounded like so you just said hippo well do you know what a hippo sounds like Cody no well go go talk to your mom that's what it sounds like oh damn okay Junior you have fun with your little song well that wasn't the real song that's going to make us famous we have a different number one song and it's going to blow your mind so play it Joseph dude what song are you talking about just play his lonely summer beat okay dude all right one a two a one two three Cody's mother is so fat and ugly Cody's mother is so fat and ugly fat and ugly that is Cody's mother Cody's mother is so fat and ugly Cody's mother is fat and ugly ugly her stomach is fat and pudy pudy from eating so much baloney baloney so fat she will crush me so fat that is Cody's mother she's so fat and ugly she's so God damn fat and ugly so Cody what did you think about my song I think you just stole my song no your song's about lonely summer mine's about your mom being fat and ugly it has the same music you just changed the word I sampled your beat and I didn't give you permission to do that we're all a part of lizard gut so I have every right to use that beat Cody we're not anymore well that I want to talk to you about that I think we should get the band back together oh now that I have a hit number one song now you want to get the band back together no it has nothing to do with you having a number one song and a bunch of money and a bunch of muff it was about I think we should get the band back together why do you think I called you over here was to get the band back together didn't call me I came over on my own oh well well before you came over I was just about to call Cody right Joseph yeah you had phone in hand yeah I was about to call you and beg you to come over to get the band back together cuz I'm sorry and I love your song really you like lonely summer yeah I love lonely summer I think it makes a lot of sense that we released it in the winter time and not summer at all huh well okay well in that case then yeah I guess we can get the band back together and you have to share all the royalties with your number one song because I mean we were all together when you thought of that song right well yeah I mean I guess so yeah yeah so we're all back together it's lizard guts forever yeah lizard guts yeah so you also have to share your muff with us oh yeah of course why do you think I brought her yeah okay so now we need another hit song cuz we're LZ GS and you just released a hit so we have to follow it up with another hit oh I have an idea no no no I got a song all right guys from the top one 2 one two [Music] three I saw a lizard on the ground and I stepped on it I saw lizard on the ground and I dapped on it lizard gut lizard guts lizard lizard lizard guts lizard guts lizard guts lizard lizard lizard guts junior junior junior I need you out of the house for the whole weekend now go why I'm a kid where am I supposed to go wait you're not 18 yet oh that makes sense cuz your ass would have been out of my house by now why do you need me gone because I got a lady friend over for the weekend and we handling grown folks business and you cannot be here wait who is she oh she's a new mommy but no she calls me Daddy so she might be your new sister I don't know where am I supposed to go uh I got three tickets to Disney where a look you can take whoever you want or any friend or whatever just you can't be here I got to use this red couch and I'm going to be back in 10 minutes okay okay Blood Naked so get out okay I'll leave I got three tickets to Disney World I'm going to call my friends well I only see two oh there's the three I'm going to call my friends hey Junior you sounded really excited on the phone yeah dude what's going on what if I told you guys I have three tickets to do something so cool this weekend it'll make this summer the best summer ever D we going to Universal Studios close Australia not close at all a cruise no look guys I got three tickets to Disney World oh gay how's that gay Cody we've been to Disney like a million times yeah Disney's for little kids dude let's go to Universal Studios where the roller coasters are yeah roller coasters are cool Disney World has roller coasters they have the Rock and roller coaster okay they have one decent roller coaster what about Space Mountain and break my neck no thank you okay they just opened up Tron okay Tron doesn't go upside down you know what does go upside down veloca coaster oh dude in The Incredible Hulk ride yeah and Harry Potter I could get some butterbeer and Hogs me come on guys we're going to Disney World it's three tickets let's just go no I think I'm going to stay here yeah dude I'm going to go to the park wait you'd rather go to the park than Disney World yeah I don't want to wait in line for 3 hours to be disappointed well guys listen let's just go to Disney World it's just for the weekend it'll be really fun and we can go to Universal like next month nah I think I'm going to stay here guys we have to hurry up and go my dad's about to be naked on this couch I'm sorry what he said he's going to get naked and he's going to be here so we got to go okay I'm definitely staying now I want to watch no guys if you're not going to Disney World with me you got to go leave oh man I wanted to see your dad's what you guys really AR going to Disney World just like that what I have three tickets to Disney World and they really just won't go oh oh hell no I'm going to invite some other friends I'm going to fight I'm going to fight some other friends you hear me I can't believe this hey Junior you call me hey PJ cring Shaw Jamie James cring Shaw pair of Jamie cring Shaw yep that's my names what's up I have three tickets to Disney World and I want to know if you want to go with me let me just check my schedule hey ladies you got anything going on this weekend no PJ looks looks like we can go to Disney World then let's go to Disney World come on ladies we're going to Disney World Y no no no no no PJ you're going to have to leave one of your girls behind excuse me well I only have three tickets to Disney World so if me you and one girl goes you have to leave the other girl behind one girl what if I get bored well you're going to be at Disney World with a girl and me you're not going to be bored but what if I get bored of that girl and I want a different girl well just pick up a new girl inside Disney World no no no no no I have to bring both my girls okay well what if you leave one behind and I do whatever that other girl does to make you happy believe me you don't want to do what that other girl does come on ladies let's go what no no no no oh why isn't anyone want to go to Disney with me all right Junior your time's up but Dad why don't you have pants on I told you I got grown folks business to handle now go to Disney now okay back up so I can grab my tickets all right get that thing away from me I'm sorry I know it's out M my cheese sticks are almost ready hey Chef peee you want to go to Disney World with me no Junior I don't have any money to buy any tickets okay I already have the tickets I just want you to go with me me shipi instead of your friends oh my God I feel so honored well no I asked my friends and they said no so I'm asking you so I'm your second choice well actually you're my third choice cuz I asked PJ cron he said no I'm your third choice oh my God I can't believe you Junior I don't even want to go now what I want you to go come on I don't feel special Junior you asked two people before me and then I'm your third choice what if I asked a girl to prom and then she said no then I asked another girl to prom she said no and then I asked you do you feel special no exactly I'm the bronze medal in this situ instead of gold I'm an ugly girl why doesn't anyone want to go with me you know what I'm just going to go by myself woohoo I'm at Disney World hey pal why you look so sad you're at the happiest place on Earth well Mickey Mouse my friends wouldn't go to Disney World with me why not because they said it's gay they said what take me to her right now oh okay I'll take you come on come on come on it's everywhere Hey Dad I know you wanted me gone the whole weekend but I'm back early oh I really only needed 5 minutes she was already gone I blocked her and I almost got all the stains out of the couch you're welcome but I would warn you if you smell a fishy smell again oh spray some for Breeze God she's fishy oh who was that that was my dad he bought me the Disney tickets oh thank you for your business sir Now where's your ungrateful friends uh well they're at their house you want me to invite them over yeah I want to speak to them okay let me call them hey dude you call yeah I thought you were supposed to be in Disney wait what's that smell have you been eating Red Lobster in here yeah I smell catfish dude oh hey Mickey Mouse what Mickey Mouse are you the little [ __ ] that called my Park gay kind of ow well it is yeah it's for little kids dude oh yeah it's it for little kids dude why do you have a knife Mickey Put The Knife Down Mickey you said you just wanted to talk to him this is how I talk well guys Mickey's just really mad that you guys didn't want to go to Disney with me yeah why didn't you want to go to Disney huh why did you want to go with Disney well because Universal Studios is better what does Universal Studios have that Disney doesn't hate yeah velocci coaster velocci coaster SC velocci coaster and the Incredible Hulk all right that one's pretty good and Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter you look like Harry Potter I was in one video Junior help me before he put a mouse get tool up my ass oh Mickey just calm down all right guys look let's just try to calm Mickey down what do you want Mickey I just want to know why the velossa coaster is so much better than Disney well it goes upside down the Rock and roller coaster goes upside down yeah but like three times velocci coaster goes upside down like nine times oh so you like going upside down yeah yeah it's cool okay I'll show you upside down goofy get in here hey Mickey sorry I'm late some kid bit me at a photo shoot so I ate him oh good goofy but next time you're late I'm going to make sure that your kneecaps are on the back side of your legs Oh Mickey you ain't going to do [ __ ] goofy don't embarrass me in front of these people well how about you stop staring at me with your [ __ ] Pac-Man eyes and telling me what's going on oh well our new friends here think that Universal Studios is better than Disney World that's it a middle finger that's all you got well what do you want me to do Mickey eat them I'm not hungry anymore these people think that the velocci coaster is better than all of Disney World I want you to scare them or something well Mickey the velocci coaster is pretty cool I mean it goes upside down the Rock and roller coaster goes upside down I'll kill you down listen Goofy I don't you tell these kids about your special upside down ride ooh okay yeah oh oh but I don't know if they're tall enough for your upside down ride well it doesn't matter yeah you kids like going upside down so how about how about you go follow Goofy and he'll take you to a special upside down Ride Pass yeah kids Let's Take a Ride well I like Disney World so only those two are riding so go yeah he's cool so how are you enjoying your ride kids since you like being upside down so much who's this for upside down okay Mickey I think you proved a point no they need a serer go show them what the name of the ride is this is the incredible ghook and this is going to be you little [ __ ] [ __ ] die come on goofy now do them next here I come ch ch ch ch ch ch chill chill no no no goofy don't do it well get out of my way you want some no no no uh wouldn't it be cooler to hit them with a hammer oh good thinking little buddy yeah the Hammers are upstairs oh okay and Mickey you should grab a hammer too oh great thinking two hammers is way better than one yeah um all right guys I'm going to call the cops and I'm I'm going get some help well gor Mickey I don't see a hammer but I found an axe oh nice goofy I guess nobody saw that coming oh you hear that Goofy looks like we have visitors let's go chop it up with them oh boy hello hey you call the cops yeah yeah Mickey Mouse and Goofy are in my house trying to kill my friends yeah sure they are listen kid you're not supposed to call the cops cuz you had a bad dream maybe talk to your parents no it's not a bad tram it's real life they're upstairs grabbing weapons right now okay I'm going to go take care of real crimes let me know if a real crime happens here no no my friends are tied up just come inside you can see okay I'll take a look look officer look oh my God kid what' you do to your friends I didn't do this Mickey and Goofy did this and what's this what are you going to TI me up next no Mickey and Goofy are going to kill my friends we got to do something kid I'm going to have to place you under arrest this is just sick oh hi pal oh look he called the cuts we'll be right down to talk come on goofy Jesus you weren't lying no they're going to kill us chinkies let's hide kid let's hide in this closet okay close the door close the door shh quiet kid we have to not make any noise oh where' they go I don't see them Mickey well we got to find them before they call backup yo the sooner you come out the sooner you can feel the sweet release of death yeah we're not going to hurt you we're just going to kill you come on goofy let's look for him okay bigy come out come out wherever you are when we find them I'm going to cut their hands off oh I'm going to make them saw on Fe off shh kid they're right outside the door I got to get past this level I keep getting two stars and it's pissing me off goofy do you hear Angry Birds they sure do Mickey aha there they are goofy start S your feet off I don't have feet well you you start thr your feet off oh boy got you Mickey G you guys all right there oh my God s you saved Our Lives how do you know where to find us I heard it over your radio M then I brought my old tranquilizer oh well put these two in handcuffs I'm going to go free those other kids all right I'm on it come on kids you're safe now are you kids okay they tried to kill us yeah all because we said Universal's better than Disney well I mean I agree with that they do have more roller coasters exactly so Mickey Mouse is going to jail right oh no we're not technically allowed to arrest Mickey Mouse well why not I mean the law doesn't really apply to him he he's Mickey Mouse you know I mean we're just allowed to tranquilize him and take him back to Disney World why why can't you arrest him though I mean he's Mickey Mouse man he bought Star Wars cuz he was bored and then he bought Marvel cuz he was bored again I mean he made Disney plus just cuz he wanted even more money than he already had oh so Mickey Mouse could come back and hurt us if he wants to yeah if he wants to but if he does don't call me you guys want to go to Six Flags oh man Jeffy are you ready for game night heck yeah hey guys I brought Penelope be along for game night since Joseph couldn't come why couldn't Joseph come Junior you know he's canoeing across the Atlantic Ocean today I totally forgot well you know the rules no girls allow you never said that well I'm saying it now I don't want Penelope here tell her to leave well she's already here but Cody we were going to play hungry hungry your mom good one Junior but I guess Penelope can see what she's going to be when she grows up shut up Junior yeah eating balls h I'll have you know when I grow up I'm going to be a surgeon you're not going to be a surgeon you're going to be too busy painting your nails and talking about ponies Junior there's plenty of female surgeons name one uh well you name one male surgeon Dr Phil he's not a surgeon he's not even a medical doctor yes he is he does surgeries on his show all the time but you haven't even seen his show have you no but I know he's a doctor well what about Dr Octopus yeah he's a doctor he's not a medical doctor either and he's not even real he is a medical doctor he gave himself like spider spider tentacles on his back can we just shut up and play Hungry Hungry Hippos no she thinks she can be a surgeon so I challenge her on a one-on-one of operation okay fine let me go grab the game okay penel you think you're going to be a surgeon but I'm going to prove to you that I would be a better surgeon yeah right Junior I'd like to see you try well I'm about to get all these pieces without touching the sides because if you touch the sides you lose so you're never going to get a turn cuz I'm going to get all the pieces so I'm going start with this one he died Junior what no yes he did you touched the sides I didn't touch the sides the nose lights up when you touch the sides no the nose lit up cuz we started the game no it lit up because well I'm one more chance one more chance one more chance okay I'm I'm do it again very careful you did it again Junior well I never said I could be a surgeon she's the one bragging saying she's going to be a surgeon so I'd like to see you get all the pieces without touching the sides I can without touching any of the sides I can get every single one of these pieces oh yeah well then how about we have a little wager if you touch the sides you have to go on a date with me I'm talking dinner movie and it has to end with a kiss ew no Junior why are you scared you think you're going to touch the sides no I'm not scared okay then then take the deal wait wait wait Junior what does she get if she wins he never has to talk to me ever again oh oh yeah and he has to go on a date with me and it has to end on a kiss with tongue for 15 whole seconds I'm talking Mississippi like one Mississippi two Mississippi e no I'm not going to agree to that hi you're chicken well no no I'm not chicken okay fine it's a deal if if if you you win I have to go on a date with Cody if I win you have to go on a date with me so don't touch the sides I'd like to see you try to get these pieces she's not going to get the pieces nope oh no Junior she only has one piece left I know Puck her up Junior it's going to be the longest 15 seconds of your life I'm going to clean your teeth with my tongue you're never going to be able to talk to me ever again come on Junior you got to do something turn the lights off all I got you what what happened to the lights h a you touch the side you touch the side that doesn't count Junior the lights went out that's not an excuse if you're a doctor one day doing surgery and the power goes out you're just going to kill the guy well hospitals usually have generators what if the generator doesn't work Cody you should be so good at being a surgeon that you can do it with the lights off but that's not fair don't be a sore loser you have to get ready for our date fine but I'm not going to enjoy it haha hey Junior get it work what you had Jeffy turn off the lights no Junior you're such a cheater well it's better than being an ant eater yeah it's better than being an ant eater who wants to eat ants what a dumb animal why don't they eat cake they can't eat cake yes they can they be cake eaters what no they only eat ants yeah why are they choosing to only eat ants that's dumb they don't choose it that's just what they do what a dumb animal I mean I eat cheeseburgers are you going to call me a cheeseburger eater do you want me to call you that yeah okay I guess I'll call you a cheeseburger well guys I have to get ready for my date okay I look really good for my date now all I have to do is brush my teeth oh no Junior I have to pee what are you doing in here I dropped my toothbrush in the toilet ew throw it away well no I got to brush my teeth Junior ew Junior I have to brush my teeth Cody you're going to get sick I'm not going to get sick I'm so sick Junior I told you this was going to happen how did I get sick there weren't any germs in the toilet there's always germs in a toilet even after you flush yes then what's the point in Flushing I I don't know well I'm not flushing ever again ew Junior I can't be sick I have a date tonight well maybe you should cancel I'm not canceling it Penelope has to kiss me I'm going to kiss her well she's not going to want to kiss you if you're sick you're probably right oh maybe I can call her and reschedule the date oh yeah that's a good idea oh let me get my phone okay it's ringing what do you want junior hey are you getting ready for our date tonight yes I'm getting ready well you don't seem too excited about it do you want to reschedule oh no I want to get it over with now but you know if you're not happy we can just do it another night if we don't do our date tonight then I don't have to ever oh okay well you don't understand an emergency just popped up and I kind of need to reschedule why do you want to reschedule Junior because my friend uh Bobby Bobby yeah Bobby he's at the store right now returning something and he needs me to bring him the receipt cuz I have it why do you have Bobby's receipt Junior because um he bought something and I said there's no way you bought that he said oh yeah well here's the receipt and I said whoa you really did buy that so now I have his receipt and now the thing he bought he wants to return and he needs a receipt see the thing he's returning it was impressive to buy but not impressive to have so the receipt is more impressive than the thing we're not rescheduling Junior I'll meet you at the restaurant at 700 but what about Bobby then bring Bobby let me guess she didn't want to reschedule no oh but I got an idea what if you come to the dinner with me as Bobby who is Bobby I don't know but she wants to see him apparently what why do I have to be Bobby I don't know listen listen okay I got to think of something how about I call a doctor to see what's wrong with me and you go find someone named Bobby what why why Bobby I don't go go find someone named Bobby okay go okay I got to call a doctor hey there you call a doctor oh you don't look so good I'm really sick doctor I was sick one time you want to hear about it I have a date in a few minutes so when I was little I was in school with this kid that had like a really little arm like one arm was like way smaller than the other one so we all used to make fun of him you know cuz he kind of looked like a freak anyway his dad was really protective cuz his whole family died in an accident when the kid was little so one time on a school field trip we all dared the kid to go touch this really sketchy looking van and the kid actually did it but then he got kidnapped by the guy in the van who like turned out to be a dentist so the dad being all protective decided to track the kid down and find him so he teamed up with this girl that had memory problems like she couldn't remember anything all she could remember is the address of the dentist's office so then they met some sharks that didn't eat fish and I don't really remember what they did but then a bomb went off and then they met a sea turtle and he was very nice and he gave them a ride to Australia and th this this is the plot of Finding Nemo I didn't live that see sometimes I get my memories confused with movies that I saw oh I did throw up one time I guess that's the story I really have to get better before my date oh right yes well I I I do have this really experimental medicine I can give you but I don't know the side effects will it make me better I don't know I can try it all right I'll give you a shot of this and see what happens it's not going to make me worse is it maybe well wait a minute I'm starting to feel a little bit better there you go now you go on your date go get a tiger is she hot oh she's hot oh yeah I bet she has daddy issues oh she has daddy issues she has a red head oh damn feisty oh man what's her name Penelope oh that's a hot name wait a minute that's my daughter's name she my daughter mhm o well have her home by 8 okay I can't be late for my date hey Junior I found Bobby who you know Bobby you wanted me to find someone named Bobby I bought it you bought what I had the receipt but I took it back to the store but I still bought it yeah I guess he bought something cool well buying it was cool but he took it back so I don't think it I don't have time for this so no Bobby sorry Bobby sorry I'm late I already ordered for you and I started eating because I don't care of course you already started eating you're so fat you know what Junior I wish I wasn't here with your ugly green fa why is your face green cuz I get sick when I look at you then why did you ask me out I didn't ask you out the only reason we came out is cuz you lost operation this was your idea I only wanted the 15 second kiss oh no that was the deal between you and Cody you and I just have to kiss I'm getting my 15 Mississippi oh no no especially if you're green or and sick I'm really sick why' you order me garlic bread in case you were a vampire I wanted it to burn you of course you you're one of those weird kids that read weird vampire books they're good okay I think I'm going to throw up a be where where Junior you turned into a bee I didn't turn into a I'm a bee I'm allergic to bees I'm out of here we stop the kiss I can't kiss you I'll die oh I have to call that doctor hey you call a doctor oh you are a big old bee that is a bee you turned me into a bee well I didn't mean to uh oh you know what happened okay so I was supposed to give you Ibuprofen but instead I give you ipren it turns you into a b well turn me back I don't know how but you know what this reminds me of when I was a b i was voiced by Jerry Seinfeld and that that's the Bee Movie no that didn't happen but you know what did happen I had a friend that was really bad at cooking but I was good at cooking so I would get on top of his head and pull his hair to make him cook good and we cooked a plate of Ratatouille that was so good it made the this really harsh food critic have a flashback to his childhood and think it was okay to have rats in a restaurant wait that's Ratatouille man that didn't happen either don't listen to me well you can't turn me back well I mean I don't know I mean you should be happy to be a bee you know bees are going extinct you're saving the planet I was supposed to kiss Penelope but she's allergic to bees well see now I'm glad you're a bee I don't want you doing that with my daughter no matter what I said earlier come on change me back well there something you there's nothing you can give me to turn me back into a human I mean I guess I could give you Molin but that would just turn you into a mole it's too bad there's no medicines that sounds like people oh just change me back H man we are we are right there we just got to just got to wrap this [ __ ] up oh you know what you know what you know what uh it it wears off yeah it does medicines wear off it happens look it up it wears off in a few right now it wore off yeah hey there you go I told you it would and look you're not even sick anymore all the problems are solved I have to go kiss Penelope oh not my daughter pel pel I can finally give you the kiss Junior I feel feel so sick what happened to you penel I think it's something I ate we're supposed to kiss though I don't think we can do that now we'll have to do it another time because I think I'm going to throw it well don't take medicine from your dad he's going to turn you into a bee hey Junior you know I've been hanging it with Bobby and he's actually really cool like he buys a lot of stuff well he usually returns it but you know he has the receipts to prove it yeah I bought it oh well I wasn't able to kiss Penelope that's okay Junior we can always do our 15-second kiss so Joseph what do you want to do today I don't know dude I'm bored # me too oh oh I got some idea how about we watch the T Joseph what is that oh dude that's just my British voice you know I'm just trying it out yeah I would stick to your normal voice yeah let's watch TV okay breaking news UK there's a new illness going around called the cough cough and the government is urging everyone to stay 6 ft away from each other they're also urging every citizen to just stay indoors and do not go outside until the cough cough goes away wao hey Joseph you want to have a pool party oh yeah dude let's have a pool party yeah let's have a pool party wait you don't have a pool we can use the Neighbor's Pool oh yeah let's use the Neighbor's Pool yeah let's get as close as we can and breathe all in each other's mouth yeah that sounds fun let's invade each other's personal privacy yeah let's do it wait wait wait dude the guy on the news said that we have to stay six peeps away from each other six peeps away from each other yeah I'm pretty sure that's what he said six peeps six peeps yeah I have ears dude I heard them you don't have ears well you don't either just shut up six peeps six peeps all right Joseph there are six peeps perfect six peeps away from each other just like the news said that's really weird that they measured in peeps I know right wait are you sure they didn't say 6 feet away from each other I'm pretty sure they said six peeps unless I have a speech impediment which I do I mean feet and Peep sound pretty close together and I have ADD so I wasn't even watching the news you know what Joseph we're not going to stay 6 feet away from each other and we're not going to stay six peeps away from each other cuz this whole sickness thing is stupid we're going to have that pool party oh yeah let's have that pool party dude yeah let's have it we we we're not going to stay inside we're going to go outside and swim oh yeah swim yeah yeah so let's call Cody and invite him to the pool party oh okay dude what's up guys what's up Cody yeah what's up fruit cake oh hey Joseph wait why' you guys FaceTime me instead of normal calling because we want to see that big fat beautiful nose of yours yeah and those ugly four eyes yeah all four of them thanks well why' you guys call because I want to invite you to the pool party I'm throwing oh yeah dude it's going to be a blast you should come yeah Cody come on wait Junior you don't have a pool but my neighbor does oh so he's going to let you use his pool I mean I've never met him he's actually missing I think his wife fed him in ters or something oh man so you're just going to use his pool yeah why not come on yeah dude but guys I'm not going to a pool party why cuz you can't swim yeah there's that but didn't you see the news we're all supposed to stay home and stay six peeps away from each other wait six peeps I knew it yeah six peeps okay we don't have to listen to the news though it's not just the news Junior it's the government too no more big government yeah who saids we have to listen to the government well the law well who says we have to listen to the law well Junior I'm not going to a pool party I'm just going to stay home well what are you going to do at home well I'm just going to practice my guitar and maybe yank my noodle well come yank your noodle at the pool like like like you know a yanker noodle went to the pool hoping there's macaroni you know that song no no no Junior I don't know that song I've heard Yankee Doodle went to town riding on a pony not yank your noodle or whatever it is you said you're the one who brought up yanking noodles what Junior this isn't about noodles well just grab your noodles and come to the pool no I'm not going to the pool oh well you know what we're going to call you names then uh you're ugly and you have a big fat snow cone head yeah vampire teeth no no no don't do it don't hang up I have to tell you something it's a big secret I've always had this deep feeling in my Junior Joseph stay really still he's going to think the phone froze no no Junior I can hear you I look look he thought the phone froze he has no clue no I I know the phone didn't freeze because I can hear you talking look he get so mad he's like why is my phone Frozen oh he's such an idiot Junior I know it's not fro look at him shaking his phone that's the only way to get the phone to move is why Shak I should have an Android this stupid I'm actually gonna hang up no no no Cody don't hang up don't hang up no no Cody okay he hung up such we're go to his house and we're going to make him come outside and go to the pool party oh yeah he has to come he has to come we're going to make Cody go to this pool party oh yeah we're going to make him come Cody Cody come here guys what are you doing here we want you to go to the pool party yeah dude no I don't want to leave the house I don't want to get sick you're not going to get sick Cody we just want to swim in a swimming pool but guys Ju Just FaceTime me when you get to the pool but FaceTime you you can't swim you're facetimed yeah you get away from the window I don't want you to get sick what Cody come on dude just so lame I know right he's not going to get sick but Let's go swim it's no fun dude this is the lest po party ever isn't it fun Joseph oh yeah dude I can't believe Cody's missing out on this oh dude he's such a loser I know he's such a loser you should FaceTime him okay dude should show him how much fun we having oh I'm having so much fun without Cody oh dude here he is oh hey loser yeah what's up loser hey guys hey what's it like being in your house not swimming yeah yeah being a loser well at least I'm not going to get sick well you could be in this sick pool with us yeah the sick party yeah Junior you're already coughing well because I got I got water in my nose and in my throat and shut up yeah yeah I'm sure that's it yeah yeah yeah so do you want to go swimming with us Cody Junior how would I go swimming well I could just you know um I could just put my put my phone in the Water Junior that's not how this works he's swimming he's drowning oh he's drowning junor you almost drowned me well I just want you to swim I'll put you in the tend I'll put you in the de yeah throw him in the t-end dude oh he's going to drown that was a cannonball yeah yeah he's going to drown he's been down there for like 5 minutes he probably drowned dude that's your phone what and it's probably broken or something wait wait is it waterproof I don't know go get it okay dude okay dude I got your phone but I think Cody drowned he drowned yeah do we even save him dude he's our friend we have to okay fine I'll give him mouth to mouth come on Live come on dude don't you die on me live live Cody are you okay guys I almost drowned SC you guys no no Cody Cody come on dude okay you know what let's just enjoy our pool party okay okay dude oh man Joseph that pool party was really fun oh dude it was your blast yeah that's you but I think I'm sick no we're not sick Jose we might be sick Joseph yeah I think we are dude you think we should call a doctor yeah yeah we need to call one right now okay let's call a doctor oh God hey there somebody call a doctor hey there doctor wait why are you on the phone well cuz I'm not doing house calls right now I don't want to get sick why what do you mean why why do I not want to get sick cuz I'm in my 40s and it's not looking too good for me well then who's that well that that's Brad he cuts his own hair can you tell yeah you can tell he looks like Bert Andor Ernie yeah I do cut my own hair because my mother is a hairdresser so I basically know what I'm doing yeah he looks like a goofball yeah so anyway doctor like me and my friend are feeling really sick because after we heard the news about the sickness we went to a pool party but why why would you do that because it's fun oh well it was fun at least it was fun I mean that that's the most important thing right that you had fun yeah we had fun right Joseph yeah dude yeah it was really fun yeah yeah it doesn't matter cuz you're sick now it's really bad well can you cure it no see that's the problem there is no cure well there's no cure what well no one told us there's no cure well everything has a cure right no this doesn't have a cure you're in trouble now okay are we going to croak like a frog well maybe but probably not what do we do doctor tell us what to do to fix it well what I would recommend doing is just stay home and keep six peeps away from anybody else wait why six peeps why that link well because Peeps are pretty much useless cuz no one eats them anyway so we're just putting them on the ground as a unit of measurement oh okay okay so we won't go near anyone else and we'll say we'll stay six pets away from each other so Joseph back up back up okay dude six peeps away from each other anything else doctor um I I mean I think that's pretty much it just wash your hands and you know don't touch anybody okay wait one one more question why are you in a Walmart shopping cart what what what are you talking about you're in a Walmart shopping cart no I'm not yeah the phone is in a Walmart shopping cart but Brad why is the phone in a Walmart shopping cart because I thought that your phone was like really dirty and just like covered with germs so I put it in the shopping cart so that I wouldn't have to touch the germs so you put in a Walmart shopping cart the thing that has the most germs on it in the entire world what okay okay look if you have any more questions just ask Brad and hopefully he'll say something more helpful than or whatever it is he just said all right thank you Doctor we'll listen to what you said all right great all right all right Joseph we're going to say we're going to stay six peeps away from each other okay okay then uh take a step back dude oh you take a step back well I'm sorry God close to me I'm hungry I'm going to go talk to Chef peipi okay dude oh got the clean got the clean I cannot get sick hey Chef peipi chill Junior six P back six P back oh sorry shf peipi what are you doing in the kitchen coughing oh I'm really sick so I want you to make me some orange juice Junior I am not making orange juice for you if you're sick go in your room and quarantine but I want to hang out with you no we're not hanging out look I am too young and beautiful to get sick because of you I am not dying from a cough cough I'm trying to be a millionaire Chef one day well me and you both know you're not going to be a millionaire Chef so let's hang out and hug Junior no go in your room really yes look go in your room right now to you I'm not getting sick god dude what what did your pee say Joseph back up the peeps oh I'm sorry dude Chef peipi said I need to go to my room and die alone wait he really said that something like that oh man does that mean there's no hope for us there's no hope for us Joseph we're going to die alone well nobody loves me anyway hey guys hey doctor what are you doing here oh wait wait wait wait wait uh your your your friend has his mouth all over the Walmart shopping cart what Brad do you want to die of something you could have at least gotten a Target shopping cart at least it wouldn't be as dirty all right listen I was thinking and you guys can't even get the cough cough you guys are turtles wait wait wait we really can't get it we can't get it yeah no no you guys are turtle so you can't even catch it wa wait but but we're sick though yeah you guys must just have like a normal cold or something what so we're not going to die no no not you if I get it all die but not you J we're not going to die yes dude yeah oh let's cough each other's mouth we're not going to get sick we're not going to die so we can do that all we want I mean I wouldn't recommend it but I mean I guess thank you so much doctor for telling us you're welcome yeah so um thank you all right but do do we do we stop the to say you know six peeps apart but I mean yeah I we got to do something with those peeps no one's going to eat them anyway okay yeah we'll start we'll start St six peep Park I mean I don't even like peeps yeah me neither I actually like peeps they're like my favorite oh shut up Brad and that crass is why aants can't jump cuz they fat make sure you study that over the weekend and I'll see you on Monday thank God it's Friday hey Penelope what are you doing tonight and if you're not doing anything you want to add me to the list of things you do e no Junior I'm busy busy doing what popping your butt pimples cuz girls get pimples on their butt smooth dude I'm busy tonight Junior Cody are you still coming to my sleepover tonight yeah of course what NY Cody you're going to a girl sleepover yeah can me and Joseph go no Junior only girls are allowed well Cody's not a girl yeah but I'm gay yeah he likes boys well I like boys too okay then prove it okay what do you want me to do to prove it you want me to kiss Cody I've done that a thousand times hey Cody let me kiss you no Junior we have to do the hokey pokei now turn yourself around so I can put something in and out and it's not going to be my right foot cuz that's what it's all about dude it's not worth it it's not worth it I don't like boys told you you were straight ha these guys are straight dude they're bullying us I can't help it I Was Born This Way panelope be please let boys come to the sleepover no boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider well girls go to vus to suck more you can't come Junior you're not allowed see you tonight Cody okay Cody what does a girl sleepover like what do they do at the sleepover well they do girls stuff you know they talk about boys and have pillow fights and talk about boys and have tea parties talk about boys do they get naked well I mean they shower together but that's gross you guys wouldn't want to see that dude we have to go we have to go Cody please teach us how to be gay yeah please I want to be super gay no guys we're not doing Cody's gay lesson come on we want to go to the sleepover Cody come on we want it so bad no Junior only girls allowed and me so in Joseph we have to go to sleepover we have to find a way to sneak in yeah dude I got to see some naked girls yeah my dad took my computer away so I can't see him that way okay let's go to my house and think of a plan okay dude all right Joseph how do we get in the sleepover dude I don't know we're not Cody say that again we're not Cody Joseph that's it what we got to be Cody how are we going to do that dude we dress up like Cody and we go to the sleepover before he gets there and they will let us in cuz they're going to think we're Cody but it'll be two Cody's dude they're not going to let two Cody's in well I'll look like Cody and then if they don't let you in then just say that they're discriminating and we'll sue them oh dude I forgot I am black yeah if they don't let you in they're discriminating and we can sue them and and then we'll own the sleepover yeah big fat lawsuit all right let's dress it like Cody all right dude all right Joseph we look like Cody oh yeah we totally look like nerds yeah we look like big fat dorks all right so we have to beat Cody to the sleepover okay okay let's go let's go all right Joseph they have to let us in we're Cody okay dude hello what Junior what are you doing here who she talking to I don't know dude I'm Cody and I'm black Cody Junior I told you you weren't allowed to come where's Junior I don't know dude I don't see Junior yeah cuz I'm Cody and I'm black Cody guys leave right now I understand you don't have to let me in but you have to let him in yeah you can't discriminate against me I'm black Cody sue you no you're not allowed leave oh wow you hear that Junior it's cuz I'm black dude wow it's a all white party nothing but wh's here huh I'll be right there Shonda ooh it looks like they already have their black friend dude uh we can't see dang it uh well you can't have more than one black friend huh huh bare minimum what Junior Joseph what are you guys doing here uh junior what are you doing here dressed like Cody yeah you imposter you impostor yeah Cody come on in not you guys leave yeah yeah leave Junior yeah get out of here scram she wants me to come in what come on I can't believe that didn't work yeah I totally thought we were going to get in how do we get into an all girl sleepover I don't know dude we're not girls say that again we're not girls that's it Joseph what we have to dress up like girls oh dude that would totally work it would work Joseph you've been coming up with a lot of ideas tonight yeah I'm on a roll dude okay let's dress it like girls and go in the sleepover yeah all right Joseph they're going to let us in that sleepover oh yeah we totally look like girls dude yeah only girls allowed well here comes the girls wait wait what's our names dude oh yeah we need names uh you can be Hannah O Hannah I like that Hannah's hot yeah that's a hot name you're a hot Hannah oo thanks and my name can be Stacy oo Stacy I totally bang Stacy well I'll totally bang you too stop it oh you shut up oh stop okay let's go to the sleepover and watch the girls get naked yeah totally naked all right Joseph we're dressed like girls it's an all girls sleepover they have to let us in oh yeah dude we're in there Cody all the the other girls showed up already right I think so uh hello oh who are you girls oh I'm Hannah and this is my friend Stacy no I'm Hannah I mean I I'm Stacy that's Hannah mhm blonde moment yeah you know those dumb blonds always messing up stupid you know those stupid vernets better shut their mouth before I smack it no you're way stupider you're stup it's Junior and Joseph in Disguise let's just make the sleepover really boring so they want to leave oh that's a good idea oh yeah I was wondering where you girls were yeah you know we were just taking a long time cuz I was rearranging my tampon collection mhm my breast smoke was leaking yeah we had to tape it up oh I hate when that happens but uh where are your pajamas oh that's a trick question cuz girls sleep naked at sleepovers MH oh how could I forget yeah so can we come inside yeah of course oh we did it we did it Joseph we stuck into an all girl sleepover wo woo I in can we come inside T yep come on in we did it we did it we did it we did it all right girls this is Stacy and this is Hannah hi hello fellow ovary owners hi hey I don't have ovaries hello so when are we going to take a group shower and get naked mhm I'm so dirty yeah they call me Stinky Stacy I need a shower oh actually we already did that yeah all of us together naked I don't remember that I don't remember that either shut up well we can just take another shower later mhm ooh how about we talk about boys oh yeah let's do that who do you think is the hottest boy ever oo Ryan Reynolds he's hot yeah Ryan Reynolds is totally hot I like RIT Ralph he's hot excuse me Wreck-It Ralph is hot Well yeah if you like massive forearms he looks like King Kong he's totally ripped I like Lord fawad from the Shrek movies but he's short he's still hot though you said from the Shrek movies but he was only in one movie well actually he was in the Shrek 4D ride at Universal so he's actually two movies doesn't really count as a movie they're going to close that ride down next year wait what are they going to replace it with dude probably another stupid Harry Potter ride oh my God who do you think is hot Stacy oh um I think this this kid named Junior is hot he's so dreamy he has so much pretty eyes and his hair is orange ew I don't know who that is he's kind of hot oh Hannah who do you think is hot oh Margo Robbie easily Hannah what happened to your voice oh my bad but Margo Robbie dude you got to choose a boy oh oh my God Ryan Reynolds I guess God Marg margar Robbie and Ryan Reynold yeah oh let's play telephone yeah yeah everybody give me their telephone number no I whisper something in her ear and then she Whispers it to her and it goes all the way around until you tell me what I said that's dumb just say it out loud right now I'll go first I like unicorns I like unicorn unicorns I like unicorns Stacy's a [ __ ] Stacy's a [ __ ] what' she say dude um uh Junior's the hottest boy in the world a so lucky Junior's the hottest boy in the world that's not what I said I said I like unicorns weird that's not what I heard at all yeah it's really weird how it comes out like that so different so uh who wants to have a naked pillow fight oh me me I think we should go to bed yeah I'm tired but we haven't done anything yet n I'm tired let's go to bed oh yeah let's go to bed uh y'all sleep naked right no I brought my Elsa pajamas I brought my wrecked Ralph pajamas um so no one sleeps naked nope no I SLE naked Joseph let's get out of here what really dude this is lame dude it is lame they're my wigs itching and stuff they're not sleeping naked they're just talking about boys it's dumb yeah let's go dude oh girls unfortunately we have to go we have to we're going to go we're we're actually Boys in girl costumes we have penises what a waste of our time dude I know a stupid waste of our time let's get out of here yeah wait wait Joseph what I think I thought of something what dude what if they didn't like us so they weren't going to get naked cuz they didn't trust us that could be it yeah so they're waiting for us to leave to get naked dude that is smart so open the door and close it oh wait wa I know how doors work dude no no no no open the door and close it they'll think that we left and then we wait a few seconds we run up there and then then we'll see them naked oh okay okay yes so open the door oh where leaving yeah it's so boring here 1 2 those girls were weird what do you want junior I thought you guys left what we we did leave we just forgot to say goodbye yeah we forgot to say goodbye oh really so you screaming at us that you had penises isn't your way of saying goodbye well that's how you say goodbye in French yeah we we have penises yeah we now we want to say in English so goodbye good night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bye they're not getting naked Joseph let's go oh my God what a waste well Joseph I guess girl sleepovers are boring yeah dude all right they're gone let's do this [ __ ] all right let's get to dissecting this alien and see what this guy knows Heidi what's up take this for analysis okay I got got you Shonda Samantha prepare instruments for dissection got it we're going to figure out how to send these boys to Jupiter to get more stupider yeah we just need to figure out how aliens have mastered faster than light travel let's do this dude I want to see naked girls me too let's see if we can get on my computer when we get home and look at it yeah what's that noise dude I don't know it's coming from the girls room dude what are they doing up there I don't know let's go check it out oh yeah what's going on in there dude I don't know let's go see okay what the dude what is that I I don't know it's like they're working on like an alien or something all right Penelope I'm trying to get a brain sample but I only have one chance at this just be careful what are you guys doing damn it Junior you made me mess up my brain sample what are you boys doing here well we saw a weird light coming out your window and we want to know what's going on yeah and it doesn't look like you're getting naked yeah so what's going on nothing okay just leave Penelope we might as well just tell them what tell us what do you really think girls are just dumb and all they do is talk about boys yeah well we're not okay and we're trying to figure out a way to travel faster than the speed of light well you can just tell us about it you don't have to hide it yeah but we're trying to send you boys to Jupiter so you can get more stuper you're trying to send all the boys to Jupiter n what you you can't do that wait Cody why would you try to help her do that think about it Junior an entire planet full of boys that sounds like a dream come true but you can't send all the boys that Jupiter Jupiter's a gas giant you can't walk on Jupiter oh I hadn't really thought of that you should send us like Mars well yeah but that doesn't rhyme well I'm not going to let you guys do that I'm going to call the cops no you're not Cody get down what's that it's my forget R okay when they wake up they won't remember anything oh where am I dude what happened Joseph you dressed like a girl you're dressed like a girl I am yeah Cody why are we dressed like girls uh it was it was a dare a dare yeah we were playing with dare and I dared you guys to dress up like girls and you did it but then you got in a car accident and then you were in a coma and then you just now woke up wait that really happened yeah it was crazy anyway I got to go huh what a crazy game of Truth or Dare right huh well Joseph since we're dress like girls you want to make an only fans oh dude yes guys love feet yeah they get paid oh man I love playing Fall Guys and drinking Sprite hey Junior what are you doing looks like he's playing Fall Guys and drinking spray AC oh man what a life yeah yeah just living the life wait Junior why didn't you cross the finish line oh well I'm really good at the game so I get to the Finish Line before everyone else and I like to laugh at all the slow people and then when there's one person left right before he crossed the Finish Line I cross it and I crush his hopes and dreams that seems like kind of a dick move no that's a Savage move dude yeah I'm a complete Savage oh no it's time for me to cross the finish line oh my my controller's dead Junior you lost no I can't believe I lost dude that's what you get for cloting yeah the tortoise in the hair what you know the story about the tortoise and the hair the the the turtle's hairy what no no the story with the tortoise and the hair so the turtle shaves and he forgot one hair no not that kind of hair it's hair like a rabbit like hair is another name for rabbit no it's not no one says oh here comes the Easter hair but no it's spelled differently like h a r e what does have to do with Fall Guys well in the story that the rabbit and the Tortoise have a race and the rabbit loses cuz he got cocky like you just did so the turtle beat the rabbit and Fall Guys what yeah yeah sure okay I don't wor about your stories anymore Cody can you go downstairs and get me another Sprite uh can you say please go nerd fine I try to be nice to him I try so hard to be nice to him but he just doesn't get it maybe he's de dude I just don't understand I got your stupid Sprite why'd you get me a Diet one it's not diet yes it is look at the bottle it's clear that means diet well it doesn't say diet on it Cody listen green bottles are normal Sprite clear ones are diet well they have the same number of calories listen Cody listen just go downstairs and get me a green bottle Sprite well this is all you had in the fridge there's no way shfp only bought Diet Sprite I don't think it's Diet Sprite it is Diet Cody show me where you got this Diet Sprite okay fine I guess I'll just wait here then look Junior I got them right here what they're all diet Sprites I don't think they're diet I think they just look like that no Cody they're definitely diet look they're right next to the diet coke okay well don't yell at me yell at whoever bought them do chfp you goddamn offbrand Muppet Chef B what do you want junior I'm trying to make double fried chicken why'd you buy Diet Sprite I didn't buy Diet Sprite I bought regular Sprite so you can get diabetes and die faster well there's nothing but Diet Sprite in the fridge there's no regular no it's not it's regular Sprite in the refrigerator then go check okay I'll check the stupid refrigerator you're going to see that it's diet here you go stupid read it it's regular Sprite not Diet Sprite duh no it's a clear bottle that means it's diet Chef peee I didn't put it in the clear bottle the company did idiot I want the green bottle Sprite look how about you just pour the liquid in here to a green bottle and call it a day no because it's diet I want regular green bottle Sprite well I don't know what to tell you I don't work for the company I'm not doing it okay let's go get Joseph and go to the store and get green bottle Sprite okay come on Joseph we're going to the store wait why because there's nothing but Diet Sprite downstairs I'm going to buy normal Sprite it's not diet yes it is Cody well maybe you should taste it and see if it is Diet I'm not going to drink Diet Sprite well it's not diet Junior don't you want to taste it to find out are you trying to say I need to go on a diet no because your mom should go on a diet because she's fat just and overweight just taste it to see if it's diet no I don't need to taste it the clear bottle shows it's diet so let's go to the store okay what's wrong Cody then news breaking news M K Sprite will only be sold in clear plastic bottles from now on sprite's old green bottles have been discontinued because they were harder to recycle and bad for the environment see Junior they're not diet they just look like that now what this is so lame no I don't believe it there's no way this has to be like an April Fool's prank it's November what November Fool's listen look there's no way this is real let's go to the store and grab all the green bottles sprit no it can't be true where's the green bottles where's the green bottles Junior you saw the news they got rid of the green bottles to help the environment well what about Mountain Dew they have green bottle do they not care about the environment I guess not I guess they also don't care about your teeth what kidney stones and what about seven up who the hell drinks seven up Cody if seven up can afford green bottles then Sprite can afford green bottles this is [ __ ] Cody I'm sorry Junior you're just going to have to get used to it no I don't have to get used to it this is Diet Sprite this is [ __ ] this is [ __ ] this is BU [ __ ] Junior I think we should probably leave the store now no Cody this is a stupid dumb Sprite Junior don't cry it's just a soda it's not just a soda Cody it's my entire life I love Sprite and they ruined it by putting in this clear crap well the green bottles are harder to recycle this is better for the Earth screw the Earth well don't say that Junior oh no no no no what has the Earth done for us well it gives us air and life and no no no look we change the bottles to help it out but what does Earth do in return give us hurricanes and earthquakes volcanoes tsunamis yeah has a point dude yeah Earth is bad why do we have to change the bottles to make earth happy Earth doesn't do anything for us look we still have cars outside that pollute the air we have airplanes that pollute the air changing the bottle is not going to do anything Cody well this is at least a start no listen I'm going to go grab a knife but why so I go stab the grass to let Earth know I'm pissed Junior that's not oh I want to help screw you Earth Junior stabbing the grass isn't going to solve anything I want green Sprite bottles back oh dude can I have this back of chips good than you Joseph littering haha Junior don't Litter I'm going to litter all I want did you just litter yeah screw the Earth well Junior you got to take it for littering I know I guess it's not the Earth's fault that the bottles are clear yeah exactly it's the Sprite company's fault so the Sprite company is who I should stab but no don't stab anyone who do I stab to get the bottles back to green you don't have to stab anyone Cody I I hate these clear bottles it looks like a water bottle with a Sprite label on it I'm sorry Junior there's nothing you can do well I know I'll just stop drinking Sprite that'll make them change it well they're not going to change it just because one person stops drinking Sprite then I'll get the whole world to stop drinking Sprite you're not going to convince the entire world to stop drinking Sprite yes I am watch Joseph stop drinking Sprite okay dude I'll do it for you thanks buddy Cody stop drinking Sprite I'm still going to drink Sprite what come on dude who you're a sucky friend it tastes the same no it doesn't I'm going to kick you until you stop drinking Sprite No don't kick me what ow ow stop stop kicking me stop it stop drinking Sprite you can't kick people into stop drinking Sprite I'll kick the whole world if I have to everyone stop drinking Sprite till they changeing bottles back to green you can't kick everyone in the world stop kicking me yeah that's how you start it yeah they start a movement Riot everyone burn out burn down a little Caesar green bottles don't burn down anything Junior this is stupid I need a green bottle Sprite well I mean I have a green can does that work the cans are still green what what but but it's green God it's still Sprite he just doesn't I I don't see the problem it's Sprite it's in a green can what he doesn't what I'm [ __ ] what just talk to me I just Wast still alive what come on guys just tell me what's wrong uh just so we what come on it's it's a green K just explain the problem every time he says it I know what I I don't get this what what do you guys Cody what okay it's the bottle I'm mad about not the can there's nothing wrong with the can the can's fine I'm not stop talking about the bottle the the bottle is what I want the bottle is what I want Cody okay but the green bottle the can is fine if the can was clear a green bottle dude yeah if the CL if the can was clear that would be sick wait wait wait wait but then it would be exactly the same as the clear bottle no I've never seen a clear can before Cody stop bringing up the can I want a green bottle Sprite that that's all I want that's all I care about what Junior you haven't even tasted it out of the clear bottle yet I bet you could blindfold me and I could sip uh sprite from the can and a Sprite from that bottle and I could tell the difference I bet you couldn't yes I could I it's going to taste diet cuz that is a Diet Sprite I bet you couldn't we should try it all right Joseph give me a blindfold we're trying this okay Junior one of these Cups has sprite from the can and one of these Cups has sprite from the clear bottle I'll be able to tell which one's the clear bottle cuz it's diet okay let me do this first one okay that's Sprite well yeah they're both Sprite hold on hold on that's Sprite too but yeah they're both Sprite they taste the same oh let me let me we try these Sprite uhhuh and Sprite do they taste exactly the same because they are I don't know they're both Sprite okay the one you just drank is from the clear bottle I knew that was diet that diet aftertaste oh my I I knew it that's why I kept trying them guys because I just knew one of them was off and it was that one it was so diet oh I can't get the taste out of my mouth Junior you didn't know until I told you no I knew it that's why I kept trying that one I like something's weird about that one has some DIY aftertaste it's the clear bottle Cody I know it's the clear bottle but Junior they taste exactly the same no they do not listen I need Sprite in the green bottle I guess the only way I'm going to get that back is I have to go on eBay and buy it from someone that's auctioning one off nobody else cares okay guys I got my laptop oh look this guy's selling a green bottle Sprite for $60 this guy's selling it for $34 Junior this is ridiculous you can't spend $60 every time you want a Sprite Cody I cannot drink that stupid clear bottle Sprite anymore look the green bottle Sprites are right here and these guys are selling it for that much money cuz they know it's valuable because the green bottle Sprite is better Junior this is stupid you can't afford to keep doing this every time I only drink three Sprites a day Cody Junior that's $180 a day well Cody look this clear bottle Sprite tastes like Diet Sprite it's crap and I'm not drinking it's like a water bottle and the Sprite company need to stop being cheap okay well you can always just drink the can H what it's a good idea not the can thing again just try it can you shut the [ __ ] up Cody I want the bottle Sprite okay wait wait wait you want the green Sprite right I need the Sprite in a green bottle I won't drink it unless the bottle's green okay okay I have an idea this will make junior shut up about his stupid Sprite oh Junior I found a green Sprite Cody where did you find a green Sprite at oh I don't know oh my God can you get more oh yeah whenever you want one buddy this is so amazing thank you so much Cody Joseph I finally get to take a sip out of a green Sprite it's been years it's been like 9 minutes oh my God that's so amazing oh it's the best thing I've ever tasted thank you Cody I'm going to run around tell the world I'm so happy wait dude where did you get that green sprite from it's just a clear bottle that I colored green oh you slide devil you but are you going to really color the bottle every time he wants one well yeah because that's what friends are for beep wait what was that dude oh that was my outro you know like a cartoon like the screen goes all black and then like a little circle closes in on my face B [ __ ] peee I'm starving when's dinner going to be ready dinner is almost ready Junior just be patient ew shab it's burnt no it's not Junior it's just a little black and everybody needs a little black in their life you know what that mean I don't want to eat black ravioli shf peee that's because you're racist well I'm not racist I just don't want to eat black RAV cuz it's burnt I want something else what do you want Junior God I don't know you burn everything you cook no I don't Junior I don't burn everything I cook well you know what just make me a bowl of cereal okay I can do that it's just cereal who who burns cereal you can't do that what's taking shpi so long with my cereal shipi why is it on fire is it not supposed to be no you should be cereal you burn everything you cook well I'm sorry Junior I don't cook cereal often you don't cook cereal all you do is pour it in the bowl sh can you just take me somewhere else to get something to eat fine come on Junior since you don't like my cooking okay Junior what do you want from McDonald's since I burned everything you're taking me to McDonald's yes Junior now what do you want Oh I want a Happy Meal oh no no I want to go inside and play in the play thing no no we're not going inside we're going through the drivethru oh please can we go inside oh you want to hear my loudest please please Juni all right all right all right we're only going to go in for 5 minutes and then we're coming right out okay 5 minutes okay let's go let's go God thank you so much for the Happy Meal Chef peee it's way better than your burnt food whatever Junior Hey kid can I have some of that food uh yeah sure no Junior keep walking that is a homeless man but he's hungry Chef peee look he's going to spend all of our money on boo he's not asking for money he's asking for food well he's going to trade your happy meal for Booze on the black market come on Chef peipi let me feed him no Junior he's homeless because he's made bad decisions in his life I was abducted by alien see see he should have been more careful come on Chef peipe we just need to love and care for him no no no Junior he's a stinky bum stinky what his name is stinky no junior he is stinky look look I'm getting in the car get in the car are you hungry little fella you want to come home with me mhm okay I'm going to try to find a way to sneak you into my house okay okay I'm going sneak you in my house okay so let me think of something you can get in the trunk of the car okay get in the trunk of the car Junior get in the car right now okay come on let's go let's go hey shf peee Junior hurry up and get in the car before I call your dad okay but uh can I put my Happy Meal in the trunk what why because I don't want the car to smell like food okay good idea but hurry up okay okay stinky get in the trunk of the car you're going to my house road trip yeah all right Chef peipe I'm ready to go what that's my Happy Meal it's supposed to be in the trunk what is it doing in the car oh uh I decided I want to eat it on the way home cuz I'm really hungry you told me you didn't want to smell in the car I know but I decided I'm really hungry and I want to eat it so I changed my mind so what if I check the trunk what why would you do that because I saw you put that homeless man in the trunk what I didn't put the homeless man in the trunk how would you even see that I have a whole rearview mirror right here junior well I didn't put homeless man in the trunk you're seeing things you don't know what you're talking about well I'll just check I'm going check I'mma go check I'mma go check don't check no check what am I going to do what am I going to do uh I'mma go check I'mma go check Junior such an idiot I saw him put him in the trunk Junior what are you doing you you idiot what am I doing ah okay stinky I'm going to sneak you up to my room okay just be quiet like a mouse squeak all right let's go all right stinky you can stay in shf peip Pei's bed since he's not going to be home for a while M comfy so is there anything you need stinky beer I I can't buy that I'm not old enough no cheese balls oh I think I have some cheese [Music] balls Junior oh no my dad's coming sticky hide Junior Where is Chef peee uh he went for a walk well it's time for him to cook dinner I know he's so lazy darn him well who is that in your bed uh that's a stinky Stacy Stacy yeah Stacy a girl from my school you know like the song Stacy's mom has got it going [Music] on and she's in your bed yeah things are moving really quick wow Junior you are a hound dog a hound dog I didn't know you were such a ladies man ladies man I can't keep him off me well how old is she is she at least 18 she's uh 40 40 yeah 40 Stacy's actual mom and she's got it going on and she's also the teacher assistant the teacher assistant in your bed I got I got to give the extra credit I raised my son right uh-huh you did we're about to get busy okay then get busy well do you mind sharing with your dad sh sh Shing yeah you know a little Eiffel Tower action look if she wants to see Paris tell her to meet me in my room wee wee oh that was close stinky okay so what do you want cheese balls okay I'll get the cheese balls just just stay in my room I I don't want my dad seeing you cheese balls all right stinky here's your cheese balls cheeseballs cheeseball man cheese bone man ew what's that smell pee PE you peed the bed mhm why didn't you get up too comfy oh well we all have accidents my mama said I was an accident she did mhm well maybe we can give you a bath we clean you up mm- no scared of water you're scared of water yeah why water killed my grandpappy it did mhm Titanic oh I'm sorry to hear about that well is there anything else you want beer beer I'm not old enough to get it I told you that yeah I'll find it oh always find it Bingo Bingo was his name oh oh I didn't know we had any beer I got my beer yeah you did you got it yumy beer beer fell on the ground it's a waste of beer it's fine you got another one beer oh got my beer again yeah you got it again let's go upstairs and eat some cheese balls cheese balls and beer all right stinky you got your cheese balls and you got your drink happy you're happy uhhuh all right so I was thinking I could teach you a few tricks all right okay so I want to teach you how to play catch M try to catch this ball in your mouth all right all right okay you were really close charlot let's try again all right try to catch this ball on your mouth uhhuh okay yeah a little bit better that time so let's try that again try to catch the ball on your mouth who's at the door hold on just stay here I got see who's at the door uh hello uh junior why is your dad's car parked in the front yard uh I thought that's where you parked it no you parked in the driveway wait you drove wait yeah your dad let you drive uh yeah yeah he said that uh since I'm 11 I should start learning how to drive so I thought that's where you parked it because I don't want to walk all the way to the driveway so I parked it right there cuz it's easier to get to it oh well Junior you might be a genius yeah yeah so you guys want to come in and see my new pet wait you have a new pet dude what is it a snake a tamagachi even better come look guys okay all right guys be quiet he's sleeping Junior this is a homeless man a isn't he cute but no Junior he's not a pet he's a grown man but I saved him what do you mean you saved him he was in a cardboard box and I brought him home Junior that was his hat house Oh I thought it was like a puppy in a box like free to a good home no Junior he's not a puppy he's a middle-aged man that probably has some kind of disorder but he's so happy well of course he's happy he went from living on the street to laying in shef pe's bed eating cheese balls I'd be happy too well I just want to take care of them well if you wanted to take care of someone take care of Joseph he's actually homeless yeah dude I don't have cheese balls but but but the but the homeless guy is so cute oh yeah he's real cute junior he smells like pee and he probably has life thank you for actually taking my side for once Cody oh don't mention it God shut up nerd all right guys guys I just want to take care of him you know and and give him a nice home and feed him cheese balls junior he can't stay here so I have to get rid of him yes can we at least like you know clean him up and get him a job first Junior who is going to hire him look at him he's homeless and like I said he smells like pee what if what if what if what if he didn't smell like pee and what if we like you know got him a new outfit and and cut his hair and shaved and and made him look like like a normal person then someone give him a job well well well maybe yeah yeah I think we should do the right thing and take care of him until he gets a job okay well yeah I guess that would be the right thing to do we could help him get back on his feet okay so so you clean him up cut his hair and everything and I'm going to go try to find him a job okay okay all right Cody I got a job interview lined up for him is he all cleaned up no no Cody why didn't you clean him up oh I tried Junior but I'm not going anywhere near him again I tried to brush his teeth and he bit me he bit you sure did I think I have rabies now well why didn't you at least change his clothes oh I tried I tried to take off his shoes and he kicked me well then why didn't you at least like spray cologne on him to make him smell good oh I did but it didn't matter his stink overpowered the cologne I actually stuck a whole bar of soap down his pants but I don't know what happened to that he'll just have to go to the job interview like this okay well I mean hopefully the job interviewer won't care well what job did you have lined up for him uh anesthesiologist Junior what no that's the only job that would would would would come see him no no Junior no it's not it's not a good job for him no hold on I think that's the job interviewer no no uh hello hey buddy who park the car Helen Keller oh man you know some of my patients tell me I should be a standup comedian but I don't know about all that what do you think well the guy's ready for the job interview upstairs ouch that bad huh oh hold on hold on I got another one I got another one just let's see I already did the Helen Kella thing you she's blind and whatnot and the car is not supposed to be there so what else what else okay okay got it got it hey I didn't know your house was a drivethru you you get it cuz like you drive drive through all right let's do that job interview now all right so where's this guy who's ready for the job interview he's right here what is he under the hobo no he is the hobo hi what is this some kind of prank why would this be a prank well because there's a homeless guy laying on your couch with his pants around his ankles and you're telling me that he wants to be an anesthesiologist and I can see his junk so that's fun so he can't be an anesthesiologist no no he's a homeless man and being an anesthesiologist requires years of school it's a very hard job what does the anesthesiologist even do well they give people medicine to help him go to sleep during surgery well he sleeps all the time okay I'm sure he does but that's not what we want want the anesthesiologist to do well he sleeps all the time he knows sleep and and who can help people go to sleep better than someone who sleeps all the time huh you know I never really thought about it like that okay kid you twisted my arm I'll give him a shot and see how he does you you you give him you give him the job yeah I'll give him the job what's the worst that could happen and so long story short the patient died they did yeah Flatline be what happened well I told him to administer the anesthesia and he injected the patient with all of it and then gave the rest to himself so he's going to be taken for a little while oh so so does he at least get paid for what he did oh no no I'm being sued for malpractice so in a few days I might actually end up like him well come on can't you give him another chance he just messed up no an innocent man died today they found cheese balls stitched up inside the patient's pancreas it was open heart surgery so what happens now now he goes and lives back out on the street where he belongs and I get a lawyer and hope my job as a stand-up comedian works out would you hear that stinky I'm sorry did you just call him stinky you let me hire a man named stinky to help with a surgery well I I don't know if that's his real name I just call him that cuz he is stinky oh no I noticed he was stinky I just didn't think that was his name because if I thought that was his name I never would have hired him in the first place I I just want you to know that well stinky whenever you wake up let's eat some cheese balls together oh man these cheese balls are good this bed smells like pee hey guys junor I think the homeless guy peed in Chef pe's bed oh he did well how'd it go Junior oh he got the job what but then he got fired oh oh yeah so I'm just going to try to find him another job no no no Junior I have to talk to you about something serious wait you have another hemorrhoid no no not this time no Junior stinky needs to go to the bathroom no well I mean yeah probably but no I mean he needs to go away like to the vet no no Junior I'm I'm saying you need to get rid of stinky get rid of stinky but why well Junior look stinky doesn't belong here he he needs to be outside what outside yeah he needs to be outside free in the wild with other stinkies so they can play but but but he seem like he's so happy here well I I know I know but I think he'd be much happier out there you do yeah it's where he belongs oh you really think he needs to go back outside yeah that's what would be best Junior okay I'll go tell him then poor kid hey stinky hey cheeseball man um is there any way I can talk to you by the front door okay yeah get up oo come on legs I feel like spaghetti meatballs all right all right stinky I'm going to talk to you right here H you kicking me out uh kicking you out no I'm not kicking you out I just it's okay cheeseball man I've been kicked out of lots of places like McDonald's and the gas station and Walmart but you cheeseball man you were the only one that was nice to me you gave me so many cheeseballs and you let me pee in your bed well I just really care about you and I really just want you to be happy stinky I love you cheeseball man I'll never forget you oh I love you so much stinky mhm I hope I see you again one day stinky uhhuh see you on the other side [Music] kid okay guys I got rid of them it was the right thing to do junior yeah you're a good good dude dude oh thanks guys you know I do anything for you guys too right yeah yeah dude so um can I stay here since you were going to let that homeless guy live here uh uh Cody I never noticed how pointy your hat is yeah it's pretty pointy dude I'm literally homeless I live on the street every night Cody like is that like is that an ice cream cone what are you holding I think it's a wand dude I haven't had a good shower in weeks years uh can you even see out of those glasses Cody like they're so like blue oh yeah I can see fine God what will I be noticed Junior where are you you're so dead uhoh Shy's back uh junior why is he so mad at you because I stole the car and left them at McDonald's wow okay so that's why the car is like that yeah that's why the car is like that Cody I need a favor from you I need to lie for me I'm not going to do that come on Cody please lie for me Junior you are so dead where is that homeless guy oh what homeless guy the homeless guy from McDonald's that you picked up I didn't pick up no homeless guy from McDonald's yes you did Junior you stole the car and I had to walk home 9 miles and my feet hurt you don't even half feet shpi shut up and you could have called an Uber but I didn't have my phone cuz the phone was in the car idiot okay well well first of all shfp I did not speed off in the car that wasn't me then who was it Junior it was Cody what Cody wasn't even in the car yeah he was remember he was he was at McDonald's remember and and then he he saw the car and he said uh junior let's go for a joy ride so he jumped in the driver's seat when you got out and then we sped off no no I didn't do that yeah yeah yeah you did you did do that no I didn't yeah yeah you did no I didn't yes you did but I didn't do it though you say you did it Junior you know I Didn't Do It come on go you say you did it Junior you just told me what happened you did it not me but you did it can you say you didn't it but I didn't do it though just say you did it I'm not going to say it cuz I didn't do it you did you did do it though okay fine I did it see sh he said he did it yes I heard it I heard it all I see but I heard the whole conversation I heard you tell him to say it yeah see I didn't do it but but but but it ended with him saying he did do it so you heard that does anybody smell burning cereal oh no the kitchen oh yeah we left cereal on fire like earlier why was it on fire cuz he burns everything he cooks no but you did do it though I I didn't okay guys are you ready to build this airplane Lego set heck yeah dude yeah it has 669 pieces I like the 69 part let's get started dude yeah let's build this thing wait what's wrong yeah what's the matter Junior we have to build it well yeah I mean they're Legos that's how Legos work I don't want to build it's going to take hours I want to play with it already built well then don't buy Legos then they should sell Legos already built they do it's called Toys well I want to play with Legos but built and not have to build it it's going to take hours well I mean I have Legos at my house that I already built you do yeah okay let's go play with Legos at your house okay come out let's go okay guys check out my Legos wa you built all this stuff Cody yep I built the Millennium Falcon and baby Yoda and R2-D2 is that the Disney Castle Cody oh yeah that took forever to build oh dude I can't live this is super sick Cody what is that oh that that's my Lego Titanic you built this oh yeah it took months dude this is huge yeah it is pretty big Oh you mean the Titanic yeah that's pretty big too Cody can we put it in my pool and see if it sinks well it's going to sink it's made of Legos well can we put it in the pool but no it took me forever to build this we got to see if it flows dude yeah it's not going to float but how do you build a Lego Titanic you don't try to reenact the crash in a pool I don't want to destroy it this took me forever to build come on Cody no oh oh sorry guys I got to use the bathroom I haven't pooped in like 3 days so I'm pretty backed up Joseph let's grab this and put it in my pool oh dude we got to I got this side oh I got this side careful careful wa Joseph this is so cool I know dude it's like the real Titanic oh where's that Iceberg I got to hit it I'll be the iceberg hit me okay dude watch out I'm not paying attention and I got a bat full of billionaires hey brat your dinner's ready all right we have to go inside Let It Go Joseph but dude it's going to sink it's the unsinkable ship Joseph it can't sink oh yeah you're you're right what am I thinking yeah let's go [Music] inside oh man Joseph I'm so full but I love it when Chef Pee makes hot dog pizza oh yeah dude Hot Dog Pizza is the best yeah let's go outside and play with our Titanic oh yeah let's see how many people drown all right Joseph you ready to play with this Titanic yeah dude but where is it we left it right here I know but oh dude look what it sank oh I told you it was going to sink well I didn't think it was actually going to sink I I thought it was like a Lego Titanic dude it's like the real Titanic that is really cool that it really sank I know right but how are we going to get it back before Cody notices uh dive down there and get it okay I'll get it oh Joseph it's too deep my ear started hurting from all the pressure how are we going to get it dude I don't know we need like a summer marine or something where we going to get a submarine from um I got an idea come on hey guys sorry I took so long I was taking a mean Grumpy in the toilet what guys what oh hell no they took my Lego Titanic I'm so pissed off Cody calm down what's wrong did you slam your pee pee in the toilet seat again well yes but that's not why I'm mad well you taking the bath and you got a B so stuck up your butt again yeah but it's not that either my friend stole my Lego Titanic well I don't know what that means but I hope you win yeah I love Remember the Titans oh that Denzel Washington if I could just have one night with him me too okay okay Junior where the freak is my hecking Lego Titanic and don't even tell me you didn't take it cuz I know your stinky little hands did all right dude I think you should tell him he's obviously serious cuz he's cursing wa and what's this hot dog Pizza you guys hot dog pizza and you didn't invite me well look there's some hot dog left there's a tip right there I don't want the tip I want the whole thing and then I want some hot dogs Zing look if you want your Lego Titanic back so bad why don't you go get it what jie usually people say that before they throw something look it's at the bottom of my pool what because we were swimming with it what and it sank what but I'm going to build a submarine and go get it you don't have to build a submarine it's in your pool just swim down there and get it I tried to go do that but it hurt my ears cuz all the pressure there can't be that much pressure it's a pool uh the pool is pretty deep dude yeah go go get it then Cody it hurts my ears yeah so I'm going to build this submarine what you don't know how to build a submarine yes I do I'm going to build out a carbon fiber and duct tape duct tape strongest thing known to man yeah I'm going to break some rules making the submarine I don't want somebody breaking rules to make my submarine well I'm going to break some rules and I bet you a few billionaires would pay to ride on this thing look I just want my Lego Titanic back and the only way to get it is to build this submarine so let me build it and I'll and then you can ride in it with me and done oh man it looks pretty professional to me dude and I didn't even have to use all the duct tape maybe you should have I'm going to call this thing old yellow old yellow like the dog movie what you mean like old yellow the movie where the dog dies oh man I love that movie we're not going to die like the dog did because we be in this nice safe submarine okay just a couple problems Junior how are we going to breathe in there like this but no Junior I know how breathing works you asked how we're going to breathe in there and I showed you but no I mean how much air are we going to have in there the world is full of air Cody we can breathe all we want no no I mean idiot I mean when we seal ourselves in there and we eventually run out of air we won't be able to breathe we're going to have air Cody we're on Earth Earth has air we're not going to run out of air for like 100 million years no it's not fine forget that how about this what is this even made of it doesn't feel very sturdy it might implode what's implode mean it's the opposite of explode so it's a good thing no it's a very bad thing no you said exploding is bad right so if you implode it's the opposite of explode so it's a good thing yeah I want to get my implode on let's implode yeah I hope we implode no no we don't want to implode it's it's like where it caves in on itself we're not going to cave in Cody we're not going in the caves we're going underw duh no no no it's like it's like it crumbles it it crushes like the the the name of the turtle from Finding Nemo no that's Crush no not guys I I think I know how to explain this guys get in here Cody what are you doing uh dude that's a fire hazard yeah you can't cook a can of sprite Cody what's wrong with you I'm trying to show you what an implosion is okay now just imagine the Sprite can is the submarine and this is what's going to happen to us if we go too deep in the pool and the pressure gets to be too bad okay watch see what what just happened it imploded what no you said imploding was the opposite of explosion that's a can of sprite that just Crush Cody yeah we wouldn't even fit in that dude yeah there's no way we could fit in that but no no this is what the submarine's going to do no My Submarine is not a can of sprite Cody it can't just Crush like that yeah it's 10 times the size of that dude well no no but this is what's going to happen though no it's not Cody cuz we're not going to put the submarine on the stove and then a plate I don't know what the hell you're doing Cody put drinks in the refrigerator idiot and if you wanted to crush a can you could have just stepped on it you didn't have to do all this nerd crap okay you know what screw it fine let's just try it it's a pool it can't go that wrong yeah cuz I don't know what you're doing trying to cook cans of Sprite are you okay I don't understand what the whole point of that was Cody but are you at least going to go eat the can of sprite you cooked Junior I wasn't going to eat it it was a science experiment I mean it's well done now yeah it's ready to eat Cody but no I was just to show you what's going to happen to us when we go down into the pool Cody this submarine is made out of duct tape that can of sprite is made out of aluminium but why are you saying it like you're British I did not say duct tape I said duct tape in an American accent Cody okay fine Junior what's your plan so we're going to go inside this and we're going to drive down to the Titanic wait Drive yeah it has this controller that controls it that looks like a toy controller yeah but controls it all does to go up and down and we go down there and we grab your Titanic oh man that looks fun I wish I was going yeah so me and you are going to get inside and Joseph is going to duct tape us closed duct tape is closed how are we going to get out we're not the only way we get out is if Joseph takes the duct tape off when we get back but what if there's an emergency and we need to get out down there if there's an emergency we're going to die anyway so come on Cody let's go okay Joseph duct tape is closed I got you bro all right dude I duct tape you in there get nice and comfy there's no way out all right Cody are you ready to go save the Titanic that you s it wouldn't have sank if you would been playing with us cuz you would have watched it and it wouldn't have sank Junior I'm getting claustrophobic in here look it's only going to take a few minutes all right Joseph take us to the pool and drop us in there all right you got it bro all right Cody we're at the bottom of my pool and look there's your Lego Titanic great grab it okay I'm going to grab it oh [ __ ] what I forgot to add a mechanical arm to grab stuff what what do you mean you forgot the arm I just didn't think to add an arm I just thought we had to go underwat to look at it to look at it Junior we could done that from the surface okay look we're just going to go back up I'm going to add an arm and we'll come back down okay oh [ __ ] what now I didn't add an engine to you know move it what Junior are you kidding me you're telling me we're trapped at the bottom of this pull duct tape shut with no way out yeah what Junior God damn it we're going to die down here we're not going to die look we can sit down and just relax and breathe we can't breathe Junior we're going to run out of air we're not going to run out of air the world's full of air shut the [ __ ] up Junior what I mean is we breathe oxygen we breathe out carbon dioxide eventually the oxygen is going to run out and we're going to die okay look so then I'll just hold my breath what Junior you don't have to hold your breath J now you're wasting even more air okay look I'm sorry how about I just call Joseph and tell him to come get us yes do that okay let me grab my phone all right Cody it's ringing hey dude did you get the Titanic well I didn't add a robotic arm to grab it oh man that would have been sick yeah so I need you to come down here and grab us cuz we're stuck wait wait it's too deep dude you know my ears are bust oh yeah the pressure well can you at least call the cops and tell them to come help us oh dude I guess so I'll call the cops all right he's going to call the cops because he can't come get us great okay so what's going on my friends are stuck in the submarine down by the Titanic okay I have so many questions why is there a Lego Titanic at the bottom of this pool because it's Saint oh well naturally okay but why are they in a submarine because they were trying to rescue the Titanic well that's stupid well why don't you just tell them to get out and swim up they can't because I du take the clothes from the outside oh so they are trapped in there yeah uh how much oxygen do they have like a couple minutes minutes um okay I think I have an idea Junior I'm getting laded I think that means we're running out of oxygen Cody if we die I hope I'm remembered as an innovator someone who broke the rules Junior you're going to be remembered as an idiot and I'll be remembered as an idiot too for listening to you oh cheer up Cody I got a funny joke for you what do you call a dog on a submarine what a subwoofer I don't know if it's just a low oxygen or if that was just funny as [ __ ] oh uh Cody I've been holding in a fart for a while that hot dog Pizza is not settling well Junior don't we only have a little bit of oxygen left and I don't want to die breathing your ass fumes wait actually I think that's exactly how I want to die let it rip okay all right all right so what's your plan to save them save them no we're not doing that wa wait you're not going to rescue them no man they're not billionaires we're not spending taxpayer money to save these kids I need something that'll make the news you got to save them my friends are going to die look I didn't make him get in that shitty submarine come on please you need to rescue him hey don't make me arrest you you're getting a little Rowdy what you know what I'm out of here dude I like this couch is this a new couch this is a new couch wow that Grimace video really messed up the old one oh Cody you're throw up all inside the submarine oh God Junior that fart smelled so bad it was a fart Cody I don't know I just thought I was going to like it I don't know what I was thinking it just throw up everywhere oh God get us out of here somebody help us oh God help help us just about to go surfing in this pool wa wait is that the Lego Titanic cool wait is that a submarine and there are people in there oh my God my lifeguard senses are tingling I can hear them calling for help with my Sonar hearing I'm coming [Music] Bros I saved you guys but I broke my teeth I hit my mouth on your little glass thing I'm really glad that Surfer guy came along and saved us yeah I feel bad about his teeth oh hey officer oh hey hey did you kids hear about those two stupid kids that are trapped at the bottom of a pool in a Little Submarine yeah they're probably going to die what a buch of dumb asses yeah one of their friends told me to go get help but I mean they're not billionaires why would I even bother that was us huh we were the two kids trapped in the submarine oh oh that that was you yeah yeah yeah no I know I I I I I called the president and he sent the Coast Guard in the Navy in the Air Force for some reason in the Marines and Seal Team Six so that that's probably who saved you no it was a random Surfer that was Aquaman yeah that was Aquaman I I sent him down there that's why I'm celebrating with this beer cuz I knew he was going to save you oh well I sure learned my lesson I learned to never build a submarine myself and try to go see the Titanic yeah don't don't do that again and sorry we didn't get your Titanic Cody it's going to just stay down there I guess that's okay I guess that's just going to have to be its final resting place well look on the bright side kids at least you guys didn't pay for that experience yeah this is a new couch right yeah yeah it's good upholstery I like it it's firm I was just going to chill here for a while if you guys don't mind you didn't call for help did you I did not so guys what do you want to do today actually guys and girl I invited Penelope hi guys what are you doing here penal loupe oh so much estrogen in the room we don't want you here Cody I told you I shouldn't have come yeah I don't know what I expected Junior I thought you liked her of course I like Penelope she's the love of my life but I can't be nice to her in front of the boys I got to be mean ew cooties cooties you're disgusting get out of here with your orange hair Junior you have orange hair she's right dude well we don't like long orange hair so leave yeah Junior shut up okay fine guys what are we all going to do well why don't we ask Penelope what she wants to do oo I we don't want to do makeup we don't want to do our nails we don't want to play Barbies I was going to say that we should watch my favorite show love Beach we don't want to watch a chick show but there's the sexiest lifeguard ever on on that show ooh sexy lifeguard I think we should watch it well how about you and penel be watch it and me and Joseph will find something else to do there's hot girls on there too hot girls okay we'll watch it turn it on channel 7 you're watching Love Beach help me help me I'm drowning oh my God that woman's drowning don't worry ma'am me and my gorgeous looks will save you oh my God he's so sexy oh don't don't worry I know I am oh my God you are so hot you're not too bad yourself my name is Brad with a big D oh my name's Brandy with double D's hey can I get your Snapchat of course I know you're hot but I still need help yeah yeah that's my snap just hit me up and maybe we can hook up some time yeah for sure for sure damn she was fine wait what was I doing oh yeah man I'm coming to save you oh I think she's dead but I'm still hot I'm going to go hit up that girl he's so sexy yeah he is not as sexy as Steve Harvey what are you talking about the blonde girl is super hot nuh-uh Junior Brad is the hottest character on that show how because he has the perfect teeth yeah his teeth are perfect who cares about teeth the blonde girl has cans a smile is the most important part about a guy Junior well I can smile o bro don't hurt yourself I don't know Junior I think you need teeth to have the perfect smile but I don't hot teeth I know that's why you'll never be hot yeah Junior why do you think I brush these puppies once a week once a week mhm um maybe a little less yellow so if I had teeth I would be I would be hot um yeah so guys I'm not hot well you're hot to me but it's not your face I'm looking at Joseph are teeth important yeah dude oh I can't wait to get my braces off then I'll have a smile like Steve Harvey I want a smile like Steve Harvey Cody why don't I have teeth I don't know Junior some people are just born without teeth you know like turtles I'm not a turtle anymore I'm a human so how do I get teeth I don't know just maybe call a dentist a dentist that's going to be expensive let me go ask my dad if he can call me a dentist dad dad dad not right now Junior I'm watching Zoe 101 do you have teeth what kind of stupid question is that of course I have teeth look at my pearly whites why do you have teeth I don't have teeth wait you don't oh you're a toothless freak everybody surround the toothless freak over here only 25 cents to see him dad why don't I have teeth I don't know maybe your mom drunk while she was pregnant with you or something she did I don't know that lady was crazy she couldn't give up the party life now I'm stuck with you Dad can I call the dentist and ask to get teeth put in my mouth yeah you can do whatever you want doesn't mean I'm going pay for it you're not going to pay for it no I'm not going to pay for it I'm not rich I'm broke look look you can pay for it your grown man right handle business okay Dad now back to my Zoe what's wrong budddy what' your dad say he said he won't pay for me to get new teeth well I don't really blame him Junior teeth are expensive you know veneers cost over $1,000 per tooth and there are 32 teeth in the human mouth so that's over $30,000 and the average income in Florida where we live is$ 27,000 so that would take you over a year just to get enough money to get new teeth and this video is only supposed to be 10 minutes so we got to get this [ __ ] moving dog yeah yeah teeth are pretty expensive I think we should find cheaper options you said it' be $30,000 for me to get new teeth yeah why don't we just ask our good old buddy Chef peipe for the money you mean our good old very broke buddy Chef peee he's not that broke look I promise you he'll give me the money for the teeth let me go ask him hey shfp sh the carrots are cooking can I borrow $30,000 for new teeth damn $30,000 why do you even need new teeth just be like Chef peipi I don't have teeth I'm perfectly fine you don't have teeth nope and I'm perfectly fine this girl said I would be hot if I had teeth look women lie all the time Junior FIRST she's going to want you to get new teeth then she's going to want you to get sixpack abs then she's going to want you to be 6 feet tall look just focus on yourself King live your life live your beautiful life so you're not going to give me the money I don't have the money right now bro dang okay what's wrong now bud what'd he say junior Chef say he doesn't have $30,000 to give me here we go I don't know why you thought he had that much money junior he just a chef and chefs the United States only make about $50,000 a year and Chef PE probably makes less than that cuz he's really just a slave for your dad so he probably only makes pennies day and even if he did make that much I don't know why he'd give you his entire yearly salary just for you to get teeth when he doesn't have teeth himself cuz really we're all just puppets being controlled by humans floating on a piece of rock in space and one of a trillion galaxies and never expanding Universe that'll one day collapse and die in a heat death so we could all just enjoy all the time we have on Earth while we can't [ __ ] you should really just call a dentist okay how about I call a dentist and just see how much it is I just I really wanted to have the $30,000 waiting for him but I'll just call dentist and see if there's cheaper options hey there somebody call an at home dentist God I wish these existed yeah we have a teeth problem what is it this kid's teeth because damnn those are gross your teeth look like pieces of corn well no it's me see I don't have teeth what are you using this kid's brushing habits okay I don't need to hear this so I won't well no it's just I don't have teeth and I was wondering like you know if I could get fake teeth well a full set of veneers is going to cost you about $30,000 I don't have $330,000 okay then duel me blue eyes white dragon wow wow that's what a blue ice white dragon sounds like beat that but I don't have Yu-Gi-Oh cards you lose no free teeth for you looks like you just suck at Yu-Gi-Oh but I don't have Yu-Gi-Oh cards yeah you suck I win like I always do because nobody ever has Yu-Gi-Oh cards okay so what is the cheapest option for teeth the cheapest option was to duel me but you already lost that oh okay what are the cheapest option above that well I guess the cheaper option would be I could go to a cemetery dig up a body pull its teeth out and then put them in your mouth okay how much would that cost well look man you just give me a shovel and I'll get to town okay I I've always wanted to be a grave robber well there's a shovel downstairs just go grab it okay awesome oh still and done oh my god oh no what have I done how's it look Joseph H what's wrong dude it looks so terrifying what it's terrifying yeah I mean you look like you have a dead person's teeth in your mouth so I'm not hot no you look like a nightmare look can someone please just call Penelope so she can tell me if it looks good wait my daughter Penelope yeah she's the only reason I'm doing this okay yeah I'll call her so she never talks to boys ever again Penelope what do you want Dad this thing wants to talk to you hey penel do you like my smile hey I think she's into you you little lady killer you cuz you do look like you kill ladies and eat them and wear their face on your face is it that bad oh yeah I don't know how we thought this was a good idea well it was just the cheapest option I just want pretty teeth okay look I can understand that you want to have good teeth and as a dentist I respect that so I went to Party City and I got you a whole bunch of silly teeth you can try really yeah let me go get them all right try those those bad boys out how do I look you look like your name is Rufus Joseph are they good uh it looks like you sleep with your sister dude well I mean Penelope does have orange hair so we could be brother and sister no no no no no I got my Weena snipped when I was born so I can't have any more kids oh wait no that was a circumcision not a a sectomy oh God I might have so many kids out there somewhere oh I'm so stupid do you think penel will like these teeth no I think we should try something else okay I mean you're the dentist let's try something else hold still and Bam check these out these are bad ass you look like a great white shark how do I look Joseph dude you look so sick I feel like I just want to bite everything like I want to bite everything oh god oh no my arm ow Jesus help me oh God it hurts it hurts so bad I really like these shark teeth I feel like I bite everything h no no I don't like these teeth but I like them no especially if you're going to be talking to my daughter I I think you need different teeth okay and done Rob the jewelry store and tell them make me a grill ding ding ding ding ding ding you remember that song from like 2005 most of you weren't born yet but that's what you kids would call a banger all Joseph how's it look dude you look so sick you could actually be a rapper or something oh okay then I want to keep these no see those are going to cost you about $150,000 $150,000 why would you put them in my mouth then I just wanted to sing the song let me get those out for you champ we'll try something more affordable all right how about these I gave you two Little Fangs dude you look like a vampire he's sucking my I really like these Joseph no no I I I don't like those you you look dumb wait why well you just you just do I just want to keep back up you little blood sucker let me get those out what uh-huh yep these are the teeth how do they look well they're not real veneers I just took some foam and then used a pencil to draw lines on them so they look like teeth but you look great Joseph are they good you look like Steve Harvey I do yep you got that million-dollar smile you can host all the game shows hell be a judge if you want apparently you can do anything with teeth like that so women are going to think I'm hot totally dude thanks dentist you're welcome boy wait Who you calling boy huh him him him him Penelope can you get in here I want you to see my smile Junior if you have those scary teeth and I'm going to throw this Apple at you what scary teeth oh my God Junior your teeth they're gorgeous yeah I look like a car salesman I'd buy a t share from you bro thanks Joseph you went from a 4 to a 10 in just a few minutes what are you talking about Peli I've always had this beautiful smile I just never noticed your perfect teeth before so would you date me now of course Junior all the girls are going to be so jealous that I'm dating someone with a hot smile so you want to go on a date with me tonight yeah Junior but do you want to bite in my Apple of course with these Perfect Teeth I can bite into anything oh my God your teees are fake get away from me freak open me oh are my teeth really broken yes dude do not look like Steve Harvey what's wrong buddy no no Cody you got to do it in a higher pitch like this Buddy Buddy Buddy Buddy Buddy guys can you please stop what's wrong buddy I had a perfect smile and then I broke my teeth when I bit into an apple well maybe you should have bitten into something softer like the free medium french fries I get from McDonald's every week now that's every week not every video not every day every week that was the deal Marvin are we still watching a scary movie tonight yes baby jeffy's put on his pajamas then he's going to bed and then we're going to watch a scary movie oo I'm so excited hey Daddy check the fit I got my bunny shoes on got my carrots on I'm ready for bed oh you are ready for bed Jeffy so how about you hop on over to your bed and go to sleep no what do you mean no before I depart off to bed I have just the teensiest request what's your Teensy request I would like one pepperoni pizza Jeffy you're not getting a pepperoni pizza before bed why one pizza Jeffy say please my balls itch okay first off even if he says please he's not getting a pizza before bed and and also Jeffy what about your balls stop it Jeffy listen pizza before bed will uh give you nightmares Pizza these nuts what I'll give you a pizza something Jeffy you you can't you said the the the punch line before the pizza these nuts look you're not getting pizza before bed Danny I assure you your night will go a lot smoother if you get me pizza is that a threat no Danny it's not a threat I'm just saying the back of my bunny suit opens up and it exposes my butt cheeks and I had one of those warnery poops today and I did wipe my turd tunnel so I have plans on rubbing it across your couch like riding happy birthday on a birthday cake but instead of icing it's going to be [ __ ] from my poop hole Marvin I kind of want a pizza now how'd that make you hungry I'm going to wipe my poophole the dirty poop hole across your couch like smearing crayle or crayons okay Jeffy I'll get you a DN Pizza great all right Jeffy here's your pepperoni pizza e what's wrong why are those red things on it those are pepperon pepperonis well I don't like pepperonis take them all you said you wanted a pepperoni pizza where's the cheese under the pepperonis well I want the pepperonis taking off okay fine I'll take the pepperonis off all right Jeffy I took all the pepperonis off the pizza so you can eat it I don't want it anymore I want hot dogs father you're scaring me Jeffy you're going to eat this damn pizza come on Marvin the sooner he eats the sooner we can watch our movie baby you're not going to actually play his game he wants hot dogs now you want hot dogs Jeffy yeah Mommy but you're gonna want to write this down because I like my hot dogs a certain way okay yeah so check it this is what I want I want two hot dogs boiled then when they're done cooking I want you to put them on a plate Loosely no bun or anything cuz I like to watch them roll around then on the center of the plate I want you to put ketchup and mustard on there but it's up to you to balance the plate so that the hot dogs don't touch the ketchup and mustard because if they do you're going to have to start all over and then to drink I want some of the water that the hot dogs were cooked in with milk then once you got all all that together go ahead and put that in the trash cuz I'm not going to want that either Jeffy oh that's it Jeffy you're going to bed hold on I got one more request go to bed Jeffy but Daddy you didn't hear my request I want grapes with the skin peeled off and I want bananas but I only want the stringy part good night Jeffy oh Jeffy frustrates me so much calm down Marvin let's just watch the movie and look we have a cheese pizza we can eat yeah you're right and I guess if you want to add some sausage to that pizza it's right here you picked it off and put it in the corner what those are pepperoni not sausage pepperoni is a type of sausage no it's not okay well let's just sit here you be wrong and watch a movie okay a there you CAU me but Jeffy go back to bed but I heard movie and I want to watch a movie you're not going to watch this movie Jeffy it's scary Jeffy it's really scary you can't watch it well how scary is it scary or scary it's scary well I can watch it I'm a big boy no Jeffy it's going to give you nightmares it's a really scary movie I don't care daddy cuz I want to watch it oh you know what fine we'll watch it but when you get nightmares you don't come crying to me okay I won't go cry Daddy it's called Nightmare on pooby street [Music] [Applause] right wait why am I jogging at night suck my ball get over here run [ __ ] run Jeffy run no please what damn cat I'm tired of you scratching me while I sleep go get out of here Sho man the damn cat ruined my favorite white sleeping shirt what's wrong honey come back to bed the cat scratched me while I was sleeping I told you we should get that thing decl I know I know it's just it's like cutting off their fingertips I just don't feel comfortable doing it it's just a cat okay I I'm not going to argue right now okay I'm tired wait hold on do that again oh yeah a little lower right here oh yeah that's it that's the spot that's good okay all right you can kill me now daddy this movie is Scary well Jeffy we told you it was a scary movie so we killed you in your dreams and then kill you in real life yeah that's the point of the movie I'm not going to sleep it's not real so I'm not going to dream about him well I mean you just watch the movie so you might morvin well I'm just being honest like he's not going to kill you cuz he's not real but you might have a nightmare about Marvin I'm just telling the truth baby Marvin I'm never going to sleep ever again what are you doing Jeffy I'm trying to keep my eyes open so I don't go to sleep at some point you're going to have to close your eyes Jeffy no I don't you're going to have to go to sleep at some point no not all right Jeffy how about this what if I have this special little thing that will stop him from coming in your dreams special little thing yeah look look come to your bed come on okay okay Jeffy come in the bed but then my seats will be all sticky get in the bed Jeffy okay all right Jeffy if you just go to sleep Freddy won't come in your dream okay well how are we going to stop Freddy from blowing a load in my dreams he's not going to come in youram he's not going to go in your dreams because you have I have this special little tool and this tool will stop Freddy from coming going into your dream you won't dream about Freddy if you have the special tool okay the tool is right here it's this chapstick so they say if you have chapstick on your bed then Freddy will stay dead okay I'll let you know when that makes sense so look you can sleep and have all the dreams you want cuz this chapstick will stop Freddy from going into your dream so good night Jeffy okay good night Daddy all right my daddy said that as long as I have my Chapstick then I'll be safe all right time to go to [Music] sleep wait a minute I'm on the same scen as that movie that means a get back here Jeffy I'm just trying to check on you what Jeffy where'd you go Jeffy Jeffy how you floa like that Jeffy Jeffy get back in bed Oh Daddy that Freddy guy came in myam no he didn't Jeffy you were just having a nightmare no Daddy he really did he picked me up and he was shaking me we got to call the cops well I mean you were just being shaken in the air like you were just floating there so so he actually probably was in your dream and and picked you up he is real yeah we have to call the cops come on Jeffy baby baby baby we just called the cops what why because Freddy's and jeffy's dream trying to kill him what hey there somebody call the cops yes oh I can see why why not just order a cheese pizza who orders a pepperoni pizza and then picks the Pepperoni's off that should be a felony officer I have a question is pepperoni a sausage everything was a sausage to my ex-wife especially the next door neighbor while I was at work did he peperoni that's not funny my wife cheated on me with my neighbor it was heartbreaking but I'm glad you get to make a little pepperoni joke anyway what do you find people need you need my help eating this pizza huh huh you need my help opening this garlic sauce you need my help dipping the pizza in the garden sace you might help eating the G sace Pizza no listen have you seen the movie nightmare Elm Street which one there's like nine well whichever one has Freddy Krueger in it that would be all of them so yes well listen Freddy Krueger's in jeffy's dream trying to kill them Marvin that's ridiculous oh no I believe him Freddy is very real and he kills people all the time as a matter of fact whenever we can't solve a case we just chalk it up to Freddy well well Freddy's in jeffy's dream trying to kill him how do we stop Freddy well I have good news and bad news uh the good news is stopping him is pretty easy I know a guy who does that all the time what you do what's his name maybe you've heard of Jason Vorhees he's my cousin he is oh yeah he kicks fredy's ass all the time so that's the good news oh the call him well see that's the bad news the bad news is he lives on the bottom of a lake and he only comes out on Friday the 13th and today is Saturday the 29th not even [ __ ] close well well maybe you can like maybe you can do you a favor and come out today instead of the 13th I mean he lives on the bottom of a lake so I can't really call him but I guess I could send an email yeah do whatever you have to do uh hey Cuzo it's me you know that thing you usually do on Friday the 13th uh need you to do that on Saturday the 29th please thank you very much okay well let's see if he [Music] answers oh hey look everybody he showed up I I know Jason I'm sorry I know it's not your day we just really need your help yeah so so Mr Vorhees Jason Mister um my son Jeffy he's been having a lot of bad dreams about this Freddy guy that's trying to kill him and we want to know how to stop [Music] him yeah oh okay yeah okay so uh Jason says that Jeffy needs to go back to sleep and when he dreams about Freddy he needs to steal Freddy's hat because Freddy hates that and that'll bring Freddy into the real world and then Jason can kick his ass okay all right Jeffy let's go to sleep and so you can take Freddy's house all right okay uh uh uh Jason also wants to know if you're going to finish that garlic sauce and the pizza cuz we're hungry you guys can have it yes all right Jeffy go to sleep and when you see Freddy you grab his hat okay all right Daddy all right I'm back on the street now where is he h got your hat hey give it back dad I got the Hat oh give it to Jason give it to Jason that's not fair that's my head give it back do this every time you hit myle you like it let's got here hey he did it yeah he killed Freddy yeah he does that but uh don't let him catch you on Friday the 13th he's not going to be so friendly that's when he kills everybody so Jeffy I hope you learned your lesson not to watch scary movies I sure did Danny so what are we going to do for the rest of the night do you want to watch the sequel yeah [Music] okay honey what are you still attracted to me yes of course it's just we never spend time together anymore it's just i' I've been really busy recently and I'm working a lot of hours and I'm just I'm tired okay you never even hold my hand you are my hand just go back to sleep okay honey I told you I'm not in the mood right now oh kill me okay a Junior your cheeseburgers ready my cheeseburgers ready yeah your cheeseburger ready so eat it already stupid did you make anything for diny the dinosaur no I didn't make anything for diny the dinosaur he's a puppet he's hungry I don't care if he's hungry feed him imaginary snacks or something you hear that Dy in the dining store Chef didn't make anything to eat I'm still going to eat your cheeseburger stop it that's your meal that's your cheeseburger I'm not controlling him he's doing it on his own yes you are controlling it stop J oh man Chef people you're going to have to make me another cheeseburger since diny ate it I'm not making another cheeseburger that's all on you that's your fault there's someone at the door sh baby will you open it okay hello hello there's no one here free kid I want a free kid shfp shfp God I hate junior oh he's coming in my kitchen making a big mess oh I can't stand him hey shfp there was a box outside that said free kitten on it no Junior no no no no more bits you already have your dining the dinosaur that's your pet remember oh oh don't forget about your tarantula and your dog well I don't have a cat yet and let's look at the cat we might like him oh good at the Kiki oh no no I already know that cat has rabies or feline a well he doesn't have that oh feel how soft he is come pet him Chef I'm not petting that little cat oh it's soft come pet him mm- I don't trust it come on pet him okay one get he he didn't mean it you scared him I didn't scare him he jumped on me look get him out of here I'm you nice him oh okay come let's go let's go sorry about that Kiki shf pipi's just really upset cuz he's almost 40 and he hasn't done anything with his life it's true okay we need to think of a name for you H how about fuzz Aldren or Leonardo diatri or John F Kitty or puffball Jenkins the I don't know what I did what I do what I do get off me get off me get off me oh Jesus who's at the door stay right here puff ball the third hello what's up dude Jesus Junior what happened to your face oh your mom just came over she's really kinky oh no really what happened to your face your mom just left she did this to my face she's really kinky dude can I have a number guys really what happened to your face well someone left the cat at my door so I decided to keep him you want to come meet him I don't think I do now that I've seen what he did to your face oh the cat didn't do this in my face it was your mom that did this okay that's it I'm leaving no no no no no no it was the cat guys come look at the cat okay dude okay guys I want you to meet puff ball Jenkins the third puff ball Jenkins the third why is he the third cuz he's the third puffball Jenkins but what happened to the first two puffball jenkinses they don't exist then why is he the third well there's a Shrek the Third that doesn't mean there's two people named Shrek before Shrek no it's Shrek the Third cuz it's the third movie not because he okay look it doesn't matter you guys want to pet him he's the nicest kitty cat ever no I don't want to pet him he just tried to bite you no we're just playing around come on Cody pet the cat I don't want toet him pet the kitty cat the kitty cat I got scatching me get him off me get him off me he likes you he doesn't like me get him off me come on puff ball Jenkins Cody just doesn't like kitty cat you're a really good k your stupid cat scratched the crap out of me oh God he scratched my abs my beautiful ABS Junior this cat needs to die maybe it's because you're a nerd dude yeah maybe he doesn't like people with fat moms yeah your fat mom's the reason come on Jos pet the key cat okay I'll pet stupid cat I didn't Jenkins my friends just don't like cat you don't have to see them ever again or your stupid cat doesn't like black people he's racist get rid of your stupid cat right now dude guys you're being too mean to puff ball J he wouldn't hurt a fly stop it stop it right now Junior I think we need to take this cat to the vet and have them put him down put him put him down but but he deserves to live okay die die die today he need to die right now go to the vet right now come on come on come on hey there what brings you to the vet today I want to put my cat to sleep oh poor little die is he sick or something ow okay I can see why you want to put him down he's an [ __ ] do you think you can do it oh can I do it I'll do it with a smile on my face I do this kind of thing all the time see this this is called night night juice I just give him some of that and he goes to sleep forever is it going to hurt I don't know he's a cat it's not like he's going to tell me I mean I'm sure it's not great so it just looks like he's going to sleep um I don't really want to commit to that cuz I mean like the last family that came in with their dog the little girl asked me is he going to close his eyes when he goes to sleep and I said of course he will princess and then I killed him and the dog's eyes were wide open just staring right into his soul like he knows what she did and then I covered up my mouth and I said you did this to me and then she started crying it was sick yeah she's going to have nightmares for sure oh look at that licking himself God I wish I could do that I never would have gotten married anyway you want to hold him down hold him down yeah he's going to fight uh no I knew you were a wuss Nurse Jackie yes doctor we got another one oh okay I got it oh hold still little guy oh my God he's a fighter he's a fighter get him a he got me oh oh oh oh oh yeah yeah take that you stupid cat yeah you dead how you like that poor puffball poor puffball poor me scratch the crap out of me and my nurse is dead I got to tell her family about this it's going to suck [ __ ] anyway you want me to cremate this thing I'm going to cremate this thing all right here's turd ball or whatever the hell it's name was what's that it's its ashes I put it in the incinerator the incinerator yeah I just wanted to make sure it was done you know it's not coming back okay well thanks doctor or vet what do I call you you can call me anything just don't call me late for dinner HH okay okay you're too you're too young for that one it's all right what is that it's the ashes of puffball Jenkins I third oh good he's dead yeah racist cat you did the right thing Junior I did yeah I mean he was feral and he probably had rabies or something yeah he was definitely racist oh I just I'm just really sad so what do you want to do today put NEOS spor in on my wounds yeah probably going to see a therapist about this hate crime oh someone's at the door hold on guys let me go answer it hello PP J is the third I thought you were dead guys what's going on junior pop J back to kill us wait what PP J the third just came back to kill us dude he's dead his ashes are right here yeah junior he was cremated he can't come back oh my God he can come back right M these cookies look delicious a there a cat with a knife trying to kill us Junior I told you to get rid of that stupid cat he has a knife jul why is the cat in the oven I wasn't trying to make low man we're trying to kill him I'm going to put it on high heat to make sure we burn him no you're going to burn the cookies hry Cody he's trying to escape I'm sorry chef peip but I have to make sure he's [Applause] dead you guys think he's dead well he should be you had it on high heat let's check on him oh yeah he's dead not my chocolate CH cookies it's all your fault what shpee that cat was going to kill us yeah he was going to kill us chef peee but my chocolate CH cookies listen Chef peipe they don't look any different than when you usually make them what Junior come on guys let's go well guys we just killed a cat and we didn't even get to eat him dude that sucks Cody that cat came back to life no Junior that's impossible the cat did not come back to life I saw the vet put him to sleep no I think what happened is the vet probably just knocked him out and then gave you a bag of sugar or something something and said it was the cat's ashes so the vet didn't kill the cat no I think he didn't have the heart to kill him but dude cats have nine lives that's just a myth Joseph oh my God oh my God it's not admit the cat is back oh man almost done with the laundry [ __ ] maybe the cat's back he's trying to kill us no he's not look the cat is dead I saw him die myself the's not dead go with the washer I'm going to drown him oh he's drowning tonight all right your stupid cat is going to drown now tell me how the cat is still alive well apparently cats have nine lives and we killed it twice already well three times now so you got to kill it six more times yeah it looks like it oh that's not my problem Cody how are we going to kill this cat six more times um well how about whenever the washer is done we just take it out and put it in the dryer that'll mess it up okay let's do that okay guys the washer just stopped let's see if he's dead oh yeah he's dead that's what I call a wet [ __ ] cat H you know what I'm impressed with Joseph this whole time a cat's been trying to kill us and you haven't ran away and said I'm out of here here dude you're right I'm out of here dude a Joseph so Cody we still have to kill this cat six more times well the dryer is open and ready that should burn him up so why is the cat trying to kill us well probably because you tried to put him to sleep oh he's back alive he's back alive put him in the dve put the go go go turn the Dr okay Junior he's been in there for about 15 minutes he's definitely dead okay good but we still have to kill him five more times well how about every time he comes back to life we just turn on the dryer again and again and again he'll keep dying no no no that's that's not going to work I think it has to be a new way every time where'd you hear that from it would uh it would just be cooler oh hey look the dryer's done oh is he dead yeah it looks like he's pretty dead oh yeah he's dead so so how we going to kill him now uh oh I have an idea grab him and follow me okay okay Junior put him right there how are we going to kill him well whenever he comes back to life I'm going to drop this bowling ball on him from up there oh wow that's definitely going to kill him yeah it will okay let's do it what about that cat oh she's nice don't worry about her okay okay Junior now we just have to wait for him to come back to life and we'll drop the ball on him okay he's awake drop it drop it drop drop it drop okay yeah oh man you hear that yeah that Splat oh yeah he's so dead oh yeah he's so dead all right Cody how are we going to kill him next okay grab him and then bring him out to the road [Music] okay beamed him he's C kill now so how many more times you have to kill him just three oh I have an idea okay all right Junior throw him in the bathtub okay okay now whenever he comes back to life I'm going to throw this toaster in there and electrocute him okay here we [Music] go okay he's dead now we only have to kill him two more times yeah get him let's bring him to the couch okay well I can't I can't grab him because then I'll get electrocut oh hold on let me pull this out oh this isn't safe at all okay okay I'm going to grab them okay Junior you get any ideas I thought you had ideas I already thought of four ways to kill this thing I I I can't think of anymore well I thought of three I put them in the oven and I put them in the washing machine and and and and and and the vet yeah well I'm going to need some help cuz I'm out of ideas um H I got an idea what if we put them in a car and then put a brick on the gas pedal so the car crashes and blows up that's kind of like running them over it's too similar yeah uh oh what if we dropped a piano on them like in a cartoon well that's kind of like the bowling ball idea yeah you're right um ooh I got an idea what if we put him in an airplane and it crashes well that's kind of hard to arrange or what if we push him into a volcano but where's the nearest volcano like Hawaii what if we make a volcano what like a science fair oh God Junior he's coming back to life we have to figure this out ooh let's call the cops they love to kill things okay yeah okay hey there someone call the cops wait wait a minute I killed that thing he came back to life what he came back oh my God that's terrifying yeah we have to kill him nine times cuz he's a cat yeah we already killed him seven oh so you just need to kill him two more times oh yeah I did that math in my head I came out with the same answer oh okay I didn't know we were going to be smart asses about it then I guess I just won't help you oh no I need you to kill this thing well come on I'm a cop we don't just kill things for no reason I'm just kidding of course we do but I don't actually have my gun but I do have my partner Lieutenant cuddlesworth him Lieutenant cworth he's dead okay we helped come on liutenant cuddlesworth all right Junior we just need to kill him one more time I'm going to go grab a hammer ooh he's waking up all right I'm about to bop him on the head bye-bye PTY chat wa stop stop that's my cat what the devil what are you doing here that is my cat his name is Lucifer you you get it cuz cats have fur and it's my cat and I'm the devil I get it uhhuh wait wait so so if this is your cat then why was it left at my front door in a box that said free kitten oh it was my stupid exgirlfriend we got in a fight and she said she would give away my cat G well okay so you can take your cat back but we we killed him eight times yeah I know and thanks a lot I was expecting for him to live for at least 1 thousand years but now he only has one life left well I'm going say goodbye goodbye puffball Jenkins the third okay get out of here oh man Joseph I can't wait to fly my mega Glide star I know dude it has a 19in wingspan you know this is going far it's going to fly for miles oh yeah hey guys you're looking at the smartest kid in the country you mean the biggest nerd in the Country Flame him bro no because the governor of Florida just sent me this letter telling me how smart I am because I got a 36 on my ACT test you got a 36 out of 100 dude that's failing you're ass you got an F Cody he probably sent you this letter to make fun of you no it's 36 out of 36 that's not how tests work Cody it's 36 out of 100 you got an F and you failed yeah you didn't try dude no because I also got A600 on my SAT test now you're just making up numbers Cody that's not how they grade dude hey Joseph I got a 2 billion on my test oh that's so good but maybe next time you'll get three billion but no because they sent me this letter saying that I was smart and they're going to have a special celebration for me where they're going to give me a medal what they're not going to give you a medal they're probably going to give you you tried medal because you got a 36 F on your test no guys it's going to be a whole ceremony and everything there's going to be a buffet and I can invite whoever I want dude a buffet oh we can eat whatever we want oh I could eat for days okay Cody we go to your stupid dumb nerd event yeah wait you you guys aren't invited what we're not invited no I mean I'm taking can oh he just wants it to be him and Ken oh one of those date things I guess well I am also inviting Penelope what Penelope why Penelope I don't know we're friends she's cool well you've only known her for like a year you've known me and Joseph for like 10 years yeah well I don't know she's nice I don't know well you don't even know who she is why is she going to go to your stupid event we we want to go yeah I don't know guys she's just cool I want to bring her so you're going to take Ken and Penelope well yeah and Patrick Patrick come on why Patrick what's the last video he's even been in why Patrick you don't even talk to Patrick well just because you don't see me talking to Patrick doesn't mean I don't talk to Patrick when the last time you talked to Patrick like 3 days ago on the phone show me your call history show me you talk to Patrick uh okay I don't really talk to Patrick that much but he's cool I like Patrick so you're going to you're going to take Penelope and Patrick and Ken but not your two best buds come on we sit on the couch together well yeah I mean I I'd rather take them well are you going to take your parents no definitely not they're going to cause a scene well you're going to you won't you're not going to take your parents that doesn't make sense dude you're going to take penel who you don't even really know you're going to take Patrick who you don't really even talk to and you're going to leave behind your two best Buds and your parents what well sorry guys you're just not invited what you're so stupid Cody you know how much stuff we do for you I point out how many pimples you have on your face so that you can get them treated and that you're a nerd so we can humble you yeah and also we tell you how fat your mom is so she can go on a diet I I only tell you your mom is fat because I I'm worried about her health Cody I don't want her to die we here see guys this is exactly why you're not invited I only really came to show you guys how smart I am I have to go get ready for my ceremony it's tonight Joseph can you believe that can you believe what Cody's doing I know dude I really want want to go to that Buffet but let's fly This Plane instead I don't want to fly that stupid plane I want to go to the event but we're not invited dude but why isn't Cody inviting us it doesn't make any sense we've been his best friend for years wait a minute I figured it out what is it because we're black that's one of the reasons yeah I knew it but he's only inviting people whose names start with a P what think about it think about it the two people he invited is p nelopey and Patrick okay but what about Ken Ken's not a real person ah I see so he's only inviting people whose name start with a P cuz he hates people whose name start with a j he's a jasist he's a Jason he's racist and people's name start with a j cuz I'm Junior and you're Joseph dang it so we got to change our names to start with a P how are we going to do that though we're going to go to the courthouse okay let's go okay we just changed our names my new name is officially pun and I am posive and I told Cody to come over to see if he invites us oh yeah he better let us in this time guys what do you want I was getting ready for my ceremony I got to go hey Cody look at my new bib what PR what did you get a job in public relations no are you supporting Puerto Rico it's not that either okay then then what is it me and Joseph changed our names what what did you change your names to I am pun and I am posf what those are the stupidest names I've ever heard well can pun and posive come to your event no I thought you were going to invite us cuz our name start with P now yeah what why would I do that because you're jasist what what the hell is a jasist you're racist to people whose names start with Jay what are you talking about look you invited Penelope and you invited Patrick so we changed our names to start with a P cuz you were only inviting people with p's that's not why I didn't invite you guys then why you invite us I I don't know I just didn't want to you don't want us to go no I don't well what if we show up anyway well then I'm going to have security escort you out because you're not invited you just don't want us there yes exactly I don't so I'm going to go finish getting ready for my ceremony leave me alone oh Cody I hate you dude that's so jasus of him yeah he's jasus and he's pacis now I got to figure out what this is you know what I'm going to call Patrick over and maybe Patrick can tell us what's really going on yeah he better hey guys I lost my shoes I probably need them for Cody ceremony I don't want to go barefoot unless I'm I'm Tarzan Tarzan's cool but then I have to take my shirt off Tarzan was raised by monkeys did you know that I think I was raised by monkeys cuz I'm pretty good at climbing and I like bananas all right listen Patrick we want to find out is that a mega Glide store yeah dude and it has a 19in wingspan and it has dual flight mode high durability F when it's easy to assamble yeah wait you can read that from way back there yeah I have contact gles they're like these little stickers that you put in your eye to make your eyes see better at least that's what my mommy says except sometimes I forget to take them out and then they go behind my eyeball and doctor has to pop my eye out of it socket to get it back out all right Patrick you can leave okay dude why did you make him leave cuz I just figured out why Cody didn't invite us what what why because we don't wear glasses wait wait that doesn't make sense dude no think about it Cody wears glasses Penelope wears glasses Patrick doesn't wear glasses dude he wears contacts mhm Cody is a bad visionist he is racist to people with bad Vision he knows my left eye is not that good mine too dude so if we wear glasses then he'll think that we're like him and he'll invite us yeah let's go all right posive we now have perfect vision because of our glasses you're right pun we look so sophisticated I called Cody and said come over really quick guys what do you want my ceremony starts in 30 minutes I don't have time to keep coming over here what is this me and posive now have glasses okay great and so do you like them well did you guys even need glasses I mean our vision wasn't perfect before but now it is don't you like wearing glasses no I only wear these cuz I have to oh well you know me and postive will be able to see you better get your award with these glasses you guys are still not invited what we're not invited still but no it's the glasses you're only inviting people wearing glasses but what are you talking about Penelope wears glasses Patrick doesn't he wears contacts I didn't even know that yes you did you just don't want us there guys that's not why I didn't invite you now stop bothering me I have to get ready oh my God I realize what it is what is it dude it's not the glasses it's not the name what could it be he's only inviting people that are gay not gay seriously what P Penelope isn't gay dude how do you know have you ever seen it with a man you're right dude yeah every time I try to kiss her she goes ew no a girl that doesn't like a guy she likes girls she's gay yeah she would totally take that kiss dude yeah so she's a lesbian and Patrick's gay because look Patrick we never seen him with a girl either and he was talking about Tarzan Tarzan's a half naked man what's he doing watching Tarzan Jesus you're right dude and Cody's gay himself so he's only inviting gay people so me and you need to be gay for each other Jesus how are we going to do this I got an idea come on okay posf we have our gay pride button so when Cody gets here we have to act really gay he's on his way I got you bro guys I'm on my way to my ceremony right now what do you want look at my ass that is very nice man I sure love me some man butt yep me too yeah me too so Cody me and posf are now gay we're a gay couple what what are you guys talking about you're not gay you've never been gay oh well starting today we're gay because posf was peeing in the bathroom and I opened the door and I saw him peeing and I saw his wiener and I said don't put that thing away that's kind of hot yep and I saw that he saw my wiener and I said yo that's hot yeah so I grabbed his wiener and then he grabbed mine mhm it just couldn't let go yeah we held on to each other's wieners for like 30 minutes yeah it has to be a gay record or something that that does sound pretty gay oh cuz we are so gay look at our gay buttons I got the gay flag well the fact that you called it the gay flag makes me think you're not really gay well well look at Joseph's I mean Po's gay he's proud for being gay yep so proud for penis dude you don't even know we love penis yep so much and look at this look Pride makes a family so we can we can't have kids cuz we're gay but we can adopt cuz two guys can't make a kid H I'm not sure I believe this I'm going to need you guys to prove it oh how do you want us to prove it we got all the gay buttons in the in the gay you guys should kiss oh dude see no I'm going to need you to do it with tongue oh but we've done so much gay kissing today yeah we had a gay make out session like 5 minutes ago and oh my tongue is just so tired from sore from being gay yeah uh just do it one more time come on Joseph dude you really want to do this there's a buffet at that event I need to go to that event just open your mouth gross gross gross gross gross so you're not really gay oh no we're gay yeah so gay it's just I his tongue tastes like my balls yeah yeah yeah I have ball breath I haven't brushed my teeth today yeah you have ever taste your own balls yuck well we'll talk about this after I get back from my event after we get back from your event you guys are still not coming what on so I kiss Joseph for no reason that was tongue dude I thought you guys were gay no I'm not gay I was just kissing J I want to go to the event I thought you were only inviting gay people what what are you talking about Penelope's gay no she's not Patrick's gay no he's not well they I've never seen them with another person listen can we please just go to the event please I just want to go come on the buffet no guys I have to go to the event before I'm late oh I hate him you know what I'm taking off all this ridiculous crap yeah we change my name back to Junior and Joseph yeah Joseph and we're going to crash this event let's go let's do it oh hey Penelope I don't have a shirt on cuz I'm T's an hello and welcome to the Cody nut kiss ceremony we are gathered here today to celebrate how smart Cody is for getting a perfect score on his act and sat tests so I will be presenting him with this medal there you go you're smart you can put it on your own damn self thank you Mr Governor this is such an honor uh yeah thank you everybody uh I guess I'll give a speech uh It Ain't Easy Being Cheesy that's quoting the great Chester Cheetah who happens to be here today thank you Chester I just like to thank all of my friends who came out today for uh supporting me and believing that I could be this smart I'd also just like to say hey Cody you didn't thank your actual friends you nerd yeah stupid nerd yeah yeah I know you got that medal for being smart but you actually got that medal for having the fat his mom she's a whale dude yeah super fat mom having self is what you are yeah she's a Haun back whale is yeah big fat one and also those pimples on your face yeah you can connect the dots and it would spell fat pepperoni face ass yeah it's dumb yeah you don't want to invite your real friend you want to invite these fake people where're your real friends nerd loser fat idiot Junior Joseph this is exactly why I didn't invite you guys you guys are dicks that was mean I think we hurt his feelings dude I don't care he hurt our feelings when he didn't invite us to this stupid event where's the buffet there is no Buffet I was looking for the Cheetos man so there's not even a buffet why' we even come I don't know come on J let's leave oh wow I didn't know they gave you a medal for being the biggest crybaby guys do not see how mean you just were you ruined my whole event we only did that because you didn't invite us Cody well I didn't invite you cuz I knew you were going to do that no if you would have invited us we would have been on our best behavior but since you didn't invite us we acted like that yeah you guys were already mean before you even knew I didn't invite you listen Cody friends bully friends okay we make fun of you cuz it's easy and it's funny yeah we're supposed to support you dude that's what we were trying to do you guys just wanted to come to the event cuz you wanted the buffet which wasn't even there because I made that up to make you guys jealous Cody even if there would have been a buffet we know your fat ass mom would have ate all the food so listen we only came there cuz we wanted to support you you didn't invite us we're supposed to be friends we're best buds you know you know what we did to try to go we changed our names for you we wore glasses for you we were we turned gay for you totally gay yeah we were just trying to make you happy we wanted to be there for you cuz you're our best friend you didn't invite us you know how much that hurts us us yeah I guess you're right so we want an apology for not coming to your stupid nerd of we want you to apologize for not inviting us right now okay fine I'm sorry I didn't invite you cuz you guys are [ __ ] a he really meant it dude I think he truly means it all right Cody next stupid event you better invite us we'll see we got a we'll see I like that yeah all right Cody we're not going to apologize to you for anything cuz we didn't do anything wrong at all cuz if you run a red light and then we hit you we didn't do anything wrong you're the one who caused it so you caused all this by not inviting us mhm but we will let you throw this plane first oh okay that's nice yeah throw it over there as fast as you can what are you American Airlines flight 191 wa what it's a plane that crashed in the 70s oh why did you just know that I know I know a lot of plane crash stuff that's weird
Channel: Dr. Junior
Views: 1,531,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, sml reuploaded, sml jeffy, sml marathon, smlytp, sml old videos, sml reaction, sml movie, sml ytp, sml animated, sml archive, sml alien, asml, asml movie, sml bowser jr, sml cody, sml chef pepe, cool cody sml, sml drama, dr junior, sml movie 2023, new sml movie 2023, sml movie jeffy 2023, a new sml movie, every sml movie from 2023, sml new movie 2023, best small movies of 2023, sml movies 2022, jeffy's, all jeffy videos, animation jeffy, a new jeffy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 32sec (11792 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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